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Studies examining the effects of incubation temperature fluctuation on the phenotype of hatchling reptiles have shown species variation. To examine whether incubation temperature fluctuation has a key role in influencing the phenotype of hatchling Chinese skinks (Plestiodon chinensis), we incubated eggs produced by 20 females under five thermal regimes (treatments). Eggs in three treatments were incubated in three incubators, one set constant at 27 °C and two ramp-programmed at 27±3 °C and 27±5 °C on a cycle of 12 h (+) and 12 h (−). The remaining eggs were incubated in two chambers: one inside a room where temperatures varied from 23.0 to 31.1 °C, with a mean of 27.0 °C; the other outside the room where temperatures varied from 20.2 to 35.3 °C, with a mean of 26.1 °C. We found that: (1) for eggs at a given embryonic stage at ovipositon, the mean rather than the variance of incubation temperatures determined the length of incubation; (2) most (egg mass, embryonic stage at oviposition, incubation length and all examined hatchling traits except tail length and locomotor performance) of the examined variables were affected by clutch; and (3) body mass was the only hatchling trait that differed among the five treatments, but the differences were tiny. These findings suggest that incubation temperature fluctuation has no direct role in influencing incubation length and hatchling phenotype in P. chinensis.  相似文献   

We used eggs of Deinagkistrodon acutus to study the effects of incubation temperature on hatching success, embryonic expenditure of energy and hatchling phenotypes. One egg from each of the 15 fertile clutches was dissected for determination of egg composition, and a total of 164 eggs were incubated at five constant temperatures. Embryonic mortality increased dramatically at 30 °C, and none of eggs incubated at 32 °C hatched. Within the range from 24 to 30 °C, temperature affected incubation length and most hatchling traits examined. The mean incubation length at 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C was 36.4, 28.7, 21.8 and 15.7 days, respectively. Embryos developing at higher temperatures (28 and 30 °C) consumed more energy but produced less developed (and hence smaller) hatchlings, which characteristically had larger residual yolks but smaller carcasses. A principal component analysis resolved two components (with eigenvalues ⩾1) from ten size (initial egg mass)-free hatchling variables, accounting for 79.3% of variation in the original data. The first component (43.8% variance explained) had high positive loading for size-free values of dry mass, lipid mass, energy contents and ash mass of hatchlings, and the second component (35.5% variance explained) had high positive loading for size-free values of SVL, carcass dry mass and fatbody dry mass. Hatchlings from different incubation temperatures did not differ in scores on the first axis of the principal component analysis, whereas hatchlings from higher incubation temperatures (28 and 30 °C) had significantly lower scores on the second axis than did those from lower incubation temperatures (24 and 26 °C). As the second axis mainly represents traits relating to the developmental condition at hatching, the analysis therefore provided further evidence that eggs incubated at higher temperatures produced less developed hatchlings. Taken together, our data show that the optimal temperatures for embryonic development are relatively low in D. acutus largely due to its use of relatively cool habitats.  相似文献   

Amphibian populations have been declining globally for the last several decades, and climate change is often regarded as one of the most important factors driving these declines. Amphibians are particularly sensitive to climatic changes due to their physiological, ecological and behavioral characteristics. Here we performed a laboratory experiment to investigate how temperature affects ovipositing females, eggs and hatchlings in two syntopic populations of alpine newts, Ichthyosaura alpestris, and smooth newts, Lissotriton vulgaris. Female newts were assigned to two different oviposition temperatures (11 °C and 14 °C) for the duration of their oviposition period. Deposited eggs were equally divided and assigned to three different incubation temperatures (11 °C, 14 °C and 17 °C). We hypothesized that oviposition will be affected by temperature, that the combination of different oviposition and incubation temperatures may have an effect on embryonic and hatchling traits (embryonic mortality, days to hatch and hatchling length), and that these effects might differ between the two newt species. Temperature affected the number of deposited eggs in smooth newts, but not in alpine newts. Larval hatching success was not affected by oviposition or incubation temperature. Temperature effects on hatching time and hatchling length differed between the two species. These results suggest that temperature changes may have disparate effects on amphibian reproduction, even in syntopic taxa.  相似文献   

Females of several lizard species modify their body temperature during pregnancy, probably in connection with the optimisation of hatchling phenotypes. We studied variations in the temperature selected by gravid females compared with those selected by males and non-gravid females in an oviparous population of Zootoca vivipara (Jacquin, 1797) (Squamata: Lacertidae) of Northern Spain and examined the effects of incubation temperature on the phenotypic variation of hatchlings. Cloacal temperatures of gravid females active in the field were lower than those of males and non-gravid females, as well as the temperatures selected in a thermal gradient created in the laboratory (mean±s.d.: 32.33±1.27 °C for gravid females; 34.05±1.07 °C for males and non-gravid females). Effects of temperature were assessed by incubating eggs at five constant temperatures (21, 25, 29, 32 and 34 °C). Incubation time decreased as temperature increased, following a negative exponential function. Incubation temperatures also affected the hatchlings’ morphology: hatchlings incubated at 34 °C had shorter heads than those from other temperatures. Survival at 34 °C (58%) was significantly lower than at the other temperatures (mean 93%). Pregnant females select lower body temperature, approaching the temperatures that optimise hatchling phenotypes, according to predictions of the maternal manipulation hypothesis on the evolution of viviparity. The shift in preferred temperature by pregnant females would result in only a very short delay, if any, of hatching time and, because the temperature selected by pregnant females is much higher than average temperatures recorded in natural nests of Z. vivipara, egg retention considerably shortens incubation time, according to predictions of the cold-climate hypothesis. Our experimental results indicate that the two main hypotheses on the evolution of viviparity are compatible in our study model.  相似文献   

Pregnancy is a challenging period for egg laying squamates. Carrying eggs can encumber females and decrease their locomotor performance, potentially increasing their risk of predation. Pregnant females can potentially reduce this handicap by selecting higher temperatures to increase their sprint speed and ability to escape from predators, or to speed up embryonic development and reduce the period during which they are burdened with eggs (‘selfish mother’ hypothesis). Alternatively, females might select more stable body temperatures during pregnancy to enhance offspring fitness (‘maternal manipulation hypothesis’), even if the maintenance of such temperatures compromises a female's locomotor performance. We investigated whether pregnancy affects the preferred body temperatures and locomotor performance of female velvet geckos Amalosia lesueurii. We measured running speed of females during late pregnancy, and one week after they laid eggs at four temperatures (20°, 25°, 30° and 35 °C). Preferred body temperatures of females were measured in a cost-free thermal gradient during late pregnancy and one week after egg-laying. Females selected higher and more stable set-point temperatures when they were pregnant (mean =29.0 °C, Tset =27.8–30.5 °C) than when they were non-pregnant (mean =26.2 °C, Tset =23.7–28.7 °C). Pregnancy was also associated with impaired performance; females sprinted more slowly at all four test temperatures when burdened with eggs. Although females selected higher body temperatures during late pregnancy, this increase in temperature did not compensate for their impaired running performance. Hence, our results suggest that females select higher temperatures during pregnancy to speed up embryogenesis and reduce the period during which they have reduced performance. This strategy may decrease a female's probability of encountering predatory snakes that use the same microhabitats for thermoregulation. Selection of stable temperatures by pregnant females may also benefit embryos, but manipulative experiments are necessary to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Thermal tolerance varies at all hierarchical levels of biological organization: among species, populations, individuals, and even within individuals. Age- or developmental stage- and sex-specific thermal effects have received relatively little attention in the literature, despite being crucial for understanding thermal adaptation in nature and responses to global warming. We document stage- and sex- specific heat tolerance in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae), a species common throughout the northern hemisphere that generally favours cool climates. Exposure of eggs to temperatures up to 32 °C did not affect larval hatching rate, but subsequent egg-to-adult survival at a benign temperature was reduced. Permanent transfer from benign (18 °C) to hot temperatures (up to 31 °C) at different larval and pupal stages strongly decreased egg-to-adult survival, though survival continuously improved the later the transfer occurred. Temporary transfer for only two days increased mortality more weakly, survival being lowest when temperature stress was imposed early during the larval or pupal stages. Adult flies provided with sugar and water tolerated 31 °C longer than previously thought (5 days in males to 9 days in females). Eggs were thus less susceptible to thermal stress than larvae, pupae or adults, in agreement with the hypothesis that more mobile stages require less physiological protection against heat because they can behaviourally thermoregulate. The probability of mating, of laying a clutch, and hatching success were generally independently reduced by exposure of females or males to warm temperatures (24 °C) during the juvenile or adult stages, with some interactions evident. High temperature stress thus affects survival differentially depending on when it occurs during the juvenile or the pre-reproductive adult life stage, and affects reproductive success via the mating behaviour of both sexes, female physiology in terms of oviposition, and fertility via sperm and/or egg quality. Our results illustrate that temperature stress, even when moderate and temporary, during early development can have profound lethal and non-lethal fitness-consequences later in life.  相似文献   

Chrysoperla genanigra Freitas is a common green lacewing associated with melon pests in the Northeastern Brazil. All life stages of this recently described species were studied under a range of constant temperature conditions (17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 35 and 37 °C), a photoperiod of 12 h:12 h (L:D) and 70 ± 10% relative humidity. Adults of C. genanigra were fed on a diet consisting of a 1:1 (v/v) mixture of brewer’s yeast and honey, while larvae were provided with eggs of Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) ad libitum. The duration of preimaginal development of the species was inversely proportional to temperature and ranged from approximately 63 days at 17 °C to 15 days at 35 °C. The percentage of adult emergence varied from 6.7% at 17 °C to 76.7% at 25 °C, although no larvae were able to complete development at 37 °C. The lower thermal threshold for total preimaginal development was approximately 10.8 °C and the thermal requirement was 336.7 degree-days. Egg production, along with the longevity of both males and females, were significantly affected by temperature. It is concluded that the best temperature for rearing C. genanigra is 25 °C, with the lowest preimaginal mortality and the highest egg production (992.7 eggs/female).  相似文献   

Supplementation of host resource can be more economical method for the biological control of insect pest compared to direct release of adult parasitoids. Periodical release of non-viable cold-stored eggs of Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) has been found to enhance parasitism of this pest in soybean fields. To find the optimum environmental conditions for cold storage of these host eggs, we evaluated nine different combinations of temperature (2, 6, and 10 °C) and relative humidity (high 90–95%, medium 70–75%, and low 30–35%). After 30 d of cold-storage, eggs were weighed and held at 26.6 °C and 75% relative humidity for 8 d before testing. To test the eggs’ suitability as hosts following cold storage, females of Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) were released individually onto batches of eggs, and parasitization rates and the development, emergence, sex ratio, adult longevity, and size of parasitoid progeny were examined. Eggs stored at high relative humidity showed less weight loss than those stored at low relative humidity. The number of eggs parasitized was highest (5.9/15) on eggs stored at 6 °C and high relative humidity. Developmental times and adult emergence were optimal on host eggs stored at 2 °C and high relative humidity. A significantly lower proportion of eggs produced male parasitoids when eggs were stored at 2 or 6 °C. Adult longevity was not affected by egg storage conditions, but adult size of progeny decreased in eggs stored at 10 °C. In conclusion, eggs of R. pedestris stored below 6 °C and with a high relative humidity maintained the best quality for parasitization by O. nezarae.  相似文献   

The influence of temperatures on the life parameters of the solitary oothecal parasitoid Evania appendigaster, was investigated in the laboratory. Parasitized oothecae of Periplaneta americana were left to develop under seven constant temperatures: 15, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 °C. At the end, we found that: (i) E. appendigaster was able to complete development within the temperature range of 17–34 °C; (ii) mean adult longevity decreased as temperature increased, with the temperature of 40 °C being fatal in a matter of hours; (iii) males lived longer than females between 15 and 30 °C; (iv) adult emergence rate was the highest at 25 °C, and (v) no wasps emerged at 15 or 40 °C. Non-emerged oothecae contained either unhatched eggs or dead larvae. We determined the theoretical lower developmental threshold and thermal constant for the complete development as 12.9 °C and 584.8 day-degrees for males, and 13.1 °C and 588.2 day-degrees for females, respectively. A good balance between faster development, maximum adult longevity and good egg viability was obtained between 25–30 °C, and that would be the best temperature range for rearing E. appendigaster.  相似文献   

The underlying genetic basis of life-history traits in free-ranging animals is critical to the effects of selection on such traits, but logistical constraints mean that such data are rarely available. Our long-term ecological studies on free-ranging oviparous snakes (keelbacks, Tropidonophis mairii (Gray, 1841), Colubridae) on an Australian floodplain provide the first such data for any tropical reptile. All size-corrected reproductive traits (egg mass, clutch size, clutch mass and post-partum maternal mass) were moderately repeatable between pairs of clutches produced by 69 female snakes after intervals of 49-1152 days, perhaps because maternal body condition was similar between clutches. Parent-offspring regression of reproductive traits of 59 pairs of mothers and daughters revealed high heritability for egg mass (h2= 0.73, SE=0.24), whereas heritability for the other three traits was low (< 0.37). The estimated heritability of egg mass may be inflated by maternal effects such as differential allocation of yolk steroids to different-sized eggs. High heritability of egg size may be maintained (rather than eroded by stabilizing selection) because selection acts on a trait (hatchling size) that is determined by the interaction between egg size and incubation substrate rather than by egg size alone. Variation in clutch size was mainly because of environmental factors (h2=0.04), indicating that one component of the trade-off between egg size and clutch size is under much tighter genetic control than the other. Thus, the phenotypic trade-off between egg size and egg number in keelback snakes occurs because each female snake must allocate a finite amount of energy into eggs of a genetically determined size.  相似文献   

Chrysoperla agilis Henry et al. is one of the five cryptic species of the carnea group found in Europe. Identification of these species is mainly based on the distinct mating signals produced by both females and males prior to copulation, although there are also morphological traits that can be used to distinguish among different cryptic species. Ecological and physiological cryptic species-specific differences may affect their potential as important biological agents in certain agroecosystems. To understand the effects of temperature on the life-history traits of C. agilis preimaginal development, adult longevity and reproduction were studied at seven temperatures. Temperature affected the development, survival and reproduction of C. agilis. Developmental time ranged from approximately 62 days at 15 °C to 15 days at 30 °C. Survival percentages ranged from 42% at 15 °C to 76% at 27 °C. One linear and five nonlinear models (Briere I, II, Logan 6, Lactin and Taylor) used to model preimaginal development were tested to describe the relationship between temperature and developmental rate. Logan 6 model fitted the data of egg to adult development best according to the criteria adopted for the model evaluation. The predicted lower developmental threshold temperatures were 11.4 °C and 11.8 °C (linear model), whereas the predicted upper threshold temperatures (Logan 6 model) were 36.6 and 36.9 °C for females and males, respectively. Adult life span, preoviposition period and lifetime cumulative oviposition were significantly affected by temperature. The effect of rearing temperature on the demographic parameters is well summarized with the estimated values of the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) which ranged from 0.0269 at 15 °C to 0.0890 at 32 °C and the highest value recorded at 27 °C (0.1530). These results could be useful in mass rearing C. agilis and predicting its population dynamics in the field.  相似文献   

Mass production is necessary to ensure the availability of biological control agents for the suppression of target pests. Many rearing hosts need to be sterilized to prevent development. Host egg sterilization also allows their storage for a longer period. Ephestia kuehniella eggs are frequently used as hosts for Trichogramma parasitoïds but they must be sterilized to prevent larvae from emerging and eating the unhatched parasitized eggs. Three sterilization methods were examined: UV irradiation, freezing at −15 °C and vitrification (liquid nitrogen submersion). The dosage and exposure duration to provide egg sterilization were determined and then the suitability of hosts sterilized by the different methods were compared. E. kuehniella eggs abortion was achieved after 15 min by UV irradiation, 4 h by freezing at −15 °C and 30 s by vitrification. Vitrification resulted in significantly lower parasitoids production with a global emergence rate of 28.7%, compared to UV irradiation (75.1%), freezing at −15 °C (77.4%) and control (80.9%). Host eggs sterilization method did not affect sex-ratio, occurrence of malformation in adults, and female walking speed. Fecundity was significantly reduced in the females emerging from UV irradiated (37.2 offsprings) and vitrified (36.9 offsprings) eggs, compared to control (43.1 offsprings).  相似文献   

Adaptation to temperature changes is vital to reduce adverse effects on individuals, and some may present phenotypic changes, which might be accompanied with physiological costs in fitness traits. The objective of this study was to determine whether the two strains of the herbivore Eccritotarsus catarinensis, a biological control agent against water hyacinth in South Africa, differ in their responses to temperature according to their geographical origin.We experimentally quantified the responses of the two strains, at three constant temperatures: 20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C, using laboratory cultures that originated from Brazil and Peru, where climates differ. Reproductive output, egg hatching rate, sex ratio and longevity were recorded at each temperature. Fitness traits for both strains were significantly reduced at 30 °C compared with 25 °C and 20 °C in two successive generations. Nonetheless, Peruvian individuals continued their development at 30 °C, whereas Brazilian individuals that succeeded in emerging did not continue their development. In contrast, sex ratio was unaffected by temperature. The Peruvian strain of E. catarinensis presented different phenotypes depending on temperature and was more adapted to extreme high temperature than the Brazilian strain. The tropical origin of the population induces the insect to tolerate the extreme high temperature. We suggest that the Peruvian strain could be better suited for release to control water hyacinth in nature, particularly in regions where temperature is high.  相似文献   

The developmental biology of Trichogrammatoidea lutea Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was studied at six constant temperatures (18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 35 °C) on eggs of three lepidopteran host species: Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Noctuidae), Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Crambidae) and Cadra cautella (Walker) (Pyralidae). T. lutea did not complete development at 35 °C on any of the three host species. Parasitism levels were highest on H. armigera at 27 °C (58%), C. cautella at 27 and 30 °C (31% and 28%) and C. partellus between 24 and 30 °C (13–17%). Realized progeny of T. lutea per parasitized host egg was influenced by host size. The number of progeny of T. lutea per parasitized host egg was highest on H. armigera, followed by C. partellus and lowest on C. cautella. The sex ratio was female biased on C. partellus, female biased on C. cautella with the exception of 21 °C and close to 1:1 on H. armigera. The rate of development from egg to pupa and egg to adult was fastest on H. armigera and slowest on C. partellus. Lower thresholds for development and degree days (DD) of T. lutea from egg to adult were 12.8 °C and 105.4 DD on H. armigera, 11.3 °C and 141.6 DD on C. partellus and 12.9 °C and 118.2 DD on C. cautella, respectively. Based on these results, H. armigera is the most suitable host for mass rearing of T. lutea for biological control of Lepidoptera pests because of the relatively high parasitism levels, short development time, greater clutch size and balanced sex ratio. C. cautella may also be used although longer exposure times might be required due to lower parasitism levels.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to investigate whether temperatures of 18 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C, and 35 °C and a photoperiod of 16L:8D at immature and adult stages would differentially affect the mating duration and egg production of Neoseiulus californicus females mated once. Mating duration was strictly determined by ambient temperature at the time of mating, regardless of the temperatures under which they were raised. Compared with a consistent 25 °C condition, total fecundity of females decreased when temperature conditions of 18 °C, 30 °C, and 35 °C were applied during any life stage (immature, mating, and oviposition periods) or a combination of different stages. In general, however, if mites were raised in conditions of ≤ 25 °C, and mated and oviposited at conditions of ≥ 25 °C, total egg production was relatively high. Based on these results, the adaptation of mites to thermal environments was discussed.  相似文献   

Preheating can increase the efficiency of commercial broiler breeding. A slow increase in temperature can counteract the negative effects of water condensation on the surface of the shell and reduces the thermal shock to the embryos. It is essential to design different preheating profiles because of the variances between breeds in terms of egg construction and the course of embryogenesis, along with the influence of the parental flocks' age on hatching rates. This study aimed to analyze six preheating profiles with different time and temperature patterns (A–F), which were immediately applied before the egg incubation began. These profiles were used for two broiler breeder strains – Hubbard Flex and Ross 308 – for the entire laying cycle divided into six age ranges: 25–30, 31–36, 37–42, 43–48, 49–54, and 55–60 wk of life. A total of 7 839 250 Hubbard Flex and 57 167 060 Ross 308 eggs were used in the study. The eggs were stored for 4–7 d before the preheating profile was applied. Mortality during incubation, hatchability, and the quality of chicks were analyzed. The most favorable results were obtained with profile B – 02 h (25.0 °C):02 h (29.4 °C):02 h (32.2 °C):02 h (35.0 °C):02 h (37.8 °C), while the worst results were obtained with profile C – 03 h (23.9 °C):03 h (25.0 °C):04 h (32.2 °C). These findings indicated that compared to a rapid temperature increase during incubation, multistage slow heating of eggs is more advantageous as it enables achieving better hatchability from apparent fertile eggs and obtaining more first-grade chicks. An analysis of the interaction of different preheating profiles with flock age and breed of parental flock revealed that profile C is not suitable for eggs from older flocks, in particular Ross 308. Deterioration of hatchability of chicks from apparent fertile eggs was also confirmed for flocks over 49 wk of life after the application of profile E – 03 h (77 °C):02 h (29.4 °C):02 h (32.2 °C):01 h (35.0 °C):02 h (37.8 °C). Increased early and late mortality of embryos was observed in the case of Hubbard Flex after the use of profile D – 03 h (25.0 °C):02 h (29.4 °C):01 h (32.2 °C):02 h (35.05 °C):02 h (37.8 °C). Based on the obtained results, it can be recommended that profile B can be applied for the entire duration of Ross 308 and Hubbard Flex flock utilization to achieve high egg hatchability and obtain high-quality chicks.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of temperature and phase polyphenism on egg hatching time in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, and the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. The two species exhibited differences and similarities in hatching behavior when exposed to different temperature conditions. In 12-h thermocycles of various temperatures, the S. gregaria eggs hatched during the cryoperiod (low temperature period), whereas L. migratoria eggs hatched during the thermoperiod (high temperature period). The eggs of both species hatched during the species-specific period of the thermoperiod in response to a temperature difference as small as 1 °C. Furthermore, the locusts adjusted hatching time to a new thermal environment that occurred shortly before the expected hatching time. In both species, the hatching of the eggs was synchronized to a specific time of the day, and two hatching peaks separated by approximately 1 day were observed at a constant temperature after the eggs were transferred from thermocycles 3 days before hatching. Eggs laid by gregarious females hatched earlier than those laid by solitarious females in S. gregaria but this difference was not observed in L. migratoria.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(2):135-142
This study was carried out to develop temperature-driven models for immature development and oviposition of the pink citrus rust mite Aculops pelekassi (Keifer). A. pelekassi egg development times decreased as the temperature increased, ranging from 6.6 days at 16 °C to 1.9 days at 35 °C. Total nymph development times decreased from 8.2 days at 16 °C to 3.3 days at 35 °C. The egg-to-adult development durations were 14.8, 11.6, 9.7, 8.0, 7.3, 6.1, and 5.2 days at 16, 20, 24, 26, 28, 32, and 35 °C, respectively. The lower developmental threshold temperatures for eggs, nymphs, and total egg-to-adult development were calculated as 9.3, 4.3, and 6.9 °C, respectively. The thermal constants were 54.0, 101.8, and 153.8 degree days for each of the above stages. The non-linear biophysical model fitted well for the relationship between the development rate and temperature for all stages. The Weibull function provided a good fit for the distribution of development times of each stage. Temperature affected the longevity and fecundity of A. pelekassi. Adult longevity decreased as the temperature increased and ranged from 24.2 days at 16 °C to 14.6 days at 35.0 °C. A. pelekassi had a maximum fecundity of 33.1 eggs per female at 28 °C, which declined to 18.8 eggs per female at 16 °C. In addition, three temperature-dependent components for an oviposition model of A. pelekassi were developed with sub-models estimated: total fecundity, age-specific cumulative oviposition rate, and age-specific survival rate. The oviposition model, coupled with the stage emergence model, should be useful to construct a population model for A. pelekassi in the future.  相似文献   

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