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Road barrier effect is among the foremost negative impacts of roads on wildlife. Knowledge of the factors responsible for the road barrier effect is crucial to understand and predict species’ responses to roads, and to improve mitigation measures in the context of management and conservation. We built a set of hypothesis aiming to infer the most probable cause of road barrier effect (traffic effect or road surface avoidance), while controlling for the potentially confounding effects road width, traffic volume and road age. The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus was used as a model species of small and forest-dwelling mammals, which are more likely to be affected by gaps in cover such as those resulting from road construction. We confront genetic patterns from opposite and same roadsides from samples of three highways and used computer simulations to infer migration rates between opposite roadsides. Genetic patterns from 302 samples (ca. 100 per highway) suggest that the highway barrier effect for wood mouse is due to road surface avoidance. However, from the simulations we estimated a migration rate of about 5% between opposite roadsides, indicating that some limited gene flow across highways does occur. To reduce highway impact on population genetic diversity and structure, possible mitigation measures could include retrofitting of culverts and underpasses to increase their attractiveness and facilitate their use by wood mice and other species, and setting aside roadside strips without vegetation removal to facilitate establishment and dispersal of small mammals.  相似文献   

Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) can increase the traffic efficiency by allowing arbitrary vehicles to broadcast the messages to other vehicles and road side units (RSUs). But due to the openness of the wireless network, VANET is very vulnerable to forgery attack. Thus, the security and privacy of the messages should be provided, to make sure that the real identity of vehicles can be traceable by authorized party while not be revealed to other vehicles. The existing solutions can neither satisfy the privacy requirement nor have an effective message verification scheme on vehicles. A secure and privacy protect authentication scheme is proposed in this paper, which comprises local authentication and roaming authentication for VANET based on bilinear pairing and can provide secure communications and anonymous authentication among RSUs and vehicles.  相似文献   

The increasing development of road infrastructure considerably contributes to bear habitat fragmentation. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between brown bear movements and secondary roads. The 1463-km2 study area in the north-central Slovakia was defined by the composite home ranges (minimum convex polygon (MCP) 100%) of 21 bears studied by GPS telemetry from 2008 to 2016. Additionally, we used the data of 35 bears struck by cars and trucks across all of Slovakia during 2007–2015. We found that a traffic volume exceeding 5000 vehicles per 24 h completely restricted the movement of bears. Bears were more likely to cross during periods of low- rather than high-traffic volumes, and crossings occurred primarily at night. Males were able to cross roads with annual average daily traffic up to 5000 vehicles per 24 h, whereas females were only able to cross roads with less than 4000 vehicles per 24 h. Bears, regardless of age and gender, crossed roads more frequently during hyperphagia (August to November) than during the mating season (April to July). This was additionally confirmed by the comparison of annual patterns of crossings and road kills, which both peaked in August. The movement of these bears across roads was particularly motivated by the search for attractive crops in fields. Road crossings and road kills mainly occurred around midnight. Understanding the temporal and spatial use of roads by brown bears should provide valuable information for land use planners to effectively minimise the negative impacts of roads on bears.  相似文献   


One of the technology for increasing the safety and welfare of humans in roads is Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC). This technology can utilize cloud computing advantages in the Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET). VCC by utilizing modern equipment along with current vehicles, can play a significant role in the area of smart transportation systems. Given the potential of this technology, effective methods for managing existing resources and providing the expected service quality that is essential for such an environment are not yet available as it should. One of the most important barriers to providing such solutions seems to be resource constraints and very high dynamics in vehicles in VCC. In this article, based on virtualization and taking into account the environment with these features, we propose simple ways to manage resources better and improve the quality of service. We were able to achieve better results in simulation than previous methods by providing a flexible data structure to control the important data in the environment effectively. To illustrate the impact of the proposed methods, we compared them with some of the most important methods in this context, and we used SUMO 1.2.0 and MATLAB R2019a software to simulate them. Simulation results indicate that the proposed methods provide better results than previous methods in terms of resource efficiency, Quality of Service (QoS), and load balancing.


Road mortality is thought to be a leading cause of turtle population decline. However, empirical evidence of the direct negative effects of road mortality on turtle population abundance is lacking. The purpose of this study was to provide a strong test of the prediction that roads reduce turtle population abundance. While controlling for potentially confounding variables, we compared relative abundance of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in 20 ponds in Eastern Ontario, 10 as close as possible to high traffic roads (Road sites) and 10 as far as possible from any major roads (No Road sites). There was no significant effect of roads on painted turtle relative abundance. Furthermore, our data do not support other predictions of the road mortality hypothesis; we observed neither a higher relative frequency of males to females at Road sites than at No Road sites, nor a lower average body size of turtles at Road than at No Road sites. We speculate that, although roads can cause substantial adult mortality in turtles, other factors, such as release from predation on adults and/or nests close to roads counter the negative effect of road mortality in some populations. We suggest that road mitigation for painted turtles can be limited to locations where turtles are forced to migrate across high traffic roads due, for example, to destruction of local nesting habitat or seasonal drying of ponds. This conclusion should not be extrapolated to other species of turtles, where road mortality could have a larger population-level effect than on painted turtles.  相似文献   

We face a likely shift to electric vehicles (EVs) but the environmental and human consequences of this are not yet well understood. Simulated auditory traffic scenes were synthesized from recordings of real conventional and EVs. These sounded similar to what might be heard by a person near a major national road. Versions of the simulation had 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% EVs. Participants heard the auditory scenes in random order, rating each on five perceptual dimensions such as pleasant–unpleasant and relaxing–stressful. Ratings of traffic noise were, overall, towards the negative end of these scales, but improved significantly when there were high proportions of EVs in the traffic mix, particularly when there were 80% or 100% EVs. This suggests a shift towards a high proportion of EVs is likely to improve the subjective experiences of people exposed to traffic noise from major roads. The effects were not a simple result of EVs being quieter: ratings of bandpass-filtered versions of the recordings suggested that people’s perceptions of traffic noise were specifically influenced by energy in the 500–2000 Hz band. Engineering countermeasures to reduce noise in this band might be effective for improving the subjective experience of people living or working near major roads, even for conventional vehicles; energy in the 0–100 Hz band was particularly associated with people identifying sound as ‘quiet’ and, again, this might feed into engineering to reduce the impact of traffic noise on people.  相似文献   

As studies on vehicular ad hoc networks have been conducted actively in recent years, convenient and reliable services can be provided to vehicles through traffic information, surrounding information, and file sharing. To provide services for multiple requests, road side units (RSUs) should receive requests from vehicles and provide a scheduling scheme for data transfer according to priority. In this paper, we propose a new scheduling scheme by which multiple RSUs are connected through wired networks and data is transferred through the collaboration of RSUs. The proposed scheme transfers safety and non-safety data by employing a collaborative strategy of multiple RSUs as well as reducing the deadline miss ratio and average response time. When safety data is generated, data is transferred from the previous RSU in advance, while priority is assigned considering the deadline and reception rate. Since non-safety data is an on-demand data processed by user requests, the proposed scheme provides a method that reduces the deadline miss ratio upon loads generated in RSUs. To prove the superiority of the proposed scheme, we perform a performance evaluation in which the number and velocities of vehicles were changed. It is shown through the performance evaluation that the proposed scheme has better deadline miss ratios and faster response time than the existing schemes.  相似文献   

Branch roads, which are densely distributed in cities, allow for the flow of local traffic and provide connections between the city and outlying areas. Branch roads are typically narrow, and two-way traffic flows on branch roads are thus affected when vehicles traveling in opposite directions meet. This study investigates the changes in the velocities of vehicles when they meet on two-way branch roads. Various widths of branch roads were selected, and their influence on traffic flows was investigated via a video survey. The results show that, depending on the average vehicle velocity, branch roads require different widths to prevent a large decrease in velocity when vehicles meet. When the velocity on a branch road is not high (e.g., the average velocity without meeting is approximately 6 m/s), appropriately increasing the road width will notably increase the meeting velocity. However, when the velocity is high (e.g., the average velocity without meeting is greater than 10 m/s), there is a large decrease in velocity when meeting even if the road surface is wide (6.5 m). This study provides a basis for selecting the width of urban branch roads and the simulation of bidirectional traffic on such roads.  相似文献   

Large-scale daily commuting data were combined with detailed geographical information system (GIS) data to analyze the loss of transport efficiency caused by drivers’ uncoordinated routing in urban road networks. We used Price of Anarchy (POA) to quantify the loss of transport efficiency and found that both volume and distribution of human mobility demand determine the POA. In order to reduce POA, a small number of highways require considerable decreases in traffic, and their neighboring arterial roads need to attract more traffic. The magnitude of the adjustment in traffic flow can be estimated using the fundamental measure traffic flow only, which is widely available and easy to collect. Surprisingly, the most congested roads or the roads with largest traffic flow were not those requiring the most reduction of traffic. This study can offer guidance for the optimal control of urban traffic and facilitate improvements in the efficiency of transport networks.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise associated with highway construction and operation can have individual‐ and population‐level consequences for wildlife (e.g., reduced densities, decreased reproductive success, behavioral changes). We used a before–after control–impact study design to examine the potential impacts of highway construction and traffic noise on endangered golden‐cheeked warblers (Setophaga chrysoparia; hereafter warbler) in urban Texas. We mapped and monitored warbler territories before (2009–2011), during (2012–2013), and after (2014) highway construction at three study sites: a treatment site exposed to highway construction and traffic noise, a control site exposed only to traffic noise, and a second control site exposed to neither highway construction or traffic noise. We measured noise levels at varying distances from the highway at sites exposed to construction and traffic noise. We examined how highway construction and traffic noise influenced warbler territory density, territory placement, productivity, and song characteristics. In addition, we conducted a playback experiment within study sites to evaluate acute behavioral responses to highway construction noises. Noise decreased with increasing distance from the highways. However, noise did not differ between the construction and traffic noise sites or across time. Warbler territory density increased over time at all study sites, and we found no differences in warbler territory placement, productivity, behavior, or song characteristics that we can attribute to highway construction or traffic noise. As such, we found no evidence to suggest that highway construction or traffic noise had a negative effect on warblers during our study. Because human population growth will require recurring improvements to transportation infrastructure, understanding wildlife responses to anthropogenic noise associated with the construction and operation of roads is essential for effective management and recovery of prioritized species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We used video surveillance at 4 wildlife underpasses along 27 km of Arizona State Route 260, USA, to monitor elk (Cervus elaphus) responses to traffic volume and traffic type during underpass use. Passage rates at the highest traffic category (>10–27 vehicles/min) were not lower than passage rates when no vehicles were present, whereas passage rates at low, intermittent traffic volume (>0–1 vehicles/min) were 15% lower. Once elk entered an underpass, semi-trailer trucks were 4 times more likely than passenger vehicles to cause flight behavior when traffic levels were intermittent versus when traffic was continuous. Overall, traffic volumes of >10–27 vehicles per minute did not decrease the effectiveness of wildlife underpasses as a means of mitigating elk population subdivision. However, if flight away from underpasses at intermediate traffic levels causes elk to cross the highway at other points and thereby increases the potential for costly elk-vehicle collisions, we recommend that managers consider measures to reduce traffic noise and visual stimuli, especially those caused by semi-trailer trucks.  相似文献   

Roads and traffic may be contributing to global declines of insect populations. The ecological effects of roads often extend far into the surrounding habitat, over a distance known as the road‐effect zone. The quality of habitat in the road‐effect zone is generally degraded (e.g., due to edge effects, noise, light, and chemical pollution) and can be reflected in species presence, abundance, or demographic parameters. Road‐effect zones have been quantified for some vertebrate species but are yet to be quantified for insects. Investigating the road‐effect zone for insects will provide a better understanding of how roads impact ecosystems, which is particularly important given the role insects play as pollinators, predators, and prey for other species. We quantified the road‐effect zone for nocturnal flying insects along three major freeways in agricultural landscapes in southeast Australia. We collected insects using light traps at six points along 2‐km transects perpendicular to each highway (n = 17). We sorted the samples into order, and dried and weighed each order to obtain a measure of dry biomass. Using regression models within a Bayesian framework of inference, we estimated the change in biomass of each order with distance from the road, while accounting for environmental variables such as temperature, moon phase, and vegetation structure. The biomass of nine of the ten orders sampled did not change with distance from the freeway. Orthoptera (i.e., grasshoppers and crickets) was the only order whose biomass increased with distance from the freeway. From our findings, we suggest that the impacts of roads on insects are unlikely extending into the surrounding landscape over a distance of 2 km. Therefore, if there are impacts of roads on insects, these are more likely to be concentrated at the road itself, or on finer taxonomic scales such as family or genus level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We used 38,709 fixes collected from December 2003 through June 2006 from 44 elk (Cervus elaphus) fitted with Global Positioning System collars and hourly traffic data recorded along 27 km of highway in central Arizona, USA, to determine how traffic volume affected elk distribution and highway crossings. The probability of elk occurring near the highway decreased with increasing traffic volume, indicating that elk used habitat near the highway primarily when traffic volumes were low (<100 vehicles/hr). We used multiple logistic regression followed by model selection using Akaike's Information Criterion to identify factors influencing probability of elk crossings. We found that increasing traffic rates reduced the overall probability of highway crossing, but this effect depended on both season and the proximity of riparian meadow habitat. Elk crossed highways at higher traffic volumes when accessing high quality foraging areas. Our results indicate that 1) managers assessing habitat quality for elk in areas with high traffic-volume highways should consider that habitat near highways may be utilized at low traffic volumes, 2) in areas where highways potentially act as barriers to elk movement, increasing traffic volume decreases the probability of highway crossings, but the magnitude of this effect depends on both season and proximity of important resources, and 3) because some highway crossings still occurred at the high traffic volumes we recorded, increasing traffic alone will not prevent elk-vehicle collisions. Managers concerned with elk-vehicle collisions could increase the effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures by placing them near important resources, such as riparian meadow habitat.  相似文献   

Vehicle safety     
To help reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by vehicle accidents on Canadian roads, the CMA has for several years made recommendations on a wide range of vehicle safety standards. Since the 1960s the association has urged the provinces to enact mandatory seatbelt legislation, although it was not until 1976 that the first two provinces (Ontario and Quebec) did so. The CMA believes that the nonuse of restraint systems should be considered contributory negligence in the event of an accident producing injury to vehicle occupants. It has urged governments to approve and promote appropriate child restraint systems and to require the legislated provision of suitable and standardized tether anchorage. To increase the conspicuousness of motor vehicles the association has advocated the introduction of daytime running lights in all new vehicles. In 1965 the CMA recommended that motorcyclists wear approved helmets; indeed, it believes that there is no medical reason that would justify exemption from wearing a helmet. The CMA has also made several recommendations on safety standards for mopeds, all-terrain vehicles, minivans and light trucks and has encouraged its provincial divisions to form highway safety committees. As well as recognizing the importance of appropriate and enforced vehicle safety standards in reducing the rates of death and injury, the CMA has recommended and supported legislation aimed at decreasing the incidence of drinking and driving (Can Med Assoc J 1985; 133:806A).  相似文献   

Public use of protected areas is typically encouraged, but visitors arriving by vehicles may alter the natural areas they seek. Vehicle emissions add nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3) to the air, which can increase the amount of plant-available (reactive) nitrogen, a limiting nutrient. Changes in ecosystem processes as a result of increases in nitrogen availability are at odds with the goals of many protected wilderness areas that are typically accessed by vehicles. In this multi-year study (2003–2019), we tested whether emissions from local vehicles entered the forest ecosystem adjacent to a highway in a protected wilderness valley near a mid-sized city (Calgary, Alberta, Canada). We examined the concentration of NO2 in the air and the abundance of combustion-derived nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in naturally-occurring forest moss (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) within 20 m of the highway as a function of traffic levels that varied independently at two scales: along the highway and among years. Within the valley, we observed a gradient in the number of vehicles that was greatest where vehicles enter the valley, with a corresponding pattern for NO2 concentrations in air. Traffic volume also varied among years, with the highest year having almost twice as many vehicles in the summer as the lowest year. δ15N values in forest moss displayed similar patterns as traffic both within and among years, signalling that nitrogen from vehicle emissions entered the local ecosystem corresponding to local traffic levels. Because vehicle emissions enter natural ecosystems that are intended to be conserved, vehicle use must be considered in the management of protected natural areas.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the impacts of forest fragmentation on understory insectivorous birds in the Neotropics have highlighted that even narrow linear clearings, such as roads, can affect the movements of this guild of birds. We used playback trials of territorial vocalizations to assess the movements of three understory insectivorous bird species across two unpaved roads bisecting Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho in southeast Brazil, located within one of the largest remaining continuous Atlantic Forests. Movement patterns varied among species. While Chamaeza campanisona never crossed these roads, Pyriglena leucoptera crossed them in almost 100 percent of tests. Although Conopophaga lineata exhibited a significantly lower number of crossings along cleared sites, it was eventually willing to traverse the roads, showing an intermediate pattern. Shaded areas with connected canopy did not improve birds' willingness to cross roads compared with areas where treecrowns were at least 3 m apart. Similarly, birds' willingness to cross an 8‐m wide road with limited traffic (six vehicles/wk) was not significantly greater than that of a 12‐m wide road with more intense traffic (41 vehicles/d). Our findings suggest that the negative impact of roads on bird movement is an issue that should be addressed by managers of Atlantic Forest conservation units, especially as economic development results in pressure to pave and widen roads. Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Roadkill studies are typically conducted without regard to the carcass permanency time on the highway, which may lead to underestimation of roadkill data, especially small animals that are quickly removed by scavengers. To evaluate the carcass duration time on the lane and its relation to the roadkill time event, we conducted an experiment comparing the removal rate of small carcasses between different stretches of a highway and stretches of dirt roads. The rates found in the study were considered high, with 89 % of carcasses being removed in the first 24 h and 66 % within 12 h. The removals were high for both road categories but reached their peaks at different periods of the day, being higher during the day on the highway and at night on dirt roads. We believe that removal on the highway is dictated by higher vehicular traffic and mainly by the action of scavenger birds during the day, while on dirt roads, it is due to the action of different opportunistic scavengers during the night.  相似文献   

Road mortality of freshwater turtles can be high enough to imperil populations near roads, thus there is a need to efficiently and accurately locate regions of excessive road-kill along road networks for mitigation. Weekly over 2?years, we drove a 160?km highway circuit in northeastern New York State, USA and recorded the location of all detected road-kill of three freshwater turtle species (Chelydra serpentina, Chrysemys picta, Emydoidea blandingii). We then analyzed the spatial dispersion of road-kill and the road and landscape features associated with road-kill locations. Road-kill was most prevalent at a limited number of short road segments, termed ‘hotspots’. The locations of hotspots, as indicated by kernel density analysis, and the peak spatial extent of hotspots (250?m), as indicated by Ripley’s?K, corresponded to the locations and average lengths of causeways (road segments with wetlands within 100?m on both sides). Hotspots were located at causeways that were greater than 200?m length and characterized by high traffic volumes, close proximity to water, and high forest coverage. We conclude that freshwater turtle road mortality is spatially aggregated at short, severe hotspots, and hotspot locations can be predicted when the locations of wetlands, traffic volumes, and the land-uses bordering roads are known. Hotspot models using these predictors can locate sites along a road network that are the most promising for mitigation to reduce excessive road mortality and maintain connectivity.  相似文献   

蔺银鼎  武小刚  郝兴宇  韩翀 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6561-6567
通过设置绿化隔离带以减少道路污染物的扩散是目前采用的道路生态防控措施之一。如何减少道路污染对机动车道行人的影响等问题则少有关注。基于对城市非机动车道行人生态安全的考虑,采取现场模拟方法研究道路绿化隔离带对道路中心颗粒污染物向非机动车道扩散的影响。 试验地点选择太原市城区,具体方法是在机动车道和非机动车道之间设置遮阳网。通过增减遮阳网的层数调整模拟隔离带的宽度和疏透度,每50 cm间隔1层遮阳网。为了更接近实际的绿化隔离带和更利于调整疏透度,近机动车道一侧的遮阳网均匀捆扎新鲜的离体植物枝条。实验采用三因素、四水平正交设计方法,通过测定绿带两侧污染物含量的变化评价绿带对非机动车道的净化效应。结果表明,道路绿化隔离带对于减少道路颗粒污染物向非机动车道的扩散具有明显的作用。道路绿化隔离带的诸因子净化非机动车道环境的作用有明显的差异。其中疏透度和高度所起的作用较为显著。本试验中净化PM10过程中三因子的重要性排序依次为高度、疏透度、宽度。净化TSP过程中的重要性依次为疏透度、高度、宽度。三因子净化非机动车道颗粒污染物的最佳水平分别是:疏透度20%,高度350 cm,宽度250 cm,对TSP和PM10的净化百分率分别达到46.10%和42.94%。各因子不同水平的净化效应排序分别为:疏透度20%、30%、40%、10% ,高度350 cm、250 cm、150 cm、50 cm,宽度250 cm、350 cm、150 cm、50 cm。  相似文献   

Roads can fragment animal populations by reducing gene flow, which can lead to drift and the loss of genetic diversity. One of the principle signatures of reduced gene flow is increased genetic differentiation in isolated populations, and evidence that roads contribute to such differentiation has been reported for several species. We used microsatellites to examine whether six roads led to increased genetic differentiation in red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). These six roads included one divided interstate highway, one undivided four-lane highway, and four secondary roads. We found that the genetic distance between plots that were bisected by the interstate highway was significantly greater than the genetic distance between equidistant plots on the same side of the highway. However, for the five smaller roads, plots across the road were no more genetically distinct than were plots on the same side of the road. Bayesian clustering methods also supported both of these findings. The optimal clustering of plots for the interstate highway consisted of two clusters that corresponded to the two sides of highway. For the other five sites, the optimal grouping consisted of a single cluster containing all of the plots. Our findings suggest that gene flow across very large roads is rare and that bisected red-backed salamander populations are likely to diverge from one another. For smaller roads, our results imply that the indirect effects of roads on genetic population structure are probably less of a pressing concern for terrestrial salamanders than are the direct effects of mortality and habitat alteration.  相似文献   

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