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Frozen sections of tumors induced by injecting virally transformed cells into animals were stained for fibronectin by immunofluorescence. Many tumor cell lines do not express fibronectin in tumors in situ even though some of them express fibronection in culture. Cell shape and hormones appear to influence the expression of fibronectin in culture; however, it is nuclear how fibronection expression is regulated in vivo.  相似文献   

We report a novel computational method based on graph evolution process to model the malignancy of brain cancer called glioma. In this work, we analyze the phases that a graph passes through during its evolution and demonstrate strong relation between the malignancy of cancer and the phase of its graph. From the photomicrographs of tissues, which are diagnosed as normal, low-grade cancerous and high-grade cancerous, we construct cell-graphs based on the locations of cells; we probabilistically generate an edge between every pair of cells depending on the Euclidean distance between them. For a cell-graph, we extract connectivity information including the properties of its connected components in order to analyze the phase of the cell-graph. Working with brain tissue samples surgically removed from 12 patients, we demonstrate that cell-graphs generated for different tissue types evolve differently and that they exhibit different phase properties, which distinguish a tissue type from another.  相似文献   

Organ and tissue transplant is now the treatment of choice for many end stage diseases. In the recent years, there has been an increasing demand for organs but not a similar increase in the supply leading to a severe shortage of organs for transplant resulted in increasing wait times for recipients. This has resulted in expanded donor criteria to include older donors and donors with mild disease. In spite of implementation of more stringent criteria for donor selection, there continues to be some risk of donor derived malignancy. Malignancy after transplantation can occur in three different ways: (a) de-novo occurrence, (b) recurrence of malignancy, and (c) donor-related malignancy. Donor related malignancy can be either due to direct transmission of tumor or due to tumor arising in cells of donor origin. We will review donor related malignancies following solid organ transplantation and hematopoeitic progenitor cell transplantation. Further, we will briefly review the methods for detection and management of these donor related malignancies.  相似文献   

The endoscopic diagnosis of gastroesophageal malignancy. A cytologic review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytologic reports were compared to final diagnoses for 1,157 gastroesophageal samples from an eight-year period in order to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic cytology and to determine the significance of a "suspicious" cytologic report. In the subgroup of patients with adenocarcinoma evaluated by paired endoscopic biopsy and cytology, the relative and combined sensitivities of the sampling methods were studied. Cytologic examination was reported as positive or suspicious in 85% of 229 cases of malignancy. There were three false-positive diagnoses of squamous-cell carcinoma of the esophagus, representing 0.3% of all submitted samples. Suspicious cytologic reports were issued in 5% of all cases. The majority (63%) of patients with a suspicious cytologic report had a final diagnosis of malignancy, with gastric adenocarcinoma present in almost half of the cases. Adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 168 of the patients. Combined endoscopic biopsy and cytology was more sensitive (96%) than biopsy alone (90%) in making the initial diagnosis. Cytology may be of particular value in the diagnosis of gastroesophageal malignancy when the lesions are small and superficial or where stricture precludes adequate biopsy. Regardless of the biopsy findings, patients with "suspicious" cytologic reports require careful reevaluation since a high percentage of those cases in our series were subsequently verified as having malignancy.  相似文献   

Summary Using both normal and transformed rat liver epithelial cells to prepare cytoplasmic hybrids (cybrids) we have found evidence to support the theory that the cytoplasm from a normal cell can suppress tumorigenicity. A unique aspect of this study is that all of the cells utilized, both normal and malignantly transformed, were derived from an original cloned cell. We found that fusing cytoplasts from normal cells to malignantly transformed whole cells resulted in cybrid clones which, when injected into newborn rat pups, isogenic with those from which the cell culture was initiated, yielted tumors in 51% of the animals injected compared to 92% of the animals injected with the tumorigenic parent. Those animals that did develop tumors from the cybrid cells survived longer than those injected with cells from the tumorigenic parent. Thus, the cybrid, formed of cytoplasm from both parents, was less tumorigenic than the malignantly transformed parent cell. When reconstituted cells were prepared by fusing cytoplasts from normal cells with karyoplasts from malignantly transformed cells, a situation in which essentially all of the cytoplasm of the reconstituted cell is derived from normal cells, the tumorigenic phenotype was extinguished. This work was supported in part by United States Public Health Service grant CA12056, and grant CA09100 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. This work is partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for B.A.I.  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析首发癌为食管鳞癌的多原发癌(ESCCFPM)患者的肿瘤临床特点以及生存预后等临床信息,更好的了解食管鳞癌与其他癌症之间的联系,为指导临床诊治提供相应依据.方法:收集美国国立癌症研究所监测、流行病学和结果数据库(SEER) 2004年1月1日至2016年12月31日ESCCFPM患者临床资料,Kaplan...  相似文献   

A wide variety of alterations in cell and tissue structure still form the basis for cancer diagnosis by pathologists. Cancer development is recognized to be an evolutionary process [Foulds, 1954; Cairns, 1975; Nowell, 1976; Sager, 1982; Tomlinson et al., 1996; Cahill et al., 1999; Tomlinson and Bodmer, 1999], but the phenotypic changes diagnostic of cancer (pathologists' "criteria of malignancy") have not been integrated into the existing evolutionary framework. Since phenotypic changes bear an important relationship to the genetic and physiologic changes underlying Darwinian evolution, we propose that diagnostic structural alterations also bear an important and predictable relation to both the cancer genes and the functional alterations active at any particular step in the development of a cancer. Cancer genes are predicted to mediate the acquisition of cellular-level diagnostic criteria and the diagnostic cellular-level structural changes should reflect in a useful manner the altered cell physiology required for the cell to achieve increased "cellular fitness" at any particular step of colonal evolution. Tissue-level criteria of malignancy should relate less directly to specific cancer genes, but tissue-level criteria should still provide essential insight into the interplay of the altered cellular fitness with the constraints imposed by the cells' microenvironment. The evolutionary framework allows tissue-level criteria of malignancy to be expressed in terms of viable hypotheses for the mechanism of clonal expansion at any particular step in cancer development. This approach to conveying the tissue-level criteria of malignancy complements pattern recognition approaches to diagnosis, and establishes common ground between pathology and cell biology. When viewed from this perspective, the functions of cancer genes appear quite different from those predicted by the "Gatekeeper, Caretaker" or "Hallmarks of Cancer" models. Finally, a full evolutionary framework incorporating the criteria of malignancy restores congruity between the histogenetic classification and the emerging molecular classification of cancer.  相似文献   

Modern diffusion MR protocols allow one to acquire the multi-shell diffusion data with high diffusion weightings in a clinically feasible time. In the present work we assessed three diffusion approaches based on diffusion and kurtosis tensor imaging (DTI, DKI), and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) as possible biomarkers for human brain glioma grade differentiation based on the one diffusion protocol. We used three diffusion weightings (so called b-values) equal to 0, 1000, and 2500 s/mm2 with 60 non-coplanar diffusion directions in the case of non-zero b-values. The patient groups of the glioma grades II, III, and IV consist of 8 subjects per group. We found that DKI, and NODDI scalar metrics can be effectively used as glioma grade biomarkers with a significant difference (p < 0.05) for grading between low- and high-grade gliomas, in particular, for glioma II versus glioma III grades, and glioma III versus glioma IV grades. The use of mean/axial kurtosis and intra-axonal fraction/orientation dispersion index metrics allowed us to obtain the most feasible and reliable differentiation criteria. For example, in the case of glioma grades II, III, and IV the mean kurtosis is equal to 0.31, 0.51, and 0.90, and the orientation dispersion index is equal to 0.14, 0.30, and 0.59, respectively. The limitations and perspectives of the biophysical diffusion models based on intra-/extra-axonal compartmentalisation for glioma differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 将血液恶性肿瘤患者肠道菌群与健康个体进行比较,观察血液肿瘤患者肠道菌群结构的变化,探讨肠道菌群与血液恶性肿瘤发生发展的联系。方法 收集血液恶性肿瘤患者与健康志愿者粪便样品,提取样品中菌群总DNA,然后通过变性凝胶梯度电泳(DGGE)技术分析肠道菌群多样性和差异性。结果 血液恶性肿瘤组与健康组肠道菌群的DGGE指纹图谱有明显差异。与正常组相比,患者组肠道大肠埃希菌呈现过度增长趋势,有益菌柔嫩梭菌减少或缺失,某些患者肠道内一些细菌呈现特异性增长,如粪肠球菌、硫磺肠球菌、约氏不动杆菌等。结论 与健康对照组相比,血液恶性肿瘤患者肠道菌群结构与多样性发生改变,这可能为血液恶性肿瘤早期抗感染提供实验依据。  相似文献   

The process of natural selection acts both on individual organisms within a population and on individual cells within an organism as they develop into cancer. In this work, we have taken a first step toward understanding the differences in selection pressures exerted on the human genome under these disparate circumstances. Focusing on single amino acid substitutions, we have found that cancer‐related mutations (CRMs) are frequent in evolutionarily conserved sites, whereas single amino acid polymorphisms (SAPs) tend to appear in sites having a more relaxed evolutionary pressure. Those CRMs classed as cancer driver mutations show greater enrichment for conserved sites than passenger mutations. Consistent with this, driver mutations are enriched for sites annotated as key functional residues and their neighbors, and are more likely to be located on the surface of proteins than expected by chance. Overall the pattern of CRM and polymorphism is remarkably similar, but we do see a clear signal indicative of diversifying selection for disruptive amino acid substitutions in the cancer driver mutations. The ultimate consequence of the appearance of those mutations must be advantageous for the tumor cell, leading to cell population‐growth and migration events similar to those seen in natural ecosystems. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The lecture reviews some aspects of the work on the analysis of malignancy that have been, and are now being, pursued in the Dunn School. A brief outline of the early experiments that first demonstrated that the malignancy of mouse tumor cells can be suppressed by the fusion with normal cells is given, and then two areas of current interest in the laboratory are described. The first is an attempt to analyze the clinically important property of tumors to metastasize and the second is the work on the isolation and identification of an abnormal membrane glycoprotein present in tumor cells. In addition the value of cell fusion methods as a general test of hypotheses of malignancy is emphasized. Presented in the symposium on Gene Transfer, Differentiation and Neoplasia in Plant and Animal Cells at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Seattle, Washington, June 10–14, 1979. This symposium was supported in part by Grant CA 26748 from the National Cancer Institute, DHEW, and Grant RD-67 from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Objective:  There are a number of unresolved issues in endometrial cytology. They include the significance of nuclear atypia for the diagnosis of grade1 adenocarcinoma (G1AC) and atypical endometrial hyperplasia (AEH), cytological criteria of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, and recognition of stromal cell cluster (SC) and its distinction from epithelial cell cluster (EC).
Methods:  We examined nuclear atypia, SC and EC in typical cases of five categories: normal endometrium (NEM), simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia (SEH), complex endometrial hyperplasia without atypia (CEH), G1AC and grade2 adenocarcinoma (G2AC). We classified EC into four types: simple EC (SPEC), large regular EC (LREC), large irregular EC (LIEC) and small irregular EC (SIEC). Based on the results, we developed criteria of endometrial cytology and have evaluated 13 639 cases over 8 years.
Results:  Nuclear atypia was significantly more frequent in G2AC than in any of the other four categories ( P  <   0.001). SC was significantly more frequent in NEM and SEH than in the other three categories ( P  <   0.001). G1AC and G2AC showed significantly higher frequency of LIEC than the other three categories ( P  <   0.001). CEH exhibited significantly higher frequency of LREC than the four categories ( P  <   0.001). The sensitivity and the specificity was 88.8% and 99.0% respectively.
Conclusions:  We could diagnose G1AC, G2AC and CEH with high accuracy using the established criteria mainly based on SC and EC. We think that the criteria may facilitate an effective screening and an objective interpretation of endometrial samples.  相似文献   

Development of bioprocesses with mammalian cell culture deals with different bioreactor types and scales. The bioreactors might be intended for generation of cell inoculum and production, research, process development, validation, or transfer purposes. During these activities, not only the difficulty of up and downscaling might lead to failure of consistency in cell growth, but also the use of different bioreactor geometries and operation conditions. In such cases, criteria for bioreactor design and process transfer should be carefully evaluated in order to select appropriate cultivation parameters. In this work, power input, mixing time, impeller tip speed, and Reynolds number have been compared systematically for the cultivation of the human cell line AGE1.HN within three partner laboratories using five different bioreactor systems. Proper operation ranges for the bioreactors were identified using the maximal cell‐specific growth rate (μmax) as indicator. Common optimum values for process transfer criteria were found in these geometrically different bioreactors, in which deviations of μmax between cultivation systems can be importantly reduced. The data obtained in this work are used for process standardization and comparability of results obtained in different bioreactor systems, i.e. to guarantee lab‐to‐lab consistency for systems biology approaches using mammalian cells.  相似文献   

目的观察国产伏立康唑治疗恶性血液病患者侵袭性真菌感染(IFI)的临床疗效和安全性。方法以国产伏立康唑治疗6例发生于恶性血液病患者的侵袭性真菌感染,观察疗效及不良反应。结果6例患者中,有效4例,其中完全反应3例,部分反应1例。1例用药第6天出现低钾血症。结论国产伏立康唑是治疗恶性血液病患者侵袭性真菌感染的安全有效的药物,  相似文献   

Summary Three human melanoma cell lines derived from one primary and two metastatic tumors from three different patients were characterized for growth properties usually associated with malignant transformation; these include cell morphology, growth rate, saturation density, growth in semisolid media, colony-forming ability on contact-inhibited monolayers of normal fibroblasts and epithelial cells, and tumorigenicity in immunosuppressed mice. Variations in expression of aberrant properties were evident among the lines. One of the metastatic lines satisfied all the parameters of malignancy tested and the other showed a number of these properties, whereas the primary essentially fulfilled only one. These results suggest that cultured melanoma cells reflect the clinical variability often observed among melanoma patients and the metastatic melanoma seems to display a higher degree of malignant transformation than the primary. THis work was supported in part by USPHS Grant No. 5 T01 AI00332-06 from the National Institutes of Health, Contract E73-2001-N01-CP-3-3237 from the Virus Cancer Program of the National Cancer Institute, and USPHS Grant No. 0H00714-02 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.  相似文献   

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