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A logistic density-dependent matrix model is developed in which the matrices contain only parameters and recruitment is a function of adult population density. The model was applied to simulate introductions of white-tailed deer into an area; the fitted model predicted a carrying capacity of 215 deer, which was close to the observed carrying capacity of 220 deer. The rate of population increase depends on the dominant eigenvalue of the Leslie matrix, and the age structure of the simulated population approaches a stable age distribution at the carrying capacity, which was similar to that generated by the Leslie matrix. The logistic equation has been applied to study many phenomena, and the matrix model can be applied to these same processes. For example, random variation can be added to life history parameters, and population abundances generated with random effects on fecundity show both the affect of annual variation in fecundity and a longer-term pattern resulting from the age structure.  相似文献   

Some grouping is necessary when constructing a Leslie matrix model because it involves discretizing a continuous process of births and deaths. The level of grouping is determined by the number of age classes and frequency of sampling. It is largely unknown what is lost or gained by using fewer age classes, and I address this question using aggregation theory. I derive an aggregator for a Leslie matrix model using weighted least squares, determine what properties an aggregated matrix inherits from the original matrix, evaluate aggregation error, and measure the influence of aggregation on asymptotic and transient behaviors. To gauge transient dynamics, I employ reactivity of the standardized Leslie matrix. I apply the aggregator to 10 Leslie models developed for animal populations drawn from a diverse set of species. Several properties are inherited by the aggregated matrix: (a) it is a Leslie matrix; (b) it is irreducible whenever the original matrix is irreducible; (c) it is primitive whenever the original matrix is primitive; and (d) its stable population growth rate and stable age distribution are consistent with those of the original matrix if the least squares weights are equal to the original stable age distribution. In the application, depending on the population modeled, when the least squares weights do not follow the stable age distribution, the stable population growth rate of the aggregated matrix may or may not be approximately consistent with that of the original matrix. Transient behavior is lost with high aggregation.  相似文献   

本文以高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)自然种群生命表的统计参数为基础,根据非密度制约Leslie模型及具有密度制约反馈的标准Leslie修正模型,分别预测了该种群在1982-2001年间的发展趋势。在菲密度制约条件下,该种群呈指数增长。在密度制约存在肘,种群增长趋于平衡状态,且存滔率密度制约较繁殖率密度制约对种群的作用更大。存活率密度制约与非密度制约的年龄结构均为Leslie分布,繁殖率密度制约作用的种群稳定年龄分布更平均,其平衡状态的种群大小则由模型的参数决定。  相似文献   

The problem of optimal harvesting in equilibrium is considered in a Leslie matrix model in which both mortality and fecundity in all age-classes may be density-dependent. The conclusion is that the optimal strategy is of the two-age-class type, in common with results obtained previously for simpler models.  相似文献   

Density-independent and density-dependent, stochastic and deterministic, discrete-time, structured models are formulated, analysed and numerically simulated. A special case of the deterministic, density-independent, structured model is the well-known Leslie age-structured model. The stochastic, density-independent model is a multitype branching process. A review of linear, density-independent models is given first, then nonlinear, density-dependent models are discussed. In the linear, density-independent structured models, transitions between states are independent of time and state. Population extinction is determined by the dominant eigenvalue λ of the transition matrix. If λ ≤ 1, then extinction occurs with probability one in the stochastic and deterministic models. However, if λ > 1, then the deterministic model has exponential growth, but in the stochastic model there is a positive probability of extinction which depends on the fixed point of the system of probability generating functions. The linear, density-independent, stochastic model is generalized to a nonlinear, density-dependent one. The dependence on state is in terms of a weighted total population size. It is shown for small initial population sizes that the density-dependent, stochastic model can be approximated by the density-independent, stochastic model and thus, the extinction behavior exhibited by the linear model occurs in the nonlinear model. In the deterministic models there is a unique stable equilibrium. Given the population does not go extinct, it is shown that the stochastic model has a quasi-stationary distribution with mean close to the stable equilibrium, provided the population size is sufficiently large. For small values of the population size, complete extinction can be observed in the simulations. However, the persistence time increases rapidly with the population size. This author received partial support by the National Science Foundation grant # DMS-9626417.  相似文献   

There have been many adaptations and variations on the basic matrix model of population growth proposed by Leslie in 1945. Its predictable asymptotic behavior is one of the most attractive properties of the original. The asymptotic behavior of a variant is also often of interest. In this paper, we give straightforward criteria which allow that behavior to be determined for a number of cases. In addition, formulas for the limiting matrices are given.  相似文献   

Asymptotic relationships between a class of continuous partial differential equation population models and a class of discrete matrix equations are derived for iteroparous populations. First, the governing equations are presented for the dynamics of an individual with juvenile and adult life stages. The organisms reproduce after maturation, as determined by the juvenile period, and at specific equidistant ages, which are determined by the iteroparous reproductive period. A discrete population matrix model is constructed that utilizes the reproductive information and a density-dependent mortality function. Mortality in the period between two reproductive events is assumed to be a continuous process where the death rate for the adults is a function of the number of adults and environmental conditions. The asymptotic dynamic behaviour of the discrete population model is related to the steady-state solution of the continuous-time formulation. Conclusions include that there can be a lack of convergence to the steady-state age distribution in discrete event reproduction models. The iteroparous vital ratio (the ratio between the maximal age and the reproductive period) is fundamental to determining this convergence. When the vital ratio is rational, an equivalent discrete-time model for the population can be derived whose asymptotic dynamics are periodic and when there are a finite number of founder cohorts, the number of cohorts remains finite. When the ratio is an irrational number, effectively there is convergence to the steady-state age distribution. With a finite number of founder cohorts, the number of cohorts becomes countably infinite. The matrix model is useful to clarify numerical results for population models with continuous densities as well as delta measure age distribution. The applicability in ecotoxicology of the population matrix model formulation for iteroparous populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Matrix models are widely used in biology to predict the temporal evolution of stage-structured populations. One issue related to matrix models that is often disregarded is the sampling variability. As the sample used to estimate the vital rates of the models are of finite size, a sampling error is attached to parameter estimation, which has in turn repercussions on all the predictions of the model. In this study, we address the question of building confidence bounds around the predictions of matrix models due to sampling variability. We focus on a density-dependent Usher model, the maximum likelihood estimator of parameters, and the predicted stationary stage vector. The asymptotic distribution of the stationary stage vector is specified, assuming that the parameters of the model remain in a set of the parameter space where the model admits one unique equilibrium point. Tests for density-dependence are also incidentally provided. The model is applied to a tropical rain forest in French Guiana.  相似文献   

The Leslie population projection matrix may be used to project forward in time the age distribution or age-sex distribution of a population. As it is a singular matrix, it does not have an inverse, and so it is not clear that there is a corresponding procedure for backward projection. In terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Leslie matrix, certain generalized inverses are constructed that can sometimes be used advantageously for backward projection.  相似文献   

In the periodic Leslie model the asymptotic period of total population is a divisor of the asymptotic period of the population vector. Under reasonable circumstances these periods are identical.  相似文献   

Matrix models are often used to predict the dynamics of size-structured or age-structured populations. The asymptotic behaviour of such models is defined by their malthusian growth rate lambda, and by their stationary distribution w that gives the asymptotic proportion of individuals in each stage. As the coefficients of the transition matrix are estimated from a sample of observations, lambda and w can be considered as random variables whose law depends on the distribution of the observations. The goal of this study is to specify the asymptotic law of lambda and w when using the maximum likelihood estimators of the coefficients of the transition matrix. We prove that lambda and w are asymptotically normal, and the expressions of the asymptotic variance of lambda and of the asymptotic covariance matrix of w are given. The convergence speed of lambda and w towards their asymptotic law is studied using simulations. The results are applied to a real case study that consists of a Usher model for a tropical rain forest in French Guiana. They permit to assess the number of trees to measure to get a given precision on the estimated asymptotic diameter distribution, which is an important information on tropical forest management.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop an approximate aggregation method for certain non-linear discrete models. Approximate aggregation consists in describing the dynamics of a general system involving many coupled variables by means of the dynamics of a reduced system with a few global variables. We present discrete models with two different time scales, the slow one considered to be linear and the fast one non-linear because of its transition matrix depends on the global variables. In our discrete model the time unit is chosen to be the one associated to the slow dynamics, and then we approximate the effect of fast dynamics by using a sufficiently large power of its corresponding transition matrix. In a previous work the same system is treated in the case of fast dynamics considered to be linear, conservative in the global variables and inducing a stable frequency distribution of the state variables. A similar non-linear model has also been studied which uses as time unit the one associated to the fast dynamics and has the non-linearity in the slow part of the system. In the present work we transform the system to make the global variables explicit, and we justify the quick derivation of the aggregated system. The local asymptotic behaviour of the aggregated system entails that of the general system under certain conditions, for instance, if the aggregated system has a stable hyperbolic fixed point then the general system has one too. The method is applied to aggregate a multiregional Leslie model with density dependent migration rates.  相似文献   

An illustrative method, labelled Strip and Mask, to raise a Leslie matrix to powers is introduced. Starting from a recent article in this journal, the Strip and Mask method is utilized to determine the primitivity pattern of a Leslie matrix, and to discuss some properties of the corresponding population model.  相似文献   

For the Leslie-matrix population projection model, a simple auxiliary quantity, termed the single-year reduced growth factor, is introduced and used to deduce bounds for the growth factor of the model, i.e. the dominant eigenvalue of the Leslie matrix involved. Extension to the case of internal survival in the age groups and reformulation of parameter sensitivity are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We use a periodically forced density-dependent compensatory Leslie model to study the combined effects of environmental fluctuations and age-structure on pioneer populations. In constant environments, the models have globally attracting positive fixed points. However, with the advent of periodic forcing, the models have globally attracting cycles. We derive conditions under which the cycle is attenuant, resonant, and neither attenuant nor resonant. These results show that the response of age-structured populations to environmental fluctuations is a complex function of the compensatory mechanisms at different life-history stages, the fertile age classes and the period of the environment.  相似文献   

曾宗永  梁中宇 《生态学报》1982,2(3):303-310
人口分析是种群生态学研究的主要对象之一。Leslie矩阵则是Leslie(1945)提出的分析动物种群数量变动的一种数学模型。现在它的应用已经推广到资源管理、生态系统的分析等许多方面(Jeffers,1978;Pallard,(1973),Leslie曾利用1960年澳大利亚女性人口资料,从理论上讨论了他自己提出的随机模型的性质。 本文的打算是:借Leslie矩阵法,用四川省彭县清平公社1978年(指从1978年7月1日到1979年6月30日的人口统计年)的人口调查资料作典型,来预测川西平原农村人口的发展趋势和稳定人口分析,从而对四川省在控制人口中采取的人工流产、引产等计划生育补救措施作初步评价。  相似文献   

Even though the Leslie matrix is usually singular, there is a subspace on which is has an inverse. In addition, there is a projection into that subspace which preserves certain age classes. These two facts are combined to provide a model for the history of a population whose future is predicted by a Leslie matrix. It has the advantage of being composed of easily calculated matrices. The relation of this model to a backward projection method of Greville and Keyfitz is discussed and some other backward projection functions are proposed.  相似文献   

For Leslie matrices of order 3 × 3 or larger, conditions for concavity or convexity of the Malthusian parameter in each of the entries in the matrix are given. Both cases are possible so it follows that the expected population growth rate computed from a Leslie matrix whose entries are random variables can be either smaller or larger than the growth rate computed from the expected value of the matrix. Boyce [(1977) Theor. Pop. Biol.12] showed that in the 2 × 2 case this bias is always positive; we give a numerical example illustrating the magnitude of the bias in this case, and compare it with the sampling error of the parameter for the same example.  相似文献   

 High dimensional Leslie matrix models have long been viewed as discretizations of McKendrick PDE models. However, these two fundamental classes of models can be linked in a completely different way. For populations with periodic birth pulses, Leslie models of any dimension can be viewed as “stroboscopic snapshots” (in time) of an associated impulsive McKendrick model; that is, the solution of the discrete model matches the solution of the corresponding continuous model at every discrete time step. In application, McKendrick models of populations with birth pulses can be used to identify the state of the population between the discrete census times of the associated Leslie model. Furthermore, McKendrick models describing populations with near-synchronous birth pulses can be viewed as realistic perturbations of the associated Leslie model. Received: 7 August 1997 / Revised version: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

A logistic matrix model for age-structured population dynamics is constructed. This model discretizes a continuous, density-dependent model with age structure, i.e. it is an extension of the logistic model to the case of age-dependence. We prove the existence and uniqueness of its equilibrium and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the local stability of the equilibrium.  相似文献   

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