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Sixty-four silicified fossil woods were collected from the Early Miocene Upper Coal-bearing Formation of Janggi Group in Pohang City, the Korean Peninsula. Out of them 23 specimens were identified as gymnosperms and 27 specimens as dicotyledons. The taxa identified include Picea palaeomaximowiczii Watari, Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides (Watari) Watari, T. sequoianum (Merckl.) Gothan, Fagus hondoensis (Watari) Watari, Cercidiphyllum sp., Camellia japonoxyla Suzuki et Terada, Distylium chiharu-hirayae Suzuki et Terada, Aesculus sp., Wataria miocenica (Watari) Terada et Suzuki and W. parvipora Terada et Suzuki. All of these species are reported for the first time from the Tertiary basins of Korea. Compared with those of the Miocene Formations in Japan, most taxa we found are common between the paleo-floras in Korea and Japan during the Early to Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Silicified fossil woods from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) Aachen Formation of northeast Belgium, southernmost Netherlands and adjacent Germany were investigated. Gymnosperms dominate this assemblage: Taxodioxylon gypsaceum, T. cf. gypsaceum, T. cf. albertense (all Taxodiaceae), Dammaroxylon aachenense sp. nov. (Araucariaceae), Pinuxylon sp. (Pinaceae), and Scalaroxylon sp. (Cycad or Cycadeoid). Angiosperms are minor constituents: Nyssoxylon sp. (Nyssaceae?, Cornaceae?), Mastixioxylon symplocoides sp. nov. (Mastixiaceae?, Symplocaceae?), Plataninium decipiens (Platanaceae) and Paraphyllanthoxylon cf. marylandense (Anacardiaceae?, Burseraceae?, Lauraceae?).The composition of this assemblage and the anatomy of the woods indicate a seasonal and humid warm-temperate to subtropical climate.  相似文献   

记述了在临夏盆地早中新世地层中发现的兰州巨獠犀(Aprotodon lanzhouensis)的下门齿化石,其特点为非常粗壮并强烈弯曲。新材料的发现使巨獠犀在临夏盆地的延续时代跨越渐新世/中新世界线的推测得到完全证实。巨獠犀分布的地质时代和地理范围与巨犀重合,但巨獠犀的化石地点和个体数量都相当稀少。巨獠犀的下颌形态功能特点指示其生活于晚始新世至早中新世中国西北、南亚和中亚干旱环境地带中镶嵌分布的少量近水环境。巨獠犀在中中新世之前彻底绝灭,其原因可能是气候变化的结果,也说明临夏盆地早中新世的环境特征与晚渐新世的疏林系统相似,而不同于中中新世的茂密森林。  相似文献   

Summary The lithologic associations within the Lower Ordovician Mungok Formation in Korea define four depositional facies that formed across a continental margin fringing the Sino-Korean block: these facies represent lagoonal/restricted marine, shoal, inner shelf, and outer shelf environments. The stacking pattern of these facies reveals two systems tracts composed of five depositional sequences. The lower highstand systems tract consists of the lagoonal/restricted marine and shoal facies, whereas the upper lowstand systems tract comprises, in ascending order, inner shelf, outer shelf, and inner shelf facies. Three trilobite biofacies are recognized in the Mungok Formation: i.e.,Yosimuraspis, Kainella, andShumardia biofacies in ascending order. TheYosimuraspis Biofacies is dominated byYosimuraspis but also containsJujuyaspis andElkanaspis. The predominance of the endemic eponymous taxon suggests a lagoonal/restricted marine environment. The nearly monotaxicKainella Biofacies, which comprises pandemic genera such asKainella and occasionallyLeiostegium, may represent a less restricted environment than theYosimuraspis Biofacies. TheShumardia Biofacies occurs in the marlstone/shale lithofacies through relatively thick stratigraphic interval and is dominated by cosmopolitan trilobite taxa with some endemic species. The lithofacies and cosmopolitan trilobite assemblage of theShumardia Biofacies indicate that it occupied an outer shelf environment. The vertical succession of lithofacies and trilobite biofacies in the Mungok Formation records in general a shift from a restricted, shallow water environment to deeper-water environment.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated sponge bioherms are documented from the Lower Ordovician Makkol Formation of the Taebaek Group in the Taebaeksan Basin, mideast Korea. They are formed by an association of a lithistid spongeArchaeoscyphia, a receptaculidCalathium and stromatolitic algae, and share many features with the Lower Ordovician buildups known elsewhere. These bioherms were established in an incised bottom and reached up to about 1 m in height. As the bioherms grew upward, they were more severely affected by intense wave action and frequent storms, which eventually perished the bioherms. The occurrence ofArchaeoscyphia-Calathium association suggests a close biogeographic link between Korea and North China, supporting the paleogeographic model that the Taebaeksan Basin was connected through contiguous shallow waters to North China in the early Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Here we report, for the first time, a very rich and diversified sponge assemblage from late Early Miocene deposits of a central part of the Vienna Basin (Paratethys) in Slovakia. Bodily preserved sponges are described as a new genus and species Paracinachyrella fossilis (Tetiliidae, Demospongiae). Dissociated spicules reveal the presence of the “soft” demosponges that belong to families Tetillidae, Theneidae, Geodiidae, Samidae, Thrombidae, Thoosidae, Agelasidae, Myxillidae, Bubaridae, and Tedaniidae, the lithistid family Pleromidae, and an undetermined rhizoclone-bearing lithistid. Fragments of dictyonal skeleton indicate the presence of hexactinellid sponges that belong to the families Farreidae and Euretidae, and lychniscosan sponges. We estimate that at least 16–19 different species of siliceous sponges inhabited this region of the Central Paratethys during the latest Burdigalian. Most of these sponges are reported for the first time from the Miocene of the Paratethys. This sponge fauna has clear Tethyan affinities and indicates the existence of connection between Paratethys and Tethys during the latest Burdigalian, as well as the presence of open marine, deep-water, bathyal conditions in this part of the Vienna Basin.  相似文献   

in situ spores, and megaspores also document the presence of Selaginellaceae and Schizaeaceae. Received 8 February 1999/ Accepted in revised form 7 April 1999  相似文献   

Podicipediformes is a cosmopolitan clade of foot‐propelled diving birds that, despite inhabiting marine and lacustrine environments, have a poor fossil record. In this contribution, we describe three new grebe fossils from the diatomite beds of the Late Miocene Truckee Formation (10.2 ± 0.2 Ma) of Nevada (USA). Two postcranial skeletons and an associated set of wing elements indicate that at least two distinct grebe species occupied the large, shallow Lake Truckee during the Miocene. Phylogenetic analysis of morphological data supports a basal divergence between a clade uniting the dabchicks (Tachybaptus, Limnodytes, Poliocephalus) and a clade uniting Podilymbus, Rollandia, Podiceps and Aechmophorus. Missing data, combined with a paucity of informative skeletal characters, make it difficult to place the Truckee grebes within either of these major clades. Given the weak projection of the cnemial crests compared with extant grebes, it also remains plausible that these specimens represent stem lineage grebes. Although more material is needed to resolve the phylogenetic position of the Truckee grebes, our analysis offers insight into the tempo of grebe evolution by placing the Miocene taxon Thiornis sociata within the dabchick clade. Thiornis sociata provides a minimum age calibration of 8.7 Ma for the basal divergence among dabchicks. Based on the recovery of a nonmonophyletic Tachybaptus and placement of the Western Hemisphere ‘Tachybaptusdominicus as the basal member of the otherwise exclusively Eastern Hemisphere dabchick clade, we resurrect the genus Limnodytes for this extant species (Limnodytes dominicus). Our results also nest the large, long‐necked Aechmophorus grebes within the genus Podiceps, as the sister taxon to Podiceps major.  相似文献   

Four new aphid species (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea, Greenideidae) are described on the basis of imprints in oil-shales from the Miocene of Europe (Rubielos de Mora, Spain; Vishnevaya Balka ?Stavropol?, Russia): Eutrichosiphum europaeum nov. sp., Greenidea hispanica nov. sp., Greenideoida (Pentatrichosiphum) turolensis nov. sp. and Mollitrichosiphum rubusensis nov. sp. All the taxa are placed within recent genera of the subfamily Greenideinae. Miocene representatives of this subfamily have been found in the south of Europe. Later changes of climatic conditions limited its geographic range to south-eastern Asia, where it is now represented by over 130 species of seven genera.  相似文献   

The early middle Miocene biota from the Shanwang locality in eastern China is one of the most diverse and well preserved in the world. This overall richness contrasts with its low diversity of anuran amphibians. The most abundant anurans are representatives of the family Ranidae, which remains the dominant group in the extant anuran fauna of China. Besides Rana basaltica Young, some other ranids can be recognised at the locality, and are clearly distinguishable from R. basaltica based on their larger size and different proportions. Ranids are also represented by a developmental series of tadpoles, ranging from approximately Nieuwkoop-Faber (NF) stage 43 to a metamorphosing tadpole of NF stage 57. This is the first known developmental series of fossil non-pipoid Anura outside the Pelobatidae. In addition to the ranids, Bufo shandongensis nov. sp. (replacement name for B. linquensis), represented by one of the earliest known articulated bufonid skeletons, is described and illustrated. Another large toad, Macropelobates linquensis (Yang) nov. comb., is re-described; it can be assigned to the Pelobatoidea, with a possible relationship to the Scaphiopodidae, and can be considered, based on the presence of a large spade, a tibiofibula shorter than the femur, and a short astragalus and calcaneus, to be the earliest known anuran burrower.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine species of fossil spores and pollen referred to 34 genera found from the Lower Cretaceous Longpan Formation in Anehow Basin of North Korea have been studied. Two species were described as new. The palynoflora of the Longpan Formation was characterized by its predominance of gymnosperms and subdominance of pteridophyta. A few primitive angiospermous pollen grains occured in the middle to upper part of the formation. Coniferae was dominant in the whole palynoflora, while Lygodiaceae and Schizaeaceae were dominant in the pteridophyta. The important species of spores and pollen comprised Cicatricosisporites dorogensis, C. subrotundus, L ygodioisporites gemmatus, Concavissimisporites asper, C. variverrucatus, C. penolaensis, Trilobosporites minor, Klukisporites variegatus, K. pseudoreticulatus, K. scaberis, Sch, izaeoisporites cretacius, S. certus, S. zizyphinus, S. gansuensis, Foraminisporis wonthaggiensis, Converrucosisporites saskatchewanensis, Densoisporites microrugulatus, Parvisaccites radiatus, Platysaccus oculus, P. gansuensis, Podocarpidites canadensis, AbietineaepoUenites minimus, Pinuspollenites insignis, Cedripites cretaceus, C. canadensis, Classopollis classoides, C. annulatus, C. minor, C. anchowensis, Cycadopites minimus, Ephedripites tarimensis, and Clavatipollenites hughesii. The palynoflora is comparable with that of the Changcai Formation of the Yanbian District of the Jilin Province of China. It is suggested that the Longpan Formation of North Korea should belong to Barremian to Aptian in age. Judging from the palynoflora, the Early Cretaceous palaeoclimate in the Anchow Basin should belong to the semi-arid type of the subtropic zone.  相似文献   

A new ichnospecies of the ichnogenus Funalichnus Pokorný is described from the Middle Bhuban Unit, Bhuban Formation, Surma Group (Lower - Middle Miocene) of Aizawl, Mizoram, India. Funalichnus bhubani isp. Nov. Is a large burrow displaying cylindrical segments that are oriented nearly perpendicular to the bedding plane. The new ichnospecies can be identified on the basis of general form, size, unlined passive filling and twisted rod-like structure. The association of Funalichnus bhubani isp. Nov. With Arenicolites, Diplocraterion, Ophiomorpha Psilonichnus Skolithos and Thalassinoides points to its bathymetric restriction. The deep extension of the burrow in clastic sediments provides a favourable condition for preservation in the shoreface environment and occurrence in fine- to medium-grained clastic sediments may be a preservational preference.  相似文献   

希腊莱斯沃斯岛是世界上最为著名的木化石产地之一,出露有由中新世火山活动而形成的大规模矿化森林,保存有大量的植物以及部分动物化石。其中大多数木化石横卧或直立原地埋藏,并保留比较完整的根系,是目前保存最完整的新生代矿化森林生态系统。本文对莱斯沃斯岛已报道的木化石进行详细梳理分析,共计8科15属32种,包括裸子植物6科11属22种,被子植物2科4属10种,并着重介绍了发现自莱斯沃斯的代表性木化石特有类群系统古生物学属性。通过木化石反映的植物类群,初步恢复莱斯沃斯岛中新世属于北半球亚热带气候,总体比较温暖潮湿,有着明显的季节性变化特征。最后对莱斯沃斯岛木化石的埋藏环境进行了简要讨论,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

研究了哈萨克斯坦中部上渐新统/下中新统的欧洲水松(Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brongn.) Ung.)的枝叶微形态结构,并利用扫描电子显微镜和光学显微镜与"现存最近亲缘种"--水松(G. pensilis C. Koch)的表皮特征进行了比较.  相似文献   

Bryozoans from the Mitikha Formation (Lower Famennian, Upper Devonian) in the Kuznetsk depression are described for the first time. This bryozoan assemblage comprises both the well-known species Leioclema numerosum Moroz., L. ramosum Nekh., and Nicklesopora graciosa Troiz. and new taxa: L. kusmense sp. nov. and Megacanthopora glubokaensis sp. nov. The bryozoan assemblage contains some species common with the Famennian bryozoan assemblage of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

The Lower Miocene deposits of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre (NW Ebro Basin, northern Iberian Peninsula) have yielded a diverse vertebrate fauna, including remains of amphibians and reptiles. These remains occur in several localities in the Tudela Formation. The fossiliferous levels belong to the Biozones MN2b-3 (Biozones Z-A of the Ramblian, i.e., Late Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian in age). The amphibians and reptiles represent at least 13 out of 37 vertebrate species. Amphibians consist of a salamandrid urodele and two or three anurans. All the turtles are cryptodirans and consist of the chelydrid Chelydropsis apellanizi, the testudinids Ptychogaster (Temnoclemmys) bardenensis and Ptychogaster ronheimensis, and a Trionychinae indet. Squamates are represented by the anguid lizard Ophisaurus sp., a non-anguid lacertilian, an amphisbaenian, the erycine boid? Eryx sp., and indeterminate colubrids. Crocodilian remains are assigned to the basal alligatoroid Diplocynodon sp. The fossil associations of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre suggest that the vertebrates lived in the centre of an endoreic basin with stretches of water under intertropical to subtropical climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The linguliform inarticulate brachiopod genus Discradisca Stenzel, 1964 has been identified for the first time from the Early Burdigalian (Early Miocene) sandy deposits of the Aquitaine Basin, south-western France. The species studied here, D. multiradiata (de Morgan, 1915), originally described from the Middle Miocene of the Loire Basin, north-western France, is characterized by a small size, ornamentation of numerous (up to 100), fine but distinct and beaded tuberculate ribs, and an apex situated subposteriorly to subcentrally. The ecological and taphonomic aspects of this species are also presented. The attribution of some previously described Discinisca Dall, 1871 species from the Tertiary to the genus Discradisca is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight dicotyledonous leaf morphotypes and some monocot leaf fragments are described from the Kapcharar, Kabogongoi, Koibo Chepkweny and Inoswa Kamelon localities in the upper third of the Lukeino Formation, Tugen Hills, Baringo Basin (Kenya). The leaves are preserved in fine-grained paper shales and range in length from 9 to 160 mm. Some of the leaves show affinities with extant species in the Burseraceae, Ebenaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Loganiaceae, Malvaceae and Sapotaceae families that are common in the local flora today. There are compound and simple leaves, mostly entire-margined and with only 10% non-entire margins. A CLAMP analysis of the Kapcharar leaves indicates that the local climate was seasonal, summer wet with 1723 mm mean annual rainfall and with a mean annual temperature of 19.8 °C. The vegetation was a deciduous forest or woodland with open areas nearby. A monocot leaf and two fragments of fern pinnae are also described; they imply locally wetter environments. The flora described here is directly associated with the early hominid Orrorin tugenensis.  相似文献   

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