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The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebiasis, a major public health problem in developing countries. Motility of E. histolytica is important for its pathogenesis. Blebbing is an essential process contributing to cellular motility in many systems. In mammalian cells, formation of plasma membrane blebs is regulated by Rho‐GTPases through its effectors, such as Rho kinase, mDia1, and acto‐myosin proteins. In this study, we have illuminated the role of EhRho1 in bleb formation and motility of E. histolytica. EhRho1 was found at the site of bleb formation in plasma membrane of trophozoites. Overexpression of mutant EhRho1 defective for Guanosine triphosphate (GTP)‐binding or down‐regulating EhRho1 by antisense RNA resulted in reduced blebbing and motility. Moreover, serum‐starvation reduced blebbing that was restored on serum‐replenishment. Lysophosphatidic acid treatment induced bleb formation, whereas wortmannin inhibited the process. In all these cases, concentration of GTP‐EhRho1 (active) and Phosphatidylinositol 4,5‐bisphosphate (PIP2) inversely correlated with the level of plasma membrane blebbing. Our study suggests the role of EhRho1 in blebbing and bleb‐based motility through PI3 kinase pathway in E. histolytica.  相似文献   

The human tumour antigen PRAME (preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma) is frequently overexpressed during oncogenesis, and high PRAME levels are associated with poor clinical outcome in a variety of cancers. However, the molecular pathways in which PRAME is implicated are not well understood. We recently characterized PRAME as a BC-box subunit of a Cullin2-based E3 ubiquitin ligase. In this study, we mined the PRAME interactome to a deeper level and identified specific interactions with OSGEP and LAGE3, which are human orthologues of the ancient EKC/KEOPS complex. By characterizing biochemically the human EKC complex and its interactions with PRAME, we show that PRAME recruits a Cul2 ubiquitin ligase to EKC. Moreover, EKC subunits associate with PRAME target sites on chromatin. Our data reveal a novel link between the oncoprotein PRAME and the conserved EKC complex and support a role for both complexes in the same pathways.  相似文献   

Clostridial glucosylating cytotoxins inactivate mammalian Rho GTPases by mono-O glucosylation of a conserved threonine residue located in the switch 1 region of the target protein. Here we report that EhRho1, a RhoA-like GTPase from the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, is glucosylated by clostridial cytotoxins. Recombinant glutathione S-transferase-EhRho1 and EhRho1 from cell lysate of Entamoeba histolytica were glucosylated by Clostridium difficile toxin B and Clostridium novyi alpha-toxin. In contrast, Clostridium difficile toxin A, which shares the same mammalian protein substrates with toxin B, did not modify EhRho1. Change of threonine 52 of EhRho1 to alanine prevented glucosylation by toxin B from Clostridium difficile and by alpha-toxin from Clostridium novyi, which suggests that the equivalent threonine residues are glucosylated in mammalian and Entamoeba Rho GTPases. Lethal toxin from Clostridium sordellii did not glucosylate EhRho1 but labeled several other substrate proteins in lysates from Entamoeba histolytica in the presence of UDP-[14C]glucose.  相似文献   



The infectious and diagnostic form of Entamoeba histolytica (Eh), cause of amebic dysentery and liver abscess, is the quadranucleate cyst. The cyst wall of Entamoeba invadens (Ei), a model for Eh, is composed of chitin fibrils and three sets of chitin-binding lectins that cross-link chitin fibrils (multivalent Jacob lectins), self-aggregate (Jessie lectins), and remodel chitin (chitinase). The goal here was to determine how well the Ei model applies to Entamoeba cysts from humans.


An Eh Jacob lectin (EhJacob2) has three predicted chitin-binding domains surrounding a large, Ser-rich spacer. Recombinant EhJacob2 made in transfected Eh trophozoites binds to particulate chitin. Sequences of PCR products using primers flanking the highly polymorphic spacer of EhJacob2 may be used to distinguish Entamoeba isolates. Antibodies to the EhJacob2, EhJessie3, and chitinase each recognize cyst walls of clinical isolates of Entamoeba. While numerous sera from patients with amebic intestinal infections and liver abscess recognize recombinant EhJacob1 and EhJessie3 lectins, few of these sera recognize recombinant EhJacob2.


The EhJacob2 lectin binds chitin and is polymorphic, and Jacob2, Jessie3, and chitinase are present in cyst walls of clinical isolates of Entamoeba. These results suggest there are substantial similarities between cysts of the human pathogen (Eh) and the in vitro model (Ei), even though there are quantitative and qualitative differences in their chitin-binding lectins.  相似文献   

The Arp2/3 complex is a conserved seven-subunit actin-nucleating machine activated by WASp (Wiskott Aldrich syndrome protein). Despite its central importance in a broad range of cellular processes, many critical aspects of the mechanism of the Arp2/3 complex have yet to be resolved. In particular, some of the individual subunits in the complex have not been assigned clear functional roles, including p40/ARPC1. Here, we dissected the structure and function of Saccharomyces cerevisiae p40/ARPC1, which is encoded by the essential ARC40 gene, by analyzing 39 integrated alleles that target its conserved surfaces. We identified three distinct sites on p40/ARPC1 required for function in vivo: one site contacts p19/ARPC4, one contacts p15/ARPC5, and one site resides in an extended structural “arm” of p40/ARPC1. Using a novel strategy, we purified the corresponding lethal mutant Arp2/3 complexes from yeast and compared their actin nucleation activities. Lethal mutations at the contact with p19/ARPC4 specifically impaired WASp-induced nucleation. In contrast, lethal mutations at the contact with p15/ARPC5 led to unregulated (“leaky”) nucleation in the absence of WASp. Lethal mutations in the extended arm drastically reduced nucleation, and the same mutations disrupted the ability of the purified p40/ARPC1 arm domain to bind the VCA domain of WASp. Together, these data indicate that p40/ARPC1 performs at least three distinct, essential functions in regulating Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin assembly: 1) suppression of spontaneous nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex, which requires proper contacts with p15/ARPC5; 2) propagation of WASp activation signals via contacts with p19/ARPC2; and 3) direct facilitation of actin nucleation through interactions of the extended arm with the VCA domain of WASp.  相似文献   

The Arp2/3 complex creates filament branches leading to an enhancement in the rate of actin polymerization. Work with Arp complexes from different sources indicated that it was inactive by itself, required an activating factor such as the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), and might exhibit a preference for ATP or ADP-P(i) actin. However, with yeast actin, P(i) release is almost concurrent with polymerization, eliminating the presence of an ADP-P(i) cap. We thus investigated the ability of the yeast Arp2/3 complex (yArp2/3) to facilitate yeast actin polymerization in the presence and absence of the Arp2/3-activating factor Las17p WA. yArp2/3 significantly accelerates yeast actin but not muscle actin polymerization in the absence of Las17p WA. The addition of Las17p WA further enhances yeast actin polymerization by yArp2/3 and allows the complex to now assist muscle actin polymerization. This actin isoform difference is not observed with bovine Arp2/3 complex, because the neural WASP VCA fragment is required for polymerization of both actins. Observation of individual branching filaments showed that Las17p WA increased the persistence of filament branches. Compared with wild type actin, the V159N mutant actin, proposed to be more ATP-like in behavior, exhibited an enhanced rate of polymerization in the presence of the yArp2/3 complex. yArp2/3 caused a significant rate of P(i) release prior to observation of an increase in filament mass but while branched structures were present. Thus, yeast F-actin can serve as a primary yArp2/3-activating factor, indicating that a newly formed yeast actin filament has a topology, unlike that of muscle actin, that is recognized specifically by yArp2/3.  相似文献   

Actin is a highly ubiquitous protein in eukaryotic cells that plays a crucial role in cell mechanics and motility. Cell motility is driven by assembling actin as polymerizing actin drives cell protrusions in a process closely involving a host of other actin-binding proteins, notably the actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex, which nucleates actin and forms branched filamentous structures. The Arp2/3 complex preferentially binds specific actin networks at the cell leading edge and forms branched filamentous structures, which drive cell protrusions, but the exact regulatory mechanism behind this process is not well understood. Here we show using in vitro imaging and binding assays that a fragment of the actin-binding protein caldesmon added to polymerizing actin increases the Arp2/3-mediated branching activity, whereas it has no effect on branch formation when binding to aged actin filaments. Because this caldesmon effect is shown to be independent of nucleotide hydrolysis and phosphate release from actin, our results suggest a mechanism by which caldesmon maintains newly polymerized actin in a distinct state that has a higher affinity for the Arp2/3 complex. Our data show that this new state does not affect the level of cooperativity of binding by Arp2/3 complex or its distribution on actin. This presents a novel regulatory mechanism by which caldesmon, and potentially other actin-binding proteins, regulates the interactions of actin with its binding partners.  相似文献   

The Arp2/3 complex was first purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii by profilin affinity chromatography. The mechanism of interaction with profilin was unknown but was hypothesized to be mediated by either Arp2 or Arp3. Here we show that the Arp2 subunit of the complex can be chemically cross-linked to the actin-binding site of profilin. By analytical ultracentrifugation, rhodamine-labeled profilin binds Arp2/3 complex with a Kd of 7 μM, an affinity intermediate between the low affinity of profilin for barbed ends of actin filaments and its high affinity for actin monomers. These data suggest the barbed end of Arp2 is exposed, but Arp2 and Arp3 are not packed together in the complex exactly like two actin monomers in a filament. Arp2/3 complex also cross-links actin filaments into small bundles and isotropic networks, which are mechanically stiffer than solutions of actin filaments alone. Arp2/3 complex is concentrated at the leading edge of motile Acanthamoeba, and its localization is distinct from that of α-actinin, another filament cross-linking protein. Based on localization and actin filament nucleation and cross-linking activities, we propose a role for Arp2/3 in determining the structure of the actin filament network at the leading edge of motile cells.  相似文献   

The Arp2/3 complex is one of the main regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and a basic molecular machine that nucleates the branched actin filaments. In this work, we studied the interaction of the Arp2/3 complex with its inhibitor, arpin, and revealed the amino-acid residues that are responsible for complex formation. The free-energy calculation for arpin binding to the Arp2/3 complex was performed using umbrella sampling. It has been shown that the dissociation constant of the Arp2/3–arpin complex is higher on average than that of Arp2/3 complexes with other inhibitors. Two arpin binding sites with different affinities were identified on the surface of the Arp2/3 complex. The mechanism of the inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex by arpin is discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of multinucleated muscle cells through cell-cell fusion is a conserved process from fruit flies to humans. Numerous studies have shown the importance of Arp2/3, its regulators, and branched actin for the formation of an actin structure, the F-actin focus, at the fusion site. This F-actin focus forms the core of an invasive podosome-like structure that is required for myoblast fusion. In this study, we find that the formin Diaphanous (Dia), which nucleates and facilitates the elongation of actin filaments, is essential for Drosophila myoblast fusion. Following cell recognition and adhesion, Dia is enriched at the myoblast fusion site, concomitant with, and having the same dynamics as, the F-actin focus. Through analysis of Dia loss-of-function conditions using mutant alleles but particularly a dominant negative Dia transgene, we demonstrate that reduction in Dia activity in myoblasts leads to a fusion block. Significantly, no actin focus is detected, and neither branched actin regulators, SCAR or WASp, accumulate at the fusion site when Dia levels are reduced. Expression of constitutively active Dia also causes a fusion block that is associated with an increase in highly dynamic filopodia, altered actin turnover rates and F-actin distribution, and mislocalization of SCAR and WASp at the fusion site. Together our data indicate that Dia plays two roles during invasive podosome formation at the fusion site: it dictates the level of linear F-actin polymerization, and it is required for appropriate branched actin polymerization via localization of SCAR and WASp. These studies provide new insight to the mechanisms of cell-cell fusion, the relationship between different regulators of actin polymerization, and invasive podosome formation that occurs in normal development and in disease.  相似文献   

Methamphetamine (METH) is a drug of abuse with neurotoxic and neuroinflammatory effects, which include disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and alterations of tight junction protein expression. This study focused on the actin cytoskeletal rearrangement as a modulator of METH-induced redistribution of tight junction protein occludin in brain endothelial cells. Exposure to METH resulted in a shift of occludin localization from plasma membranes to endosomes. These changes were accompanied by activation of the actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex, which stimulates actin polymerization by promoting actin nucleation. In addition, METH-induced coronin-1b phosphorylation diminishes the inhibitory effect of nonphosphorylated coronin-1b on actin nucleation. Blocking actin nucleation with CK-666, a specific inhibitor of the Arp2/3 complex, protected against METH-induced occludin internalization and increased transendothelial monocyte migration. Importantly, treatment with CK-666 attenuated a decrease in occludin levels in brain microvessels and BBB permeability of METH-injected mice. These findings indicate that actin cytoskeletal dynamics is detrimental to METH-induced BBB dysfunction by increasing internalization of occludin.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is required for proliferation and pathogenesis of Entamoeba histolytica and erythrophagocytosis is considered to be a marker of invasive amoebiasis. Ca2+ has been found to play a central role in the process of phagocytosis. However, the molecular mechanisms and the signalling mediated by Ca2+ still remain largely unknown. Here we show that Calmodulin-like calcium binding protein EhCaBP3 of E. histolytica is directly involved in disease pathomechanism by its capacity to participate in cytoskeleton dynamics and scission machinery during erythrophagocytosis. Using imaging techniques EhCaBP3 was found in phagocytic cups and newly formed phagosomes along with actin and myosin IB. In vitro studies confirmed that EhCaBP3 directly binds actin, and affected both its polymerization and bundling activity. Moreover, it also binds myosin 1B in the presence of Ca2+. In cells where EhCaBP3 expression was down regulated by antisense RNA, the level of RBC uptake was reduced, myosin IB was found to be absent at the site of pseudopod cup closure and the time taken for phagocytosis increased, suggesting that EhCaBP3 along with myosin 1B mediate the closure of phagocytic cups. Experiments with EhCaBP3 mutant defective in Ca2+ -binding showed that Ca2+ binding is required for phagosome formation. Liposome binding assay revealed that EhCaBP3 recruitment and enrichment to membrane is independent of any cellular protein as it binds directly to phosphatidylserine. Taken together, our results suggest a novel pathway mediating phagocytosis in E. histolytica, and an unusual mechanism of modulation of cytoskeleton dynamics by two calcium binding proteins, EhCaBP1 and EhCaBP3 with mostly non-overlapping functions.  相似文献   

Synthetic triterpenoids are anti-tumor agents that affect numerous cellular functions including apoptosis and growth inhibition. Here, we used mass spectrometric and protein array approaches and uncovered that triterpenoids associate with proteins of the actin cytoskeleton, including actin-related protein 3 (Arp3). Arp3, a subunit of the Arp2/3 complex, is involved in branched actin polymerization and the formation of lamellipodia. 2-cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oic acid (CDDO)-Im and CDDO-Me were observed to 1) inhibit the localization of Arp3 and actin at the leading edge of cells, 2) abrogate cell polarity, and 3) inhibit Arp2/3-dependent branched actin polymerization. We confirmed our drug effects with siRNA targeting of Arp3 and observed a decrease in Rat2 cell migration. Taken together, our data suggest that synthetic triterpenoids target Arp3 and branched actin polymerization to inhibit cell migration.  相似文献   

The comet motility assay, inspired by Listeria locomotion, has been used extensively as an in vitro model to study the structural and motile properties of the actin cytoskeleton. However, there are no quantitative measurements of the mechanical properties of these actin comets. In this work, we use nanoindentation based on atomic force microscopy to measure the elastic modulus of actin comets grown on  1-μm-diameter beads in an Arp2/3 (actin-related proteins 2 and 3)-complex-dependent fashion in the absence and in the presence of VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein). Recruitment of VASP to the bead surface had no effect on the initial velocity or morphology of the comets. Instead, we observed an improved contact of the comets with the beads and an increased elastic modulus of the comets. The VASP-mediated increase in elastic modulus was dependent on both concentration and ionic strength. In conclusion, we propose that VASP plays a mechanical role in Arp2/3-complex-dependent motility by amplifying the elastic modulus of the thus assembled actin network and, consequently, by strengthening its cohesion for persistent protrusion.  相似文献   

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