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We analyzed the regulation of immunoglobulin (Ig) production in short-term cultures of human (rib) bone marrow cells. In contrast to blood or tonsil cell cultures, large quantities of IgG and IgA, but not IgM, were secreted by unstimulated marrow cells. The addition of pokeweed mitogen or phytohemagglutinin resulted in the suppression of this Ig secretion. Both mitogens induced the production of high levels of interleukin 2 (IL 2) in marrow cultures, and the addition of IL 2 alone mimicked the suppressive effect of mitogens. Incubation of marrow cells with Epstein Barr virus resulted in enhanced Ig secretion, primarily of the IgM isotype. The addition of mitogen or IL 2 suppressed Ig production in these cultures as well. The mitogen-induced suppression of Ig secretion in stimulated or unstimulated marrow cultures was inhibited by the monoclonal anti-TAC (IL 2 receptor) antibody. Cell separation experiments indicated that the induction of suppressor activity in marrow cultures involved two distinct populations of marrow-resident T lineage cells. The first population responds to activation by mitogens with the production of IL 2. This population has a surface phenotype appropriate for helper T cells. The second T cell population expresses T8 and TAC determinants. These cells acquire suppressor cell activity after exposure to IL 2. The expression of suppressor function does not require additional (e.g., mitogenic) activation signals. The IL 2-dependent marrow suppressor T cells represent a newly recognized T lymphocyte subset. The regulatory pathway delineated may be important for the regulation of antibody formation in bone marrow, the major site of Ig production in man.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying the vascular differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells (HBMSCs) and their contribution to neovascularisation are poorly understood. We report the essential role of cell density-induced signals in directing HBMSCs along endothelial or smooth muscle lineages. Plating HBMSCs at high density rapidly induced Notch signaling, which initiated HBMSC commitment to a vascular progenitor cell population expressing markers for both vascular lineages. Notch also induced VEGF-A, which inhibited vascular smooth muscle commitment while consolidating differentiation to endothelial cells with cobblestone morphology and characteristic endothelial markers and functions. These mechanisms can be exploited therapeutically to regulate HBMSCs during neovascularisation.  相似文献   

Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) are multipotent cells capable of differentiating toward osteoblatic and adipocytic phenotypes. BM-MSCs play several key roles including bone remodeling, establishment of hematopoietic niche and immune tolerance induction. Here, we investigated the effect of resveratrol (RSV), a therapeutically promising natural polyphenol, on the commitment of human BM-MSCs primary cultures. Cell differentiation was evaluated by means of morphological analysis, specific staining and expression of osteogenic and adipocytic master genes (Runx-2, PPARγ). To maintain BM-MSC multipotency, all experiments were performed on cells at very early passages. At any concentration RSV, added to standard medium, did not affect the phenotype of confluent BM-MSCs, while, when added to osteogenic or adipogenic medium, 1 μM RSV enhances the differentiation toward osteoblasts or adipocytes, respectively. Conversely, the addition of higher RSV concentration (25 μM) to both differentiation media resulted exclusively in BM-MSCs adipogenesis. Surprisingly, the analysis of RSV molecular effects demonstrated that the compound completely substitutes insulin, a key component of adipogenic medium. We also observed that RSV treatment is associated to enhanced phosphorylation of CREB, a critical effector of insulin adipogenic activity. Finally, our observations contribute to the mechanistic elucidation of the well-known RSV positive effect on insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

A study was made of the regulatory effect of human bone marrow cells in two experimental systems: lymphocyte proliferation in response to PHA, and spontaneous and PHA-induced production of macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) by peripheral blood lymphocytes. It was shown that bone marrow cells inhibit the proliferative activity of stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes and induced MIF production. The effect of bone marrow cells on spontaneous MIF production was found to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

A method of obtaining monospecific antiserum to the human secretory IgA is described. Immunochemically pure secretory IgA (isolated from human colostrum by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and gel-filtration on Sephadex G-200) was used for immunization of rabbits or sheep. Heterologous antibodies were removed by adsorption with commercial gamma globulin, normal serum, the serum of a patient suffering from A-myeloma with the IgA polymere and purified lactoferrin. Monospecific antiserum to the secretory IgA gave a reaction of complete immunological identity with the secretory IgA and a free secretory component.  相似文献   

Aberrant immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in scid mouse bone marrow cells   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We have analyzed Ig gene rearrangement in the immunodeficient mutant mouse, CB-17 scid. Bone marrow stem cells from scid mice were cultured in the in vitro culture system of Whitlock and Witte. Ig gene rearrangement in the scid cells was studied by DNA cloning. Seven DNA clones of Ig H chain JH and DH regions were analyzed by DNA sequencing, and all the clones contained a failure in D-J joining. In the rearranged structure, both DH and JH coding sequences are either partly or completely deleted. Molecular mechanisms causing the aberrant DNA rearrangement are discussed.  相似文献   

Rhythms in human bone marrow and blood cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In 24h studies of bone marrow (BM), circadian stage-dependent variations were demonstrated in the proliferative activity of BM cells from subsets of 35 healthy diurnally active men. On an average, the percentage of total BM cells in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis phase was 188% greater at midday than at midnight (circadian rhythm: p = 0.018; acrophase or peak time of 13: 16h). Patients with malignant disease (n = 15) and a normal cortisol circadian rhythm showed higher fractions of BM cells in S-phase at midday. Colony-forming units--granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM), an indicator of myeloid progenitor cells, showed the same circadian variation as DNA S-phase (average range of change or ROC = 136%; circadian rhythm: p < 0.001; acrophase of 12:09h). Deoxyribonucleic acid S-phase and CFU-GM in BM both showed a circannual rhythm (p = 0.015 and 0.008) with an identical acrophase of August 12. The daily peak in BM glutathione content, a tripeptide involved in cellular defense against cytotoxic damage, preceded BM proliferative peaks by 4-5 h (ROC = 31-90%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.05; acrophase of 08:30h). Myeloid (ROC = 57%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.056; acrophase at 08:40h) and erythroid (ROC = 26%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.01; acrophase of 13:01h) precursor cells were positively correlated (r = 0.41; p < 0.001), indicating a circadian temporal relationship and equal influence on S-phase of total BM cells. Yield of positive selected CD34+ progenitor stem cells also showed significant circadian variation (ROC = 595%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.02; acrophase of 12:40h). Thus, the temporal synchrony in cell cycling renders BM cells more sensitive at specific times to hematopoietic growth factors and cell cycle-specific cytotoxic drugs. Moreover, proper timing of BM harvesting may improve progenitor cell yield. When using marker rhythms in the blood to allow for individualized timing of BM procedures, the times of low values in white blood corpuscles, neutrophils, and lymphocytes and high values in cortisol were predictive of the times of highest BM erythroid, myeloid, and total S-phase numbers occurring in the following 12 h.  相似文献   

Human lymphoid cells that have been incubated with conditioned medium from confluent monolayers of human thymic epithelium (HTCM) show an increase in cells forming rosettes with sheep erythrocytes at 4 degrees C (E-rosettes). Those cells demonstrating this in vitro conversion have been interpreted to be T-cell precursors. Separation of human bone marrow cells on discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradients, and on a single-step 23% BSA gradient showed enrichment of these T-precursor cells, not only in bone marrow, but also in human foetal liver cells. Bone marrow precursor cells from a patient with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (T-cell deficiency) showed a normal in vitro response to HTCM, but no response was seen in cells from a patient with severe combined immunodeficiency disease.  相似文献   

The viability of cryopreserved human cadaveric bone marrow cells was studied using methylcellulose clonal cell culture assays. This is the first study done to reveal the persistence of hemopoietic proliferative and differentiative functions using the methylcellulose clonal cell assay in cryopreserved human cadaveric bone marrow cells which are several hours postmortem. Studies of cryopreserved human cadaveric bone marrows corresponded with those of murine bone marrows. These results strongly suggest that several hours postmortem human cadaveric bone marrow cells can be cryopreserved and may be useful for transplantation.  相似文献   

It was shown using complement-dependent cytolysis and monoclonal antibodies against CD4, CD8, and NK1.1 antigens that the cortisone-resistant CD3+4-8-NK1.1(-)-thymocytes spontaneously secreted a chemotactic transmitter inducing the release and directed migration of bone marrow cells. When estimating the general profile of the cytokines of these thymocytes by PCR with revertase, it was demonstrated the cells in question did not express cytokines with colony stimulating activities (SCF, IL-3, or GM-CSF) or cytokines affecting the migration of bone marrow stem elements (IL-2, 4, or 7). In addition, an active expression of gene bcl-2 was detected. Thus, the chemotactic cytokine inducing the release of bone marrow stem elements is a product of the cortisone-resistant long-living CD3+4-8-NK1.1(-)-T-cells of the thymus.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence studies were performed on bone marrow samples from 21 individuals with normal or slightly elevated serum IgG levels. On the average, 40.7 percent of the IgG-positive plasma cells contained molecules of the subclass IgG; 30.6 percent had intracellular IgG2; 21.7 percent, IgG3, and 7.0 percent, IgG4. These figures were compared to the relative serum IgG subclass concentrations. The principal finding was the discrepancy between the high relative number of IgG-3 producing bone marrow plasma cells and the low relative IgG3-producing bone marrow plasma cells and the low relative IgG3 serum concentration (5.5 percent of the total IgG). It was explained by the short biologic half-life of molecules of this subclass.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from the bone marrow and peripheral blood of the same normal individuals were assayed simultaneously for blast transformation as well as polyclonal activation with differentiation to antibody-forming cells after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen. Blastogenic responses were measured by tritiated thymidine incorporation and antibody-forming cell assay. There was no significant difference between the blastogenic responses of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood compared to the bone marrow of the same individuals. However, differentiation to antibody-forming cells measured by the plaque-forming cell response was significantly greater in lymphocytes in the bone marrow as compared to peripheral blood of the same individuals. These studies demonstrate that the lymphocytes in human bone marrow are at a stage of differentiation whereby they can be readily induced to differentiation toward antibody production by polyclonal activation, even more so than peripheral blood lymphocytes. This supports the concept that the bone marrow is a major source of immunoglobulin production in man.  相似文献   

The data on histological and electron microscopical investigation of the endosteal cells of the human iliac bone are presented. Three types of stromal elements in the endosteum, differing in their ultrastructural organization have been revealed. In the endosteal areas young hemopoietic cells are present, they are closely connected with the stroma. A suggestion is made on an important role of the endosteum in processes of proliferation and differentiation of hemopoietic predecessors.  相似文献   

Frequency of immunocompetent B cells in bone marrow has been determined in vitro under culture conditions that allow the development in vitro under culture conditions that allow the development of every growth-inducible B cell into a clone of IgM-secreting PFC. Three limiting dilution culture systems were employed: a specific helper assay with SRBC as antigen and using activated T helper cells, a nonspecific helper assay using Con A-induced factors as a source of help, and polyclonal activation with LPS. From unseparated, normal C57BL/6J bone marrow 1 in 2200 to 1 in 2820 B cells were induced to form a clone of PFC to SRBC in each of the 3 systems. This corresponds to a frequency of 1 SRBC-specific clone in every 900 IgM-secreting LPS-reactive clones. The frequencies of specific plaque-forming B cell clones in terms of LPS-reactive B cells was 1 in 36 for NNP1-SRBC, 1 in 58 for TNP30-SRBC, 1 in 75 for NIP1-SRBC, and 1 in 230 for TNP3-SRBC. These frequencies of v-gene expression in bone marrow B cells are of the same magnitude as the corresponding frequencies for splenic B cells. Bone marrow B cells are also fully susceptible to stimulation by antigen in combination with either specific or nonspecific T cell help, as well as polyclonal activation by LPS, since every 3rd Ig-positive cells in marrow could be induced to form a clone of IgM-secreting cells. There is thus no difference in immunocompetence between surface Ig-bearing B cells from bone marrow and spleen.  相似文献   

As revealed by the method of cultivation of bone marrow and spleen cells, separated by nucleopore membrane, in two-chamber bottles, the bone marrow cells were capable of producing humoral factor stimulating antibody genesis by the spleen cells. A direct contact of the bone marrow cells with the actively proliferating antigen-stimulated cells of the spleen led to production of a spleen humoral factor suppressing the antibody genesis by the spleen cells. The suppressive action of the bone marrow cells on the antibody genesis in the culture of the spleen cells was mediated through the suppression of the spleen cells proliferation; proliferation of the bone marrow cells is enhanced.  相似文献   

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