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在无外源刺激条件征,我室所建小鼠胎肝基质细胞系MFLC可自发分泌多处类型细胞因子,其中IL-6及化学趋化因了水平较高,GM-CSF较低,但示检测到IL-3及IL-7活性,引细胞上清对小鼠骨髓造血干细胞有明显的促集落形成效应。并呈现剂量依赖关系,所形成的集落以CFU-GMM及CFU-GM为主,此细胞上清还促进5-Fu耐受小鼠骨髓造血干细胞的集落形成,提示上清中存在SCF样活性成份。上述结果表明,MF  相似文献   

Identification of erythropoietin receptors on fetal liver erythroid cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Erythropoietin (EPO) has a central role in the growth and development of erythroid cells. Using a biologically active radioiodinated derivative, EPO receptors were identified on fetal mouse liver cells mostly consisting of erythroid cells. 125I-EPO was cross-linked to two receptors forms with apparent molecular masses of 110 and 95 kilodaltons, respectively and both having similar affinity toward EPO.  相似文献   

UbC is one of two stress-inducible polyubiquitin genes in mammals and is thought to supplement the constitutive UbA genes in maintaining cellular ubiquitin (Ub) levels during episodes of cellular stress. We have generated mice harboring a targeted disruption of the UbC gene. UbC(-/-) embryos die between embryonic days 12.5 and 14.5 in utero, most likely owing to a severe defect in liver cell proliferation. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts from UbC(-/-) embryos exhibit reduced growth rates, premature senescence, increased apoptosis and delayed cell-cycle progression, with slightly, but significantly, decreased steady-state Ub levels. UbC(-/-) fibroblasts are hypersensitive to proteasome inhibitors and heat shock, and unable to adequately increase Ub levels in response to these cellular stresses. Most, but not all of the UbC(-/-) phenotypes can be rescued by providing additional Ub from a poly hemagglutinin-tagged Ub minigene expressed from the Hprt locus. We propose that UbC is regulated by a process that senses Ub pool dynamics. These data establish that UbC constitutes an essential source of Ub during cell proliferation and stress that cannot be compensated by other Ub genes.  相似文献   

Human platelet lysate (HPL) was evaluated as an alternative to fetal bovine serum (FBS) in large-scale culturing of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) for therapeutic applications. Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (DMEM)of low glucose (LG) and Knock Out (KO) were used with human platelet lysate (HPL) as LG-HPL and KO-HPL, and with FBS as LG-FBS and KO-FBS to culture the BM-MSCs. HPL at 10 % (v/v) supported BM-MSCs growth and subsequent isolation efficiency generated >90 × 10(6) MSCs in LG-HPL. Population doublings (PDs) and population doubling times of LG-HPL and KO-HPL (PDT) were not significantly different but LG-HPL showed a significant clonogenic potential and HPL cultures had an average PDT of 36.5 ± 6.5 h and an average PDs of 5 ± 0.7/passage. BM-MSCs cultured with LG-HPL had significantly higher immunosuppression compared to LG-FBS, but KO-HPL and KO-FBS-grown cultures were not significantly different. HPL is therefore alternative to FBS for large-scale production of BM-MSCs for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

To determine the role of reactive oxygen species in erythroid differentiation, we investigated the effects of an antioxidant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), on the differentiation of erythroid progenitors derived from mouse fetal liver. In response to erythropoietin (Epo), erythroid progenitors undergo differentiation in vitro and express erythroid-specific genes such as betamajor-globin, Alas2, MafK, p45, Eklf, and Gata1. Expression of these genes was decreased in the presence of NAC, whereas the expression of c-myb, which is downregulated during erythroid differentiation, remained constant. Moreover, NAC treatment inhibited an increase in the number of cells expressing high levels of erythroid-specific antigen TER119. Treatment with another antioxidant, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, also caused the attenuation of TER119 expression. These results suggest that reactive oxygen species are involved in Epo-mediated erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   

The liver has a marked capacity for regeneration. In most cases the liver regeneration is determined by hepatocytes. The regenerative capacity of hepatocytes is significantly reduced in acute or chronic damage. For example, in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis repair mechanisms are not activated and only organ transplantation or advanced methods of regenerative medicine can help such patients. Clinical trials including patients with various forms of liver disease have shown promising results of transplantation of autologous bone marrow stem cells. However, improvement of the effectiveness of such treatment requires optimization of sources of progenitor cells. In this study we have isolated stromal cells from the liver biopsies of three patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, performed their morphological and phenotypic analysis, and evaluated the hepatic potential of these cells in vitro. Stromal cells isolated from the fetal liver were used for comparative evaluation. During hepatic differentiation both types of cells expressed hepatic markers and secreted albumin. These results can serve as a basis for the development of a new method for the treatment of end-stage liver disease. The stromal cells isolated from the liver biopsies proliferate for a long time in a culture and this provides opportunity to produce them in large amounts for subsequent differentiation into hepatocyte-like cells and autologous transplantation.  相似文献   

Terminal differentiation of mammalian erythroid progenitors involves 4-5 cell divisions and induction of many erythroid important genes followed by chromatin and nuclear condensation and enucleation. The protein levels of c-Myc (Myc) are reduced dramatically during late stage erythroid maturation, coinciding with cell cycle arrest in G(1) phase and enucleation, suggesting possible roles for c-Myc in either or both of these processes. Here we demonstrate that ectopic Myc expression affects terminal erythroid maturation in a dose-dependent manner. Expression of Myc at physiological levels did not affect erythroid differentiation or cell cycle shutdown but specifically blocked erythroid nuclear condensation and enucleation. Continued Myc expression prevented deacetylation of several lysine residues in histones H3 and H4 that are normally deacetylated during erythroid maturation. The histone acetyltransferase Gcn5 was up-regulated by Myc, and ectopic Gcn5 expression partially blocked enucleation and inhibited the late stage erythroid nuclear condensation and histone deacetylation. When overexpressed at levels higher than the physiological range, Myc blocked erythroid differentiation, and the cells continued to proliferate in cytokine-free, serum-containing culture medium with an early erythroblast morphology. Gene expression analysis demonstrated the dysregulation of erythropoietin signaling pathway and the up-regulation of several positive regulators of G(1)-S cell cycle checkpoint by supraphysiological levels of Myc. These results reveal an important dose-dependent function of Myc in regulating terminal maturation in mammalian erythroid cells.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cells serve hematopoietic microenvironments where different blood cells are controlled in their growth and differentiation. To characterize functions of stromal cells, 33 bone marrow stromal cells including preadipocytes, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts were established from transgenic mice harboring temperature-sensitive SV40 T-antigen gene and their selective stimulatory abilities to support large colony formation of lineage-specific hematopoietic progenitor cells (erythroid, monocyte/macrophage, granulocyte, and monocyte-granulocyte) were examined. Among established stromal cells, 27 clones showed erythropoietic stimulatory activity in the presence of erythropoietin. On myeloid progenitors, the stromal cells showed lineage-restricted stimulatory activity and a reciprocal relationship was observed between granulocyte formation and macrophage formation, but these activities were not dependent on the amount of produced colony-stimulating factors (CSFs). Our present study with many stromal cells established from bone marrow indicated that each stromal cell in the bone marrow may provide the preferable microenvironment for a rapid expansion of the lineage-restricted progenitor cells in combination with CSFs. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin stimulates the immature erythroid J2E cell line to terminally differentiate and maintains the viability of the cells in the absence of serum. In contrast, a mutant J2E clone (J2E-NR) fails to mature in response to erythropoietin; however, it remains viable in the presence of the hormone. We have shown previously that intracellular signalling is disrupted in the J2E-NR cell line and that tyrosine phosphorylation is dramatically reduced after erythropoietin stimulation. In this study we investigated the defect in J2E-NR cells that is responsible for their inability to differentiate. Screening of numerous signalling molecules revealed that the lyn tyrosine kinase appeared to be absent from J2E-NR cells. On closer examination, both lyn mRNA and protein content were reduced >500-fold. Consistent with a defect in lyn, amphotropic retroviral infection of J2E-NR cells with lyn restored the ability of the cells to synthesize haemoglobin and enabled the cells to mature morphologically. Conversely, the ability of J2E cells to differentiate in response to epo was severely curtailed when antisense lyn oligonucleotides or a dominant negative lyn were introduced into the cells. However, erythropoietin-supported viability was unaffected by reducing lyn activity. The ability of two other erythropoietin-responsive cell lines (R11 and R24) to differentiate in response to the hormone was also reduced by dominant negative lyn. Finally, co-immunoprecipitation and yeast two-hybrid analyses indicated that lyn directly associated with the erythropoietin receptor complex. These data indicate for the first time an essential role for lyn in erythropoietin-initiated differentiation of J2E cells but not in the maintenance of cell viability.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin (epo) appears to play a significant role in influencing the proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitor (CFU-E) cells. To determine the mechanism of action of epo, the effect of drugs on the in vitro colony formation of CFU-E cells induced from a novel murine erythroleukemia cell line, TSA8, was examined. While cytosine arabinoside inhibited colony formation and terminal differentiation of the CFU-E cells responding to epo, herbimycin, which is a drug that inhibits src-related phosphorylation, inhibited colony formation only. The same effect of herbimycin was observed with normal CFU-E cells from mouse fetal liver cells. These results suggest that epo induces two signals, one for proliferation and the other for differentiation, and that the two signals are not linked in erythroid progenitor cells.  相似文献   

SOCS3 is essential in the regulation of fetal liver erythropoiesis.   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
SOCS3 (CIS3/JAB2) is an SH2-containing protein that binds to the activation loop of Janus kinases, inhibiting kinase activity, and thereby suppressing cytokine signaling. During embryonic development, SOCS3 is highly expressed in erythroid lineage cells and is Epo independent. Transgene-mediated expression blocks fetal erythropoiesis, resulting in embryonic lethality. SOCS3 deletion results in an embryonic lethality at 12-16 days associated with marked erythrocytosis. Moreover, the in vitro proliferative capacity of progenitors is greatly increased. SOCS3-deficient fetal liver stem cells can reconstitute hematopoiesis in lethally irradiated adults, indicating that its absence does not disturb bone marrow erythropoiesis. Reconstitution of lymphoid lineages in JAK3-deficient mice also occurs normally. The results demonstrate that SOCS3 is critical in negatively regulating fetal liver hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of the embryo places severe demands on the ability of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to cells. To meet this need, erythroid progenitors rapidly expand in the fetal liver microenvironment such that by E14.5, erythropoiesis predominates in the fetal liver. In this report we show that the BMP4/Smad5 dependent stress erythropoiesis pathway plays a key role in the expansion of erythroid progenitors in the fetal liver. These data show that the fetal liver contains two populations of erythroid progenitors. One population resembles the steady state erythroid progenitors found in the adult bone marrow. While the second population exhibits the properties of stress erythroid progenitors found in adult spleen. Here we demonstrate that defects in BMP4/Smad5 signaling preferentially affect the expansion of the stress erythroid progenitors in the fetal liver leading to fetal anemia. These data suggest that steady state erythropoiesis is unable to generate sufficient erythrocytes to maintain the rapid growth of the embryo leading to the induction of the BMP4 dependent stress erythropoiesis pathway. These observations underscore the similarities between fetal erythropoiesis and stress erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

The toxicity of anti-HIV drugs, 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (zidovudine, AZT), 2',3'-dideoxycytidine (DDC), 2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydrothymidine (d4T) and ribavirin was studied in vitro in murine fetal liver cells (FLC) and in bone marrow cells. These studies indicate that d4T is the least toxic drug and ribavirin is the most toxic agent in both models. However, the murine FLC system was found to be a more sensitive model for the assessment of toxicity of anti-HIV agents towards erythroid progenitor cells as indicated by the IC50 values.  相似文献   

The proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) transmits a signal via several critical cytoplasmic proteins such as MyD88, IRAKs and TRAF6. Recently, serine/threonine kinase TAK1 and TAK1 binding protein 1 and 2 (TAB1/2) have been identified as molecules involved in IL-1-induced TRAF6-mediated activation of AP-1 and NF-kappa B via mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases and I kappa B kinases, respectively. However, their physiological functions remain to be clarified. To elucidate their roles in vivo, we generated TAB2-deficient mice. The TAB2 deficiency was embryonic lethal due to liver degeneration and apoptosis. This phenotype was similar to that of NF-kappa B p65-, IKK beta-, and NEMO/IKK gamma-deficient mice. However, the IL-1-induced activation of NF-kappa B and MAP kinases was not impaired in TAB2-deficient embryonic fibroblasts. These findings demonstrate that TAB2 is essential for embryonic development through prevention of liver apoptosis but not for the IL-1 receptor-mediated signaling pathway.  相似文献   

目的:了解丁羟回醚(BHA)对小鼠胎肝(FL)细胞神经组织特异基因表达的影响及其信号途径。方法:小鼠胎肝细胞,以DMEM/F12+10%胎牛血清培养液培养;第4d后,去悬浮细胞,留黏附细胞,加入或者不加入磷酸肌醇3羟基激酶(PI3K)抑制剂LY294002(20μmol/L)处理24h,再加入BHA至终浓度0.2mmol/L,然后继续培养5d。用Western blot和半定量RT—PCR方法分析BHA处理前后神经组织细胞特异基因表达。结果:胎肝细胞本身表达神经组织特异基因水平较低或者不表达。BHA则促进了胎肝细胞内神经组织特异基因表达:NF-L mRNA增加5.8倍、NF—H mRNA增加8.0倍、TH mRNA增加30倍、BF-1 mRNA增加2.68倍;NF-L蛋白增加11.29倍、NF—H蛋白增加5,5倍、BF-1蛋白增加2.53倍、TH蛋白增加4.76倍。而LY294002能明显抑制BHA诱导的神经组织细胞特异蛋白NF—L、NF-H、BF-1和TH的表达。结论:PI3K活性与BHA诱导小鼠胎肝细胞表达神经组织细胞特异结构和功能基因有关。  相似文献   

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