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Two distinct mitogenic modes coexist in thyroid epithelial cells. TSH via cAMP induces proliferation and differentiation expression, whereas growth factors including epidermal growth factor (EGF) induce proliferation and dedifferentiation. Divergent models of TSH/cAMP-dependent mitogenesis have emerged from different thyroid cell culture systems. In the FRTL-5 rat cell line, cAMP cross-signals with transduction pathways of growth factors to induce cyclin D1 and p21(cip1) and down-regulate p27(kip1). By contrast, in canine primary cultures, mitogenic pathways of cAMP and growth factors are fully distinct. cAMP does not induce D-type cyclins and p21, it up-regulates p27, and it stimulates the formation and activity of cyclin D3-cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 complexes. In primary cultures of normal human thyrocytes, EGF + serum increased cyclin D1 and p21 accumulation, and it stimulated the assembly and activity of cyclin D1-CDK4-p21 complexes. By contrast, TSH repressed or did not induce cyclin D1 and p21, and it rather up-regulated p27. TSH did not increase cyclin D1-CDK4 activity, but it stimulated the activating phosphorylation of CDK4 and the pRb-kinase activity of preexisting cyclin D3-CDK4 complexes. As recently demonstrated in dog thyrocytes and other systems, cyclin D1 and cyclin D3 differently oriented the site specificity of CDK4 pRb-kinase activity, which might differently impact some pRb functions. Cyclin D1 or cyclin D3 are thus differentially used in the distinct mitogenic stimulations by growth factors or TSH, and potentially in hyperproliferative diseases generated by the overactivation of their respective signaling pathways. At variance with dog thyroid primary cultures, rat thyroid cell lines might not be valid models of TSH-dependent mitogenesis of human thyrocytes.  相似文献   

Cyclins E1 drives the initiation of DNA replication, and deregulation of its periodic expression leads to mitotic delay associated with genomic instability. Since it is not known whether the closely related protein cyclin E2 shares these properties, we overexpressed cyclin E2 in breast cancer cells. This did not affect the duration of mitosis, nor did it cause an increase in p107 association with CDK2. In contrast, cyclin E1 overexpression led to inhibition of the APC complex, prolonged metaphase and increased p107 association with CDK2. Despite these different effects on the cell cycle, elevated levels of either cyclin E1 or E2 led to hallmarks of genomic instability, i.e., an increased proportion of abnormal mitoses, micronuclei and chromosomal aberrations. Cyclin E2 induction of genomic instability by a mechanism distinct from cyclin E1 indicates that these two proteins have unique functions in a cancer setting.  相似文献   

The proto-oncogene c-myc is a key player in cell-cycle regulation and is deregulated in a broad range of human cancers and cell proliferation disorders. Here we reported that overexpression of c-myc in human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HEL) that have low endogenous c-myc enriched S phase cells with increased expression of cyclin D3, E, A, Cdk2, and Cdk4, and decreased expression of p21 and p27. To the opposite, using RNAi to downregulate c-myc expression in A549 cells that have high endogenous c-myc enriched G1 phase cells with decreased expression of cyclin D3, E, A, Cdk2, Cdk4, and increased expression of p21 and p27. We found that cyclin A expression was the most susceptive to changes in c-myc levels and essential in c-myc-modulated cell cycle pathway via co-transfection, however, cyclin D1 showed no change between treated and control groups in either HEL or A549 cells. Our results indicated that upregulation of c-myc expression promotes cell cycling in HEL cells, whereas downregulation of c-myc expression causes G1 phase arrest in A549 cells, and the c-myc-mediated cell-cycle regulation pathway was dependent on cyclin A and involved cyclin D3, E, Cdk2, Cdk4, p21, and p27, but not cyclin D1.  相似文献   

Peritoneal B-1a cells differ from splenic B-2 cells in the molecular mechanisms that control G(0)-S progression. In contrast to B-2 cells, cyclin D2 is up-regulated in a rapid and transient manner in phorbol ester (PMA)-stimulated B-1a cells, whereas cyclin D3 does not accumulate until late G(1) phase. This nonoverlapping expression of cyclins D2 and D3 suggests distinct functions for these proteins in B-1a cells. To investigate the contribution of cyclin D3 in the proliferation of B-1a cells, we transduced p16(INK4a) peptidyl mimetics (TAT-p16) into B-1a cells before cyclin D3 induction to specifically block cyclin D3-cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 assembly. TAT-p16 inhibited DNA synthesis in B-1a cells stimulated by PMA, CD40L, or LPS as well as endogenous pRb phosphorylation by cyclin D-cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6. Unexpectedly, however, cyclin D3-deficient B-1a cells proliferated in a manner similar to wild-type B-1a cells following PMA or LPS stimulation. This was due, at least in part, to the compensatory sustained accumulation of cyclin D2 throughout G(0)-S progression. Taken together, experiments in which cyclin D3 was inhibited in real time demonstrate the key role this cyclin plays in normal B-1a cell mitogenesis, whereas experiments with cyclin D3-deficient B-1a cells show that cyclin D2 can compensate for cyclin D3 loss in mutant mice.  相似文献   

The cell cycle-regulatory protein, cyclin D1, is the sensor that connects the intracellular cell cycle machinery to external signals. Given this central role in the control of cell proliferation, it was surprising that mice lacking the cyclin D1 gene were viable and fertile. Fertility requires 17beta-estradiol (E2)-induced uterine luminal epithelial cell proliferation. In these cells E2 causes the translocation of cyclin D1/cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) from the cytoplasm into the nucleus with the consequent phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein. In cyclin D1 null mice, E2 also induces retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation and DNA synthesis in a normal manner. CDK4 activity was slightly reduced in the D1 null mice compared with wild-type mice. This CDK4 activity was due to complexes of cyclin D2/CDK4. Cyclin D2 was translocated into the nucleus in response to E2 in the cyclin D1-/- mice to a much greater degree than in wild-type mice. This cyclin D2/CDK4 complex was also able to bind p27kip1 in cyclin D1-/- uterine luminal epithelial cells, allowing for the activation of CDK2. Our data show that in vivo cyclin D2 can completely compensate for the loss of cyclin D1 and reinforces the conclusions that cyclin Ds are the central regulatory point in the proliferative responses of epithelial cells to estrogens.  相似文献   

D-type cyclins are involved in the regulation of the G1/S transition of the cell cycle in various cell types cultured in vitro. Little is, however, known about the expression pattern and functional role of D-type cyclins in physiological processes in vivo. In this report, we studied whether the expression of murine D-type cyclins correlates with the states of mouse uterine cell proliferation in vivo. Time-course changes in cyclin D1 and D3 mRNA levels in the uterine tissues of immature mice primed with 17β-estradiol (E2) were examined by Northern blot hybridization. c-fos and thymidine kinase (TK) mRNA levels were also examined as markers for the transition from G0 to G1 and the onset of S phase, respectively. Cyclin D1 and D3 mRNAs were induced 2.5-fold between c-fos and TK mRNA peaks. The E2-induced cyclin D1 and D3 gene expressions were blocked by antiestrogens tamoxifen and ICI 182,780. We also investigated the effects of cycloheximide (CHX), a protein synthesis inhibitor, on cyclin D1 and D3 gene expressions. When CHX was treated alone, cyclin D3, but not cyclin D1, mRNA was immediately superinduced. The E2-induced cyclin D3 gene expression was shifted by approximately 6 h when CHX was pretreated 1 hr before E2 administration. Interestingly, the 3H-thymidine incorporation experiment showed that the mouse uterine cell cycle progression also shifted by 6 hr with pretreatment of CHX. The overall results suggest that both cyclin D1 and D3 mRNAs are constitutively expressed in uterine tissues and induced by E2 at G1 phase of the mouse uterine cell cycle. However, the superinducibility and temporal shift of cyclin D3 by CHX suggest that there is a different regulatory mechanism underlying cyclin D1 and D3 gene expressions in the mouse uterine cell cycle progression. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:450–458, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood T-lymphocytes, normally resting at the G0 phase, were stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) to induce the cell division cycle. The cells were examined at 24-h intervals for up to 96 h by flow cytometry to determine cell cycle distributions and by electrorotation to determine dielectric properties. The average membrane specific capacitance was found to vary from 12 (+/-1.5) mF/m2 prior to stimulation to 10 (+/-1.5) and 16 (+/-3.5) mF/m2 at 24 and 48 h after stimulation, respectively, and to remain unchanged up to 96 h after stimulation. Scanning electron microscopy studies of the cells revealed an increased complexity in cell membrane morphology following stimulation, suggesting that the observed change in the membrane capacitance was dominated by the alteration of cell surface structures. The average electrical conductivity of the cell interior decreased from approximately 1.1 S/m prior to stimulation to approximately 0.8 S/m at 24 h after stimulation and showed little change thereafter. The average dielectric permittivity of the cell interior remained almost unchanged throughout the course of the cell stimulation. The percentage of T-lymphocytes in the S and G2/M phases increased from approximately 4% prior to stimulation to approximately 11 and approximately 34% at 24 and 48 h after stimulation, respectively. The large change in membrane specific capacitance between the 24 and 48 h time period coincided with the large alteration in the cell cycle distribution where the S and G2/M populations increased by approximately 23%. These data, together with an analysis of the variation of the membrane capacitance during the cell cycle based on the cell cycle-dependent membrane lipid accumulation, show that there is a correlation between membrane capacitance and cell cycle phases that reflects alterations in the cell plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Mouse thymocytes were separated into cortical and medullary subpopulations by differential agglutination with peanut agglutinin. A high-affinity receptor for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 is present in medullary immunocompetent mouse thymocytes and is absent from cortical immature cells. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, at physiological concentrations, inhibits the mitogenic response of the medullary cells to phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2, but has no effect on the cortical subpopulation. Other less active metabolites of vitamin D had little or no effect on medullary cell stimulation.  相似文献   

We analyzed whether the embryonic (E12.5-E14.5) mouse retina possesses genuine neural stem cells and how they respond to defined growth factors and extracellular matrix molecules. Whereas most combinations produced no or limited cell survival and proliferation in culture, FGF-2 plus heparin and laminin stimulated proliferation and the formation of aggregates composed, after two days, of 95.2% nestin-positive cells. However, cells in these aggregates could only be passaged poorly, lost nestin expression and proliferative capacity, and differentiated into neurons. Under the same conditions, olfactory bulb precursor cells divided efficiently and could be expanded. These data suggest that, in addition to FGF-2 and laminin, embryonic retinal neuroepithelial cells need additional extrinsic and/or intrinsic regulators to maintain cell proliferation and self-renewal.  相似文献   

The members of the Rho GTPase family are well known for their regulation of actin cytoskeletal structures. In addition, they influence progression through the cell cycle. The RhoA and RhoC proteins regulate numerous effector proteins, with a central and vital signaling role mediated by the ROCK I and ROCK II serine/threonine kinases. The requirement for ROCK function in the proliferation of numerous cell types has been revealed by studies utilizing ROCK-selective inhibitors such as Y-27632. However, the mechanisms by which ROCK signaling promotes cell cycle progression have not been thoroughly characterized. Using a conditionally activated ROCK-estrogen receptor fusion protein, we found that ROCK activation is sufficient to stimulate G1/S cell cycle progression in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Further analysis revealed that ROCK acts via independent pathways to alter the levels of cell cycle regulatory proteins: cyclin D1 and p21(Cip1) elevation via Ras and the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, increased cyclin A via LIM kinase 2, and reduction of p27(Kip1) protein levels. Therefore, the influence of ROCK on cell cycle regulatory proteins occurs by multiple independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that ras-mediated skin tumorigenesis depends on signaling pathways that act preferentially through cyclin D1 and D2. Interestingly, the expression of cyclin D3 inhibits skin tumor development, an observation that conflicts with the oncogenic role of D-type cyclins in the mouse epidermis. Here, we show that simultaneous up and downregulation of particular members of the D-type cyclin family is a valuable approach to reduce skin tumorigenesis. We developed the K5D3/cyclin D1−/− compound mouse, which overexpresses cyclin D3 but lacks expression of cyclin D1 in the skin. Similar to K5D3 transgenic mice, keratinocytes from K5D3/cyclin D1−/− compound mice show a significant reduction of cyclin D2 levels. Therefore, this model allows us to determine the effect of cyclin D3 expression when combined with reduced or absent expression of the remaining two members of the D-type cyclin family in mouse epidermis. Our data show that induced expression of cyclin D3 compensates for the reduced level of cyclin D1 and D2, resulting in normal keratinocyte proliferation. However, simultaneous ablation of cyclin D1 and downregulation of cyclin D2 via cyclin D3 expression resulted in a robust reduction in ras-mediated skin tumorigenesis. We conclude that modulation of the levels of particular members of the D-type cyclin family could be useful to inhibit tumor development and, in particular, ras-mediated tumorigenesis.Key words: cell cycle, D-type cyclins, skin, carcinogenesis, epidermis  相似文献   

Comment on: Hanse EA, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:2681-90.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that ras-mediated skin tumorigenesis depends on signaling pathways that act preferentially through cyclin D1 and D2. Interestingly, the expression of cyclin D3 inhibits skin tumor development, an observation that conflicts with the oncogenic role of D-type cyclins in the mouse epidermis. Here, we show that simultaneous up and downregulation of particular members of the D-type cyclin family is a valuable approach to reduce skin tumorigenesis. We developed the K5D3/cyclin D1-/- compound mouse, which overexpresses cyclin D3 but lacks expression of cyclin D1 in the skin. Similar to K5D3 transgenic mice, keratinocytes from K5D3/cyclin D1-/- compound mice show a significant reduction of cyclin D2 levels. Therefore, this model allows us to determine the effect of cyclin D3 expression when combined with reduced or absent expression of the remaining two members of the D-type cyclin family in mouse epidermis. Our data show that induced expression of cyclin D3 compensates for the reduced level of cyclin D1 and D2, resulting in normal keratinocyte proliferation. However, simultaneous ablation of cyclin D1 and downregulation of cyclin D2 via cyclin D3 expression resulted in a robust reduction in ras-mediated skin tumorigenesis. We conclude that modulation of the levels of particular members of the D-type cyclin family could be useful to inhibit tumor development and, in particular, ras-mediated tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Cyclin D2 is the only D-type cyclin expressed in mature mouse B-lymphocytes, and its expression is associated with retinoblastoma protein (pRB) and pRB-related protein phosphorylation and induction of E2F activity, as B-cells enter the cell cycle following stimulation via surface IgM and/or CD40. Cyclin D-dependent kinase activity is required for cell proliferation, yet cyclin D2(-/-) mice have normal levels of mature B-lymphocytes. Here we show that B-lymphocytes from cyclin D2(-/-) mice can proliferate in response to anti-IgM and anti-CD40, but the time taken to enter S-phase is longer than for the corresponding cyclin D2(+/+) cells. This is due to the compensatory induction of cyclin D3, but not cyclin D1, which causes pRb phosphorylation on CDK4-specific sites. This is the first demonstration that loss of a D-type cyclin causes specific expression and functional compensation by another member of the family in vivo and provides a rationale for the presence of mature B-lymphocytes in cyclin D2(-/-) mice.  相似文献   

The cyclin D-dependent kinase is a critical mediator of mitogen-dependent G1 phase progression in mammalian cells. Given the high incidence of cyclin D1 overexpression in human neoplasias, the nature and complexity of cyclin D complexes in vivo have been subjects of intense interest. Besides its catalytic partner, the nature and complexity of cyclin D complexes in vivo remain ambiguous. To address this issue, we purified native cyclin D1 complexes from proliferating mouse fibroblasts by affinity chromatography and began to identify and functionally characterize the associated proteins. In this report, we describe the identification of Hsc70 and its functional importance for cyclin D1 and cyclin D1-dependent kinase maturation. We demonstrate that Hsc70 associates with newly synthesized cyclin D1 and is a component of a mature, catalytically active cyclin D1/CDK4 holoenzyme complex. Our data suggest that Hsc70 promotes stabilization of newly synthesized cyclin D1, thereby increasing its availability for assembly with CDK4. In addition, our data demonstrate that Hsc70 remains bound to cyclin D1 following its assembly with CDK4 and Cip/Kip proteins, where it ensures the formation of a catalytically active complex.  相似文献   

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