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The numerical abundance and biomass of free-living marine nematodes from sandy sediment off the coast of Peru (water depth 40 m) was similar to that reported from other areas. Dispersion chi-square analysis indicated that three species were aggregated, while the remaining species were randomly distributed throughout the samples. The most reasonable hypothesis is that variation in size of individual pore spaces is the mechanism controlling the distribution of the aggregated species.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Tricoma are described from the Mediterranean: Tricoma (Tricoma) apophysis sp.n., Tricoma (T.) latispicula sp.n., Tricoma (T.) corsicana sp.n., Tricoma (T.) pygmaea sp.n., Tricoma (T.) vincxae sp.n., Tricoma (T.) duopapillata sp.n., Tricoma (T.) setosa sp.n. and Tricoma (Quadricoma) tripapillata sp.n.. All are noteworthy for being small.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of spermatozoa in the free-living marine nematode Halalaimus dimorphus was studied with transmission electron microscopy. Spermatozoa in the posterior testis of the male had a large cavity filled with cellular processes, which contained a variable number of small tubules. Mitochondria and small tubules were the only cell structures observed in the cytoplasm. The spermatozoa had a bipolar structure. The anteriorly situated nucleus, which was electron-dense and homogeneous, was surrounded by a single membrane. The size of the small tubules in the cytoplasm (diam. 12-13 nm) and their relatively thick wall structure suggested that they were not normal microtubules (diam. 25 nm). The material of the small tubules was assumed to be major sperm protein (MSP). The cavity appeared to open on the surface of the spermatozoon at the posterior extremity of the cell, and also medially, at the level of the anterior end of the cavity. The pores apparently were closed by a special plug-like structure, which was an evagination of the cell. The wall of the cavity was characterized by longitudinal folds, which were mushroom-shaped in transverse section. Spermatids in the anterior testis of H. dimorphuswere characterized by fibrous bodies packed with small tubules and by cellular processes also containing small tubules. H. dimorphus sperm seem to perform swimming movements based on liquid currents commonly present in turbin-like systems. Spermatogenesis resembled that found in ticks.  相似文献   

Halton D. W. &; Hardcastle A. 1976. Spermatogenesis in a monogenean, Diclidophora merlangi. International Journal for Parasitology6: 43–53. Development of the spermatozoa in the testis of a polyopisthocotylean fish-gill fluke, Diclidophora merlangi, has been examined by light and electron microscopy. Spermatogonial cells are typically undifferentiated and display numerous free ribosomes and relatively little cytoplasm. Successive mitotic divisions produce spermatocytes which are characterized by expansion of the ER and the development of Golgi complexes. Nuclear division is followed by incomplete cytokinesis so that spermatocytes and subsequent stages are joined and develop syncytially. Nuclear synaptonemal complexes mark the first division of the meiotic phase, the second giving rise to a rosette of 32 spermatids. During spermateleosis, the spermatid nucleus condenses and migrates into a conical-shaped projection of cytoplasm. A centriole-like structure and basal bodies, anchored by a pair of attached rootlets, produce axial filaments that grow out from the spermatid and eventually fuse with the nuclear projection. Spermatozoa are then released from the residual cytoplasm. Each spermatozoon is approximately 325 μm in length and 2 μm maximum diameter and in section shows a nucleus, mitochondrion, paired axial units which conform to the “9 +1” pattern described for other platylelminthes, particles of β-glycogen, and a line of micro-tubules around the inner aspect of the limiting membrane.  相似文献   

During the ecological studies on marine nematodes in the intertidal zone and an adjacent seagrass Zostera marina Linne bed in Amakusa, south Japan, two new species of the genus Rhynchonema Cobb, 1920 were found. They are described as R. kikuchii and R. amakusanum. Up to now, Rhynchonema species were unknown from Japan.  相似文献   

Boone M., Willems M., Claeys M. and Artois, T. 2011. Spermatogenesis and the structure of the testes in Isodiametra pulchra (Isodiametridae, Acoela). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 101–108. Spermatogenesis and the structure of the testes were studied ultrastructurally in Isodiametra pulchra (Smith and Bush, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 1991; 110: 12; Hooge and Tyler, Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research 2005; 43: 100). The testes are paired, compact, non‐follicular and lie dorsally and dorso‐laterally to the paired ovaries, partially enfolding them. All stages of spermatogenesis, including spermiogenesis, are described at the ultrastructural level and their spatial organization within the testes is discussed. The cells at the early stages of spermatogenesis (spermatogonia and spermatocytes) are located on the dorsal and dorso‐lateral sides of the testes, while the late stages (spermatids and filiform spermatozoa with 9+2 axonemes) lie at the ventral and inner periphery of the testes, adjacent to ovaries. All the cell types can be found both at the anterior and the posterior end of the testes. The value of the structure of the testes as a phylogenetic marker is addressed.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the degree to which free-living, bactivorous nematodes (FLBN) are able to competitively displace entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) from insect cadavers. Two hundred larvae of the insect Diaprepes abbreviatus were buried at regular intervals during 2 years in experimental plots that were untreated or treated twice annually with Steinernema riobrave. Larvae were recovered after 7 days, and nematodes emerging from cadavers during the next 30 days were identified. The monthly prevalence of FLBN was directly related to that of S. riobrave (r = 0.38; P = 0.001) but was not related to the prevalence of the endemic EPN, S. diaprepesi, Heterorhabditis zealandica, H. indica, or H. bacteriophora (r = 0.02; P = 0.80). In a second experiment, treatment of small field plots with S. riobrave increased the prevalence of insect cadavers in which only FLBN were detected compared to untreated controls (30% vs. 14%; P = 0.052), and increased numbers of FLBN per buried insect by more than 10-fold. In the laboratory, sand microcosms containing one D. abbreviatus larva were treated with (i) the FLBN, Pellioditis sp.; (ii) S. riobrave; (iii) S. riobrave + Pellioditis; or (iv) neither nematode. Insect mortality was higher in the presence of both nematodes (57%) than when S. riobrave was alone (42%) (P = 0.01). An average of 59.2 Pellioditis sp. g-1 insect body weight emerged in the presence of S. riobrave, whereas 6.2 nematodes g-1 insect were recovered in the absence of the EPN (P = 0.01). Pellioditis sp. reduced the number of S. riobrave per cadaver by 84%; (P = 0.03), and per available insect by 82% (P = 0.001), compared to S. riobrave alone. Population size of S. diaprepesi was not affected by Pellioditis sp. in experiments of the same design. Faster development (P = 0.05) and nutrient appropriation within the insect cadaver by S. diaprepesi compared to S. riobrave may increase the fitness of the former species to compete with Pellioditis sp. The results of these studies demonstrate the potential of FLBN to regulate population densities of EPN and to dampen estimates of EPN-induced mortality of insect pests in the field.  相似文献   

Zaprionus indianus is a drosophilid native to the Afrotropical region that has colonized South America and exhibits a wide geographical distribution. In contrast, Z. sepsoides is restricted to certain African regions. The two species differ in the size of their testes, which are larger in Z. indianus than in Z. sepsoides. To better understand the biology and the degree of differentiation of these species, the current study evaluated spermatogenesis in males of different ages by conventional staining techniques and ultrastructural analysis. Spermatogenesis and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa were similar in the two species, and the diploid number was confirmed to be 2n = 12. A greater number of spermatozoa were observed in young Z. indianus (1–3 days old) compared to Z. sepsoides males, which showed a higher frequency of cells at the early stages of spermatogenesis. The head of the sperm was strongly marked by silver staining, lacto-acetic orcein and the Feulgen reaction; the P.A.S. reaction revealed glycogen granules in the testes of both species. Both species presented similar arrangement of microtubules (9+9+2), two mitochondrial derivatives of different size and 64 spermatozoa per bundle. Such similarity within the genus Zaprionus with other species of Drosophila, indicates that these structures are conserved in the family Drosophilidae. The differences observed the number and frequency of sperm cells in the early stages of spermatogenesis, between the young males of Z. indianus and Z. sepsoides, are features that may interfere with reproductive success and be related to the invasive potential of Z. indianus.  相似文献   

Four new species of the genus Perepsilonema are described. They are characterized by general habitus, cuticular ornamentation, shape and sexual dimorphism of the amphideal fovea, shape and number of ventral copulatory spines and the shape of the spicules. The female genital system comprises two reflexed ovaries, a left and a right spermatheca and a median uterine chamber filled with sperm cells. The distal part of the uteri have secretory wall cells which contain in some specimen spherical refractive bodies.  相似文献   

The cuticle of Ceramonema carinatum (Chromadorida: Ceramonematidae) is described and illustrated from scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each of ca. 200 annules is composed of a single ring with eight external flat faces (plates), which are divided by longitudinal ridges formed by pairs of parallel upstanding vanes. Vanes and plates overlap those of the adjacent annules. Longitudinal ridges extend from the cephalic capsule to the tail spike. On the cephalic capsule a simple ridge extends each of the eight ridges to a position just anterior to the amphid. Cuticular plates are formed from the electron-dense cortical layer and contain lacunae filled with fine fibrils. The vanes are denser, with laminations on a central core. In the annular grooves between the plates there is an electron-lucent layer, which it is suggested, by comparison with other nematodes, is the basal layer. An epicuticle overlies the cortical plates, the vanes, and the interannular lucent layer. Cuficular structure is compared with that of other Ceramonematidae and related nematodes.  相似文献   

Structure of the cuticle of Metadasynemoides cristatus (Chromadorida: Ceramonematidae) is examined by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The nematode has more than 600 annuli, and each annulus has eight cuticular plates. Eight longitudinal ridges, beginning on the cephalic capsule, extend the whole length of the body. Where a ridge traverses an annulus, it forms a complicated articulating structure of overlapping vanes. Within the electron-dense cortical layer, from which the cuticular plates are formed, there are spaces crossed by fine fibrillae, forming what have been termed "vacuoles" by light microscopists. There is an epicuticle and a continuous lucent basal layer. There appears to be no median layer. The cuticle lining of the esophagus and that forming the circum-oral ridge is of much simpler construction.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Sorubim lima spermatogenesis during the premeiotic and meiotic periods was studied. Our observations showed that the germ cells in the cysts are connected by cytoplasmic bridges and the mitotic and meiotic divisions are slightly asynchronous. The first and the last spermatogonial generations differ in the cellular and nuclear volume, nucleolus, chromatin condensation, distribution, size, density, and shape of the mitochondria, presence of 'lamellae anulata', amount and dimension of the 'nuages', and movement of the centrioles. In addition to the nuclear prophase structures, the spermatocyte I shows changes in all other cellular organelles and elongated vesicles appear in the cytoplasm. The accentuated cytoplasmic density and thickened walled vesicles are morphological characteristics that differentiate spermatocytes II from the other germ cells in the cysts of Sorubim lima testis.  相似文献   

Lung fluke, Paragonimus heterotremus, is a flatworm causing pulmonary paragonimiasis in cats, dogs, and humans in Southeast Asia. We examined the ultrastructure of the testis of adult P. heterotremus with special attention to spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The full sequence of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis, from the capsular basal lamina to the luminal surface, was demonstrated. The sequence comprises spermatogonia, spermatocytes with obvious nuclear synaptonemal complexes, spermatids, and eventual spermatozoa. Moreover, full steps of spermatid differentiation were shown which consisted of 1) early stage, 2) differentiation stage representing the flagella, intercentriolar body, basal body, striated rootlets, and electron dense nucleus of thread-like lamellar configuration, and 3) growing spermatid flagella. Detailed ultrastructure of 2 different types of spermatozoa was also shown in this study.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates have a unique and interesting intracellular architecture such as permanently condensed chromosomes throughout the cell cycle. However the study of dinoflagellate chromosomes is not amendable because of the unusually higher number of chromosomes and problems in sample preparation. The species of Pyrocystis spend most of their life cycle as vegetative cyst forms and have been used as experimental organisms for bioluminescence and circadian rhythms. Here, we documented the content of DNA in different life stages and the chromosome karyology in a marine non-motile dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula, through light and fluorescent microscopy, serial ultra-thin sectioning, and three dimension (3D) modeling. The DNA content doubles during DNA synthesis and in the end of the cell division two separate daughter cells have the approximately same fluorescent values for the mother cells. Using serial ultra-thin sectioning and 3D modeling, we report the first ultrastructural karyogram. The cells chosen were at the end of karyokinesis. A total of 98 chromosomes were counted and assigned to 49 pairs. In this species, DNA synthesis appears to occur before, or during asexual division and P. lunula lives a diplontic life cycle.  相似文献   

The genusLeptepsilonema is recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean:L. santii sp.n. is characterised by a slender body with a large number of annules (122–128). Cuticular ornamentation with clear ridges and a lateral field of small thorns on both sides of the anteriormost annules are also typical as well as the number and arrangement of copulatory thorns (2–3 pairs, 2 fields), the shape and length (49–58 µm) of spicules in males.L. filiforme is recorded from New Caledonia; specimens largely resemble the original types but are larger. The variability of some morphological structures is discussed.  相似文献   

Decraemer  Wilfrida  Gourbault  Nicole 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):25-47
Four new species of Metepsilonema are described from sublittoral stations from the Channel and are mainly characterized: M. volutum sp.nov. by the large body size for the genus up to 460 m, 118–121 well overlapping annuli and wide multispiral amphids; M. amphidoxum sp.nov. by 127–133 shortly overlapping annuli and sexual dimorphism in amphid size; M. comptum sp.nov. by 133–140 non-overlapping annuli, anteriormost annuli provided with a wide lumen and borders ornamented with ridges and M. corrugatum sp.nov. by 108–111 overlapping annuli provided with ridges). Additional information is provided for M. callosum together with a discussion on intraspecific variability. A new species of Metepsilonema spec. based on females only, is described but remain unnamed. M. comptum sp.nov. and M. corrugatum sp.nov. are also occurring in the Mediterranean Sea. A polytomous key to species level is presented.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis and the morphology of mature sperm in the free-living chromadorid Paracyatholaimus pugettensis from the Sea of Japan were studied using transmission electron microscopy. In spermatocytes fibrous bodies (FBs) appear; in spermatids, the synthetic apparatus is located in the residual body, whereas the main cell body (MCB) houses the nucleus, mitochondria, and FBs. The nucleus of the spermatid consists of a loose fibrous chromatin that is not surrounded by a nuclear envelope; centrioles lie in the perinuclear cytoplasm. The plasma membrane of the spermatid MCB forms numerous filopodia. Immature spermatozoa from the proximal part of the testis are polygonal cells with a central nucleus. The latter is surrounded by mitochondria and FBs with poorly defined boundaries. The immature spermatozoa bear lamellipodia all along their surface. Mature spermatozoa are polarized cells with an anterior pseudopodium, which is filled with filaments that make up the cytoskeleton; the MCB houses a nucleus that is surrounded by mitochondria and osmiphilic bodies. In many ultrastructural characteristics, the spermatozoa of P. Pugettensis are similar to those of most nematode species studied so far (i.e., they are ameboid, have no acrosome, axoneme, or nuclear envelope). On the other hand, as in other chromadorids, no aberrant membrane organelles were observed during spermatogenesis of P. Pugettensis.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Biologiya Morya, Zograf, Yushin.  相似文献   

By hybridizing human adult testis cDNA microarrays with human adult and embryo testis cDNA probes, we identified a novel human testis gene, NYD-SP15. NYD-SP15 expression was 3.26-fold higher in adult than in fetal testis; however, there was almost no NYD-SP15 expression in the sperm. NYD-SP15 comprises 3364 base pairs, including a 1545 bp open reading frame encoding a 514 amino acid protein possessing 89% sequence identity with the mouse testis homologous protein. NYD-SP15 is located on human chromosome 13q14.2. The deduced structure of the protein contains two dCMP_cyt_deam domains, indicating a potential functional role for zinc ion binding. The gene is expressed variably in a wide range of tissues, with high expression levels in the testis. Sequence analysis revealed that NYD-SP15 is not a highly conserved protein, with its distribution in high-level species such as vertebrates including Homo, Mus, Rattus, and Canis. The results of semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction in mouse testis representing different developmental stages indicate that NYD-SP15 expression was developmentally regulated. These results suggest the putative NYD-SP15 protein may play an important role in testicular development and spermatogenesis and may be an important factor governing male infertility. These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

The free-living marine nematode Dracognomus simplex (Gerlach, 1954) Allen &Noffsinger, 1978 was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The morphology of males and females is described and illustrated in detail. In addition to the typical and modified adhesion tubes, a new type of posterior adhesion tube was discovered. A neotype is proposed for Dracognomus simplex, and D. simplex sensu Decraemer &Gourbault, 1986 is renamed as Dracognomus americanum n. sp. Additionally, a key toward the Dracognomus species is proposed.  相似文献   

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