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Accuracy of estimated phylogenetic trees from molecular data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The accuracies and efficiencies of four different methods for constructing phylogenetic trees from molecular data were examined by using computer simulation. The methods examined are UPGMA, Fitch and Margoliash's (1967) (F/M) method, Farris' (1972) method, and the modified Farris method (Tateno, Nei, and Tajima, this paper). In the computer simulation, eight OTUs (32 OTUs in one case) were assumed to evolve according to a given model tree, and the evolutionary change of a sequence of 300 nucleotides was followed. The nucleotide substitution in this sequence was assumed to occur following the Poisson distribution, negative binomial distribution or a model of temporally varying rate. Estimates of nucleotide substitutions (genetic distances) were then computed for all pairs of the nucleotide sequences that were generated at the end of the evolution considered, and from these estimates a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed and compared with the true model tree. The results of this comparison indicate that when the coefficient of variation of branch length is large the Farris and modified Farris methods tend to be better than UPGMA and the F/M method for obtaining a good topology. For estimating the number of nucleotide substitutions for each branch of the tree, however, the modified Farris method shows a better performance than the Farris method. When the coefficient of variation of branch length is small, however, UPGMA shows the best performance among the four methods examined. Nevertheless, any tree-making method is likely to make errors in obtaining the correct topology with a high probability, unless all branch lengths of the true tree are sufficiently long. It is also shown that the agreement between patristic and observed genetic distances is not a good indicator of the goodness of the tree obtained.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The problem of phylogenetic inference from datasets including incomplete or uncertain entries is among the most relevant issues in systematic biology. In this paper, we propose a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from partial distance matrices. The new method combines the usage of the four-point condition and the ultrametric inequality with a weighted least-squares approximation to solve the problem of missing entries. It can be applied to infer phylogenies from evolutionary data including some missing or uncertain information, for instance, when observed nucleotide or protein sequences contain gaps or missing entries. RESULTS: In a number of simulations involving incomplete datasets, the proposed method outperformed the well-known Ultrametric and Additive procedures. Generally, the new method also outperformed all the other competing approaches including Triangle and Fitch which is the most popular least-squares method for reconstructing phylogenies. We illustrate the usefulness of the introduced method by analyzing two well-known phylogenies derived from complete mammalian mtDNA sequences. Some interesting theoretical results concerning the NP-hardness of the ordinary and weighted least-squares fitting of a phylogenetic tree to a partial distance matrix are also established. AVAILABILITY: The T-Rex package including this method is freely available for download at http://www.info.uqam.ca/~makarenv/trex.html  相似文献   

Since the initial work of Jukes and Cantor (1969), a number of procedures have been developed to estimate the expected number of nucleotide substitutions corresponding to a given observed level of nucleotide differentiation assuming particular evolutionary models. Unlike the proportion of different sites, the expected number of substitutions that would have occurred grows linearly with time and therefore has had great appeal as an evolutionary distance. Recently, however, a number of authors have tried to develop improved statistical approaches for generating and evaluating evolutionary distances (Schoniger and von Haeseler 1993; Goldstein and Polock 1994; Tajima and Takezaki 1994). These studies clearly show that the estimated number of nucleotide substitutions is generally not the best estimator for use in reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships. The reason for this is that there is often a large error associated with the estimation of this number. Therefore, even though its expectation is correct (i.e., on average the expected number of substitutions is proportional to time- -but see Tajima 1993), it is not expected to be as useful as estimators designed to have a lower variance.   相似文献   

The neighbor-joining method: a new method for reconstructing phylogenetic trees   总被引:673,自引:29,他引:673  
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.   相似文献   

The "neighbor-joining algorithm" is a recursive procedure for reconstructing trees that is based on a transformation of pairwise distances between leaves. We present a generalization of the neighbor-joining transformation, which uses estimates of phylogenetic diversity rather than pairwise distances in the tree. This leads to an improved neighbor-joining algorithm whose total running time is still polynomial in the number of taxa. On simulated data, the method outperforms other distance-based methods. We have implemented neighbor-joining for subtree weights in a program called MJOIN which is freely available under the Gnu Public License at http://bio.math.berkeley.edu/mjoin/.  相似文献   

A simple graphic method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from molecular data. This method is similar to the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean, but the process of computation of average distances and reconstruction of new matrices, required in the latter method, is eliminated from this new method, so that one can reconstruct a phylogenetic tree without using a computer, unless the number of operational taxonomic units is very large. Furthermore, this method allows a phylogenetic tree to have multifurcating branches whenever there is ambiguity with bifurcation.  相似文献   

Accuracy of estimated phylogenetic trees from molecular data   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The accuracies and efficiencies of three different methods of making phylogenetic trees from gene frequency data were examined by using computer simulation. The methods examined are UPGMA, Farris' (1972) method, and Tateno et al.'s (1982) modified Farris method. In the computer simulation eight species (or populations) were assumed to evolve according to a given model tree, and the evolutionary changes of allele frequencies were followed by using the infinite-allele model. At the end of the simulated evolution five genetic distance measures (Nei's standard and minimum distances, Rogers' distance, Cavalli-Sforza's f theta, and the modified Cavalli-Sforza distance) were computed for all pairs of species, and the distance matrix obtained for each distance measure was used for reconstructing a phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree obtained was then compared with the model tree. The results obtained indicate that in all tree-making methods examined the accuracies of both the topology and branch lengths of a reconstructed tree (rooted tree) are very low when the number of loci used is less than 20 but gradually increase with increasing number of loci. When the expected number of gene substitutions (M) for the shortest branch is 0.1 or more per locus and 30 or more loci are used, the topological error as measured by the distortion index (dT) is not great, but the probability of obtaining the correct topology (P) is less than 0.5 even with 60 loci. When M is as small as 0.004, P is substantially lower. In obtaining a good topology (small dT and high P) UPGMA and the modified Farris method generally show a better performance than the Farris method. The poor performance of the Farris method is observed even when Rogers' distance which obeys the triangle inequality is used. The main reason for this seems to be that the Farris method often gives overestimates of branch lengths. For estimating the expected branch lengths of the true tree UPGMA shows the best performance. For this purpose Nei's standard distance gives a better result than the others because of its linear relationship with the number of gene substitutions. Rogers' or Cavalli-Sforza's distance gives a phylogenetic tree in which the parts near the root are condensed and the other parts are elongated. It is recommended that more than 30 loci, including both polymorphic and monomorphic loci, be used for making phylogenetic trees. The conclusions from this study seem to apply also to data on nucleotide differences obtained by the restriction enzyme techniques.  相似文献   

Incongruence between gene trees is the main challenge faced by phylogeneticists in the genomic era. Incongruence can occur for artefactual reasons, when we fail to recover the correct gene trees, or for biological reasons, when true gene trees are actually distinct from each other, and from the species tree. Horizontal gene transfers (HGTs) between genomes are an important process of bacterial evolution resulting in a substantial amount of phylogenetic conflicts between gene trees. We argue that the (bacterial) species tree is still a meaningful scientific concept even in the case of HGTs, and that reconstructing it is still a valid goal. We tentatively assess the amount of phylogenetic incongruence caused by HGTs in bacteria by comparing bacterial datasets to a metazoan dataset in which transfers are presumably very scarce or absent.We review existing phylogenomic methods and their ability to return to the user, both the vertical (speciation/extinction history) and horizontal (gene transfers) phylogenetic signals.  相似文献   

FastJoin, an improved neighbor-joining algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of a set of species is an elementary problem in biology, and methods for solving this problem are evaluated based on two characteristics: accuracy and efficiency. Neighbor-joining reconstructs phylogenetic trees by iteratively picking a pair of nodes to merge as a new node until only one node remains; due to its good accuracy and speed, it has been embraced by the phylogeny research community. With the advent of large amounts of data, improved fast and precise methods for reconstructing evolutionary trees have become necessary. We improved the neighbor-joining algorithm by iteratively picking two pairs of nodes and merging as two new nodes, until only one node remains. We found that another pair of true neighbors could be chosen to merge as a new node besides the pair of true neighbors chosen by the criterion of the neighbor-joining method, in each iteration of the clustering procedure for the purely additive tree. These new neighbors will be selected by another iteration of the neighbor-joining method, so that they provide an improved neighbor-joining algorithm, by iteratively picking two pairs of nodes to merge as two new nodes until only one node remains, constructing the same phylogenetic tree as the neighbor-joining algorithm for the same input data. By combining the improved neighbor-joining algorithm with styles upper bound computation optimization of RapidNJ and external storage of ERapidNJ methods, a new method of reconstructing phylogenetic trees, FastJoin, was proposed. Experiments with sets of data showed that this new neighbor-joining algorithm yields a significant speed-up compared to classic neighbor-joining, showing empirically that FastJoin is superior to almost all other neighbor-joining implementations.  相似文献   

Distance-based methods are popular for reconstructing evolutionary trees of protein sequences, mainly because of their speed and generality. A number of variants of the classical neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm have been proposed, as well as a number of methods to estimate protein distances. We here present a large-scale assessment of performance in reconstructing the correct tree topology for the most popular algorithms. The programs BIONJ, FastME, Weighbor, and standard NJ were run using 12 distance estimators, producing 48 tree-building/distance estimation method combinations. These were evaluated on a test set based on real trees taken from 100 Pfam families. Each tree was used to generate multiple sequence alignments with the ROSE program using three evolutionary models. The accuracy of each method was analyzed as a function of both sequence divergence and location in the tree. We found that BIONJ produced the overall best results, although the average accuracy differed little between the tree-building methods (normally less than 1%). A noticeable trend was that FastME performed poorer than the rest on long branches. Weighbor was several orders of magnitude slower than the other programs. Larger differences were observed when using different distance estimators. Protein-adapted Jukes-Cantor and Kimura distance correction produced clearly poorer results than the other methods, even worse than uncorrected distances. We also assessed the recently developed Scoredist measure, which performed equally well as more complex methods.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic networks are a generalization of phylogenetic trees that allow for the representation of nontreelike evolutionary events, like recombination, hybridization, or lateral gene transfer. While much progress has been made to find practical algorithms for reconstructing a phylogenetic network from a set of sequences, all attempts to endorse a class of phylogenetic networks (strictly extending the class of phylogenetic trees) with a well-founded distance measure have, to the best of our knowledge and with the only exception of the bipartition distance on regular networks, failed so far. In this paper, we present and study a new meaningful class of phylogenetic networks, called tree-child phylogenetic networks, and we provide an injective representation of these networks as multisets of vectors of natural numbers, their path multiplicity vectors. We then use this representation to define a distance on this class that extends the well-known Robinson-Foulds distance for phylogenetic trees and to give an alignment method for pairs of networks in this class. Simple polynomial algorithms for reconstructing a tree-child phylogenetic network from its path multiplicity vectors, for computing the distance between two tree-child phylogenetic networks and for aligning a pair of tree-child phylogenetic networks, are provided. They have been implemented as a Perl package and a Java applet, which can be found at http://bioinfo.uib.es/~recerca/phylonetworks/mudistance/.  相似文献   

The process of inferring phylogenetic trees from molecular sequences almost always starts with a multiple alignment of these sequences but can also be based on methods that do not involve multiple sequence alignment. Very little is known about the accuracy with which such alignment-free methods recover the correct phylogeny or about the potential for increasing their accuracy. We conducted a large-scale comparison of ten alignment-free methods, among them one new approach that does not calculate distances and a faster variant of our pattern-based approach; all distance-based alignment-free methods are freely available from http://www.bioinformatics.org.au (as Python package decaf+py). We show that most methods exhibit a higher overall reconstruction accuracy in the presence of high among-site rate variation. Under all conditions that we considered, variants of the pattern-based approach were significantly better than the other alignment-free methods. The new pattern-based variant achieved a speed-up of an order of magnitude in the distance calculation step, accompanied by a small loss of tree reconstruction accuracy. A method of Bayesian inference from k-mers did not improve on classical alignment-free (and distance-based) methods but may still offer other advantages due to its Bayesian nature. We found the optimal word length k of word-based methods to be stable across various data sets, and we provide parameter ranges for two different alphabets. The influence of these alphabets was analyzed to reveal a trade-off in reconstruction accuracy between long and short branches. We have mapped the phylogenetic accuracy for many alignment-free methods, among them several recently introduced ones, and increased our understanding of their behavior in response to biologically important parameters. In all experiments, the pattern-based approach emerged as superior, at the expense of higher resource consumption. Nonetheless, no alignment-free method that we examined recovers the correct phylogeny as accurately as does an approach based on maximum-likelihood distance estimates of multiply aligned sequences.  相似文献   

We present new methods for reconstructing reticulate evolution of species due to events such as horizontal transfer or hybrid speciation; both methods are based upon extensions of Wayne Maddison's approach in his seminal 1997 paper. Our first method is a polynomial time algorithm for constructing phylogenetic networks from two gene trees contained inside the network.We allow the network to have an arbitrary number of reticulations, but we limit the reticulation in the network so that the cycles in the network are node-disjoint ("galled"). Our second method is a polynomial time algorithm for constructing networks with one reticulation, where we allow for errors in the estimated gene trees. Using simulations, we demonstrate improved performance of this method over both NeighborNet and Maddison's method.  相似文献   

The minimum-evolution (ME) method of phylogenetic inference is based on the assumption that the tree with the smallest sum of branch length estimates is most likely to be the true one. In the past this assumption has been used without mathematical proof. Here we present the theoretical basis of this method by showing that the expectation of the sum of branch length estimates for the true tree is smallest among all possible trees, provided that the evolutionary distances used are statistically unbiased and that the branch lengths are estimated by the ordinary least-squares method. We also present simple mathematical formulas for computing branch length estimates and their standard errors for any unrooted bifurcating tree, with the least-squares approach. As a numerical example, we have analyzed mtDNA sequence data obtained by Vigilant et al. and have found the ME tree for 95 human and 1 chimpanzee (outgroup) sequences. The tree was somewhat different from the neighbor-joining tree constructed by Tamura and Nei, but there was no statistically significant difference between them.   相似文献   

A classical result in phylogenetic trees is that a binary phylogenetic tree adhering to the molecular clock hypothesis exists if and only if the matrix of distances between taxa is ultrametric. The ultrametric condition is very restrictive. In this paper we study phylogenetic networks that can be constructed assuming the molecular clock hypothesis. We characterize distance matrices that admit such networks for 3 and 4 taxa. We also design two algorithms for constructing networks optimizing the least-squares fit.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: ProfDist is a user-friendly software package using the profile-neighbor-joining method (PNJ) in inferring phylogenies based on profile distances on DNA or RNA sequences. It is a tool for reconstructing and visualizing large phylogenetic trees providing new and standard features with a special focus on time efficency, robustness and accuracy. AVAILABILITY: A Windows version of ProfDist comes with a graphical user interface and is freely available at http://profdist.bioapps.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de  相似文献   

Phylogenetic inference under the pure drift model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
When pairwise genetic distances are used for phylogenetic reconstruction, it is usually assumed that the genetic distance between two taxa contains information about the time after the two taxa diverged. As a result, upon an appropriate transformation if necessary, the distance usually can be fitted to a linear model such that it is expressed as the sum of lengths of all branches that connect the two taxa in a given phylogeny. This kind of distance is referred to as "additive distance." For a phylogenetic tree exclusively driven by random genetic drift, genetic distances related to coancestry coefficients (theta XY) between any two taxa are more suitable. However, these distances are fundamentally different from the additive distance in that coancestry does not contain any information about the time after two taxa split from a common ancestral population; instead, it reflects the time before the two taxa diverged. In other words, the magnitude of theta XY provides information about how long the two taxa share the same evolutionary pathways. The fundamental difference between the two kinds of distances has led to a different algorithm of evaluating phylogenetic trees when theta XY and related distance measures are used. Here we present the new algorithm using the ordinary- least-squares approach but fitting to a different linear model. This treatment allows genetic variation within a taxon to be included in the model. Monte Carlo simulation for a rooted phylogeny of four taxa has verified the efficacy and consistency of the new method. Application of the method to human population was demonstrated.   相似文献   

Summary In this paper we present an iterative character weighting method for the construction of phyletic trees. An initial tree is used to calculate the character weights, which are the number of mutations normalized so that the possible range is corrected for. The weights obtained are used to adjust the tree; this process is iterated until a stable tree is found. Using data generated according to a model tree, we show that the trees constructed by the iterative character weighting method converge to the true underlying tree. Using biological data, the trees become closer to the systematic classification of the species concerned, and patterns conflicting with the phylogenetic pattern can be singled out. The method involves a combination of minimal length methods and similarity methods, whereby the strict parsimony criterion is relaxed.  相似文献   

We analyze the performance of quartet methods in phylogenetic reconstruction. These methods first compute four-taxon trees (4-trees) and then use a combinatorial algorithm to infer a phylogeny that respects the inferred 4-trees as much as possible. Quartet puzzling (QP) is one of the few methods able to take weighting of the 4-trees, which is inferred by maximum likelihood, into account. QP seems to be widely used. We present weight optimization (WO), a new algorithm which is also based on weighted 4-trees. WO is faster and offers better theoretical guarantees than QP. Moreover, computer simulations indicate that the topological accuracy of WO is less dependent on the shape of the correct tree. However, although the performance of WO is better overall than that of QP, it is still less efficient than traditional phylogenetic reconstruction approaches based on pairwise evolutionary distances or maximum likelihood. This is likely related to long-branch attraction, a phenomenon to which quartet methods are very sensitive, and to inappropriate use of the initial results (weights) obtained by maximum likelihood for every quartet.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing availability of genome information has created considerable demand for both fast and accurate phylogenetic inference algorithms. We present a novel method called DendroBLAST for reconstructing phylogenetic dendrograms/trees from protein sequences using BLAST. This method differs from other methods by incorporating a simple model of sequence evolution to test the effect of introducing sequence changes on the reliability of the bipartitions in the inferred tree. Using realistic simulated sequence data we demonstrate that this method produces phylogenetic trees that are more accurate than other commonly-used distance based methods though not as accurate as maximum likelihood methods from good quality multiple sequence alignments. In addition to tests on simulated data, we use DendroBLAST to generate input trees for a supertree reconstruction of the phylogeny of the Archaea. This independent analysis produces an approximate phylogeny of the Archaea that has both high precision and recall when compared to previously published analysis of the same dataset using conventional methods. Taken together these results demonstrate that approximate phylogenetic trees can be produced in the absence of multiple sequence alignments, and we propose that these trees will provide a platform for improving and informing downstream bioinformatic analysis. A web implementation of the DendroBLAST method is freely available for use at http://www.dendroblast.com/.  相似文献   

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