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庭园是形成和保存农业生物多样性的基本单位,也是野生植物和栽培植物聚集的场所。在农村,庭园的主要作用是提供日常生活所需,还可产生收入。庭园中不仅存在较高的生物多样性,而且庭园也有很多社会、文化、生态方面等功能。该研究针对通辽市库伦旗芒汗苏木毛敦塔拉嘎查蒙古族,采用随机抽样和农户推荐的方式选择了11个农户,以农户的整个庭园面积为样方,设立11个样方进行农业生物多样性分析,并用漫谈式访谈和半结构调查方法进行庭园植物及其经济效益调查。结果表明:毛敦塔拉嘎查蒙古族庭园植物物种丰富度较高,庭园植物共有96种,包括栽培及野生的植物蔬菜类33种、水果用19种、观赏用20种、饲料用8种、药食兼用5种、其它用途类16种,其中有些种类具有多种用途;毛敦塔拉嘎查各农户庭园植物的多样性随着庭园类型及庭园管理者的特征而不同;庭园面积大且种植大量经济作物的庭园经济效益高;据调查当地庭园的经营模式具有生态种植型、综合经营型、庭园养殖型三种类型。这些庭园植物不仅对当地农牧民的生活具有广泛作用而且对农业生物多样性保护具有深远意义。  相似文献   

In order to show the function of agricultural protection of biodiversity at the level of homegarden, comparative analysis was operated between 20 farmer households through random sampling and farmers recommended in Horqin Left Wing Real Banner Tongliao city Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and 10 farmer households of the Han nationality in the neighborhood. Thirty sampling plots of homegardens are investigated. The result indicates there are 100 homegarden plants in Bashou village, 84 in Hariwusu livestock farm, and 87 in Gongjihao village. It involves the cultivated and wild vegetables, fruits, and plants used for ornamental, medicine and forage. The comparative analysis of species richness demonstrates, among these villages the species richness of Bashou village is highest, while Hariwusu livestock farm is lowest. The former village contributes greatly to the conservation of plant biodiversity. These differences result from their respectively different natural conditions, homegarden areas, homegarden history, homegarden management conditions, traditional knowledge and culture understanding of homegarden manager, local farmers and herdsmen on homegarden plants.The homegarden plants from the three investigated villages are cataloged preliminary in the end of the paper.  相似文献   

为了表明农户庭园在户级水平上对农业生物多样性保护的作用,在内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗采用随机抽样和农户推荐选择20个农户,同时在邻近地区的汉族地区选择10个农户作为对比分析。在此基础上对其家庭庭园采用典型取样法设立30个样方进行调查。结果表明:巴首嘎查庭园植物有100种、哈日乌苏种畜场共有84种、公济号村有87种,包括栽培及野生蔬菜、水果、观赏、药用、饲用等植物。三个村庄庭园植物物种丰富度分析比较发现巴首嘎查的物种丰富度相对最高,而哈日乌苏种畜场的相对最低,反映巴首村对庭园物种多样性保护的贡献相对最大。这些差异是由于自然条件、庭园面积、庭园历史、庭园管理条件及庭园管理者、当地农牧民对庭园植物的传统知识和文化的认识的差异所造成。文末还对调查的三个村庄的庭园植物进行了初步编目。  相似文献   

选择当地牧民作为信息报告人,运用访谈和证据标本采集鉴定等民族植物学研究方法对内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原地区蒙古族野生食用植物进行了调查。结果表明,锡林郭勒典型草原地区蒙古族民间野生食用植物共有29种和2变种;食用部位包括全株、地上部位、根、茎、鳞茎、叶、花、果和种子,其中叶是使用频率最高的部位。民间食用方式可分为野生粮食、蔬菜、水果、茶用、调料和零食6种类型。其中,蔬菜用野生植物最多,其次为茶用和调料用植物。当地民间对野生食用植物通常采取生食和熟食两种方法。采用腌制或干燥是当地民间对野生食用植物原料或加工品进行保存的主要方法。羊肉、牛肉、鲜奶和酸奶是当地蒙古族用野生植物烹饪各种食物和调制奶茶时的必用原料,具有地区和民族特色。  相似文献   

蒙古族传统茶用植物的初步调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蒙古族对植物在茶用方面所积累的传统知识和经验,主要表现在植物种类的选择,茶用部位的选择、采集、加工和饮用方法等方面。据初步调查,茶用植物20种;茶用部位有根、茎、叶、花、果实和种子;多数种类在秋季采集,也有春、夏、冬季采集利用的种类;民间加工方法有发酵、蒸、炒、晒干、阴干等,民间饮用方法有煮、沏和调配成奶茶等。蒙古族对植物的茶用知识和经验,对开发新型饮料方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The local herdsmen were served as informants, methods of interviews and voucher specimen collection and identification have been used to conduct ethnobotanical field investigations on wild edible plants in the Xilingol typical steppe area, Inner Mongolia. The results show that 29 species and two varieties of wild plants used for food and drinks by the Mongolians in Xilingol typical steppe area. The edible parts of the plants are whole plant, aerial parts, roots, stems, bulbs, leaves, flowers, fruits or/and seeds respectively. Among them, the leaf is the most widely used part. Six categories of food uses based on the mode of folk edible use were established to classify wild food plants, including wild grain, vegetables, fruit, substitute for tea, seasoning, and snacks. Among them, vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used as substitute for tea, and plants used for seasoning. Wild plants are usually eaten raw or cooked by the local people. Raw materials and prepared food from wild plants are preserved through the method of pickling and drying. A distinguishing feature of region and ethnic group is that mutton, beef, fresh milk and yoghourt are necessarily used in cooking dish and making milk tea from wild plants by local Mongolians.  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦贝尔鄂温克族民间野菜资源调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
内蒙古呼伦贝尔市鄂温克族民间作蔬菜利用的野生植物共有23种.记录了植物的学名、汉名、食用部位、食用方法,分析讨论了鄂温克族民间利用野菜的特色和意义.  相似文献   

杨清  南志标  陈强强  唐增 《生态学报》2020,40(4):1436-1444
草原生态补偿是我国建设生态文明的必由之路之一。牧民对草原生态补助奖励政策的满意度,一定程度上反映了补奖政策实施的绩效。甘肃省针对不同牧区特点,实施了差别化的补奖标准。选取甘肃青藏高原区和西部荒漠区两个不同草原牧区类型351户牧民为调研对象,结合入户深度访谈和调查问卷,构建满意度评价指标体系,测定了不同牧区牧民对草原生态补奖政策的满意度,借助Logistic模型分析不同牧区牧民政策满意度与影响因素。结果表明:(1)牧民对草原生态补奖政策总体满意度偏低,满意度综合指数为67.24%。(2)牧民生计多样化对政策评价具有重要影响。西部荒漠区牧民收入来源较青藏高原区多样化,畜牧业所占比重低于青藏高原区,政策实施对牧民收入影响较小,青藏高原区牧民满意度为62.43%,低于西部荒漠区的72.35%。(3)牧民对政策作用的认知、家庭规模以及对政策的了解,是影响两个区域牧民对政策满意度的共同因素,但两个区域呈现出较大差异性。因此,在后续政策实施中,实施"精准补偿"措施,多样化补偿标准和补偿方式,加强政策宣传和引导,示范引领安置牧民,延长畜牧业产业链,实现畜牧产业"三产"融合,逐步实现草原生态保护、牧业转型发展和牧民增收三方共赢。  相似文献   

蒋振  高雅罕  靳乐山 《生态学报》2024,44(1):196-208
从生计和生态双重维度探究牧户的草原生态补偿政策满意度与支持度,对于深化草原生态补偿制度改革,促进草原生态文明建设和牧区绿色发展,具有重要的理论与现实意义。基于马克思“生态经济人”预设的微观视角,以费耐尔满意度逻辑模型(CSI)为理论框架,使用2020年若尔盖草原574个牧户调研数据,通过反映性指标的结构方程模型(SEM),对牧户草原生态补偿政策满意度和支持度的因果机制进行了多变量、多路径的验证性分析。结果表明:(1)牧户对生计收入和生态质量越重视、“生态经济人”理性越高,其政策满意度就越高,生态保护的心理主动性也越大,相对效应大小=0.271。(2)牧户对政策实施结果的质量评价,是牧户政策满意度和支持度的主要影响因素,相对效应大小=0.518。(3)牧户对政策实施效果的价值感知,将会直接提升其政策满意度,并进一步促进其生态保护理性,相对效应大小=0.312。因此,提高牧户对草原生态补偿政策的满意度与支持度,应重点从三个维度综合施策:首先,应重视发展草原生态文化,培育牧户生态经济理性。其次,要稳步提升生态补偿标准,加强草原保护的工作力量,提升政策实施结果的质量。最后,草原生态补偿要重点加...  相似文献   

杨婉妮  甄霖 《生态学报》2019,39(16):5885-5896
生态工程的实施对区域居民生产生活产生了重要影响。以锡林郭勒草地样带为例,利用2017年8月—2018年7月农牧户食物跟踪调查数据、农牧户问卷调查数据、生态恢复措施数据,结合土地利用数据和社会经济数据等,重点分析了不同生态恢复措施对锡林郭勒草地样带农牧户食物消费的影响。研究结果显示:(1)锡林郭勒草地样带生态恢复措施沿样带自北向南实施力度逐渐变弱,草地恢复措施由以草畜平衡、休牧和禁牧为主向休牧和围栏封育为主转变,草地恢复措施中对人类活动的限制也随之由弱变强;(2)沿草地样带自北向南居民食物消费形成了三种模式,在食物消费数量和消费结构上呈显出由牧区特征向农区特征的转变,即人均食物消费量沿样带递减,食物消费由肉蛋奶和蔬菜水果为主向粮食和蔬菜水果为主转变;(3)食物消费模式受到草地供给、收入及其结构、文化习俗和职业分布等生态、经济和社会多方面因素的影响。研究为实现区域生态、经济和社会的协调发展相关政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

当外界环境发生变化后植物能够改变自身功能性状及时调整适应策略, 因此植物功能性状能够有效地反映植物对草地利用变化的响应, 然而在内蒙古草原从植物功能性状角度开展草地利用方式影响的研究略少。该研究以内蒙古典型草原大针茅(Stipa grandis)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)和冷蒿(Artemisia frigida) 4种主要优势种为研究对象, 探讨在长期自由放牧、割草、短期围封和长期无干扰的影响下优势种植物功能性状的差异, 以期从功能性状视角, 揭示植物在受到外界干扰后的适应策略, 旨为天然草地的可持续管理提供基础数据支持和科学依据。结果表明: 1)除糙隐子草外, 在长期放牧后内蒙古典型草原优势植物植株高度、根长和植物碳氮含量降低, 这些性状的变化能够使植物个体小型化, 适口性降低, 表明植物通过逃避放牧的策略适应长期自由放牧的干扰; 在割草管理方式下, 优势种的高度和比叶面积有增加的趋势, 其中冷蒿的氮含量对割草响应最敏感, 其根、茎、叶中的氮含量均在割草样地最低; 围封和长期无干扰处理下植物的碳氮含量增加, 表明在干扰强度降低后, 植物通过功能性状的改变从资源获取策略向资源储藏策略转变。2)对优势种功能性状集合分析表明, 糙隐子草具有较低的植株高度和较高的比叶面积, 冷蒿具有较高的木质素含量和氮含量, 这些性状能够使两种植物被家畜采食量减少, 并保证其具有较强的再生能力, 这可能是糙隐子草和冷蒿耐牧的原因; 大针茅具有最高的植株高度、最大的叶片干物质含量, 以及最高的茎、叶纤维素含量, 说明大针茅是非常典型的竞争物种, 在干扰较低的条件下, 大针茅采取竞争策略对其他物种产生较大的竞争压力可能是其占优势的重要原因。  相似文献   

An ethnobotanical survey was carried out to collect information on the use of medicinal plants by the Lisu people who live in the mountainous areas of the Nujiang Canyon (Salween River Valley) in Nujiang Prefecture, northwestern Yunnan Province, China. A total of 52 medicinal plants, belonging to 32 families, were reported as being used locally for the treatment of human ailments. The scientific and Lisu names, parts used, and preparation of the plants are presented. Most of these species are wild (80%), while others are domesticated (8%) or semi-cultivated (12%). Among the 52 species, 11 species (21.2%) were reported as rare and 16 were widely commercialized in the region. Over-exploitation and deforestation are the main causes for the depletion of medicinal plants in this area. The Lisu people still mostly depend on medicinal plants for their health care. The loss and endangered status of these plants will, to a certain extent, impede their existing health care system; conservation and sustainable harvest of medicinal plants in the area are urgently needed.  相似文献   

草地绿色承载力概念及其在国家公园中的应用框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于慧  王根绪  杨燕  吕雅琼 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7248-7254
针对国家公园,在草地承载力的基础上,从如何解决野生动物种群多样性与繁衍兴盛,实现禁牧减畜后的牧民脱贫致富,保障不断增长的生态体验或旅游经济发展需求的视角出发,以生态功能维护+草畜平衡+生态体验为架构,提出草地绿色承载力概念;从生态系统支撑条件、草地生产力、野生动物与家畜承载规模、农牧民与生态体验人口承载规模、监测预警5个维度,构建草地绿色承载力评价体系;提出三江源国家公园草地绿色承载力应用框架,以期为科学制定建设规划和发展目标,推动三江源国家公园生态保护与区域可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

龚心语  黄宝荣  邓冉  黄凯  孙晶  张丛林 《生态学报》2021,41(12):4694-4706
我国部分自然保护区中拥有大面积草原,但由于过度放牧,面临草原面积减少、质量下降等问题,其重要原因之一是缺少合理的补偿标准导致牧民生计得不到有效保障,偷牧行为屡禁不止。研究制定自然保护区的退牧还草生态补偿标准、完善补偿机制,对于提高我国自然保护区内草原的生态环境质量、改善牧民生计具有重要意义。以我国自然保护区草原生态环境破坏的典型案例--吉林向海国家级自然保护区为例,构建自然保护区退牧还草生态补偿标准制定框架,包括识别影响保护区牧民退牧还草意愿的关键因素,遴选生态补偿标准计算方法;根据草原承包经营权、保护区功能分区、草原利用情况等对补偿客体进行分类;制定针对不同客体的多种补偿标准方案,并提出其优先序。研究结果显示:影响向海国家级自然保护区牧民退牧还草的关键因素为文化程度、务农人口比例、原有牲畜数量和已退养牲畜数量。核心区、缓冲区内未承包草原放牧的牧民的最佳补偿标准为833元 羊单位-1 a-1;核心区、缓冲区内承包草原放牧的牧民的最佳补偿标准为913元 羊单位-1 a-1;核心区、缓冲区内承包草原未放牧的牧民的最佳补偿标准为120元 羊单位-1 a-1;实验区牧民的最佳补偿标准则在核心区、缓冲区三类牧民的补偿基础上扣除牧民承包草原的理论载畜量后进行计算。建议完善牧民基本情况统计制度、拓展补偿资金来源、创新多元化补偿方式并建立动态化补偿标准调整机制。  相似文献   

Mongol names and toponyms are most often used by paleontologists for designation of new forms of fossil fauna and flora from the Cenozoic of Central Asia.  相似文献   

基诺族传统食用植物的民族植物学研究   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
基诺族是国务院1979年确认的我国第56个民族,至今仍依赖于歇农业即刀耕火种为生,自给自足的自然经济是他们主要经济形式。除在轮歇地内栽培少数几种作物外,基诺族的菜肴绝大部分采自其周围的林地、山野。本文记述了基诺族的传统食用植物179种,其中野菜类86种、野生水果类37种,栽培植物54种。  相似文献   

简要回顾了内蒙古二连盆地古近系研究的历史,介绍了最新的研究进展,同时对主要地点的位置以及地层发育情况进行了讨论,并针对不同地点或地区分析了二连盆地古近系划分对比中存在的问题,对化石产地的地名和岩石地层单位名称的使用提出了建议。  相似文献   

There are very few medical reports on the nomadic peoples of the world. In Nigeria such reports are nonexistent. The present work has looked at the distribution of ringworm infections among the Nigerian nomadic Fulani herdsmen. An examination of their infected herds of cattle revealed similarities in the species of dermatophytes isolated from the herdsmen and those isolated from their cattle. Some of the leaves of the plants that lined the cattle tracks normally used by both the herdsmen and their cattle yielded some of the species of dermatophytes isolated from the herdsmen and their cattle. The possible origins of the dermatophytes that caused the ringworm infections amongst the nomads are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and modification have been recognized as the most serious threats to biodiversity. In Croatia, the intensive human activities resulted in the landscape transformation, reduction of grassland areas and loss of species number. Increasingly threatened are the wild edible and medicinal plants which contribute remarkably to the biodiversity of different grassland types. In northeastern Croatia, one of the last remnants of the steppe-like grassland remained preserved in a very complex anthropogenic landscape. We examined the diversity of vascular plants occurring on this small habitat patch. Among the relatively high number of plant taxa (in a total of 177) found during the two years of investigations, most could be used both for human nutrition (28 taxa), and for the treatment of a wide range of diseases (60 taxa), while some taxa have nutritional value for livestock (17 taxa). All 23 recorded taxa with edible and medicinal properties are threatened in Croatia, 21 are threatened across Europe, and two are Red Listed taxa. Our results showed that small and isolated steppe-like grassland represents an important refuge for variety of valuable plant species in intensively used landscapes. Accordingly, such small habitats should be, at least locally, effectively protected.  相似文献   

Agricultural land use results in direct biodiversity decline through loss of natural habitat, but may also cause indirect cross-habitat effects on conservation areas. We conducted three landscape-scale field studies on 67 sites to test the hypothesis that mass flowering of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) results in a transient dilution of bees in crop fields, and in increased competition between crop plants and grassland plants for pollinators. Abundances of bumble-bees, which are the main pollinators of the grassland plant Primula veris, but also pollinate oilseed rape (OSR), decreased with increasing amount of OSR. This landscape-scale dilution affected bumble-bee abundances strongly in OSR fields and marginally in grasslands, where bumble-bee abundances were generally low at the time of Primula flowering. Seed set of Primula veris, which flowers during OSR bloom, was reduced by 20 per cent when the amount of OSR within 1 km radius increased from 0 to 15 per cent. Hence, the current expansion of bee-attractive biofuel crops results in transient dilution of crop pollinators, which means an increased competition for pollinators between crops and wild plants. In conclusion, mass-flowering crops potentially threaten fitness of concurrently flowering wild plants in conservation areas, despite the fact that, in the long run, mass-flowering crops can enhance abundances of generalist pollinators and their pollination service.  相似文献   

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