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Differences in host behavior and resistance to disease can influence the outcome of host-pathogen interactions. We capitalized on the variation in aggregation behavior of Fowler''s toads (Anaxyrus [ = Bufo] fowleri) and grey treefrogs (Hyla versicolor) tadpoles and tested for differences in transmission of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and host-specific fitness consequences (i.e., life history traits that imply fitness) of infection in single-species amphibian mesocosms. On average, A. fowleri mesocosms supported higher Bd prevalences and infection intensities relative to H. versicolor mesocosms. Higher Bd prevalence in A. fowleri mesocosms may result, in part, from higher intraspecific transmission due to the aggregation of tadpoles raised in Bd treatments. We also found that, independent of species, tadpoles raised in the presence of Bd were smaller and less developed than tadpoles raised in disease-free conditions. Our results indicate that aggregation behavior might increase Bd prevalence and that A. fowleri tadpoles carry heavier infections relative to H. versicolor tadpoles. However, our results demonstrate that Bd appears to negatively impact larval growth and developmental rates of A. fowleri and H. versicolor similarly, even in the absence of high Bd prevalence.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) produce individually distinctive signature whistles that broadcast the identity of the caller. Unlike voice cues that affect all calls of an animal, signature whistles are distinct whistle types carrying identity information in their frequency modulation pattern. Signature whistle development is influenced by vocal production learning. Animals use a whistle from their environment as a model, but modify it, and thus invent a novel signal. Dolphins also copy signature whistles of others, effectively addressing the whistle owner. This copying occurs at low rates and the resulting copies are recognizable as such by parameter variations in the copy. Captive dolphins can learn to associate novel whistles with objects and use these whistles to report on the presence or absence of the object. If applied to signature whistles, this ability would make the signature whistle a rare example of a learned referential signal in animals. Here, we review the history of signature whistle research, covering definitions, acoustic features, information content, contextual use, developmental aspects, and species comparisons with mammals and birds. We show how these signals stand out amongst recognition calls in animals and how they contribute to our understanding of complexity in animal communication.  相似文献   

Preverbal infants often vocalize in emotionally loaded situations, yet the communicative potential of these vocalizations is not well understood. The aim of our study was to assess how accurately adult listeners extract information about the eliciting situation from infant preverbal vocalizations. Vocalizations of 19 infants aged 5-10 months were recorded in 3 negative (Pain, Isolation, Demand for Food) and 3 positive (Play, Reunion, After Feeding) situations. The recordings were later rated by 333 adult listeners on the scales of emotional valence and intensity. Subsequently, the listeners assigned the eliciting situations in a forced choice task. Listeners were almost perfectly able to discriminate whether a recording came from a negative or a positive situation. Their discrimination may have been based on perceived valence as they consistently assigned higher valence when listening to positive, and lower valence when listening to negative, recordings. Ability to identify the particular situation within the negative or positive realm was substantially weaker, with only three of the six situations being discriminated above chance. The best discriminated situation, Play, was associated with high perceived intensity. The weak qualitative discrimination of negative situations seemed to be based on graded perception of negative recordings, from the most intense and unpleasant (assigned to Pain) to the least intense and least unpleasant (assigned to Demand for Food). Parenthood and younger age, but not gender of listeners, had weak positive effects on the accuracy of judgments. Our results indicate that adults almost flawlessly distinguish positive and negative infant sounds, but are rather inaccurate regarding identification of the specific needs of the infant and may normally employ other sensory channels to gain this information.  相似文献   

Amphipods are widely used in both acute and chronic (sub-lethal) sediment tests. Acute sediment tests provide relatively rapid results, but may fail to detect moderately toxic contaminants that are bound to the sediment, whereas chronic life-cycle tests are rarely performed as they are time consuming and expensive. Observations during chronic testing of oil-contaminated sediment suggested that there may be a link between the behavior of the marine amphipod Corophium volutator and reduction in growth rate. Behavior tests were performed with six individual amphipods per treatment using sediment spiked with weathered Forties oil with burrowing time, re-emergence from sediment, and activity prior to burrowing as endpoints. Further behavior tests were used to predict the chronic toxicity of sediments spiked with three crude oils each with a dominant unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons (UCM). The effect of sediment type on behavior was also investigated. The results suggested that although the behavior test could not be used alone as a viable alternative to sediment toxicity tests, it could prove useful as an adjunct to acute tests, and help select sediments that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical properties of skim milk containing κ-carrageenan (in the concentration range 0–0.06% w/v), flaxseed gum (in the concentration range 0–0.40% w/v), or a mixture of both polysaccharides were studied using dynamic light scattering, under diluted conditions, as well as in situ, undiluted, using diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) and ultrasonic spectroscopy. Flaxseed gum causes phase separation in milk mixtures, because of thermodynamic incompatibility between the casein micelles and the polysaccharide chains. Confocal microscopy and ultrasonic spectroscopy showed that while the addition of 0.01% κ-carrageenan was not sufficient to hinder phase separation, when 0.03% was added, the helix–helix interactions between κ-carrageenan molecules were sufficient to form a network and stabilize the system. DWS clearly demonstrated that clusters of casein micelles still form even at very low concentrations of polysaccharides (below the visible phase separation threshold) and that κ-carrageenan hinders visible phase separation by decreasing the mobility of the casein micelles.  相似文献   

Ras homolog enriched in the striatum (Rhes) is a striatal enriched protein that promotes the formation of thin membranous tubes resembling tunneling nanotubes (TNT)—“Rhes tunnels”—that connect neighboring cell and transport cargoes: vesicles and proteins between the neuronal cells. Here the literature on TNT-like structures is reviewed, and the implications of Rhes-mediated TNT, the mechanisms of its formation, and its potential in novel cell-to-cell communication in regulating striatal biology and disease are emphasized. Thought-provoking ideas regarding how Rhes-mediated TNT, if it exists, in vivo, would radically change the way neurons communicate in the brain are discussed.  相似文献   



Assessing the active space of the various types of information encoded by songbirds'' vocalizations is important to address questions related to species ecology (e.g. spacing of individuals), as well as social behavior (e.g. territorial and/or mating strategies). Up to now, most of the previous studies have investigated the degradation of species-specific related information (species identity), and there is a gap of knowledge of how finer-grained information (e.g. individual identity) can transmit through the environment. Here we studied how the individual signature coded in the zebra finch long distance contact call degrades with propagation.


We performed sound transmission experiments of zebra finches'' distance calls at various propagation distances. The propagated calls were analyzed using discriminant function analyses on a set of analytical parameters describing separately the spectral and temporal envelopes, as well as on a complete spectrographic representation of the signals.


We found that individual signature is remarkably resistant to propagation as caller identity can be recovered even at distances greater than a hundred meters. Male calls show stronger discriminability at long distances than female calls, and this difference can be explained by the more pronounced frequency modulation found in their calls. In both sexes, individual information is carried redundantly using multiple acoustical features. Interestingly, features providing the highest discrimination at short distances are not the same ones that provide the highest discrimination at long distances.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that primate female copulation calls are a form of postcopulatory female choice. We collected data on female sexual swellings, sexual and agonistic behavior, copulation calls and postcopulatory behavioral interactions in a multimale-multifemale captive group of Guinea baboons over a 3-mo period. Males copulated with only a few females, and females copulated with only 1 or 2 different males in the group, suggesting a harem-like mating system similar to that of hamadryas and gelada baboons. Female copulations were most likely to occur at peak sexual swellings and male copulatory success was accounted for by dominance rank and age. Variation in female tendencies to call after copulation is best explained by the copulatory success of the male with which each female copulated the most and by the number of copulating partners. The findings are consistent with predictions that calls are likely to be associated with copulation with preferred males and the risk of sperm competition. The prediction that copulation calls increased the probability of postcopulatory mate guarding is also supported. Taken together, the findings suggest that female copulation calls may play an important role in postcopulatory sexual selection and in particular in the expression of postcopulatory female choice in primate species in which females have little opportunity to choose their mates or female mate choice is costly or both.  相似文献   

It was found that Bartonella henselae (B. henselae) may induce clinical disorders in cats in natural conditions from a comparison of the serological status for B. henselae with the serostatus for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and several clinical characteristics in 170 domestic cats. Seropositivity for B. henselae was not significantly different between FIV antibody-positive and -negative cats (18.4% vs 16.0%). The incidence of clinical characteristics were compared among four cat groups distinguished by the reactivity of sera against B. henselae and FIV. The incidence of lymph node swelling was lower in only FIV antibody-positive cats (3.0%), but higher in B. henselae antibody-positive cats (13.6%) and significantly higher in both B. henselae and FIV antibody-positive cats (42.9%) compared with the incidence of lymph node swelling in cats which were negative for both antibodies (5.5%). The same relation was also observed for the incidence of gingivitis among the 4 cat groups, suggesting that coinfection of B. henselae and FIV may be associated with gingivitis and lymphadenopathy in cats.  相似文献   

The scent of blood is potentially one of the most fundamental and survival-relevant olfactory cues in humans. This experiment tests the first human parameters of perceptual threshold and emotional ratings in men and women of an artificially simulated smell of fresh blood in contact with the skin. We hypothesize that this scent of blood, with its association with injury, danger, death, and nutrition will be a critical cue activating fundamental motivational systems relating to either predatory approach behavior or prey-like withdrawal behavior, or both. The results show that perceptual thresholds are unimodally distributed for both sexes, with women being more sensitive. Furthermore, both women and men’s emotional responses to simulated blood scent divide strongly into positive and negative valence ratings, with negative ratings in women having a strong arousal component. For women, this split is related to the phase of their menstrual cycle and oral contraception (OC). Future research will investigate whether this split in both genders is context-dependent or trait-like.  相似文献   

Large numbers of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) use habitat in tidewater glaciers in Alaska for pupping, breeding, and molting. Glacial fjords are also popular tourist destinations; however, visitation by numerous vessels can result in disturbance of seals during critical life-history phases. We explored factors affecting haul-out behavior of harbor seals at a glacial site frequented by tourism vessels. In 2008-10, we deployed VHF transmitters on 107 seals in Endicott Arm, Alaska. We remotely monitored presence and haul-out behavior of tagged seals and documented vessel presence with time-lapse cameras. We evaluated the influence of environmental and physical factors on the probability of being hauled out, duration of haul-out bouts, and as factors associated with the start and end of a haulout. Location, season, hour, and interactions of location by year, season, hour, and sex significantly influenced haul-out probability, as did ice, weather, and vessels. Seals were more likely to be hauled out with greater ice availability during the middle of the day, and less likely to be hauled out if vessels were present. Cruise ships had the strongest negative effect; however, most vessel types negatively affected haul-out probability. Haul-out duration was longest in association with starting on incoming tides, clear skies, no precipitation, occurring in the middle of the day, and ending in the late afternoon or evening. End of haulouts was associated with increasing cloud cover, low ice availability, and vessel presence; large-sized tourism vessels or all-vessel-types combined were significant predictors of ending a haul-out bout. Probability of being hauled out was highest in June, during pupping season. Potential disturbances of harbor seals could be reduced, enabling longer resting times for seals and fewer interruptions for nursing pups, if vessels focused the majority of visits to glacial habitat to before or after the hours of 08:00-17:00 or, less optimally, 09:00-16:00.  相似文献   

Effects of 7-min cardiac arrest and individual behavior on free radical-mediated processes and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was evaluated in brains of male Wistar rats one hour and one week after resuscitation. "Emotional resonance test was used for the behavioral selection of rats. The test includes factors of significance for rats: the choice between large and lighted or small and dark space as well as signals of pain of another rat. Free radical generation (using chemiluminescence method), superoxide scavenging/generating activity, substances reacting with 2-thiobarbituric acid and NOS activity (by measuring mononitrosyl iron complex of NO with diethyl dithiocarbamate and endogenous brain Fe2+ by electron spin resonance spectroscopy) were determined in cerebral cortex, cerebellum and hippocampus. Cardiac arrest induced oxidative stress accompanied by the loss of NOS activity, as well as compensatory changes of free radical-mediated processes in cerebral cortex. Oxidative stress was also evident in cerebellum and, to a lesser extent, in hippocampus. Most of neurochemical differences between behavioral groups were induced by cardiac arrest. These differences were global, related to a specific brain region or became apparent in cerebral lateralization of biochemical indices.  相似文献   

Recent empirical evidence shows that working in an unsupervised, isolated situation under competition, can increase dishonest behavior to achieve prestige. However, could working in a common space, in the presence of colleagues affect cheating? Here, we examine how familiar-peer influence, supervision and social incentives affect worker performance and dishonest behavior. First, we show that working in the presence of peers is an effective mechanism to constrain honest/dishonest behavior compared to an isolated work situation (experiment 1). Second, we demonstrate that the mere suspicion of dishonesty from another peer is not enough to affect individual cheating behavior (experiment 2), suggesting that reputation holds great importance in a worker’s self-image acting as a strong social incentives. Third, we show that when the suspicion of dishonesty increases with multiple peers behaving dishonestly, the desire to increase standing is sufficient to nudge individuals’ behavior back to cheating at the same levels as isolated situations (experiment 3).  相似文献   

Biophysics - We studied the effects of whole body gamma-radiation (4 Gy, dose rate 0.6 Gy/min) and proton-beam head irradiation (with an energy of 150 meV, 4 Gy and a dose rate of 0.8 Gy/min) on...  相似文献   

Two Decades of River Restoration in California: What Can We Learn?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As part of the National River Restoration Science Synthesis (NRRSS), we developed a summary database of 4,023 stream restoration projects built in California since 1980, from which we randomly selected 44 records for in‐depth interviews with project managers. Despite substantial difficulties in gathering the data, we were able to draw conclusions about current design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation practices used in California projects and compare them with national trends. Although more than half of the projects for which we conducted interviews were located in watersheds for which a management or assessment plan had been prepared, these plans had a limited impact on site selection. We also found that the state lacks a consistent framework for design, monitoring, and reporting restoration projects, and that although monitoring is far more widespread than the information in the NRRSS summary database would suggest, there are still problems with the type, duration, and reporting of monitoring. The general lack of systematic, objective assessment of completed projects hinders the advance of restoration science.  相似文献   

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