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Hexadecylphosphocholine (HePC) is an anticancer agent whose effect has been shown to involve apoptosis induction but the signaling pathways leading to apoptosis remain to be elucidated. We show here that HePC induces activation of caspase-9, -3, and -8 via the intrinsic pathway, release of cytochrome c, activation and relocation of Bax to the mitochondria as well as the cleavage of Bid. Moreover, a lysosomal pathway characterized by partial lysosomal rupture, cathepsin B activation and relocation from lysosomes to the cytosol, is involved in HePC-induced apoptosis. A cathepsin B/L inhibitor partially suppresses caspase activation and apoptosis induction, indicating signaling between lysosomes and mitochondria. Conversely, the pancaspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPH inhibits lysosomal rupture, but only at early time points, suggesting that immediate lysosomal rupture involves caspases. Overexpression of Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic protein known to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction, totally abrogates lysosomal destabilization and cell death.  相似文献   

Lysosomes, a central regulator of autophagy, play a critical role in tumour growth. Lysosomal protease cathepsin D can initiate apoptosis when released from lysosomes into the cytosol. In this study, we observed that Musca domestica cecropin (Mdc) 1–8 (M1-8), a small anti-tumour peptide derived from Mdc, inhibits hepatoma cell growth by blocking autophagy–lysosome fusion. This effect is likely achieved by targeting lysosomes to activate lysosomal protease D. Additionally, we examined whether lysosomal content and cathepsin D release were involved in M1-8-induced apoptosis. After exposure to M1-8, human hepatoma HepG2 cells rapidly co-localized with lysosomes, disrupted lysosomal integrity, caused leakage of lysosomal protease cathepsin D, caspase activation and mitochondrial membrane potential changes; and promoted cell apoptosis. Interestingly, in M1-8-treated HepG2 cells, autophagic protein content increased and the lysosome–autophagosome fusion was inhibited, suggesting that M1-8 can cause apoptosis through autophagy and lysosomes. This result indicates that a small accumulation of autophagy and autolysosome inhibition in cells can cause cell death. Taken together, these data suggest a novel insight into the regulatory mechanisms of M1-8 in autophagy and lysosomes, which may facilitate the development of M1-8 as a potential cancer therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

Lysosomal photosensitizers have been used in photodynamic therapy. The combination of such photosensitizers and light causes lysosomal photodamage, inducing cell death. Lysosomal disruption can lead to apoptosis but its signaling pathways remain to be elucidated. In this study, N-aspartyl chlorin e6 (NPe6), an effective photosensitizer that preferentially accumulates in lysosomes, was used to study the mechanism of apoptosis caused by lysosomal photodamage. Apoptosis in living human lung adenocarcinoma cells (ASTC-a-1) after NPe6-photodynamic treatment (NPe6-PDT) was studied using real-time single-cell analysis. Our results demonstrated that NPe6-PDT induced rapid generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The photodynamically produced ROS caused a rapid destruction of lysosomes, leading to release of cathepsins, and the ROS scavengers vitamin C and NAC prevent the effects. Then the following spatiotemporal sequence of cellular events was observed during cell apoptosis: Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax) activation, cytochrome c release, and caspase-9/-3 activation. Importantly, the activation of Bax proved to be a crucial event in this apoptotic machinery, because suppressing the endogenous Bax using siRNA could significantly inhibit cytochrome c release and caspase-9/-3 activation and protect the cell from death. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that PDT with lysosomal photosensitizer induces Bax activation and subsequently initiates the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Apoptosis was induced in human foreskin fibroblasts by the redox-cycling quinone naphthazarin (5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone). Most of the cells displayed ultrastructure typical of apoptosis after 8 h of exposure to naphthazarin. Apoptosis was inhibited in fibroblasts pretreated with the cathepsin D inhibitor pepstatin A. Immunofluorescence analysis of the intracellular distribution of cathepsin D revealed a distinct granular pattern in control cells, whereas cells treated with naphthazarin for 30 min exhibited more diffuse staining that corresponded to release of the enzyme from lysosomes to the cytosol. After 2 h, release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to the cytosol was indicated by immunofluorescence. The membrane-potential–sensitive probe JC-1 and flow cytometry did not detect a permanent decrease in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (ΔΨm) until after 5 h of naphthazarin treatment. Our findings show that, during naphthazarin-induced apoptosis, lysosomal destabilization (measured as release of cathepsin D) precedes release of cytochrome c, loss of ΔΨm, and morphologic alterations. Moreover, apoptosis could be inhibited by pretreatment with pepstatin A.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests a role for apoptosis in the maintenance of the alveolar epithelium under normal and pathological conditions. However, the signaling pathways modulating alveolar type II (AT II) cell apoptosis remain poorly defined. Here we investigated the role of lysosomes as modulators of oxidant-mediated AT II cell apoptosis using an in vitro model of H(2)O(2)-stress. H(2)O(2) stress led to time-dependent increases in intracellular oxidants, mitochondrial membrane polarization, cytochrome c release, lysosomal rupture, and AT II cells apoptosis. Increased apoptosis was prevented by specific inhibition of the caspase cascade using the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor z-VAD-fmk or a caspase 3 inhibitor, or by using functional inhibitors for cathepsin D (pepstatin A) or cathepsin B. Inhibition of cathepsin D also prevented mitochondrial permeabilization and cythocrome c release suggesting that lysosomal rupture precedes and is necessary for the activation of the mitochondrial pathway of cell death.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process for bulk degradation of cytoplasmic components, including large molecules and organelles. It can either help to enhance or to resist apoptosis, depending on the circumstances. The mechanism of how autophagy impacts apoptosis and the subsequent cellular events upon heat shock remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that mitochondrial membrane permeability transition (MPT)-sensitive mitochondrial autophagy can protect against heat-induced apoptosis through reduction of cytosolic cytochrome c release and downstream caspase-3 activation. With confocal microscopy, it was revealed that as autophagosomes increased, mitochondrial content was mass decreased after heat shock. Detailed analysis shows that a single swelling mitochondrion could be entrapped into autophagosome. The depolarization of mitochondria preceded the mitochondrial loss, and both could be abolished by MPT inhibitor cyclosporine (CsA). In addition, along with the decrease of mitochondrial content, the level of total cytochrome c was also reduced, resulting in a reduction of its release to cytoplasm. When heat shock was combined with 3-methyladenine (3-MA), an inhibitor of autophagy, the mitochondrial loss and the reduction of total cytochrome c were both inhibited, and then caspase-3 activation and cell apoptosis were increased. Thus, it is reasonable to believe that, heat shock-induced cellular events can be modulated by controlling autophagy, and this may represent a novel approach to enhance the efficacy of hyperthermia.  相似文献   

PS-341 (bortezomib) is a potent and reversible proteosome inhibitor that functions to degrade intracellular polyubiquitinated proteins. PS-341 induces apoptosis and has shown broad antitumor activity with selectivity for transformed cells. We studied the effect of PS-341 on lysosomal and mitochondrial permeabilization, including the role of caspase-2 activation in apoptosis induction in the BxPC-3 human pancreatic carcinoma cell line. PS-341 induced a dose-dependent apoptosis in association with reactive oxygen species generation and cleavage of caspase-2 to its 33- and 14-kDa fragments. PS-341 disrupted lysosomes with redistribution of cathepsin B to the cytosol, as shown using fluorescence confocal microscopy, that was blocked by the free radical scavenger tiron but not by a caspase-2 inhibitor (benzyloxycarbonyl (Z)-VDVAD-fluoromethyl ketone (FMK)). PS-341-induced caspase-2 activation was attenuated by a selective pharmacological inhibitor of cathepsin B (R-3032), suggesting that cathepsin B release occurs upstream of caspase-2. PS-341-induced mitochondrial depolarization was attenuated by Z-VDVAD-FMK, tiron, and an inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (bongkrekic acid). Regulation of mitochondrial permeability by caspase-2 was confirmed using caspase-2 small interfering RNA. PS-341-induced cytochrome c release and phosphatidylserine externalization were attenuated by Z-VDVAD-FMK and partially by R-3032. PS-341 activated the BH3-only proteins Bik and Bim and down-regulated Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL mRNA and protein expression. Taken together, PS-341 induces lysosomal cathepsin B redistribution upstream of caspase-2. Caspase-2 activation regulates PS-341-induced mitochondrial depolarization and apoptosis, suggesting that caspase-2 can serve as a link between lysosomal and mitochondrial permeabilization.  相似文献   

In this study, we report a novel mechanism of action for a cytotoxic derivative of betulinic acid (BA). B10 is a semi-synthetic glycosylated derivative of BA selected for its enhanced cytotoxic activity. Interestingly, although B10 induces apoptosis, caspase-3 downregulation incompletely prevents B10-induced cell death, Bcl-2 overexpression fails to protect cells and DNA fragmentation rates do not reflect cell death rates in contrast to cytoplasmic membrane permeabilization. These results implicate that apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death coexist upon B10 treatment. Unexpectedly, we found that B10 induces autophagy and also abrogates the autophagic flux. B10 destabilizes lysosomes as shown by Lysotracker Red staining and by cathepsin Z and B release from lysosomes into the cytoplasm. Consistently, the cathepsin inhibitor Ca074Me significantly decreases B10-induced cell death, further supporting the fact that the release of lysosomal enzymes contributes to B10-triggered cell death. Downregulation of ATG7, ATG5 or BECN1 by RNAi significantly decreases caspase-3 activation, lysosomal permeabilization and cell death. Thus, by concomitant induction of autophagy and inhibition of the autophagic flux, B10 turns autophagy into a cell death mechanism. These findings have important implications for the therapeutic exploitation of BA derivatives, particularly in apoptosis-resistant cancers.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium atg1− mutant cells provide an experimentally and genetically favorable model to study necrotic cell death (NCD) with no interference from apoptosis or autophagy. In such cells subjected to starvation and cAMP, induction by the differentiation-inducing factor DIF or by classical uncouplers led within minutes to mitochondrial uncoupling, which causally initiated NCD. We now report that (1) in this model, NCD included a mitochondrial-lysosomal cascade of events, (2) mitochondrial uncoupling and therefore initial stages of death showed reversibility for a surprisingly long time, (3) subsequent lysosomal permeabilization could be demonstrated using Lysosensor blue, acridin orange, Texas red-dextran and cathepsin B substrate, (4) this lysosomal permeabilization was irreversible, and (5) the presence of the uncoupler was required to maintain mitochondrial lesions but also to induce lysosomal lesions, suggesting that signaling from mitochondria to lysosomes must be sustained by the continuous presence of the uncoupler. These results further characterized the NCD pathway in this priviledged model, contributed to a definition of NCD at the lysosomal level, and suggested that in mammalian NCD even late reversibility attempts by removal of the inducer may be of therapeutic interest.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a lysosomal degradative pathway that plays an important role in maintaining cellular homeostasis. We previously showed that the inhibition of autophagy causes pancreatic β-cell apoptosis, suggesting that autophagy is a protective mechanism for the survival of pancreatic β-cells. The current study demonstrates that treatment with inhibitors and knockdown of the lysosomal cysteine proteases such as cathepsins B and L impair autophagy, enhancing the caspase-dependent apoptosis of INS-1 cells and islets upon exposure to high concentration of glucose. Interestingly, treatment with cathepsin B and L inhibitors prevented the proteolytic processing of cathepsins B, D and L, as evidenced by gradual accumulation of the respective pro-forms. Of note, inhibition of aspartic cathepsins had no effect on autophagy and cell viability, suggesting the selective role of cathepsins B and L in the regulation of β-cell autophagy and apoptosis. Lysosomal localization of accumulated pro-cathepsins in the presence of cathepsin B and L inhibitors was verified via immunocytochemistry and lysosomal fractionation. Lysotracker staining indicated that cathepsin B and L inhibitors led to the formation of severely enlarged lysosomes in a time-dependent manner. The abnormal accumulation of pro-cathepsins following treatment with inhibitors of cathepsins B and L suppressed normal lysosomal degradation and the processing of lysosomal enzymes, leading to lysosomal dysfunction. Collectively, our findings suggest that cathepsin defects following the inhibition of cathepsin B and L result in lysosomal dysfunction and consequent cell death in pancreatic β-cells.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that acetic acid activates a mitochondria‐dependent death process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and that the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) is required for mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and cytochrome c release. Mitochondrial fragmentation and degradation have also been shown in response to this death stimulus. Herein, we show that autophagy is not active in cells undergoing acetic acid‐induced apoptosis and is therefore not responsible for mitochondrial degradation. Furthermore, we found that the vacuolar protease Pep4p and the AAC proteins have a role in mitochondrial degradation using yeast genetic approaches. Depletion and overexpression of Pep4p, an orthologue of human cathepsin D, delays and enhances mitochondrial degradation respectively. Moreover, Pep4p is released from the vacuole into the cytosol in response to acetic acid treatment. AAC‐deleted cells also show a decrease in mitochondrial degradation in response to acetic acid and are not defective in Pep4p release. Therefore, AAC proteins seem to affect mitochondrial degradation at a step subsequent to Pep4p release, possibly triggering degradation through their involvement in mitochondrial permeabilization. The finding that both mitochondrial AAC proteins and the vacuolar Pep4p interfere with mitochondrial degradation suggests a complex regulation and interplay between mitochondria and the vacuole in yeast programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The intrinsic pathway of apoptotic cell death is mainly mediated by the BCL-2-associated X (BAX) protein through permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) and the concomitant release of cytochrome c into the cytosol. In healthy, non-apoptotic cells, BAX is predominantly localized in the cytosol and exhibits a dynamic shuttle cycle between the cytosol and the mitochondria. Thus, the initial association with mitochondria represents a critical regulatory step enabling BAX to insert into MOMs, promoting the release of cytochrome c and ultimately resulting in apoptosis. However, the molecular mode of how BAX associates with MOMs and whether a cellular regulatory mechanism governs this process is poorly understood. Here we show that in both primary tissues and cultured cells, the association with MOMs and the proapoptotic action of BAX is controlled by its S-palmitoylation at Cys-126. A lack of BAX palmitoylation reduced BAX mitochondrial translocation, BAX oligomerization, caspase activity and apoptosis. Furthermore, ectopic expression of specific palmitoyl transferases in cultured healthy cells increases BAX S-palmitoylation and accelerates apoptosis, whereas malignant tumor cells show reduced BAX S-palmitoylation consistent with their reduced BAX-mediated proapoptotic activity. Our findings suggest that S-palmitoylation of BAX at Cys126 is a key regulatory process of BAX-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of the mitochondrial inhibitor 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP) produces striatal pathology mimicking Huntington disease (HD). However, the mechanisms of cell death induced by metabolic impairment are not fully understood. The present study investigated contributions of p53 signaling pathway to autophagy activation and cell death induced by 3-NP. Rat striatum was intoxicated with 3-NP by stereotaxic injection. Morphological and biochemical analyses demonstrated activation of autophagy in striatal cells as evidenced by increased the formation of autophagosomes, the expression of active lysosomal cathepsin B and D, microtubule associate protein light chain 3 (LC3) and conversion of LC3-I to LC3-II. 3-NP upregulated the expression of tumor suppressor protein 53 (p53) and its target genes including Bax, p53-upregulated modulator of apoptosis (PUMA) and damage-regulated autophagy modulator (DRAM). 3-NP-induced elevations in pro-apoptotic proteins Bax and PUMA, autophagic proteins LC3-II and DRAM were significantly reduced by the p53 specific inhibitor pifithrin-α (PFT). PFT also significantly inhibited 3-NP-induced striatal damage. Similarly, 3-NP-induced DNA fragmentation and striatal cell death were robustly attenuated by the autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine (3-MA) and bafilomycin A1 (BFA). These results suggest that p53 plays roles in signaling both autophagy and apoptosis. Autophagy, at least partially, contributes to neurodegeneration induced by mitochondria dysfunction.  相似文献   

BAX cooperates with truncated BID (tBID) and Ca2+ in permeabilizing the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) and releasing mitochondrial apoptogenic proteins. The mechanisms of this cooperation are still unclear. Here we show that in isolated brain mitochondria, recombinant BAX readily self-integrates/oligomerizes in the OMM but produces only a minuscule release of cytochrome c, indicating that BAX insertion/oligomerization in the OMM does not always lead to massive OMM permeabilization. Ca2+ in a mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT)-dependent and recombinant tBID in an mPT-independent manner promoted BAX insertion/ oligomerization in the OMM and augmented cytochrome c release. Neither tBID nor Ca2+ induced BAX oligomerization in the solution without mitochondria, suggesting that BAX oligomerization required interaction with the organelles and followed rather than preceded BAX insertion in the OMM. Recombinant Bcl-xL failed to prevent BAX insertion/oligomerization in the OMM but strongly attenuated cytochrome c release. On the other hand, a reducing agent, dithiothreitol (DTT), inhibited BAX insertion/oligomerization augmented by tBID or Ca2+ and suppressed the BAX-mediated release of cytochrome c and Smac/DIABLO but failed to inhibit Ca2+-induced swelling. Altogether, these data suggest that in brain mitochondria, BAX insertion/oligomerization can be dissociated from OMM permeabilization and that tBID and Ca2+ stimulate BAX insertion/oligomerization and BAX-mediated OMM permeabilization by different mechanisms involving mPT induction and modulation of the SH-redox state.  相似文献   

O. Teijido 《FEBS letters》2010,584(15):3305-83
Protein-protein interactions between the Bcl2 family proteins regulate apoptosis. An imbalance of this interaction network due to the upregulation of the proto-oncogene Bcl2 leads to a resistance to apoptosis associated with tumor formation. Bcl2 overexpression inhibits BAX oligomerization and mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) permeabilization. However, Bcl2 effects on earlier steps of BAX-mediated apoptosis are not fully understood. Bcl2 overexpression inhibits BAX insertion into the MOM but spontaneously increases BAX relocalization to the mitochondria. Also, a physical interaction between BAX and Bcl2 is necessary for these two effects to occur. Taken together, these results suggest upregulated Bcl2 stabilizes BAX loose binding to mitochondrial membranes, inhibiting its insertion into the MOM and consequently cytochrome c release.

Structured summary

MINT-7945271: BAX (uniprotkb:Q07813) physically interacts (MI:0915) with Bcl-2 (uniprotkb:P10417) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)  相似文献   

A number of studies, mostly performed ex vivo, suggest that lysosomes are involved in apoptosis as a result of a release of their cathepsins into the cytosol. These enzymes could then contribute to the permeabilization of the outer mitochondrial membrane; they could also activate effector caspases. The present study aims at testing whether the membrane of liver lysosomes is disrupted during Fas-mediated cell death of hepatocytes in vivo, a process implicated in several liver pathologies. Apoptosis was induced by injecting mice with aFas (anti-Fas antibody). The state of lysosomes was assessed by determining the proportion of lysosomal enzymes (beta-galactosidase, beta-glucuronidase, cathepsin C and cathepsin B) present in homogenate supernatants, devoid of intact lysosomes, and by analysing the behaviour in differential and isopycnic centrifugation of beta-galactosidase. Apoptosis was monitored by measuring caspase 3 activity (DEVDase) and the release of sulfite cytochrome c reductase, an enzyme located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Results show that an injection of 10 microg of aFas causes a rapid and large increase in DEVDase activity and in unsedimentable sulfite cytochrome c reductase. This modifies neither the proportion of unsedimentable lysosomal enzyme in the homogenates nor the behaviour of lysosomes in centrifugation. Experiments performed with a lower dose of aFas (5 microg) indicate that unsedimentable lysosomal hydrolase activity increases in the homogenate after injection but with a marked delay with respect to the increase in DEVDase activity and in unsedimentable sulfite cytochrome c reductase. Comparative experiments ex vivo performed with Jurkat cells show an increase in unsedimentable lysosomal hydrolases, but much later than caspase 3 activation, and a release of dipeptidyl peptidase III and DEVDase into culture medium. It is proposed that the weakening of lysosomes observed after aFas treatment in vivo and ex vivo results from a necrotic process that takes place late after initiation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fission facilitates cytochrome c release from the intracristae space into the cytoplasm during intrinsic apoptosis, although how the mitochondrial fission factor Drp1 and its mitochondrial receptors Mff, MiD49, and MiD51 are involved in this reaction remains elusive. Here, we analyzed the functional division of these receptors with their knockout (KO) cell lines. In marked contrast to Mff-KO cells, MiD49/MiD51-KO and Drp1-KO cells completely resisted cristae remodeling and cytochrome c release during apoptosis. This phenotype in MiD49/51-KO cells, but not Drp1-KO cells, was completely abolished by treatments disrupting cristae structure such as OPA1 depletion. Unexpectedly, OPA1 oligomers generally thought to resist cytochrome c release by stabilizing the cristae structure were similarly disassembled in Drp1-KO and MiD49/51-KO cells, indicating that disassembly of OPA1 oligomers is not directly linked to cristae remodeling for cytochrome c release. Together, these results indicate that Drp1-dependent mitochondrial fission through MiD49/MiD51 regulates cristae remodeling during intrinsic apoptosis.  相似文献   

Macrophages are central effectors of innate immune responses to bacteria. We have investigated how activation of the abundant macrophage lysosomal protease, cathepsin D, regulates the macrophage proteome during killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Using the cathepsin D inhibitor pepstatin A, we demonstrate that cathepsin D differentially regulates multiple targets out of 679 proteins identified and quantified by eight-plex isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation. Our statistical analysis identified 18 differentially expressed proteins that passed all paired t-tests (α = 0.05). This dataset was enriched for proteins regulating the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis or inhibiting competing death programs. Five proteins were selected for further analysis. Western blotting, followed by pharmacological inhibition or genetic manipulation of cathepsin D, verified cathepsin D-dependent regulation of these proteins, after exposure to S. pneumoniae. Superoxide dismutase-2 up-regulation was temporally related to increased reactive oxygen species generation. Gelsolin, a known regulator of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, was down-regulated in association with cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Eukaryotic elongation factor (eEF2), a regulator of protein translation, was also down-regulated by cathepsin D. Using absence of the negative regulator of eEF2, eEF2 kinase, we confirm that eEF2 function is required to maintain expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Mcl-1, delaying macrophage apoptosis and confirm using a murine model that maintaining eEF2 function is associated with impaired macrophage apoptosis-associated killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae. These findings demonstrate that cathepsin D regulates multiple proteins controlling the mitochondrial pathway of macrophage apoptosis or competing death processes, facilitating intracellular bacterial killing.  相似文献   

Apoptosis was induced in human foreskin fibroblasts by the redox-cycling quinone naphthazarin (5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone). Most of the cells displayed ultrastructure typical of apoptosis after 8 h of exposure to naphthazarin. Apoptosis was inhibited in fibroblasts pretreated with the cathepsin D inhibitor pepstatin A. Immunofluorescence analysis of the intracellular distribution of cathepsin D revealed a distinct granular pattern in control cells, whereas cells treated with naphthazarin for 30 min exhibited more diffuse staining that corresponded to release of the enzyme from lysosomes to the cytosol. After 2 h, release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to the cytosol was indicated by immunofluorescence. The membrane-potential-sensitive probe JC-1 and flow cytometry did not detect a permanent decrease in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (delta psi(m)) until after 5 h of naphthazarin treatment. Our findings show that, during naphthazarin-induced apoptosis, lysosomal destabilization (measured as release of cathepsin D) precedes release of cytochrome c, loss of delta psi(m), and morphologic alterations. Moreover, apoptosis could be inhibited by pretreatment with pepstatin A.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of apoptosis induced by bafilomycin A(1), an inhibitor of vacuolar H(+)-ATPase. Bafilomycin A(1) significantly inhibited the growth of MKN-1 human gastric cancer cells. Bafilomycin A(1) induced apoptosis as demonstrated by DNA ladder formation and the TUNEL method. We designed a flow cytometric assay to detect the alteration in lysosomal pH using a fluorescent probe, fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated dextran. This assay revealed that bafilomycin A(1) dramatically increased lysosomal pH. However, bafilomycin A(1) induced neither significant decrease in mitochondrial transmembrane potential nor the release of mitochondrial cytochrome c into the cytoplasm. Western blotting showed that cathepsin D, but not cathepsin L, was released into the cytoplasm. The activity of caspase-3 was significantly increased by bafilomycin A(1). However, cathepsin D did not directly cleave procaspase-3. These findings suggest that bafilomycin A(1)-induced apoptosis in MKN-1 cells is mediated by other proteases released after lysosomal dysfunction followed by activation of caspase-3 in a cytochrome c-independent manner. The present study showed that flow cytometric analysis of lysosomal pH can be useful to evaluate lysosomal protease-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

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