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Caudal courtship glands (CCGs) are sexually dimorphic glands described in the skin of the dorsal tail base of some male salamanders in the genera Desmognathus, Eurycea, and Plethodon in the family Plethodontidae. These glands are believed to deliver pheromones to females during courtship, when the female rests her chin on the dorsal tail base during the stereotypic tail straddling walk unique to plethodontids. Although CCGs have been studied histologically, no investigations of their ultrastructure have been made. This article presents the first study on the fine structure and seasonal variation of CCGs, using the plethodontid Plethodon cinereus. The CCGs vary seasonally in height and secretory activity. The mature secretory granules observed in males collected in October and April consist of oval, biphasic granules that are eosinophilic and give positive reactions to periodic acid‐Schiff for neutral carbohydrates but do not stain for acidic mucosusbtances or proteins with alcian blue and bromphenol blue, respectively. Granular glands, some of which contain mucous demilunes, are twice as large as CCGs, are syncytial (unlike CCGs), and stain for proteins. Mucous glands are similar in size to CCGs, but are basophilic, show no seasonal variation in secretory activity, and stain positive for acidic mucosubstances. CCGs do not resemble cytologically the sexually dimorphic mental glands of some plethodontids, which contain round or oval granules filled with an electron‐dense amorphous substance. The CCGs are similar histologically to sexually dimorphic skin glands described in some anurans, but more comparative work is needed. J. Morphol. 276:319–330, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Courtship in plethodontid salamanders includes the delivery of male courtship pheromones by two distinct modes. Within the eastern Plethodon clade of the tribe Plethodontini, members of the Plethodon cinereus species group use an ancestral ‘vaccination’ mode of delivery, while members of the P. glutinosus group use an olfactory delivery mode. In order to shed light on this transition in delivery mode, I observed courtship behavior in P. dorsalis, a species that is phylogenetically intermediate to the P. cinereus and P. glutinosus groups. My observations indicate that P. dorsalis also is intermediate to the P. cinereus and P. glutinosus species groups in terms of courtship behavior. The context of delivery of male courtship pheromones in P. dorsalis is similar to that of the P. cinereus species group; however, the mode of pheromone delivery in P. dorsalis is olfactory. Thus, a transition in the context of pheromone delivery underlies the more obvious change in pheromone delivery mode. I discuss these findings in terms of the evolution of courtship pheromone delivery across the eastern Plethodon clade. I also report the first observations of ‘premature’ spermatophore deposition by male plethodontids.  相似文献   

A recently presented model of tongue projection dynamics is used to generate a series of predictions concerning morphologies to be expected under selection for increased distance of projection, increased speed of projection, and increased directional versatility. A general understanding of biomechanical events and the model are used as points of departure for making specific predictions concerning details of structure in skeletal, muscular and connective tissue components of the tongue and associated structures. Comparative methods are used to examine these predictions in the genera of plethodontid salamanders. These salamanders are known to project their tongues to different degrees, and this knowledge is used to test the hypotheses concerning morphological specialization. Three distinct groups of plethodontid salamanders have evolved specializations for long distance projection, and these genera differ from one another in important ways in respect to specific character complexes. For example, the tropical genera and Hydromantes use CBII as the major force transmission element in the skeleton, while Eurycea and its allies use CBI in this role. Hydromantes differs from both in having a uniquely proportioned and structured hyobranchial skeleton and associated musculature. Less extreme specializations for tongue projection are found in different combinations in three other groups. Finally, two distinct groups of generalized species having only limited tongue projection capabilities are recognized, each having a unique complex of inter-related features. Each of these eight groups is recognized and characterized as a functional mode, and hypotheses concerning the biomechanical meaning of the character complexes of each are formulated.  相似文献   

We describe a striking new species of the lungless salamander family Plethodontidae from the Appalachian foothills of northern Georgia, USA. This miniature species, c . 25–26 mm (adult standard length), is so distinctive genetically and morphologically that we erect a new genus, the first new genus of amphibian described from the US in nearly 50 years. It is unique among plethodontids from eastern North America in displaying sexual colour dimorphism. Although certain miniaturized plethodontids exhibit a reduced number (four) of digits on the pes, this species possesses a full complement of five toes. A plethodontid phylogeny derived from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences places it in the tribe Spelerpini as the sister taxon to Eurycea . Genetic divergence between the new species and Eurycea for the nuclear gene Rag -1 (4.7%) is among the higher levels observed between long-established spelerpine genera (2.6–5.3%). This new form appears to be rare and is of immediate conservation concern.  相似文献   

Complete catalogs of courtship behavior are available for only seven of the 42 currently recognized species of Plethodon. Additional detailed studies of courtship behavior in Plethodon species are needed to analyze the evolution of courtship behavior in this genus. We investigated the courtship behavior of the Cumberland Plateau woodland salamander (Plethodon kentucki) and compared it to previous accounts of courtship in other Plethodon species. In the laboratory, we videotaped the complete courtship of 30 different P. kentucki pairs, which included 46 tail-straddling walks that resulted in spermatophore deposition. From a transition matrix of observed motor patterns, we constructed a flow diagram of significant motor-pattern transitions during courtship. In general, the courtship behavior of this species is very similar to that of other large eastern Plethodon; however, there are some notable differences. Prior to the tail-straddling walk, the male transfers courtship pheromone from his mental gland to the female's nasolabial grooves (via mental-gland tapping and ‘chin-to-chin’ behavior patterns) more frequently than in other Plethodon. In most courtships, the female initiates contact leading to the tail-straddling walk. Males exhibit a greater propensity to deposit multiple spermatophores per courtship (two deposited in 33% of courtships, three deposited in 10% of courtships, X = 1.53 spermatophores per courtship) than males of other plethodontids. Mean size of the spermatophore is smaller than in other large eastern Plethodon. Overall, the courtship behavior of this species is most similar to that of P. jordani.  相似文献   

Cranial skeletal morphology, ontogeny and variation are examined in five species of Thorius , a genus of diminutive plethodontid salamanders that are among the smallest, extant, tailed tetrapods. The skull of adull Thorius is characterized by: (1) limited development or absence of several ossified elements and dentition; (2) increased inter-and intraspecific variability; (3) novel morphological configurations of the braincase and jaw suspensorium. Posthatching cranial mineralization in all species of Thorius is truncated precociously with respect to that typical of larger and more generalized plethodontid genera, such as Pseudoeurycea. These features implicate paedomorphosis as a predominant mechanism responsible for the evolution of decreased size in Thorius from larger plethodontid ancestors. Interspecific differences in cranial morphology are evident; species may be characterized by greater or lesser degrees of truncated development. However, there is no consistent relationship between degree of paedomorphosis and mean adult body size in interspecific comparisons. Adult morphology of several individual elements represent potentially useful taxonomic characters for distinguishing species.
Reduction, increased variability, and morphological novelty are common to many lineages of dwarfed taxa. They represent a null hypothesis for examination of the developmental mechanisms and morphological consequences of miniaturization in other groups.  相似文献   

A new parsimony analysis of 27 complete mitochondrial genomic sequences is conducted to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of plethodontid salamanders. This analysis focuses on the amount of character conflict between phylogenetic trees recovered from newly conducted parsimony searches and the Bayesian and maximum likelihood topology reported by Mueller et al. (2004 ; PNAS, 101, 13820–13825). Strong support for Hemidactylium as the sister taxon to all other plethodontids is recovered from parsimony analyses. Plotting area relationships on the most parsimonious phylogenetic tree suggests that eastern North America is the origin of the family Plethodontidae supporting the “Out of Appalachia” hypothesis. A new taxonomy that recognizes clades recovered from phylogenetic analyses is proposed. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenies suggest the surprising reacquisition of posthatching metamorphosis within an otherwise direct-developing clade of lungless salamanders (family Plethodontidae). Metamorphosis was long regarded as plesiomorphic for plethodontids, yet the genus Desmognathus, which primarily includes metamorphosing species, is now nested within a much larger clade of direct-developing species. The extent to which the putative reacquisition of metamorphosis in Desmognathus represents a true evolutionary reversal is contingent upon the extent to which both larva-specific features and metamorphosis were actually lost during the evolution of direct development. In this study we analyze development of the hyobranchial skeleton, which is dramatically remodeled during salamander metamorphosis, in the direct-developing red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus. We find dramatic remodeling of the hyobranchial skeleton during embryogenesis in P. cinereus and the transient appearance of larva-specific cartilages. Hyobranchial development in this direct-developing plethodontid is highly similar to that in metamorphosing plethodontids (e.g., Desmognathus). The proposed reacquisition of hyobranchial metamorphosis within Desmognathus does not represent the "re-evolution" of a lost phenotype, but instead the elaboration of an existing developmental sequence.  相似文献   

Despite several recent studies, the phylogeny of plethodontid salamanders is not yet fully resolved and the phylogenetic positions of several key genera, especially Aneides, Hemidactylium, Hydromantes and Karsenia, are contentious. Here we present a combined dataset of complete mitochondrial genomes and three nuclear loci for 20 species (16 genera) of plethodontids, representing all major clades in the family. The combined dataset without mitochondrial third codon positions provides a fully resolved, statistically well-supported tree. In this topology two major clades are recovered. A northern clade includes Aneides, Desmognathus, Ensatina, Hydromantes, Karsenia, Phaeognathus and Plethodon, with Plethodon being the sister taxon to the rest of the clade. Hydromantes and Karsenia are sister taxa, and Aneides is recovered as the sister taxon to Ensatina. Desmognathus+Phaeognathus form the sister taxon to Aneides+Ensatina. An eastern/southern clade comprises two subclades. One subclade, the spelerpines (Eurycea, Gyrinophilus, Pseudotriton, Stereochilus, Urspelerpes) is the sister taxon to a subclade comprising Hemidactylium, Batrachoseps and the tropical plethodontids (represented by Bolitoglossa, Nototriton and Thorius). In this topology Hemidactylium is well-supported as the sister taxon to Batrachoseps. Only when mitochondrial third codon positions are included using maximum likelihood analysis is Hemidactylium recovered as the sister taxon to Batrachoseps+tropical genera. Hypothesis testing of alternative topologies supports these conclusions. On the basis of these results we propose a conservative taxonomy for Plethodontidae.  相似文献   

A karyological analysis was carried out on different European species of the genus Hydromantes (Plethodontidae). All the species examined share the same chromosome number (2n=28) and, with the exception represented by pair XIV, morphologically similar karyotypes. While the karyotypes display a similar distribution — mainly centromeric and pericentric — of C-heterochromatin, quantitative variations in pericentric heterochromatin are observed among species. In the continental species Hydromantes italicus and ambrosii as well as in the eastern Sardinian species imperialis, flavus and specie nova, pair XIV consists of heteromorphic sex chromosomes of the XX/XY type. It is proposed that the differentiation of the Y might have taken place through the occurrence of a structural rearrangement, such as a pericentric inversion, starting from a hypothetical, homomorphic pair XIV. A sex-related heteromorphism is not found in the western Sardinian species H. genei. A further karyological differentiation among these species concerns the position of the nucleolus organizing region (NOR), which is located on chromosome XII (H. italicus and ambrosii) or on chromosome X, close to the centromere (H. genei, H. imperialis and H. specie nova), or in an intercalary position (H. flavus). The location and the number of the 5 S DNA sites have been conserved during species divergence. On the basis of these karyological data, as well as of results obtained through a preliminary restriction enzyme analysis of the ribosomal and genomic DNAs, the phyletic relationships among the European Hydromantes species are discussed.  相似文献   

Lungless salamanders (Family Plethodontidae) form a highly speciose group that has undergone spectacular adaptive radiation to colonize a multitude of habitats. Substantial morphological variation in the otic region coupled with great ecological diversity within this clade make plethodontids an excellent model for exploring the ecomorphology of the amphibian ear. We examined the influence of habitat, development, and vision on inner ear morphology in 52 plethodontid species. We collected traditional and 3D geometric morphometric measurements to characterize variation in size and shape of the otic endocast and peripheral structures of the salamander ear. Phylogenetic comparative analyses demonstrate structural convergence in the inner ear across ecologically similar species. Species that dwell in spatially complex microhabitats exhibit robust, highly curved semicircular canals suggesting enhanced vestibular sense, whereas species with reduced visual systems demonstrate reduced canal curvature indicative of relaxed selection on the vestibulo‐ocular reflex. Cave specialists show parallel enlargement of auditory‐associated structures. The morphological correlates of ecology among diverse species reveal underlying evidence of habitat specialization in the inner ear and suggest that there exists physiological variation in the function of the salamander ear even in the apparent absence of selective pressures on the auditory system to support acoustic behavior.  相似文献   

Ribosomal 5S RNA, labelled with 125 I, was annealled to denatured spermatocyte chromosomes of salamanders from 11 different genera of the family Plethodontidae. The salamanders studied have genomes with 1, 2 or 3 gene clusters. Eleven sites are located interstitially on short chromosome arms; 3 are found interstitially on long arms; 5 sites are at centromeric regions and one is telomeric. — Salamanders from five genera of Neotropical plethodontids carry a 5S gene cluster on the short arm of a large asymmetric chromosome, presumably a linkage group that has remained stable since the divergence of these genera in Tertiary time. In Lineatriton lineola this short arm is heterochromatic during pachytene and it shows a high incidence of chiasma failure at the first meiotic metaphase, contrasting with the situation found in two other species. The localization and number of 5S gene sites is consistent with the proposed phylogeny of these Neotropical genera by Wake and Lynch (1976).  相似文献   

Regional variation in the vertebral column of several species of salamanders (families Ambystomatidae, Salamandridae and Plethodontidae) is analyzed. Measurements of three dimensions, centrum length, prezygapophyseal width, and transverse process length, provide the data. Ontogenetic, interspecific, intergeneric and interfamilial patterns of positional variation are diagrammed and discussed. Distinctive patterns of variation characterize the families, genera, and to a lesser extent, the species. The patterns of ambystomatid salamanders are the most generalized, and probably reflect derivation from a primitive ancestral stock. The most specialized conditions occur in the fully terrestrial plethodontids, a group generally considered to be highly derived. Data such as those presented here will aid in the identification of fossils. The patterns described have functional significance. For example, species which have an aquatic larval stage and which return to aquatic breeding sites have vertebrae which taper in length and width behind the pelvis. This is a feature associated with production of a traveling wave in the tail which is necessary for propulsion in water. Fully terrestrial species do not have a tapering column. In them, standing waves, such as occur in the trunk region of all species, typically occur in the tail. The caudal vertebrae of terrestrial species are rather uniform in dimensions for some distance, and the tail is cylindrical in form. Other functionally important features include the narrowing and shortening of some anterior vertebrae, associated with the development of a neck in some species with tongue feeding mechanisms. In contrast, species which use their heads as wedges during locomotion have broadened anterior vertebrae which serve as sites of origin for hypertrophied neck muscles.  相似文献   

Polysiphonia sensu lato comprises approximately 200 species, which are currently assigned to several different genera. To date, one of these genera, namely, Polysiphonia, has been reported to have 17 species. Here, we describe for the first time P. freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. from Uljin and Ulleung Island, Korea, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Polysiphonia freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. are characterized by having the typical Polysiphonia features. Polysiphonia freshwateri sp. nov. is further characterized by having abundant trichoblasts, conspicuous scar cells, and tetrasporangia arranged in spiral series. Polysiphonia koreana sp. nov. is further characterized by having very scarce scar cells placed between two pericentral cells, from which cicatrigenous branches arise. The results of our rbcL sequence analyses support the taxonomic placement of P. freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. within Polysiphonia.  相似文献   

Chromosomal variation in the plethodontid salamander genus Aneides was analyzed using C-banding, to visualize heterochromatin distribution, as well as silver and fluorochrome banding, to reveal nucleolus organizer regions. Evidence is presented that Aneides has undergone pronounced karyological divergence from a Plethodon-like ancestor. It is concluded that this divergence reflects accelerated rates of chromosomal rearrangements in Aneides relative to Plethodon. These rearrangements have involved mainly pericentric inversions that have occurred in one or more of the three smallest pairs of chromosomes in the karyotype. Karyological variation within and between species of Aneides was used to analyze phylogenetic relationships within the genus. This analysis revealed at least two karyologically distinct species that had not been previously recognized by morphological criteria.  相似文献   

The wood anatomy of all four woody genera of the tribe Heteromorpheae (Apiaceae, subfamily Apioideae) has been described and compared, based on 40 wood samples (representing nine species of Anginon, one species of Glia, three species of Heteromorpha and two species of Polemannia). The four genera were found to be relatively similar in their wood anatomy. Helical thickenings on the vessel walls occur in all species investigated and appear to represent an ancestral character state and a symplesiomorphy for the tribes Bupleurieae and Heteromorpheae. Each of four genera has a diagnostically different combination of character states relating to the diameter of vessels, size of intervessel pits, length of fibres, presence and arrangement of banded axial parenchyma, size of rays and ray cells, and presence of septate fibres and crystals in the ray cells. The occurrence of marginal axial parenchyma in Anginon and Glia may be an additional synapomorphy for these taxa. Variation in the wood anatomy of 31 samples from nine species of Anginon is not correlated with habitat (Fynbos or Succulent Karoo Biomes), but instead appears to reflect adaptations to seasonal aridity found in both ecosystems. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 569–583.  相似文献   

Widespread population declines in terrestrial Plethodon salamanders occurred by the 1980s throughout the Appalachian Mountains, the center of global salamander diversity, with no evident recovery. We tested the hypothesis that the historic introduction and spread of the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) into the eastern US was followed by Plethodon population declines. We expected to detect elevated prevalence of Bd prior to population declines as observed for Central American plethodontids. We tested 1,498 Plethodon salamanders of 12 species (892 museum specimens, 606 wild individuals) for the presence of Bd, and tested 94 of those for Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bs) and for ranavirus. Field samples were collected in 2011 from 48 field sites across a 767 km transect. Historic samples from museum specimens were collected at five sites with the greatest number and longest duration of collection (1957–987), four of which were sampled in the field in 2011. None of the museum specimens were positive for Bd, but four P. cinereus from field surveys were positive. The overall Bd prevalence from 1957–2011 for 12 Plethodon species sampled across a 757 km transect was 0.2% (95% CI 0.1–0.7%). All 94 samples were negative for Bs and ranavirus. We conclude that known amphibian pathogens are unlikely causes for declines in these Plethodon populations. Furthermore, these exceptionally low levels of Bd, in a region known to harbor Bd, may indicate that Plethodon specific traits limit Bd infection.  相似文献   

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