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生长光强对4种热带雨林树苗光合机构的影响 总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26
于雾凉季研究了西双版纳热带雨林 4种植物幼苗对光抑制及光破坏的防御。发现不同光强下生长的玉蕊和滇南红厚壳日间光抑制均较团花树和滇南插柚紫重 ,在中光强下还发生了长期光抑制。中光强下生长的团花树和滇南插柚紫叶绿素含量降低 ,光合能力升高 ,同时增加热耗散量 ,维持光能平衡 ,避免了光破坏的发生。中光强下玉蕊和滇南红厚壳减少光能吸收、提高热耗散的同时 ,发生了光系统II光化学量子产量长期下调。中光强下生长的 4种植物叶片的类胡罗卜素的绝对含量并不高 ,但单位叶绿素的类胡罗卜素含量显著升高 ,相对保护作用增强。先锋树种团花树类胡罗卜素含量低于另 3种植物 ,这与其较低的热耗散速率相一致 ,光合能力的提高对其光破坏的防御有重要的作用 相似文献
为了探讨我国西双版纳热带季雨林的能量分配和平衡问题,利用涡度相关系统和常规气象仪器的连续监测结果,分析了不同季节的能量通量特征和闭合特点。结果表明,西双版纳热带季雨林全年的净辐射、潜热通量、显热通量、土壤热通量和热储存量分别是4546.07、2453.24、492.22、-10.47和45.93 MJ/m^(2),土壤为热源,潜热年总值占净辐射的54.0%,显热占10.8%,能量以蒸发散为主要的耗损形式。辐射和能量有明显的日变化和季节动态,各能量分量的日变化几乎都呈白天高夜间低的单峰趋势,反照率整体为0.10~0.12,波动不大;波文比季节差异明显,为0~0.8。热带季雨林的全年闭合度为0.67,未考虑热储量时,闭合度为0.51~0.79,考虑热储量为0.53~0.80。可见,在林冠茂密的热带季雨林中,热储量对能量闭合度的贡献不大,忽略热储量并不是导致能量不闭合的主要原因。 相似文献
四种热带雨林树种光合和形态解剖特征对不同生长光强的适应 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
研究了西双版纳热带雨林2种喜光树种中平树(Macaranga denticulata)、倒樱木(Pnravallaris macrophylla)和2种耐荫树种云南肉豆蔻(Myristica yunnanensis)、金丝李(Garcinia paucinervis)幼苗叶片光合和形态解剖特征对3种不同生长光强(5%、25%和50%相对光强)的适应。研究结果表明,与强光下相比,弱光下生长的4种植物最大净光合速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、暗呼吸速率、叶绿素a/b、叶片和栅栏组织厚度、气孔密度和比叶重都降低,而海绵组织/栅栏组织和叶绿素含量升高。在相同光强下,与2种耐荫树种相比,2种喜光树种有较大的最大净光合速率、暗呼吸速率、气孔密度和较低的叶绿素含量。在不同光强下,4种植物均表现出了对光适应有利的生理和形态解剖可塑性,而喜光树种比耐荫树种有较大的生理和形态可塑性,表明喜光树种具有比耐荫树种对强光有更强的适应能力。4种植物的生理指标的可塑性均大于叶片解剖结构的可塑性。 相似文献
Débora Cristina Rother Marco Aurélio Pizo Tadeu Siqueira Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues Pedro Jordano 《PloS one》2015,10(4)
Several factors decrease plant survival throughout their lifecycles. Among them, seed dispersal limitation may play a major role by resulting in highly aggregated (contagious) seed and seedling distributions entailing increased mortality. The arrival of seeds, furthermore, may not match suitable environments for seed survival and, consequently, for seedling establishment. In this study, we investigated spatio-temporal patterns of seed and seedling distribution in contrasting microhabitats (bamboo and non-bamboo stands) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Spatial distribution patterns, spatial concordance between seed rain and seedling recruitment between subsequent years in two fruiting seasons (2004–2005 and 2007–2009), and the relation between seeds and seedlings with environmental factors were examined within a spatially-explicit framework. Density and species richness of both seeds and seedlings were randomly distributed in non-bamboo stands, but showed significant clustering in bamboo stands. Seed and seedling distributions showed across-year inconsistency, suggesting a marked spatial decoupling of the seed and seedling stages. Generalized linear mixed effects models indicated that only seed density and seed species richness differed between stand types while accounting for variation in soil characteristics. Our analyses provide evidence of marked recruitment limitation as a result of the interplay between biotic and abiotic factors. Because bamboo stands promote heterogeneity in the forest, they are important components of the landscape. However, at high densities, bamboos may limit recruitment for the plant community by imposing marked discordances of seed arrival and early seedling recruitment. 相似文献
Patterns of rodent species abundance and diversity were examined over a 5 months period in two areas of a Kenyan relict tropical
rainforest. The two areas are subjected to different administrations which lead to various levels of anthropogenic disturbance:
one can be considered relatively disturbed and one relatively undisturbed. Anthropogenic disturbance causes a reduction in
woody stem density between 0 and 1.5 m and reduced understory tree canopy cover. Rodent abundance was estimated using the
program CAPTURE and compared with the number of individuals actually captured. Density was estimated with three different
methods, two of these utilised a boundary strip to estimate effective size of the area trapped. Density resulted in being
relatively high in both areas, so population might have been at a peak. Species richness was higher in the disturbed forest,
while species diversity and evenness was higher in the undisturbed forest. We suggest that in the disturbed forest the increase
in number of species might be due to sporadical entrance in the forest by non-forest species, while the decrease in diversity
might be due to the decrease of lower strata vegetation that occurs in the disturbed forest, hence this factor might affect
species equitability. Bibliographic data supports this hypothesis as rodent species diversity and ground vegetation cover
have been found to be correlated. 相似文献
Aboveground Tree Growth Varies with Belowground Carbon Allocation in a Tropical Rainforest Environment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Young secondary forests and plantations in the moist tropics often have rapid rates of biomass accumulation and thus sequester large amounts of carbon. Here, we compare results from mature forest and nearby 15–20 year old tree plantations in lowland Costa Rica to evaluate differences in allocation of carbon to aboveground production and root systems. We found that the tree plantations, which had fully developed, closed canopies, allocated more carbon belowground - to their root systems - than did mature forest. This increase in belowground carbon allocation correlated significantly with aboveground tree growth but not with canopy production (i.e., leaf fall or fine litter production). In contrast, there were no correlations between canopy production and either tree growth or belowground carbon allocation. Enhanced allocation of carbon to root systems can enhance plant nutrient uptake, providing nutrients beyond those required for the production of short-lived tissues such as leaves and fine roots, and thus enabling biomass accumulation. Our analyses support this deduction at our site, showing that enhanced allocation of carbon to root systems can be an important mechanism promoting biomass accumulation during forest growth in the moist tropics. Identifying factors that control when, where and for how long this occurs would help us to improve models of forest growth and nutrient cycling, and to ascertain the role that young forests play in mitigating increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. 相似文献
种植砂仁(Amomum villosum)对西双版纳热带雨林植物多样性的影响引起了人们的关注。通过西双版纳热带雨林下种植的砂仁拔除后的生态恢复两年的研究工作,结果表明砂仁排除后:1)林下植物数量显著增加,超过同等类型的没种过砂仁的原始热带雨林;植物种类、物种多样性和均匀度都有大幅度增加,与原始热带雨林差别不大;群落组成成分仍向着热带雨林演替,优势种不明显,其中,草本和蕨类植物增加显著;2)林下植物生长速率在旱季与原始林差别不大,但在雨季可有较快生长;生物量在两年内可达到(636.1±43.4) g·m-2,超过原始林,特别是草本和蕨类植物生长较快;3)土壤含水量得到提高,与原始林相比差异不显著,并且,涵养水源的能力有所增加;深层土壤有机质的含量增加显著,速效磷含量需要更长时间的植被恢复才能有所提高,速效钾受淋洗作用的影响,地表有大量损失。文中最后讨论指出,热带林下砂仁实现斑块式的轮歇种植是协调保护与发展的较好方法,这在偏远少数民族地区有着较好的可行性。 相似文献
Foliar Stoichiometry is Marginally Sensitive to Soil Phosphorus Across a Lowland Tropical Rainforest
Massmann Audrey Cavaleri Molly A. Oberbauer Steven F. Olivas Paulo C. Porder Stephen 《Ecosystems》2022,25(1):61-74
Ecosystems - The distribution of nutrients, both vertically and horizontally in a forest, has long been theorized to influence primary productivity. Working at La Selva Biological Station, Costa... 相似文献
热带雨林剑叶凤尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)对光强变化的适应 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
野外调查表明剑叶凤尾蕨能适应不同的光环境,本研究测定剑叶凤尾蕨在两种不同光环境下的适应能力,在热带雨林林下和林窗生长40d后,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨比林窗生长的植株有较多的叶片数,大的冠幅,高的叶绿素含量和表观量子效率。同时。林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨有高的光化学效率和较低的非光化学耗散能力,这说明低光植物表现出有较高的能量转换能力,而两种光强生长的剑叶凤尾蕨最大光合放氧速率相似。这可能与在高光下的非辐射耗散的提高和光合机构的损伤有关,研究结果表明,剑叶凤尾蕨通过光合器官的调整对不同光强的适应。以促进剑叶凤尾蕨在不同光环境的生长能力。 相似文献
Deborah M. G. Apgaua Fran?oise Y. Ishida David Y. P. Tng Melinda J. Laidlaw Rubens M. Santos Rizwana Rumman Derek Eamus Joseph A. M. Holtum Susan G. W. Laurance 《PloS one》2015,10(6)
Understanding how tropical rainforest trees may respond to the precipitation extremes predicted in future climate change scenarios is paramount for their conservation and management. Tree species clearly differ in drought susceptibility, suggesting that variable water transport strategies exist. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we examined the hydraulic variability in trees in a lowland tropical rainforest in north-eastern Australia. We studied eight tree species representing broad plant functional groups (one palm and seven eudicot mature-phase, and early-successional trees). We characterised the species’ hydraulic system through maximum rates of volumetric sap flow and velocities using the heat ratio method, and measured rates of tree growth and several stem, vessel, and leaf traits. Sap flow measures exhibited limited variability across species, although early-successional species and palms had high mean sap velocities relative to most mature-phase species. Stem, vessel, and leaf traits were poor predictors of sap flow measures. However, these traits exhibited different associations in multivariate analysis, revealing gradients in some traits across species and alternative hydraulic strategies in others. Trait differences across and within tree functional groups reflect variation in water transport and drought resistance strategies. These varying strategies will help in our understanding of changing species distributions under predicted drought scenarios. 相似文献
热带雨林木质藤本植物叶片性状及其关联 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
热带雨林中木质藤本植物较为丰富。随着全球气候变化加剧,木质藤本植物的丰富度具有不断增加的趋势,有可能对热带森林的结构、功能和动态产生重要影响。然而,目前对木质藤本响应环境变化的机制所知甚少。本研究以13个科20种热带雨林常见木质藤本植物为材料,测定了冠层叶片的17个形态特征及结构性状,并分析了性状间的相互关系。结果表明,叶片相对含水量的种间变异最小(变异系数为5%),而上表皮厚度的种间变异最大(变异系数为80%),其它性状的种间变异系数为24%~61%。木质藤本植物的叶脉密度、叶片密度均与气孔密度呈显著正相关,叶片干物质含量与比叶面积呈显著负相关。与相同生境的树木相比,木质藤本的叶面积更小、气孔密度和叶片密度更低、比叶面积更高,但两种植物类群的叶片横切面组织结构厚度无显著差异。研究结果对理解木质藤本植物的生态适应性具有重要意义。 相似文献
西双版纳石灰山热带季节性湿润林内几种植物的水分利用策略 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
对两双版纳生境严酷的石灰山热带季节性湿润林内几种植物(潺槁木姜子、羽叶白头树、高榕、豆果榕、清香木等)的水分利用策略进行了研究.结果表明,石灰山热带季节性湿润林内土壤水势在于热季(2月~4月)75 cm深度处达到最低值,为-O.055MPa,雨季(5~10月)在30 cm处出现最低值为-O.039MPa.测定不同深度土壤体积含水量昼夜变化表明,白大和夜间各层深度土壤体积含水量没有显著变化(P>0.05),说明本林内植物没有水分再分配现象的发生.通过对雨水、土壤水、地下水、雾水、穿透水以及植物木质部水分的稳定性同位素分析得出,在干季,滴落雾水能够补给土壤表层水,在雨季,降雨则是地下水的主要水分输入.植物在昼夜尺度上虽然没有对水分进行时空区分利用,但是植物有更为长久有效的水分利用策略,即植物通过自身发达的根系统利用深层土壤水和地下水.目前,热带雨林的乱砍滥伐,森林片段化特别严重,尤其是生长在石灰山严酷生境的热带季节性湿润林受到破坏后,森林的重建和恢复是相当困难的.因此,对脆弱石厌山热带季节性湿润林的保护是十分必要的,而对石灰山热带季节性湿润林植物的水分利用方式和策略的研究将为此目标提供理论依据. 相似文献
为揭示海南热带雨林国家公园大型真菌多样性及不同植被类型对真菌群落的影响, 本研究于2020年和2021年湿季对海南热带雨林国家公园内7个管理局辖区开展了大型真菌多样性调查, 比较了不同植被类型(山地雨林、低地雨林、低地雨林次生林、人工林)的大型真菌生活型(共生型、腐生型)组成差异。从设置的58条1 km长的样带内采集到1,869份子实体标本, 根据子实体形态与ITS rDNA序列分析, 从中鉴定出562种真菌, 涉及17目64科174属, 其中80%以上的物种由伞菌目、牛肝菌目、红菇目、多孔菌目、鸡油菌目、锈革孔菌目和炭角菌目构成。大型真菌的营养型以腐生型(占48.2%物种)和共生型(44.8%)为主。每条样带的平均物种丰富度和多度以中海拔的山地雨林最高, 分别为28 ± 5种和33 ± 6个, 而人工林最低, 分别为11 ± 1种和11 ± 2个。植被类型主要影响共生型大型真菌物种丰富度(P = 0.026)和子实体多度(P = 0.019)及Shannon-Wiener多样性(P = 0.028), 但对腐生型大型真菌的影响并不显著。多响应置换过程(multiple response permutation procedure, MRPP)检验结果表明, 不同植被类型对共生型与腐生型大型真菌群落物种组成均有显著影响(腐生型: P = 0.004, 共生型: P = 0.041)。冗余分析(redundancy analysis, RDA)的结果表明, 植被类型对腐生型和共生型真菌群落物种组成差异的解释度均较低(共生型: R2 = 0.068, P = 0.004; 腐生型: R2 = 0.067, P = 0.004)。海拔仅对腐生型真菌群落物种组成产生微弱影响(R2 = 0.029, P = 0.001), 而对共生型真菌影响不显著(R2 = 0.024, P = 0.072)。在不同保护地之间, 共生型(R2 = 0.148, P = 0.001)与腐生型(R2 = 0.123, P = 0.002)真菌物种组成均具显著差异; 基于样带‒真菌矩阵的网络图显示, 海南热带雨林国家公园内尖峰岭、霸王岭、五指山等国家级自然保护区的山地雨林是共生型大型真菌多样性较高区域, 应作为共生型真菌与宿主的优先保护区域。 相似文献
四种热带雨林树种幼苗比叶重,光合特性和暗呼吸对生长光环境的适应 总被引:62,自引:10,他引:62
雾凉季研究了西双版纳热带雨林4种植物幼苗对生长光环境的适应,其中两个树种幼苗喜光(团花和滇南插柚紫),两个树种幼苗耐荫(滇南红厚壳和玉蕊)发现弱光环境中生长的4种植物比叶重、光合能力、光饱和点、光补偿点暗呼吸速度、叶绿素a/b比较低,叶绿素含量较高。玉蕊和滇南红厚壳幼苗的光合能力和呼吸速度 于团花树和滇南插柚紫。团花树和滇南插机紫的比叶重和光合作用的可塑性大于玉蕊和滇南红厚壳。高光强下生长的团花树和滇南插机紫增加叶氮分配给羧化酶的比较。减少分配给叶绿素的比例。滇南红厚壳和玉蕊适应弱光环境的能力略强于团花树和滇南插机紫,但适应强光的能力较差。研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说,单位干重叶的光合能力和呼吸速率并未表现出利于光适应的可塑性,表明4种植物生理适应能力较差,形态学上的适应在4种热带雨林树种幼苗光适应方面起到了重要的作用,叶氮分配也是它们光适应的策略之一。 相似文献
Sebastian Doetterl Elizabeth Kearsley Marijn Bauters Koen Hufkens Janvier Lisingo Geert Baert Hans Verbeeck Pascal Boeckx 《PloS one》2015,10(11)
BackgroundAfrican tropical rainforests are one of the most important hotspots to look for changes in the upcoming decades when it comes to C storage and release. The focus of studying C dynamics in these systems lies traditionally on living aboveground biomass. Belowground soil organic carbon stocks have received little attention and estimates of the size, controls and distribution of soil organic carbon stocks are highly uncertain. In our study on lowland rainforest in the central Congo basin, we combine both an assessment of the aboveground C stock with an assessment of the belowground C stock and analyze the latter in terms of functional pools and controlling factors.Conclusions/SignificanceWe suggest nutrient limitation, especially potassium, as the driver for aboveground versus belowground C allocation. However, other drivers such as C turnover, tree functional traits or demographic considerations cannot be excluded. We argue that large and unaccounted variability in C stocks is to be expected in African tropical rain-forests. Currently, these differences in aboveground and belowground C stocks are not adequately verified and implemented mechanistically into Earth System Models. This will, hence, introduce additional uncertainty to models and predictions of the response of C storage of the Congo basin forest to climate change and its contribution to the terrestrial C budget. 相似文献
西双版纳热带雨林中两种生态型蕨类植物的光合特性比较研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过比较分布于西双版纳热带雨林林下生境中的附生鸟巢蕨(Neottopteris nidus)和地生网脉铁角蕨(Asplenium finlaysonianum)的光合特征和光合诱导特性,来研究不同生态型蕨类植物的光斑利用策略。研究结果表明,2种蕨类植物的最大净光合速率、暗呼吸速率、表观量子效率、光饱和点和光补偿点没有显著差异,但网脉铁角蕨的最大气孔导度远远高于鸟巢蕨,表明后者具有更强的光合水分利用效率。在暗处理3/J',时接着光照(光强为20I~mol-m-2,s。‘)30分钟后,网脉铁角蕨的初始气孔导度显著高于鸟巢蕨。连续照射饱和强光后,网脉铁角蕨达到最大净光合速率50%(T50%)和90%的时间(T90%)比鸟巢蕨短:网脉铁角蕨和鸟巢蕨的T50%分别为0.57和5.31分钟,T90%分别为5.85和26.33分钟。诱导过程中,气孔导度对强光的响应明显滞后于净光合速率。鸟巢蕨达到最大气孔导度的时间明显比网脉铁角蕨慢,但在光合诱导消失过程中2种蕨类植物的光合诱导维持能力却没有显著差异。上述结果表明,与大多数地生林下植物(如网脉铁角蕨)相比,附生鸟巢蕨的水分保护比碳获得更重要,但却限制了附生蕨对光斑的利用。 相似文献