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Speculating about pyrazines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of the various types of alerting signals found in nature, odours are the least well understood. The worldwide distribution of pyrazines in plants, insects, terrestrial vertebrates, marine organisms, fungi and bacteria suggests that they are of special significance. We speculate that these molecules served as natural points of convergence in the evolution of widespread alerting signals, which are used for differing but related intraspecific purposes by various species. In aposematic, self-advertising toxic insects and their mimics, for example, pyrazines function as additional warning signals; preliminary data indicates that their odour can potentiate taste aversion learning in rats and the associative learning of immune suppression in mice. The latter suggests that in addition to their alerting properties, pyrazine odours may act as ectohormones which interact with predator physiology.  相似文献   

At the heart of many debates on communication is the concept of information. There is an intuitive sense in which communication implies the transfer of some kind of information, probably the reason why information is an essential ingredient in most definitions of communication. However, information has also been an endless source of misunderstandings, and recent accounts have proposed that information should be dropped from a formal definition of communication. In this article, we re‐evaluate the merits and the internal logic of information‐based vs. information‐free approaches and conclude that information‐free approaches are conceptually incomplete and operationally hindered. Instead, we propose a functional notion of information that follows logically from previous adaptationist accounts. The ensuing definition of communication provides a wider, more inclusive theoretical scope that reflects more accurately the evolutionary scenario shaping animal signals. Additionally, it is a definition better equipped to deal with the extraordinary diversity of animal signals, facilitates the distinction of honest and deceptive signals at a proximate level and accommodates a number of conceptual and practical issues (e.g. redundancy, alerting components) that are lost when we fail to acknowledge the informative content of animal signals.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Chemosignals and Reproduction”.Chemical cues were probably the first cues ever used to communicate and are still ubiquitous among living organisms. Birds have long been considered an exception: it was believed that birds were anosmic and relied on their acute visual and acoustic capabilities. Birds are however excellent smellers and use odors in various contexts including food searching, orientation, and also breeding. Successful reproduction in most vertebrates involves the exchange of complex social signals between partners. The first evidence for a role of olfaction in reproductive contexts in birds only dates back to the seventies, when ducks were shown to require a functional sense of smell to express normal sexual behaviors. Nowadays, even if the interest for olfaction in birds has largely increased, the role that bodily odors play in reproduction still remains largely understudied. The few available studies suggest that olfaction is involved in many reproductive stages. Odors have been shown to influence the choice and synchronization of partners, the choice of nest-building material or the care for the eggs and offspring. How this chemical information is translated at the physiological level mostly remains to be described, although available evidence suggests that, as in mammals, key reproductive brain areas like the medial preoptic nucleus are activated by relevant olfactory signals. Olfaction in birds receives increasing attention and novel findings are continuously published, but many exciting discoveries are still ahead of us, and could make birds one of the animal classes with the largest panel of developed senses ever described.  相似文献   

The trade-off between feeding and vigilance in flocks of birds has been extensively studied and modelled. An assumption of many models is that if one bird spots the predator, it gives a signal and the rest of the flock takes flight. However, it has been observed that birds do not always respond to signals and in fact many signals turn out to be false alarms. Since taking flight is both costly in time and energy, it may be advantageous for birds not to respond to all alarm calls. A model is developed to show under what circumstances birds should respond to a signal. The model predicts that under most, but not all, circumstances, birds should respond to multiple detections but not to single detections. The model also predicts that if birds respond to all flights, they will have to compensate for the time lost to feeding and the greater energy requirement of spending more time in flight, by being less vigilant, and they have a lower probability of survival than birds which only respond to multiple detections.  相似文献   

The evolution of animal communication is a complex issue and one that attracts much research and debate. 'Receiver psychology' has been highlighted as a potential selective force, and we review how avian psychological processes and biases can influence the evolution and design of signals as well as the progress that has been made in testing these ideas in behavioural studies. Interestingly, although birds are a focal group for experimental psychologists and behavioural ecologists alike, the integration of theoretical ideas from psychology into studies of communication has been relatively slow. However, recent operant experiments are starting to address how birds perceive and respond to complex natural signals in an attempt to answer evolutionary problems in communication. This review outlines how a psychological approach to understanding communication is useful, and we hope that it stimulates further research addressing the role of psychological mechanisms in signal evolution.  相似文献   

Foraging strategies of birds can influence trophic plant–insect networks with impacts on primary plant production. Recent experiments show that some forest insectivorous birds can use herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) to locate herbivore‐infested trees, but it is unclear how birds combine or prioritize visual and olfactory information when making foraging decisions. Here, we investigated attraction of ground‐foraging birds to HIPVs and visible prey in short vegetation on farmland in a series of foraging choice experiments. Birds showed an initial preference for HIPVs when visual information was the same for all choice options (i.e., one experimental setup had all options with visible prey, another setup with hidden prey). However, if the alternatives within an experimental setup included visible prey (without HIPV) in competition with HIPV‐only, then birds preferred the visual option over HIPVs. Our results show that olfactory cues can play an important role in birds’ foraging choices when visual information contains little variation; however, visual cues are preferred when variation is present. This suggests certain aspects of bird foraging decisions in agricultural habitats are mediated by olfactory interaction mechanisms between birds and plants. We also found that birds from variety of dietary food guilds were attracted to HIPVs; hence, the ability of birds to use plant cues is probably more general than previously thought, and may influence the biological pest control potential of birds on farmland.  相似文献   

The “Light Environment Hypothesis” (LEH) proposes that evolution of interspecific variation in plumage color is driven by variation in light environments across habitats. If ambient light has the potential to drive interspecific variation, a similar influence should be expected for intraspecific recognition, as color signals are an adaptive response to the change in ambient light levels in different habitats. Using spectrometry, avian‐appropriate models of vision, and phylogenetic comparative methods, I quantified dichromatism and tested the LEH in both intra‐ and interspecific contexts in 33 Amazonian species from the infraorder Furnariides living in environments with different light levels. Although these birds are sexually monochromatic to humans, 81.8% of the species had at least one dichromatic patch in their plumage, mostly from dorsal areas, which provides evidence for a role for dichromatism in sex recognition. Furthermore, birds from habitats with high levels of ambient light had higher dichromatism levels, as well as brighter, more saturated, and more diverse plumages, suggesting that visual communication is less constrained in these habitats. Overall, my results provide support for the LEH and suggest that ambient light plays a major role in the evolution of color signals in this group of birds in both intra‐ and interspecific contexts. Additionally, plumage variation across light environments for these drab birds highlights the importance of considering ambient light and avian‐appropriate models of vision when studying the evolution of color signals in birds.  相似文献   

Visual systems are typically selective in their response to movement. This attribute facilitates the identification of functionally important motion events. Here we show that the complex push-up display produced by male Jacky dragons ( Amphibolurus muricatus) is likely to have been shaped by an interaction between typical signalling conditions and the sensory properties of receivers. We use novel techniques to define the structure of the signal and of a range of typical moving backgrounds in terms of direction, speed, acceleration and sweep area. Results allow us to estimate the relative conspicuousness of each motor pattern in the stereotyped sequence of which displays are composed. The introductory tail-flick sweeps a large region of the visual field, is sustained for much longer than other components, and has velocity characteristics that ensure it will not be filtered in the same way as wind-blown vegetation. These findings are consistent with the idea that the tail-flick has an alerting function. Quantitative analyses of movement-based signals can hence provide insights into sensory processes, which should facilitate identification of the selective forces responsible for structure. Results will complement the detailed models now available to account for the design of static visual signals.  相似文献   

An earlier developed model, simulating pigeon homing based on fictitious gradients of atmospheric odours, was applied to actually observed spatial distributions of volatile hydrocarbons. The model calculations demonstrate that sufficient information on a bird's current position with respect to home can be derived from the ratios among three or more chemical compounds which gradually vary over distances of several hundreds of kilometres, differently in different directions. Flight directions computed by model birds from such observed ratios are roughly but not perfectly homeward-oriented from most positions within the investigated radius of 200 km around home. Performances of model birds are at least as good as those of real pigeons in the field. According to calculations using atmospheric data collected under different wind directions, the birds might, but possibly need not, take the current weather conditions into account when evaluating olfactory signals. It is necessary, however, that the birds acquire, during their long-term stay at the home site, some knowledge of the directions of relevant gradients. Homing experiments with pigeons as well as measurements of atmospheric trace substances are consistent with the hypothesis that this knowledge is gained by correlating wind directions with specific changes of ratios among a number of compounds. This assumed process requires further elucidation.  相似文献   

The warning signals of toxic insects are often 'multimodal', combining bright coloration with sounds or odours (or both). Pyrazine (a common insect warning odour) can elicit an intrinsic avoidance in domestic chicks Gallus gallus domesticus, both against novel coloured food, and also against food colours that are specifically associated with aposematism, namely yellow and red. In three experiments, we investigated the role of novelty in this innate bias against yellow coloured food in the presence of pyrazine. Naive chicks were familiarized either to pyrazine odour or to coloured food before being tested for a bias against yellow (warningly coloured) food as opposed to green (nonwarningly coloured) food. In experiment 1, pyrazine novelty was shown to be vital for eliciting a bias against yellow food. However, experiment 2 suggested that colour novelty was not important: chicks familiarized with coloured crumbs still avoided yellow crumbs when pyrazine was presented. In a third experiment that gave chicks an even greater degree of pre-exposure to coloured crumbs, the bias against yellow food eventually waned, although pyrazine continued to elicit an aversion to yellow even after birds had had experience of up to 24 palatable yellow crumbs. Pyrazine novelty has been an important pressure in the evolution of multimodal warning signals, and can continue to promote the avoidance of warningly coloured food, even when it is relatively familiar. The implications for warning signals are discussed. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

High background noise is an impediment to signal detection and perception. We report the use of multiple solutions to improve signal perception in the acoustic and visual modality by the Bornean rock frog, Staurois parvus. We discovered that vocal communication was not impaired by continuous abiotic background noise characterised by fast-flowing water. Males modified amplitude, pitch, repetition rate and duration of notes within their advertisement call. The difference in sound pressure between advertisement calls and background noise at the call dominant frequency of 5578 Hz was 8 dB, a difference sufficient for receiver detection. In addition, males used several visual signals to communicate with conspecifics with foot flagging and foot flashing being the most common and conspicuous visual displays, followed by arm waving, upright posture, crouching, and an open-mouth display. We used acoustic playback experiments to test the efficacy-based alerting signal hypothesis of multimodal communication. In support of the alerting hypothesis, we found that acoustic signals and foot flagging are functionally linked with advertisement calling preceding foot flagging. We conclude that S. parvus has solved the problem of continuous broadband low-frequency noise by both modifying its advertisement call in multiple ways and by using numerous visual signals. This is the first example of a frog using multiple acoustic and visual solutions to communicate in an environment characterised by continuous noise.  相似文献   

In many animals, an individual's social environment and status can change quickly and unpredictably, suggesting an advantage for signals capable of responding to these changes. However, many signaling traits are fixed for relatively long periods. In birds, for example, most plumage-based signals are constrained by molt and unable to respond to sudden changes in social environment. Soft parts, conversely, are vascularized and may provide an alternative signaling system that can be updated relatively quickly. In this study, the effects of changes in breeding status are documented for a putative plumage-based signal, plumage brightness, and a putative soft part signal, bill darkness, in the red-backed fairy-wren Malurus melanocephalus. Males that switched from unpaired helper to paired breeder within a breeding season developed significantly darker bills within three weeks of the switch relative to males that did not change status. There was no clear corresponding change in plumage brightness, though the data suggests that changes in plumage brightness are at least possible. These results suggest that bill color is a socially mediated trait capable of responding rapidly to changes in breeding status, and it is proposed that the importance of soft parts as labile signals in birds may be currently under-appreciated.  相似文献   

Pyrazines: occurrence, formation and biodegradation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyrazines are a class of compounds that occur almost ubiquitously in nature. Pyrazines can be synthesised chemically or biologically, and are used as flavouring additives. The major formation of pyrazines occurs during heating of food. There is very little information available on the degradation of these compounds. In humans and animals, pyrazines are excreted as glucuronates or bound to glutathione via the kidney after hydroxylation, but the pyrazine ring is not cleaved. Bacteria have been isolated, which are able to use various substituted pyrazines as a sole carbon and energy source. In a few cases, the initial metabolites have been characterised; however, the mechanism of ring cleavage and the further degradation pathways are still unknown and await further investigation.  相似文献   

Midbrain dopamine neurons are well known for their strong responses to rewards and their critical role in?positive motivation. It has become increasingly clear, however, that dopamine neurons also transmit signals related to salient but nonrewarding experiences such as aversive and alerting events. Here we review recent advances in understanding the reward and nonreward functions of dopamine. Based on this data, we propose that dopamine neurons come in multiple types that are connected with distinct brain networks and have distinct roles in motivational control. Some dopamine neurons encode motivational value, supporting brain networks for seeking, evaluation, and value learning. Others encode motivational salience, supporting brain networks for orienting, cognition, and general motivation. Both types of dopamine neurons are augmented by an alerting signal involved in rapid detection of potentially important sensory cues. We hypothesize that these dopaminergic pathways for value, salience, and alerting cooperate to support adaptive behavior.  相似文献   

Animal signals are optimized for particular signaling environments [1-3]. While signaling, senders often choose favorable conditions that ensure reliable detection and transmission [4-8], suggesting that they are sensitive to changes in signal efficacy. Recent evidence has also shown that animals will increase the amplitude or intensity of their acoustic signals at times of increased environmental noise [9-11]. The nature of these adjustments provides important insights into sensory processing. However, only a single piece of correlative evidence for signals defined by movement suggests that visual-signal design depends on ambient motion noise [12]. Here we show experimentally for the first time that animals communicating with movement will adjust their displays when environmental motion noise increases. Surprisingly, under sustained wind conditions, the Australian lizard Amphibolurus muricatus changed the structure and increased the duration of its introductory tail flicking, rather than increasing signaling speed. The way these lizards restructure the alerting component of their movement-based aggressive display in the presence of increased motion noise highlights the challenge we face in understanding motion-detection mechanisms under natural operating conditions.  相似文献   

Avian vocal duets occur when paired birds produce temporally and structurally coordinated vocalizations. Duets are given by members of many species from taxonomically distinct lineages and show great variety in form that often reflects function. By describing the structure of vocal duets we can learn about the diversity of communication signals present in nature and also gain insight into the evolution and operation of those signals. This study quantified the usage patterns and acoustic structure of California towhee duet vocalizations, and tested the distinctiveness of duets among different pairs. California towhee duets consist of a 'squeal' vocalization that is highly unlike the species-typical call note or male advertizement song. California towhees duet an average of three times per hour during the breeding season, and all duets are accompanied by an approach response that brings duetting partners into close spatial proximity. Males and females produce duet contributions with the same syllabic structure. Individual birds produce highly variable squeal vocalizations that are distinctive enough to signal identity. California towhee duet characteristics indicate that the squeal vocalization has evolved separately from other vocal traits in this species and was promoted by natural selection as a duet-specific vocalization. Duet usage patterns and structure suggest that these communication signals function in a cooperative context.  相似文献   

We combined playback experiments with hormonal manipulations to study the information content of acoustic signals during aggressive interactions between male corncrakes. During territorial conflicts, fights are uncommon, but the intensity of signaling usually increases. Such signals can be temporally and contextually associated with many aggressive behaviors and most likely function as threats or as indicators of the sender's quality or motivation. However, such correlational data are unsatisfactory for the proper interpretation of the function and information content of signals. Experimental tests are required to determine whether signals and aggressive behaviors are controlled by common or independent mechanisms. In our experiment, we assigned subjects to four groups: testosterone-implanted birds, flutamide-implanted birds, birds with empty implants, and non-captured control birds. Males produced two types of calls (quiet soft calls and loud broadcast calls), both of which are known to be reliable predictors of aggressive escalation. When testosterone action was blocked with flutamide, males significantly limited the amount of time spent close to the playback speaker and stopped responding to playback with soft calls. Broadcast calling was unaffected by the blockage of testosterone. Conversely, increased levels of testosterone neither affected calling nor the time spent near the speaker, indicating a permissive, rather than a graded effect of androgens. We concluded that, despite the seemingly similar function, both signals may transmit information about different states of the sender; soft calls seem to imply a threat of force, while broadcast calls appear to be more similar to an announcement, which is only indirectly associated with a male's aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

Conspicuous warning coloration helps to protect prey because it signals to potential predators that the prey is unprofitable. However, such signals only work once predators have come to associate the conspicuous colour with the unprofitability of the prey. The evolution of warning coloration is generally considered to be paradoxical, because it has traditionally been assumed that the first brightly coloured individuals would be at an immediate selective disadvantage because of their greater conspicuousness to predators that are naïve to the meaning of the signal. As a result, it has been difficult to understand how a novel conspicuous colour morph could ever avoid rapid extinction, and instead survive and spread in the population until predators have become educated about the signal. In the present study, we experimentally simulated the appearance of a single novel coloured mutant in small populations (20 individuals) of palatable artificial pastry "prey". The colour morph frequencies in each "generation" of prey (presented on successive days of a trial) were determined by the relative survival of the previous generation under predation by free-living birds. We found that the novel colour morphs regularly persisted and increased from a starting frequency of 1/20 to reach fixation (100%), despite being fully palatable, even when the novel morph was much more conspicuous against the background than the familiar morph. This was true for both green (not normally considered a warning colour) and red (a classic warning colour) novel morphs. Novel colours reached fixation significantly faster than could be accounted for by random drift, indicating differential predation in relation to prey colour by the birds. Our experiments show that the immediate demise of a fully palatable new prey morph is not an inevitable outcome of predator behaviour, because even very conspicuous prey can gain protection from conservative foragers, simply by being novel.  相似文献   

Alike the little mouse of the Gruffalo''s tale, many harmless preys use intimidating deceptive signals as anti-predator strategies. For example, several caterpillars display eyespots and face-like colour patterns that are thought to mimic the face of snakes as deterrents to insectivorous birds. We develop a theoretical model to investigate the hypothesis that these defensive strategies exploit adaptive cognitive biases of birds, which make them much more likely to confound caterpillars with snakes than vice versa. By focusing on the information-processing mechanisms of decision-making, the model assumes that, during prey assessment, the bird accumulates noisy evidence supporting either the snake-escape or the caterpillar-attack motor responses, which compete against each other for execution. Competition terminates when the evidence for either one of the responses reaches a critical threshold. This model predicts a strong asymmetry and a strong negative correlation between the prey- and the predator-decision thresholds, which increase with the increasing risk of snake predation and assessment uncertainty. The threshold asymmetry causes an asymmetric distribution of false-negative and false-positive errors in the snake–caterpillar decision plane, which makes birds much more likely to be deceived by the intimidating signals of snake-mimicking caterpillars than by the alluring signals of caterpillar-mimicking snakes.  相似文献   

Mating calls of animals are often detected by unintended receivers which use sexual signals to obtain information about the signaller. We investigated whether white storks Ciconia ciconia can eavesdrop mating calls of moor frogs Rana arvalis . White storks are dependent on moor frog abundance in early breeding season. Interspecific eavesdropping by predators is common and well documented in tropical anurans, whereas it is less known in temperate zone. We compared the frequency of approaches of white storks to loudspeakers when frog calls and the song thrush Turdus philomelos songs were simultaneously played back using the later as controls. The loudspeaker broadcasting the calls of male moor frogs clearly attracted white storks at 22 out of 84 nests. The bird songs attracted white storks in only one case. In 19 cases birds left the nest for unknown reasons which were considered as potential foraging movements. The results of this field experiment report a new case of eavesdropping on acoustic signals showing that advertisement calls of temperate moor frogs are an important stimulus for white storks.  相似文献   

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