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We examined freshly collected samples of the colonial planktonic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii to determine the pathways of recently fixed N within and among trichomes. High concentrations of glutamate and glutamine were found in colonies. Glutamate and glutamine uptake rates and concentrations in cells were low in the early morning and increased in the late morning to reach maxima near midday; then uptake and concentration again fell to low values. This pattern followed that previously observed for T. thiebautii nitrogenase activity. Our results suggest that recently fixed nitrogen is incorporated into glutamine in the N2-fixing trichomes and may be passed as glutamate to non-N2-fixing trichomes. The high transport rates and concentrations of glutamate may explain the previously observed absence of appreciable uptake of NH4+, NO3-, or urea by Trichodesmium spp. Immunolocalization, Western blots (immunoblots), and enzymatic assays indicated that glutamine synthetase (GS) was present in all cells during both day and night. GS appeared to be primarily contained in cells of T. thiebautii rather than in associated bacteria or cyanobacteria. Double immunolabeling showed that cells with nitrogenase (Fe protein) contained levels of the GS protein that were twofold higher than those in cells with little or no nitrogenase. GS activity and the uptake of glutamine and glutamate dramatically decreased in the presence of the GS inhibitor methionine sulfoximine. Since no glutamate dehydrogenase activity was detected in this species, GS appears to be the primary enzyme responsible for NH3 incorporation.  相似文献   

We examined freshly collected samples of the colonial planktonic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium thiebautii to determine the pathways of recently fixed N within and among trichomes. High concentrations of glutamate and glutamine were found in colonies. Glutamate and glutamine uptake rates and concentrations in cells were low in the early morning and increased in the late morning to reach maxima near midday; then uptake and concentration again fell to low values. This pattern followed that previously observed for T. thiebautii nitrogenase activity. Our results suggest that recently fixed nitrogen is incorporated into glutamine in the N2-fixing trichomes and may be passed as glutamate to non-N2-fixing trichomes. The high transport rates and concentrations of glutamate may explain the previously observed absence of appreciable uptake of NH4+, NO3-, or urea by Trichodesmium spp. Immunolocalization, Western blots (immunoblots), and enzymatic assays indicated that glutamine synthetase (GS) was present in all cells during both day and night. GS appeared to be primarily contained in cells of T. thiebautii rather than in associated bacteria or cyanobacteria. Double immunolabeling showed that cells with nitrogenase (Fe protein) contained levels of the GS protein that were twofold higher than those in cells with little or no nitrogenase. GS activity and the uptake of glutamine and glutamate dramatically decreased in the presence of the GS inhibitor methionine sulfoximine. Since no glutamate dehydrogenase activity was detected in this species, GS appears to be the primary enzyme responsible for NH3 incorporation.  相似文献   

The cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis and Nostoc CAN showed a biphasic pattern of 14CH3NH 3 + uptake at external pH values of 7.0 and 9.0. The initial phase of uptake, which was independent of metabolism of 14CH3NH 3 + , was attributed to uptake via a CH3NH 3 + (NH 4 + ) transport system at pH 7.0 and probably to passive diffusion of uncharged CH3NH2 and trapping by protonation at pH 9.0. The second slower phase of uptake was attributed to metabolism of CH3NH 3 + via glutamine synthetase to form -methylglutamine which accumulates. Anabaena cylindrica showed an initial rapid uptake at pH 7.0 and pH 9.0 but metabolism of 14CH3NH 3 + was undetectable at pH 7.0 and was barely detectable at pH 9.0. Pretreatment of A. variabilis with l-methionine-d,l-sulphoximine to inactivate glutamine synthetase, inhibited the second phase of 14CH3NH 3 + uptake at both pH 7.0 and pH 9.0 and the accumulation of -methylglutamine but had no effect on the first phase of uptake. Following transfer of A. variabilis to darkness the initial phase of 14CH3NH 3 + uptake at pH 7.0 and 9.0 was unaffected but the subsequent metabolism via glutamine synthetase was inhibited.Abbreviations MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulphoximine - GS glutamine synthetase  相似文献   

Summary Mutant strains of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium bacterium Anabaena variabilis resistant to 6-fluorotryptophan or to ethionine were isolated. Many of these strains liberated amino acids into their media in the absence of 6-fluorotryptophan and ethionine. Nitrogenase activity was higher in mutant strains than in the parent strain. Mutant strains were immobilised in calcium alginate and sustained photoproduction of amino acids has been demonstrated.Abbreviations ETH ethionine - FT 6-fluorotryptophan - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1, piperazine ethanesulphonic acid - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - DAHP 3-deoxy-d-arabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate - chl a chlorophyll a  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria colonizing the feather moss Pleurozium schreberi were isolated from moss samples collected in northern Sweden and subjected to physiological and molecular characterization. Morphological studies of isolated and moss-associated cyanobacteria were carried out by light microscopy. Molecular tools were used for cyanobacteria identification, and a reconstitution experiment of the association between non-associative mosses and cyanobacteria was conducted. The influence of temperature on N2 fixation in the different cyanobacterial isolates and the influence of light and temperature on N2-fixation rates in the moss were studied using the acetylene reduction assay. Two different cyanobacteria were effectively isolated from P. schreberi: Nostoc sp. and Calothrix sp. A third genus, Stigonema sp. was identified by microscopy, but could not be isolated. The Nostoc sp. was found to fix N2 at lower temperatures than Calothrix sp. Nostoc sp. and Stigonema sp. were the predominant cyanobacteria colonizing the moss. The attempt to reconstitute the association between the moss and cyanobacteria was successful. The two isolated genera of cyanobacteria in feather moss samples collected in northern Sweden differ in their temperature optima, which may have important ecological implications.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the potential utilization of N2-fixing (heterocystous) cyanobacteria as natural biofertilizers in the Valencian rice fields (Spain), the distribution and seasonal variation of these microorganisms in water and sediment samples were evaluated, and the relationships among cyanobacterial abundance and physical and chemical characteristics of soil and water were investigated. N2-fixing cyanobacteria were present in all the samples analyzed (25 sampling points sampled three times per year during two years). The relative cyanobacterial abundance in soil and water followed contrasting patterns, maximum presence in soil coincided with minimum abundance in water. Correlation analysis showed that cyanobacterial abundance in the two phases (water and sediment) was influenced more by water than by soil properties. Salinity, mineralization variables, and soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) correlated positively with heterocystous cyanobacteria presence. Furthermore, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and the ratio DIN: SRP correlated negatively with cyanobacterial abundance. However DIN: SRP ratio better described the cyanobacterial distribution, with a threshold effect: below the Redfield ratio value (7.2 in mass units) cyanobacterial abundance was clearly higher. Correspondence to: A. Quesada.  相似文献   

No measurable differences in Trichodesmium nitrogenase activitywere observed between colonies collected by diving and incubatedunder ultra-clean conditions compared with those collected andincubated using standard techniques. Measurements were madein the northeastern Caribbean Sea, near the Bahama Islands andin the Sargasso Sea. Surprisingly, mean rates of ethylene productionwere high relative to most previous in situ measurements onTrichodesmium. The calculated cellular N doubling times (viaN2 fixation) ranged from 1.13 days in the northeastern CaribbeanSea, 1.48 days in the Sargasso Sea to 1.8 days near the BahamaIslands. A comparison of these doubling times with those inthe literature illustrates the high variability in rate of N2fixation by Trichodesmium. From this study, we conclude thatthe often observed slow rates of N2 fixation are valid. Populationsof Trichodesmium can probably remain within the water columnat low growth rates via gas vesicles, which keep the colonysuspended, and low grazing rates by herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary Phytoplankton species shifts and succession phenomenona in lakes of increasing trophic state were considered, using the basic information on the growth kinetics of the species involved. One of the most obvious signs of advanced eutrophication is the dominance of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Striking examples are the shallow, hypertrophic Dutch lakes The Veluwerandmeren (e.g., Wolderwijd and Veluwemeer), whereOscillatoria agardhii, a non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium, has become dominant over the green algae, diatoms and N2-fixing cyanobacteria (BERGER, 1975).We have studied the natural population ofO.agardhii during the growing season, by using physiological indicators, and could adduce that the natural population was successively growing under phosphorus, light, or nitrogen limitation (ZEVENBOOM and MUR, 1978a,b; ZEVENBOOMet al., 1982). One might expect that during the period of nitrogen limitation the N2-fixing speciesAphanizomenon flos-aquae would be favoured and would be able to outgrow the nitrogen-limitedO.agardhii. However, in these lakes,A. flos-aquae was present only in few numbers and a succession fromO. agardhii toA. flos-aquae did not occur. Although field observations may give some indication, they cannot give decisive answers to the question which factor is triggering the observed species shifts and species dominance in natural waters. Such answers can only be obtained from growth kinetic and physiological data of the species involved. In our opinion, the most important factor to consider is the availability of light energy, which decreases with increasing eutrophication.The hypothesis was proposed by Mur and coworkers (MURet al., 1978) that in hypertrophic lakes the prevailing light conditions (low light irradiance) are more favourable forO.agardhii, since this species has a much lower requirement of light energy for growth than green algae as a consequence of its lower specific maintenance rate constant, e (VAN LIERE, 1979; GONS, 1977). Competition experiments, performed withO. agardhii andScenedesmus protuberans under lightlimiting conditions, confirmed the hypothesis (MURet al., 1978), Continuous culture experiments withA. flos-aquae showed that also this species had a higher energy requirement thanO. agardhii (ZEVENBOOM, 1980). The differences were not found in the value of e, but in the growth efficiency. The higher energy requirement ofA.flos-aquae was expected, since energy is needed for heterocyst production and N2 fixation. Under light-limiting conditions and nutrient sufficiency (including nitrogen-nitrate) it can thus be expected that the N2-fixer will be outcompeted by the non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium. This was indeed observed (ZEVENBOOM et al., 1981).We further investigated the competitive interactions betweenA.flos-aquae, O. agardhii andS. protuberans under different sets of irradiance values and nitrate concentrations. We used the growth kinetic data of the species involved, which were obtained by means of continuous culture experiments (GONS, 1977; VAN LIERE. 1979; VAN LIERE and MUR, 1979; GONS and MUR, 1980; ZEVENBOOM and MUR, 1980; ZEVENBOOMet al., 1980; ZEVENBOOMet al., 1981). The competing species could be placed along the gradients of light irradiance values and nitrate concentrations, their positions being defined by their energy requirements and half-saturation constants for nitrate-limited growth, respectively. Distinct niches for the three species were found with respect to light and nitrate. Under conditions of low irradiance values and low (realistic) nitrate concentrations, nitrogen-limitedO.agardhii was able to outgrowA. flos-aquae andS. protuberans as a consequence of its low energy requirement and its high affinity for nitrate. The growth rates of the last two species were restricted by the limited availability of light. However, at high irradiance values,O.agardhii was inhibited in its growth rate and therefore failed to outgrow the other two species. The competition was then restricted to nitrogen-limitedS.protuberans and light-limitedA.flos-aquae; the latter could dominate at low nitrate concentrations. The results of competition experiments withO.agardhii andA.flos-aquae under different sets of irradiance values and nitrate concentrations agreed well with the niche-model described above (Zevenboom, unpubl. results).In conclusion, kinetic data of growth, obtained with continuous culture experiments, can provide basic information to explain species shifts and dominance in lakes with increasing eutrophication. Nitrogen-limiting conditions favour N2-fixing cyanobacteria only when sufficient light is available for their growth (in less hypertrophic waters). The trophic state is thus of major importance and decisive with regard to which species will dominate.  相似文献   

Colonies of N2-fixing cyanobacteria are key players in supplying new nitrogen to the ocean, but the biological fate of this fixed nitrogen remains poorly constrained. Here, we report on aerobic and anaerobic microbial nitrogen transformation processes that co-occur within millimetre-sized cyanobacterial aggregates (Nodularia spumigena) collected in aerated surface waters in the Baltic Sea. Microelectrode profiles showed steep oxygen gradients inside the aggregates and the potential for nitrous oxide production in the aggregates'' anoxic centres. 15N-isotope labelling experiments and nutrient analyses revealed that N2 fixation, ammonification, nitrification, nitrate reduction to ammonium, denitrification and possibly anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) can co-occur within these consortia. Thus, N. spumigena aggregates are potential sites of nitrogen gain, recycling and loss. Rates of nitrate reduction to ammonium and N2 were limited by low internal nitrification rates and low concentrations of nitrate in the ambient water. Presumably, patterns of N-transformation processes similar to those observed in this study arise also in other phytoplankton colonies, marine snow and fecal pellets. Anoxic microniches, as a pre-condition for anaerobic nitrogen transformations, may occur within large aggregates (⩾1 mm) even when suspended in fully oxygenated waters, whereas anoxia in small aggregates (<1 to ⩾0.1 mm) may only arise in low-oxygenated waters (⩽25 μM). We propose that the net effect of aggregates on nitrogen loss is negligible in NO3-depleted, fully oxygenated (surface) waters. In NO3-enriched (>1.5 μM), O2-depleted water layers, for example, in the chemocline of the Baltic Sea or the oceanic mesopelagic zone, aggregates may promote N-recycling and -loss processes.  相似文献   

The effect of salt on photosynthetic activity, acetylene reduction, and related activities was examined in two species of cyanobacteria, Nostoc muscorum and Calothrix scopulorum. Photosynthesis was more resistant to high salt concentration than was N(2) fixation. The salt resistance of both activities increased after a period of exposure of the cells to salinity. The transfer of electrons via ferredoxin and ferredoxin-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reductase was found to be extremely sensitive to salt. In comparison, the transfer of reducing power by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitric dehydrogenase, and photosystem 1 was less affected by NaCl, whereas glutamine synthetase exhibited higher tolerance to salt.  相似文献   

Enzyme activity determinations and Western and Northern blot analyses have shown the presence of two catalytically different glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases (GAPDH) in both vegetative cells and heterocysts of several N(2)-fixing Anabaena strains: (a) the gap2-encoded NAD(P)-dependent GAPDH2 (EC, the enzyme involved in the photosynthetic carbon assimilation pathway, which is present at higher levels in vegetative cells, and (b) the gap3-encoded NAD-dependent GAPDH3 (EC, presumably involved in carbohydrate anabolism and catabolism, which is the predominant GAPDH in heterocysts. In contrast, the gap1-encoded GAPDH1, which is the other NAD-dependent cyanobacterial GAPDH, is virtually absent in both cell types. These findings are discussed in the context of carbon metabolism of heterocystous N(2)-fixing cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The marine, non-heterocystous, filamentous cyanobacterium Trichodesmium shows a distinct diurnal pattern of nitrogenase activity. In an attempt to reveal the factors that control this pattern, a series of measurements were carried out using online acetylene reduction assay. Light response curves of nitrogenase were recorded applying various concentrations of oxygen. The effect of oxygen depended on the irradiance applied. Above a photon irradiance of 16 mumol m(-2) s(-1) nitrogenase activity was highest under anoxic conditions. Below this irradiance the presence of oxygen was required to achieve highest nitrogenase activity and in the dark 5% oxygen was optimal. At any oxygen concentration a photon irradiance of 100 mumol m(-2) s(-1) was saturating. When Trichodesmium was incubated in the dark, nitrogenase activity gradually decreased and this decline was higher at higher levels of oxygen. The activity recovered when the cells were subsequently incubated in the light. This recovery depended on oxygenic photosynthesis because it did not occur in the presence of DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea]. Recovery of nitrogenase activity in the light was faster at low oxygen concentrations. The results showed that under aerobic conditions nitrogenase activity was limited by the availability of reducing equivalents suggesting a competition for electrons between nitrogenase and respiration.  相似文献   

Summary The 15N/14N ratios of plant and soil samples from Northern California ecosystems were determined by mass spectrometry. The 15N abundance of 176 plant foliar samples averaged 0.0008 atom % 15N excess relative to atmospheric N2 and ranged from-0.0028 to 0.0064 atom % 15N excess relative to atmospheric N2. Foliage from reported N2-fixing species had significantly lower mean 15N abundance (relative to atmospheric N2 and total soil N) and significantly higher N concentration (% N dry wt.) than did presumed non-N2-fixing plants growing on the same sites. The mean difference between N2-fixing species and other plants was 0.0007 atom % 15N. N2-fixing species had lower 15N abundance than the other plants on most sites examined despite large differences between sites in vegetation, soil, and climate. The mean 15N abundance of N2-fixing plants varied little between sites and was close to that of atmospheric N2. The 15N abundance of presumed non-N2-fixing species was highest at coastal sites and may reflect an input of marine spray N having relatively high 15N abundance. The 15N abundance of N2-fixing species was not related to growth form but was for other plants. Annual herbaceous plants had highest 15N abundance followed in decreasing order by perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. Several terrestrial ferns (Pteridaceae) had 15N abundances comparable to N2-fixing legumes suggesting N2-fixation by these ferns. On sites where the 15N abundance of soil N differs from that of the atmosphere, N2-fixing plants can be identified by the natural 15N abundance of their foliage. This approach can be useful in detecting and perhaps measuring N2-fixation on sites where direct recovery of nodules is not possible.  相似文献   

The extent of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) export to the deep ocean depends upon the efficacy of the biological pump that transports primary production to depth, thereby preventing its recycling in the upper photic zone. The dinitrogen-fixing (diazotrophic) Trichodesmium spp. contributes significantly to oceanic C and N cycling by forming extensive blooms in nutrient-poor tropical and subtropical regions. These massive blooms generally collapse several days after forming, but the cellular mechanism responsible, along with the magnitude of associated C and N export processes, are as yet unknown. Here, we used a custom-made, 2-m high water column to simulate a natural bloom and to specifically test and quantify whether the programmed cell death (PCD) of Trichodesmium mechanistically regulates increased vertical flux of C and N. Our findings demonstrate that extremely rapid development and abrupt, PCD-induced demise (within 2–3 days) of Trichodesmium blooms lead to greatly elevated excretions of transparent exopolymers and a massive downward pulse of particulate organic matter. Our results mechanistically link autocatalytic PCD and bloom collapse to quantitative C and N export fluxes, suggesting that PCD may have an impact on the biological pump efficiency in the oceans.  相似文献   

In light of recent proposals that iron (Fe) availability may play an important role in controlling oceanic primary production and nutrient flux, its regulatory impact on N2 fixation and production dynamics was investigated in the widespread and biogeochemically important diazotrophic, planktonic cyanobacteria Trichodesmium spp. Fe additions, as FeCl3 and EDTA-chelated FeCl3, enhanced N2 fixation (nitrogenase activity), photosynthesis (CO2 fixation), and growth (chlorophyll a production) in both naturally occurring and cultured (on unenriched oligotrophic seawater) Trichodesmium populations. Maximum enhancement of these processes occurred under FeEDTA-amended conditions. On occasions, EDTA alone led to enhancement. No evidence for previously proposed molybdenum or phosphorus limitation was found. Our findings geographically extend support for Fe limitation of N2 fixation and primary production to tropical and subtropical oligotrophic ocean waters often characterized by Trichodesmium blooms.  相似文献   



Despite the general assumption that nitrogen fixed by associated cyanobacteria will be readily utilised for growth by the Sphagnum, no empirical evidence is available in the literature. Therefore the effects of nitrogen transfer from cyanobacteria associated with S. riparium were investigated.


Cultivation of S. riparium with and without cyanobacteria was performed under laboratory conditions for 57 days.


We show that nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria associated with Sphagnum mosses, influences moss growth by transfer of fixed nitrogen to the moss. More than 35 % of the nitrogen fixed by cyanobacteria was transferred to the newly formed moss biomass and resulted in an increase in the growth of Sphagnum biomass compared to the controls. The variation in the increase of nitrogen content explained 76 % of the biomass increment.


Hence, nitrogen fixation will have immediate effect on the carbon fixation by Sphagnum. This shows that factors regulating nitrogen fixation will have a direct effect on the role of Sphagnum dominated ecosystems with respect to carbon cycling.  相似文献   

The increases in atmospheric pCO2 over the last century are accompanied by higher concentrations of CO2(aq) in the surface oceans. This acidification of the surface ocean is expected to influence aquatic primary productivity and may also affect cyanobacterial nitrogen (N)‐fixers (diazotrophs). No data is currently available showing the response of diazotrophs to enhanced oceanic CO2(aq). We examined the influence of pCO2 [preindustrial∼250 ppmv (low), ambient∼400, future∼900 ppmv (high)] on the photosynthesis, N fixation, and growth of Trichodesmium IMS101. Trichodesmium spp. is a bloom‐forming cyanobacterium contributing substantial inputs of ‘new N’ to the oligotrophic subtropical and tropical oceans. High pCO2 enhanced N fixation, C : N ratios, filament length, and biomass of Trichodesmium in comparison with both ambient and low pCO2 cultures. Photosynthesis and respiration did not change significantly between the treatments. We suggest that enhanced N fixation and growth in the high pCO2 cultures occurs due to reallocation of energy and resources from carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM) required under low and ambient pCO2. Thus, in oceanic regions, where light and nutrients such as P and Fe are not limiting, we expect the projected concentrations of CO2 to increase N fixation and growth of Trichodesmium. Other diazotrophs may be similarly affected, thereby enhancing inputs of new N and increasing primary productivity in the oceans.  相似文献   

B. Gu  V. Alexander 《Oecologia》1993,94(1):43-48
The hypothesis that small mammal burrows can increase the amount of water infiltrating into the soil profile was tested. The amount of water added to the soil profile from spring recharge in areas adjacent to ground squirrel (Spermophilus townsendii and S. elegans) burrows was compared to nearby areas without burrows. Recharge amounts in burrow areas were significantly higher than nonburrow areas. An average of 21% more of the winter precipitation infiltrated into the soil near burrows. The amount of recharge was also found to be positively related to burrow density. Burrows also affected the distribution of the recharge by adding significantly more water to the deeper portions (>50 cm) of the soil profile.  相似文献   

A psychrophilic marine Pseudomonas was found to contain phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase and an adenosine triphosphate-linked PEP carboxykinase. Some properties of these CO(2)-fixing enzymes were compared with those homologous enzymes from the terrestrial mesophile Enterobacter cloacae. The PEP carboxylases from both organisms were activated by acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and inhibited by l-aspartate. The enzyme from Pseudomonas was less dependent on the presence of the activator, but maximal activation was attained at acetyl-CoA concentrations much lower (50 mum) than those required to saturate the enzyme from E. cloacae. In both cases the main effect of acetyl-CoA was to decrease the K(m) value for PEP. The activity of PEP carboxylase from Pseudomonas was only slightly inhibited by NaCl, KCl, or NH(4)Cl up to 100 mm, whereas the enzyme from E. cloacae was inhibited by about 70% under similar experimental conditions. Both PEP carboxylase and PEP carboxykinase from Pseudomonas showed considerably lower thermal stability than their counterparts from E. cloacae. Our results suggest that the CO(2)-fixing enzymes from a marine Pseudomonas and E. cloacae are similar in nature and regulation, but they differ in properties related to the peculiar conditions of the marine environment.  相似文献   

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