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Development, survival and reproduction of the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) were assessed when fed on cattail pollen (Typha latifolia L.), dried fruit mite (Carpoglyphus lactis L.), or on two artificial diets. The basic artificial diet (AD1) was composed of honey, sucrose, tryptone, yeast extract, and egg yolk. This diet was enriched (AD2) by adding hemolymph from oak silkworm pupae (Antheraea pernyi (Guérin-Méneville)). Mites fed on C. lactis and AD2 had shorter immature and preoviposition periods than those fed on the other diets. The total number of deposited eggs was significantly higher for females fed on AD2 than for those maintained on the other diets. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of A. swirskii was highest on AD2 and C. lactis, followed by T. latifolia pollen, and AD1. In conclusion, the artificial diet AD2 supported development and reproduction of A. swirskii to the same extent as a factitious prey which is routinely used in the mass rearing of the phytoseiid. Our findings indicate the potential of artificial diets for the mass production of this economically important predatory mite.  相似文献   

Several diets for rearingAmblyseius teke were developed and tested. Of these, the liquid diet ICD 286, based on commercial bee honey, milk powder, egg yolk, Wesson's salt and water proved the most promising. Twenty-five generations have been completed so far.  相似文献   

Artificial diets have been developed to sustain the mass rearing of a wide range of arthropod natural enemies, with varying success. In some cases, such diets can be optimized using insect‐derived materials, such as haemolymph. In this study, we examined the effect of supplementing haemolymph of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, to a basic artificial diet for the phytoseiid mite Amblyseius swirskii. The survival, development and reproduction of the predatory mite were assessed when fed on artificial diets composed of honey, sucrose, tryptone, yeast extract and egg yolk, supplemented with 5%, 10%, or 20% of H. illucens pre‐pupal haemolymph. Developmental time from larva to adult was shorter for males and females offered artificial diets supplemented with 20% haemolymph vs. the basic diet. The oviposition rate and total fecundity of females reared on the basic diet were substantially lower than those of females supplied with the enriched diets. The intrinsic rate of increase was highest on the diet containing 20% haemolymph, followed by those containing 10% and 5% haemolymph. In a subsequent diet‐switching experiment, mites fed on the basic diet in their juvenile stages were switched upon adulthood to diet enriched with different concentrations of H. illucens haemolymph. The females that were fed with the enriched diets from the adult stage on had higher oviposition rates and fecundities than those maintained on the basic diet, but their reproductive parameters were not significantly affected by the concentration of the haemolymph in the artificial diet. In conclusion, supplementing artificial diets with black soldier fly haemolymph significantly improved their nutritional value for A. swirskii. Our findings indicate the potential of using H. illucens as a cheap source for haemolymph in artificial diets, as the fly can be cost‐effectively produced at a large scale on organic waste materials.  相似文献   

Preference of phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) was assessed on four cultivars of ornamental pepper banker plant candidates; Red Missile (RM), Masquerade (MA), Explosive Ember (EE) and Black Pearl (BP) for potential control of pestiferous insects in floriculture. Significant differences in cultivar preference by A. swirskii was observed in choice experiments whether the test was pre- (with pollen) or during bloom. Overall, female mites laid more eggs when pollen was provided as a food source. The number of tuft domatia per cultivar leaf appeared to positively influence host preference in the choice plant tests pre-bloom. In addition, cultivar RM had the highest mean number ± SEM of tuft domatia per leaf (5.1 ± 0.3) and motiles per plant (4.0 ± 1.2), followed by MA, EE and BP. In choice tests on blooming plants, A. swirskii showed preference for both cultivars RM and MA compared to EE. These experiments indicated that the number of tuft domatia and availability of pollen can influence the host preference of A. swirskii for an ornamental pepper banker plant cultivar. Results from this study will help growers, researchers, educators and extension personnel in understanding the plant phenology promoting adoption of suitable banker plants for managing greenhouse and landscape insect pests.  相似文献   

Alternative feeding strategies are important in determining the lifestyle of polyphagous spider mite prodators, and could play a key role in their use for biocontrol of prey such as thrips. The small size of Amblyseius cucumeris relative to western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, limits its survival and development when this prey is the only food available. We show that when A. cucumeris nymphs were reared either alone or with a gravid female on live larvae of F. occidentalis as the only source of food, survival was increased and development was accelerated by the presence of the adult. Similar performance by predator nymphs reared alone on freshly killed thrips larvae indicated that those nymphs reared on live prey with an adult were benefiting from feeding on prey killed by the adult. Variation of the period when an adult female was present with the nymph showed that food provided as a result of the adult's preying activities was beneficial until approximately one third through nymphal development, after which protonymphs became independent predators, with good survival and rapid development when provided only with live F. occidentalis larvae. The results are discussed in relation to adult dispersal in specialist as opposed to generalist phytoseiids, and its potential manipulation in using A. cucumeris for thrips biocontrol.  相似文献   

Amblyseius swirskii Athias‐Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is a predatory mite used to control whiteflies and thrips in protected crops. This biocontrol agent, originating from the Eastern Mediterranean region, has been mass‐reared for commercial use since 2005 and is widely used in augmentative biocontrol programs. As a polyphagous predator, it has to cope with different biotic and abiotic factors. However, possible adaptation to mass rearing for production might be hindering its resilience and capacity for optimum performance in the field. In this study, we investigated the effect of long‐term mass rearing on the genetic diversity of A. swirskii. We identified six microsatellite loci from whole‐genome nanopore sequencing of A. swirskii and used these in a comparative analysis of the genetic diversity and differentiation in eight wild populations collected from Israel in 2017 and a commercially available population. Our results indicate that the commercial population is 2.5× less heterozygous than the wild A. swirskii. Furthermore, the commercial population has the highest genetic differentiation from all the natural populations, as indicated by higher pairwise Fst values. Overall, we show that commercially reared A. swirskii have reduced genetic variation compared to their wild counterparts, which may reduce their performance when released to control pests in an integrated pest management (IPM) context.  相似文献   

The generalist predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was reared on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), decapsulated dry cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg (Anostraca: Artemiidae), and on meridic artificial diets (composed of honey, sucrose, tryptone, yeast extract, and egg yolk) supplemented with pupal hemolymph of the Chinese oak silkworm Antheraea pernyi (Guérin-Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) (AD1), with E. kuehniella eggs (AD2) or with A. franciscana cysts (AD3). Development, reproduction and predation capacity of the predatory mites were assessed in the first (G1) and sixth generation (G6) of rearing on the different diets. Immature survival rates in G1 were similar on all diets (96.8–100 %). After six generations, however, survival of A. swirskii was significantly reduced on all diets except on A. franciscana cysts. Oviposition rates did not differ between generations when females were fed on E. kuehniella, AD2 or AD3. The total number of deposited eggs was similar among diets except in G6 where the females fed on A. franciscana cysts produced more eggs than those maintained on E. kuehniella eggs. On most diets the intrinsic rates of increase in G1 were superior to those in G6, except for predators supplied with A. franciscana cysts where no differences were observed among generations. Female mites did not lose their capacity to kill first instar Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) after six generations on the different diets, but predation rates in G6 on E. kuehniella were lower than in G1. In conclusion, the different factitious and artificial diets tested in the present study supported the development and reproduction of A. swirskii for a single generation but fitness losses occurred to a varying degree after several generations on E. kuehniella eggs or the artificial diets. Artificial diet enriched with A. franciscana cysts yielded better results than the other artificial diets. Amblyseius swirskii performed best on decapsulated Artemia cysts indicating their potential for use in the mass production of the predator or to sustain its populations in the crop after release.  相似文献   

The predatory phytoseiid mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) completed its lifespan when fed on females of the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks). The development was the quickest and the number of prey consumed was highest when individuals were reared at 28?°C compared with 19?°C. The average number of eggs/female/day was 2.36 and 1.69, respectively. Life table parameters showed that the population of A. swirskii multiplied 16 and 20 times in a generation time of 22 and 18?days at 19 and 28?°C, respectively. Under these conditions, the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.139 and 0.170 individuals/female/day, respectively.  相似文献   

Dispersal of natural enemies through a crop is a key component of biological control. The release strategy should optimize the number of predators that are released, the release frequency and number of release sites throughout a crop with regards to the distance that natural enemies can disperse from their release point. In this study, dispersal rate and behaviour of Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was investigated in potted greenhouse chrysanthemums in the presence or absence of prey (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Results demonstrate that A. swirskii did not disperse far from the release site. Presence of prey did not influence dispersal, but had an effect on predator survival in one experiment. Only a quarter of the A. swirskii eventually attempted to disperse by going down to the ground. The presence of inter-plant contact greatly improved movement of A. swirskii between plants. It is concluded that good coverage with predators of the crop is needed when using A. swirskii in a biological control program. Having a continuous crop canopy will promote dispersal.  相似文献   

Biological control in ornamental crops is challenging due to the wide diversity of crops and cultivars. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that trichome density on different host plants influences the behavior and performance of the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Behavioural observations of this predator in the presence or absence of prey (western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) were done on leaf squares of ornamental plant species differing in trichome density (rose, chrysanthemum and gerbera) and compared to a smooth surface (plastic). Tomato leaves were used to observe the influence of glandular trichomes. The performance of A. swirskii was assessed by measuring predation and oviposition rate. Behaviour of A. swirskii was influenced by plant species. Up to a certain density of trichomes, trichome number had a negative effect on walking speed. It was highest on plastic, followed by rose. No differences were found among chrysanthemum, gerbera and tomato. Walking speed was slightly higher on disks without prey. Proportion of time spent walking was the same on leaf disks of all plant species, with and without prey. No effect of glandular trichomes on tomato leaves was seen. Most thrips were killed and consumed on gerbera, and least on rose. Predation rates on chrysanthemum and plastic were intermediate. In contrast, no differences in oviposition rate were found among plant species. The results of this study indicate that trichome density can explain some of the variability in efficacy of A. swirskii on different crops. Release rates of A. swirskii may need to be adjusted depending on the crop in which it is used.  相似文献   

Success of counter-attack by the spider mite,Schizotetranychus celarius (Banks), against its specific phytoseiid predator,Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara, was examined under experimental conditions. The success of counter-attack by prey females (mothers) against a predaceous larva depended upon the former's density per nest. About 30% of the predaceous larvae were killed when they intruded into a nest containing eight females and their offspring. On the other hand, the prey males (fathers) effectively killed the predators, i.e. one male in the nest killed ca. 40% of the predators while two or three males destroyed up to 80%.The presence of prey parents in a nest considerably enhanced the success of the counter-attack. One male and two young females could kill 70% of the predator's larvae, while two males and two females killed 90% of such larvae. This suggests a kind of cooperative brood defence amongstS. celarius parents.Although more robust, protonymphs of the predator also suffered damage by the prey's counter-attack. However, prey male and female could not destroy the predator's eggs and adult females, whilst the latter often killed spider mite adults.From these as well as previous experiments, it is concluded thatS. celarius has evolved some kind of biparental care for its offspring. It is further proposed that the predator—prey interactions observed in this study provide a unique contribution towards understanding predator—prey coevolution.  相似文献   

In Turkey, the western thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) is a key pest affecting eggplants grown in greenhouses for which an appropriate control strategy is under investigation. It was observed in a previous study that the release of the beneficial predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias‐Henriot) alone did not result in an effective control of thrips on eggplants. Since pollen is known to improve control efficiency of predators, this study was undertaken to investigate if provision of pollen to eggplants can greatly improve the efficiency of A. swirskii in controlling thrips. The experiments were carried out in both greenhouse and low tunnel. The provision of pollen led to a significant increase in the predator population density on the eggplants but did not result in an effective control of the thrips populations. In this paper, various factors are discussed that could have affected the efficiency of the predatory mite in controlling F. occidentalis on eggplants.  相似文献   

San  Phyu Phyu  Tuda  Midori  Takagi  Masami 《BioControl》2021,66(4):497-510

The predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is currently used as an efficient biological control agent of thrips, whiteflies and spider mites, which are economically damaging pests of ornamental plants and vegetable crops grown in greenhouses and fields worldwide. Currently, the effects of relative humidity (RH) and water availability on the optimal growth of A. swirskii are unknown. Here, we test the combined effects of different levels of RH (33%, 53%, 73% and 92%) and water availability on the development and reproduction of male and female A. swirskii feeding on the dried fruit mite, Carpoglyphus lactis (Linnaeus). While eggs failed to hatch at 33% RH, the survival rates of the immature stages at?≥?53% RH increased solely in response to water availability and not due to changes in RH. Regarding growth and development, low RH extended the egg–adult duration and pre-oviposition period. We also found that the negative effects of low RH on fecundity were partially or completely eliminated when drinking water was available. For the life table parameters, the highest values of net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were achieved at the highest RH and when drinking water was available. Overall, water availability mitigated the negative effect of low RH on female reproduction, and female development was more sensitive to water availability than male development. Lastly, a comparison of similar research on A. swirskii suggested that water availability and RH are more influential on r than food source or temperature.


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