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This paper presents data from 2 recent maternal-child health (MCH) and family planning surveys in Guatemala and Panama and examines the extent to which the use of contraception is influenced by the use of MCH services as compared with the influence of an increase in parity. Fieldwork was initiated in July 1984 but not completed until April 1985. A total of 8240 women aged 15-49 years, of all marital statuses, completed interviews, representing 91% of households with eligible respondents. The findings suggest that utilization of MCH services and parity independently are associated with a woman's decision to use contraception. The study also found 2 groups that appear to be particularly in need of both MCH and family planning services: high parity women and Indians. Nonuse of MCH and family planning services may be due in part to their strong cultural beliefs. In both Guatemala and Panama, improved health care services for these 2 groups should be a priority. Contraceptive use in Panama was over twice as high as in Guatemala. However, method choice and residence-ethnicity patterns of use were similar in each country. In both countries and in all residence-ethnicity groups, female sterilization was the most prevalent method in use, followed by oral contraceptives, except for Panama rural Indians. In Panama, contraceptive use increases up to ages 30-34 and then declines, with a sharp decline for women 40-44. In Guatemala, contraceptive use is generally low for ages 15-24, then increases to a fairly constant level for ages 25-39.  相似文献   

Access to and quality of services have increasingly been the focus of family planning programme managers, implementers and researchers in the developing world. In Vietnam, a country characterized by recent significant achievements in family planning, not much is known about the linkages between service accessibility and quality and contraceptive behaviour. Data for this study come from the Vietnam 1997 Demographic and Health Survey, with individual contraceptive use information recorded in the calendar section. Measures of access to and quality of services come from the Community/Health Facility Questionnaire, with key informant interviews and facility visits. The study focuses on the effects of the outreach programme and commune health centres on contraceptive method discontinuation for three modern, temporary methods: the IUD, oral pills and condoms. Longer travel time to commune health centres is found to be associated with significantly increased risks of first- and all-method discontinuation for any reason, while residence in communities with higher quality health centres is associated with significantly lower risks of method discontinuation. Access to and quality of the outreach programme are, in contrast, not significant determinants of method discontinuation for any reason. Similar results are found for first- and all-method discontinuation for service-related reasons. The effects of programmatic factors are more pronounced among older women and during the first three months of method use. This study provides evidence for the importance of family planning services for contraceptive method continuation in Vietnam. The results also highlight the need for a thorough evaluation of the family planning outreach programme in terms of its facilitation of women's continued use of contraception.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) of 1993 to examine factors determining the use of maternal-child health (MCH) services in rural Ghana. The MCH services under study are: (1) use of a doctor for prenatal care; (2) soliciting four or more antenatal check-ups; (3) place of delivery; (4) participation in family planning. Bivariate and multivariate techniques are employed in the analyses. The analyses reveal that the use of MCH services tends to be shaped mostly by level of education, religious background and region of residence, and partially by ethnicity and occupation. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   



Counseling/advice is one of the key interventions to promote family planning (FP) in developing countries, including India. It helps to improve the quality of care and reduce maternal deaths. This paper investigates the continuity of maternal health (MH) service utilization from antenatal care to post-natal care and the impact this service utilization has on contraceptive use and on meeting the demand for family planning among currently married women in rural Uttar Pradesh, India.

Methods and Findings

The study assesses the impact of FP advice on unmet need and contraceptive use by adopting the propensity score matching method. It uses data from the District Level Household Survey (DLHS) (2007–08) that covered 76,147 currently married women (CMW) in the age group 15–44 years in Uttar Pradesh. Results show that the utilization of MH services [Antenatal care (ANC), institutional delivery, Postnatal care (PNC)] and FP advice during ANC and PNC has led to increase in current use of contraception by 3.7% (p<.01), 7.3% (p<.01) and 6.8% (p<.01), respectively. However, a greater utilization of these services has not translated into a reduction of unmet need for contraception at a similar manner.


MH service utilization including FP advice is more effective in increasing current use of spacing methods as compared to limiting methods. Findings support the need for “effective FP advice” interventions to reduce unintended births and unmet need. However, women from Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe communities are less likely to receive MH services. Thus, efforts are required to ensure that currently married women across socio-economic backgrounds have equal opportunity to receive MH services and information on contraceptive use to meet the demand for family planning methods.  相似文献   

The low contraceptive prevalence rate and the existence of unmet demand for family planning services present a challenge for parties involved in family planning research in Tanzania. The observed situation has been explained by the demand-side variables such as socioeconomic characteristics and cultural values that maintain the demand for large families. A small, but growing body of research is examining the effect of supply-side factors such as quality of care of family planning services on the demand for contraceptives. This paper analyses the demand and supply factors determining contraceptive use in Tanzania using the Tanzania Service Availability Survey (1996) and the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (1996) data sets. The results show that access to family planning services and quality of care of services are important determinants of contraceptive use in Tanzania even after controlling for demand-side factors.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of access to health infrastructure, personnel and services on children's nutritional status in rural Nepal. Data for the study come from the 1996 Nepal Living Standards Survey, which includes individual- and household-level information on children's nutritional status and its environmental and socioeconomic determinants, and community-level information on the availability of health care infrastructure, personnel and services. The study uses a structural modelling approach to assess the relative contributions of the health care supply environment on children's anthropometric status via the pathway of maternal and child health (MCH) service use. The findings suggest that improvements in the availability of outreach clinics and the structural quality of the closest public facility would be expected to have statistically significant and large effects on the use of MCH services, and that increases in MCH service use would have a statistically significant impact on weight-for-age, but not weight-for-height or height-for-age. The overall impact of the heath care supply environment on nutritional status is assessed through a series of policy simulations.  相似文献   

African men play important roles in the decisions about family life, including fertility and family planning. However, fertility and family planning research and programmes have ignored their roles in the past, focusing only on women's behaviours. Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), interest in men's involvement in reproductive health has increased. Unfortunately, data on their knowledge and use of contraception are generally scanty. This paper examines knowledge and use of contraception among ever-married men in Nigeria. A total of 1451 ever-married men aged 18-55 were interviewed in Imo and Ondo States, Nigeria. The findings reveal that men's level of contraceptive knowledge is high in the study areas. About 90% knew at least one method of family planning. Furthermore, the level of contraceptive use among married men is such that men could participate in family planning activities if there were adequate programmes to involve them. Men in the sample areas were found not only to support their spouses' use of contraceptives, but were actually using condoms to delay or prevent pregnancy. Age, education, place of residence, number of living children and being counselled for family planning were identified as key factors determining contraceptive knowledge and use among married men in the study areas. To ensure increased participation of men in family planning, programmes must be designed to educate them on the need for family size limitation and involve them in service delivery, even if only to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

An experimental maternal and child health and family planning programme has been in existence in Matlab for almost 10 years. During this time the project has achieved remarkable success in the area of family planning. Based upon a 1984 survey, this study examines the pattern of contraceptive use in the Matlab treatment area, and contrasts it with the regular government programme in the neighbouring comparison area. Important differences between the two areas are observed, with the treatment area characterized by substantially higher levels of current contraceptive use, greater reliance upon temporary methods for birth spacing and, among acceptors of sterilization, more prior experimentation with other methods. In the comparison area lower rates of contraceptive use are observed, with heavy reliance upon tubectomy for limiting family size. The findings suggest that an intensive and innovative family planning programme in rural Bangladesh can achieve success not only in terms of contraceptive prevalence, but can also attract users interested in child spacing and others wanting to limit their family size, by offering the widest range of contraceptive methods.  相似文献   

The 1994 Cairo Conference on Population and Development consensus called for actions that will make family planning programmes oriented to the needs and concerns of women that are served. This paper, based on data from Bangladesh, presents an illustrative analysis of how an outreach programme can be evaluated by this criterion. A scale for perceived service quality is developed from five indicators of desirable characteristics of services. Regression methods are used to assess the impact of outreach service encounters on the perceived quality scale. Econometric methods are used to adjust for endogeneity that arises from the selectivity of outreach encounters and the selective service exposure of contraceptive users. Results show that increasing contact with outreach workers increases client satisfaction with the overall quality of the Bangladesh family planning programme.  相似文献   

In Nigeria as in other African countries, population growth negatively affects economic development, and high parity affects maternal health. Breastfeeding, a common practice traditionally, is declining in some situations. This study was carried out in Ilorin, Nigeria. A sample population of 932 households stratified to represent different socioeconomic groups was used. 913 currently married women aged 15-35, who were in their prime childbearing ages, were interviewed on their contraceptive knowledge and on their attitudes towards modern contraception. In a bivariate statistical analysis, of 8 variables examined (i.e. ownership of a television, radio, religion, and other) only the woman's education, age, and area of residence within the city have significant independent effects on contraceptive knowledge. A linear logistic regression technic was also applied. 90% of the women interviewed thought that women should be free to practise family planning. Also, 95% of all the women believed that too frequent births could endanger the health of the mother and her children. Only the women with previous contraceptive knowledge overwhelmingly (80%) thought that the best way to prevent too frequent births is by family planning. 66.5% of those without previous contraceptive knowledge before this study suggested that traditional abstinence should be used and only 28.9% suggested family planning. Adequate awareness of the availability and usefulness of family planning methods can influence attitudes of women towards contraception and may also enhance contraceptive use. Better use can be made of broadcasting media, and efforts should be made to target younger, more fecund women, since there was evidence that more knowledge of family planning existed among women 30+ years old.  相似文献   

In this study, the determinants of contraceptive use and method choice are examined based on various variables, classified as individual, cultural, fertility and contextual. The data used came from the 1993 Turkish Demographic and Health Survey. The main finding is that there exists a positive association between the educational level of both spouses and the use of contraceptive methods in Turkey. After all individual, cultural, fertility and contextual variables are controlled, a woman's education is a stronger predictor of method use and method choice than that of her husband. Increasing the educational level of women may be the most effective means of advancing family planning acceptance and increasing the demand for contraceptive services in Turkey. The study also shows that, to a great extent, contraceptive use and choice of modern method depend on the sex of a couple's living children, implying some preference for sons, although generally women prefer to have children of both sexes.  相似文献   

The health aspects and benefits of conception control as a justification for U.S. government support of family planning are reviewed. The Family Planning Services Act of 1970 set a goal of serving 5 million indigent women by 1975. It is predicted that the program will far surpass that goal. 340 million dollars were asked for contraceptive research by the federal government in fiscal year 1973, which is an example of the commitment to family planning by the government. Theoretical and sociopolitical reasons for family planning do not justify expenditure of public tax spending on population control assistance, but public health does justify those expenditures. Health and population control issues include the mental, physical, and social health of the parent and child, and broad demographic effects of age group population differentials, food supply, pollution, and health care services. The personal effects of an unwanted child are the most serious consequences of a lack of population control including economic and psychological hardship and damage. Maternal and infant mortality is related to age, economic status, and parity; e.g., toxemic pregnancy is more frequently found in young nulliparas. A correlation has been found between rapid parity and prematurity, though the research is not yet completely conclusive. Family planning through contraception and abortion can prevent unwanted pregnancies and unnecessary health risks from pregnancy by enabling parents to space and limit their families with safety. This is a highly desirable public health service goal and is emerging as a major concern of the federal government.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Dakar, Senegal, to measure reproductive health knowledge and contraceptive use among young adults, and access to family planning services. A household survey was conducted with 1973 single and married women aged 15-24 and 936 single men aged 15-19. Two focus groups and a simulated client study were also conducted. The survey and focus groups noted gaps in knowledge of family planning methods and reproductive health. There were misconceptions about methods and only one-third of men and women aged 15-19 correctly identified the time of the menstrual cycle when a women is most likely to get pregnant. Contraceptive use at time of first premarital sexual experience was less than 30%. The simulated client study noted many barriers to services. 'Clients' felt uncomfortable in the clinics and felt that providers were reluctant to take care of them. None of the 'clients' who requested contraception received it.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to cost analysis of family planning programmes that focuses on behaviour change of programme clients as the final 'output' rather than units of contraceptive services delivered, as does the familiar couple-years-of-protection index. It is useful to know how much it costs to deliver a unit of contraceptive services, but it would also seem useful to know how much it costs to change a prospective client's behaviour. The proposed approach rests on the familiar 'steps to behaviour change' paradigm and: (1) develops a methodology for applying a client-behaviour-change-centred cost analysis to programme activities; (2) tests the methodology and concepts by applying them retrospectively to a case study of mass media interventions in Egypt; (3) derives cost per unit of behaviour changes for these Egyptian communications campaigns to demonstrate the workability of the approach. This framework offers a new approach to impact evaluation that would seem to be applicable to other components of family planning and reproductive health programmes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the trends in utilization of five indicators of reproductive and child health services, namely, childhood immunization, medical assistance at delivery, antenatal care, contraceptive use and unmet need for contraception, by wealth index of the household in India and two disparate states, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. The data from three rounds of the National Family and Health Survey conducted during 1992-2005 are analysed. The wealth index is computed using principal component derived weights from a set of consumer durables, land size, housing quality and water and sanitation facilities of the household, and classified into quintiles for all three rounds. Bivariate analyses, rich-poor ratio and concentration index are used to understand the trends in utilization of, and inequality in, reproductive and child health services. The results indicate huge disparities in utilization of these services, largely to the disadvantage of the poor. Utilization of basic childhood immunization among the poorest and the poor stagnated in India, as well as in both states, during 1998-2005 compared with 1992-1998. The use of maternal care services such as medical assistance at delivery and antenatal care remained at a low level among the poor over this period. However, contraceptive use increased relatively faster among the poor, even with higher unmet need. Of all these services, the inequality in medical assistance at delivery is consistently large, while that of contraceptive use is small. The state-level differences in service coverage by wealth quintiles over time are large.  相似文献   



Post-abortion contraceptive service is pivotal for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy and alleviation of its complication. Worldwide half of the pregnancy is unplanned, whereas unwanted pregnancy ends up with abortion. This study assessed post-abortion contraceptive uptake and associated factors among abortion service users at health institution in Shire town, North Ethiopia. Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted from December 15/2016 to March 15, 2017, in Shire town. Data were collected using systematic random sampling technique. Bivariate and multivariable analyses were done to determine the association of each independent variable with the dependent variable.


Overall post-abortion contraceptive utilization in this study was 61.5%. Married [AOR 2.59, 95% CI (1.16, 5.65)], completed College education [AOR 5.69, 95% CI (1.61, 20.11)], previous contraceptive used [AOR 3.62, 95% CI (1.77, 7.40)], counseling of family planning [AOR 3.53 95% CI (1.69, 7.37)], grand multipara [AOR 7.91, 95% CI (1.66, 37.74)] and public health institution [AOR 5.95, 95% CI (3.03, 11.72)] were significantly associated with the post-abortion contraceptive utilization. In this study, post-abortion contraceptive utilization was about two-third. Being married, had been completing a college education, had been receiving family planning counseling, previous contraceptive usage, abortion care service at public health institution, and being grand multiparty were determinants of post-abortion contraceptive utilization.

This study aimed to determine the factors influencing the use of spacing contraceptive methods in India, particularly from men's perspective. Data were obtained through a semi-structured interview schedule from 2,687 married men aged between 18 and 40 years from central Mumbai City, India, during 1999. Chi-squared tests and binary logistic regression analysis was carried out to determine the relationship between various variables and the likelihood of a couple using spacing contraceptive methods. Of the 2,687 couples, 1,395 (51.9%) were using one or other method of spacing contraceptives and 1,292 (48.1%) were not using any method at the time of survey. Male participation in contraceptive use was 23% (condom and withdrawal). The results indicate that the use of spacing contraceptive methods was significantly higher among those couples where the men desired one or two children (OR=4.3), had knowledge of five or more contraceptive methods (OR=1.9) and discussed with their wives obtaining family planning information (OR=3.2), spacing (OR=2.7) and permanent (OR=2) contraceptive methods. Age, income, desired number of children, knowledge of a greater number of contraceptive methods, inter-spouse communication regarding obtaining family planning information, spacing and permanent methods were found to be strong predictors of the use of spacing contraceptive methods. The study underlines the importance of intervention programmes aimed at promoting a small family norm, increasing the number of contraceptive choices available and encouraging inter-spouse communication. Hence, policymakers and programme managers should encourage interventions in this direction, targeting couples to enhance the use of spacing contraceptive methods.  相似文献   

IntroductionRapid population growth, stagnant contraceptive prevalence, and high unmet need for family planning present significant challenges for meeting Pakistan’s national and international development goals. Although health behaviors are shaped by multiple social and environmental factors, research on contraceptive uptake in Pakistan has focused on individual and household determinants, and little attention has been given to community characteristics that may affect access to services and reproductive behavior.MethodsIndividual and community determinants of contraceptive use were identified using multivariable multilevel logistic regression to analyze data from a 2014 cross-sectional survey of 6,200 mothers in 503 communities in Sindh, Pakistan.ResultsOnly 27% of women who had given birth in the two years before the study reported using contraceptives. After adjusting for individual and community characteristics, there was no difference in the odds of contraceptive use between urban and rural women. Women who had delivered at a health facility had 1.4 times higher odds of contraceptive use than women who delivered at home. Those who received information about birth spacing from a doctor or relatives/friends had 1.81 and 1.38 times higher odds of contraceptive use, respectively, than those who did not. Living in a community where a higher proportion of women received quality antenatal care and where discussion of birth spacing was more common was significantly associated with contraceptive use. Community-wide poverty lowered contraceptive use.ConclusionsQuality of care at the community level has strong effects on contraceptive use, independent of the characteristics of individual households or women. These findings suggest that powerful gains in contraceptive use may be realized by improving the quality of antenatal care in Pakistan. Community health workers should focus on generating discussion of birth spacing in the community. Outreach efforts should target communities where the demand for contraception appears to be depressed due to high levels of poverty.  相似文献   

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