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Summary High cell density is required for high procollagen expression (50% of total protein synthesis) in primary avian tendon (PAT) cells but the signaling mechanism that triggers this response has been difficult to decipher. By using a quantitative in situ hybridization assay for procollagen mRNA, cell density dependent changes in procollagen expression can be followed at the single cell level. PAT cells can then be shown to respond to the presence of their neighbors over ∼1-mm distance. The cell density signal remains effective independent of the medium volume to cell ratio but becomes sensitive to dispersion and dilution when the medium is agitated. PAT cells respond to a reduction in cell density, when neighboring cells are scraped away, by outgrwoth (∼1 mm) and reestablishment of a cell density gradient in cellular procollagen mRNA levels. However, removing neighboring cells while preventing migration off of their own extracellular matrix retards the drop in procollagen mRNA levels. The evidence, taken as a whole, is consistent with a model whereby the cell density signal is a loosely bound component of the cell layer thereby restricting its diffusion to two dimensions but making it susceptible to dispersion by medium agitation. This work was supported in part by grant CA 37958 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and in part by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Washington, DC, under contract DE-AC03-76SF00098.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell signaling mediated by a fatty acid diffusible signaling factor (DSF) is central to the regulation of the virulence of Xylella fastidiosa. DSF production by X. fastidiosa is dependent on rpfF and, although required for insect colonization, appears to reduce its virulence to grape. To understand what aspects of colonization of grape are controlled by DSF in X. fastidiosa and, thus, those factors that contribute to virulence, we assessed the colonization of grape by a green fluorescent protein-marked rpfF-deficient mutant. The rpfF-deficient mutant was detected at a greater distance from the point of inoculation than the wild-type strain at a given sampling time, and also attained a population size that was up to 100-fold larger than that of the wild-type strain at a given distance from the point of inoculation. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy revealed that approximately 10-fold more vessels in petioles of symptomatic leaves harbored at least some cells of either the wild type or rpfF mutant when compared with asymptomatic leaves and, thus, that disease symptoms were associated with the extent of vessel colonization. Importantly, the rpfF mutant colonized approximately threefold more vessels than the wild-type strain. Although a wide range of colony sizes were observed in vessels colonized by both the wild type and rpfF mutant, the proportion of colonized vessels harboring large numbers of cells was significantly higher in plants inoculated with the rpfF mutant than with the wild-type strain. These studies indicated that the hypervirulence phenotype of the rpfF mutant is due to both a more extensive spread of the pathogen to xylem vessels and unrestrained multiplication within vessels leading to blockage. These results suggest that movement and multiplication of X. fastidiosa in plants are linked, perhaps because cell wall degradation products are a major source of nutrients. Thus, DSF-mediated cell-to-cell signaling, which restricts movement and colonization of X. fastidiosa, may be an adaptation to endophytic growth of the pathogen that prevents the excessive growth of cells in vessels.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Bone development (modeling) occurs by migration, aggregation, and condensation of immature osteo/chondroprogenitor cells to form the cartilaginous anlage. This process requires precisely controlled cell-cell interactions. Likewise, bone remodeling in the adult skeleton is a dynamic process that requires coordinated cellular activities among osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts to maintain bone homeostasis. The cooperative nature of both bone modeling and remodeling requires tightly regulated mechanisms of intercellular recognition and communication that permit the cells to sort and migrate, synchronize activity, equalize hormonal responses, and diffuse locally generated signals. Osteoblasts and osteocytes achieve these interactions through cadherin-based adherens junctions as well as by formation of communicating junctions, gap junctions. This review examines the current knowledge of how direct cell-to-cell interactions modulate osteoblast function.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species signaling in response to pathogens   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Pathogenic gut bacteria, such as those comprising the Enterobacteriaceae family, have evolved sophisticated virulence mechanisms, including nutrient and chemical sensing, to escape host defense strategies and produce disease. In this review we describe the mechanisms utilized by the enteric pathogen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 to achieve successful colonization of its mammalian host.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens use effector proteins to manipulate their hosts to propagate infection. These effectors divert host cell signaling pathways to the benefit of the pathogen and frequently target kinase signaling cascades. Notable pathways that are usurped include the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, and p21-activated kinase (PAK) pathways. Analyzing the functions of pathogenic effectors and their intersection with host kinase pathways has provided interesting insights into both the mechanisms of virulence and eukaryotic signaling.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell interactions during synaptogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  



The discovery of markers to identify the intestinal stem cell population and the generation of powerful transgenic mouse models to study stem cell physiology have led to seminal discoveries in stem cell biology.

Scope of review

In this review we give an overview of the current knowledge in the field of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) highlighting the most recent progress on markers defining the ISC population and pathways governing intestinal stem cell maintenance and differentiation. Furthermore we review their interaction with other stem cell related pathways. Finally we give an overview of alteration of these pathways in human inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases.

Major conclusions

We highlight the complex network of interactions occurring among different pathways and put in perspective the many layers of regulation that occur in maintaining the intestinal homeostasis.

General significance

Understanding the involvement of ISCs in inflammatory diseases can potentially lead to new therapeutic approaches to treat inflammatory GI pathologies such as IBD and celiac disease and could reveal the molecular mechanisms leading to the pathogenesis of dysplasia and cancer in inflammatory chronic conditions. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Biochemistry of Stem Cells.  相似文献   

Vasopressin-mediated mitogenic signaling in intestinal epithelial cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of G protein-coupled receptorsand their ligands in intestinal epithelial cell signaling andproliferation is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that argininevasopressin (AVP) induces multiple intracellular signal transductionpathways in rat intestinal epithelial IEC-18 cells via aV1A receptor. Addition of AVP to these cells induces arapid and transient increase in cytosolic Ca2+concentration and promotes protein kinase D (PKD) activation through aprotein kinase C (PKC)-dependent pathway, as revealed by in vitrokinase assays and immunoblotting with an antibody that recognizesautophosphorylated PKD at Ser916. AVP also stimulates thetyrosine phosphorylation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinaseproline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) and promotes Src family kinasephosphorylation at Tyr418, indicative of Src activation.AVP induces extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK)-1(p44mapk) and ERK-2 (p42mapk) activation, aresponse prevented by treatment with mitogen-activated protein kinasekinase (MEK) inhibitors (PD-98059 and U-0126), specific PKC inhibitors(GF-I and Ro-31-8220), depletion of Ca2+ (EGTA andthapsigargin), selective epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tyrphostin AG-1478, compound 56), or theselective Src family kinase inhibitor PP-2. Furthermore, AVP acts as apotent growth factor for IEC-18 cells, inducing DNA synthesis and cellproliferation through ERK-, Ca2+-, PKC-, EGFR tyrosinekinase-, and Src-dependent pathways.



肠道微生物群是复杂的微生态系统的组成部分, 参与机体一系列重要的生理过程。健康微生物群在稳态条件下的一个关键功能是抵抗外界病原体的定植, 称为定植抗性。抗生素和质子泵抑制剂的使用, 可引起菌群组成的改变和定植抗性的减弱, 从而为病原体在肠道定植提供了机会, 最终导致感染。细菌性肠道感染是全球疾病的主要原因。肠道微生物群提供定植抗性的机制尚未完全阐明, 但主要分为直接机制和间接机制, 包括抗菌产物的分泌、营养竞争、肠道屏障完整性和免疫反应。本文将从以上几个方面探讨肠道微生物群介导的对肠道病原体的定植抗性。


Summary An attempt was made to label injured cardiac muscle cells by exposing them to two electron-opaque tracers, ruthenium red and lanthanum nitrate. To do this, false tendons of sheep hearts containing strands of Purkinje fibers were sectioned, allowed to heal, and then exposed to the tracer during fixation. After this treatment, a group of cells near the cut end were found to be labelled intracellularly with the tracers while the remaining cells in the strand were unlabelled.For comparison, several false tendons were fixed briefly in glutaraldehyde before being cut and then exposed to the tracer. With lanthanum, the results were similar to those obtained when the cells had been damaged prior to fixation. However, when ruthenium red was used as the tracer, it penetrated much further into the cellular strand, its intensity gradually diminishing with distance from the cut end. This finding of apparent dye-coupling in fixed tissue was surprising since it has been suggested that glutaraldehyde fixation converts all communicating junctions to the uncoupled state.Dye-coupling of fixed tissue with ruthenium red as a tracer was seen also in frog atrial trabeculae.Gap junctions between injured (and presumably uncoupled) sheep heart Purkinje cells were compared to gap junctions between uninjured control cells in thin sections. No difference was detected.  相似文献   

Humans have an important association with their intestinal microbial flora. The microbial flora helps to shape the mammalian innate immune system, absorbs nutrients, and plays an intricate role on intestinal development. Microbes and mammals communicate with each other through an array of hormone and hormonelike chemical compounds. These "signals," however, are hijacked by bacterial pathogens, such as enterohemorrhagic Eschrichia coli (EHEC), to activate its virulence genes, colonize the host, and start the disease process. This review explores the cell-to-cell signaling events in the gastrointestinal tract that lead EHEC to regulate its virulence genes in a coordinate manner.  相似文献   

An early signaling event activated by amino acids and growth factors in many cell types is the phosphorylation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR; FRAP), which is functionally linked to ribosomal protein s6 kinase (p70(s6k)), a kinase that plays a critical regulatory role in the translation of mRNAs and protein synthesis. We previously showed that intestinal cell migration, the initial event in epithelial restitution, is enhanced by l-arginine (ARG). In this study, we used amino acids as prototypic activators of mTOR and ARG, IGF-1, or serum as recognized stimulators of intestinal cell migration. We found that 1) protein synthesis is required for intestinal cell migration, 2) mTOR/p70(s6k) pathway inhibitors (rapamycin, wortmannin, and intracellular Ca(2+) chelation) inhibit cell migration, 3) ARG activates migration and mTOR/p70(s6k) (but not ERK-2) in migrating enterocytes, and 4) immunocytochemistry reveals abundant p70(s6k) staining in cytoplasm, whereas phospho-p70(s6k) is virtually all intranuclear in resting cells but redistributes to the periphery on activation by ARG. We conclude that mTOR/p70(s6k) signaling is essential to intestinal cell migration, is activated by ARG, involves both nuclear and cytoplasmic events, and may play a role in intestinal repair.  相似文献   

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