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Cytological features are presented for the first time for 12 species and one natural hybrid from 16 Brazilian populations of the genus Xyris , including members of two sections ( Xyris and Nematopus ). The results are compared with a review of all available chromosome numbers previously reported for the genus. All analysed species show semi-reticulate interphase nuclei and prophase to prometaphase chromosomes with heterogeneous condensing behaviour. Chromosome numbers varied between 2 n = 26 and 2 n ≈ 108. In Brazil especially, the karyological differentiation of Xyris seems to be generally characterized by dysploid and polyploid increase of the chromosome number, possibly after interspecific hybridization. This is the first cytological study including species of the section Nematopus and the first karyological investigation including South American species of the genus Xyris . © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 245–252.  相似文献   

Ensiform leaf development in monocotyledons follows a broadly similar sequence in a wide range of relatively unrelated taxa, indicating a plastic developmental pattern, possibly associated with stressed environmental conditions, since Xyris species tend to grow in relatively damp but nutrient-poor environments. The bifacial leaf sheath surrounds the apex and the subadjacent primordium. A conical unifacial leaf tip 'Vorläuferspitze' is established at an early stage, followed by extension growth in the region behind it, generating a unifacial ensiform blade. Root and rhizome structure are also described in a systematic context, particularly in comparison with related taxa in Xyridaceae and other commelinoid monocotyledons, although information on these structures is relatively sparse.  相似文献   

Two new species of Xyridaceae, Xyris jolyi and X. coutensis, from Minas Gerais, Grazil, are distinguished from close relatives on the basis of morphological features including bracts, sepals, and leaves.  相似文献   

The development of the ovule, fruit and seed of Xyris spp. was studied to assess the embryological characteristics of potential taxonomic usefulness. All of the studied species have (1) orthotropous, bitegmic and tenuinucellate ovules, with a micropyle formed by both the endostoma and exostoma; (2) a cuticle in the ovules and seeds between the nucellus/endosperm and the inner integument and between the inner and outer integuments; (3) helobial, starchy endosperm; (4) a reduced, campanulate and undifferentiated embryo; (5) a seed coat formed by a tanniferous endotegmen, endotesta with thick‐walled cells and exotesta with thin‐walled cells; and (6) a micropylar operculum formed from inner and outer integuments. The pericarp is composed of a mesocarp with cells containing starch grains and an endocarp and exocarp formed by cells with U‐shaped thickened walls. The studied species differ in the embryo sac development, which can be of the Polygonum or Allium type, and in the pericarp, which can have larger cells in either endocarp or exocarp. The Allium‐type embryo sac development was observed only in Xyris spp. within Xyridaceae. Xyris also differs from the other genera of Xyridaceae by the presence of orthotropous ovules and a seed coat formed by endotegmen, endotesta and exotesta, in agreement with the division of the family into Xyridoideae and Abolbodoideae. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 619–628.  相似文献   

  • Dormancy cycles are an important mechanism for avoiding seed germination under unfavourable periods for seedling establishment. This mechanism has been scarcely studied in tropical species. Here, we studied three tropical and perennial species of Xyris, X. asperula, X. subsetigera and X. trachyphylla, to investigate in situ longevity and the existence of seasonal seed dormancy cycles.
  • Seeds of three species of Xyris were buried in their natural habitat, with samples exhumed bimonthly for 18 months. Germination of exhumed seeds was assessed under a 12‐h photoperiod over a broad range of temperatures. Seeds of X. trachyphylla were also subjected to treatments to overcome secondary dormancy.
  • Seeds of all species are able to form a persistent seed bank and exhibit seasonal changes in germinability. Secondary dormancy was acquired during the rainy summer and was overcome during the subsequent dry season (autumn/winter). Desiccation partially overcomes secondary dormancy in X. trachyphylla seeds.
  • Soil seed bank persistence and synchronisation of seed germination under favourable conditions for seedling establishment contribute to the persistence and regeneration of X. asperula, X. subsetigera and X. trachyphylla in their natural environment.

Fourteen taxa of the Triticum-Aegilops group have been investigated for their sieve-element plastids. At maturity they contain dense and thin crystalloid inclusions and are classified into the PIIc' plastid type; onlyAe. comosa var.biaristata lacked the thin crystalloids and thus conforms to the PII c type. The proteinaceous nature of the crystalloids was demonstrated by application of proteolytic enzymes. Ultrastructural evidence suggests that both kinds of crystalloid inclusions are involved in the sealing of sieve-plate pores of injured sieve tubes. Measurements and calculations of the spacings and angles carried out on crystalloid prints permitted the construction of a two- and three-dimensional pattern forT. aestivum thin crystalloids.  相似文献   

Floral morphology, anatomy and development are examined in Xyris grandis (Xyridaceae: Poales), with an emphasis on petal and sepal organogenesis and vasculature. Xyris is one of relatively few monocots in which the perianth is differentiated into two distinct whorls (here termed a double perianth). Xyris also possesses highly unusual perianth vasculature, with each petal being supplied by three veins and each sepal by a single vein, compared with the opposite condition in most other angiosperms with a double perianth. However, perianth development in X. grandis shows a pattern that is typical for monocots, with petals not markedly delayed in development. Xyris grandis is also remarkable for its petal aestivation, with each petal surrounding a stamen and two branches of adjacent staminodes, a type that is not reported for other Xyridaceae and may contribute to secondary pollen presentation. The results are discussed in the context of the diversity of a double perianth in monocots, compared with eudicots. Based on current data, our preferred hypothesis is that meristic differences are at least partly responsible for the apparently widespread occurrence of three‐traced petals in monocots. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 93–111.  相似文献   

Occurrence and Ultrastructure of a Variant (rho) Form of Mycoplasma   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The ultrastructure of a variant (rho) form of Mycoplasma is described. The rho-forms are characterized by dark-ground light microscopy as relatively rigid, unbranched, filamentous organisms with discoidal swellings, and by electron microscopy by the presence of an intracytoplasmic axial fiber extending throughout the length of the cell and associated with a terminal structure of characteristic appearance. In negatively stained preparations the fiber presents a pattern of transverse light and dark major bands, the dark band being divided by a central minor light band. The periodicity of the banding varies from 12.0 to 14.5 nm, and the width of the fiber varies from 40 to 120 nm. The fiber appears to be composed of fibrils aligned parallel to the long axis. The evidence indicates that the fiber contains protein and is devoid of nucleic acid. rho-Forms were commonly found in Mycoplasma strains derived from goats and occasionally in bovine strains. They may have a wider distribution, as the growth medium was shown to be important both for the expression of the rho-character and for the selection of the rho-variant. The functional significance, if any, of the fiber and the terminal structure is unknown.  相似文献   

Xyridaceae are a predominantly tropical family of five genera that exhibit two pollen morphologies often considered to be of taxonomic importance. Xyris comprises about 95% of the species and is characterized by medium to large, elliptic, sulcate pollen grains. The other pollen class is spheroidal grains without an evident aperture. Many of the species with spheroidal grains have remarkably large and ornamented pollen found to be species specific in earlier research. A scanning electron microscopy investigation of 23 taxa representing all genera with spheroidal pollen revealed new data to further distinguish the genera based on pollen characters. Reliable specific pollen characters need to be evaluated in a statistical study.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Abolboda (Xyridaceae) belongs to the Poales, a predominantly wind-pollinated order whose phylogeny has been widely studied in recent years. The reproductive biology of Abolboda pulchella and A. poarchon was studied to determine the main pollination system of these species, providing the first experimental data on reproduction in the Xyridaceae.


A field study was conducted, including observations on the morphology and biology of the flowers, insect visits and pollinator behaviour. Experimental pollination treatments were performed to assess agamospermy, spontaneous self-pollination and self-compatibility. Pollination success was determined by pollen tube growth, and reproductive success was assessed by fruit- and seed-set.

Key Results

Abolboda pulchella and A. poarchon were pollinated by Apidae, Megachilidae and Halictidae bees. The floral resources were pollen and nectar that was produced by stylar appendages, an uncommom nectary type for monocotyledons. The species were self-compatible, and pollen tube growth from self-pollen was similar to that of cross-pollen. However, herkogamy prevented spontaneous selfing, rendering the plants dependent on the pollinator''s activity. There was no production of seeds by agamospermy.


Melittophily is the main pollination system of these two Abolboda species. Nectar production was first recorded here for Xyridaceae, and along with self-compatibility, herkogamy and bee pollination, is an informative characteristic that can be used in future phylogenetic analyses of the family as well as Poales.  相似文献   

Four species belonging to the Lecanora subfusca group (Lecanoraceae, lichenized Ascomycotina) and containing the 2,5,7-trichloro-3-O-methylnorlichexanthone chemosyndrome are described: L. elixii Lumbsch, L. epibryon Ach., L. mayrhoferi Lumbsch spec. nov. and L. parmelinoides Lumbsch spec. nov. The species, which are interpreted as being closely related, can be distinguished by a combination of subtle morphological and anatomical characters.  相似文献   

The putative precursors to plastids, “plastid initials,” were present in callus cells of apple. The ultrastructure resembled mitochondria in size but differed from them in that they contained no lamellar structures. They showed amoeboid changes, and small vesicular structures were abundant. Formation of thylakoid membranes and starch granules appeared to start in the developing plastid initials.  相似文献   

Zearalenol was extracted from Fusarium-infected stems of corn from southern Italy. The toxin, which appeared as a single compound in various thin-layer chromatography systems, was resolved by high-pressure liquid chromatography into two components. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry examination of a purified fraction confirmed the natural occurrence of zearalenol as a diastereomeric mixture and led to the identification of alpha (56 ng/g) and beta (27 ng/g) isomers. Among nine Fusarium species found associated with stalk rot in corn, only Fusarium culmorum (F. roseum `Culmorum') and F. equiseti (F. roseum `Gibbosum') produced zearalenol and always produced it in a diastereomeric mixture of alpha and beta isomers.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study of petal cells of wallflower (Erysimumcheirii) of the family Brassicaceae shows that the adaxial epidermalcells are of the conical papillate type whereas the cells ofthe abaxial epidermis are lenticular in shape. The abaxial epidermiscontains stomata, which are solitary and lack any obvious subsidiarycells. Pigmentation is apparent in both epidermal and internalmesophyll cells and results from the presence of both chromoplastsand large cytoplasmic vesicles containing pigment. These pigmentedvesicles are very obvious in preparations of fixed isolatedpetal cells. Chromoplasts are of the globular type and are presentin significant numbers in both epidermal and mesophyll cells.Division of chloroplasts in young petals prior to bud breakappears to give rise to the populations of chromoplasts observedin mature petals since there was no evidence of chromoplastdivision itself. The development of wallflower petals and theirchromoplasts is discussed in relation to development of petalsin the related species Arabidopsis thaliana. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company Wallflower, Erysimum cheiri, Chieranthus, petal development, chromoplasts, chloroplast differentiation.  相似文献   

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