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A palynological investigation of the last glacial-interglacial cycle in the southern hemisphere tropical Andes reveals changes in the moisture balance as the main driver in vegetation change. Thirty accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates, biostratigraphy and tephra correlation reveal that a 119 m sediment core recovered from the Huiñaimarca sub-basin of Lake Titicaca (16.0° to 17.5° S, 68.5° to 70° W; 3810 masl) contains sediments covering > 151,000 years. Correlation of aridity indicators with precessional variations in insolation is used to fine tune the structure of the age-depth curve within this period.Variations in Isoëtes concentration (above/below 10,000 grains/cm3) identify the extent of shallow water environments. Examination of another palaeolimnological indicator (Pediastrum) and consideration of the bathymetry of the Huiñaimarca sub-basin allow the reconstruction of lake-level fluctuations. These data indicate five wet/dry cycles between c. 151,000 and 14,200 cal yr BP. High stands are suggested during the transition into (c. 134,000 cal yr BP), and out of (c. 114,000 and 92,000 cal yr BP), the last interglacial, and during full glacial conditions (c. 70,000 and 45,000 cal yr BP). These cycles are superimposed on a general trend of deepening lake levels through the glacial period.This interpretation is supported by correlation with sediments from Salar de Uyuni (20°S, 68°W; 3653 masl). The youngest wet episode is concurrent with palaeolake Minchin (c. 45,000 cal yr BP), with further evidence for an additional wet period commencing c. 28,000 cal yr BP, concomitant with palaeolake Tauca. The timing of lake level fluctuations is also supported by palaeoshoreline reconstructions from the Uyuni-Poopó region. However, our data do not suggest a major peak in lake level in Huiñaimarca during the Ouki lake cycle (c. 120,000–98,000 cal yr BP) as inferred from U–Th ages obtained from palaeoshorelines around Lago Poopó. The most extreme dry event occurs during the last interglacial period and resulted in a sedimentary hiatus tentatively dated to c. 121,000–129,000 cal yr BP.The observed wet/dry cycles are shown to have a marked and rapid impact on the vegetation. The aridity of the last interglacial promoted a community dominated by Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthacae, with no modern Andean analogue. Polylepis/Acaena pollen is also shown to fluctuate markedly (0–20%), particularly during the transitions into, and out of, the last interglacial. It is probable that this pollen taxon is primarily representative of the high altitude arboreal genus Polylepis, which is a key component of highly biodiverse Andean woodlands today. Rapid fluctuations indicate the sensitivity of this ecosystem to natural environmental pressure and potential vulnerability to future human impact and climate change.The 100,000 year (eccentricity) solar cycle is shown to be the major controlling factor in moisture balance and vegetation over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. However, significant fluctuations in moisture balance are also evident on timescales considerably shorter than the full glacial-interglacial cycle. We have linked these to precessional (21,000 year) forcing. Nevertheless, precise independent dating during the full glacial cycle is required to confirm the importance of this forcing mechanism.  相似文献   

Four radiolarian assemblages have been defined in recent seafloor sediments of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The distribution of these assemblages corresponds to the modern pattern of oceanic circulation and water mass structure in this region: the eastern Pacific shallow permanent thermocline and the Equatorial Undercurrent; Peru Current upwelling and the oxygen minimum; the subtropical water mass; warm western tropical water and the North Equatorial Countercurrent. In twelve cores chosen to transect the region both longitudinally and latitudinally, the distribution of these four assemblages has been reconstructed for six time-intervals during the last 127,000 years: 18,000 B.P. (glacial Stage 2); 36,000 B.P. and 52,000 B.P. (interstadial Stage 3); 65,000 B.P. (glacial Stage 4); 82,000 B.P. and 120,000 B.P. (interglacial Stage 5). Atmospheric and oceanic circulation changes through time have been inferred from the reconstructed microfossil assemblage distributions. Changes in assemblage distributions indicate that variations in intensity, direction and mean position of the tradewinds caused marked changes in the oceanic circulation patterns through the last glacial cycle.Near the end of interglacial Stage 5, the disappearance of the North Equatorial Countercurrent from the eastern Pacific suggests that the mean position of the tradewinds was shifted to the south approximately 5° of latitude relative to the modern position, so that the Northeast trades prevented the flow of the North Equatorial Countercurrent into the eastern Pacific. Near the end of interstadial Stage 3, a change in wind direction occurred from predominantly zonal winds, which enhance equatorial divergence and surfacing of the Equatorial Undercurrent, to more meridional winds, which enhance coastal upwelling associated with the Peru Current.In the tropical Pacific Ocean, late Quaternary changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation are linked with times of continental ice sheet growth in the Northern Hemisphere (i.e., the interglacial-to-glacial transitions across oxygen isotope stage boundaries 54 and 32). The major changes in circulation seem to occur a few thousand years in advance of the glacial episodes, at or near periods of ice sheet growth. This relationship indicates that changes in atmospheric circulation in the tropics led and influenced the development of conditions suitable for polar and continental ice sheet growth in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Nutricline variations during the last 1560 ka in the southern South China Sea are reconstructed using the relative abundance of the coccolithophore Florisphaera profunda in ODP Site 1143. Nutricline depth shows both long-term large magnitude variation and high frequency glacial–interglacial variation. On the long-term scale, the nutricline experienced four significant changes, which occurred at 900, 480, 250, and 50 ka respectively. According to these changes, five stages could be recognized during the last 1560 ka. From 1560 to 900 ka, the nutricline depth increased gradually. Around 900 ka, the nutricline abruptly shallowed and then remained stable until 480 ka. The nutricline was shallow during the time interval between 480 and 250 ka. At 250 ka, it deepened again and increased gradually until 50 ka. After 50 ka, the nutricline depth decreased gradually to modern values. On the glacial–interglacial scale, the variations in nutricline depth show different patterns before and after 900 ka. Before 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during glacial periods and shallow during interglacials. However, after 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during interglacials and shallow during glacials. Spectral analysis of the relative abundance of F. profunda shows a similar trend. In addition to the eccentricity (113, 76 ka), obliquity (55, 39 ka), and precession (24, 19 ka), we also find a 431 ka cycle. The former three periods reflect glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline, and the period of 431 ka reflects long-term variations in nutricline. We suggested that the variations in nutricline in the southern South China Sea were caused by global and regional climate changes. Glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline are mainly controlled by the East Asian monsoon, and the long-term variations might be related to the global climatic events, such as the mid-Pleistocene Revolution and the mid-Brunhes event.  相似文献   

Abstract. A long pollen record from lowland Panama describes the vegetation during glacial times and probably includes a history of the last 150 000 yr, thus representing a complete glacial cycle. The record is from sediments of an extinct caldera lake under the town of El Valle. Throughout most of the last glacial period oaks and other plants of the modern montane forest maintained significant populations about 700 m lower than present. Immediately before the 14000 B.P. start ofthe late glacial period oaks had reached to 1000 m below present limits. These data require significant temperature depressions, perhaps in the order of 4 - 6 °C at some seasons ofthe year. Lowland forest taxa persisted in the neighbourhood of El Valle throughout the glacial period, however, suggesting reassortment of plant populations into communities without modern analog. Although our reconstruction of levels ofthe El Valle lake in the period 30 000 to 12 000 B.P. suggests less precipitation than in modern times, the lowland climate appears to have been moist enough for taxa of tropical forests to persist. The montane floras of the western and eastern Panama highlands did not merge at any time in the glacial cycle and an hypothesis of dispersal between enlarged areas of montane forest is put forward to explain modern disjunctions in Quer cus distributions. The wet highlands of Panama were never refugia for tropical rain forest taxa at any time during the Quaternary, rather rain forest species existed in unfamiliar communities in the Panamanian lowlands.  相似文献   

The essential characteristics of the vegetation dynamics of tropical Africa remain only partially known. This study assesses the succession of vegetation-types over Central Africa during the last two glacial/interglacial cycles. Analysis of core KZai 02, which contains pollen from the Zaire River watershed (latitudes 9°N–13°S), allows the investigation of long-term patterns of plant ecosystem development and their climatic causes. Core KZai 02 (18.20 m long) was recovered from 6°24.20′S/9°54.10′E in the uppermost axial edifice of the Zaire deep sea fan. The chronology of this sedimentary archive was established using nannofossils and correlations of pollen and total organic carbon signals with the nearby core GeoB1008. The pollen record indicates that: (i) glacials (MIS 6, 4, 2) are marked by the development of afromontane (Podocarpus) forest at high altitudes when central basin lowlands were occupied by Cyperaceae marshes and savannah; (ii) during interglacials (MIS 1, 5) lowland forests were developed, marked by the successive expansion of pioneer, warm-temperate, rain forests, and mangrove indicating sea-level rise; (iii) glacial-interglacial transitions (MIS 6/5, 2/1) display similar vegetation dynamics. The strong evidence of afromontane forest and the opening of the vegetation during glacials suggest a reduced latitudinal distribution of rainfall by the strengthening of the trade wind system. West African monsoon systems were enhanced during interglacials, allowing the progressive development of lowland forests. The development of rain and pioneer forests during glacial Heinrich stadials suggests an enhancement of water availability in tropical Africa associated with these high-latitude events. However, no augmentation of wind activity described by previous studies is evidenced by our pollen record. Similar vegetation successions during glacial/interglacial transitions suggest the diachronous and stepped intervention of CO2 (emphasizing the influence of temperature on plant ecosystems) and water availability.  相似文献   

Pleistocene vegetation in the Mediterranean climate region of subtropical Chile during >40,000 yr of the last glaciation stands in contrast with vegetation of the past 10,000 yr of the present interglaciation. During the last ice age, open woodland of southern beech (Nothofagus dombeyi and N. obliqua types) and Andean podocarp (Prumnopitys andina) mixed with grasses and composites, was established on unglaciated, low‐lying terrain now occupied by broad sclerophyllous plant communities. This marked vegetation change during a glacial‐interglacial cycle, inferred from pollen contained in a core from Laguna de Tagua Tagua (34°30'S), suggests a pattern applicable to the vegetational setting during repeated cycles throughout the Quaternary.

Ice‐age vegetation can be accounted for by year‐long domination of the polar maritime air mass at lower, middle latitudes, unlike modern interglacial type plant formations, which are regulated by seasonal interaction between subtropical and polar maritime air. Glacial‐interglacial shifting of air mass centers, as a cause for the changing distribution of species and plant communities, appears geared to events in the atmosphere/ocean system.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to understand changes in the biogeography of the chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) through time, by modelling potential habitat changes through the last glacial–interglacial cycle (last interglacial, glacial maximum and current conditions). An environmental envelope model in a geographic information system is used to produce a range of habitat distribution models for the chacma baboon. Initially it is modelled as a single taxon, following which the data are further divided and explored to model predicted habitats for the chacma clades during different stages of the glacial–interglacial cycle. An area of approximately 1,044,000 km2 was identified as potentially having been within the environmental core habitat at some stage of the glacial–interglacial cycle. Of this, 63,700 km2 of land was predicted to have been core habitat regardless of the stage of the glacial–interglacial cycle. Additionally, rainfall appears to be the environmental variable with the most limiting effect on habitat size. This is true for the current, last glacial maximum and last interglacial environmental conditions. The largest area that remains within the core habitat throughout the last glacial–interglacial cycle is found in the northern provinces of South Africa. The chacma clades appear to interact in a cyclic pattern of expansion and contraction, each clade being more prominent under different environmental conditions. It appears that grey footed chacma habitat periodically extends northward towards the yellow baboon. These findings suggest dynamic and varied progression of the chacma baboon palaeo-distributions.  相似文献   

Diatoms are well preserved in partly laminated Holocene and late Pleistocene sediments on the upper continental slope of central Peru. Accumulation rates of diatom species previously recognized as tropical (oceanic, warm water) and subtropical (neritic, cooler water, upwelling) changed markedly downcore in Kasten cores obtained at 11°15′S, 12°58′S, and 13°37′S latitude. Subtropical species (e.g., Thalassiosira eccentrica “group”, Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii, Chaetoceros spp. resting spores, Delphineis spp.) predominated in late Pleistocene sediments of the two southern cores. A mix of tropical and subtropical diatom assemblages occurred in latest Pleistocene sediments, while tropical species (e.g., Coscinodiscus nodulifer/radiatus, Pseudoeunotia doliolus, Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parva) predominated in the late Holocene sediments. In the northern core latest Pleistocene sediments also contained a mix of tropical and subtropical species. Similarly, late Holocene sediments contained predominately tropical species of diatoms. Neoglacial periods (200–400 yr B.P., 2000–2700 yr B.P.), however, were sometimes characterized by a greater abundance of subtropical species and punctuated periodically with blooms of Skeletonema costatum and Rhizosolenia shrubsolei. It is proposed that during times of Southern Hemisphere cooling, Peruvian coastal waters north of 12°S were subjected to episodic mixing with warmer water masses before being overwhelmed by tropical waters that may have either passed southward across a weakened Equatorial Front or arose from intensified offshore countercurrents. Coastal waters south of 12°S latitude were probably unaffected by the tropical influence. Rather, these waters may have undergone intensified upwelling during the last Glacial epoch.  相似文献   

Growth of alpine glaciers during the Pleistocene had profound effects on montane landscapes in North America and the organisms now inhabiting alpine ecosystems. Biogeography of this region has often been viewed as a system of sky islands despite the fact that species richness patterns deviate from a strict island biogeographic model. One explanation is that alpine species are not in equilibrium because of late Quaternary geographic range shifts. Genetic data can provide evidence of nonequilibrium dynamics and the distributional shifts that occur during glaciation events in alpine landscapes. Using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data, we examine the evolutionary history of butterflies in the Parnassius phoebus complex. We test explicit, alternative models of the biogeographic history of Parnassius smintheus and Parnassius behrii , including an equilibrium island model, ancestral radiation and fragmentation, an expanding alpine archipelago and an alpine archipelago refuge model. Our results support the alpine archipelago refuge model, in which alpine butterflies undergo population contraction during glacial climates followed by population expansion during interglacial phases. While butterflies can disperse between distant mountain ranges during glacial periods, gene flow is rare. We find evidence of recent connectivity between California and Colorado, population expansion events following deglaciation ∼20 000 years B.P., and small population sizes during the last glacial period. An analysis of lineage splitting suggests that morphological differences in P. smintheus and P. behrii are the result of late Pleistocene divergence (∼48 000 years B.P.) with limited gene flow. Our results demonstrate that spatially complex and nonequilibrium population dynamics influence alpine diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Detailed analyses of planktonic foraminifera at Site 17964 from the southern South China Sea (SCS) disclose that warm-water species have a higher percentage during the Holocene, while temperate-water species have a higher content for the last glacial period. Therefore, the sea surface temperature (SST) is a main factor that affects the foraminiferal assemblage at this site. A remarkable faunal variation at Site 17964 is recognized for Pulleniatina obliquiloculata over the last glacial–interglacial periods: higher P. obliquiloculata content during the glacial period and abrupt drop at the beginning of Termination I (16.5–15 kyr B.P.). The characteristic P. obliquiloculata variation can be correlated with other sites in the southern SCS and thus can be adopted as a stratigraphic tool in the region. A detailed analysis of Orbulina universa shell morphometrics at Site 17964 shows the test size from 0.83 to 1.45 mm and the shell porosity up to 36.7%, much larger than those in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, which indicates a warmer and less saline surface water in the equatorial–tropical western Pacific. The diameter and shell porosity of O. universa increased from the last glacial to the Holocene, corresponding to the increase of SST recorded by the Uk37 alkenone index. A higher correlation coefficient (89%) between the O. universa test size and SST implies that intraspecific O. universa test size be used as an index of the sea surface temperature in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

We synthesize African paleoclimate from 150 to 30 ka (thousand years ago) using 85 diverse datasets at a regional scale, testing for coherence with North Atlantic glacial/interglacial phases and northern and southern hemisphere insolation cycles. Two major determinants of circum-African climate variability over this time period are supported by principal components analysis: North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) variations and local insolation maxima. North Atlantic SSTs correlated with the variability found in most circum-African SST records, whereas the variability of the majority of terrestrial temperature and precipitation records is explained by local insolation maxima, particularly at times when solar radiation was intense and highly variable (e.g., 150-75 ka). We demonstrate that climates varied with latitude, such that periods of relatively increased aridity or humidity were asynchronous across the northern, eastern, tropical and southern portions of Africa. Comparisons of the archaeological, fossil, or genetic records with generalized patterns of environmental change based solely on northern hemisphere glacial/interglacial cycles are therefore imprecise.We compare our refined climatic framework to a database of 64 radiometrically-dated paleoanthropological sites to test hypotheses of demographic response to climatic change among African hominin populations during the 150-30 ka interval. We argue that at a continental scale, population and climate changes were asynchronous and likely occurred under different regimes of climate forcing, creating alternating opportunities for migration into adjacent regions. Our results suggest little relation between large scale demographic and climate change in southern Africa during this time span, but strongly support the hypothesis of hominin occupation of the Sahara during discrete humid intervals ∼135-115 ka and 105-75 ka. Hominin populations in equatorial and eastern Africa may have been buffered from the extremes of climate change by locally steep altitudinal and rainfall gradients and the complex and variable effects of increased aridity on human habitat suitability in the tropics. Our data are consistent with hominin migrations out of Africa through varying exit points from ∼140-80 ka.  相似文献   

Evidence from numerous Pan‐African savannah mammals indicates that open‐habitat refugia existed in Africa during the Pleistocene, isolated by expanding tropical forests during warm and humid interglacial periods. However, comparative data from other taxonomic groups are currently lacking. We present a phylogeographic investigation of the African puff adder (Bitis arietans), a snake that occurs in open‐habitat formations throughout sub‐Saharan Africa. Multiple parapatric mitochondrial clades occur across the current distribution of B. arietans, including a widespread southern African clade that is subdivided into four separate clades. We investigated the historical processes responsible for generating these phylogeographic patterns in southern Africa using species distribution modelling and genetic approaches. Our results show that interior regions of South Africa became largely inhospitable for B. arietans during glacial maxima, whereas coastal and more northerly areas remained habitable. This corresponds well with the locations of refugia inferred from mitochondrial data using a continuous phylogeographic diffusion model. Analysis of data from five anonymous nuclear loci revealed broadly similar patterns to mtDNA. Secondary admixture was detected between previously isolated refugial populations. In some cases, this is limited to individuals occurring near mitochondrial clade contact zones, but in other cases, more extensive admixture is evident. Overall, our study reveals a complex history of refugial isolation and secondary expansion for puff adders and a mosaic of isolated refugia in southern Africa. We also identify key differences between the processes that drove isolation in B. arietans and those hypothesized for sympatric savannah mammals.  相似文献   

The Yungas, a subtropical mountain rainforest of South America, has been little studied in relation to the evolutionary history of the large-bodied species of the genus Calomys. Particularly, two species have been synonymized: C. boliviae and C. fecundus; the first is only known from its type locality in the northern Bolivian Yungas, whereas the second is known along the Tucumane–Bolivian Yungas shared by Bolivia and Argentina. In this study, we combined a phylogeographic approach with ecological niche modeling, with samples covering most of the geographic range of C. fecundus. One mitochondrial and two nuclear genes were used for population genetic analyses. Current and paleoclimatic models were obtained. Nuclear genes resulted uninformative by retention of ancestral polymorphism with other species of Calomys. The mitochondrial marker revealed a complex network showing signals of several population expansions. Three genetic clusters in a latitudinal sense were detected, which are coincident with the three stable climatic zones estimated by current and paleoclimatic models. We determined a pattern of expansion during glacial cycles and ancestral refugia during interglacial cycles. None of the potential distribution models predicted the presence of C. fecundus in the type locality of C. boliviae. Therefore, we recommend making integrative taxonomic studies in the Bolivian Yungas, to determine whether or not C. fecundus and C. boliviae correspond to the same species.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network is used to classify environments, including climate, terrain and soil variables, according to their suitability for fifteen structural/environmental forest classes in the Wet Tropics Bioregion of north-east Queensland. We map the environments characteristic of these forest classes in four climate regimes (the present and three past climate scenarios), quantify the changes in area of these environments in response to past regional changes in climate and identify areas that would have been environmentally suitable for rainforests at last glacial maximum (glacial refugia). We also identify areas that would have been suitable for upland and highland rainforest classes during the warmest parts of the interglacial (interglacial refugia) and map locations that consistently remain favourable to specific forest classes despite large changes in climate.In the climate of the last glacial maximum (LGM), rainforest environments are predicted in three relatively distinct refugia in the northern, central and southern Wet Tropics. Only three percent of the total area contains lowland, Mesophyll Vine Forest and the majority of the area of the rainforest refugia supports upland rainforest classes. In the cool, wet climate of the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (PHT), rainforest environments expand to form a more or less continuous block from the northern limits of the region to the Walter Hill Range, except for discontinuous patches extending through the Seaview and Paluma Ranges in the south. During the Holocene climatic optimum (HCO), rainforest environments become more fragmented, especially in the south. Lowland rainforest environments are very extensive in this climate while upland rainforest classes are restricted to what we term “interglacial refugia”.Estimated distributions and stable locations (consistently predicted in all four climate scenarios) for the various rainforest environment classes are our main, novel contribution. Each forest environment responds individualistically to climate change. Our results confirm the highly dynamic nature of the Wet Tropics landscape and present a much more detailed picture of landscape change since the late Pleistocene than previously has been available. This mapping exercise should be useful in the future for analyses of present-day biogeographic patterns. We argue that empirical modelling approaches have an important role in palaeoecology and global change research that is complementary to the developing mechanistic methods.  相似文献   

Recent drilling eventually reached to the base of the sediments of Lynch's Crater on the Atherton Tableland within the humid tropics of north-eastern Australia. This paper incorporates results from the sequence extension into a complete record from the site, much of which has only been presented previously in summary form. A more certain chronology for the record is provided by recent radiocarbon dating on the topmost sediments and the application of time series analysis to the whole sequence. This suggests that the vegetation and climate are forced essentially by northern hemisphere insolation and ice volume, probably operating through sea level and sea surface temperature changes. The extended record is considered to cover the last 230,000 years and the pattern of complex rainforest expansion during wetter interglacial periods and its replacement by drier rainforest and sclerophyll vegetation during drier glacials is maintained. Superimposed on this cyclicity are trends resulting from both the evolution of the lake basin as well as external influences that include climate and, within the last 45,000 years, people.  相似文献   

A new core taken from a site in the Sierra de Courel range of mountains in the northwest Iberian peninsula, Spain, enables a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction to be made of the biological events resulting from climatic changes and human activities during the last 17,000 years in the area. The sequence begins with a phase characterised by the dominance of Gramineae (Poaceae) and Pinus. A markedly arid period with prevalence of Artemisia pollen occurred between 17,5000 and 15,500 uncal. B.P. Subsequently, a succession of woodlands with Betula, Pinus and other mesophilous and thermophilous trees was recognised during the period 15,500-13,500 uncal. B.P. Between 13,500 and 10,300 uncal. B.P. herbaceous vegetation formations indicating moister conditions dominated the pollen record, although a maximum of Gramineae has been dated during the period 11,300-10,300 uncal. B.P. Comparison with other pollen data from neighbouring mountains allows an interpretation of the vegetation changes during the glacial/interglacial transition in the mountains of northwest Iberia. The Holocene pollen record from the site does not differ markedly from other records in the area, tree expansion occurring before 10,000 uncal. B.P. and high values of deciduous Quercus mixed with other trees and shrubs persisting until 3500 uncal. B.P., when increased human activities are shown by a fall of the tree pollen percentages. Received July 7, 1999 / Accepted May 22, 2000  相似文献   

Phylogeographic studies around the world have identified refugia where fauna were able to persist during unsuitable climatic periods, particularly during times of glaciation. In Australia the effects of Pleistocene climate oscillations on rainforest taxa have been well studied but less is known about the effects on mesic-habitat fauna, such as the eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus). The eastern grey kangaroo is a large mammal that is common and widespread throughout eastern Australia, preferring dry mesic habitat, rather than rainforest. As pollen evidence suggests that the central-eastern part of Australia (southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales) experienced cycles of expansion in mesic habitat with contraction in rainforests, and vice versa during glacial and interglacial periods, respectively, we hypothesise that the distribution of the eastern grey kangaroo was affected by these climate oscillations and may have contracted to mesic habitat refugia. From 375 mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from across the distribution of eastern grey kangaroos we obtained 108 unique haplotypes. Phylogenetic analysis identified two clades in Queensland, one of which is newly identified and restricted to a small coastal region in southern Queensland north of Brisbane, known as the Sunshine Coast. The relatively limited geographic range of this genetically isolated clade suggests the possibility of a mesic habitat refugium forming during rainforest expansion during wetter climate cycles. Other potential, although less likely, reasons for the genetic isolation of the highly distinct clade include geographic barriers, separate northward expansions, and strong local adaptation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to represent simultaneously changes in the spatial distribution of the Atlantic forest during the last 17,000 years. To characterize such changes, here we focused on three different forest physiognomies, evergreen, semi‐deciduous, and Araucaria, and we provide a list of indicator taxa for each class retrieved from the original published datasets. A review of the published fossil pollen records allowed us to classify regional behaviors in three main areas of distribution, north of 15°S, between 15° and 23°S and south of 23°S latitude that correspond to three climatic geographical barriers. Statistical probability density function method was used to illustrate changes in forest physiognomies throughout the three distribution areas. We show that the three modern barriers also functioned through the past. Asynchronous patterns of forest physiognomies are linked to an antiphasing pattern of monsoon precipitation between the northern and central area, whereas in the southern area, it is linked to the frequency and intensity of the polar advection in the subtropics. Our results attest to strong climate forcing on forest distribution between the late glacial and the interglacial period. They call into question the common reference to the last glacial maximum as a major (and sometimes as the only) driver of forest‐related vicariance and genetic diversity patterns, but suggest that instead, orbital cycles were the main drivers of the successive expansion/contraction of the Atlantic forest throughout the Quaternary.  相似文献   

The succession of glacials and interglacials during the Pleistocene strongly influenced the diversification and distribution patterns in birds. In contrast to species of temperate regions, open‐habitat specialists should have experienced range expansion during the longer glacial periods, while range contractions occurred during the shorter interglacials. However, only few studies have tested this prediction so far. We studied the Oenanthe hispanica–pleschanka–cypriaca (Aves, Muscicapidae: Saxicolinae) complex characteristic of open habitats in the Palearctic. Based on three mitochondrial and one Z‐linked nuclear marker, we inferred its phylogeny, historical diversification, and demography. Ecological niche modeling was used to reconstruct potential distributions during the last glacial maximum and the last interglacial. Using 19 morphological traits, we tested for morphometric differences among the different taxa. Mitochondrial markers revealed strong genetic differences between O. h. hispanica and the other taxa with a divergence event at around 1.7 million years ago. No consistent genetic differences were revealed between O. cypriaca, O. h. melanoleuca, and O. pleschanka. The latter two hybridize in contact zones, which might explain partly the lack of genetic differentiation; yet, further analyses using genomic data are needed to infer the true divergence history of the complex. Signs of population expansions in the clade comprising O. h. melanoleuca, O. pleschanka, and O. cypriaca at 90,000 years ago coincided with the last glacial as predicted. Population expansion then was also supported by ecological climate niche models. O. h. hispanica was not consistently separated from the other taxa in morphometrics. It might nonetheless warrant species status, pending further analyses.  相似文献   

The Holocene sedimentary record of Sabkha Boujmel (SE Tunisia) is expressed by a shallowing-upward carbonate lagoon-tidal flat cycle (2.3 m thick) unconformably overlying continental silt-sandy sediment, Late Würmian in age. The sedimentary package of this cycle starts with transgressive marginal shallow marine (intertidal to subtidal) bioclastic sands grading upwards to black mudstone, rich in organic matter (T.O.C. up to 1.3%) deposited within a lagoon protected from the sea by Upper Pleistocene lithified sand spits.The uppermost part of the cycle is represented by oobioclastic carbonate sands covered with dead biodegraded microbial mats and/or reddish sands of aeolian origin deposited in intertidal to supratidal environments. The facies arrangement, particularly the spatial distribution of the ancient and the more recent microbial mats, records the progressive infilling of the lagoon as well as the progradation of the shoreline during the last 2000 years. The organic-rich facies which provide an age varying between 4130 and 6800 yr B.P. were deposited when the Boujmel lagoon started to be progressively separated from the Mediterranean Sea.The main factors controlling the facies and the thickness variation are the local topographic sea-floor irregularities most likely controlled by the inheritance morphology resulting from an important fluviatile digging that occurred during the last glacial maximum, the relative sea-level fluctuations, the hydro-isostatic rebound and the climate.  相似文献   

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