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Assembly of the Mu transpososome is dependent on interactions of transposase subunits with the left (L) and right (R) ends of Mu and an enhancer (E). We have followed the order and dynamics of association of these sites within a series of transpososomes prior to and during formation of a three-site complex (LER), engagement of Mu ends by the transposase active site (type 0 complex), cleavage of the ends (type I complex) and their transfer to target DNA (type II complex). LER appears to be preceded by a two-site complex (ER) where E and R are interwrapped twice, as in the mature transpososome. At each stage thereafter, the overall topology of five DNA supercoils is retained: two between E and R, one between E and L and two between L and R. However, L-R interactions within LER appear to be flexible. Unexpectedly, the enhancer was seen to persist within the transpososome through cleavage and strand transfer of Mu ends to target DNA.  相似文献   

A Mu transpososome assembled on negatively supercoiled DNA traps five supercoils by intertwining the left (L) and right (R) ends of Mu with an enhancer element (E). To investigate the contribution of DNA supercoiling to this elaborate synapse in which E and L cross once, E and R twice, and L and R twice, we have analyzed DNA crossings in a transpososome assembled on nicked substrates under conditions that bypass the supercoiling requirement for transposition. We find that the transposase MuA can recreate an essentially similar topology on nicked substrates, interwrapping both E-R and L-R twice but being unable to generate the single E-L crossing. In addition, we deduce that the functional MuA tetramer must contribute to three of the four observed crossings and, thus, to restraining the enhancer within the complex. We discuss the contribution of both MuA and DNA supercoiling to the 5-noded Mu synapse built at the 3-way junction.  相似文献   

M Mizuuchi  K Mizuuchi 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(23):6927-6935
Initiation of phage Mu DNA transposition requires assembly of higher order protein-DNA complexes called Mu transpososomes containing the two Mu DNA ends and MuA transposase tetramer. Mu transpososome assembly is highly regulated and involves multiple DNA sites for transposase binding, including a transpositional enhancer called the internal activation sequence (IAS). In addition, a number of protein cofactors participate, including the target DNA activator MuB ATPase. We investigated the impact of the assembly cofactors on the kinetics of transpososome assembly with the aim of deciphering the reaction steps that are influenced by the cofactors. The transpositional enhancer IAS appears to have little impact on the initial pairing of the two Mu end segments bound by MuA. Instead, it accelerates the post-synaptic conformational step(s) that converts the reversible complex to the stable transpososome. The transpososome assembly stimulation by MuB does not require its stable DNA binding activity, which appears critical for directing transposition to sites distant from the donor transposon.  相似文献   

H Jiang  J Y Yang    R M Harshey 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(13):3845-3855
A bipartite enhancer sequence (composed of the O1 and O2 operator sites) is essential for assembly of the functional tetramer of phage Mu transposase (MuA) on supercoiled DNA substrates. A three-site interaction (LER) between the left (L) and right (R) ends of Mu (att sites) and the enhancer (E) precedes tetramer assembly. We have dissected the role of the enhancer in tetramer assembly by using two transposase proteins that have a common att site specificity, but are distinct in their enhancer specificity. The activity of these proteins on substrates containing hybrid enhancers reveals a 'criss-crossed' pattern of interaction between att and enhancer sites. The left operator, O1, of the enhancer interacts specifically with the transposase subunit at the R1 site (within the right att sequence) that is responsible for cleaving the left end of Mu. The right operator, O2, shows a preferential interaction with the transposase subunit at the L1 site (within the left att sequence) that is responsible for cleaving the right end of Mu.  相似文献   

H Savilahti  P A Rice    K Mizuuchi 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(19):4893-4903
The two chemical steps of phage Mu transpositional recombination, donor DNA cleavage and strand transfer, take place within higher order protein-DNA complexes called transpososomes. At the core of these complexes is a tetramer of MuA (the transposase), bound to the two ends of the Mu genome. While transpososome assembly normally requires a number of cofactors, under certain conditions only MuA and a short DNA fragment are required. DNA requirements for this process, as well as the stability and activity of the ensuing complexes, were established. The divalent cation normally required for assembly of the stable complex could be omitted if the substrate was prenicked, if the flanking DNA was very short or if the two flanking strands were non-complementary. The presence of a single nucleotide beyond the Mu genome end on the non-cut strand was critical for transpososome stability. Donor cleavage additionally required at least two flanking nucleotides on the strand to be cleaved. The flanking DNA double helix was destabilized, implying distortion of the DNA near the active site. Although donor cleavage required Mg2+, strand transfer took place in the presence of Ca2+ as well, suggesting a conformational difference in the active site for the two chemical steps.  相似文献   

The higher-order DNA-protein complex that carries out the chemical steps of phage Mu transposition is organized by bridging interactions among three DNA sites, the left (L) and right (R) ends of Mu, and an enhancer element (E), mediated by the transposase protein MuA. A subset of the six subunits of MuA associated with their cognate sub-sites at L and R communicate with the enhancer to trigger the stepwise assembly of the functional transpososome. The DNA follows a well-defined path within the transpososome, trapping five supercoil nodes comprising two E-R crossings, one E-L crossing and two L-R crossings. The enhancer is a critical DNA element in specifying the unique interwrapped topology of the three-site LER synapse. In this study, we used multiple strategies to characterize Mu end-enhancer interactions to extend, modify and refine those inferred from earlier analyses. Directed placement of transposase subunits at their cognate sub-sites at L and R, analysis of the protein composition of transpososomes thus obtained, and their characterization using topological methods define the following interactions. R1-E interaction is essential to promote transpososome assembly, R3-E interaction contributes to the native topology of the transpososome, and L1-E and R2-E interactions are not required for assembly. The data on L2-E and L3-E interactions are not unequivocal. If they do occur, either one is sufficient to support the assembly process. Our results are consistent with two R-E and perhaps one L-E, being responsible for the three DNA crossings between the enhancer and the left and right ends of Mu. A 3D representation of the interwrapped complex (IW) obtained by modeling is consistent with these results. The model reveals straightforward geometric and topological relationships between the IW complex and a more relaxed enhancer-independent V-form of the transpososome assembled under altered reaction conditions.  相似文献   

DNA sequence within the Mu C operon.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

Assembly of the functional tetrameric form of Mu transposase (MuA protein) at the two att ends of Mu depends on interaction of MuA with multiple att and enhancer sites on supercoiled DNA, and is stimulated by MuB protein. The N-terminal domain I of MuA harbours distinct regions for interaction with the att ends and enhancer; the C-terminal domain III contains separate regions essential for tetramer assembly and interaction with MuB protein (IIIα and IIIβ, respectively). Although the central domain II (the ‘DDE’ domain) of MuA harbours the known catalytic DDE residues, a 26 amino acid peptide within IIIα also has a non-specific DNA binding and nuclease activity which has been implicated in catalysis. One model proposes that active sites for Mu transposition are assembled by sharing structural/catalytic residues between domains II and III present on separate MuA monomers within the MuA tetramer. We have used substrates with altered att sites and mixtures of MuA proteins with either wild-type or altered att DNA binding specificities, to create tetrameric arrangements wherein specific MuA subunits are nonfunctional in II, IIIα or IIIβ domains. From the ability of these oriented tetramers to carry out DNA cleavage and strand transfer we conclude that domain IIIα or IIIβ function is not unique to a specific subunit within the tetramer, indicative of a structural rather than a catalytic function for domain III in Mu transposition.  相似文献   

Transposition of mobile genetic elements proceeds through a series of DNA phosphoryl transfer reactions, with multiple reaction steps catalyzed by the same set of active site residues. Mu transposase repeatedly utilizes the same active site DDE residues to cleave and join a single DNA strand at each transposon end to a new, distant DNA location (the target DNA). To better understand how DNA is manipulated within the Mu transposase-DNA complex during recombination, the impact of the DNA immediately adjacent to the Mu DNA ends (the flanking DNA) on the progress of transposition was investigated. We show that, in the absence of the MuB activator, the 3 '-flanking strand can slow one or more steps between DNA cleavage and joining. The presence of this flanking DNA strand in just one active site slows the joining step in both active sites. Further evidence suggests that this slow step is not due to a change in the affinity of the transpososome for the target DNA. Finally, we demonstrate that MuB activates transposition by stimulating the reaction step between cleavage and joining that is otherwise slowed by this flanking DNA strand. Based on these results, we propose that the 3 '-flanking DNA strand must be removed from, or shifted within, both active sites after the cleavage step; this movement is coupled to a conformational change within the transpososome that properly positions the target DNA simultaneously within both active sites and thereby permits joining.  相似文献   

R Craigie  K Mizuuchi 《Cell》1987,51(3):493-501
Transposition of Mu involves transfer of the 3' ends of Mu DNA to the 5' ends of a staggered cut in the target DNA. We find that cleavage at the 3' ends of Mu DNA precedes cutting of the target DNA. The resulting nicked species exists as a noncovalent nucleoprotein complex in which the two Mu ends are held together. This cleaved donor complex completes strand transfer when a target DNA, Mu B protein, and ATP are provided. Mu end DNA sequences that have been precisely cut at their 3' ends by a restriction endonuclease, instead of by Mu A protein and HU, are efficiently transferred to a target DNA upon subsequent incubation with Mu A protein, Mu B protein, and ATP. Cleavage of the Mu ends therefore cannot be energetically coupled with joining these ends to a target DNA. We discuss the DNA strand transfer mechanism in view of these results, and propose a model involving direct transfer of the 5' ends of the cut target DNA, from their original partners, to the 3' ends of Mu.  相似文献   

It has been shown by others that the melting of DNA in the nucleosome core particle is biphasic (ref. 1) and that the initial denaturation phase is due to melting of the DNA termini (refs. 1 & 2). We analyze the salt dependence of the melting temperature of this first transition and estimate that only 15% of the phosphates of the DNA termini are involved in intimate charge-charge interactions with histones. (The simplest model yields approximately 9%, whereas a calculated overestimate yields approximately 21% neutralization.) This is a surprisingly small number of interactions but we suggest that it may nonetheless be representative of all the core particle DNA.  相似文献   

We report a new cellular interaction between the infecting transposable phage Mu and the host Escherichia coli replication machinery during repair of Mu insertions, which involves filling‐in of short target gaps on either side of the insertion, concomitant with degradation of extraneous long flanking DNA (FD) linked to Mu. Using the FD as a marker to follow repair, we find that after transposition into the chromosome, the unrepaired Mu is indefinitely stable until the replication fork arrives at the insertion site, whereupon the FD is rapidly degraded. When the fork runs into a Mu target gap, a double strand end (DSE) will result; we demonstrate fork‐dependent DSEs proximal to Mu. These findings suggest that Pol III stalled at the transpososome is exploited for co‐ordinated repair of both target gaps flanking Mu without replicating the intervening 37 kb of Mu, disassembling the stable transpososome in the process. This work is relevant to all transposable elements, including retroviral elements like HIV‐1, which share with Mu the common problem of repair of their flanking target gaps.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of the A protein-binding sites at the Mu ends in the DNA strand transfer reaction, we constructed mutant mini-Mu molecules in which these sites were deleted (L3 or R3) or substituted (L2 or R2) to conserve the spacing arrangements at the adjacent sites. The single site mutants are poor substrates for phosphodiester bond hydrolysis at the Mu ends in Type 1 reactions in the absence of Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF). Addition of IHF to the reaction stimulates Type 1 cleavage more than 10 times for the delta-R3, delta-L3, S-L2 mutants and more than five times in the case of the S-R2 mutant under alternate conditions. The site of IHF stimulation resides within the transpositional enhancer which implicates the end-binding sites L2, L3, R2, and R3 in interactions with the enhancer. At least two of the L2, L3, and R3 sites are required for proficient reaction in the presence of IHF. By combining the single site mutants with O1 or O2 partially deleted enhancer elements, we have tentatively localized some of the interactions to each side of the functional enhancer revealing a complex circuit of end-enhancer interactions. The R3 site is suggested to be involved in interactions only with O2 and the L3 site only with O1. The data also suggest the possibility that L2 and R2 may be involved in interactions with both O1 and O2. Finally, our working model predicts that the L3-O1 and R3-O2 interactions may be required contacts for discriminating between the Mu left and right ends in transpososome formation.  相似文献   

In this paper we determine which of the A binding sites in the attachment sites of phage Mu are required for the stimulatory activity of the transpositional enhancer (IAS). For this purpose the transposition frequencies of mini-Mu's with different truncated attachment sites to an Ftet target were measured both in the presence and the absence of the IAS. The results show that in our in vivo assay the L3 and R3 sites are dispensable for functioning of the IAS. An additional deletion of L2 or R2 however abolishes the stimulating activity of the enhancer suggesting an interaction between A molecules bound to these sites and the IAS. The residual transposition activity of a IAS-containing mini Mu in which R2 (and R3) are deleted is much lower than the activity of the comparable construct without the IAS. This means that in the absence of R2 the IAS is inhibiting transposition. Such an inhibition is not observed when L2 (and L3) are deleted. This suggests that the IAS interacts with the attachment sites in an ordered fashion, first with attL and then with attR. Furthermore we show that mini-Mu transposition is enhanced when Fpro-lac is used as a target instead of Ftet. We show that this elevated transposition is dependent on the Mu A binding sites L2,L3 and R2. These sequences could possibly mediate an interaction between the mini-Mu plasmid and sequences present on Fpro-lac.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids carrying one or both ends of the bacteriophage Mu genome were constructed by molecular cloning. Transposable mini-Mu's with selectable markers (ampicillin resistance, kanamycin resistance or the entire lac operon of Escherichia coli) inserted between the Mu ends were also constructed. As a source of lac operon DNA, a pBR322 derivative with a 27 kb insert containing the lac operon was constructed. The plasmids with both ends of Mu (mini-Mu's) conferred full Mu immunity upon the host cells. However, the same mini-Mu's containing kan or lac inserts were defective in immunity. A summary of the construction and physical characterization, including restriction endonuclease cleavage maps and some of the biological properties of the plasmids, is presented.  相似文献   

The Mu in vitro strand transfer reaction proceeds via two stable higher order nucleoprotein complexes, the Type 1 and Type 2 transpososomes. The Mu A protein is responsible for the structural and functional integrity of the Type 1 transpososome. We have investigated the quaternary structure of the Mu A protein within this complex by chemical cross-linking experiments and found that the basic structural unit is an A tetramer. Three Mu A binding sites in the transpososome are protected by DNase I footprinting: the outermost A binding sites L1 and R1, as well as R2. Genetic evidence is also presented which corroborates this result. Efficient formation of Type 1 complexes occurs in mini-Mus with the L3 or R3 sites deleted or when the L2 site has been substituted; but no reaction occurs in the absence of R2. The protection at the L1 and R1 sites extends 12-13 bp beyond the Mu-host junctions as seen by DNase I and methidiumpropyl-EDTA.Fe(II) [MPE.Fe(II)] foot-printing, indicating Mu A contacts with the flanking host sequences in the transpososome but not on linear DNA; furthermore, hydroxyl radical footprinting shows an unprecedentedly large enhancement on the continuous strand, 2 bp beyond the nick site outside the Mu right end, which suggests that an altered DNA structure is induced upon Type 1 complex formation.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Mu transposition requires two phage-encoded proteins, the transposase, Mu A, and an accessory protein, Mu B. Mu B is an ATP-dependent DNA-binding protein that is required for target capture and target immunity and is an allosteric activator of transpososome function. The recent NMR structure of the C-terminal domain of Mu B (Mu B223-312) revealed that there is a patch of positively charged residues on the solvent-exposed surface. This patch may be responsible for the nonspecific DNA binding activity displayed by the purified Mu B223-312 peptide. We show that mutations of three lysine residues within this patch completely abolish nonspecific DNA binding of the C-terminal peptide (Mu B223- 312). To determine how this DNA binding activity affects transposition we mutated these lysine residues in the full-length protein. The full-length protein carrying all three mutations was deficient in both strand transfer and allosteric activation of transpososome function but retained ATPase activity. Peptide binding studies also revealed that this patch of basic residues within the C-terminal domain of Mu B is within a region of the protein that interacts directly with Mu A. Thus, we conclude that this protein segment contributes to both DNA binding and protein-protein contacts with the Mu transposase.  相似文献   

Transposition of mini-Mu containing only one of the ends of bacteriophage Mu was studied. Transposition was observed when plasmids containing this mini-Mu were used as the donor in a mating-out assay with the F factor POX38, which lacks all known transposable elements, as the target. Analysis of the plasmids isolated from the recipient strain showed that in most cases the mini-Mu containing plasmid and POX38 were fused and that a part of the plasmid had been duplicated, indicating the formation of co-integrates. To obtain the DNA sequences of the junctions between donor and recipient DNA, an F factor was constructed that made it possible to analyse these junctions directly. The results showed that several sequences can be used as an alternative end in transposition and that these alternative ends show homology with the consensus for a strong A binding site. Moreover, the first base pair at the junction was always a (TA) base pair. This base pair is situated at exactly the same position with respect to the sequence which has homology with the consensus for a strong A binding site as in the ends of Mu.  相似文献   

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