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我国东北边境地区恙螨区系和生态调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
恙螨传播的恙虫病主要分布在我国南方的广东、福建、浙江、云南、广西等省区,这些省区的恙螨区系和生态学等的研究有大量报的道。而在我国东北,仅孙铎1984年报道了辽宁省本溪地区鼠体恙螨种类组成和季节消长,在吉林省和黑龙江省尚未见报道。作者于1980、1981和1983年的4—9月先后对黑龙江省东宁、萝北县和吉林省和龙县的恙螨进行了区系和生态调查,现将结果报道如下。调查方法生境根据当地的景观,东宁以灌丛、阔叶林、耕地、山间湿草地,萝北以阔叶林、耕地、山间湿草地,和龙以阔叶林为调查生境。地理位置与区划三个地区在东经128°28′—131°34′,北纬42°9′—48°21′之间。东宁和和龙属东北区长白山亚区,萝北属东北区长白  相似文献   

田华咏 《蛇志》1991,3(1):31-31
武陵山脉横亘于我国内陆的中南与西南的接壤之地,跨越湘、鄂、黔三省边境。呈东北——酮走向,系乌江、沆江和澧水分水岭。大体地理座标为:东径108°-110°,北纬27°3′-30°5′。海拔在1,000米左右,主峰梵净山高2,494米,在贵州省铜仁地区江口县北部。  相似文献   

暗腹雪鸡的繁殖及食性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
常城  刘乃发 《动物学报》1993,39(1):107-108
暗腹雪鸡 Tetraogallus himalayensis 属国家保护动物,郑作新等(1978)、沈孝宙等(1963)对其生态仅有零星报道。1984年4月至 1989年 5月,我们在甘肃东大山(39°00′—39°04′N;100°45′—100°51′E.)、冷龙岭(39°34′—38°14′N;101°49′—102°22′E.)和野马山(39°40′—39°50′N;95°15′—95°45′E.)对暗腹雪鸡青海亚种 T.h.koslowi 的繁殖和食性进行了研究。 一、暗腹雪鸡繁殖期的生态分布 在东大山,暗腹雪鸡繁殖期主要分布于海拔 2 400—3 200m的亚高山草甸、山地草原和荒漠草原。其中,山地草原是营巢区,余为觅食区。冷龙岭植被与东大山相似,暗腹雪鸡的生态分布也类似。野马山植被单调,暗腹雪鸡仅分布于山地草原。  相似文献   

白子麒  王洪君 《化石》1999,(3):10-11
玉溪市位于滇中腹地,辖一区八县(红塔区、澄江、江川、华宁、通海、易门、峨山、新平、元江县)。北纬23°19′—24°58′,东经101°16′—103°9′。东北接昆明市,东南与红河州相邻,西南连思茅地区,西北靠楚雄州。总面积约15万平方公里。区内...  相似文献   

黑龙江省大兴安岭北部的塔河、阿木尔、图强和西林吉4个林业局地处北纬52°30′—54°51′,东经121°51′—125°5′之间,属大兴安岭寒温带明亮针叶林区,寒温带大陆性气候。气候严寒干燥,动植物组成种类贫乏,乔  相似文献   

鄂西南山地植被的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系湖北省区划办委托进行的湖北植被类型图、植被区划图过程中的一个阶段性小结。鄂西南山地位于中国亚热带东部(湿润)常绿阔叶林亚区域,为湖北植被区划中鄂西南山地植被区,所属范围包括整个鄂西自治州、宜昌地区的大部及神农架南坡。约当北纬29°05′—31°22′,东经108°30′—111°47′的地理位置。  相似文献   

江西井冈山蕨类植物研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
井冈山地处中国南岭山地湘赣边境的罗霄山脉中段 ,北纬 2 6°2 2′~ 2 6°48′,东经 1 1 4°0 5′~ 1 1 4°2 3′。在植被分区上被认为是“中国亚热带常绿阔叶林区 ,东部 (湿润 )常绿阔叶亚地域的中亚热带南部亚地带”。该地植物种类繁多 ,区系成分复杂 ,保存着比较完整而古老的第三纪型的植物和森林生态系统 ,是许多古老植物种属的著名“避难所”〔1〕。笔者在多年野外调查和查阅标本及资料的基础上 ,系统分析了井冈山蕨类植物区系和生态分布特征。旨在为蕨类植物的研究、保护和开发利用提供理论依据。1  井冈山的蕨类植物区系地理成分…  相似文献   

1986年5年11日在黑龙江省林甸县国营苇场的葫芦形(北纬47°08′东径24°05′)首次发现灰鹤(Grus grus lilfordi Sharpe)的繁殖巢和卵。这样使灰鹤在我国境内的繁殖分布从北纬51°左右。向南扩展到北纬47°左右。 繁殖分布 灰鹤普通亚种繁殖在我国的新疆天山及东北西北部呼伦湖(郑作新,1976);苏联和西伯利  相似文献   

陕西省安康地区兽类调查报告   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
安康地区,位于陕西省南部,汉江中游两岸,北部跨秦岭中段南坡,南部处大巴山北麓,与鄂西北、川东北毗邻,整个地理位置在北纬31°48′—33°57′、东经108°10′—110°20′之间(图1)。 由于该区地处陕、川、鄂三省交界的边缘,至今对该区兽类区系及资源状况了解甚少,在国内尚为空白之点。该区兽类种属较多,为陕西省毛皮产量较高的地区;加之,近年来对鄂西北神农架、川东北一带动植物调查的注意,因此报告该区兽类区系及资源状况对了解上述区域有一定意义。  相似文献   

小麦残茬落叶的分解与土壤因子间动态关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
东北高寒地区的黑钙土土质优良肥沃 ,适合小麦、大豆和玉米等种植。近年来 ,由于人们只重视无机化肥的使用 ,忽视了地力培育 ,大量秸秆被移出田外 ,造成土壤有机质含量降低 ,土壤板结 ,使原本高产的农田逐渐变成中低产田 ,甚至有的已成为撂荒地。因此 ,研究当前农田土壤对枯枝落叶的分解现状 ,对于认识现有耕种条件下 ,农田土壤亚系统的物质转化和能量流动具有实际意义。1 研究地区和研究方法1 .1 自然概况该研究是在黑龙江省克山师专农场进行的。地理位置位于东经 1 2 5°8′~ 1 2 6°8′,北纬 47°50′~ 48°33′。年均气温 1 .3℃ ,1…  相似文献   

本文用气相色语法分析了不显库蠓(Culicoides obsoletus)、兴安库蠓(C, sinanoensis)、怒江库蠓(C.Nujiangensis)、灰黑库蠓(C.Pulicaris)和刺整库蠓(C.Punctatus)等5种库蠓雌虫脂 肪醛的组成和含量。 结果表明,5种库蠓均含有12-14种主要脂肪酸,并以棕榈油酸(C16:1)、棕搁酸 (C16:0)、油酸(C18:1)、硬脂酸(C18:0)含量最高,共占脂肪酸总量的70%以上。对主要脂肪酸的含量进行聚类分析,发现不显库蠓种团内任意两种库蠓间的欧氏距离小于不显库蠓种团种类与灰黑库蠓种团种类间的欧氏距离,说明脂肪酸的定性、定量分析结果对库蠓分类有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) vector a wide variety of internationally important arboviral pathogens of livestock and represent a widespread biting nuisance. This study investigated the influence of landscape, host and remotely-sensed climate factors on local abundance of livestock-associated species in Scotland, within a hierarchical generalized linear model framework. The Culicoides obsoletus group and the Culicoides pulicaris group accounted for 56% and 41%, respectively, of adult females trapped. Culicoides impunctatus Goetghebuer and C. pulicaris s.s. Linnaeus were the most abundant and widespread species in the C. pulicaris group (accounting for 29% and 10%, respectively, of females trapped). Abundance models performed well for C. impunctatus, Culicoides deltus Edwards and Culicoides punctatus Meigen (adjusted R(2) : 0.59-0.70), but not for C. pulicaris s.s. (adjusted R(2) : 0.36) and the C. obsoletus group (adjusted R(2) : 0.08). Local-scale abundance patterns were best explained by models combining host, landscape and climate factors. The abundance of C. impunctatus was negatively associated with cattle density, but positively associated with pasture cover, consistent with this species' preference in the larval stage for lightly grazed, wet rush pasture. Predicted abundances of this species varied widely among farms even over short distances (less than a few km). Modelling approaches that may facilitate the more accurate prediction of local abundance patterns for a wider range of Culicoides species are discussed.  相似文献   

Surveillance of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges was carried out between 2001 and 2003, at 119 sites within a 50 x 50-km grid distributed across Bulgaria, using light trap collections around the time of peak adult midge abundance. Sentinel and ad hoc serum surveillance of hosts susceptible to bluetongue infection was carried out at around 300 sites between 1999 and 2003. Following the initial incursion of bluetongue virus 9 (BTV-9) into Bourgas province in 1999, affecting 85 villages along the southern border, a further 76 villages were affected along the western border in 2001, with outbreaks extending as far north as 43.6 degrees N. The BTV-9 strain in circulation was found to have a low pathogenicity for Bulgarian sheep populations, with less than 2% of susceptible individuals becoming sick and seroconversions detected up to 30 km from recorded outbreaks in the south. The major Old World vector Culicoides imicola Kieffer was not detected among over 70,000 Culicoides identified in summer collections, suggesting that BTV-9 transmission in Bulgaria was primarily carried out by indigenous European vectors. The most likely candidates, the Palaearctic species complexes - the Culicoides obsoletus Meigen and C. pulicaris L. complexes - were widespread and abundant across the whole country. The C. obsoletus complex represented 75% of all individuals trapped in summer and occurred in high catch sizes (up to 15,000 individuals per night) but was not found across all outbreak sites, indicating that both Palearctic complexes probably played a role in transmission. Within the C. pulicaris complex, only C. pulicaris s.s., C. punctatus Meigen and C. newsteadi Austen were sufficiently abundant and prevalent to have been widely involved in transmission, whilst within the C. obsoletus complex most trapped males were C. obsoletus s.s. Adult vectors were found to be largely absent from sites in west Bulgaria for a period of at least 3 months over winter, which, taken along with the spatiotemporal pattern of outbreaks in the region between years, indicates the virus may be overwintering here by an alternative mechanism - either by covert persistence in the vertebrate host or possibly by persistence in larval stages of the vector.  相似文献   

6000 adult punkies were collected from man and animals over a period of 15 years in the Taimyr and Evenki Autonomous Okrugs of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Four species Culicoides chiopterus, C. pulicaris, C. fascipennis, C. alatavicus are reported from tundra and forest-tundra of Taimyr (68 degrees 00'-73 degrees 13' N). Punkies of the above species are small in number and do not occur all over the region. In northern and middle taiga of Evenkia (60 degrees 20'-65 degrees 45' N) punkies are very abundant and occur everywhere. 7 species C. obsoletus, C. chiopterus, C. punctatus, C. pulicaris, C. grisescens, C. fascipennis, C. helveticus are reported from this region. A relative abundance of punkies in the complex of bloodsucking Diptera during a summer period in different landscape zones is shown. Their seasonal and daily activity is shown and maximum levels of attacking man, reindeer and dog are given.  相似文献   

Surveillance of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midge vectors was carried out at 87 sites within a 50 x 50 km grid distributed across Portugal, using light trap collections at the time of peak midge abundance. Culicoides imicola (Kieffer) made up 66% of the 55 937 Culicoides in these summer collections. It was highly abundant in the central eastern portion of Portugal, between 37 degrees 5' N and 41 degrees 5' N, and in a band across to the Lisbon peninsula (at around 38 degrees 5' N). Of all the complexes, its distribution was most consistent with that of previous outbreaks of Culicoides-borne disease, suggesting that it may remain the major vector in Portugal. Its distribution was also broadly consistent with that predicted by a recent climate-driven model validating the use of remote sensing datasets for modelling of Culicoides distribution. Adult C. imicola were found to have overwintered at 12 of 20 sites re-surveyed in winter but it did so in very low numbers. Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen) and Culicoides pulicaris (Linnaeus) complex midges were widespread despite their low summer abundance. The observed coincidence of high abundances of C. imicola and high abundances of C. pulicaris in summer lead us to suggest that C. imicola could bring African horse sickness virus or bluetongue virus into contact with C. pulicaris and the latter complex, together with C. obsoletus, could then transmit these viruses across much wider areas of Europe. The fact that adult C. pulicaris are present in high abundances in winter may provide a mechanism by which these viruses can overwinter in these areas.  相似文献   

Diurnal patterns of pollen emission in Ambrosia, Phleum, Zea, and Ricinus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hourly measurements of pollen emission were made from cultivated plots of Ambrosia, Phleum, Zea, and Ricinus over the course of several pollination seasons as part of a study of pollen dispersion from known sources. A characteristic diurnal emission pattern was found for each genus. Ambrosia pollen emission normally begins an hour or two after sunrise, peaks a few hours later, and decreases through the afternoon. Phleum starts during the night, peaks about 2 hr after sunrise, and declines slowly through the day. Zea emits pollen fairly uniformly during the period from 2 hr after sunrise to about sunset, while Ricinus pollen was collected from several hours after sunrise to late afternoon with a peak in mid-morning. Daily patterns often vary from the seasonal mean in response to changing meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Surveillance data from 268 sites in Sicily are used to develop climatic models for prediction of the distribution of the main European bluetongue virus (BTV) vector Culicoides imicola Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) and of potential novel vectors, Culicoides pulicaris Linnaeus, Culicoides obsoletus group Meigen and Culicoides newsteadi Austen. The models containing the 'best' climatic predictors of distribution for each species, were selected from combinations of 40 temporally Fourier-processed remotely sensed variables and altitude at a 1 km spatial resolution using discriminant analysis. Kappa values of around 0.6 for all species models indicated substantial levels of agreement between model predictions and observed data. Whilst the distributions of C. obsoletus group and C. newsteadi were predicted by temperature variables, those of C. pulicaris and C. imicola were determined mainly by normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), a variable correlated with soil moisture and vegetation biomass and productivity. These models were used to predict species presence in unsampled pixels across Italy and for C. imicola across Europe and North Africa. The predicted continuous presence of C. pulicaris along the appenine mountains, from north to south Italy, suggests BTV transmission may be possible in a large proportion of this region and that seasonal transhumance (seasonal movement of livestock between upland and lowland pastures) even in C. imicola-free areas should not generally be considered safe. The predicted distribution of C. imicola distribution shows substantial agreement with observed surveillance data from Greece and Iberia (including the Balearics) and parts of mainland Italy (Lazio, Tuscany and areas of the Ionian coast) but is generally much more restricted than the observed distribution (in Sardinia, Corsica and Morocco). The low number of presence sites for C. imicola in Sicily meant that only a restricted range of potential C. imicola habitats were included in the training set and that predictions could only be made within this range. Future modelling exercises will use abundance data collected according to a standardized protocol across the Mediterranean and, for Sicily in particular, should include non-climatic environmental variables that may influence breeding site suitability such as soil type.  相似文献   

During the recent Mediterranean epizootic of bluetongue, an extensive programme of serological and vector (Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)) surveillance was carried out across Sicily. This paper presents the analysis of 911 light trap catches collected at the times of peak Culicoides abundance (summer to autumn 2000-2002) in 269 sites, in order to produce detailed maps of the spatial distribution of the main European vector, Culicoides imicola Kieffer and that of potential novel vectors. Whereas C. imicola was found at only 12% of sites, potential novel vectors, Culicoides obsoletus group Meigen, Culicoides pulicaris Linnaeus and Culicoides newsteadi Austen were present at over 50% of sites. However, the spatial distribution of C. imicola showed the closest correspondence to that of the 2000 and 2001 bluetongue (BT) outbreaks and its presence and abundance were significant predictors of the probability of an outbreak, suggesting that it was the main vector during these years. Although C. imicola may have played a role in transmission in several sites near Paternó, it was absent from the majority of sites at which outbreaks occurred in 2002 and from all sites in the province of Messina. All three potential novel vectors were widespread across sites at which outbreaks occurred during 2002. Of these, C. newsteadi was an unlikely candidate, as it was significantly less prevalent in outbreak vs. non-outbreak sites in Messina. It is hypothesized that the yearly distribution and intensity of outbreaks is directly attributable to the distribution and abundance of the vectors involved in transmission during each year. When C. imicola operated as the main vector in 2000 and 2001, outbreaks were few in number and were restricted to coastal regions due to low abundance and prevalence of this species. In 2002, it is hypothesized that BTV transmission was handed over to more prevalent and abundant novel vector species, leading to numerous and widespread outbreaks and probably to overwintering of the virus between 2001 and 2002. Based on catch ranges in outbreak vs. non-outbreak sites, it is tentatively suggested that nightly catches of 400 or more C. obsoletus and 150 or more C. pulicaris allow BTV transmission at a site, and provide a strategy for a fuller examination of the relationship between BTV transmission and the abundance and distribution of different vector species.  相似文献   

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