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In the present study we investigated the genetic structure and genetic diversity of Pinus sylvestris populations in Bulgaria using chloroplast microsatellite markers and terpene analysis. We were interested in addressing the following questions: (1) can population structure in Scots pine be detected via chloroplast microsatellites markers and terpenes; (2) are there differences in population differentiation between the two analyses; and (3) how are the patterns related to geographic distances. Twelve provenances were chosen throughout the species' range in Bulgaria. Following DNA extraction, chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) loci were surveyed using six primer pairs. Between 4 to 8 size variants were identified at each locus. A total of 35 size variants at the six loci were identified, 11 occurring at low frequencies (<1%). They were combined in 134 different haplotypes, of which seven represent 1/3 of the genetic structure. AMOVA analysis revealed that 10.99% of the variation was found among populations, while 89.01% was expressed within populations. The cpSSR analysis divided Scots pine populations into two groups, the first represented by populations located in the south-western part of the Rhodopes and Pirin mountains, while the second group is located in the northeast of Rhodopes and Rila mountains. Terpene analysis revealed that on average, 53% of the monoterpene pool in P. sylvestris was accounted for by -pinene (range 47–59%) followed by β-pinene (range 6–12%). The presence of two distinct groups is weekly consistent with physical distances between populations, similar significant correlation between genetic distance determined by chloroplast microsatellites analysis and chemotype distance (determined by terpenes) was observed. Our results suggest that the structural pattern of genetic diversity of cpDNA in Scots pine populations is the consequence of historical biogeographic processes.  相似文献   

Pinus nigra is a forest and low elevation mountain species found around the Mediterranean Sea that has had its distribution reduced and fragmented by anthropogenic disturbance. Due to commercial interest it is currently being replanted, however, the genetic structure of populations is little known and current planting strategies could threaten its genetic diversity. In the present study we investigated the genetic structure and genetic diversity of P. nigra populations in Bulgaria using chloroplast microsatellite markers and terpene analysis. Nine provenances were chosen throughout the species' range in Bulgaria. Following DNA extraction, chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) loci were surveyed using three primer pairs. Between 5 and 9 size variants were identified at each locus. A total of 22 size variants at the 3 loci were identified, that were combined in 68 different haplotypes, of which 7 represent 39.81% of the genetic structure. AMOVA analysis revealed that 6.06% of the variation was found among populations, while 93.94% was expressed within populations. The cpSSR analysis divided European Black pine populations into four groups, the first represented by populations located the eastern Rhodopes, Sr. Gora and St. Planina mountains, while the second group is primarily located in the Phodopes and Slavianca mountains. The populations from Pirin and Osogovo mountains show different genetic patterns. Terpene analysis revealed that most of the monoterpene pool in P. nigra was accounted for by α-pinene followed by β-pinene. The presence of four distinct terpene groups is not consistent with physical distances between populations, and a similar non-significant correlation between genetic distance determined by chloroplast microsatellites analysis and chemotype distance (determined by terpenes) was observed. Our results suggest that the structural pattern of genetic diversity of cpDNA in European Black pine populations is the consequence of historical biogeographic processes.  相似文献   

 Using nine chloroplast simple sequence.repeats (cpSSRs) markers, we evaluated haplotypic variation within and among natural populations of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) in order to shed light on the history of this species. Seven out of the nine cpSSRs analysed were polymorphic, giving a total of 24 different variants. The 24 variants combined in 34 different haplotypes. The populations which generally showed the lowest level of haplotypic diversity are those located in Portugal. The Landes (France) and Pantelleria (Italy) populations represent the two main reservoirs of haplotypic diversity. The proportion of genetic differentiation among populations, estimated using Rst, which is a measure based upon a strict stepwise mutation model, was 0.235. The high level of differentiation was also confirmed by the AMOVA analysis (ΦST=0.254, P<0.001). Four main groups of populations were identified on the basis of Principal Component Analysis, with the differences being statistically significant (ΦCT=0.299, P<0.001). Based on our results the presence of refugia located in the South of Portugal, previously proposed for this species, may be excluded, and a different possible recolonization process of Maritime pine in the post-glacial period has been proposed. Populations from North Africa and France might have represented a starting point of the recolonization process of Portugal and of the Italian part of the natural range, respectively. This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by the analysis of the distribution of the pairwise differences among individuals within populations: Landes and Pantelleria populations showed a bimodal distribution, as would be expected for ancient gene pools. Received: 5 November 1997 / Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Numerous proxy climate reconstructions have been developed for Europe, but there are still regions with limited data of this kind. One region is the Balkan Peninsula, which is characterized by complex interactions between mountains and climate. We present and discuss two tree-ring chronologies—a 758-year-long one of Pinus heldreichii Christ and 340-year-long one of Pinus peuce Griseb. from treeline locations in the Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria. Climate–growth relationships were computed with bootstrap correlation functions and their consistency over time assessed by calculating the correlations over shortened periods. In addition, we reviewed and analyzed climate situations in years with unusually narrow or wide tree rings. Both species were negatively influenced by previous summer drought conditions and cold winters. Early summer temperatures were positively correlated with P. peuce radial growth, whereas P. heldreichii displayed dependence on summer precipitation. In the second half of the twentieth century, the P. heldreichii trees displayed higher sensitivity to summer drought, which was probably a result of increased summer temperatures and decreased winter precipitation. Our findings contribute to more reliable proxy climate records for the region.  相似文献   

Bosnian pine (Pinus heldreichii Christ, also known as Pinus leucodermis Antoine) is a relict species found in isolated locations in the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula and Southern Italy. The forests are of high conservational value because they are extremely rich in rare and endemic species of plants and fungi. Yet, the natural history and disturbance regime of P. heldreichii ecosystems is not well understood. Fire traces show that fires played a major role, but there is very limited historical data. Therefore proxy methods to reconstruct past events have to be used. The analysis of tree rings provides such an opportunity. To our knowledge, there have been no attempts to use tree ring cores from P. heldreichii trees to date fire events. Our aim was therefore to test if tree ring cores collected with an increment borer could successfully be used to date fires and verify other tree ring indicators caused by the fire events. We tested an approach that was based on extracting multiple cores from fire-scarred trees and nearby standing trees without injuries. A total of 136 cores from 99 trees were collected from which we dated all 34 cores with fire scars. We found the exact fire years for 29 of the samples, and the remaining 5 samples were approximately dated. Up to 83% of all sampled trees had additional growth reactions, mostly suppressions lasting 5–10 years after the fire years.  相似文献   

Conspecific weeds that permanently infest worldwide agroecosystems are evolved from their crop species. These weeds cause substantial problems for crop production by competing for resources in agricultural fields. Weedy rice represents such a conspecific weed infesting rice ecosystems, and causing tremendous rice yield losses owing to its strong competitiveness and abundant genetic diversity, likely resulted from its complex origins. Here, we report the use of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fingerprints to determine whether weedy rice is evolved from its wild (exo‐feral) or cultivated (endo‐feral) rice progenitor as the maternal donor in recent hybridization events. In addition, we also applied nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to confirm the exo‐feral or endo‐feral origins of weedy rice accessions determined by the cpDNA fingerprints. We found that the studied weedy rice accessions evolved either from their wild or cultivated rice progenitor, as the maternal donor, based on the cpDNA network and structure analyses. Combined analyses of cpDNA and nuclear SSR markers indicated that a much greater proportion of weedy rice accessions had the endo‐feral origin. In addition, results from the genetic structure of nuclear SSR markers indicated that weedy rice accessions from the endo‐feral pathway are distinctly associated with either indica or japonica rice cultivars, suggesting their complex origins through crop–weed introgression. The complex pathways of origin and evolution could greatly promote genetic diversity of weedy rice. Therefore, innovative methods should be developed for effective weedy rice control.  相似文献   

Some 1339 trees from 48 Pinus pinaster stands were characterized by five chloroplast microsatellites, detecting a total of 103 distinct haplotypes. Frequencies for the 16 most abundant haplotypes (p(k) > 0.01) were spatially interpolated over a lattice made by 430 grid points. Fitting of spatially interpolated values on raw haplotype frequencies at the same geographical location was tested by regression analysis. A range-wide 'diversity map' based on interpolated haplotype frequencies allowed the identification of one 'hotspot' of diversity in central and southeastern Spain, and two areas of low haplotypic diversity located in the western Iberian peninsula and Morocco. Principal component analysis (PCA) carried out on haplotypes frequency surfaces allowed the construction of a colour-based 'synthetic' map of the first three PC components, enabling the detection of the main range-scale genetic trends and the identification of three main 'gene pools' for the species: (i) a 'southeastern' gene pool, including southeastern France, Italy, Corsica, Sardinia, Pantelleria and northern Africa; (ii) an 'Atlantic' gene pool, including all the western areas of the Iberian peninsula; and (iii) a 'central' gene pool, located in southeastern Spain. Multivariate and AMOVA analyses carried out on interpolated grid point frequency values revealed the existence of eight major clusters ('gene zones'), whose genetic relationships were related with the history of the species. In addition, demographic models showed more ancient expansions in the eastern and southern ranges of maritime pine probably associated to early postglacial recolonization. The delineation of the gene zones provides a baseline for designing conservation areas in this key Mediterranean pine.  相似文献   

To examine variation and taxonomic recognition of Pinus nigra (European black pine) at the intraspecific level, chromosomal distribution of 5S and 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA loci revealed by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and fluorochrome banding with chromomycin A(3) and DAPI were analysed among allopatric populations belonging to different subspecies. Despite prevalent opinion on predominantly conserved and homogenous conifer karyotypes, several patterns were observed. Surprisingly, interstitial 18S rDNA loci and DAPI heterochromatin staining after FISH showed variations in distribution and localisation. Three subspecies shared a pattern with nine 18S rDNA loci (ssp. nigra, pallasiana and laricio) while ssp. dalmatica and salzmannii had eight rDNA loci. DAPI banding displayed two patterns, one with a high number of signals (ssp. nigra, pallasiana and dalmatica) and the other with a lower number of signals (ssp. salzmannii and laricio). We conclude that our results cannot provide proof for either classification scheme for the P. nigra complex, but rather demonstrate the variability of different heterochromatin fractions at the intraspecific level.  相似文献   

Seventeen natural Bulgarian populations of the species of the genusCarex sect.Digitatae were studied morphologically and karyologically. Stepwise discriminant analysis was used as a multivariate test for the separation of groups of populations from different taxa and to find a subset of characters contributing most for this separation. The following taxa were found in Bulgaria:C. humilis Leysser var.humilis; C. humilis var.longifolia Stoeva etPopova, var. n.;C. digitata L.;C. ornithopoda Willd. subsp.bulgarica (Vel.) Stoeva etPopova, comb. n. Aneuploid series of some chromosome numbers were found inC. digitata — 2n=48, 50, 52, 54, 56 and inC. ornithopoda subsp.bulgarica?2n=52, 53, 54, 56.C. humilis has 2n=36 and a much more heterogeneous karyotype than that of the above taxa. The values of the Euclidean distance between the populations vary within similar limits in both speciesC. humilis andC. digitata; this is not in accordance with the karyological results. The within and between population morphological variations were compared in each species. The first dominates in overall variation, which is probably connected with the very large populations and their mosaic space structure.  相似文献   

Development of conservation strategies for Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) in the southern Appalachian Mountains depends in part on recognition of the extent to which Fraser fir is genetically distinct from the closely related balsam (A. balsamea) and intermediate (A. balsamea var. phanerolepis) fir. These sibling species have exhibited intergrading, clinal variation in morphological, chemical, and genetic characteristics in prior research. Chloroplast microsatellite markers were polymerase chain reaction amplified from genomic DNA samples of 78 individuals representing the geographic ranges of Fraser, balsam, and intermediate fir. Gene diversity levels at two loci ranged among taxa from 0.65 to 0.84. Allele frequencies demonstrated significant differentiation among taxa, with R(ST) values of 0.36 and 0.10. Haplotype diversity and D(SH) were highest for balsam fir and lowest for intermediate fir. A haplotype network analysis based on allele size distribution for the two loci revealed two distinct clusters of haplotypes and population-specific haplotypes. Ninety-two percent of the haplotypes in one cluster were from balsam fir and intermediate fir, and 84% of the haplotypes in the other cluster were from Fraser fir and intermediate fir. The genetic differentiation of chloroplast DNA markers provides justification for the recognition of Fraser fir as a distinct Management Unit (MU) for conservation purposes, regardless of its taxonomic classification.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation represents the single most serious threat to the survival of tropical ecosystems. In formulating strategies to counteract the detrimental effects of fragmentation, knowledge of the levels and patterns of genetic diversity within and between natural populations is vital to the establishment of any conservation programme. We utilized polymorphic chloroplast microsatellite markers to analyse genetic diversity in populations of the endangered tropical tree Caesalpinia echinata Lam. representing the entire extant range of the species. Levels of within-population diversity were low, with only two of seven populations studied displaying any variation. The vast majority of the genetic variation was partitioned between geographical regions (36%) and between populations within regions (55%). These levels of genetic structuring, coupled with a calculated pollen-to-seed flow ratio of approximately 6.7:1, suggest that there has been little gene flow between the three major geographical regions over an extended period. Thus, the current tripartite distribution of the species is more consistent with the existence of separate glacial refugia, rather than reflecting any anthropogenic effects.  相似文献   

Psilopeganum sinense is a perennial herb endemic to Three-Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) in China. Genetic diversity of this endangered species was assessed by using 11 nuclear microsatellites and three chloroplast microsatellite (cpSSR) markers. A total of 8 haplotypes were identified in a survey of 212 individuals sampled from nine populations encompassing most of the natural range of the species. A low level of genetic diversity was detected: HE = 0.301 for SSR and HE = 0.28 for cpSSR. Populations were highly differentiated from one another: an AMOVA analysis that showed that 56.3% and 68.2% genetic variation resided between populations based on SSR and cpSSR analysis, respectively, and FST and FSTc (0.467 for SSR and 0.644 for cpSSR, respectively) were high. Significant differences were found between estimates of haplotypic differentiation calculated by using unordered alleles (GSTc = 0.857) and ordered alleles (NSTc = 0.728), which indicated the existence of phylogeographical structure in P. sinense. The indirect ratio of pollen flow/seed flow derived from estimates of haplotypic and nuclear DNA differentiation indicated that gene flow via pollen is less efficient than via seed. Two distinct evolutionary lineages (evolutionary significant units, ESUs) were recognized for P. sinense on the basis of both the PCoA and NCA analysis. Sampling strategies for conserving this endangered plant were discussed.  相似文献   

Pinus pinaster is one of the most popular conifers used for reforestation in Morocco and represents an economically and ecologically important species for the region. In this study, nuclear microsatellites (ncSSRs) are used to compare genetic structure and diversity estimates of natural populations of Moroccan maritime pine. Samples were collected among 10 natural populations distributed in three biogeographically different regions, the Rif Mountain, the Middle and the High Atlas. Forty-five nuclear alleles at seven variable loci were found with a mean of 6.4 alleles per locus. A number of private alleles (17.1%) were shown in populations from Rif and Middle Atlas. Moreover, in Morocco, P. pinaster showed a lower genetic diversity than in other parts of its geographic range. Significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium with excess homozygosity are observed indicating a high level of mating inside populations. Genetic diversity was structured with high variability among populations (Fst = 12%). Results show a correlation between genetic and geographic distances with an R-squared of 0.436. Two clusters were found using STRUCTURE, whereas three main clusters can be distinguished based on genetic distances of phylogenetic tree. Genetic relationships among maritime pine populations in Morocco appear to be related to historical, ecological as well as anthropogenic factors, suggesting the need for conservation strategies at the population level.  相似文献   

The essential-oil compositions of Pinus heldreichii Christ. from Montenegro and Serbia are reported at the population level. Whitebark pine is a sub-endemic high-mountain Balkan pine relict of an anthropogenically reduced area, with large morphological diversity and insufficiently clear taxonomic position. In the pine-needle terpene profile from three populations from Montenegro, and one from Serbia, 101 compounds were detected, 72 of which could be identified (Table 3). The dominant constituents are limonene (26.3%), alpha-pinene (17.5%), germacrene D (13.5%), and beta-caryophyllene (10.4%), comprising ca. 67.7% of the essential oil. Medium-to-high contents (0.5-10%) of the following 16 additional components were found: beta-pinene, beta-myrcene, alpha-humulene, delta-cadinene, alpha-muurolene, (E)-hex-2-enal, beta-gurjunene, gamma-muurolene, isopimarol, camphene, gamma-cadinene, aromadendrene, beta-bisabolene, trans-beta-farnesene, alpha-cadinene, and (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol. The similarity of the populations and the within-population variability was visualized by principle-component analysis (PCA) of eleven selected terpenes in 97 tree samples. Cluster and genetic analyses suggest closest connection between the two spatially most-distant populations I (Montenegro) and IV (Serbia). Based on the profile of the main sesquiterpene components, the studied populations from Montenegro and Serbia are more similar to the populations from Greece and the Central Balkan peninsula (Bosnia and Serbia-Kosovo) than to those on the furthest eastern margin of their natural range (Bulgaria).  相似文献   

Eight Y-linked short-tandem-repeat polymorphisms (DYS19, DYS388, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393) were analyzed in four populations of Central Asia, comprising two lowland samples-Uighurs and lowland Kirghiz-and two highland samples-namely, the Kazakhs (altitude 2,500 m above sea level) and highland Kirghiz (altitude 3,200 m above sea level). The results were compared with mtDNA sequence data on the same individuals, to study possible differences in male versus female genetic-variation patterns in these Central Asian populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed a very high degree of genetic differentiation among the populations tested, in discordance with the results obtained with mtDNA sequences, which showed high homogeneity. Moreover, a dramatic reduction of the haplotype genetic diversity was observed in the villages at high altitude, especially in the highland Kirghiz, when compared with the villages at low altitude, which suggests a male founder effect in the settlement of high-altitude lands. Nonetheless, mtDNA genetic diversity in these highland populations is equivalent to that in the lowland populations. The present results suggest a very different migration pattern in males versus females, in an extended historical frame, with a higher migration rate for females.  相似文献   

Given their large population sizes and presumed high dispersal capacity, protists are expected to exhibit homogeneous population structure over large spatial scales. On the other hand, the fragmented and short‐lived nature of the lentic freshwater habitats that many protists inhabit promotes strong population differentiation. We used microsatellites in two benthic freshwater diatoms, Eunotia bilunaris ‘robust’ and Sellaphora capitata, sampled from within a pond and connected ponds, through isolated ponds from the same region to western Europe to determine the spatial scale at which differentiation appears. Because periods of low genotypic diversity contribute to population differentiation, we also assessed genotypic diversity. While genotypic diversity was very high to maximal in most samples of both species, some had a markedly lower diversity, with up to half (Eunotia) and over 90% (Sellaphora) of the strains having the same multilocus genotype. Population differentiation showed an isolation‐by‐distance pattern with very low standardized FST values between samples from the same or connected ponds but high values between isolated ponds, even when situated in the same region. Partial rbcL sequences in Eunotia were consistent with this pattern as isolated ponds in the same region could differ widely in haplotype composition. Populations identified by Structure corresponded to the source ponds, confirming that ‘pond’ is the main factor structuring these populations. We conclude that freshwater benthic diatom populations are highly fragmented on a regional scale, reflecting either less dispersal than is often assumed or reduced establishment success of immigrants, so that dispersal does not translate into gene flow.  相似文献   

We have used polymorphic chloroplast simple-sequence repeats to analyse levels of genetic variation within and between seven native Scottish and eight mainland European populations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Diversity levels for the Scottish populations based on haplotype frequency were far in excess of those previously obtained using monoterpenes and isozymes and confirmed lower levels of genetic variation within the derelict population at Glen Falloch. The diversity levels were higher than those reported in similar studies in other Pinus species. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that small (3.24-8.81%) but significant (p < or = 0.001) portions of the variation existed between the populations and that there was no significant difference between the Scottish and the mainland European populations. Evidence of population substructure was found in the Rannoch population, which exhibited two subgroups. Finally, one of the loci studied exhibited an allele distribution uncharacteristic of the stepwise mutation model of evolution of simple-sequence repeats, and sequencing of the PCR products revealed that this was due to a duplication rather than slippage in the repeat region. An examination of the distribution of this mutation suggests that it may have occurred fairly recently in the Wester Ross region or that it may be evidence of a refugial population.  相似文献   

Pinus heldreichii Christ is a long-lived, slow-growing Tertiary relict from the Balkans. In this study we evaluated the physiological characteristics of eight needle-age classes of P. heldreichii grown at the Arboretum of the Institute of Dendrology in Kórnik, Poland. At the end of the growing season, current-year foliage had the highest rates of mass-based light-saturated net photosynthesis (Asat) of 33.5 nmol CO2· g–1· s–1. Asat decreased with needle age, but older needle classes retained from approximately 62 to 26% of the current needles’ rate. The relationship between leaf N and chlorophyll a concentration among all needle-age classes was highly significant (r = 0.96, P = 0.0006). The variation in Asat of 1- to 7-year-old needles was linearly related to needle N concentration (r = 0.98, P = 0.0001). Needle dark respiration rates among these needle age classes ranged from 0.8 to 2.2 nmol · g–1· s–1 and decreased with needle age and nitrogen concentration. Total phenols and glucose concentrations increased linearly with needle age. A similar pattern was observed in acid buffering capacity and the pH of tissue homogenates. The water content ranged from 62% for the current needles to 51% for the 6-year-old needles. Greater investment in leaf structural tissue and increased chemical defense is associated with higher structural cost of older needles and may reduce their photosynthetic activity. Significant declines in water and nitrogen content with needle age and an increase in content of phenolics is most likely a defense adaptation of P. heldreichii related to the species’ long-lived leaves. Received: 8 January 1997 / Accepted: 4 March 1997  相似文献   

The European lynx (Lynx lynx) hasexperienced significant decline in populationnumbers over large parts of its formerdistribution area in central and northernEurope. In Scandinavia (Sweden and Norway), thespecies has been subject to intense hunting and inthe early 20th century the population size mayhave been as low as about 100 animals. Duringthe rest of the century there have beenalternating periods of restricted hunting andtotal protection. Future management of theScandinavian lynx population will requireinsight into what effects demographicbottlenecks may have had on genetic variabilityand structure. For this purpose, 276 lynxesfrom Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia andLatvia were analysed for polymorphism at 11feline microsatellite loci and at themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region.Scandinavian lynxes were found to be fixed fora single mtDNA haplotype, while this and threeadditional haplotypes were seen in Finland andthe Baltic States (Estonia and Latvia); thehaplotypes were all very similar, onlydiffering at 1–4 sites within a 700 bp regionsequenced. Microsatellite variability wasmoderate (He = 0.51–0.62) with lowerheterozygosity and fewer alleles in Scandinaviathan in Finland and the Baltic States together,though significant so only for the latter.Heterozygosity data in Scandinavia wereconsistent with a recent population bottleneck.Various analyses (e.g. Fst, individual-basedtree, assignment test) revealed distinctgenetic differentiation between Scandinavianlynxes and animals from Finland and the BalticStates. Some structure was evident withinScandinavia as well, suggesting an isolation bydistance. The observed partition of geneticvariability between Scandinavia and the easterncountries thereof indicates that lynxpopulations from the two regions may need to beseparately managed. We discuss what factors canhave contributed to the population geneticstructure seen in northern European lynxpopulations of today.  相似文献   

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