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A multiple-tubes procedure is described for using PCR to determine the genotype of a very small DNA sample. The procedure involves dividing the sample among several tubes, then amplifying and typing the contents of each tube separately. The results are analyzed by a statistical procedure which determines whether a genotype can be conclusively assigned to the DNA sample. Simulation studies show that this procedure usually gives correct results even when the number of double-stranded fragments in the sample is as small as 30. The procedure remains effective even in the presence of small amounts of laboratory contamination. We find that the multiple-tubes procedure is superior to the standard one-tube procedure, either when the sample is small or when laboratory contamination is a potential problem; and we recommend its use in these situations. Because the procedure is statistical, it allows the degree of certainty in the result to be quantified and may be useful in other PCR applications as well.  相似文献   

A new protocol for extraction of DNA from faeces is presented. The protocol involves gentle washing of the surface of the faeces followed by a very simple DNA extraction utilizing the wash supernatant as the source of DNA. Unlike most other protocols, it does not involve the use of proteinase K and/or organic extraction, but is instead based on adsorption of the DNA to magnetic beads. The protocol was tested by microsatellite genotyping across six loci for sheep and reindeer faeces. Comparison with DNA extracted from blood demonstrated that the protocol was very reliable, even when used on material stored for a long time. The protocol was compared with another simple, solid-phase DNA-binding protocol, with the result that the bead-based protocol gave a slightly better amplification success and a lower frequency of allelic drop-outs. Furthermore, our experiments showed that the surface wash prior to DNA extraction is a crucial step, not only for our protocol, but for other solid-phase protocols as well.  相似文献   

In this study, we have evaluated the efficacy and the validity of the AmpFISTR SGM plus multiplex PCR typing system when Low Copy Number (LCN) amounts of DNA are processed. The characteristics of SGM plus profiles produced under LCN conditions were studied on the basis of heterozygote balance, between loci balance and stutter proportion based on profiles that were obtained from a variety of mock casework samples. These experiments clearly showed that LCN DNA profiles carry their own characteristic features, which must be taken into account during interpretation. Herewith, we confirmed the data of recent other studies that a comprehensive interpretation strategy is dependent upon multiple replication of the PCR using the same extract together with the proper use of extraction and amplification controls. The limitations of LCN DNA analysis were further studied in a series of single cell PCR experiments using an amplification regime of 34 PCR cycles. The allele dropout phenomenon was demonstrated to its full extent when single cells were analysed. However, the "consensus profile" which was obtained from separate single cell PCR experiments matched the actual profile of the cell donor. Single cell PCR experiments also showed that a further increase of the number of PCR cycles did not result in enhanced sensitivity and had a highly negative effect on the balance of this multiplex PCR system which hampered correct interpretation of the profile. Also, the potential of LCN typing in analysing mixtures of DNA was investigated. It was clearly shown that LCN typing had no advantages over 28 cycles amplification in the detection of the minor component of DNA-mixtures. In addition to the 34 cycles PCR amplification regime, the utility of a new approach that involved reamplification of the 28 cycle SGM plus PCR products with an extra 6 PCR cycles after the addition of fresh AmpliTaq Gold DNA Polymerase was investigated. This approach provides the scientist with an extra typing result that enhances the reliability of the consensus profile, which is commonly retrieved from two separate 34 cycle PCR results. Furthermore, the 28 + 6 cycles approach may be used to screen LCN samples for their potential to produce a 34 PCR cycle profile. Finally and as a last resort the 28 + 6 cycles approach can be used in those cases where no further extract from the crime sample is available. Finally, the potential of LCN typing was demonstrated in typing samples from non-probative and actual casework examples. From a high proportion of samples that failed to demonstrate SGM plus typing results using the standard protocol of 28 cycles, at least partial profiles could be obtained after LCN methods were used. For example, LCN typing was applied in a case where 10-year old samples from bones and teeth that were retrieved from a mass grave had to be identified. This study resulted in the positive identification of a number of victims by comparing the LCN DNA profiles with the profiles from putative relatives. The value of LCN DNA typing was further demonstrated in a strangulation case. The throat of the victim was sampled and only after 34 PCR cycles were we able to reveal that the evidential sample contained a distinct mixture of the victim's own DNA and the DNA of the defendant.  相似文献   

Noninvasive samples have proved useful in genotyping studies of free‐ranging mammals. However, potential genotyping errors associated with such samples dictate the need for validation studies. This pilot study demonstrates the use of dolphin faeces in multilocus microsatellite genotyping studies. An empirical approach to calculating the rate of genotyping error was applied to data from matched pairs of blood or tissue and faecal samples from both captive and wild bottlenose dolphins. Microsatellite genotypes were assigned to dolphin faecal extracts with greater than 95% confidence by using a multiple tube approach, and at least two independent replicate genotypings.  相似文献   

The potential link between badgers and bovine tuberculosis has made it vital to develop accurate techniques to census badgers. Here we investigate the potential of using genetic profiles obtained from faecal DNA as a basis for population size estimation. After trialling several methods we obtained a high amplification success rate (89%) by storing faeces in 70% ethanol and using the guanidine thiocyanate/silica method for extraction. Using 70% ethanol as a storage agent had the advantage of it being an antiseptic. In order to obtain reliable genotypes with fewer amplification reactions than the standard multiple-tubes approach, we devised a comparative approach in which genetic profiles were compared and replication directed at similar, but not identical, genotypes. This modified method achieved a reduction in polymerase chain reactions comparable with the maximum-likelihood model when just using reliability criteria, and was slightly better when using reliability criteria with the additional proviso that alleles must be observed twice to be considered reliable. Our comparative approach would be best suited for studies that include multiple faeces from each individual. We utilized our approach in a well-studied population of badgers from which individuals had been sampled and reliable genotypes obtained. In a study of 53 faeces sampled from three social groups over 10 days, we found that direct enumeration could not be used to estimate population size, but that the application of mark-recapture models has the potential to provide more accurate results.  相似文献   

The molecular genotyping of individuals and reconstruction of kinship through short and high polymorphic DNA markers, so-called short tandem repeats (STR), has become an important and efficient method in anthropology and forensic science. The here introduced experimental design describes a multiplex PCR capable of simultaneously amplifying 16 STRs and the sex determinant locus amelogenin in a short fragment lengths range from 84 bp to 275 bp. Thus, the design depends predominantly on the routines for DNA typing of historical samples with highly degraded ancient DNA. It is shown, that the newly designed multiplex PCR is suitable for successful typing of both forensic and historical material.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR genotyping using displacing probes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Simple and reliable genotyping technology is a key to success for high-throughput genetic screening in the post-genome era. Here we have developed a new real-time PCR genotyping approach that uses displacement hybridization-based probes: displacing probes. The specificity of displacing probes could be simply assessed through denaturation analysis before genotyping was implemented, and the probes designed with maximal specificity also showed the greatest detection sensitivity. The ease in design, the simple single-dye labeling chemistry and the capability to adopt degenerated negative strands for point mutation genotyping make the displacing probes both cost effective and easy to use. The feasibility of this method was first tested by detecting the C282Y mutation in the human hemochromatosis gene. The robustness of this approach was then validated by simultaneous genotyping of five different types of mutation in the human β-globin gene. Sixty-two human genomic DNA samples with nine known genotypes were accurately detected, 32 random clinical samples were successfully screened and 114 double-blind DNA samples were all correctly genotyped. The combined merits of reliability, flexibility and simplicity should make this method suitable for routine clinical testing and large-scale genetic screening.  相似文献   

Representational difference analysis (RDA) is a differential hybridization method which can effectively isolate unique DNA sequences from complex and highly related genomes or cDNA libraries. A major drawback of the RDA analysis is the requirement for pure driver and relatively pure tester samples, ruling out the analysis of whole tissue biopsies. To circumvent this problem, we have modified the technique for the analysis of very small quantities of DNA so that pure cell populations isolated by micromanipulation from tissue sections can be analyzed. Using this modified technique, as few as 50 diploid cells ( approximately 500 pg of DNA) can be analyzed.  相似文献   

SNP genotyping using single-tube fluorescent bidirectional PCR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waterfall CM  Cobb BD 《BioTechniques》2002,33(1):80, 82-4, 86 passim
SNP genotyping is a well-populatedfield with a large number of assay formats offering accurate allelic discrimination. However, there remains a discord between the ultimate goal of rapid, inexpensive assays that do not require complex design considerations and involved optimization strategies. We describe the first integration of bidirectional allele-specific amplification, SYBR Green I, and rapid-cycle PCR to provide a homogeneous SNP-typing assay. Wild-type, mutant, and heterozygous alleles were easily discriminated in a single tube using melt curve profiling of PCR products alone. We demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of this assay with a blinded trial using clinical samples from individuals with sickle cell anemia, sickle cell trait, or unaffected individuals. The tests were completed in less than 30 min without expensive fluorogenic probes, prohibiting design rules, or lengthy downstream processing for product analysis.  相似文献   

The koala, an Australian icon, has been added to the threatened species list. Rationale for the listing includes proposed declines in population size, threats to populations (e.g. disease) and loss and fragmentation of habitat. There is now an urgent need to obtain accurate data to assess the status of koala populations in Australia, to ensure the long‐term viability of this species. Advances in genetic techniques have enabled DNA analysis to study and inform the management of wild populations; however, sampling of individual koalas is difficult in tall, often remote, eucalypt forest. The collection of faecal pellets (scats) from the forest floor presents an opportunistic sampling strategy, where DNA can be collected without capturing or even sighting an individual. Obtaining DNA via noninvasive sampling can be used to rapidly sample a large proportion of a population; however, DNA from noninvasively collected samples is often degraded. Factors influencing DNA quality and quantity include environmental exposure, diet and methods of sample collection, storage and DNA isolation. Reduced DNA quality and quantity can introduce genotyping errors and provide inaccurate DNA profiles, reducing confidence in the ability of such data to inform management/conservation strategies. Here, we present a protocol that produces a reliable individual koala genotype from a single faecal pellet and highlight the importance of optimizing DNA isolation and analysis for the species of interest. This method could readily be adapted for genetic studies of mammals other than koalas, particularly those whose diet contains high proportions of volatile materials that are likely to induce DNA damage.  相似文献   

Multiplex genotyping of PCR products with MassTag-labeled primers.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A simple mass spectrometric based assay, the PinPoint assay, has previously been described for typing single nucleotide polymorphisms. The identity of a polymorphism is determined by mass differences of single base extended genotyping primers as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. A simple method for multiplexing the assay is described, employing multiple primers with 5'oligo(dT) sequences (MassTags) which serve to mass discriminate the peaks of multiple extended and non-extended primers. The assay is extremely rapid and requires no labeling reagents.  相似文献   

In this study we developed eight quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays to evaluate the starting copy number of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA fragments ranging from 75 to 350 base-pairs in DNA extracts from Chinook salmon tissues with varying quality. Samples were genotyped with 13 microsatellite and 29 SNP assays and average genotyping success for good, intermediate, and poor quality samples was 96%, 24%, and 24% for microsatellite loci, and 98%, 97%, and 79% for SNPs, respectively. As measured by qPCR, good quality samples had a consistently high number of starting copies across all fragment sizes with little change between the smallest and largest size. In contrast, the intermediate and poor quality samples displayed decreases in starting copy number as fragment size increased, and was most pronounced with poor samples. Logistic regression of genotyping success by starting copy number indicated that in order to achieve at least 90% genotyping success, approximately 1,000 starting copies of nuclear DNA are necessary for microsatellite loci, and as few as 14 starting copies for SNP assays (but we recommend at least 50 copies to reduce genotyping error). While these guidelines apply specifically to Chinook salmon and the genetic markers included in this study, the principles are transferable to other species and markers due to the underlying process associated with template quantity and PCR amplification.  相似文献   

The diffusion behavior of DNA samples of molecular weights between 1 × 106 and 25 × 106 Daltons was investigated under standard conditions at mean concentrations c? between 0.0009 and 0.017 g/dl. Special techniques described previously were used and supplemented. The sensitivity required was accomplished by multiple passage through the sample cells (effective path length of 10–45 cm) and application of the Gouy interference method. The maximum DNA refraction index difference has been determined more precisely from Gouy interference fringes by applying a systematic variation procedure and a linear-plot criterion. Convection was prevented by a temperature constancy better than 0.002°C/day, vibrationless operation, and by application of a slight density gradient of heavy water, which also improved the boundary-forming procedure. The corresponding optical HDO gradient was compensated. The concentration dependence of the DNA diffusion coefficient average DA was found to be positive and very small at extremely low concentrations, that is, below c? = 0.008 g/dl, for the sample of highest molecular weight investigated. With beginning penetration of different DNA molecules, DA increases markedly. The diffusion constant averages of our polydisperse samples will be corrected for monodisperse subfractions in a following paper. The resulting molecular weights M from diffusion and sedimentation constants (D0, s0) together with data from literature are the basis of new s0M, D0 ? M, and [η]–M relations for monodisperse DNA samples.  相似文献   

I Foo  W L Salo  A C Aufderheide 《BioTechniques》1992,12(6):811-4, 817
We describe a generalized PCR method that will amplify fragments of DNA without any knowledge of sequence using a single primer. Although we are presently using this method to amplify DNA fragments isolated from ancient preserved tissues, in effect, producing PCR libraries, it may prove to have other applications.  相似文献   

Transgene copy number is an important criterion for determining the utility of transgenic events. Single copy integration events are highly desirable when the objective is to produce marker free plants through segregation or when it is necessary to introgress different transgenes into commercial cultivars from different transgenic events. In contrast multi-copy events are advocated by several authors for higher expression of the transgene. Till recently, it was thought that employment of the particle gun for transformation results in the production of a high proportion of multi-copy events often with complex integration pattern when compared to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. However, it has been demonstrated that usage of cassette DNA for bombardment in place of whole plasmids would result in simple insertion pattern of the transgenes. While investigating the effect of varying the cassette DNA amount on stable transformation, the frequency of occurrence of low copy events was observed to increase when lower doses of cassette DNA was employed for bombardment. Large scale experimentation with rigorous statistical analysis performed to verify the above observations employing Helium gun and the Electric discharge gun for gene delivery confirmed the above observations. Helium gun experiments involving production of more than 1,600 corn events consistently yielded single copy events at higher frequencies at lower cassette DNA load (46% at 2.5 ng/shot) as compared to higher cassette DNA load (29% at 25 ng/shot) across 18 independent experiments. Results were nearly identical with the Electric discharge particle gun device where single copy events were recovered at frequencies of 54% at 2.5 ng cassettes DNA per shot as compared to 18% at 25 ng cassette DNA per shot. The transformation frequency declined from 41 to 34% (Helium gun) and from 48 to 31% (Electric discharge gun) with reduction in cassette DNA quantity from 25 to 2.5 ng per shot. This reduction in the transformation frequency is more than compensated by the savings in time and effort involved in the production and screening of events if the desired outcome is single copy events. These results demonstrate the flexibility of the particle gun method for controlling the frequency of production of either low copy or high copy events by altering the quantity of cassette DNA used for bombardment. The transgene expression levels over generations in relation to its integration need further investigations.  相似文献   

A method for the amplification of a single DNA strand at low copy number is described. It is a wholly PCR based approach which involves an initial linear amplification of the target using a tagged strand specific primer. This is followed by classical PCR amplification of the progeny using a pair of primers, one specific for the sequence tagged onto the 5' end of the first round primer, the second specific for the target sequence. Given the protocol used the ratio of the two strands in the final amplification product was 50:1.  相似文献   

Affinity measurements of antigen–antibody interactions are generally performed using known concentrations of purified or recombinant materials. In addition, many technologies that measure affinity require the interacting components to be present in at least microgram quantities. Specifically, if the antigen is either available only in low quantities or unable to be purified, or if the quantity is unknown, then the measurement of affinity can be very difficult. Using the Kinetic Exclusion Assay (KinExA) technology, here we describe a method that overcomes the requirement for large amounts of purified and known quantities of antigen. We used this method to precisely measure the affinity of fully human anti-human interleukin 13 (IL13) monoclonal antibodies to IL13 produced in native form from primary T cells derived from a variety of species, including human. These antigens were available only in the limited quantities present in the conditioned cell culture medium, and the affinity was measured directly without further purification.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - DNA analysis of ñîmplex biological objects (wastewater, soil, archaeological and forensic samples, etc.) is currently of great interest. DNA of these objects is...  相似文献   

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