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Otter diet in reservoirs is known to experience seasonal changes. We selected a reservoir with a large population of exclusively wintering great cormorants and seasonal changes in stored water volume to test the relative influence of abiotic and biotic factors on otter foraging ecology. DNA metabarcoding of otter spraints revealed a dietary change from autumn to winter. Otters had a diet dominated by the exotic goldfish in autumn, but predated intensively on the native northern straight-mouth nase in winter. This change was likely caused by predation of cormorants on goldfish and to fish biology. Secondly, macroscopic analysis of spraints revealed that otters shifted from a diet dominated by fish (in terms of biomass) to a diet dominated by red swamp crayfish during spring–summer, when the latter became overabundant. As revealed by modelling, this second shift was most likely influenced by the sudden increase in stored water volume in spring, but also by the cumulative effect of cormorant predation on fish during autumn–winter. Macroscopic analyses of otter spraints collected in a second reservoir with no cormorants revealed a lack of seasonality. Hence, the combined influence of both biotic and abiotic factors explained otter diet seasonality in a lentic-water novel ecosystem.


Seasonality of burden and prevalence of phototrophic (microalgal) epibionts Characidiopsis ellipsoidea, Colacium vesiculosum and Colacium sp. on dominating crustacean zooplankton (Daphnia longispina, Cyclops vicinus and Mesocyclops leuckarti) were studied in a small reservoir Bugach with cyanobacterial bloom. The correlations between the seasonal dynamics of prevalence and the dynamics of others biotic and abiotic factors were calculated. The conclusions were as follows. The substrate species, that determined the development of the epibionts on the three studied crustacean zooplankton, was Daphnia longispina (Cladocera). Despite intensive epibiotic infestation of crustacean zooplankton, epibionts did not appear to have caused non-consumptive mortality of the crustacean zooplankton. But they could have contributed to the Daphnia summer decline by increasing mortality due to its consumption by planktivorous fishes. The phototropic epibionts may successfully coexist with cyanobacterial bloom. The possible role of the epibionts in changing nutrient fluxes in pelagic food web is discussed.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of Kellicottia longispina in Lake Tahoe and an isolated embayment of Lake Tahoe, Emerald Bay, were investigated for an 18-month period in 1977–79. Population birth and death rates were similar in the two systems, although productivity and Mysis relicta densities were higher in Emerald Bay. The timing of population changes was also similar. A major population increase in late winter 1978 was preceded by an increase in egg ratio; the subsequent spring decline of K. longispina was concurrent with decreased birth rates and increased death rates. Empty loricas of K. longispina were occasionally abundant in the plankton samples and seemed to result from K. longispina deaths when densities were high and when egg ratios were declining; it is possible that population senescence was responsible for the high densities of empty loricas observed. A potentially important predator, M. relicta, defecates K. longispina remains in compact fecal pellets; however, it is unlikely that the observed empty loricas resulted from Mysis-related deaths.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in natural mortality of phytophagous insects is determined by the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors in agroecosystems. Knowledge regarding these factors throughout the year represents a key concern for IPM programmes. Seasonal population fluctuations of tomato pinworm, Tuta absoluta, led to an investigation of its natural mortality factors during the rainy season when the population level is low and during the dry season when population peaks occur. The aim of this study was to verify the seasonal variation in T. absoluta mortality factors in tomato crops. Immature stages of T. absoluta were obtained from laboratory‐rearing in the laboratory. These were taken to the field and monitored over two years. The mortality causes for each stage of insect development from egg to adult were assessed daily. Multiple biotic and abiotic mortality factors affected the immature T. absoluta stages such as rainfall, physiological disturbances, diseases, parasitoids and predators. The key T. absoluta mortality factor during summer–spring was predation. In addition, larvae predation correlated positively with temperature, wind velocity, photoperiod and rainfall. Nevertheless, during winter–fall, the key mortality factor was parasitism. Therefore, the critical stage for mortality was 3rd‐ and 4th‐instar larvae, being more vulnerable to natural control factors. Finally, the results showed the importance of vertical and horizontal action on natural mortality factors.  相似文献   

During the last roughly 100 years (1881–1989) some noteworthy changes have occurred in the planktonic Cladocera taxocene of the lake Popradské pleso (High Tatra Mts., Czecho-Slovakia). Primarily, in course of the twenties up to the fifties of our century Daphnia pulicaria and Polyphemus pediculus, and later also Holopedium gibberum, disappeared from the plankton of the lake. Conversely, approximately from the mid-seventies, Daphnia longispina has become a constituent of the lake plankton. In spite of lacking data on the principal parameters of the abiotic and biotic environment from the past, the author assumes that probably the most important factor responsible for the changes referred to were fluctuations in the predation pressure of fish. Besides, organic pollution might have played a definite but less important role.  相似文献   

A monitoring programme for microzooplankton was started at the long-term sampling station “Kabeltonne” at Helgoland Roads (54°11.3′N; 7°54.0′E) in January 2007 in order to provide more detailed knowledge on microzooplankton occurrence, composition and seasonality patterns at this site and to complement the existing plankton data series. Ciliate and dinoflagellate cell concentration and carbon biomass were recorded on a weekly basis. Heterotrophic dinoflagellates were considerably more important in terms of biomass than ciliates, especially during the summer months. However, in early spring, ciliates were the major group of microzooplankton grazers as they responded more quickly to phytoplankton food availability. Mixotrophic dinoflagellates played a secondary role in terms of biomass when compared to heterotrophic species; nevertheless, they made up an intense late summer bloom in 2007. The photosynthetic ciliate Myrionecta rubra bloomed at the end of the sampling period. Due to its high biomass when compared to crustacean plankton especially during the spring bloom, microzooplankton should be regarded as the more important phytoplankton grazer group at Helgoland Roads. Based on these results, analyses of biotic and abiotic factors driving microzooplankton composition and abundance are necessary for a full understanding of this important component of the plankton.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that clear water phases constitute a regular stage in the seasonal succession of plankton in dimictic lakes and reservoirs (i.e. PEG Model). The occurrence of such a phenomenon in Mediterranean shallow lakes is characterised by a marked interannual variability, which makes it difficult to establish reliable predictions on the dynamics and functioning of plankton in these ecosystems. In the present paper we analyse the factors influencing the occurrence of the clear water phases in the two shallow lakes of the Albufera of Adra, a coastal wetland region of south-eastern Spain: Lake Honda and Lake Nueva. Despite their geographical proximity, both lakes depicted large hydrological and limnological differences. Lake Honda is an epigenic and recharge lake that is strongly influenced by the hydrological conditions in its watershed, while Lake Nueva can be classified as a hypogenic and discharge lake and, as such, is less affected by the hydrological regime. In contrast, the morphometry, exposure and fetch of Lake Nueva make this ecosystem especially sensitive to wind forcing. Clear water phases in these shallow lakes were linked with periods of low thermal stability and the dominance of small-edible algae in the phytoplankton community, both of which allowed a Daphnia magna population to grow up and induce the algae collapse by grazing. In Lake Honda, those conditions were met during the spring of 2002 under the influence of intense rainfall-events, while in Lake Nueva the clear water phase was induced in the spring of 2003 by the occurrence of strong and frequent wind events. In both lakes, a relatively high water column thermal stability and the abundance of cyanobacteria early in the spring prevented the development of the Daphnia magna population and the occurrence of the clear water phase.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation in phytoplankton community structure within a large flood-control reservoir (Sardis Reservoir, MS, USA) was investigated in relation to variation in physicochemical properties, location within the reservoir, hydraulic residence time (HRT), nutrient concentrations, temperature, and light conditions over a 14-month period. During periods of short HRT, phytoplankton communities throughout the reservoir were homogeneous in biomass, composition, and production. With a gradual increase in HRT from spring to summer, spatially heterogeneous phytoplankton communities developed along the longitudinal axis of the reservoir. During this period of longer HRT, diatoms and chlorophytes were a larger proportion of total phytoplankton biomass at shallow and more turbid locations near the head of the reservoir, whereas cyanobacteria were a larger proportion of the community at deeper and less turbid locations closer to the outflow. Seasonal succession of the phytoplankton community was represented by high abundance of diatoms in spring, increasing biomass of cyanobacteria through summer, and a secondary bloom of diatoms in fall. Species of Cyclotella, Asterionella, Nitzschia, and Ankistrodesmus were among the first colonizers in the early growing season, closely followed by Aulacoseira, whereas species of Staurastrum and Tetraedron appeared later in the spring. Species of Synedra, Crucigenia, Selenastrum, Scenedesmus, and Merismopedia occurred throughout the sampling period. As the diatoms started to decrease during mid-spring, cryptophytes increased, prior to dominance of species of Pseudanabaena in summer. Reservoir management of HRT, in combination with spatial variation in reservoir morphology and seasonal variation in temperature and riverine nutrient inputs, creates seasonally variable yet distinct spatial patterns in phytoplankton community biomass, composition, and production. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

This study aimed at analyzing the phytoplankton structure and dynamics in Paso de las Piedras Reservoir, Argentina, through the study of dominant species, diversity and similarity in relation with the abiotic environment. Samples were collected weekly or biweekly (January 2004–June 2005) at four sampling stations. The reservoir experienced a seasonal progression in phytoplankton composition that underlines six successional periods, each one characterized by the dominance of one or a few species. Cyanobacteria, green algae and diatoms were the most important constituents of the reservoir’s phytoplankton. Cyanobacteria dominated during summer and early autumn, green algae during late autumn and early winter, and diatoms during winter and spring. A high abundance of R. lacustris (Cryptophyceae) was observed during late September and early October. The general pattern of species succession is coherent with the general model of plankton seasonal succession described by the PEG model; however, the major discrepancy is the extremely short clear water phase observed. Successional periods were associated with changes in abiotic variables, and they showed differences in ecological traits. Cyanobacteria-Dictyosphaerium, Cyclotella, Stephanodiscus and Anabaena-diatom periods were characterized by a low number of cells, high diversity, with both dominance and specific richness low. On the contrary, during Cyanobacteria and Cyanobacteria II periods, the highest abundance was observed associated with low diversity and high dominance.  相似文献   

Many species and clones of Daphnia inhabit ecosystems with permanent algal blooms, and they can develop tolerance to cyanobacterial toxins. In the current study, we examined the spatial differences in the response of Daphnia longispina to the toxic Microcystis aeruginosa in a lowland eutrophic dam reservoir between June (before blooms) and September (during blooms). The reservoir showed a distinct spatial pattern in cyanobacteria abundance resulting from the wind direction: the station closest to the dam was characterised by persistently high Microcystis biomass, whereas the upstream stations had a significantly lower biomass of Microcystis. Microcystin concentrations were closely correlated with the cyanobacteria abundance (r = 0.93). The density of daphniids did not differ among the stations. The main objective of this study was to investigate how the distribution of toxic Microcystis blooms affects the antioxidant system of Daphnia. We examined catalase (CAT) activity, the level of the low molecular weight antioxidant glutathione (GSH), glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity and oxidative stress parameters, such as lipid peroxidation (LPO). We found that the higher the abundance (and toxicity) of the cyanobacteria, the lower the values of the antioxidant parameters. The CAT activity and LPO level were always significantly lower at the station with the highest M. aeruginosa biomass, which indicated the low oxidative stress of D. longispina at the site with the potentially high toxic thread. However, the low concentration of GSH and the highest activity of GST indicated the occurrence of detoxification processes at this site. These results demonstrate that daphniids that have coexisted with a high biomass of toxic cyanobacteria have effective mechanisms that protect them against the toxic effects of microcystins. We also conclude that Daphnia''s resistance capacity to Microcystis toxins may differ within an ecosystem, depending on the bloom''s spatial distribution.  相似文献   

The investigation of the zooplankton community in the upstream part of Stratos reservoir during a 24 months survey (September 2004–August 2006) revealed 26 invertebrate species (14 rotifers, 6 cladocerans, 5 copepods and one mollusk larva). The mean abundance of the total zooplankton was higher in the first sampling period (2004–2005) and ranged between 8.81 and 47.74 ind. L−1, than the second period (2005–2006) when fluctuated between 1.91 and 43.09 ind. L−1. The seasonal variation was strongly influenced by the presence of rotifers, which accounting on average for 68.4% in total. Among them Keratella cochlearis and the order Bdelloidea were numerically the most important, while Macrocyclops albidus prevailed among the copepods and Bosmina longirostris among the cladocerans. Dreissena polymorpha was the only mollusk found in the zooplankton community. Rotifers, copepods and cladocerans showed a seasonal succession with the former preceding in the abundance having their first maximum in spring, while copepods and cladocerans followed, having peaks of abundance in early summer and in autumn, respectively. No seasonal succession among the cladoceran species was observed. The intense water flow in the upstream part of the reservoir, as well as temperature, conductivity, DO, pH, phosphates and silicates, were significant parameters controlling abiotic and biotic elements of the ecosystem and consequently influencing the seasonal variation and the dynamics of the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

  1. The interest in understanding ecosystem functioning has grown in recent years due to the effects of species loss on ecosystem processes. Even though biotic and abiotic factors control ecosystem processes, their relative influence may vary according to ecosystem dynamics. In flood and coastal plains, these dynamics are mainly represented by flood pulses and hydroregime, respectively. The objective of this study was to investigate the importance of abiotic and biotic factors for the ecosystem processes represented by zooplankton secondary production (SP), biomass (ZB), and resource use efficiency (RUE) in lentic waterbodies subjected to different hydrological regimes. We hypothesised that abiotic factors would more strongly determine the ecosystem processes in temporary waterbodies and floodplain lakes, given their greater susceptibility to environmental changes. Biotic factors would be more relevant in coastal lagoons due to their greater temporal stability.
  2. Sampling was undertaken quarterly over 1 year in eight coastal lagoons, 10 temporary ponds and five floodplain lakes. The environments were characterised in relation to limnological variables, and zooplankton functional divergence, functional dispersion (FDis), functional evenness, functional richness, and taxonomic richness were measured. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to verify seasonal changes in SP, ZB, RUE, functional diversity, richness, and abiotic factors. Linear mixed models were used to determine which abiotic and biotic factors were the most important for ZB, SP, and RUE.
  3. In the coastal lagoons, RUE differed over time. In the temporary ponds and floodplain lakes, no seasonal significant differences were observed for any of the zooplankton production variables. The linear mixed model analyses showed that models composed mainly of biotic factors were better fitted to the production variables. For coastal lagoons, phytoplankton density affected ZB, SP, and RUE increasing them by 9.9 mg DW/m3, 12.4 mg DW/m3, and 1.23, respectively. For temporary ponds, FDis lowered ZB by 6.9 mg DW/m3 and taxonomic richness increased SP and RUE by 14.2 mg DW/m3 and 1.17, respectively. For floodplain lakes, FDis lowered ZB it by 9.9 mg DW/m3 and functional divergence lowered RUE by 0.81.
  4. The present study demonstrates that biotic factors are the main determinants of ecosystem processes in neotropical lentic waterbodies, irrespective of their annual hydrological regimes. Complementarity effects and high functional diversity are more important in more stable environments, whereas redundancy and low functional diversity prevail in environments subject to more frequent environmental changes. Biotic factors play a major role in ensuring the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and indicate the important role of biodiversity in enabling ecosystem states to be maintained after disturbances and to prevent changes in ecosystem processes.

In the littoral zone of the St-Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada), benthic and phytophilous macroinvertebrates were studied in order to find and to explain relationships between structure of these animal communities and abiotic (substrate, water depth, current velocity) or biotic (marophytes species) factors. Benthos was sampled at 16 sites in spring, when there was no macrophytic vegetation, and in summer. Phytomacrofauna was sampled at 30 sites in summer. The data were analyzed using simple and partial correlations, stepwise regression, reciprocal averaging and canonical correlation analysis.

Diane M. Perry 《Oecologia》1980,45(3):379-384
Summary Aggregation patterns in Emerita analoga (in southern California) are delineated with respect to their spatial, daily, and seasonal components. Both abiotic and biotic factors are found to be associated with patterns of aggregation. Spatially, E. analoga aggregates from March through September to a significantly greater degree in the upper one-third area of the wash zone where exposure to wave shock and fish predation are probably decreased. Sand crabs are more aggregated on a daily basis during low tides than at high tides. This may be due to differential rates of migration caused by a decrease in the beach slope angle. Two seasonal peak periods of aggregation are present, one in the early spring, and one in the late summer. These periods occur during the times of highest reproductive female abundance. High seasonal intensities of aggregation probably function to facilitate mating through the maintenance of close proximity between males and females. Visual methods and/or quantitative sampling based on visual observations do not adequately reflect patterns of aggregation in E. analoga.  相似文献   

Dynamics of bacterial plankton community of eutrophic water reservoir in laboratory microecosystems with amino acid lysine was studied using PCR-DGGE technique. The addition of lysine to the microecosystems resulted in changes in the composition of the bacterial plankton in summer; in particular, a number of Lys1 and Lys2 species (genotypes) that consume this amino acid grew fast in the bacterial community. The plank tonic bacterial communities did not respond to the addition of lysine in spring and late summer. The obtained data confirm the hypothesis for the narrow specialization of bacterial plankton species to the consumption of individual organic substances.  相似文献   

The content of total free nucleotides (TFNs) in the plankton of the Rybinsk reservoir and in specific size fractions of the plankton has been determined by the spectrophotometric method modified by the authors. The content of TFNs amounts to 58.1 ± 5.4, 75.2 ± 4.6, and 64.1 ± 7.3 μg/L in spring, summer, and autumn, respectively, and exhibits a close correlation with the total plankton biomass (r = 0.67), whereas the TFN/Chl parameter is closely correlated to the ratio of autotroph and heterotroph organism biomass (r = 0.96). The contribution of the fraction of more than 3 μm in size (microplankton and nanoplankton) to the TFN pool is 77 ± 4% in spring, 74 ± 3% in summer, and 47 ± 3% in autumn, whereas the contribution of the fraction of 0.45–3 μm in size (ultraplankton) during these seasons is 23 ± 4, 26 ± 3, and 53 ± 3%, respectively. Regression equations that can be used to infer an estimate of plankton biomass from TFN content have been proposed.  相似文献   

1. The temporal abundance and composition of the plankton of a continental Antarctic lake (Lake Druzhby) situated in the Vestfold Hills, Eastern Antarctica was investigated from December 1992 to December 1993. The system was dominated by microbial plankton (cyanobacteria, heterotrophic bacteria and protozoans) with few metazoans. 2. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged between 0.15 and 1.1 μg l–1 and showed highest levels from late winter to spring. 3. Heterotrophic bacteria ranged between 75 and 250 × 106 l–1 with highest abundances in late winter/spring. Mean bacterial biovolumes showed considerable seasonal variation (0.05–0.31 μm3). Largest biovolumes occurred in summer and this was the time of highest community biomass. 4. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates reached highest abundances in late summer (maximum 14 × 105 l–1). Their mean biovolume also exhibited considerable seasonal variation, ranging between 1.77 and 27.0 μm3, with largest size resulting in community biomass peaking in early summer. Ciliated protozoa were poorly represented and sparse. Phototrophic nanoflagellates were sparse in this lake; instead the phototrophic plankton was dominated by a small rod-shaped cyanobacterium which constituted the largest carbon pool in the system. It was common throughout the year, its biomass peaking in autumn. Its presence is discussed in relation to lake morphometry and light climate. 5. Heterotrophic flagellate grazing rates ranged from 6.78 bacteria cell–1 day–1 at 2 °C to 11.8 bacteria cell–1 day–1 at 4 °C. They remove around 2% of the bacterial carbon pool per day during summer and winter. 6. Nutrient levels were low and recorded in pulses. Dissolved and particulate organic carbon were also low, usually less than 3 mg l–1 and 600 μg l–1, respectively. The carbon pools were derived from autochthonous sources. This lake system is driven by bottom-up forces and lacks top-down control, which fits into the picture currently seen for continental Antarctic lakes.  相似文献   

Current issues in marine resource management have in common a geospatial component and a need to integrate both biotic and abiotic data from various sources. We propose a practical approach to address these issues looking at the American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and the demersal fish fauna in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada). Central to our approach was the use of a common spatial grid and three different methods to match biotic and abiotic features at a broad regional scale, (1) matching plaice distribution with habitat categories determined a priori on the basis of abiotic features (cluster analysis), (2) habitat categories determined taking into consideration both plaice density and abiotic features (simple regression tree), and (3) habitat categories determined taking into consideration demersal fish species density (70 fish species) and abiotic features (multivariate regression tree, MRT). Hot spots and cold spots of plaice abundance in summer were described and matched with specific habitats. The spatial distribution of habitats was similar whether biotic variables were used in the classification or not. The MRT, however, identified 56 different fish species in the plaice habitat (median species richness by 100 km2 cell = 12), pointing to potential interactions with other fish species.  相似文献   

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