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The Arabidopsis MIM gene encodes a protein belonging to the SMC family (structure maintenance of chromosomes) which is required for intrachromosomal homologous recombination (ICR). Both ICR and MIM gene expression are enhanced by DNA-damaging treatments, suggesting that MIM is a factor limiting DNA repair by homologous recombination (HR) under genotoxic stress. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the levels of recombination in the mim mutant under genotoxic stress, using methyl methanesulfonate. Although the mutant clearly showed diminished basal and induced levels of ICR, enhancement of ICR by DNA-damaging treatments was similar to that observed in the wild type. This suggests that the MIM gene product is required for DNA repair by HR, but is not critical for HR induction. To determine whether enhanced availability of MIM would increase basal HR levels in Arabidopsis, we examined ICR frequencies in transgenic Arabidopsis strains overexpressing the MIM gene after ectopic insertion of additional MIM copies. Two independent lines showed a twofold increase in ICR frequency relative to the wild type. Thus MIM is required for efficient ICR in plants, and its manipulation can be used to change homologous recombination frequencies. Since MIM is one of the components responsible for chromatin dynamics, our results suggest that the chromatin environment determines the frequency of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The HO endonuclease promotes gene conversion between mating-type alleles in yeast by a DNA double-strand break at the site of conversion (the MAT-Y/Z site). As a first step toward understanding the molecular basis of homologous recombination in higher plants, we demonstrate that expression of HO in Arabidopsis enhances intrachromosomal recombination between inverted repeats of two defective beta-glucuronidase (gus) genes (GUS- test construct). One of these genes has the Y/Z site. The two genes share 2.5 kb of DNA sequence homology around the HO cut site. Somatic recombination between the two repeats was determined by using a histochemical assay of GUS activity. The frequency of Gus+ sectors in leaves of F1 plants from a cross between parents homozygous for the GUS- test construct and HO, respectively, was 10-fold higher than in F1 plants from a cross between the same plant containing the GUS- test construct and a wild-type parent. Polymerase chain reaction analysis showed restoration of the 5' end of the GUS gene in recombinant sectors. The induction of intrachromosomal gene conversion in Arabidopsis by HO reveals the general utility of site-specific DNA endonucleases in producing targeted homologous recombination in plant genomes.  相似文献   

G Keyeux  G Lefranc  M P Lefranc 《Genomics》1989,5(3):431-441
A simultaneous absence of the IgG1, IgG2, IgG4, and IgA1 immunoglobulins (Ig) was unambiguously demonstrated in six healthy individuals of two different families (family HASS and family TOU). These individuals were shown to be homozygous for a large deletion in the immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region locus. This deletion, which encompasses the G1-EP1-A1-GP-G2-G4 genes, allowed us to predict an order for the IgCH genes and to localize GP between A1 and G2. In this paper, we study the deletion-recombination point in the IGH locus of individual EZZ from the TOU family. We show that the distance between the G3 and the E genes on the EZZ recombinant chromosome is 24.7 kb and that the multigene deletion in the IgCH locus involves two highly homologous regions (hsg3 and hsg4) which are hot spots of recombination, outside of the switch sequences.  相似文献   

The gametophytic self-incompatibility locus has been thought to be a nonrecombining genomic region. Inferences have been made, however, about the functional importance of different parts of the S-locus, based on differences in the levels of variability along the gene, and this is valid only if recombination occurs. It is thus important to test whether recombination occurs within and near the S-locus. Several recent attempts to test this have reached conflicting conclusions. In this study, we examine a large data set on sequence variation at the S-locus in several species with gametophytic self-incompatibility systems, in the Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae. We use the longest sequences available to test for recombination based on linkage disequilibrium between polymorphic sites in the S-locus. The relationship between linkage disequilibrium and physical distance between the sites suggests rare intragenic exchange in the evolutionary history of four species of Solanaceae and two species of Rosaceae.  相似文献   

Saturation mapping of a gene-rich recombination hot spot region in wheat   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Faris JD  Haen KM  Gill BS 《Genetics》2000,154(2):823-835
Physical mapping of wheat chromosomes has revealed small chromosome segments of high gene density and frequent recombination interspersed with relatively large regions of low gene density and infrequent recombination. We constructed a detailed genetic and physical map of one highly recombinant region on the long arm of chromosome 5B. This distally located region accounts for 4% of the physical size of the long arm and at least 30% of the recombination along the entire chromosome. Multiple crossovers occurred within this region, and the degree of recombination is at least 11-fold greater than the genomic average. Characteristics of the region such as gene order and frequency of recombination appear to be conserved throughout the evolution of the Triticeae. The region is more prone to chromosome breakage by gametocidal gene action than gene-poor regions, and evidence for genomic instability was implied by loss of gene collinearity for six loci among the homeologous regions. These data suggest that a unique level of chromatin organization exists within gene-rich recombination hot spots. The many agronomically important genes in this region should be accessible by positional cloning.  相似文献   

A 1.5-kilobase-pair SalI-HindIII (SH) restriction fragment from the region of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XIV immediately adjacent to the centromere appears to contain sequences that act as a hot spot for mitotic recombination. The presence of SH DNA on an autonomously replicating plasmid stimulates homologous genetic exchange between yeast genomic sequences and those present on the plasmid. In all recombinants characterized, exchange occurs in plasmid yeast sequences adjacent to rather than within the SH DNA. Hybridization analyses reveal that SH-containing plasmids are present in linear as well as circular form in S. cerevisiae and that linear forms are generated by cleavage at specific sites. Presumably, it is the linear form of the plasmid that is responsible for the stimulation of genetic exchange. Based on these observations, it is proposed that this DNA fragment contains a centromere-linked recombination hot spot and that SH-stimulated recombination occurs via a mechanism similar to double-strand-gap repair (J. W. Szostak, T. Orr-Weaver, J. Rothstein, and F. Stahl, Cell 33:25-35 1983).  相似文献   

Many central metabolic processes require iron as a cofactor and take place in specific subcellular compartments such as the mitochondrion or the chloroplast. Proper iron allocation in the different organelles is thus critical to maintain cell function and integrity. To study the dynamics of iron distribution in plant cells, we have sought to identify the different intracellular iron pools by combining three complementary imaging approaches, histochemistry, micro particle-induced x-ray emission, and synchrotron radiation micro X-ray fluorescence. Pea (Pisum sativum) embryo was used as a model in this study because of its large cell size and high iron content. Histochemical staining with ferrocyanide and diaminobenzidine (Perls/diaminobenzidine) strongly labeled a unique structure in each cell, which co-labeled with the DNA fluorescent stain DAPI, thus corresponding to the nucleus. The unexpected presence of iron in the nucleus was confirmed by elemental imaging using micro particle-induced x-ray emission. X-ray fluorescence on cryo-sectioned embryos further established that, quantitatively, the iron concentration found in the nucleus was higher than in the expected iron-rich organelles such as plastids or vacuoles. Moreover, within the nucleus, iron was particularly accumulated in a subcompartment that was identified as the nucleolus as it was shown to transiently disassemble during cell division. Taken together, our data uncover an as yet unidentified although abundant iron pool in the cell, which is located in the nuclei of healthy, actively dividing plant tissues. This result paves the way for the discovery of a novel cellular function for iron related to nucleus/nucleolus-associated processes.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A is caused by mutations in the gene encoding factor VIII (F8) and is an important target for gene therapy. The F8 gene contains 26 exons spread over approximately 186 kb and no work using the intact genomic locus has been carried out. We have constructed a 250-kb BAC carrying all 26 exons, the introns, and more than 40 kb of upstream and 20 kb of downstream DNA. This F8 BAC was further retrofitted with either the oriP/EBNA-1 elements from Epstein-Barr virus, which allow episomal maintenance in mammalian cells, or alphoid DNA, which allows human artificial chromosome formation in some human cell lines. Lipofection of the oriP/EBNA-1-containing version into mouse Hepa1-6 cells resulted in expression of F8 mRNA spanning the F8 gene. The >300-kb BAC carrying alphoid DNA was successfully delivered to 293A and HT1080 cells using bacterial delivery, resulting in greater than endogenous levels of F8 mRNA expression.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, RyeA and RyeB RNAs are encoded on opposite DNA strands at the same locus. We present evidence indicating that the last 23 bp of the ryeB gene, corresponding to an internal portion of the ryeA gene, served repeatedly as the integration site for exogenous DNA during Salmonella evolution and still act as an attachment site for present-day bacteriophages. Interestingly, ryeA sequence and expression are modified upon lysogenization.  相似文献   

X Y Hu  P N Ray    R G Worton 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(9):2471-2477
Three tandem duplications were previously identified in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and were shown in each case to have a subset of dystrophin gene exons duplicated. The origin of these duplications was traced to the single X chromosome of the maternal grandfathers, suggesting that an intrachromosomal event (unequal sister chromatid exchange) was involved in the formation of these duplications. In the present study, a DNA segment containing the duplication junction and the normal DNA that corresponds to both ends of the duplicated region have been cloned. Subsequent mapping studies confirmed the tandem arrangement (head to tail) of these duplications and revealed their sizes to be 130 kb, approximately 300 kb, and 35-80 kb, respectively. Sequence analysis of the duplication junctions showed that one duplication was due to homologous recombination between two repetitive elements (Alu sequences) and the other two were due to recombination between unrelated nonhomologous sequences. In the latter cases, the preferred cleavage sites of the eukaryotic type I and II DNA topoisomerases were found at the junctions of these duplications, suggesting a possible role of these enzymes in the chromatid exchange events. This study provides the first insight into the molecular basis of gene duplications formed through unequal sister chromatid exchange in humans.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA is constantly challenged from endogenous as well as exogenous sources. The DNA damage response (DDR) mechanism has evolved to combat these challenges and ensure genomic integrity. In this review, we will focus on repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) by homologous recombination and the role of several nucleases and other recombination factors as suitable targets for cancer therapy. Their inactivation as well as overexpression have been shown to sensitize cancer cells by increasing toxicity to DNA-damaging agents and radiation or to be responsible for resistance of cancer cells. These factors can also be used in targeted cancer therapy by taking advantage of specific genetic abnormalities of cancer cells that are not present in normal cells and that result in cancer cell lethality.  相似文献   

We have transferred a pSV2neo vector containing the wild-type constant region of the immunoglobulin mu gene (C mu) into the mutant hybridoma igm482, which bears a 2-bp deletion in the third constant-region exon of its haploid chromosomal mu gene (C mu 3). Independent igm482 transformants contain the wild-type immunoglobulin C mu region stably integrated in ectopic chromosomal positions. We report here that the wild-type immunoglobulin C mu region can function as the donor sequence in a gene conversion event which corrects the 2-bp deletion in the mutant igm482 chromosomal C mu 3 exon. The homologous recombination event restores normal immunoglobulin M production in the mutant cell.  相似文献   

To determine the neuronal function of genes in vivo, the neuron-specific deletion of a target gene in animals is required. Tau, a microtubule-associated protein, is expressed abundantly in neurons but scarcely in glias and other tissues. Therefore, to generate mice that express Cre recombinase in neurons, we inserted Cre recombinase into the tau locus. By crossing these tau-Cre mice with ROSA26 lacZ reporter mice, we observed Cre recombinase activity in the neurons from most of the central nervous system, but not in glias nor in non-neuronal tissues. This neuronal-specific activity appeared during embryogenesis. We further crossed tau-Cre mice with rab8 ‘floxed’ mice, and showed that the recombination was nearly complete in the brain, but incomplete or non-detectable in other tissues. Thus, tau-Cre knockin mouse is a useful tool for studying the neuronal function of a gene in vivo.  相似文献   

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