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Seahorses and pipefishes are extremely fast suction feeders, and the fast strikes probably result in large and rapid pressure drops in the buccal cavity. These rapid drops in pressure imply heavy mechanical loading on the cranium; hence, the feeding apparatus is thought to experience high levels of stress. We used finite element analysis (FEA) to investigate where stress accumulates under strong suction pressure, and whether there is a difference in craniofacial stress distribution between long‐ and short‐snouted species. The expectation was that high stress levels would occur at the articulations and in the cartilaginous regions of the cranium, and that, given the same pressure, the skulls of long‐snouted species would exhibit lower stress levels than the skulls of short‐snouted species, as an evolutionary increase in snout length might have made these species structurally better adapted to deal with high suction pressures. The results partially support the first hypothesis: except for Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus, all models show peak stress concentrations at the articulations and cartilaginous regions. However, no simple relationship between snout length and the magnitudes of stress predicted by the FEA was found. In an attempt to explain this lack of a relationship, the methodology was evaluated by assessing the effect of hyoid position and model construction on the stress distribution. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 680–691.  相似文献   

Species-specific life-history information is critical for successful conservation, particularly in establishing an accurate baseline status. Obtaining such information is challenging for most species, but in particular for rare and threatened marine species. To facilitate future conservation of the endangered Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis) this study aimed to determine important life-history information for this species. Visible implant fluorescent elastomer (VIFE) tags were used to mark 78 seahorses within a residential marina estate in the Knysna estuary, South Africa, in February 2018. Using a mark-resight approach, the size and movement patterns of the population and growth rate of seahorses were determined over a 14-month period. The closed population estimate for H. capensis, within Thesen Islands Marina, was estimated to be 134 (118–152 95% C.I. ) in February 2018 compared to only 72 (48–108 95% C.I. ) in February 2019. The species showed rapid initial growth with males and females having similar rates of growth based on the specialised von Bertalanffy growth function model. The importance of Reno mattresses as a habitat for H. capensis was confirmed based on the high abundance and site fidelity of the population, which emphasises the conservation potential of heavily modified environments for threatened seahorse species. The use of VIFE tags was deemed effective in studying this endangered seahorse and allowed the collection of important information for this species which can be used in future Red List assessments and conservation actions.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to describe histological development of the European long‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus guttulatus, to increase understanding of the biology and physiology of the species. Most vital organs were present in juveniles by the time of their release from the male's pouch. Digestive tract specialization occurred at 89 effective day‐degrees (D°eff), corresponding to 15 days post partum (dpp), with development of the first intestinal loop and mucosal folding. At 118 D°eff (20 dpp), lipids were being mobilized from the liver and oocytes attained the perinuclear stage. The fovea emerged at 177 D°eff (30 dpp), contemporaneous with the shift from pelagic to benthic behaviour in juveniles. At this stage, the most interesting feature was the formation of the second intestinal loop. Male gonads were never observed during the study (from 0 to 354 D°eff; 0–60 dpp), but the first oogonia were present at 30 D°eff (5 dpp). In 354 D°eff (60 dpp) juveniles, oocytes were observed in a cortical alveoli stage, indicating maturity. Low digestive efficiency was observed at early stages, which was due to a poorly developed gastrointestinal tract and an immature digestive tract prior to 89 D°eff. The present study demonstrates that approximately 89 and 177 D°eff represent two important transitional stages in the early development of H. guttulatus. At a temperature of approximately 19 ± 1°C and an age of 1 month (177 D°eff), main organs were fully functional, suggesting that the adult phenotype was largely established by that age, with females becoming mature at the age of 2 months (354 D°eff).  相似文献   

Maximum gape is important to the ecology and evolution of many vertebrates, particularly gape‐limited predators, because it can restrict the sizes and shapes of prey that can be eaten. Although many cranial elements probably contribute to gape, it is typically estimated from jaw length or jaw width, or occasionally from a combination of these two measures. We measured maximum gape directly for 18 individuals of the western diamond‐backed rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox. We measured each individual's body length, several external cranial dimensions, several cranial osteological dimensions from cleaned skeletons, and we calculated gape index values from two published gape indices (GI). Cranial bone lengths and gape circumference showed negative allometry with snout–vent length (SVL), indicating that small individuals have relatively larger heads and gapes than their larger conspecifics. We then used Akaike's Information Criterion to determine which external and osteological measurements were the best predictors of gape. Body size (SVL) was the best predictor of maximum gape overall; however, when SVL was excluded from the analysis, quadrate (QL) and mandible lengths (MdLs) were the best predictors of maximum gape using both external and osteological measurements. Quadrate length probably contributes directly to gape; however, the importance of MdL to gape is less clear and may be due largely to its allometric relationships with head length and SVL. The two published GI did not prove to be better indicators of actual gape than the jaw and QLs in this study, and the gape values they produced differed significantly from our empirically determined gapes. For these reasons, we urge caution with the use and interpretation of computed GI in future studies. The extensive variation in quadrate and mandible morphology among lineages suggest that these bones are more important to variation in gape among species and lineages than within a single species. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To improve the understanding of the life history and ecology of one of Europe's most elusive fishes, the short‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus, data from wild populations in a shallow coastal lagoon in southern Portugal were analysed. The data were collected from 17 tagged seahorses on a focal‐study grid as well as from >350 seahorses encountered during underwater visual surveys and a fishery‐independent study using beach seines. These populations of settled juveniles and adults had a mean population density of 0·009 m?2. During the study period (2000–2004), reproduction peaked in July and August. Juveniles recruited to the lagoon at c. 66 mm standard length (LS) and 0·5 years of age and established small home ranges (0·8 to 18·2 m2). First reproduction was estimated at 100 mm and 1 year of age. Based on a fitted von Bertalanffy model, H. hippocampus grew quickly (growth coefficient K = 0·93) to a maximum theoretical size L = 150 mm and have a maximum lifespan of c. 3·2 years. Courtship behaviours were consistent with the maintenance of pair bonds and males brooded multiple batches of young per year. Estimated annual reproductive output averaged 871 young (±632). Together these analyses provide the first life‐history parameters for this species and indicate that H. hippocampus bears characteristics of opportunist and intermediate strategists. Such populations are predicted to exhibit large fluctuations in abundance, making them vulnerable to extended periods of poor recruitment.  相似文献   

The dorsal and pectoral fins are the primary locomotor organs in seahorses (Hippocampus) and pipefish (Syngnathus). The small dorsal fins beat at high oscillatory frequencies against the viscous medium of water. Both species are able to oscillate their fins at frequencies likely exceeding the point of flicker fusion for their predators, thus enhancing their ability to remain cryptic. High-speed video demonstrated that seahorse dorsal fins beat at 30-42 Hz, while pipefish dorsal fins oscillate at 13-26 Hz. In both species, the movement of the fin is a sinusoidal wave that travels down the fin from anterior to posterior. Mechanical properties of seahorse and pipefish dorsal fin muscles were tested in vitro by the work loop method. Maximum isometric stress was 176.1 kN/m(2) in seahorse and 111.5 kN/m(2) in pipefish. Work and power output were examined at a series of frequencies encompassing the range observed in vivo, and at a number of strains (percent length change during a contractile cycle) within each frequency. At a given strain, work per cycle declined with increasing frequency, while power output rose to a maximum at an intermediate frequency and then declined. Frequency and strain interacted in a complex fashion; optimal strain was inversely related to cycle frequency over most of the frequency range tested. Seahorse dorsal fin muscle was able to generate positive work at higher cycling frequencies than pipefish. Both species produced positive work at higher frequencies than have been reported for axial and fin muscles from other fish.  相似文献   

The Picini is composed of 26 species of woodpeckers from the old world that are grouped into seven genera. Given the absence of detailed studies on the cranial osteology of the Picini, the purpose of this study is to describe the cranial osteology of 14 species of Picini from six genera and to compare these species with each other, with other species of woodpeckers and with other bird groups. The results of the analysis of the bone structures of the skull of the Picini indicate that there are seven outstanding characteristic of bones involved in the functional mechanistics of the jaw apparatus. In the ossa cranii, these include the frontal overhang, the postorbital process, the extension of the parietal versus the frontal region and the temporal fossa. In the ossa faciei, these include the rostral expansion of the pterygoid, the ventral palatine fossa and the orbital process of the quadrate bone. For all of the structures associated with the cranial osteology of the investigated species, there is a clear distinction between the species of the genus Picus and the other species studied. Blythipicus rubiginosus, Chrysocolaptes lucidus, Reinwardtipicus validus, Gecinulus viridis and the species of the genus Dinopium exhibit additional particularities.  相似文献   

Although the gill‐arch osteology of Cypriniformes has been well studied, comparable works on gill‐arch musculature are scarce. The focus of previous studies has been on Cyprinidae while other families have received little or no attention. Consequently, generalizations for Cypriniformes have been made from the musculature of cyprinid gill‐arches. This study describes the gill‐arch musculature of a catostomid, the quillback Carpiodes cyprinus, and demonstrates that there are striking differences in the overall gill‐arch musculature of catostomids in comparison to cyprinids, especially in the dorsal gill‐arch region. Of the 23 muscles found in the dorsal gill‐arch region of cyprinids, only 13 were present in C. cyprinus. Muscles that are absent include adductores 1–5, levator internus 4, levator ceratobranchialis 5 accessorius, retractor ceratobranchialis 5 externus, retractor ceratobranchialis 5 internus, and the retractor ceratobranchialis 5 transversus. In the ventral gill‐arch region, the rectus communis is absent. The derived scrolling shape of the dorsal gill‐arch skeleton associated with food processing is likely related to the change in musculature. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify “Greeks” and “non‐Greeks” in “mixed” mortuary contexts in a Greek colony. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that Illyrian and Greek individuals lived and were buried together at the Corinthian colony of Apollonia, Albania (established ca. 600 BC). The pattern of human biological interaction at Apollonia is tested by identifying variation in genetic relatedness using biodistance analysis of dental and cranial nonmetric traits for three sites: Apollonia (n = 116), its founder‐city Corinth (n = 69), and Lofkënd (n = 108), an inland site near Apollonia pre‐dating colonization. Logistic regression analysis estimates that individuals from colonial Apollonia are most closely related to prehistoric Illyrian populations (from Lofkënd and prehistoric Apollonia), rather than Greeks (from Corinth). The phenotypic similarity between colonial Apollonia and prehistoric Illyria suggests that there was a large Illyrian contribution to the gene pool at the colony of Apollonia. However, some trait combinations show low biological distances among all groups, suggesting homogeneity among Illyrian and Greek populations (assessed through pseudo‐Mahalanobis' D2). The degree of phenotypic similarity suggests shared ancestry and long‐term migration throughout these regions. The impacts of missing data and small sample sizes are also considered. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:236–248, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Pattern of skull development and sexual dimorphism was studied in Cebus apella and Alouatta caraya using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics. In both species, sexual dimorphism develops because the common growth trajectory in males extends and because of differences in growth rates between sexes. The expectation that the ontogenetic bases of adult dimorphism vary interspecifically is well substantiated by this study. A. caraya exhibits transitional dimorphism in its subadult stage, although the condylobasal length, zygomatic breadth, and rostrum length are strongly dimorphic in the final adult stage, being greater in males. Most cranial measurements in C. apella exhibit significant dimorphism in the adult stage, being strongly influenced by a faster rate of growth in males. Sexual dimorphism is also evidenced through sex differences in growth rates in several cranial measurements. These results also indicate that different ontogenetic mechanisms are acting in C. apella and A. caraya and reveal differences in the way through which neotropical primates attain adult sexual dimorphism. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental variation over a species's range creates differing pressures to which organisms must adjust in order to survive. Taxa can respond to these pressures at population and individual levels, leading to localized phenotypic differentiation. Assessing the spatial distribution of phenotypic variation can illuminate how dramatically varying environmental factors shape phenotypes and may forecast a taxon's ability to adapt should conditions change. We characterized morphological variation along a transect sampled in the Grinnell Resurvey project to determine whether Gambel's white‐footed mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus gambelii), a generalist taxon inhabiting the full elevational range of habitats in Yosemite National Park and surrounding areas, has responded morphologically to variation in its environment. We quantified variation in modern P. m. gambelii cranial shape using 2D generalized Procrustes analysis and Euclidean distance matrix‐based geometric morphometrics. We performed multivariate regression of shape coordinates on elevation to test for environmental influences on shape within the principal geographic dimension of change along the transect. We observe a statistically significant correlation with shape on elevation for occlusal and lateral views of the cranium, explaining a small percentage of the overall variation in shape. Modern P. m. gambelii crania show a pattern of flexion in which the angle of the cranial base decreases at higher elevations. Results of EDMA parallel these findings, but highlight additional areas of the cranium that vary with elevation. Collectively, the patterns of variation detected suggest a biological response to the environment that warrants further study. This work lays the foundation for comparison with morphological data from historical specimens, which can address evolutionary scenarios generated from our findings, and for investigation of other taxa included in the resurvey project. J. Morphol. 271:897–909, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent interest in diagnoses and relationships between lineages of the alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) present conflicting patterns of molecular variation across the taxon's range. This study uses geometric morphometric techniques to test molecular hypotheses. We analyse alligator snapping turtle cranial variation amongst populations (i.e. drainages) with the hypothesis that populations of turtles recovered as monophyletic by previous molecular studies are more similar to each other in cranial shape. Dorsal, lateral and ventral cranial shape analyses corroborate the uniqueness of populations recovered by molecular genetic hypotheses. Additionally, analyses reveal near equal separation between drainages that were assigned to monophyletic clades by previous phylogenetic studies. These results reveal the potential for more independent lineages that have yet to be diagnosed, and unique cranial shapes are described for our three most heavily sampled drainages.  相似文献   

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