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A system for genetic transformation of Coffea canephora by co-cultivation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes harbouring a binary vector has been developed. The objective of the present study was the genetic transformation and direct regeneration of transformants through secondary embryos bypassing an intervening hairy root stage. Transformants were obtained with a transformation efficiency up to 3% depending on the medium adjuvant used. A. rhizogenes strain A4 harbouring plasmid pCAMBIA 1301 with an intron uidA reporter and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hptII) marker gene was used for sonication-assisted transformation of Coffea canephora. The use of hygromycin in the secondary embryo induction medium allowed the selection of transgenic secondary embryos having Ri T-DNA along with the T-DNA from the pCAMBIA 1301 binary vector. In addition transgenic secondary embryos devoid of Ri-T-DNA but with stable integration of the T-DNA from the binary vector were obtained. The putative transformants were positive for the expression of the uidA gene. PCR and Southern blot analysis confirmed the independent, transgenic nature of the analysed plants and indicated single and multiple locus integrations. The study clearly demonstrates that A. rhizogenes can be used for delivering transgenes into tree species like Coffea using binary vectors with Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA borders.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was achieved in protoplast cultures of coffee. Protoplasts were isolated from cell suspension-derived somatic embryos of Coffea canephora. After repeated subculture in a medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l of each of kinetin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), microcalli developed. Transfer of these microcalli to a medium lacking growth regulators resulted in the formation of globular embryos. Upon subculture without growth regulators they grew to well-differentiated embryos, Eventually some of them developed to plantlets which were transferred to the greenhouse for further observation.  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular &; Developmental Biology - Plant - The behavior of four coffee (Coffea canephora cv. Robusta) clones was evaluated in this work to define the conditions that would allõw...  相似文献   

The concentration of free and bound polyamines was studied during the somatic embryogenesis induction process in Coffea canephora explants. In the present study we show that when the induction of somatic embryogenesis in C. canephora is carried out under light conditions and in the presence of the plant growth regulator, benzylaminopurine, a cytokinin, a faster response to induction is obtained. In the darkness, the response is delayed for more than 20 days, and the number of embryos is smaller. In the absence of benzylaminopurine no embryogenic response was observed. The pronounced changes in the levels of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine, both free and bound, found in C. canephora suggest that a close correlation exists between polyamine biosynthesis and somatic embryogenesis in C. canephora during a period of cellular differentiation associated with the induction of somatic embryogenesis. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. We would like to dedicate this paper to Dra. Estela Sánchez, the pioneer of the Plant Biochemistry in Mexico, on occasion of her 75th anniversary.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was induced in coffee from in vitro cultured plants as starting material and the faster response obtained allowed lines from selected plants to be generated more quickly. In contrast to other systems, where embryos take 2 or 3 months to develop, globular embryos were obtained after 3 weeks. The optimum nitrogen concentrations for embryogenesis were between 3.75 and 15 mM nitrogen with a nitrate/ammonium molar ratio of 2:1 or 1:2.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated vacuum infiltration transformation in planta has been established in pakchoi, a kind of Chinese cabbage, but the transformation frequency in harvested seeds has varied in the range of 0.5 to 3.0 × 10−4 over several years and is much lower than the transformation frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana. To understand that, the distribution and vitality changes of A. tumefaciens in plant tissues were examined. Results revealed that there was a majority of A. tumefaciens in the flower compared with that in the stem and in the leaf at all times after infiltration. As fact of transformants in the upper part of the treated plant (T0) stalk and fact of the survival of A. tumefaciens in the plant were proved, possibilities of optimizing the transformation conditions to increase the transformation frequency in pakchoi was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The important advances in coffee biotechnological techniques which have been made particularly during the last 10yr could benefit the coffee breeder in practice and open new perspectives for the development of new varieties. The molecular phylogeny of Coffea species has been established using DNA sequence data. The molecular markers have revealed an extremely reduced genetic diversity in Coffea arabica L. in comparison to C. canephora. However, wild accessions collected in the Ethiopian highlands appeared to constitute a valuable gene reservoir. A complete genetic linkage map of C. canephora was reported and additional ones are being constructed, particularly on C. arabica. The integration of Molecular Assisted Selection in coffee breeding promises to drastically increase the efficiency of breeding programs. Economically important genes of the caffeine biosynthetic pathway or genes encoding for seed storage proteins have been isolated. The high performance already achieved in the in vitro propagation process by somatic embryogenesis offers the possibility to mass propagate superior hybrids in different countries of both C. arabica (selected F1 hybrids) and C. canephora (rootstock variety). Pilot productions by somatic embryogenesis currently permit preparation for commercial application. Somaclonal variation was observed. The percentage of the off-types can vary between 3 and 10% depending on the genotype. Seed cryopreservation enables a routine use for long-term conservation of coffee genetic resources. Transgenic plants have been obtained for the C. arabica and C. canephora cultivated species through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation which constitutes the technique now currently used to transfer directly genes in coffee plants.  相似文献   

Xu H  Wang X  Zhao H  Liu F 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(8):1369-1376
Pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis), a kind of Chinese cabbage, is an important vegetable in Asian countries. Agrobacterium mediated in planta vacuum infiltration transformation has been performed in pakchoi since 1998, but a detailed study on this technique was lacking. Pakchoi plants 40-50 days old with inflorescences were vacuum infiltrated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58C1 harboring the binary vector pBBBast-gus-intron. The transformation frequency in the harvested seeds mainly varied from 1 x 10(-4) to 3 x 10(-4) over several years, and it was lower than the frequency in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transformants were obtained from both the upper and the lower parts of the infiltrated plants with or without an elongated inflorescence. Stained ovules and pollen grains were found in the unopened flower 13 days post-infiltration, which was about 0.5-1 mm in diameter at infiltration time with an open ovary as revealed by paraffin sections. Histochemical assays revealed that Agrobacteria were more abundant in the flower tissue than in stem and leaf tissues at all times after infiltration despite the sharp decrease of live Agrobacteria in plant 14 days post infiltration as revealed by the colony forming units on the Agrobacteria culture medium. The results of vacuum infiltration transformation of pakchoi and Arabidopsis thaliana were compared and a strategy to optimize the transformation conditions to increase the transformation frequency in pakchoi was discussed.  相似文献   

The response of five Coffea canephora Pierre genotypes with regard to somatic embryogenesis was tested on media containing silver nitrate (AgNO3) and different carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, maltose and glucose). The presence of AgNO3 caused only small modifications to the ionic equilibrium of the media. At concentrations between 30–60 M, AgNO3 improved embryo yield for the genotypes evaluated, while higher doses negatively affected the regenerative capacity. The substitution of maltose, glucose or fructose for sucrose produced different responses depending on the genotype. Fructose significantly increased somatic embryo production in genotypes N91 and N128, while maltose was highly effective for N75. In addition, more synchronous embryo development was observed in genotype N91 when glucose was used instead of sucrose.  相似文献   

Lentil cotyledonary nodes are some of the most regenerative tissues in legumes. Attempts to transform them by vacuum filtration have been limitedly successful. This report describes a rapid and convenient transient expression protocol based on vacuum infiltration ofAgrobacterium cells into lentil cotyledonary nodes. Vacuum-infiltrated tissues had significantly (P<.05) higher transient GUS expression than did noninfiltrated tissues. Under optimal conditions (infiltration at 200 mmHg for 20 min), 95% of theAgrobacterium-infiltrated explants exhibited an average of 16 blue foci. We believe this to be the first report of this technique for transient gene expression in lentil cotyledonary nodes.  相似文献   

Described here is a new method for soybean transformation, based on microwounding of embryonic clumps by particle bombardment prior to inoculation with anAgrobacterium suspension. The method combines the advantages of somatic embryogenesis and gene transfer through an integrated transformation system. This is the first report of application of this technique to transformation ofGlycine max.  相似文献   

Molecular and biochemical studies of somatic embryogenesis may help to shed light on the mechanisms governing this phenomenon. In this article, a differential display analysis approach was employed to investigate the changes taking place during the induction of somatic embryogenesis in leaf explants and suspension cultures of coffee. Cloned fragments show homologies to several proteins reported in databases, but only one has previously been described as regulated during somatic embryogenesis. By a reverse dot blot modification, the expression pattern of such fragments was evaluated.  相似文献   

Lowland robusta type coffee, (Coffea canephora), is a cash-crop in many tropical countries, and is reported in the literature as primarily wind-pollinated. The floral characteristics seem to refute this, and our evidence shows that in Papua New Guinea the flowers are classically entomophilous, being pollinated primarily by bees and flies. By far the most important and consistent visitors are solitary bees, especially Creightonella frontalis which nests within the plantations. The activity patterns and nesting biology of this bee are closely tied in with the success of the coffee bushes. Measures to improve pollination and fruit set in the coffee plantations are therefore suggested.
Résumé Le café robusta, C. canephora, est une culture de rente dans de nombreuses régions intertropicales. La littérature le considère comme essentiellement pollinisé par le vent. Les caractéristiques de la fleur semblent contredire cette opinion. Nos observations montrent qu'en Nouvelle Guinée les fleurs sont typiquement entomophiles, étant avant tout pollinisées par des abeilles et des mouches. Des abeilles solitaires qui nichent dans les plantations, en particulier C. frontalis, sont de loin les plus importants et les plus réguliers visiteurs de ces fleurs. Les caractéristiques de la biologie et le comportement de nidification de cette abeille sont intimement liés à la production des buissons de caféier. Des mesures pour favoriser la pollinisation et améliorer la production de fruit dans les plantations de café sont ainsi suggérées.

A novel type of somatic embryogenesis characterized by an efficient and highly synchronized embryo formation was observed in embryogenic callus of Coffea arabica initiated on Murashige and Skoog medium containing kinetin (4 mg/l) and 2,4-D (1 mg/l). It occurs in suspension and goes along with the suppression of High Frequency Somatic Embryo Induction (HFSE). This is achieved by favoring during cultivation senescence-or necrosis-like processes which apparently do not impair the competence for embryogenesis. Since the resulting embryos germinate at a rate of 94.5 % without the need of a maturation step, we propose the term Self-Controlled Somatic Embryogenesis (SCSE).In addition, HFSE was optimized using half-strength liquid medium with 0.1 mg/l kinetin and 0.25 mg/l 2,4-D for proliferation of embryonic tissue, and 2.6 mg/l ABA for maturation of embryos. Yields as well as germination rates of HFSE embryos were markedly lower as compared to SCSE.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - HFSE high frequency somatic embryo induction - LFSE low frequency somatic embryo induction - SCSE self-controlled somatic embryogenesis  相似文献   

The effect of two different dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (50 and 80%) on differentiation of somatic embryos (SE) from cell suspensions of coffee (Coffea arabica cv. Catimor 9722) was analyzed. Two bioreactors CMF-100 (CHEMAP AG) designed for the culture of cells, with 2-l glass vessels and a maximum work volume of 1.8 l were used. Each one was equipped with a gas blending unit (air, O2, N2, CO2) for the control of DO concentration. The inoculation density of embryogenic cells was 1.0 gram of fresh weight per liter (g FW l–1). The number of somatic embryos was greater (71 072 SE l–1) with 80% DO, but the major proportion were globular and heart shaped SE (66 399 SE l–1) and only 6.6% with regard to total was torpedo shaped SE. However, the 50% DO produced the higher number in the torpedo shaped SE (7389 SE l–1) what represented 20.0% with regard to total. Thus, higher concentrations of DO induced globular and heart shaped SE differentiation, but for production of torpedo shaped SE lower concentrations DO are needed. The somatic embryos obtained in the bioreactor with 50% DO showed similar behavior to the somatic embryos obtained in the rotary shaker. After 8 weeks of culture, 49.2% germination was obtained, which allowed a total of 1725 plantlet to be transferred to conditions ex vitro. After 6 months of culture, 89.2% of conversion was achieved and 1539 plants obtained were transferred to field conditions.  相似文献   

An optimized procedure for transformation of wheat with the use of a Biolistic Particle Delivery System PDS 1000/He to deliver foreign DNA is described in detail. The bacterial uidA and bar genes (both driven by plant promoters) were utilized as the reporter and selectable marker genes, respectively. Moderately high gas pressure appeared to be most important to achieve the highest level of transient GUS expression in target tissues. There was, however, no apparent correlation between transient and stable GUS expression. The presence of telomeric DNA sequences in an uidA gene-containing vector did not influence transient GUS expression but, apparently, prevented its stable expression. Mechanical lesions caused by the bombardment (tungsten particles) seemed to be less severe when embryo- derived calli, instead of freshly excised immature embryos, were used as the target tissue. The limited ability of callus cells for regeneration, together with a restricted number of cells that receive the foreign DNA by particle bombardment, result in a low efficiency of wheat stable transformation.  相似文献   

Cross-compatibility behaviour of doubled haploid (DH) and hybrid genotypes of Coffea camphora was established using both phenotypic bioassay and in situ seed-set examination. The availability of DHs provided the opportunity of working with genetically homogenous pollen and female parents. The aniline blue fluorescence (ABF) method was applied to detect callose accumulation in pollen and pistil. Clear cross-compatibility/incompatibility situations were observed and confirmed by in situ seed-set analysis. Cross-compatibility analysis of hybrid combinations involving different DHs corroborated the crossing behaviour observed at the DH level. Expression of the self-incompatibility system did not appear to be affected by the low vigour of the DH. The crossing-behaviour distribution observed within DHs derived from clone IF200 confirmed that self-incompatibility in C. canephora is a gametophytic self-incompatibility system controlled by a single locus (S-locus). Reduced seed-set developments following incompatible crosses may indicate the occurrence of pseudo-incompatibility. Molecular marker linkage analysis showed that the S-locus is associated with an RFLP marker on linkage group 9. The availability of a linked DNA marker should facilitate the genetic analysis of self-incompatibility in relation to coffee breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Coffea liberica Hiern includes C. liberica var. liberica (LIB) from western Africa and C. liberica var. dewevrei (DEW) from central Africa. This geographical distribution also includes cultivated C. canephora for which a within-species clustering in two interfertile groups is known. In this study, genetic differentiation between LIB and DEW was evaluated on the basis of morphological traits, molecular markers (AFLP) and male fertility of F1 hybrids. The results were also compared with the within-species differentiation in C. canephora. The morphological traits differed significantly but the distributions overlapped. By contrast, LIB and DEW constituted two distinct groups with high genetic differentiation (Gst=0.25) when using AFLP markers. In addition, the pollen viability of F1 hybrids between LIB and DEW was weak (44.2%) and similar to interspecific C. canephora x DEW F1 hybrids or C. canephora x LIB F1 hybrids, indicating that there are marked reproductive barriers between LIB and DEW.  相似文献   

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