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This study examines the reproductive biology of Linum lewisii Pursh. (Linaceae), a polyphilic species visited by small bees and generalist flies in montane Colorado. L. lewisii plants growing at different sites experience large temporal and spatial variations in pollinator visits. Their ability to attract both dipteran and hymenopteran pollinators allows pollination under varying conditions as pollinator pool composition changes. Although L. lewisii is self-compatible, hand-pollination studies indicate that insects are required for seed production. The relative effectiveness of fly and bee pollinators is assessed in terms of per-visit pollen deposition. Insect visitation patterns are combined with per-visit effectiveness data to evaluate the relative importance of different pollinator groups. Overall, bees tend to be more effective than flies in depositing pollen. However, in many instances flies appear to be responsible for more pollen deposition due to their higher visitation rates.  相似文献   

The genus Linum L. (Lineacea) has over 15 species, subspecies or ecotypes in Iran. These species show extensive geographical distribution and form many local populations throughout the country. Linum album is herbaceous medicinal plant containing important lignans such as podophyllotoxin (PTOX) and 6-methoxy podophyllotoxin (MPTOX), which have antiviral and anticancer properties. Studying the genetic and morphological diversity of different geographical populations produces detailed knowledge about population divergence and identification of the infra-species taxa if at all they are present. Moreover, the populations that differ in their genetic content and structure may also differ in their chemical and medicinal properties. The present study considers morphological and genetic diversity analyses of 20 L. album geographical populations by using nuclear ISSR markers, genome size, and cytogenetic characteristics. These populations differed significantly in many of their quantitative morphological characters and in some of their qualitative features. They also differed significantly in their molecular characteristics and genome size. Details of morphological and molecular variations are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

NICHOLLS, M. S., 1985. A systematic study of the Linum tenuifolium group (Linaceae) . A new classification of the Linum tenuifolium group is presented based upon detailed systematic study of 74 populations in nature. Previous confusion over taxonomy and nomenclature is resolved. Linum salsoloides, L. appressum and L. suffruticosum are treated as subspecies of L. tenuifolium . The morphological variation within each subspecies is discussed with reference to its distribution.  相似文献   

The seed oil of Lesquerella and the closely related genus Physaria (Brassicaceae) is rich in hydroxy fatty acids (HFAs). HFAs and their derivatives are used to produce a variety of industrial products including lubricants, nylon-11, plastics, drying agents, protective coatings, surfactants, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Lesquerella fendleri is being developed as a new crop for arid regions of the southwestern United States as an alternative source of HFAs. Between 1995 and 2001, 66 accessions from 28 species of Lesquerella were collected in the United States, 33 accessions from four species were collected in Mexico, and 41 accessions from 15 species of Physaria were collected from the southwestern United States. Mean seed mass ranged from 0.54 to 2.30 mg for Lesquerella compared to 1.70 to 5.80 mg for Physaria. Seed oil content ranged from a high of 32.2% in Lesquerella to a high of 35.4% in Physaria. The fatty acid profile of all species of Physaria and most of the lesquerolic-acid-rich species of Lesquerella contained from 30 to 55% lesquerolic acid, although several species contained >60%. These collections of wild germplasm provide a diverse gene pool that should enhance our breeding program in developing a domestic source of HFAs.  相似文献   

Christodoulakis, D. 1995. A new subspecies of Linum gyaricum (Linaceae) from Greece. - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 145–147. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
A new subspecies, Linum gyaricum ssp. icaricum from Ikaria island (E Aegean, Greece), is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Abstract Lesquerella stonensis (Brassicaceae) is an obligate winter annual endemic to a small portion of Rutherford County in the Central Basin of Tennessee, where it grows in disturbed habitats. This species forms a persistent seed bank, and seeds remain viable in the soil for at least 6 years. Seeds are dormant at maturity in May and are dispersed as soon as they ripen. Some of the seeds produced in the current year, as well as some of those in the persistent seed bank, afterripen during late spring and summer; others do not afterripen and thus remain dormant. Seeds require actual or simulated spring/summer temperatures to come out of dormancy. Germination occurs in September and October. Fully afterripened seeds germinate over a wide range of thermoperiods (15/6–35/20°C) and to a much higher percentage in light (14 h photoperiod) than in darkness. The optimum daily thermoperiod for germination was 30/15°C. Nondormant seeds that do not germinate in autumn are induced back into dormancy (secondary dormancy) by low temperatures (e.g., 5°C) during winter, and those that are dormant do not afterripen; thus seeds cannot germinate in spring. These seed dormancy/ germination characteristics of L. stonensis do not differ from those reported for some geographically widespread, weedy species of winter annuals and thus do not help account for the narrow endemism of this species.  相似文献   

Hand pollinations are frequently used to assess the postpollination success of different donors. We present evidence that the method used for hand pollinations can alter pollen germination rates and paternity of the resulting seeds. Two commonly used methods for hand pollination experiments are mixed pollinations, where pollen from several donors is physically mixed together, and adjacent pollinations, where pollen from one donor is close to, but not in physical contact with, pollen from other donors. These methods offer differing opportunities for pollen interaction, and for females to choose among mates. We found that the success of pollen donors in multidonor pollinations varied with pollination method in unpredictable ways across maternal plants. Pollen germination was significantly lower in adjacent pollinations, perhaps explaining some of the effects of pollination method on paternity. These results may yield insights on the factors influencing pollen success, and indicate that hand pollination experiments should employ pollination methods that mimic as closely as possible the natural arrival of pollen in nature.  相似文献   

Three branched-chain hydroxy acids not previously reported in other bacteria were found in extracts from saponified whole cells of Pseudomonas maltophilia. On the basis of evidence from mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatographic procedures, they were identified as 2-hydroxy-9-methyldecanoic acid, 3-hydroxy-9-methyldecanoic acid, and 3-hydroxy-11-methyldodecanoic acid. These acids appeared to be tightly bound to other cellular components since they were not extracted from lyophilized cells with a chloroform-methanol (3:1) mixture.  相似文献   

A relatively large proportion of the flax genome (~ 3%) is comprised of 5S rRNA genes. This study focuses on the intraspecific sequence variation among five distinct groups of 5S rRNA genes. The results indicate that group 1 and 2 5S rRNA genes most closely resemble other angiosperm 5S genes, while groups 3–5 are highly divergent. Sequence variation is higher in the spacer region compared to the transcribed region for all pairwise comparisons. The large degree of sequence variation observed in this study is discussed with respect to genome organization and proposed models for repetitive sequence maintenance.  相似文献   

A new species, Linum vuralianum Yılmaz & Kaynak, is described and illustrated from west Anatolia, Turkey. It is closest to L. flavum L., but differs by its annual or biennial life form, the presence of rosette leaves at anthesis, and the absence of staminodes. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) threat category and observations on the population are noted. The geographical distribution of the new species and its related taxon is given.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 459–462.  相似文献   

The capacity of both developing seeds and germinating seedlings of safflower for the incorporation of acetate-C14 into long-chain fatty acids is examined.

Intact tissue of the developing seed shows a low rate of acetate incorporation into fatty acid initially but between the tenth and twenty-fifth day after flowering the tissue has a high rate of synthesis, in particular with respect to the unsaturated fatty acids. Centrifuged fractionation of homogenates of this developmental tissue yielded several active fractions, the most active being the PI fraction consisting mostly of plastids. Cofactor requirements and pH effects are examined.

Germinating tissue shows a more uniform capacity for synthesis of fatty acids since there is no marked change in synthetic capacity. The newly synthesized fatty acids are consistently palmitic, stearic, and oleic acid. No linoleic synthesis could be detected. The most active fraction of cell-free preparation of germinating tissue is the plastid fraction (PI), similar to what was formed with developing tissue.


Linum perenne L. is a nonclonal perennial herb widely distributed across a range of habitats. Variation in seed germination patterns was examined for 21 Intermountain collections and for the commercial cultivar ‘Appar’. Collections from sites with long, snowy winters were largely dormant at harvest and responded positively to chilling. Collections from middle elevation sagebrush-grassland sites were generally nondormant and contained a fraction induced into secondary dormancy by chilling. Collections from palouse prairie and pinyon-juniper sites were generally nondormant and unaffected by chilling, as was ‘Appar’. When seeds of contrasting populations were planted in seed retrieval experiments at low, middle, and high elevation sites, their field germination phenology was predictable from laboratory experiments. In common garden experiments, there were significant among-sibship differences in germination for each garden-grown wild accession but not for ‘Appar’, suggesting that differences both among and within populations may be genetically based. Garden-grown seeds were generally less dormant than wild-collected seeds, possibly because of selection during propagation. Results demonstrated the existence of ecologically relevant among-population and within-population variation in germination phenology for blue flax. Seeds of high-montane populations are spring-emerging and have little provision for between-year carryover. Populations from lower elevation habitats with less predictable weather have seeds with contrasting germination patterns, allowing for emergence in both fall and spring as well as for seed bank carryover. ‘Appar’ seeds lack these predictive and carryover mechanisms.  相似文献   

The glucosylceramide components were characterized in the 33 species of the grass family (Poaceae). Pooideae contained 4-hydroxy-8-sphingenines [i.e., t18:1(8Z) plus t18:1(8E)] as major components, the relative levels of t18:1(8Z) being higher than those of the 8-E isomers. 2-Hydroxy arachidic acid was a major component in all species other than Pooideae, whereas Pooideae had a high content of 2-hydroxytetracosenoic acid.  相似文献   

莱菔子脂肪酸成分的GC-MS分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用索氏提取法提取莱菔(Raphanussativus)种子中的脂肪酸成分,进行甲酯化处理后用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分离和鉴定脂肪酸成分的组成和含量。结果表明,从莱菔子中共分离鉴定出12种脂肪酸成分,占总量的99.32%,主要包括芥酸(32.47%)、油酸(29.07%)、亚油酸(9.45%)、亚麻酸(8.41%)、棕榈酸(4.31%)和硬脂酸(2.08%)等脂肪酸,其中饱和脂肪酸占9.25%,不饱和脂肪酸高达90.07%。  相似文献   

The storage triacylglycerols of meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba) seeds are composed essentially of C20 and C22 fatty acids, which contain an unusual Δ5 double bond. When [1-14C]acetate was incubated with developing seed slices, 14C-labeled fatty acids were synthesized with a distribution similar to the endogenous fatty acid profile. The major labeled product was cis-5-eicosenoate, with smaller amounts of palmitate, stearate, oleate, cis-5-octadecenoate, eicosanoate, cis-11-eicosenoate, docosanoate, cis-5-docosenoate, cis-13-docosenoate, and cis-5,cis-13-docosadienoate. The label from [14C]acetate and [14C]malonate was used preferentially for the elongation of endogenous oleate to produce cis-[14C]11-eicosenoate, cis-13-[14C]docosenoate, and cis-5,cis-13-[14C]docosadienoate and for the elongation of endogenous palmitate to produce the remaining C20 and C22 acyl species. The Δ5 desaturation of the preformed acyl chain and chain elongation of oleate and palmitate were demonstrated in vivo by incubation of the appropriate 1-14C-labeled free fatty acids. Using [1-14C]acyl-CoA thioesters as substrates, these enzyme activities were also demonstrated in vitro with a cell-free homogenate.  相似文献   

红萼月见草种子脂肪权与氨基酸的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红萼月见草 (OenotheraetythrosepalaBorb .)为柳叶菜科植物 ,刘国声等[1] 曾报道该植物花挥发油成分研究 ,高雅琴[2 ] 报道其它同属六种栽培植物月见草种子的化学成分分析 ;但未见有该种植物的脂肪酸与氨基酸的分析报道。因月见草种子油具有多种生理活性 ,月见草油中的γ 亚麻酸能以较小的剂量即产生显著的抗血栓、降血脂、抗炎、抗心律不齐、减肥、抑制癌细胞生长等生理活性 ,目前国内外广泛用于医药、保健品、食品的生产[3~ 6 ] 。为了满足需要 ,扩大资源 ,特进行引种栽培的红萼月见草种子脂肪酸与氨基酸的分…  相似文献   

The function of distyly as a device promoting inter-morph pollination was proposed by Darwin over a century ago, though only recently have experimental studies been undertaken to test this hypothesis. These studies are unrealistic since they assume regular spatial distribution of morphs within a population and fail to consider intra-flower pollination in assessing distyly's effects. Pollen flow in two populations of Linum tenuifolium L. was investigated using a fluorescent-dye marker technique. One population was dimorphic and self-incompatible; the other was monomorphic and self-compatible. In both populations pollen dispersal was leptokurtic with over 75% of grains detected within 5 m from the source. Intra-flower pollinations comprised a large proportion of individual stigma loads (42% for the dimorphic form; 49% for the monomorphic form). Total stigmatic loads for the dimorphic population showed equal proportions of pin and thrum pollen on both long-style and short-style stigmas, though variation in individual loads was marked. Values ranging from 34.2 to 61.5% legitimate pollen were recorded. The irregular distribution of morphs observed at the dimorphic site will reduce the efficiency of heterostyly as a device promoting intermorph pollination. The reduction in intra-flower pollination suggests adaptive significance of this floral dimorphism in increasing the efficiency of pollen dispersal to the individual.  相似文献   

Fifteen novel microsatellite primer pairs are presented for Lesquerella fendleri, which were developed from seven dinucleotide, five trinucleotide and three tetranucleotide microsatellite DNA loci. These loci were characterized for 40 individuals from 24 localities throughout the species range. The number of alleles observed per locus ranged from three to 16, the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.175 to 0.750, and the polymorphic information content ranged from 0.218 to 0.889. Cross‐species transferability tested on nine species of Lesquerella and one species of the related genus Physaria indicates that these primer pairs may be useful for population genetic studies of other species in Lesquerella and possibly other closely related genera.  相似文献   

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