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重庆喀斯特地区4种不同地貌单元的81份表土和苔藓样品的孢粉分析结果表明:(1)研究区植物孢粉组合共由109科属组成。除金佛山外,其他植被退化严重地区样点均以草本和蕨类植物占据优势(剔除石漠化治理大量引种的马尾松、柳杉和侧柏等乔木花粉),其次是乔木植物花粉(主要为马尾松),灌木植物花粉含量很低,显示该区植被退化严重;(2)孢粉组合的PCA分析能够很好地将研究区的现代孢粉组合区分开来,较好地反映了重庆喀斯特地区不同地貌单元的植被特征,特别是石漠化区植被退化严重的孢粉组合特征。生态保护较好、自然植被发育的金佛山地区具有106科属的乔木、灌木与草本孢粉类型,以及高含量的乔木花粉,而喀斯特石漠化地区的鸡公山(46科属)、青木关镇(56科属)和南平镇(50科属)则表现为乔灌木孢粉类型较少;(3)银杉作为金佛山特有的孑遗植物,其花粉含量明显低于松属花粉,说明其花粉不利于远距离传播;(4)随着土地利用强度的增加,现代孢粉组合中乔灌木花粉含量和种类越少,草本和蕨类植物孢粉含量越多,且以耕地杂草为主。因此,土地利用方式的变化是喀斯特石漠化区次生植被及其现代孢粉组合变化的主要影响因素。研究可为重庆喀斯特地区...  相似文献   

中国草原区主要群落类型花粉组合特征   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
现代表土花粉组合与植被关系研究是推断过去植被演化的基础。对中国草原区 39个样点进行植被调查及表土花粉分析的研究结果表明 ,表土花粉组合可反映出草原植被的总体特征。大多数样品中乔木花粉百分比低于 5 %。蒿属、藜科是草原区所有样品花粉组合中最主要的成分 ,两者在花粉组合中所占比例多大于 5 0 % ,且人类活动越强或气候越干旱 ,蒿属、藜科花粉所占百分比越高。花粉组合不能反映群落结构特征 ,如建群种、结构、盖度等的差异在花粉组合中表现不出来。即使以禾本科为建群种的草原群落 ,禾本科花粉所占比例也多低于 10 %。花粉浓度在草原区花粉与植被关系研究中意义不明确。典型草原与荒漠草原花粉组合存在明显区别 ,无倾向性对应分析 (DCA)分析表明 ,典型草原区样品在第一排序轴的排序值多高于 0 ,荒漠草原区样品的排序值小于 0 ;典型草原区藜科花粉百分比一般低于 2 5 % ,花粉类型多样性指数大于 2 ,当蒿藜占花粉总数的 5 0 %以上时 ,蒿藜比值大于 2。荒漠草原区藜科花粉含量多高于 2 5 % ,蒿藜比值多为 0 .5~ 2 ,花粉类型多样性指数多为 1~ 2。蒿属花粉属超代表性 ,但在蒿类建群的群落中 ,蒿属花粉多低于其在植被中的百分比  相似文献   

Modern pollen spectra can improve the interpretation of fossil pollen records used to reconstruct past vegetation, climate and human impacts. It is important, therefore, to carefully examine the relationships between modern pollen spectra, vegetation, climate and human activity. Here, we present the results of an analysis of the pollen spectra of 143 surface pollen samples from farmland, wasteland, desert, steppe/meadow, forest and river valley along a transect from Lanzhou to Urumqi, in northwestern China. The modern pollen assemblages are mainly composed of Amaranthaceae, Artemisia, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Ephedra and Nitraria. The results indicate that in general the surface pollen assemblages of different vegetation types reliably represent the modern vegetation in terms of the composition of the main taxa and the dominant types. Farmland is dominated by cereal-type (≥?15%) and Amaranthaceae (≥?20%), while the pollen assemblages of wasteland (i.e. the vegetation immediately surrounding farmland) are mainly composed of Amaranthaceae (≥?25%), Artemisia (≥?20%), Poaceae (≥?10%), Asteraceae (≥?5%) and Cyperaceae (≥?5%). Amaranthaceae (≥?45%) and Ephedra (≥?10%) are the most important taxa in desert, and Cyperaceae (≥?35%) and Thalictrum (≥?2%) are the dominant pollen types in steppe/meadow. Forest and river valley samples are characterized by high frequencies of Picea (≥?10%) and Cyperaceae (≥?20%). Both constrained and partial canonical ordination techniques (RDA and partial RDA) of the main pollen types and environmental variables show that the modern pollen spectra are primarily controlled by mean annual precipitation (MAP). Cyperaceae, Thalictrum and Brassicaceae are positively correlated with MAP and negatively correlated with mean July temperature (TJuly), while the representation of certain other types, such as Amaranthaceae, Ephedra and Nitraria, is negatively correlated with MAP and positively correlated with TJuly. The Human Influence Index (HII) is significantly correlated with cereal-type pollen, and it can also differentiate human-influenced and natural vegetation. Our results provide a basis for improving the interpretation of fossil pollen records from arid northwestern China and similar regions.  相似文献   

Maestre  Fernando T.  Cortina  Jordi 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):279-291
In arid and semi-arid areas with sparse vegetation cover, the spatial pattern of surface soil properties affects water and nutrient flows, and is a question of considerable interest for understanding degradation processes and establishing adequate management measures. In this study, we investigate the spatial distribution of vegetation and surface soil properties (biological crusts, physical crusts, mosses, rock fragments, earthworm casts, fine root accumulation and below-ground stones) in a semi-arid Stipa tenacissima L. steppe in SE Spain. We applied the combination of spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) and geostatistics to assess the spatial pattern of soil properties and vegetation, and correlation analyses to explore how these patterns were related. SADIE analysis detected significant clumped patterns in the spatial distribution of vegetation, mosses, fine root accumulation and below-ground stone content. Contoured SADIE index of clustering maps suggested the presence of patchiness in the distribution of earthworm casts, fine roots, below-ground stone content, mosses and biological crusts. Correlation analyses suggested that spatial pattern of some soil properties such as biological crusts, moss cover, surface rock fragments, physical crusts and fine roots were significantly related with above-ground plant distribution. We discuss the spatial arrangement of surface soil properties and suggest mechanistic explanations for the observed spatial patterns and relationships.  相似文献   

潘韬  吴绍洪  戴尔阜  王昊  赵东升 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6060-6069
以云南亚热带南部沿温度带分布的35个表土孢粉样品和7个植被样方调查为基础,计算了代表性孢粉类型的百分比和孢粉浓度,及常见孢粉的R值,并分析了影响R值的因素;同时,研究了植物群落和样方内孢粉组合的相似度。结果表明,云南亚热带南部表土样品孢粉产量丰富,蕨类植物孢子产量较高,具有典型的亚热带特征,且山地垂直分异显著;木本、草本植物花粉基本代表了区域内乔木和草本植物特征,蕨类植物孢子则具有超代表性;表土孢粉组合与植物群落间的相似系数绝大部分都在70%以上,表土孢粉组合基本上可以反映植物群落面貌;表明云南亚热带地区表土孢粉与现代植被之间具有较好的对应关系,这对在该区利用化石孢粉资料定量恢复古植被和重建古气候有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于2001—2018年MODIS NDVI数据,采用累计归一化植被指数(NDVI)的Logistic曲线曲率极值法,识别内蒙古植被枯黄期及其时空变化特征,并在生态区尺度上分析枯黄期对气候因子和NDVI的响应特征。结果表明: 研究期间,内蒙古植被平均枯黄期主要集中在第260~280天。森林生态区枯黄期为第270~280天,从南向北推迟;草原生态区枯黄期最早,介于第257~273天,从东北向西南逐渐推迟;荒漠生态区枯黄期为第270~283天,东北向西南呈推迟态势。2001—2018年间,3个生态区植被枯黄期均呈不显著推迟趋势。植被生产力从东北向西南逐渐降低,在时间上呈增加趋势的面积大于呈减小趋势的面积。全内蒙古和各生态区植被枯黄期受季前2~3个月降水量的正面影响较大,与季前平均温度、最高温度和最低温度均呈正相关关系。全内蒙古和各生态区,8和9月植被生产力的增加(或减少)将推迟(或提前)植被枯黄期,而6和7月植被生产力的增加(或减少)将提前(或推迟)草原和荒漠生态区植被枯黄期。  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to describe some major relationships between soil and plant compartments in a shortgrass steppe, the process of water loss from the system and plant water relations throughout a drying cycle were studied. The water supply was manipulated and some soil and plant variables monitored throughout a drying cycle. Leaf conductance and leaf water potential of blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) were measured periodically at predawn and noon. Soil water content and water potential of different layers were also monitored.Three different periods were distinguished in the water loss process throughout a drying cycle. These distinctions were made taking into account the relative contribution of different soil layers. Leaf conductance and water potential at noon slowly declined throughout the first 50 days of plant growth. After that, they rapidly decreased, reaching values of 0.29 mm s-1 and-5.0 MPa, respectively. The predawn leaf water potential remained unchanged around-0.5 MPa during the first 45 days, then rapidly decreased. This occurred when soil water of the wettest soil layer was near depletion.Predawn leaf water potentials were highly correlated with water potentials of the wettest layer. Leaf conductance and water potential at noon were correlated with effective soil water potential (soil water potential weighted by the root distribution in the profile). We concluded that root surface area limited the water flow through an important part of the day in this semiarid ecosystem. Axial root resistance did not appear important in determining the equilibrium status between leaves and the wettest soil layer.  相似文献   

Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) is a long-lived species that dominates the extra–zonal natural forests in the steppe landscape of southeastern Ukraine. Although Q. robur is considered to be one of the most important species in European dendrochronology, it has received little attention in the steppe zone because of its scarcity in the often-degraded steppe forests. Nevertheless, a small and unique patch of old-growth oak exists within the boundary of Donetsk, a large industrial center in Eastern Europe. This forest is a remnant of an ancient wood and includes several dozen old-age trees that can contribute to filling some of the spatial gaps in pedunculate oak dendrochronology in Eastern Europe. In this study, we aim to determine the effect of climatic variables on pedunculate oak growth in the steppe zone, and to estimate the longevity of this species in the heterogeneous conditions of an urban forest. A total of 20 trees were cored for this study, varying in age from 55 to 254. The resulting tree-ring chronology correlates strongly with local precipitation in spring and summer, and with local temperature in April, June and July. Moving correlation analysis indicates a shift over the last 80 years in the relationship between oak growth and late winter and early spring temperatures, as well as between oak growth and precipitation in February and August. These findings imply that warming has caused both an advance in oak phenology and changes in the climatic conditions in early spring.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2001,41(1-2):73-96
Canonical correspondence analysis of diatoms from surface sediment samples and oceanographic environmental variables shows that summer and winter sea-surface temperatures, water depth and winter sea-surface salinity are the main environmental factors affecting diatom distribution around Iceland. Of these, summer sea-surface temperature is the most important. Five diatom assemblages are distinguished and the distribution of these assemblages is clearly correlated with oceanic current patterns in the region. The sea-ice diatom assemblage is limited to the area where the East Greenland Current (Polar Water) has its strongest influence, and the cold diatom assemblage is basically controlled by the less cold East Icelandic Current (Modified Polar Water). The mixing diatom assemblage results from the interaction between the cold East Greenland and East Icelandic Currents and the warm Irminger Current. The warm diatom assemblage is located in the area dominated by the Irminger Current and may be used as an indicator of warm-water masses (Atlantic Water). The coastal diatom assemblage is the only one strongly influenced by both water depth and summer water temperatures.  相似文献   

为了探究三江平原沟渠土壤种子库在湿地植物保护中的作用及其在湿地恢复中的潜力,该文采用幼苗萌发法与样方调查相结合的方法,对三江平原不同开挖年限沟渠的土壤种子库特征及其与地上植被的关系进行了研究。结果表明:沟渠具有较大规模的土壤种子库,边坡种子库显著大于底泥种子库,边坡种子库密度为8 973–25 000 seeds·m–2,底泥种子库密度为506–1 488 seeds·m–2。开挖10年、20年和30年的沟渠土壤种子库共有50种植物萌发,隶属于20科41属。开挖10年、20年和30年的沟渠土壤种子库萌发物种数分别为37种、34种和33种,地上植被物种数分别为25种、33种和22种。土壤种子库和相应地上植被的相似性系数分别为38.7%、35.8%和32.7%。随着植物群落演替的进行,地上植被的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均逐渐增大。三江平原沟渠土壤种子库和地上植被中保存了大量湿地植物,表明沟渠具有保护植物物种多样性的作用,沟渠土壤种子库具有湿地恢复的潜力。随着沟渠开挖年限增加,沟渠植物群落呈现退化特征,建议对沟渠系统加强管理。  相似文献   

A recent conceptual model of controls on vegetation structure in semiarid regions includes the hypothesis that the balance between the dominance of woody and herbaceous species is partly controlled by soil texture. The model predicts that the dominance of woody plants is associated with coarse textured soils, and that ecotones between woody and herbaceous plant functional types are associated with soil textural changes. We analyzed vegetation and soil data (from US Soil Conservation Service maps) for an area of shortgrass steppe in Northern Weld County, Colorado, in a canonical correlation procedure to test the hypothesis at a regional scale. In support of the model, we found significant correlations between (a) a canonical vegetation variable correlated with C3 grass biomass and shrub biomass, and a canonical soil variable correlated with sandy topsoils, and (b) a canonical vegetation variable correlated with succulent biomass, and a canonical soil variable correlated with clay soils. Relatively sharp transitions between shrub- and grass-dominated vegetation types occur in a number of areas in the shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming, and we selected four sites to test the above hypothesis at a local scale. We gathered data on vegetation cover and soil texture from transects (50 m long) positioned across the transition zones from grassland to shrubland. We conducted a further canonical correlation analysis of the vegetation and soil data to test for the relationships between vegetation structure and soil texture, and a performed regression analyses on individual site data to describe site-specific relationships between vegetation and soil texture variables. Vegetation structure along the transects, at the level of plant functional types, was similar at all four sites. The transition from grassland to shrubland encompassed a change from a C4 grass/half-shrub complex to a shrub/C3 grass/succulent complex. At two of the sites these transitions were associated with a change to coarser-textured soils in the shrubland zone. Within the context of the shortgrass steppe, our overall findings support the predictions of the conceptual at a regional scale, but indicate that soil texture is only one factor that can influence vegetation structure at the local scale.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(5-6):521-528
Background: Plant and soil nitrogen stable isotope (δ15N) can integrate several fundamental biogeochemical processes in ecosystem nitrogen dynamics, and reflect characteristics of ecosystem nitrogen cycling.

Aims: We investigated how climate change influenced plant-soil nitrogen cycling by relating soil δ15N, plant δ15N and Δδ15N (difference between soil and plant δ15N) with climatic factors.

Methods: Field investigation was conducted in temperate grasslands in Inner Mongolia during August 2015. Plant δ15N, soil δ15N and Δδ15N were determined, and their relationships with climatic factors were examined by simple regression analyses and general linear models.

Results: Soil δ15N was significantly higher than plant δ15N, and there was a positive linear correlation between them. Soil and plant δ15N were negatively related with mean annual precipitation (MAP) and positively with mean annual temperature (MAT); conversely, Δδ15N was positively related with MAP and negatively with MAT.

Conclusion: Soil δ15N was dominantly controlled by MAT, while it was MAP for plant δ15N. Climate factors influenced plant δ15N not only through their effects on soil nitrogen dynamics but also strategies of plant nitrogen acquisition. Thus, compared with plant δ15N, soil δ15N can more accurately reflect soil nitrogen dynamics, while plant δ15N may integrate soil nitrogen dynamics and plant nitrogen acquisition.  相似文献   

内蒙古温带草原区植被盖度变化及其与气象因子的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许旭  李晓兵  梁涵玮  黄玲梅 《生态学报》2010,30(14):3733-3743
利用1982-1999年内蒙古地区NOAA/AVHRR的NDVI数字遥感影像,对内蒙古温带草原区植被盖度进行了反演,探讨了近20a来温带草原植被盖度的变化情况,并对植被盖度与不同组合方式的降水及气温数据进行了相关分析,探讨了植被盖度与气象因子的关系。结果表明:①近20a来温带草原植被盖度呈上升趋势,占总面积72%的草原植被盖度发生了增长,3种不同草原类型中典型草原盖度上升趋势最为明显;②温带草原生长季平均盖度、逐月盖度与降水成正相关关系,与气温呈负相关关系,其中降水对盖度的影响存在着时滞及累积效应;③3种草原类型植被盖度对气象因子的敏感性不同,荒漠草原植被盖度与气温和降水相关性最强,其次为典型草原与草甸草原。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区植被与气候的关系   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
李斌  张金屯 《生态学报》2003,23(1):82-89
利用地理信息系统技术结合典范对应分析和数量区划的方法。研究了黄土高原地区植被与气候之间的关系。排序结果表明:CCA的第一轴代表黄土高原植被和气候梯度的纬向变化,水分梯度是决定植被分布的最主要气候因子,热量梯度中的全年月平均最低气温、月平均最高气温、年均温也对植被的纬向性分布有较大的影响,黄土高原植被与气候梯度表现出明显的纬向性;CCA的第二轴代表黄土高原植被和气候梯度的经向性变化,热量梯度是决定植被经向性分布的最主要气候因子,水分梯度中的全年最大蒸散量对植被的经向性分布有较大的影响。黄土高原植被与气候梯度表现出明显的经向分布规律性。  相似文献   

The patterns of pollen deposition in the upper layers of the soil and in biological traps (mosses and lichens) in relation to the widespread and well known vegetational types of the Alps is investigated. The communities studied are beach woods, pine woods (Pinus cembra, P. sylveslris) and alpine pastures. Quantitative correlations between the pollen spectra and the vegetation have been calculated and over, under and equi-represented species delimited. Since representativity differs, in some cases, from that recorded in the literature it is suggested that it would be useful to continue the study in order to improve our understanding of actual pollen deposition and, as a consequence, of the interpretation of fossil pollen data.  相似文献   

不同植被被覆下温性草原土壤养分分异特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以青海湖区4种不同植被被覆下温性草原为对象,研究在自然及放牧因素影响下土壤异质性分布格局.结果表明:速效养分(速效氮、速效磷、速效钾)具有明显的分层特征,表层土壤含量最高,随土层加深含量逐渐降低.紫花针茅退化样地各层土壤速效养分含量普遍低于其他3个样地,恢复时间较长的样地(早熟禾样地)和有外来物质输入的样地(赖草样地)含量较高.全量养分表现不同,全氮含量表现出分层现象,退化和恢复时间短样地(紫花针茅退化样地、垂穗披碱草样地)表层(0~10 cm)和第二层(10~20 cm)全氮含量高,下层含量迅速降低;早熟禾样地和赖草样地各层全氮含量都较高;全磷含量随土层降低没有出现显著差异(P>0.05),紫花针茅退化样地0~40 cm土层全磷含量都显著低于其他样地(P<0.05),其全钾和有机质含量也普遍低于其他样地;有机质与全量养分、速效养分均呈现极显著相关(P<0.01).随土层加深土壤容重增高,退化使土壤pH值升高.退化温性草原在恢复6a后土壤基本得到恢复,人类扰动和自然因素都影响到土壤养分状况.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to test the relationships between the surface arboreal pollen and the plants across the entire vegetation of China. Twelve genera from major arboreal plants are selected from 680 pollen taxa in a total of 803 surface pollen assemblages for this excise. The pollen data are quantitatively compared with the gridded vegetation map on spatial similarity, direction and distance of pollen dispersal, and pollen accuracy for indicating the plant distribution density.The results show that the distributions of the pollen taxa can reflect the major patterns of the plants. Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Quercus and Betula exhibit high spatial similarities between pollen and source plants. The accuracy for Tsuga, Platycarya, Fagus and Cyclobalanopsis is relatively low, probably due to the low pollen productivities and the absence of samples from southern China. In the disagreement part of the pollen-plant accuracy percentage, the pollen taxa Larix, Platycarya, Fagus and Cyclobalanopsis have high proportions in underestimating plants, likely a “convergent-type” in the pollen deposition; while pollen Tsuga, Quercus, Pinus, Betula and Ulmus have high proportions in overestimating plants, likely a “divergent-type” in the pollen dispersal.Pollen dispersal estimates suggest that southward transportation of the 12 pollen taxa is dominant, and the transport distance can be up to ca. 1000 km. This is mainly caused by several months of persistent north winds from the winter monsoon, particularly in spring seasons in eastern China. The second highest pollen dispersal direction is eastward, which occurs mainly in the boreal or sub-boreal plants of Larix, Abies, Picea, Betula and Acer and is likely influenced by the Westerlies in the mid-latitudes of China. Summer-green and evergreen Platycarya, Fagus and Cyclobalanopsis are mainly dispersed to the north, reflecting the influence of the Asian summer monsoon in eastern and southern China. Results of spatial differentiation analysis using accuracy weighting suggest that the low percentage portion (1-10%) in pollen of Abies, Picea, Betula and Quercus and high percentage portion (>40%) in pollen Pinus are acceptable for the plant representatives.These results, based upon the analyses of surface pollen and modern vegetation types of China, can provide important information for testing the various methods for reconstructing and modelling the environmental or climatic parameters during the recent geological past from palaeovegetation data.  相似文献   

Many studies reported the influence of wind erosion on soil degradation and the effect of vegetation coverage on preventing wind erosion. However, fewer studies have quantitatively measured the grassland soil particle size fractions and nutrients’ loss caused by wind erosion under different vegetation coverage. Aims: We conducted a field experiments to (1) to explore the effect of vegetation coverage on soil wind erosion; (2) examine quantitatively the effects of wind erosion on soil texture, and determine the most erodible particles fraction of soil; (3) to examine quantitatively the soil carbon, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus loss caused by wind erosion under different vegetation coverage. Methods: Six vegetation coverage treatments (0 %, 15 %, 35 %, 55 %, 75 % and 95 %) were constructed. To be able to monitor wind erosion status under more diverse weather conditions, three consecutive repeat experiments under different weather condition were conducted. Results: The results show that all the residue soil samples after wind erosion became coarser than that of original soil samples. The degree of change for the soil particle size distribution before and after wind erosion gradually increased with the less of vegetation coverage. The critical particle size for distinguishing the original soil sample and the residue soil after wind erosion occurred in the range of 125 μm and 210 μm depending on the vegetation cover. The fractions below or above the critical particle size are either easy to deplete or favoured by wind erosion, respectively. The most reduction occurs between 50 and 90 μm depending on the different weather condition and vegetation coverage. Due to the disproportionately greater amounts of nutrients in the fine soil particles, the preferential depletion of fine particles directly lead to a preferentially significant depletion of organic carbon and nutrients. The organic carbon and nutrient contents in the residue soil after erosion decreased significantly compared to that in the original soil. The soil nutrient loss ratio decrease significantly with the increase of vegetation coverage. Conclusions: Wind erosion is an important factor to affect the evolution of soil texture and soil nutrient. Vegetation coverage has a major impact on both preventing wind erosion and decreasing loss ratio of fine particles and nutrients. If we want to effectively protect the fine particles and nutrients, the vegetation cover should be maintained at least above 35 %.  相似文献   

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