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The goal of this comparative study was to investigate biofilm forming microorganisms living in washing machines (WMs). Biofilms were sampled from 11 washing machines from four countries and three continents. Among the 94 isolated strains, 30% were potential human pathogens. Representative strains were selected and biofilm formation was evaluated with the crystal violet (CV) assay. The majority of the WM isolates formed more biofilm than their reference strains. Biofilms of P. putida WM (the largest biofilm producer) were exposed to different concentrations (0.0007–7 g l?1) of the standard detergent IEC-A* at 30°C for 30 min and observed with confocal laser scanning microscopy. Using quantitative CVA, P. putida WM biofilm removal required higher detergent concentrations than the type strain. However, for both strains the recommended detergent concentration (7 g l?1) was insufficient to completely clean surfaces from cell debris and exopolymeric substances.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2019,123(9):650-659
Washing machines (WMs) are convenient places for fungal colonization. This study is focused on fungal diversity of WMs, and investigates relationships between habits of WM users and colonising species. Housekeeping conditions and habits were assessed in Hungary with a questionnaire. Several fungal species were identified by microscopy and sequence analysis of diagnostic loci. Based on the results, 32 % of the sampled WMs were highly polluted with various species of fungi. Forty six percent of them were colonised also by opportunistically human pathogenic species. In total, 32 yeast and 39 filamentous fungal strains were isolated. Growth tests were conducted with five selected taxa (Cutaneotrichosporon dermatis, Cystobasidium slooffiae, Meyerozyma guilliermondii, Candida parapsilosis and the Fusarium oxysporum species complex (FOSC)) to ascertain their tolerance ranges. None of the examined isolates were able to grow >50 °C, 4.10 < pH < 10.88. FOSC could grow at high salinity. More species were detected in WMs operated in rooms without heating systems (p = 0.0025). The number of species was higher in WMs located in the kitchen than the ones kept in bathroom or in other rooms (p = 0.0205). WMs may serve as a reservoir of pathogenic fungi, the presence of which may depend on the usage of these devices.  相似文献   

An indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain has been studied for lipase and protease activities for their potential application in detergents. Produced enzymes were investigated in order to assess their compatibility with several surfactants, oxidizing agents and commercial detergents. The crude lipase appeared to retain high activity and stability in the presence of several surfactants and oxidizing agents and it was insusceptible to proteolysis. Lutensol? XP80 and Triton? X-100 strongly activated the lipase for a long period (up to 40 and 30% against the control after 1h) while the protease activity was enhanced by the addition of Triton? WR1339 and Tween? 80. The washing performance of the investigated surfactants was significantly improved with the addition of the crude enzyme preparation. Studies were further undertaken to improve enzymes production. The optimization of fermentation conditions led to an 8-fold increase of lipase production, while the production of protease was enhanced by 60%.  相似文献   

Predators exert strong selection pressures on their prey. Prey would therefore benefit by adjusting their behaviour to the risk of predation, while predators conversely would benefit from adjusting their behaviour to that of their prey. Extravagant ornamentation has evolved to attract mates and/or successfully compete with conspecifics of the same sex to secure high mating success, even if that occurs at a cost of increased risk of predation. Thus, sexually dichromatic species may be more susceptible to predation than sexually monochromatic species, and the presence of compensation is indicative of such species being more vulnerable. If extravagant ornamentation is costly in terms of predation risk, then we should expect sexually dichromatic species to have longer flight initiation distances (FID) than sexually monochromatic species. If ornamentation is acquired as a handicap with only individuals in prime condition being able to display with the smallest viability cost, we should expect sexually dichromatic individuals to have shorter FID than sexually monochromatic individuals. Such differences among individuals should, on an evolutionary time scale, translate into differences in FID being related to differences in sexual dichromatism among species. We investigated the relationship between FID and sexual dichromatism in phylogenetic analyses, while accounting for effects of continent (Australia, North America, and Europe), body mass, the interaction between sexual dichromatism and body mass and the interaction between sexual dichromatism and continent. In an analysis of 447 species we found shorter FID in sexually dichromatic than in sexually monochromatic species (consistent with the handicap hypothesis because sexually dichromatic species took greater risks), especially so at large body size. FID differed among continents and the relative difference in FID between sexually monochromatic and sexually dichromatic species was larger in Europe than in Australia and North America. These differences among continents may be attributed to latitudinal effects of predation. These findings are important for current ideas about the evolution of secondary sexual characters because they imply covarying continental differences in predation, especially for large bodied sexually dichromatic species.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):601-605

Entodon dregeanus (Hornsch.) C.M., from Africa arid E. plicatus C.M., from southern India and Ceylon, are reduced to the synonymy of E. macropodus (Hedw.) C.M., an American species.  相似文献   

Nine clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae (six Escherichia coli and three Proteus mirabilis) isolated in three Parisian hospitals between 1989 and 2000 showed a particular extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistance profile characterized by resistance to cefotaxime and aztreonam but not to ceftazidime. CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2, CTX-M-9, CTX-M-14 and two novel plasmid-mediated CTX-M beta-lactamases (CTX-M-20, and CTX-M-21) were identified by polymerase chain reaction and isoelectric focusing (pI>8) and were associated in eight cases with TEM-1 (pI=5.4) or TEM-2 (pI=5.6) beta-lactamases. We used internal ISEcp1 and IS26 forward primers and the CTX-M consensus reverse primer to characterize the CTX-M beta-lactamase promoter regions and showed their high degree of structure diversity. We found upstream of some bla(CTX-M) genes, a 266-bp sequence 100% identical to the sequence upstream of the Kluyvera ascorbata beta-lactamase gene, suggesting that this chromosomal enzyme is the progenitor of the CTX-M-2/5 cluster.  相似文献   

Bartonella henselae is a zoonotic pathogen and the causative agent of cat scratch disease and a variety of other disease manifestations in humans. Previous investigations have suggested that a limited subset of B. henselae isolates may be associated with human disease. In the present study, 182 human and feline B. henselae isolates from Europe, North America and Australia were analysed by multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) to detect any associations between sequence type (ST), host species and geographical distribution of the isolates. A total of 14 sequence types were detected, but over 66% (16/24) of the isolates recovered from human disease corresponded to a single genotype, ST1, and this type was detected in all three continents. In contrast, 27.2% (43/158) of the feline isolates corresponded to ST7, but this ST was not recovered from humans and was restricted to Europe. The difference in host association of STs 1 (human) and 7 (feline) was statistically significant (P< or =0.001). eBURST analysis assigned the 14 STs to three clonal lineages, which contained two or more STs, and a singleton comprising ST7. These groups were broadly consistent with a neighbour-joining tree, although splits decomposition analysis was indicative of a history of recombination. These data indicate that B. henselae lineages differ in their virulence properties for humans and contribute to a better understanding of the population structure of B. henselae.  相似文献   

The natural rhizobial populations of Calliandra calothyrsus, Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala and Sesbania sesban were assessed in soils from nine sites across tropical areas of three continents. The rhizobial population size varied from undetectable numbers to 1.8 x 104 cells/g of soil depending on the trap host and the soil. Calliandra calothyrsus was the most promiscuous legume, nodulating in eight soils, while S. sesban nodulated in only one of the soils. Polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analyses of the 16S rRNA gene and the internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes were used to assess the diversity and relative abundance of rhizobia trapped from seven of the soils by C. calothyrsus, G. sepium and L. leucocephala. Representatives of the 16S rRNA RFLP groups were also subjected to sequence analysis of the first 950 base pairs of the 16S rRNA gene. Eighty ITS groups were obtained, with none of the ITS types being sampled in more than one soil. RFLP analysis of the 16S rRNA yielded 23 'species' groups distributed among the Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Sinorhizobium and Agrobacterium branches of the rhizobial phylogenetic tree. The phylogeny of the isolates was independent of the site or host of isolation, with different rhizobial groups associated with each host across the soils from widely separated geographical regions. Although rhizobial populations in soils sampled from the centre of diversity of the host legumes were the most genetically diverse, soil acidity was highly correlated with the diversity of ITS types. Our results support the hypothesis that the success of these tree legumes in soils throughout the tropics is the result of their relative promiscuity (permissiveness) allowing nodulation with diverse indigenous rhizobial types.  相似文献   

Abstract Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria that infect numerous arthropod species. Previous studies in Panama and Australia revealed that the majority of fig wasp species harbor Wolbachia infections, but that similar patterns of incidence have evolved independently with different wasp species and Wolbachia strains on the two continents. We found Wolbachia infections in 25/47 species (53%) of fig wasp associated with 25 species of Chinese figs. Phylogenetic analyses of Wolbachia wsp sequences indicated that very similar strains are not obviously found in either closely related or ecologically linked fig wasps species. The extremely high prevalence of Wolbachia in fig wasps (over 50% of species infected) is not constrained by geographical origin and is a recurrent theme of fig wasp/Wolbachia interactions.  相似文献   

The Tinto river in Spain, with its high acidity and heavy metal concentrations (As, Cu, Cr, Zn), is an example of an environment hostile to life. Yet despite these extreme conditions, the site possesses a great diversity of eukaryotic life forms. We report the isolation of a filamentous fungus able to grow at 200 mM arsenic ( approximately 15 000 p.p.m.), i.e. a concentration 20-fold above that withstood by the reference microorganisms Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus nidulans, and 200 times greater than that tolerated by Aspergillus niger. Based on morphological, physiological and genotypic criteria, the strain belongs to the genus Aspergillus. High concentrations of the metalloid induced vacuolation, suggesting that this organelle is someway connected to arsenic tolerance. Concentrations that are lethal to other organisms do not stress Aspergillus sp. P37. The fungus was capable of removing arsenic from culture media. In addition to arsenic hyper-resistance, it also displayed a polyresistant phenotype to copper and chromium.  相似文献   

Organoarsenicals enter the environment from biogenic and anthropogenic sources. Trivalent inorganic arsenite (As(III)) is microbially methylated to more toxic methylarsenite (MAs(III)) and dimethylarsenite (DMAs(III)) that oxidize in air to MAs(V) and DMAs(V). Sources include the herbicide monosodium methylarsenate (MSMA or MAs(V)), which is microbially reduced to MAs(III), and the aromatic arsenical roxarsone (3-nitro-4-hydroxybenzenearsonic acid or Rox), an antimicrobial growth promoter for poultry and swine. Here we show that Sphingobacterium wenxiniae LQY-18T, isolated from activated sludge, is resistant to trivalent MAs(III) and Rox(III). Sphingobacterium wenxiniae detoxifies MAs(III) and Rox(III) by oxidation to MAs(V) and Rox(V). Sphingobacterium wenxiniae has a novel chromosomal gene, termed arsU1. Expressed in Escherichia coli arsU1 confers resistance to MAs(III) and Rox(III) but not As(III) or pentavalent organoarsenicals. Purified ArsU1 catalyses oxidation of trivalent methylarsenite and roxarsone. ArsU1 has six conserved cysteine residues. The DNA sequence for the three C-terminal cysteines was deleted, and the other three were mutated to serines. Only C45S and C122S lost activity, suggesting that Cys45 and Cys122 play a role in ArsU1 function. ArsU1 requires neither FMN nor FAD for activity. These results demonstrate that ArsU1 is a novel MAs(III) oxidase that contributes to S. wenxiniae tolerance to organoarsenicals.  相似文献   

The total aerobic heterotrophic and metal-resistant bacterial communities were studied in marine water. The resistance patterns, expressed as MICs, for 81 bacterial isolates to eight heavy metals were surveyed by using the agar dilution method. A great proportion of the isolates were sensitive to cadmium (99%), mercury (91%), zinc (84%) and cobalt (83%). On the other hand, 94%, 40%, 35% and 22% were resistant to lead, nickel, arsenate and copper, respectively. The majority of the tested strains (95.06%) were multiple metal-resistant, with pentametal resistance as the major pattern (25.9%). The response of the isolates to 11 tested antibiotics was tested and ranged from complete resistance to total sensitivity and multiple antibiotic resistance was exhibited by 70.38% of the total isolated population. The highest incidence of metal-antibiotic double resistance existed between lead and all antibiotics (100%), copper and penicillin (95%) and nickel and ampicillin (83.3%).  相似文献   

Isolated chlorosomes, treated with the detergent lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS), can be separated into two green fractions by agarose gel electrophoresis. One fraction contains chlorosomes with a full complement of proteins and antenna BChl c absorbing at 740 nm, but with a more spherical form than the normal ellipsoid shape observed in control chlorosomes. The second fraction was completely devoid of proteins but had a similar absorption spectrum. Electron micrographs of the protein-free fraction indicated the presence of stain-excluding spheres with overall dimensions resembling those of intact chlorosomes (40–100 nm). These spheres are probably micelles of BChl c liberated from the chlorosomes during the detergent treatment, since similar structures could be produced when purified BChl c, dissolved in 1-hexanol, was dispersed in buffer, producing an aggregate absorbing at 742 nm. These results suggest that the chlorosome proteins are not required to produce an arrangement of BChl c chromophores which gives rise to a 740 nm absorption peak resembling that of intact chlorosomes. It seems probable, however, that proteins have a role in determining the overall shape of the chlorosome. Treatment with cross-linking reagents did not prevent the detergent-induced changes in chlorosome morphology.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - DSP dithiobis-succinimidyl-2-propionate - EM electron microscopy - LDS lithium dodecyl sulfate - MGDG monogalactosyl diacylglycerol - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Twelve endophytic bacteria were isolated from the meristem of in vitro Cymbidium eburneum orchid, and screened according to indole yield quantified by colorimetric assay, in vitro phosphate solubilization, and potential for plant growth promotion under greenhouse conditions. Eight strains with positive results were classified into the genus Paenibacillus by FAME profile, and evaluated for their ability to increase survival and promote the growth of in vitro germinated Cattleya loddigesii seedlings during the acclimatization process. The obtained results showed that all strains produced detectable indole levels and did not exhibit potential for solubilizing inorganic phosphate. Particularly, an increase of the total biomass and number of leaves was observed. Two strains of Paenibacillus macerans promoted plant growth under greenhouse conditions. None of the treatments had a deleterious effect on growth of inoculated plants. These results suggest that these bacterial effects could be potentially useful to promote plant growth during seedling acclimatization in orchid species other than the species of origin.  相似文献   

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