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During sensory deprivation, the barrel cortex undergoes expansion of a functional column representing spared inputs (spared column), into the neighboring deprived columns (representing deprived inputs) which are in turn shrunk. As a result, the neurons in a deprived column simultaneously increase and decrease their responses to spared and deprived inputs, respectively. Previous studies revealed that dendritic spines are remodeled during this barrel map plasticity. Because cofilin1, a predominant regulator of actin filament turnover, governs both the expansion and shrinkage of the dendritic spine structure in vitro, it hypothetically regulates both responses in barrel map plasticity. However, this hypothesis remains untested. Using lentiviral vectors, we knocked down cofilin1 locally within layer 2/3 neurons in a deprived column. Cofilin1-knocked-down neurons were optogenetically labeled using channelrhodopsin-2, and electrophysiological recordings were targeted to these knocked-down neurons. We showed that cofilin1 knockdown impaired response increases to spared inputs but preserved response decreases to deprived inputs, indicating that cofilin1 dependency is dissociated in these two types of barrel map plasticity. To explore the structural basis of this dissociation, we then analyzed spine densities on deprived column dendritic branches, which were supposed to receive dense horizontal transcolumnar projections from the spared column. We found that spine number increased in a cofilin1-dependent manner selectively in the distal part of the supragranular layer, where most of the transcolumnar projections existed. Our findings suggest that cofilin1-mediated actin dynamics regulate functional map plasticity in an input-specific manner through the dendritic spine remodeling that occurs in the horizontal transcolumnar circuits. These new mechanistic insights into transcolumnar plasticity in adult rats may have a general significance for understanding reorganization of neocortical circuits that have more sophisticated columnar organization than the rodent neocortex, such as the primate neocortex.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that a small lesion in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) prevented both cortical plasticity and sensory learning in the adult mouse visual system: While 3-month-old control mice continued to show ocular dominance (OD) plasticity in their primary visual cortex (V1) after monocular deprivation (MD), age-matched mice with a small photothrombotically induced (PT) stroke lesion in S1, positioned at least 1 mm anterior to the anterior border of V1, no longer expressed OD-plasticity. In addition, in the S1-lesioned mice, neither the experience-dependent increase of the spatial frequency threshold (“visual acuity”) nor of the contrast threshold (“contrast sensitivity”) of the optomotor reflex through the open eye was present. To assess whether these plasticity impairments can also occur if a lesion is placed more distant from V1, we tested the effect of a PT-lesion in the secondary motor cortex (M2). We observed that mice with a small M2-lesion restricted to the superficial cortical layers no longer expressed an OD-shift towards the open eye after 7 days of MD in V1 of the lesioned hemisphere. Consistent with previous findings about the consequences of an S1-lesion, OD-plasticity in V1 of the nonlesioned hemisphere of the M2-lesioned mice was still present. In addition, the experience-dependent improvements of both visual acuity and contrast sensitivity of the open eye were severely reduced. In contrast, sham-lesioned mice displayed both an OD-shift and improvements of visual capabilities of their open eye. To summarize, our data indicate that even a very small lesion restricted to the superficial cortical layers and more than 3mm anterior to the anterior border of V1 compromised V1-plasticity and impaired learning-induced visual improvements in adult mice. Thus both plasticity phenomena cannot only depend on modality-specific and local nerve cell networks but are clearly influenced by long-range interactions even from distant brain regions.  相似文献   

Preliminary evidence indicates that dopamine given by mouth facilitates the learning of motor skills and improves the recovery of movement after stroke. The mechanism of these phenomena is unknown. Here, we describe a mechanism by demonstrating in rat that dopaminergic terminals and receptors in primary motor cortex (M1) enable motor skill learning and enhance M1 synaptic plasticity. Elimination of dopaminergic terminals in M1 specifically impaired motor skill acquisition, which was restored upon DA substitution. Execution of a previously acquired skill was unaffected. Reversible blockade of M1 D1 and D2 receptors temporarily impaired skill acquisition but not execution, and reduced long-term potentiation (LTP) within M1, a form of synaptic plasticity critically involved in skill learning. These findings identify a behavioral and functional role of dopaminergic signaling in M1. DA in M1 optimizes the learning of a novel motor skill.  相似文献   

动物感觉输入的适应性影响了它们对外界环境改变的意识和反应.感觉通路各层次,诸如感受器、传入神经和中枢系统等,反应活性的降低可能与感觉适应性相关联.在感觉适应过程中,皮层局部网络中神经元和星形胶质细胞对信号的编程机制仍有待进一步研究.利用活体双光子成像、电生理记录即药理学方法,我们分析了小鼠barrel皮层神经元和星形胶质应答重复的胡须感觉输入动力学.相同特征的胡须感觉刺激诱发了神经元和星形胶质细胞反应活性的降低,并且它们的活动在空间上和时间上去同步化,神经元和星形胶质细胞之间的缺少协调性.这种神经元和星形胶质细胞功能在空间和时间性质上的下调被局部施加AMPA受体脱敏感抑制剂所逆转.因此,在胡须感觉适应过程中,barrel皮层神经元和星形胶质细胞反应活性的下降和去同步化是由AMPA受体脱敏感参与介导完成的.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent plasticity in rodent whisker barrel cortex was examined by means of high-resolution 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) with immunohistochemical double labeling. Hamsters with all but one, two, or four follicles ablated on postnatal day 7 received 2-DG injections as adults. Autoradiograms of follicle-ablated animals showed heavy activation of the entire barrel field during normal behavior, despite the missing whiskers. The intensity of 2-DG labeling was significantly reduced if the whiskers spared after follicle ablation were trimmed prior to the 2-DG injection, demonstrating that the widespread activation was driven by the spared whiskers. This widespread metabolic activation of the adult barrel field after neonatal follicle ablation was in sharp contrast to the somatotopically appropriate 2-DG labeling in barrel fields of normal adults subject to acute trimming of most whiskers, but was similar to that seen in normal adult animals with all whiskers intact. The results demonstrate large-scale plasticity of barrel circuitry following neonatal sensory deprivation, and provide a powerful functional anatomical setting to investigate underlying mechanisms  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the nervous system for therapeutic purposes, such as deep brain stimulation in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, has been used for decades. Recently, increased attention has focused on using microstimulation to restore functions as diverse as somatosensation and memory. However, how microstimulation changes the neural substrate is still not fully understood. Microstimulation may cause cortical changes that could either compete with or complement natural neural processes, and could result in neuroplastic changes rendering the region dysfunctional or even epileptic. As part of our efforts to produce neuroprosthetic devices and to further study the effects of microstimulation on the cortex, we stimulated and recorded from microelectrode arrays in the hand area of the primary somatosensory cortex (area 1) in two awake macaque monkeys. We applied a simple neuroprosthetic microstimulation protocol to a pair of electrodes in the area 1 array, using either random pulses or pulses time-locked to the recorded spiking activity of a reference neuron. This setup was replicated using a computer model of the thalamocortical system, which consisted of 1980 spiking neurons distributed among six cortical layers and two thalamic nuclei. Experimentally, we found that spike-triggered microstimulation induced cortical plasticity, as shown by increased unit-pair mutual information, while random microstimulation did not. In addition, there was an increased response to touch following spike-triggered microstimulation, along with decreased neural variability. The computer model successfully reproduced both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the experimental findings. The physiological findings of this study suggest that even simple microstimulation protocols can be used to increase somatosensory information flow.  相似文献   

大鼠丘脑侧后核(lateral posterior thalamic nucleus,LP nucleus)到初级视皮层的突触连接是膝体外视觉通路的重要组成部分.运用场电位记录和电泳的方法在位研究了该视觉回路突触传递的短时程可塑性.结果表明,无论是运用双脉冲刺激还是串刺激都能观察到明显的短时程抑制特性.电泳荷包牡丹碱(bicuculline)和2-hydroxy-saclofen使该抑制作用减弱,电泳钙离子使抑制加强,电泳APV对抑制作用没有明显影响.所以突触前递质释放水平的改变,和γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)能受体(尤其是GABAB受体)的活动都会影响该回路突触传递的短时程可塑性,而N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体则几乎没有作用.该回路很强的短时程抑制特性可能与LP核在视觉注意中的作用有关.  相似文献   

Development of the central somatosensory system is profoundly modulated by the sensory periphery. Cauterization of facial whiskers alters the segregation pattern of barrels in rodents only during a few days just after birth (critical period). Although a molecular basis of the segregation of barrel neurons and the critical period for the anatomical plasticity observed in layer IV barrel neuron is not clear yet, the accumulating evidence suggests that neurotrophins modulate synaptic connections including central nervous system. In this study, we showed by in situ hybridization that mouse barrel side neurons express brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA and both catalytic and non-catalytic forms of trkB mRNA. Cautery of row C vibrissae on the right side of the face within 24 h after birth (post natal day 0, PND0) reduced the expression of BDNF and trkB mRNA from the division region between the contralateral row C barrels at PND7. The vibrissae in row A, C, and E were cauterized at PND0 followed by quantitative RT-PCR for BDNF and trkB mRNA with total RNA isolated from the barrel region at PND7. The result showed that BDNF, but not trkB, mRNA was increased several-fold in the contralateral barrel region. These data suggest that the expression of BDNF mRNA is differentially regulated between injured barrels and actively innervated barrels. The differential expression of the mRNA encoding neurotrophins and their receptors may be important in regulating the injury-dependent re-segregation of barrels.  相似文献   

Based on measuring responses to rat whiskers as they are mechanically stimulated, one recent study suggests that barrel-related areas in layer 2/3 rat primary somatosensory cortex (S1) contain a pinwheel map of whisker motion directions. Because this map is reminiscent of topographic organization for visual direction in primary visual cortex (V1) of higher mammals, we asked whether the S1 pinwheels could be explained by an input-driven developmental process as is often suggested for V1. We developed a computational model to capture how whisker stimuli are conveyed to supragranular S1, and simulate lateral cortical interactions using an established self-organizing algorithm. Inputs to the model each represent the deflection of a subset of 25 whiskers as they are contacted by a moving stimulus object. The subset of deflected whiskers corresponds with the shape of the stimulus, and the deflection direction corresponds with the movement direction of the stimulus. If these two features of the inputs are correlated during the training of the model, a somatotopically aligned map of direction emerges for each whisker in S1. Predictions of the model that are immediately testable include (1) that somatotopic pinwheel maps of whisker direction exist in adult layer 2/3 barrel cortex for every large whisker on the rat''s face, even peripheral whiskers; and (2) in the adult, neurons with similar directional tuning are interconnected by a network of horizontal connections, spanning distances of many whisker representations. We also propose specific experiments for testing the predictions of the model by manipulating patterns of whisker inputs experienced during early development. The results suggest that similar intracortical mechanisms guide the development of primate V1 and rat S1.  相似文献   

Neurovascular coupling (NVC) in the adult central nervous system (CNS) is a mechanism that provides regions of the brain with more oxygen and glucose upon increased levels of neural activation. Hemodynamic changes that go along with neural activation evoke a blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that can be used to study brain activity non-invasively. A correct correlation of the BOLD signal to neural activity is pivotal to understand this signal in neuronal development, health and disease. However, the function of NVC during development is largely unknown. The rodent whisker-to-barrel cortex is an experimentally well established model to study neurovascular interdependences. Using extracellular multi-electrode recordings and laser-Doppler-flowmetry (LDF) we show in the murine barrel cortex of postnatal day 7 (P7) and P30 mice in vivo that NVC undergoes a physiological shift during the first month of life. In the mature CNS it is well accepted that cortical sensory processing results in a rise in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). We show in P7 animals that rCBF decreases during prolonged multi-whisker stimulation and goes along with multi unit activity (MUA) fatigue. In contrast at P30, MUA remains stable during repetitive stimulation and is associated with an increase in rCBF. Further we characterize in both age groups the responses in NVC to single sensory stimuli. We suggest that the observed shift in NVC is an important process in cortical development that may be of high relevance for the correct interpretation of brain activity e.g. in fMRI studies of the immature central nervous system (CNS).  相似文献   

Paired associative stimulation (PASLTP) of the human primary motor cortex (M1) can induce LTP-like plasticity by increasing corticospinal excitability beyond the stimulation period. Previous studies showed that two consecutive PASLTP protocols interact by homeostatic metaplasticity, but animal experiments provided evidence that LTP can be augmented by repeated stimulation protocols spaced by ~30min. Here we tested in twelve healthy selected PASLTP responders the possibility that LTP-like plasticity can be augmented in the human M1 by systematically varying the interval between two consecutive PASLTP protocols. The first PASLTP protocol (PAS1) induced strong LTP-like plasticity lasting for 30-60min. The effect of a second identical PASLTP protocol (PAS2) critically depended on the time between PAS1 and PAS2. At 10min, PAS2 prolonged the PAS1-induced LTP-like plasticity. At 30min, PAS2 augmented the LTP-like plasticity induced by PAS1, by increasing both magnitude and duration. At 60min and 180min, PAS2 had no effect on corticospinal excitability. The cumulative LTP-like plasticity after PAS1 and PAS2 at 30min exceeded significantly the effect of PAS1 alone, and the cumulative PAS1 and PAS2 effects at 60min and 180min. In summary, consecutive PASLTP protocols interact in human M1 in a time-dependent manner. If spaced by 30min, two consecutive PASLTP sessions can augment LTP-like plasticity in human M1. Findings may inspire further research on optimized therapeutic applications of non-invasive brain stimulation in neurological and psychiatric diseases.  相似文献   

MultiCS conditioning is an affective associative learning paradigm, in which affective categories consist of many similar and complex stimuli. Comparing visual processing before and after learning, recent MultiCS conditioning studies using time-sensitive magnetoencephalography (MEG) revealed enhanced activation of prefrontal cortex (PFC) regions towards emotionally paired versus neutral stimuli already during short-latency processing stages (i.e., 50 to 80 ms after stimulus onset). The present study aimed at showing that this rapid differential activation develops as a function of the acquisition and not the extinction of the emotional meaning associated with affectively paired stimuli. MEG data of a MultiCS conditioning study were analyzed with respect to rapid changes in PFC activation towards aversively (electric shock) paired and unpaired faces that occurred during the learning of stimulus-reinforcer contingencies. Analyses revealed an increased PFC activation towards paired stimuli during 50 to 80 ms already during the acquisition of contingencies, which emerged after a single pairing with the electric shock. Corresponding changes in stimulus valence could be observed in ratings of hedonic valence, although participants did not seem to be aware of contingencies. These results suggest rapid formation and access of emotional stimulus meaning in the PFC as well as a great capacity for adaptive and highly resolving learning in the brain under challenging circumstances.  相似文献   

Addiction is characterized by maladaptive decision‐making, a loss of control over drug consumption and habit‐like drug seeking despite adverse consequences. These cognitive changes may reflect the effects of drugs of abuse on prefrontal cortical neurobiology. Here, we review evidence that amphetamine and cocaine fundamentally remodel the structure of excitatory neurons in the prefrontal cortex. We summarize evidence in particular that these psychostimulants have opposing effects in the medial and orbital prefrontal cortices (‘mPFC’ and ‘oPFC’, respectively). For example, amphetamine and cocaine increase dendrite length and spine density in the mPFC, while dendrites are impoverished and dendritic spines are eliminated in the oPFC. We will discuss evidence that certain cytoskeletal regulatory proteins expressed in the oPFC and implicated in postnatal (adolescent) neural development also regulate behavioral sensitivity to cocaine. These findings potentially open a window of opportunity for the identification of novel pharmacotherapeutic targets in the treatment of drug abuse disorders in adults, as well as in drug‐vulnerable adolescent populations. Finally, we will discuss the behavioral implications of drug‐related dendritic spine elimination in the oPFC, with regard to reversal learning tasks and tasks that assess the development of reward‐seeking habits, both used to model aspects of addiction in rodents.   相似文献   

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