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Changes in the functional state of the synthetic apparatus of neurons of the peripharyngeal ring of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis upon elevating the temperature of the habitat from 4 to 18-22 degrees C were studied. In the first series of experiments, it was found that the synthetic activity of neurons of the great and small parietal, visceral, and pleural ganglia increases on the average by 70%. In the second series of experiments, changes in the average synthetic activity for all ganglia at 4.0, 6.5, 13.0, 16.8, 20.5, 21.5, 21.9, and 22.0 degrees C were studied. The increase in the synthetic activity of neuron cytoplasm (35% higher than the control values at 4.0 degrees C) was maximal at 13.0 degrees C; then the synthetic activity decreased to reach the level 20% higher than the control. The physiological range of temperature-dependent changes in the functional state of neurons was determined.  相似文献   

The characteristics of neurons in Area 17 of the visual cortex in cats were investigated by extracellular recording of their activity. Unit responses to flashes modulated by intensity and duration (100 µsec-1 sec) were recorded. Of 80 neurons tested, 67.6% were spontaneously active and 32.4% were silent. The threshold responses of the neurons to flashes varied by 7 logarithmic units. The distribution curve of the cells by response thresholds had one maximum corresponding to an energy of the order of 1–10 lm·sec. The time during which the cells could summate excitation did not exceed a mean value of 34 msec. Depending on the latent periods of the visual cortical neurons they can be divided into three groups. The first group includes neurons responding 20–40 msec after stimulation, the second and third neurons responding after 100–120 and 160–180 msec, respectively. Photic stimulation considerably altered the ratio between the numbers of cells generating spikes with high and low frequency. No correlation was found between the sensitivity of the visual cortical cells to light, the latent period of their response, and the critical time of summation. This shows that the cortex contains many duplicate units which are grouped together on the basis of only one of the functional characteristics of their spike response.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 173–179, March–April, 1970.  相似文献   

Depending on the organization of their receptive fields and character of their responses to shaped visual stimuli the following main groups of visual cortical neurons were distinguished in the squirrelSciurus vulgaris: nonselective for direction of movement and orientation of stimuli (14%); selective for direction of movement (30%) and selective for line orientation (49%); 7% of neurons were not classified. Cells selective for direction of movement and some nonselective cells exhibited specific sensitivity to high speeds of stimulus movement (optimal velocities of the order of hundreds of degrees per second). Neurons selective for line orientation differed in the degree of overlapping of their on- and off-zones; they could include analogs of simple and complex neurons.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 125–231, March–April, 1981.  相似文献   

Selenium concentration in the brain tissue is far less variable than those in peripherals, such as the liver and kidneys, in rodents, when fed a selenium-deficient diet. This fact implies the importance of this element for maintaining the integrity of brain functions and the distinctive selenium metabolism and/or the regulatory mechanism in the brain. To obtain basic information concerning the homeostatically maintained selenium store in the brain, we investigated absorption and retention characteristics of selenium from selenious acid (SA) and seleno-l-methionine (SeMet) in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, in comparison to isolated rat hepatocytes and renal cells in vitro. When DRG neurons were cultured in an SA-free medium subsequent to an SA-supplemented one for 24 h, the DRG neurons maintained a higher selenium concentration than that before SA supplementation over a period of 96 h after removal of SA from the culture medium. The cellular glutathione peroxidase activity of the cells increased for 72 h after removal of SA from the culture medium. A similar retention characteristic of selenium was also observed for DRG neurons treated with SeMet-supplemented culture medium. Consequently, selenium from source compounds, in part, was thought to be retained in DRG neurons and then be utilized for the synthesis of selenium-containing proteins, which implied the presence of a neuron-specific selenium retention mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary The vacuolated neurons (VN) of the main hypogastric ganglion of the male rat were studied using the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF) method for the histochemical demonstration of catecholamines. Microspectrofluorimetry was performed to identify the fluorophores and to quantify the FIF. The thiocholine method (Koelle-Gomori) was used to demonstrate acetylcholinesterase activity. The fine structure of the VN was studied using glutaraldehyde/OsO4 fixation.(1) In the untreated adult male rat VN represent only a small population of the total number of hypogastric neurons (0.8–1.2%). The vacuoles are similar to those of the VN from the corresponding female ganglion. (2) The VN are considered to be adrenergic due to the nature of their fluorophore, indicating a primary catecholamine. (3) The first VN appear in the hypogastric ganglia at the age of 7 weeks. After testosterone administration to young rats, VN are found at the age of 4 weeks. (4) The basic fine structure of the VN is similar to that of other ordinary neurons of the hypogastric ganglia. (5) The content of the vacuoles could not be identified. (6) Indications of degeneration were not observed in the VN. (7) The VN are interpreted as being a functional stage of the short adrenergic neurons, which are under the control of steroid hormones. (8) Fifteen months after castration, no VN could be found in the hypogastric ganglia, while their number was normal in the corresponding control animals.  相似文献   

We investigated the impulse activity of 103 neurons in cats anesthetized with a mixture of chloralose and urethane. The following response characteristics were studied in detail: 1) the latent period of the first impulse as a function of tone intensity; 2) threshold as a function of duration; 3) the frequency-threshold curves under the action of short (1–2 msec) and long (100–200 msec) tones; 4) the discharge "pattern" and the number of impulses under the action of signals with different durations and intensities. We demonstrated that the temporal characteristics of different neurons exhibit substantial differences. The high positive correlation among the temporal characteristics investigated enabled us to distinguish three groups of neurons. The first group was characterized by the following properties: a) short latent periods with a threshold tone intensity; 2) a short summation time (or none at all); 3) similarity of the frequency-threshold curves for short and long signals; 4) an initial on-discharge of 1–3 impulses. The second group was characterized by: 1) long latent periods with a threshold tone intensity; 2) pronounced temporal summation; 3) steeper frequency-threshold curves when the tone duration was increased; 4) prolonged discharge.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 137–146, September–October, 1969.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from single or pairs of somata of the dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons of the metathoracic ganglion of the locust Schistocerca gregaria and the grasshopper Romalea microptera, during reflex actions, direct electric excitation and orthodromic and antidromic neural stimulation. Some, possibly all, of these neurons are unique, identifiable individuals in regard to their targets, which are specific peripheral muscles. Their physiological properties and the ways they are activated synaptically are, however, similar. Large, overshooting action potentials, comprising three components, occur. The first component in time is small and represents an excitatory synaptic potential for orthodromic stimulation or an axon spike (AS) for antidromic stimulation, electrotonically conducted into the soma. The second component is larger, being an electrotonically conducted integrating segment spike (ISS). The final component is the soma spike (SS). Neither AS nor ISS have a late positive phase, but there is a large, prolonged one for SS. The latter, combined with rapid accommodation, determine a low maximum firing rate for the neurons. Most nerves entering the ganglion make excitatory inputs onto each DUM neuron, which is readily driven to spike by electric excitation of either connective. There is a great deal of spontaneous excitatory synaptic input to each DUM neuron and a high proportion of it is common. Although there is no detectable electrical coupling between the cells, there is about 30% synchronous firing, apparently due to the common inputs; independent excitation and inhibition also occur. All sensory modalities tested have inputs to the neurons, which tend to fire constantly at a low rate (1 per 3–4 sec). In reflex actions, DUM neurons tend to fire before motor output occurs. It is suggested that the cells will be found to have many functions serving a general role comparable to that achieved by the release of adrenaline in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary Physiological recordings were made of the compound action potential from the round window and single neurons in the cochlear ganglion of normal adult chickens (Gallus domesticus). The compound action potential threshold to tone bursts decreased from approximately 42 dB at 0.25 kHz to 30 dB between 1 and 2 kHz and then increased to 51 dB at 4 kHz. Most of the cochlear ganglion cells had characteristic frequencies below 2 kHz and the thresholds of most neurons were roughly 30–35 dB lower than the compound action potential thresholds. At any given characteristic frequency, thresholds varied by as much as 60 dB and units with the highest thresholds tended to have the lowest spontaneous rates. Spontaneous discharge rates ranged from 0 to 200 spikes/s with a mean rate of 86 spikes/s. Interspike interval histograms of spontaneous activity often contained regular peaks with the time interval between peaks approximately equal to 1/(characteristic frequency). Tuning curves were sharply tuned and V-shaped with approximately equal slopes to the curves above and below characteristic frequency. Q10dB and Q30dB values for the tuning curves increased with characteristic frequency. Post stimulus time histograms showed sustained firing during the stimulus and were characterized by a slight-to-moderate peak at stimulus onset. Most units showed vigorous phase-locking to tones at characteristic frequency although the degree of phase-locking declined sharply with increasing characteristic frequency. Discharge rate-level functions at characteristic frequency had a mean dynamic range of 42 dB and a mean saturation firing rate of 327 spikes/s. In general, the firing patterns of cochlear ganglion neurons are similar in most respects to those reported in other avians, but differ in several important respects from those seen in mammals.Abbreviations CF characteristic frequency - CAP compound action potential  相似文献   

We used controlled whisker deflections to examine the response properties of 208 primary afferent neurons in the trigeminal ganglion of adult mice. Proportions of rapidly adapting (RA, 47%) and slowly adapting (SA, 53%) neurons were equivalent, and most cells had low or no spontaneous activity. We quantified angular tuning and sensitivity to deflection amplitude and velocity. Both RA and SA units fired more frequently to larger deflections and faster deflections, but RA units were more sensitive to differences in velocity whereas SA units were more sensitive to deflection amplitudes. Almost all neurons were tuned for deflection angle, and the average response to the maximally effective direction was more than fourfold greater than the average response in the opposite direction; SA units were more tuned than RA units. Responses of primary afferent whisker-responsive neurons are qualitatively similar to those of the rat. However, average firing rates of both RA and SA neurons in the mouse are less sensitive to differences in deflection velocity, and RA units, unlike those in the rat, display amplitude sensitivity. Subtle observed differences between mice and rats may reflect greater mechanical compliance in mice of the whisker hairs and of the tissue in which they are embedded.  相似文献   

We used controlled whisker deflections to examine the response properties of 208 primary afferent neurons in the trigeminal ganglion of adult mice. Proportions of rapidly adapting (RA, 47%) and slowly adapting (SA, 53%) neurons were equivalent, and most cells had low or no spontaneous activity. We quantified angular tuning and sensitivity to deflection amplitude and velocity. Both RA and SA units fired more frequently to larger deflections and faster deflections, but RA units were more sensitive to differences in velocity whereas SA units were more sensitive to deflection amplitudes. Almost all neurons were tuned for deflection angle, and the average response to the maximally effective direction was more than fourfold greater than the average response in the opposite direction; SA units were more tuned than RA units. Responses of primary afferent whisker-responsive neurons are qualitatively similar to those of the rat. However, average firing rates of both RA and SA neurons in the mouse are less sensitive to differences in deflection velocity, and RA units, unlike those in the rat, display amplitude sensitivity. Subtle observed differences between mice and rats may reflect greater mechanical compliance in mice of the whisker hairs and of the tissue in which they are embedded.  相似文献   

Summary Three lines of evidence are presented indicating that axons of the Aplysia neuroendocrine bag cells extend into the head-ring ganglia of the CNS. When the abdominal ganglion was bisected longitudinally, separating the two bag cell clusters, an afterdischarge induced in one cluster generated an afterdischarge in the other via activity through the head-ring ganglia to which each half abdominal ganglion was attached by connective nerves. This suggests that some axons of bag cells in each cluster communicate through the head-ring ganglia. Retrograde labelling of bag cells occurred when rhodamine-onjugated latex microspheres were injected into the cerebral or either pleural ganglion, a direct demonstration that bag cell axons extend into these ganglia. Finally, cell LP1 in the left pleural ganglion was inhibited during a bag cell afterdischarge, an action mimicked by application of alpha-bag cell peptide (BCP). Since BCP can act only close to its site of release due to susceptibility to peptidase activity, it is likely that LP1 inhibition is dependent on the local release of BCP from bag cell neurites in the pleural ganglion. These results open new possibilities for how bag cell afterdischarges may be initiated and broaden the distribution of their effects.Abbreviations ASW artificial sea water; -BCP -bag cell peptide - ELH egg-laying-hormone - IR immunorective - PB phosphate buffer - PVC pleurovisceral connective  相似文献   

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