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Propagule dispersal and the scales of marine community process   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Benthic marine organisms are characterized by a bipartite life history in which populations of sedentary adults are connected by oceanic transport of planktonic propagules. In contrast with the terrestrial case, where ‘long distance dispersal’ (LDD) has traditionally been viewed as a process involving rare events, this creates the possibility for large numbers of offspring to travel far relative to the spatial scale of adult populations. As a result, the concept of LDD must be examined carefully when applied in a marine context. Any measure of LDD requires reference to an explicit ‘local’ scale, often defined in terms of adult population demography, habitat patchiness, or the average dispersal distance. Terms such as ‘open’ and ‘closed’ are relative, and should be used with caution, especially when compared across different taxa and systems. We use recently synthesized data on marine propagule dispersal potential and the spread of marine invasive species to draw inferences about average and maximum effective dispersal distances for marine taxa. Foremost, our results indicate that dispersal occurs at a wide range of scales in marine communities. The nonrandom distribution of these scales among community members has implications for marine community dynamics, and for the implementation of marine conservation efforts. Second, in agreement with theoretical results, our data illustrate that average and extreme dispersal scales do not necessarily covary. This further confounds simple classifications of ‘short’ and ‘long’ dispersers, because different ecological processes (e.g. range expansion vs. population replenishment) depend on different aspects of the dispersal pattern (e.g. extremes vs. average). Our findings argue for a more rigorous quantitative view of scale in the study of marine dispersal processes, where relative terms such as ‘short’ and ‘long’, ‘open’ and ‘closed’, ‘retained’ and ‘exported’ are defined only in conjunction with explicit definitions of the scale and process of interest. This shift in perspective represents an important step towards unifying theoretical and empirical studies of dispersal processes in marine and terrestrial systems.  相似文献   

Although Darwin pioneered the study of long‐distance dispersal (LDD) of aquatic invertebrates via waterbirds, it remains in its infancy as a modern discipline. A handful of recent studies have quantified internal or external transport in the field, confirming that a variety of long‐distance migrants carry invertebrates both internally and externally. These studies show that variation in the morphology of vectors influences the frequency and size of propagules transported, and suggest that more invertebrate groups disperse via birds than was previously thought. Dispersal limitation has mainly been investigated for zooplankton in small experimental systems from which waterbirds were effectively excluded, and the extent of such limitation for invertebrate populations in wetlands interconnected by waterbird movements remains unclear. We expect that the spatial and temporal scales at which dispersal limitation constrains geographical ranges, species richness and genetic structure of invertebrates depends partly on the density of migratory birds using the area. Birds may have a major role in the expansion of exotic species. We propose several avenues for future research. There is a particular need for more quantitative studies of LDD by birds that will enable modellers to assess its role in maintaining invertebrate biodiversity among increasingly fragmented wetlands and in the face of climate change, as well as in the spread of invasive species.  相似文献   

The importance of long-distance dispersal in biodiversity conservation   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
Dispersal is universally considered important for biodiversity conservation. However, the significance of long‐ as opposed to short‐distance dispersal is insufficiently recognized in the conservation context. Long‐distance dispersal (LDD) events, although typically rare, are crucial to population spread and to maintenance of genetic connectivity. The main threats to global biodiversity involve excessive LDD of elements alien to ecosystems and insufficient dispersal of native species, for example, because of habitat fragmentation. In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap in the treatment of LDD by reviewing the conservation issues for which LDD is most important. We then demonstrate how taking LDD into consideration can improve conservation management decisions.  相似文献   

W. Solarz, K. Najberek, A. Pociecha & E. Wilk‐Wo?niak ( 2017 , Diversity and Distributions, 23 , 113–117) published a letter in Diversity and Distributions debating our view that waterbirds are important vectors of alien species (C. Reynolds, N. A. F. Miranda & G. S. Cumming, 2015 Diversity and Distributions, 21 , 744–754; A. J. Green, 2016 Diversity and Distributions, 22 , 239–247) and question whether future research into the mechanisms under‐pinning this phenomenon can be advantageous for the practical management of alien species. Additionally, Solarz et al. suggest that human activities are the primary source of all alien species introductions and that waterbirds may only act as vectors of secondary dispersal. In this letter, we respond to several arguments raised by the authors surrounding the relevance of waterbird‐mediated dispersal in the introduction and spread of alien species. We emphasize the partly deterministic nature of waterbird dispersal and the significance of long‐distance dispersal events (and hence the potential for primary introductions of new alien species across political boundaries). Finally, we reaffirm the importance of further research into dispersal by birds to improve our capacity to foresee and manage invasions of those alien species with strong capacity to spread via avian vectors.  相似文献   

The 5th Symposium on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal, held in Montpellier (France), 13-18 June 2010, brought together more than 220 researchers exemplifying a wide diversity of approaches to the study of frugivory and dispersal of seeds. Following Ted Fleming and Alejandro Estrada's initiative in 1985, this event was a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the first meeting in Veracruz, Mexico. Frugivory and seed dispersal are active research areas that have diversified in multiple directions since 1985 to include evolution (e.g. phylogenetic diversity and dispersal adaptations), physiology (e.g. sensory cues and digestion), landscape ecology (movement patterns), molecular ecology (e.g. gene flow, genetic diversity and structure), community ecology (e.g. mutualistic interaction networks) and conservation biology (effects of hunting, fragmentation, invasion and extinction), among others. This meeting provided an opportunity to assess conceptual and methodological progress, to present ever more sophisticated insights into frugivory in animals and dispersal patterns in plants, and to report the advances made in examining the mechanisms and consequences of seed dispersal for plants and frugivores.  相似文献   

Anciently introduced species can be confounded with native species because introduction pre‐dates the first species inventories or because of the loss of the collective memory of the introductions. The term ‘cryptogenic species’ denotes species of unknown or unclear status (native versus non‐native) in a given territory, and disciplinary approaches are often insufficient for solving their true status. Here, we follow an integrative, multidisciplinary approach to solve the status of a cryptogenic species, proposing that building on evidence from multiple disciplines can produce robust and clarifying insights. We undertook an exhaustive review of information on a putatively native crayfish (Austropotamobius italicus) in Spain. The reviewed information included taxonomy, genetics and phylogeography, history, archaeology, linguistics, biogeography, ecology, symbiotic organisms and even gastronomy and pharmacy. The knowledge produced by different scientific disciplines converges to indicate that A. italicus is a non‐native species in Spain. Historical documents even identify the first introduction event: crayfish were shipped from Italy to Spain in 1588 as a diplomatic gift from Francesco I de' Medici to King Philip II of Spain. Previous discussions on the status of A. italicus focussed on inconclusive and often confusing genetic results and excluded the rich and clarifying evidence available from other approaches and disciplines. Interdisciplinarity is an often‐invoked but rarely implemented practice in an academic environment that increasingly promotes narrow‐focussed specialization. Our review shows that the integration of disciplines can surpass disciplinary approaches in solving scientific controversies. Our results have straightforward implications for strategies to conserve biological diversity in Spain and Europe, urging a debate on the appropriateness of devoting conservation efforts to non‐native species.  相似文献   

Aim We estimated the patterns of seed deposition provided by the eyed lizard, Timon lepidus, and evaluated whether these patterns can be generalized across plant species with different traits (fruit and seed size) and spatial distributions. Location Monteagudo Island, Atlantic Islands National Park (north‐western Spain). Methods We radio‐tracked seven lizards for 14 days and estimated their home ranges using fixed kernels. We also geo‐referenced all fruit‐bearing individuals of four plant species dispersed by eyed lizards in the study area (Corema album, Osyris alba, Rubus ulmifolius and Tamus communis), measured the passage time of their seeds through the lizard gut, and estimated seed predation in four habitats (bare sand, grassland, shrub and gorse). Seed dispersal kernels were estimated using a combination of these data and were combined with seed predation probability maps to incorporate post‐dispersal seed fate (‘seed survival kernels’). Results Median seed gut‐passage times were around 52–98 h, with maximum values up to 250 h. Lizards achieved maximum displacement in their home ranges within 24–48 h. Seed predation was high (80–100% of seeds in 2 months), particularly under Corema shrub and gorse. Seed dispersal kernels showed a common pattern, with two areas of preferential seed deposition, but the importance of these varied among plant species. Interspecific differences among dispersal kernels were strongly reduced by post‐dispersal seed predation; hence, seed survival kernels of the different plant species showed high auto‐ and pairwise‐correlations at small distances (< 50 m). As a result, survival to post‐dispersal seed predation increased with dispersal distance for O. alba and T. communis, but not for C. album. Main conclusions Seed dispersal by lizards was determined primarily by the interaction between the dispersers’ home ranges and the position of the fruit‐bearing plants. As a result, seed rain shared a common template, but showed considerable variation among species, determined by their specific spatial context. Seed predation increased the spatial coherence of the seed rain of the different species, but also resulted in contrasting relationships between seed survival and dispersal distance, which may be of importance for the demographic and evolutionary processes of the plants.  相似文献   

Genetic and demographic estimates of dispersal are often thought to be inconsistent. In this study, we use the damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale (Odonata: Zygoptera) as a model to evaluate directly the relationship between estimates of dispersal rate measured during capture-mark-recapture fieldwork with those made from the spatial pattern of genetic markers in linear and two-dimensional habitats. We estimate the 'neighbourhood size' (Nb) - the product of the mean axial dispersal rate between parent and offspring and the population density - by a previously described technique, here called the regression method. Because C. mercuriale is less philopatric than species investigated previously by the regression method we evaluate a refined estimator that may be more applicable for relatively mobile species. Results from simulations and empirical data sets reveal that the new estimator performs better under most situations, except when dispersal is very localized relative to population density. Analysis of the C. mercuriale data extends previous results which demonstrated that demographic and genetic estimates of Nb by the regression method are equivalent to within a factor of two at local scales where genetic estimates are less affected by habitat heterogeneity, stochastic processes and/or differential selective regimes. The corollary is that with a little insight into a species' ecology the pattern of spatial genetic structure provides quantitative information on dispersal rates and/or population densities that has real value for conservation management.  相似文献   

Aim The development of metacommunity theory inspired a series of studies exploring the importance of environmental and spatial effects on the composition of biotic assemblages. However, the comparison of different groups of organisms has been hampered by differences in sampling design, spatial scales or the environmental variables involved. Our aim was to test how dispersal ability affects metacommunity structure and associated species distributions by sampling different species groups in the same plots to avoid these problems. Location Western Carpathian Mountains (Europe). Methods In 191 fens we sampled the composition of diatom, bryophyte, vascular plant and mollusc assemblages, water chemistry, and macroclimatic data. We then generated spatial variables covering all relevant spatial scales using analysis of principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM). We applied the adjusted variation partitioning algorithm to quantify the effects of environment and space. Results Pure effects of water chemistry and space were highly significant for all groups of organisms. Spatial effects were stronger for groups with larger propagules (vascular plants, molluscs) than for those with smaller propagules (diatoms, bryophytes). Assemblages of macroscopic bryophytes were structured slightly less by geography and much more by environment than were those of microscopic diatoms. Vascular plant and mollusc assemblages turned out to be more spatially structured (as compared to diatom and bryophyte assemblages), with small differences between the two groups. Coarse‐scale spatial effects dominated in the bryophyte metacommunity, while in the other groups, including diatoms, finer‐scale effects were also important. Main conclusions Given that our analyses are based on a standardized sampling and analytical framework, our findings provide strong support for the hypothesis that both environmental and spatial variables structure metacommunities of organisms with very different dispersal abilities, including microscopic diatoms. In addition, we show for the first time that the strengths of these effects and their scale dependence may be predicted using important trait differences between organisms, for example differences in propagule size.  相似文献   

Developing high‐quality scientific research will be most effective if research communities with diverse skills and interests are able to share information and knowledge, are aware of the major challenges across disciplines, and can exploit economies of scale to provide robust answers and better inform policy. We evaluate opportunities and challenges facing the development of a more interactive research environment by developing an interdisciplinary synthesis of research on a single geographic region. We focus on the Amazon as it is of enormous regional and global environmental importance and faces a highly uncertain future. To take stock of existing knowledge and provide a framework for analysis we present a set of mini‐reviews from fourteen different areas of research, encompassing taxonomy, biodiversity, biogeography, vegetation dynamics, landscape ecology, earth‐atmosphere interactions, ecosystem processes, fire, deforestation dynamics, hydrology, hunting, conservation planning, livelihoods, and payments for ecosystem services. Each review highlights the current state of knowledge and identifies research priorities, including major challenges and opportunities. We show that while substantial progress is being made across many areas of scientific research, our understanding of specific issues is often dependent on knowledge from other disciplines. Accelerating the acquisition of reliable and contextualized knowledge about the fate of complex pristine and modified ecosystems is partly dependent on our ability to exploit economies of scale in shared resources and technical expertise, recognise and make explicit interconnections and feedbacks among sub‐disciplines, increase the temporal and spatial scale of existing studies, and improve the dissemination of scientific findings to policy makers and society at large. Enhancing interaction among research efforts is vital if we are to make the most of limited funds and overcome the challenges posed by addressing large‐scale interdisciplinary questions. Bringing together a diverse scientific community with a single geographic focus can help increase awareness of research questions both within and among disciplines, and reveal the opportunities that may exist for advancing acquisition of reliable knowledge. This approach could be useful for a variety of globally important scientific questions.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) population density was analysed in the cities of Bern and Brussels in order to explore its spatial population dynamics. The surveys were carried out in Bern in 1998 and 2000 and in Brussels in 2001 to assess population density in relation to local characteristics. In Brussels, population density was also measured using pheromone traps distributed over the city and collected twice per moth generation. A quantitative relationship was found between local population density (measured by pheromone traps and survey observations) and the amount of leaves left on the ground the previous fall. Several other factors were related to observed infestation levels: the occurrence of the pathogen Guignardia aesculi was inversely related to infestation by C. ohridella in Bern in 1998 and 2000, the number of horse chestnut trees within 800 m distance was positively related to infestation level in Bern in 2000, and the proportion of green areas within 100 m and the number of other horse chestnut trees within 2000 m were positively related to infestation levels in the 2001 Brussels survey. The pattern of infestation levels as a function of distance to potential population reservoirs suggested that C. ohridella re‐invades areas where overwintering leaves have been cleaned from refuge areas such as parks or urban forests. Our results indicate that the removal of leaves is a feasible first aid control measure to reduce moth population densities. However, leaf removal may not reduce moth densities when done improperly. In places where proper leaf removal is not feasible, other control measures are needed.  相似文献   

Aim Working within a system of high structural contrast between fragments and the surrounding matrix, we assessed patterns of species loss and changes in species composition of phyllostomid bats on artificial land‐bridge islands relative to mainland assemblages, and evaluated the responses of bats to forest edges. We further examined the relative influence of local‐scale characteristics (e.g. vegetation structure, island area) versus landscape attributes (e.g. forest cover, patch density) and the importance of spatial scale in determining phyllostomid species richness and composition on islands. Location Islands in Gatún Lake and adjacent mainland peninsulas in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama. Methods Bats were sampled over a 2‐year period on 11 islands as well as at forest‐edge and interior sites on adjacent mainland, resulting in > 8400 captures. Results The islands harboured a less diverse and structurally simplified phyllostomid bat fauna. Islands far from the mainland were especially species‐poor. This decline in species richness was associated with compositional shifts towards assemblages strongly dominated by frugivores with good dispersal abilities. Members of other ensembles, most importantly gleaning animalivores, were much less common or absent. Although overall species composition was not significantly altered, species richness at continuous forest‐edge sites was significantly lower compared with that at interior sites. Distance from the mainland and amount of forest cover in the landscape were the best predictors of species richness and assemblage composition. Responses were scale‐dependent. At the local scale, species richness was independent of island area but was correlated positively with distance from the mainland. In contrast, area effects became more important at larger spatial scales, suggesting that many species use multiple fragments. Main conclusions Our results underline the conservation value of small habitat remnants, which, even when embedded in a hostile matrix, can support a relatively diverse bat fauna, provided that there is a low degree of patch isolation and spatial proximity to larger tracts of continuous forest. Although the results at the assemblage level were inconclusive, we demonstrate that certain bat species and ensembles, particularly gleaning animalivores, exhibit high edge‐sensitivity. Our results point to habitat loss rather than changes in landscape configuration as the main process after isolation underlying phyllostomid bat responses, suggesting that conservation efforts should focus on habitat preservation instead of trying to minimize fragmentation per se at the expense of habitat amount.  相似文献   

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