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The molecular basis for adipose-specific gene expression is not known. To approach the problem of adipocyte gene expression, we have analyzed in detail the capacity of the 5'-flanking region of the adipocyte P2 (aP2) gene to direct cell-type specific gene expression. Although the proximal promoter containing AP-1 and C/EBP binding sites is capable of directing differentiation-dependent gene expression in cultured adipocytes, these constructs are essentially inactive in the tissues of transgenic mice. We found that -5.4 kb of the 5'-flanking region were required to direct heterologous gene (chloramphenicol acetyl transferase; CAT) expression to the adipose tissue of transgenic mice. By deletion analysis, we identified a 520 bp enhancer at -5.4 kb of the aP2 gene. We show that this enhancer can direct high levels of gene expression specifically to the adipose tissue of transgenic mice. This enhancer also functions in a differentiation-dependent manner in cultured adipocytes and cannot be transactivated in preadipocytes by C/EBP. Molecular analysis indicates that several cis- and trans- acting acting elements, though not C/EBP, contribute to the specificity and potency of this enhancer.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the human wild-type estrogen receptor (ER) was stably transfected into the human fetal osteoblastic cell line hFOB 1.19, a clonal cell line which is conditionally immortilized with a temperature sensitive mutant of SV40 large T antigen (tsA58). Five subclones were obtained which express various levels of ER mRNA and protein. The subclone with the highest level of functional (nuclear bound) ER, hFOB/ER9, contained 3,931 (±1,341) 17β-estradiol molecules bound/nucleus as determined by the nuclear binding (NB) assay. Using the dextran coated charcoal (DCC) method, the level of total cytosolic ER measured was 204 (±2) fmol/mg protein. This subclone was examined further for estradiol (E2) responsiveness. The ER expressed in hFOB/ER9 cells was shown to be functional using a transiently transfected ERE-TK-luciferase construct. Expression of luciferase from this construct increased ~25-fold in hFOB/ER9 cells following 10?9M E2 treatment. This effect on ERE-TK-luciferase expression was both dose and steroid dependant. Further, treatment of hFOB/ER9 cells with 10?9M E2 resulted in a 2.5–4.0-fold increase in endogenous progesterone receptor (PR) levels detected by steroid binding assays, and a noticeable increase in both the A and B forms of PR by western blot assay. The establishment of this estrogen responsive human osteoblastic cell line should provide an excellent model system for the study of estrogen action on osteoblast function. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes the establishment and characterization of an immortalized cell line derived from the pancreas of an adult H-2Kb-tsA58 transgenic mouse. These cells, designated IMPAN for IMmortalized PANcreatic cells, displayed a cobblestone appearance typical of confluent epithelial cells and a distinct polarity in the organization of their cytoplasmic organelles. Immunocytochemical studies revealed that all IMPAN cells stained positively for a wide range of markers characteristic of pancreatic acinar cells, namely the secretory products α-amylase, chymotrypsinogen, DNAse, the lectinlike secretory protein PAP (pancreatitis associated protein), and the zymogen granule membrane proteins GP-2 and gp300. They also stained positively for carbonic anhydrase II and cytokeratin 19, two proteins characteristic of pancreatic duct cells, as well as for rab3A, a small GTP-binding protein specifically localized in pancreatic islet cells. No reactivity was ever obtained with insulin antibodies. Taken together, these results show that the IMPAN cells exhibit a phenotype comparable to exocrine pancreatic acinar cells. However the expression of some proteins more specific to duct and islet cells make them similar to in vivo or in vitro growing acinar cells. The cell line should be a valuable model to study the mechanisms of growth, differentiation, and transformation of the exocrine pancreatic acinar cell.  相似文献   

Summary Comparison of proteins expressed by SV40 transformed cell lines and untransformed cell lines is of interest because SV40 transformed cells are immortal, whereas untransformed cells senesce after about 50 doublings. In MRC-5 SV40 cells, only seven proteins have previously been reported to shift from undetectable to detectable after transformation by SV40 virus. We report that butyrylcholinesterase is an 8th protein in this category. Butyrylcholinesterase activity in transformed MRC-5 SV40 cells increased at least 150-fold over its undetectable level in MRC-5 parental cells. Other SV40 transformed cell lines, including COS-1, COS-7, and WI-38 VA13, also expressed endogenous butyrylcholinesterase, whereas the parental, untransformed cell lines, CV-1 and WI-38, had no detectable butyrylcholinesterase activity or mRNA. Infection of CV-1 cells by SV40 virus did not result in expression of butyrylcholinesterase, showing that the butyrylcholinesterase promoter was not activated by the large T antigen of SV40. We conclude that butyrylcholinesterase expression resulted from events related to cell immortalization and did not result from activation by the large T antigen.  相似文献   

Summary A number of human endothelial cell lines from umbilical cord cells (HUVECs) have been generated by transfection with SV40 large T and small t antigen sequences. Comparison of these lines with primary cultures of HUVECs has been carried out by monitoring the expression of a number of endothelial cell markers with specific regard to cell age. The secreted levels of the protein plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) was found to be significantly reduced in SV40-transfected cells when compared to untransfected controls. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase (uPA) levels were unchanged. As cells entered crisis, there was a rapid and significant increase in the levels of tPA, uPA, and PAI and this was observed for all clones screened. The endothelial cell marker von Willebrand Factor (vWF) was found intracellularly and was also secreted into the medium. The levels were not altered between transfected and untransfected cells. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity was maintained in cell lines at levels found in nonimmortalized HUVECs. Both isoforms (α and β) of IL-1 (interleukin-1) increased as cells approached crisis, and the presence of these cytokines may be responsible for the increased levels of tPA, PAI, and uPA. With one exception, the ability of the transfected cells to produce prostacyclin (PGI2) was lost by all clones.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to establish and characterize a conditionally immortalized astrocyte cell line and to clarify the genetic networks responsible for the cell growth arrest and differentiation. A conditionally immortalized astrocyte cell line, RCG-12, was established by infecting primary cultured rat cortical glia cells with a temperature-sensitive simian virus 40 large T-antigen. At a permissive temperature of 33 degrees C, the large T-antigen was expressed and cells grew continuously. On the other hand, the down-regulation of T-antigen at a non-permissive temperature of 39 degrees C led to growth arrest and differentiation. The cells expressed astrocyte-expressed genes such as glial fibrillary acidic protein. Interestingly, the differentiated condition induced by the non-permissive temperature significantly elevated the expression levels of several astrocyte-expressed genes. To identify the detailed mechanisms by which non-permissive temperature-induced cell growth arrest and differentiation, we performed high-density oligonucleotide microarray analysis and found that 556 out of 15,923 probe sets were differentially expressed 2.0-fold. A computational gene network analysis revealed that a genetic network containing up-regulated genes such as RB, NOTCH1, and CDKN1A was associated with the cellular growth and proliferation, and that a genetic network containing down-regulated genes such as MYC, CCNB1, and IGF1 was associated with the cell cycle. The established cell line RCG-12 retains some characteristics of astrocytes and should provide an excellent model for studies of astrocyte biology. The present results will also provide a basis for understanding the detailed molecular mechanisms of the growth arrest and differentiation of astrocytes.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the amino acid content of a cellular clone (K55) derived from mouse cerebellar cultures transformed in vitro by simian virus-40 (Alliot and Pessac, 1981) and that appears to be astroglial. Both the total amount of amino acids as well as the percentage of glycine in K55 cells were higher than in the mixed cultures from which they are derived. Further, glycine accumulates in the culture medium of K55 cells, but not in the medium of the parental mixed cell culture (C14), thereby suggesting that glycine is synthesized and released by K55 cells.  相似文献   

The pattern of expression of the simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigen gene and resultant dysplasia were re-examined in a line of transgenic mice in which the T antigen gene was under the control of the SV40 early promoter. We found that T antigen expression in the kidney, and resulting dysplastic lesions, occurred exclusively in the distal convoluted tubules and the ascending limbs of Henle. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) expression in the kidney of normal mice was similarly immunolocalized. The correlation between high EGF immunoreactivity in normal mouse tissues and T antigen expression in the transgenic counterpart was also seen in the choroid plexus epithelium and in the submandibular glands of male mice. T antigen was not found in the submandibular gland of transgenic females. Similarly, EGF was only rarely detected in the normal female submandibular gland. In contrast to the correlation between T antigen expression in the transgenic mice and EGF expression in the corresponding tissues of the normal mice, within the dysplastic lesions of the transgenic mice EGF expression was severely diminished. Adenocarcinomas of the male submandibular gland from another line of transgenic mice that expresses theInt-1 transgene, showed similarly reduced levels of immunostaining for EGF. Thus, reduced expression of EGF might be a general feature of dysplasia and tumorigenesis in those tissues that normally express EGF.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of brain cell function and physiology are hampered by the limited availability of imortal human brain-derived cell lines, as a result of the technical difficulties encountered in establishing immortal human cells in culture. In this study, we demonstrate the application of recombinant DNA vectors expressing SV40 T antigen for the development of immortal human cell cultures, with morphological, growth, and functional properties of astrocytes. Primary human astrocytes were transfected with the SV40 T antigen expression vectors, pSV3neo or p735.6, and cultures were established with an extended lifespan. One of these cultures gave rise to an immortal cell line, designated A735. All the human SV40-derived lines retained morphological features and growth properties of type 1 astrocytes. Immunohistochemical studies and Western blot analysis of the intermediate filament proteins and glutamine synthetase demonstrated a differentiated but immature astrocyte phenotype. Transport of γ-amino butyric acid and glutamate were examined and found to be by a glial-specific mechanism, consistent with the cell lines’ retaining aspects of normal glial function. We conclude that methods based on the use of SV40 T antigen can successfully immortalize human astrocytes, retaining key astrocyte functions, but T antigen-induced proliferation appeared to interfere with expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein. We believe A735 is the first documented nontumor-derived human glial cell line which is immortal.  相似文献   

To enable direct testing of a range of potential toxins or pathogens that might be involved in grass sickness, equine thoracic sympathetic chain ganglion cell lines were established from primary cell cultures by retroviral-mediated transduction of the temperature-sensitive mutant of the establishment oncogene encoding SV40 large T antigen. Morphological and behavioral features, temperature dependence, and immunocytochemical characteristics of the cell lines were investigated. The majority of cells were noradrenergic neurons in which dopamine-β-hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes norepinephrine synthesis, and neuropeptide Y coexisted. Cells treated with plasma from grass sickness cases that had previously been shown to induce autonomic nervous system damage when injected into normal horses showed significantly decreased mitochondrial function after 1 day. After 3 days exposure most cells showed severe degeneration in contrast to those treated with normal plasma. Liver and lung cell lines were also susceptible to plasma, suggesting that the toxin is not specifically neurotoxic. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A conditionally immortalized epididymis caput cell line, MEPC5, was established by infecting primary cultured mouse epididymis caput cells with a temperature-sensitive simian virus 40 large T-antigen. At a permissive temperature of 33 degrees C, the large T-antigen was expressed and the cells grew continuously. However, the downregulation of T-antigen at a nonpermissive temperature of 39 degrees C and the upregulation of cell density at 33 degrees C were associated with growth arrest and the increased protein expression of p21(waf1), a cell cycle inhibitor. The cells expressed epididymal caput-expressed genes such as phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein, polyoma enhancer activator 3, ME1, sulfated glycoprotein-2 (SGP-2), androgen receptor, and retinoic acid receptor alpha. Interestingly, the expression levels of ME1 and SGP-2 were significantly elevated under the cell growth-restricted conditions. The established mouse epididymis caput epithelial cell line MEPC5 retains some characteristics of differentiated epididymis epithelial cells, and should prove an excellent model for studies of gene expression and the physiological functions of epididymis caput epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Malignant mesotheliomas (MMs) are pleural‐, pericardial‐, or peritoneal‐based neoplasms usually associated with asbestos exposure. Mesothelial cells are biphasic and may give rise to epithelial and sarcomatous MMs. In addition, benign or atypical proliferations of mesothelial cells may occur in response to many stimuli. There have been recent reports of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA large T antigen (Tag) sequences in pleural MMs. To further understand the relationship between SV40, MMs, and mesothelial proliferations, we studied 118 MMs from multiple sites in Germany and North America, including 93 epithelial pleural, 14 sarcomatous or mixed pleural MMs, and 11 peritoneal MMs. In 12 pleural MMs, adjacent noninvasive tumor foci were identified and studied separately. Information about asbestos exposure (detailed history and/or microscopic examination for asbestos bodies) was available from 43 German patients. In addition, 13 examples of reactive mesothelium and 20 lung cancers from the United States were tested. DNA was extracted from frozen tumor and adjacent nontumorous tissues or after microdissection of archival formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded microslides. Two rounds of PCR were performed with primers SVFor 3 and SVRev, which amplify a 105 bp region specific for SV40 Tag. The specificity of the PCR product was confirmed in some cases by sequencing. Our major findings were: 1) Specific SV40 viral sequences were present in 57% of epithelial invasive MMs, of both pleural and peritoneal origin. No significant geographic differences were found, and frozen and paraffin‐embedded tissues were equally suitable for analysis. 2) There was no apparent relationship between the presence of SV40 sequences and asbestos exposure. 3) SV40 sequences were present in the surface (noninvasive) components of epithelial MMs. 4) SV40 sequences were not detected in MMs of sarcomatous or mixed histologies. 5) Viral sequences were present in two of 13 samples (15%) of reactive mesothelium. 6) Lung cancers lacked SV40 sequences, as did non‐malignant tissues adjacent to MMs. Our findings demonstrate the presence of SV40 sequences in epithelial MMs of pleural and peritoneal origin and their absence in tumors with a sarcomatous component. Viral sequences may be present in reactive and malignant mesothelial cells, but they are absent in adjacent tissues and lung cancers. J. Cell. Biochem. 76:181–188, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The increasing application of regenerative medicine has generated a growing demand for stem cells and their derivatives. Single‐use bioreactors offer an attractive platform for stem cell expansion owing to their scalability for large‐scale production and feasibility of meeting clinical‐grade standards. The current work evaluated the capacity of a single‐use bioreactor system (1 L working volume) for expanding Meg01 cells, a megakaryocytic (MK) progenitor cell line. Oxygen supply was provided by surface aeration to minimize foaming and orbital shaking was used to promote oxygen transfer. Oxygen transfer rates (kLa) of shaking speeds 50, 100, and 125 rpm were estimated to be 0.39, 1.12, and 10.45 h?1, respectively. Shaking speed was a critical factor for optimizing cell growth. At 50 rpm, Meg01 cells exhibited restricted growth due to insufficient mixing. A negative effect occurred when the shaking speed was increased to 125 rpm, likely caused by high hydrodynamic shear stress. The bioreactor culture achieved the highest growth profile when shaken at 100 rpm, achieving a total expansion rate up to 5.7‐fold with a total cell number of 1.2 ± 0.2 × 109 cells L?1. In addition, cells expanded using the bioreactor system could maintain their potency to differentiate following the MK lineage, as analyzed from specific surface protein and morphological similarity with the cells grown in the conventional culturing system. Our study reports the impact of operational variables such as shaking speed for growth profile and MK differentiation potential of a progenitor cell line in a single‐use bioreactor. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:362–369, 2018  相似文献   

A tracheal epithelial cell line RTEC11 was established from transgenic rats harboring temperature-sensitive simian virus 40 large T-antigen. The cells grew continuously at a permissive temperature of 33 degrees C but not at a non-permissive temperature of 39 degrees C. Morphological and functional investigations demonstrated that the cells were polarized epithelial cells maintaining a regulated permeability barrier function. Interestingly, the expression levels of Muc1 (mucin 1) and Scgb1a1 (uteroglobin), non-ciliated secretory cell markers, and Tubb4 (tubulin beta 4), a ciliated cell marker, were significantly increased under the cell growth-restricted condition. Global gene expression and computational network analyses demonstrated a significant genetic network associated with cellular development and differentiation in cells cultured at the non-permissive temperature. The tracheal epithelial cell line RTEC11 with unique characteristics should be useful as an in vitro model for studies of the physiological functions and gene expression of tracheal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary We constructed a recombinant adenovirus vector that contained the origin-defective SV40 early gene, coding temperature-sensitive T antigen. This vector transferred the SV40 early gene into human epidermal keratinocytes with high efficiency. T antigen conferred the ability of keratinocytes to grow with limited differentiation in the presence of serum and high calcium concentration at the permissive temperature (34°C), although normal keratinocytes were induced to differentiate and stop growing under the same conditions. The serum/Ca++-resistant cells did not proliferate at the nonpermissive temperature (40°C), indicating that they depended on T antigen for their proliferation. The temperaturesensitive T antigen dissociated from the tumor suppressor gene products, p53, at 40°C. The serum/Ca++-resistant cells still had the ability to proceed to terminal differentiation when injected into SCID mice as cultured keratinocytes. However, they did not form an apparent basal layer. This indicated that the tissue remodeling process in the serum/Ca++-resistant keratinocytes was abnormal. All of these epidermoid cysts disappeared within 8 wk and no tumor developed for 6 mo. We consider that ΔE1/SVtsT is a useful tool to examine multistep carcinogenesis of human epithelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Normal and neoplastic growth of epithelial cells depends on mutual interactions between epithelial and stromal cells. As a tool for the study of the underlying molecular mechanisms, we have developed temperature-sensitive, nontransformed cell lines derived from rat uterine epithelium and stroma by transfecting primary cultures with a temperature-sensitive mutant of the SV40 large T antigen. The epithelial and stromal cell lines obtained shared relevant morphological characteristics with the primary cells from which they were derived. Immunocytochemical analysis showed that the epithelial cell lines expressed the intermediate filament cytokeratin, whereas the stromal lines expressed the intermediate filament vimentin. Alkaline phosphatase activity was present in all cell lines examined. All cell lines were anchorage dependent and did not form foci. One epithelial cell line expressed oxytocin mRNA, a gene product recently shown to be highly expressed in vivo in the uterine epithelium at term. If grown on Matrigel, this cell line formed domelike structures, a further characteristic of its differentiated phenotype. In an attempt to reconstitute an endometrium in vitro, epithelial cells were seeded on top of a layer of stromal cells. Paraffin cross sections showed that this in vitro system consisted of a bilayer structure. Four to five cuboidal epithelial cells were typically anchored atop one stromal cell, forming an endometriumlike tissue. The present in vitro system should provide a useful model for further studies on endometrial functions and epithelial/stromal cell interactions at a molecular level.  相似文献   

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