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Müller  Dieter G. 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):21-28
Ectocarpus-like marine brown algae are frequently parasitized by polyhedric DNA viruses. Infected hosts have been studied in unialgal and axenic cultures, and the present state of knowledge is summarized in regard to stage-specific virus expression, discharge and survival time of virus particles, infection mechanism, association with host's nuclear genome, passage of the virus genome through mitosis and meiosis of the host, suppression of symptoms and spontaneous recovery of infected plants, host specificity and intergeneric transmission, vitality of infected plants, pandemic occurrence of virus infections, molecular data on Ectocarpus and Feldmannia viruses, and algal DNA-viruses as potential vectors for gene transfer. A scheme for the nomenclature of brown algal viruses is proposed.  相似文献   

This article will give a complete overview of linear diterpenes isolated from the brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata. For this purpose all published acyclic diterpenoids are listed and gathered in three main biosynthetic families with respect to their structural similarities. These are the C-12 oxidized (e.g. eleganediol), the C-13 oxidized (e.g. eleganolone), and the direct geranylgeraniol derivatives. The origin and plausible biosynthesis of all compounds are discussed. Additionally, the issues concerning the configurational assignment such as the configuration of trisubstituted double bonds and the configuration of oxidized stereogenic centers are pointed out. Special emphasis is also given on synthesis, biological activities (cytotoxic, antimicrobial, and antifouling activities), chemotaxonomy, and ecology of the compounds.  相似文献   

Worldwide occurrence of virus-infections in filamentous marine brown algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Virus infections were detected inEctocarpus siliculosus andEctocarpus fasciculatus on the coasts of Ireland, California, Peru, southern South America, Australia and New Zealand; in threeFeldmannia species on the coasts of Ireland, continental Chile and Archipelago Juan Fernandez (Chile); and inLeptonematella from Antarctica. Natural populations on the Irish coast contained 3% infected plants inE. fasciculatus, and less than 1% inFeldmannia simplex. On the Californian coast, 15 to 25% ofEctocarpus isolates were infected. Virus symptoms were absent inE. siliculosus from Peru, but appeared after meiosis in laboratory cultures. The virus particles inE. fasciculatus are identical in size and capsid structure to those reported forE. siliculosus, while the virus inF. simplex is smaller and has a different envelope. Our findings suggest that virus infections are a common and worldwide phenomenon in filamentous brown algae.  相似文献   


A collection of 96 marine algae was made during brief visits in 1967 and 1968 to three regions near the Mull of Kintyre, Argyll: (1), the West-port to Tangy shore, a very exposed region on the west coast of the Kintyre peninsula; (2), Brunerican Bay, an exposed bay on the south coast near the Mull of Kintyre; (3), Kilkerran shore, Campbeltown Loch, a sheltered shore on the east coast of the peninsula.

Noteworthy among the collection is the presence of Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, the gametophyte of Trailliella intricata Batt, this being the first official record of the presence of this gametophyte in Scottish waters.  相似文献   

One hundred and sixteen epibiotic bacteria were isolated from the surface of nine species of brown algaeSargassum serratifolium, Sargassum fusiforme, Sargassum filicinum, Padina arborescens, Undaria pinnatifida, Petalonia fascia, Colpomenia sinuosa, Scytosiphon lomentaria andEcklonia cava which were collected at Awaji Island, Japan. Primary screening results using disc-diffusion assay revealed that, among the bacteria isolated 20% of epibiotic bacteria exhibited antibacterial activity. Among them, 10 bacteria which showed high antibacterial activity were further studied for their ability against (i) a set of fouling bacteria isolated from marine natural biofilm, (ii) some luminescentVibrio andPhotobacterium species and (iii) a panel of pathogenic bacteria. In general, inhibitory activities were high or moderate against fouling bacteria,Vibrio andPhotobacterium species, while they were found to be low against pathogenic bacteria tested. The phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA sequencing revealed that all of the bacteria with high antibacterial activity showed a close affiliation with genusBacillus. This result suggested that the genusBacillus is efficient producers of of antibacterial compounds and these epibiotic bacteria isolated are highly successful colonizers on macroalgal surfaces.  相似文献   

Bioassay-guided fractionation of an ethanol extract of the brown alga, Dictyota dichotoma, led to the isolation of a novel chlorine-containing perhydroazulene diterpene together with two known diterpenes, dictyolactone and sanadaol. The structure of the novel compound, named dictyol J, was elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic information. Dictyolactone showed the highest algicidal activity against red-tide phytoplanktons among the three isolated compounds.  相似文献   

Twenty-two algal species were evaluated for their potential anticoagulant activities. Hot water extracts from selected species, Codium fragile and Sargassum horneri showed high activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). Ultraflo extract of C. fragile and S. horneri exhibited the most potent anticoagulant activity. Furthermore, in both algal species, active compounds were mainly concentrated in >30kDa faction. The crude polysaccharide fraction (>30kDa; CpoF) of C. fragile composed of approximately 80% carbohydrate and approximately 19% of protein; the crude polysaccharide fraction (>30kDa; CpoF) of S. horneri was composed of 97% of carbohydrate and approximately 2% of protein. Therefore, most probably the active compound, or compounds of the algal species were related to high molecular weight polysaccharide, or a complex form with carbohydrate and protein (proteoglycan).  相似文献   

Two new hydroazulenoid (prenyl guaiane) diterpenes, dictyone acetate (2) and 3,4-epoxy 13-hydroxy pachydictyol A (4) were isolated from the petroleum ether fraction of the alcoholic extract of the brown alga, Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux, which was collected from the Red Sea coasts at Hurgada, Egypt, together with three known ones, pachydictyol A (1), dictyone (3) and 11-hydroxypachydictyol A (dictyol E) (5). In addition, the steroidal compound, stigmasta-5,(E)-24(28)-dien-3-beta-ol (fucosterol) (6) was also isolated. The structures of the isolated compounds have been determined on the basis of spectroscopic evidences as well as physical and chemical correlation with known compounds. Compounds 1, 2, 3 and 5 showed moderate cytotoxic activity.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity-guided fractionation of the alcohol extract of the brown alga, Cystoseira myrica, afforded four new cytotoxic hydroazulene diterpenes, dictyone acetate (2), dictyol F monoacetate (4), isodictytriol monoacetate (6), and cystoseirol monoacetate (8), together with two known cytotoxic hydroazulene diterpenes, pachydictyol A (1) and dictyone (3). The constitution of each isolated compound has been determined on the basis of spectroscopic and chemical evidence.  相似文献   

Two novel polar diterpenes were isolated from the brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata collected off the Atlantic coast of Morocco, and their structures established by spectral methods. Both compounds are trihydroxylated acyclic diterpenes derived from 12-hydroxygeranylgeraniol. They were tested in vitro for their cytotoxicity and proved to be active against the NSCLC-N6 cell line. Their absolute configuration at the C-12 position has been determined with a modified Mosher's method [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113 (1991) 4092] and that of the 12-hydroxygeranylgeraniol (bifurcadiol) has been revised.  相似文献   

Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide with promising pharmacological applications. Due to its medicinal properties, there is a demand for a separation technique that yields a high purification grade. Here, we present a novel purification tool for recovering fucoidan from the marine brown macroalgae Fucus vesiculosus. The developed method is based on amino‐derivatized Sepabeads® EC‐EA. The beads were modified with toluidine blue (TB), a thiazine derivative, to exploit the strong donor acceptor interactions between the cationic dye and the anionic polysaccharide. The adsorption kinetics and the binding capacity of the resin were analyzed. A Sips model was used to approximate the adsorption isotherm, resulting in a maximum capacity of 127.7 mg fucoidan per g adsorbent. Investigation of the effect of adsorption step's pH on purity and chemical structure was performed by TB and Fourier transform infra‐red spectroscopy assays. Results showed that adsorption at pH 1 and 6 had negligible effects on fucoidan's chemical structure. However, purity was actually improved by 1.55‐ and 1.69‐fold at pH 1 and 6, respectively, with an average yield of 5 g/100 g dried algae powder. In contrast, only a 1.46‐fold increment was observed in fucoidan purified by the traditional method at pH 2, with a yield of 7.5 g/100 g dried algae powder. Furthermore, fucoidan purified by this method at pH 6 complies with, or even exceeds the quality of the commercially available (≥95% pure) fucoidan (Sigma‐Aldrich®) with respect to molecular weight and sulfur content. Therefore, dye affinity chromatography provides more advantages than the classically used techniques for fucoidan purification.  相似文献   

The enormous and self-replenishing supplies—perhaps 200 or 300 million tons—of these seaweeds in the oceans of the world have been commercially exploited so far primarily in the production of alginic acid, but the other carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, enzymes and antibacterial substances in them and discussed here may hold even greater values.  相似文献   

Summary I assayed phenolic and tannin concentrations in a number of species of temperate and tropical brown algae of the genera Sargassum and Turbinaria. Tropical species in both genera contained consistently low levels of phenolics and tannins (species means ranged between 0 and 1.6% [measured as % dry weight of the thallus]). Levels of phenolics in temperate species of Sargassum were variable and consistently much higher than in tropical species (species means ranged between 3 and 12% by dry weight). This pattern of latitudinal variation in phenolic levels in Sargassum conflicts with previous predictions for latitudinal variation in the chemical defenses of marine organisms. The low levels of phenolics present in the tropical species that I analyzed may also explain recent results (Hay 1984; Lewis 1985) demonstrating that tropical Sargassum and Turbinaria are often preferentially consumed by herbivorous fishes and echinoids.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic activity of some marine brown algae against cancer cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro cytotoxic activity of total extract of MeOH (70%) and partition fractions of hexan, chloroform (CHCL3), ethylacetate (EtOAc) and MeOH-H2O of brown algae species (Sargassum swartzii, Cystoseira myrica, Colpomenia sinuosa) found in the Persian Gulf against in different cell lines including HT-29, Caco-2, T47D, MDA-MB468 and NIH 3T3 cell lines by MTT and AnnexinV-PI assay. The hexan fraction of S. swartzii and C. myrica showed selective cytotoxicity against proliferation of Caco-2 cells (IC50 < 100 μg/ml) T47D cell line (IC50<100 μg/ml), respectively. S. swartzii and C. myrica were also observed for increasing apoptosis in Caco-2 and T47D cells. Total extract and fractions of C. sinuosa did not show any significant cytotoxicity against the studied cell lines. MDA-MB468 cells were more sensitive to C. myrica than was T47D (IC50 99.9 ± 8.11 vs. 56.50' ± 0.88). This reflects an estrogen receptor independent mechanism for cytotoxicity of the extract. The IC50 of the hexan fraction of C. myrica on T47D parent cells was lower than it was on T47D-TR cells (IC50 99.9 ± 8.11 vs. 143.15 ± 7.80). This finding suggests a role for the MDR-1 in the development of possible future tolerance to the extract.  相似文献   

The occurrence of three glutamate agonists — glutamic acid, D-homocysteic acid and kainic acid — in a spontaneous mutant of Palmaria palmata is reported. Glutamic acid and D-homocysteic acid, but not kainic acid, were found in the wild-type plant. The closely related glutamate agonist, domoic acid, was found in the red alga Chondria baileyana and in the diatom Nitzschia pungens forma multiseries. In the diatom, domoic acid can build up to high levels in excess of 3% (dry wt.), making N. pungens a potential commercial source of this neuroactive amino acid. Information is also presented on the distribution, chemistry and biological activity of neuroactive amino acids from algae, and a possible biogenic relationship among kainoid metabolites is discussed. author for correspondence  相似文献   

Three acyclic diterpenes have been isolated from the brown alga Cystoseira crinita and characterized as (2E,10E)-1,6-dihydroxy-7-methylene-13-keto-3,11,15-trimethylhexadeca-2,10,14-triene, (2E,5E,10E)-1,7-dihydroxy-13-keto-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadeca-2,6,10,14-tetracne and (2E, 1OE)-1-hydroxy-6,13-diketo-7-methylene-3,11,15-trimethylhexadeca-2,10,14-triene.  相似文献   

Anticoagulant activity of fucoidans from brown algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anticoagulant activity of polysaccharide fucoidans from 11 species of brown algae was studied. The anticoagulant activity was measured by the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time, and thrombin time. Inhibitory action of these fucoidans significantly varied from one species to another. Fucoidans from Laminaria saccharina and Fucus distichus exhibited high anticoagulant activity, while fucoidans from Cladosiphon okamuranus and Analipus japonicus were almost inactive. Other fucoidans exhibited intermediate inhibitory activity. The inhibitory effect of fucoidans on thrombin and factor Xa was investigated in the presence or in the absence of natural thrombin inhibitor, antithrombin III (AT III). In contrast to the best-studied anticoagulant, heparin, most of these fucoidans inhibited thrombin in the absence of AT III. In the presence of AT III the inhibitory effect of fucoidans considerably increased. In contrast to heparin, fucoidans weakly influenced factor Xa activity in the presence of AT III and their inhibitory effect was not observed in the absence of AT III. There was no correlation between the anticoagulant activities of this series of fucoidans and their anti-inflammatory action, studied earlier. It is suggested that these two types of fucoidan activities depend on different structural features of fucoidans. Results of this study demonstrate a possibility of preparation of fucoidans with high anti-inflammatory activity but low anticoagulant activity. Anticoagulant activity of the fucoidans did not exhibit direct dependence on the content of fucose, the other neutral sugars and sulfates; no dependence was also found between the anticoagulant activity and the structure of the backbone of their molecules.  相似文献   

Isolation of water-soluble alginate from brown algae   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Nishide  E.  Tsukayarna  K.  Uchida  N.  Nisizawa  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):557-562
Summary Water-soluble alginate was obtained from an aqueous extract of Kjellmaniella crassifolia by precipitation with HCl, calcium acetate or 20% ethanol in the presence of 0.05 M MgCl2 Of these precipitation procedures, MgCl2-ethanol gave the purest alginate preparation as judged by electrophoresis. The thin-layer and gas-liquid chromatography of its acid hydrolysate, and the IR spectra analysis of the whole alginate, suggested that the water-soluble alginate is similar to ordinary water-insoluble and alkali-soluble alginate such as Kelco alginate.However, the alginate obtained in the present work contained a great excess of mannuronic acid residues, giving an M:G ratio of about 13. Its molecular weight distribution was rather broad as with Kelco alginate, but the molecular weight of its major component was estimated to be 500 000 amu, whereas that Kelco alginate measured on the same column under the same condition was 1 700 000 amu. This suggests that water-soluble alginate was far smaller in average molecular size than Kelco alginate.  相似文献   

The content of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates and the calorific contents in six Antarctic and three south Chilean brown algae were determined. These constitute the first reports of chemical composition in the endemic Antarctic species Cystosphaera jacquinotii, Phaeurus antarcticus and Desmarestia antarctica. There were no marked differences in total energy levels between Antarctic and cold-temperate species (values between 10.6 and 13 kJ g–1 dry weight). However, species such as Adenocystis utricularis showed significantly higher ash-free energy (26.3 kJ), which is explained in terms of morpho-functional differentiation. Ascoseira mirabilis and Phaeurus antarcticus showed high total lipids (2.1–2.2% dry weight) and soluble carbohydrates (5.9 and 3.4% dry weight). In general, algae from Chile had similar energy levels and no obvious differences in organic content could be found.  相似文献   

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