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Most teleost fish reduce heart rate when exposed to acute hypoxia. This hypoxic bradycardia has been characterised for many fish species, but it remains uncertain whether this reflex contributes to the maintenance of oxygen uptake in hypoxia. Here we describe the effects of inhibiting the bradycardia on oxygen consumption (MO2), standard metabolic rate (SMR) and the critical oxygen partial pressure for regulation of SMR in hypoxia (Pcrit) in European eels Anguilla anguilla (mean ± SEM mass 528 ± 36 g; n = 14). Eels were instrumented with a Transonic flow probe around the ventral aorta to measure cardiac output (Q) and heart rate (f H). MO2 was then measured by intermittent closed respirometry during sequential exposure to various levels of increasing hypoxia, to determine Pcrit. Each fish was studied before and after abolition of reflex bradycardia by intraperitoneal injection of the muscarinic antagonist atropine (5 mg kg−1). In the untreated eels, f H fell from 39.0 ± 4.3 min−1 in normoxia to 14.8 ± 5.2 min−1 at the deepest level of hypoxia (2 kPa), and this was associated with a decline in Q, from 7.5 ± 0.8 mL min−1 kg−1 to 3.3 ± 0.7 mL min−1 kg−1 in normoxia versus deepest hypoxia, respectively. Atropine had no effect on SMR, which was 16.0 ± 1.8 μmol O2 kg−1 min−1 in control versus 16.8 ± 0.8 μmol O2 kg−1 min−1 following treatment with atropine. Atropine also had no significant effect on normoxic f H or Q in the eel, but completely abolished the bradycardia and associated decline in Q during progressive hypoxia. This pharmacological inhibition of the cardiac responses to hypoxia was, however, without affect on Pcrit, which was 11.7 ± 1.3 versus 12.5 ± 1.5 kPa in control versus atropinised eels, respectively. These results indicate, therefore, that reflex bradycardia does not contribute to maintenance of MO2 and regulation of SMR by the European eel in hypoxia.  相似文献   

Temperature acclimation of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, resulted in red cell GTP/Hb molar ratios of 1.20, 1.77 and 0.80 at 2, 17 and 29 degrees C, respectively. A small increase in blood oxygen capacity was present in 29 degrees C acclimated eels. The CO2 Bohr effect and the shape of the oxygen binding curve (n-Hill) were invariant with both temperature and GTP/Hb. The significant differences in the GTP/Hb ratio corresponded with a strong enhancement of the temperature effect on blood oxygen affinity between 2 and 17 degrees C and a similarly strong compensation between 17 and 29 degrees C. Predicted in vivo P50 values were 3.0, 13.8 and 17.6 mmHg at 2 degrees C, 17 and 29 degrees C, respectively. The adaptational value of these findings are discussed in relation to standard metabolic rates at the various temperatures. A tentative hypothesis is proposed that the present study confirms and expands earlier work and supports the contention that adjustments in blood oxygen affinity of thermally acclimated teleosts serve to provide them with an unloading O2 tension for diffusion closely matching the standard oxygen requirements at the various temperatures.  相似文献   

Experiments to determine the growth rate of eels ( Anguilla anguilla L.) at different temperatures are described and show the optimum temperature for growth to be 22–23° C. The ultimate upper lethal temperature was found to be 38° C and the critical thermal maximum varied from 33 to 39° C for fish acclimated at 14 to 29° C. An attempt was also made to determine lower lethal temperatures. Eels enter a state of torpor at temperatures varying from 3° C for fish acclimated at 29° C to less than 1° C for fish acclimated at 23° C or below. The results have been used to estimate the growth rates expected from eels cultured in power station cooling water using different types of temperature control.  相似文献   

A simple approach is proposed to fit a body growth model for the European eel Anguilla anguilla to data‐poor case studies. The model is a modified von Bertalanffy curve allowing for delayed sex determination and sexual dimorphism. The proposed procedure provides preliminary estimates of model parameters on the basis of average age and body length of silver eels.  相似文献   

The gills of the European eel, Anguilla unguilla L. were analysed morphometrically. Fresh (unfixed) gills and resin-replica casts of the branchial vascular system were examined. The total gill surface area was found to be proportional to (body mas) 0-715 for fish of between 60 and 1 160 g. This relationship between gill surfxe area and body mass was maintained irrespective of a reduction in body mass produced by fasting. Vessel dimensions were obtained from the vascular casts. Calculations made using these values suggest that the major sites of gill vascular resistance lie at the level of the afferent lamellar arterioles and the secondary lamellae.  相似文献   

European silver eels migrate 6000 km to their supposed spawning area in the Sargasso sea. As the eel is fasting, this intense swimming activity is realised only with fat stores, involving mainly red muscle i.e. aerobic metabolism. However, eel migration is performed at depth and thus in cold water, both being known to induce changes in muscle energy metabolism. During migration, white and red muscles can operate together or separately in order to counteract the eventual effects of low temperatures and/or high pressures. We have studied the temperature sensitivity (5, 15, and 25 °C) of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in both sexes. At the same temperature, migrating eels have a higher basal glycolytic flux. Moreover, there are temperature and sex effects: anaerobic glycolysis (JB) is more sensitive to cold water whereas aerobic (JA) is more affected by warm. Males, which are less sensitive to cold water, also have higher aerobic fluxes than females. As depth corresponds to low temperature, the possibility that males migrate more deeply than females is discussed. In an ecophysiological context, it is interesting to suppose that males and female eels migrate at different depths in order to optimize their energy utilization by aerobic and / or anaerobic pathways.  相似文献   

The lateral line neuromast of the eel (Anguilla anguilla) are slightly sensitive to electric current (threshold current density about 1 x 10(-6) A/cm2). A comparison is made with threshold values found by several authors by means of conditioning experiments.  相似文献   

Colonisation of freshwater habitats by the European eel Anguilla anguilla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The spatial distribution of European eels in 18 U.K. rivers was related to distance from tidal limit using a negative exponential model. This function accounted for between 19 and 90% of the variation in eel density where quantitative data was available. For semiquantitative data the negative exponential function was a significant predictor of eel densities in only six out of 10 cases, although all rivers showed a consistent decline in abundance with distance upstream from the tidal limit. 2. The spatial distribution of different age groups of European eel in River Severn showed an initial rapid dispersion into freshwater followed by a much slower dispersion rate. Movement of the population upstream by a wave‐form migration process does not occur in this system. Instead colonisation of freshwaters can be seen as a two‐phase dispersion. Phase‐1 is a rapid dispersion upstream driven by density at the point source. Phase‐2 commences once the eels become yellow eels and is equivalent to random diffusion of particles. 3. These processes have important implications for the penetration of freshwaters with reduced numbers of eel larvae arriving on the coast of Europe and North America. Eel abundance will decrease more in freshwaters in an upstream direction whilst it may remain stable or decrease to a lesser extent in estuaries. They are also able to explain the demography of eels migrating upstream over weirs and the observations of varying sex ratios within catchments. We conclude that a dispersion model dependent on age, temperature, difficulty of migration, habitat quality and density of eels should be an important part of freshwater eel management.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract is a system that is very sensitive to stress-like conditions in mammals. Fish display physiological reactions to stress that are fundamentally similar to those of the'General Adaptation Syndrome' in higher vertebrates. An investigation was therefore undertaken to determine if morphological changes equivalent to those affecting the stomachs of mammals also occur in fish under stress.
Conflict for social dominance served as the stressor. The unavoidable confrontation with a dominant fish in a tank proved to produce great stress for the subordinate eel. This was demonstrated by a number of physiological and haematological parameters.
Stressed eels have shrunken stomachs, the consistency of which is translucent and soft. The mucous membrane folds flatten or disappear. The mucous epithelium atrophies and during this process numerous residual bodies appear. The cell-to-cell contact loosens. The gastric glands degenerate developing large intracellular cavities, vacuolated ER and swollen mitochondria. The connective tissue proliferates replacing the necrotic glands. The submucosal vessels contract, thereby disturbing the circulation.
The consequences of the gastric atrophy (increased self-digestion, reduction of the immunological barrier, interference with protein digestion, endocrine function, etc.) are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure and distribution of red and white muscles have been investigated in female Anguilla anguilla of varying sexual maturity. Red muscle volumes increased with sexual maturation from approximately 5% of total muscle volume in sexually immature eels to a maximum of 13.3% in sexually maturing animals. Volume increase was due to increasing fibre diameter rather than recruitment of new fibres. Intracellular volume fractions of lipid and mitochondria increased markedly in maturing fish. Artificially matured cels showed the largest increases in muscle lipid. The possible functional roles of red and white muscle during migration are discussed.  相似文献   

Size selectivity of fyke nets for European eels Anguilla anguilla was investigated by reviewing the results of published experimental studies. A general size selectivity model was then derived that can be easily incorporated into demographic models to simulate population dynamics, assess and monitor abundance and length structure of eel stocks and forecast the consequences of different management options.  相似文献   

Magnetic material in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) was investigated by a combination of magnetic susceptibility measurements, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis and transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that the magnetic material is associated with iron. The main part of the iron is present in the form of iron-rich particles with irregular shapes about 100-3000 A large. The structures of magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) and alpha-iron (bcc structure) were identified. The particles are composed of more than one of these phases with magnetite being a minority phase when present. The iron-rich particles found in the eel are different from the materials reported for bacteria or bees.  相似文献   

This is the first report of lipoma in the European eel Anguilla anguilla. In a single eel that was obtained from a polyculture fish farm in northern Egypt, a yellowish swelling (10 mm in diameter) was observed near the tip of the lower lip. The tumor was composed of mature lipocytes that occasionally fused into an unlined cystic space.  相似文献   

The swimbladder of the adult eel, Anguilla anguilla, with its bipolar countercurrent system, the rete mirabile, is a widely used model for swimbladder function, but very little is known about the development of this swimbladder. Our histological studies on the developing swimbladder revealed that during metamorphosis the swimbladder becomes present as a dorsal outgrowth of the esophagus. It is filled with surfactant, and gas was not detected in the swimbladder. In the young glass-eel, the epithelial (gas gland) cells of the swimbladder are columnar, but do not yet have the typical basolateral labyrinth established in adult animals. Few blood vessels are found in the swimbladder tissue, and the submucosa is present as a thick layer of connective tissue, giving a large diffusion distance between blood vessel and swimbladder lumen. Within the next 2 or 3 months of development, gas gland cells develop their typical basolateral labyrinth, and the thickness of the submucosa is significantly reduced, resulting in a short diffusion distance between blood vessels and the swimbladder lumen. The first filling of the swimbladder with gas is observed while the gas gland cells are still in a poorly differentiated status and it appears unlikely that these cells can accomplish their typical role in gas deposition. The presence of small gas bubbles in the swimbladder as well as in the ductus pneumaticus at the time of initial swimbladder inflation suggests that the swimbladder is filled by air gulping or possibly by taking up gas bubbles from the water.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus of eel Herpesvirus anguillae (HVA) was isolated repeatedly from farmed eel of an outwardly healthy stock, but virus isolation was much greater in an experimental group of fish that were injected with dexamethasone. The results suggest that HVA can establish a latent infection in eel. Previous exposure of these eels to HVA virus was shown by detection of HVA-specific antibodies. These eels did not show clinical signs after a secondary infection with HVA. Tracing of seropositive eel stocks, which had previous contact with HVA, and of HVA carrier fish can be useful to control disease outbreaks due to HVA infection.  相似文献   

A comprehensive literature review on prevalence and distribution of parasites of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in European waters was conducted to set a baseline for future trend analyses and biodiversity considerations. The resulting checklist compiled from peer reviewed journals as well as grey literature including scientific reports, conference contributions, PhD theses and own survey data includes all protozoan and metazoan parasites of the European eel from freshwater, brackish and marine habitats. Parasites are arranged according to phylum and family. Species within families are listed alphabetically. Infected host organs, recorded habitats, localities, countries and literature citations are provided for each species. A total of 161 parasite species ? taxa from 30 countries are listed. With the trypanorhynch cestode Tentacularia coryphaenae a new host record could be documented. Furthermore, three new locality records of parasitic nematodes could be added based on own survey data: Anisakis simplex from an eel caught in the Baltic Sea, Eustrongylides mergorum for German freshwaters, and Goezia anguillae from the Tagus estuary in Portugal. Special consideration was given to the distribution of the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus. A map and table of first reported records of this neozoan parasite species for 25 countries as well as a survey map indicating all published localities documented in the checklist are provided.  相似文献   

Extracts of intestinal epithelia from the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) stimulated cGMP production in the T84 human colon carcinoma cell line which suggested the presence of a guanylin-like peptide in this teleost fish. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers were subsequently used in RT-PCR resulting in the amplification, cloning, and sequencing of two cDNAs which represent possible 5' spliceoforms of an eel homologue of the mammalian peptide, guanylin. Northern blotting indicated that the main site of expression of the eel peptide is in the intestine with much lower signals also detected in the kidney. Intestinal expression of guanylin mRNA is up-regulated in both nonmigratory "yellow" and the more sexually mature, migratory "silver" eels following acclimation to the seawater environment. These results suggest that this peptide signalling system may play a role in osmoregulation in euryhaline teleost fish during migration between the marine and freshwater environments.  相似文献   

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