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采用PCR-SSCP、克隆测序等方法,分析600只河西绒山羊GOLA-DRB1基因第2外显子遗传特征、SNPs变异类型,同时分析该基因与山羊流产的关联性.结果表明,河西绒山羊DRB1基因第2外显子上存在26个等位基因,序列比对后发现26个等位基因中存在71个核苷酸变异住点,占分析位点总数的30%.其中转换位点25个,占核苷酸多态位点的35.21%;颠换位点35个,占核苷酸多态位点的49.3%;转换和颠换共存位点9个,占12.68%.山羊流产关联性分析结果表明,在河西绒山羊病例组中DRB1*18、DRB1*23、DRBl*26等位基因频率高于正常对照组(P<0.05),x2值分别为6.31,4.859,6.396,RR值为2.55, 2.72,DRB1*8等位基因频率显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01),x2值为17.618,RR值为3.59;病例组中DRB1*14等住基因频率低于正常对照组(P<0.05),x2值为4.812,RR值为0.65,DRB1*1和DRB1*11显著低于正常对照组(P<0.0l),其中B1的x2值和RR值分别为14.11和0.61,初步推断DRB1*8可能是河西绒山羊流产发病单体型中的遗传易感基因,DRB1*1和DRB1*11可能为其遗传保护基因.  相似文献   

利用PCR-SSCP和DNA测序方法对帕里牦牛、工布江达牦牛、类乌齐牦牛、康布牦牛、桑日牦牛、巴青牦牛、江达牦牛、斯布牦牛、嘉黎牦牛、桑桑牦牛、丁青牦牛等西藏11个牦牛类群共483头牦牛的ADD1基因(被认为是极可能影响肉质的候选基因)第2外显子序列进行遗传多态性分析。结果表明,66 bp处碱基T缺失和256 bp处A→G突变,共有AA、AB、BB 3种基因型;其中帕里牦牛只有AA基因型,江达牦牛只有AB基因型,康布牦牛、嘉黎牦牛、巴青牦牛、桑日牦牛、斯布牦牛均缺少BB基因型,丁青牦牛、类乌齐牦牛缺少AB型,均存在严重偏态;桑桑牦牛、工布江达牦牛中存在AA、AB、BB 3种基因型。除江达牦牛外,其它10个牦牛类群中AA为优势基因型,A基因为优势等位基因,分布较高。除帕里牦牛、巴青牦牛外,其它9个牦牛类群均处于中度多态(0.25相似文献   

陈曦  张慧  王宇祥  王守志  程博涵  李辉 《遗传》2012,(10):102-109
为探讨鸡视网膜母细胞瘤基因1(Retinoblastoma1,RB1)多态性对体重性状的影响,文章以东北农业大学高、低脂双向选择品系肉鸡为实验材料,采用MALDI-TOF-MS、PCR-RFLP方法进行基因多态性检测和个体基因型分析,共获得27个SNP位点的基因型数据。采用滑动窗口法构建单倍型,进而利用单位点和单倍型分别与鸡体重性状进行关联分析。结合单位点和单倍型分析结果,确定了RB1基因上4个显著影响1周龄体重的SNP位点,2个显著影响1、3周龄体重的SNP位点。研究结果表明RB1基因是影响鸡早期体重性状的重要候选基因。  相似文献   

旨在研究合作猪DQA基因外显子2多态性,确定其等位基因数、核苷酸多态位点、氨基酸多态位点及各个等位基因之间的遗传关系,分析其进化意义。选用PCR-SSCP对439只合作猪SLA-DQA基因外显子2的多态性进行检测;测序群体内因变异而产生的各等位基因序列,并分析序列数据。结果显示,在合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2中发现了7个新等位基因,共18个核苷酸多态位点,10个氨基酸多态位点。合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2具有较丰富的多态性,群体内可能蕴藏着更加丰富的遗传资源;合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2基因最初可能由一个等位基因突变分化成一大类基因;合作猪SLA-DQA外显子2序列与各个猪种的SLA-DQA外显子2序列具有较高的同源性,预示着这些猪种的SLA-DQA外显子2基因最早可能来源于其分歧之前的共同祖先原始序列;新发现的7个SLA-DQA外显子2等位基因,可能由遗传关系较近的两个等位基因突变产生。  相似文献   

探讨OLR1基因在苏姜猪群内的遗传多态性,以及该基因多态对苏姜猪猪肉质性状的影响。采用PCR-RFLP技术检测OLR1基因在苏姜猪试验群体中的PstⅠ酶切遗传多态性,运用单因素方差分析方法分析了该多态位点对苏姜猪肉质性状的影响。结果发现,苏姜猪试验群体OLR1基因内含子5区域内发现一个PstⅠ酶切多态性,检测到CC、CD和DD三种基因型,多态信息含量呈现中度多态性。CC型与DD型个体的肌肉失水率、大理石纹间的差异达到显著水平(P<0.05),CD型个体用色差仪测得的b值显著高于DD型(P<0.05)。因此,检测到的OLR1基因PCR-RFLP-PstⅠ多态性与大理石纹等肉质性状存在着显著的相关关系,可以作为肉质性状候选基因在苏姜猪的持续选育中加以应用。  相似文献   

研究采用PCR-SSCP方法检测1 046只河西绒山羊DRB3基因第2外显子的多态性,并克隆、测序群体内变异产生的各等位基因,分析各等位基因间的遗传关系和进化意义。结果表明,河西绒山羊DRB3基因第2外显子表现了18个等位基因(LG001-LG018)控制的31个基因型,LG005为优势等位基因,LG005*005为优势基因型,18个单倍型序列分析发现44个核苷酸多态位点、29个氨基酸多态位点;与GenBank下载序列比对分析结果表明,16个DRB3的等位基因是本研究首次发现;DRB3基因遗传多态指数中,观察杂合度为0.269 6,多态信息含量为0.869 9,有效等位基因数为1.369 1;经χ2适合性检验,该群体偏离了Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P<0.05);18个DRB3基因外显子2的单倍型序列NJ系统发育树呈2支分化趋势。研究认为河西绒山羊DRB3基因第2外显子具有丰富的遗传多态性;河西绒山羊DRB3基因最初由2个等位基因突变分化成两大类等位基因。  相似文献   

猪Mx1基因第14外显子多态性分析及新突变位点的 发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PCR-RFLP方法对国内外7个猪种Mx1基因第14外显子的多态性进行分析, 共检测到3个等位基因, 6种基因型。其中杜洛克中仅存在AA基因型, 苏太猪中存在全部基因型, 只有在梅山猪和具有梅山猪血统的苏太猪中出现基因型BB。所有猪种中, 只有在地方猪种和培育猪种中出现等位基因B, 所有猪种除松辽黑猪外均以A为优势等位基因。卡方检验结果表明, 不同猪种间基因型分布差异较大, 梅山猪和松辽黑猪与其他所有猪种的基因型频率差异极显著(P<0.01) , 苏太猪与除皮特兰猪外的所有猪种的基因型频率差异也极显著(P<0.01) , 淮猪与杜洛克和约克夏这两个国外猪种基因型频率差异不显著(P>0.05), 而与皮特兰和其他地方猪种的基因型频率均存在极显著差异(P<0.01) 。通过测序在扩增片段中新发现了3种类型的碱基突变, 前2个分别导致了Thr和Glu向Ala和Arg的替换, 最后一个突变不引起氨基酸的变化, 且后两个突变位点为BB基因型所特有。  相似文献   

杨秀芹  刘慧  郭丽娟  关庆芝  许尧  刘娣 《遗传》2008,30(6):741-746
以野猪、民猪和大白猪为研究对象, 根据网上公布的序列设计了7对引物, 采用测序、PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP方法对CAPN1基因的部分外显子和3′UTR区进行了单核苷酸多态性检测和基因型分析, 探讨CAPN1基因多态性与瘦肉率和嫩度的关系。研究发现11个SNPs, 其中5个位于外显子, 4个位于内含子, 2个位于3′UTR区, 外显子中的突变有一处是错义突变, 导致了蛋白质多肽链第260位氨基酸发生了M/V的替代。群体遗传学分析表明, 在所检测的各多态位点上, 野猪、民猪、大白猪3个品种间不同基因型的分布都存在着极显著的差异(P<0.01), 而野猪和民猪之间各基因型的分布差异不显著(P>0.05), 民猪和大白猪之间各基因型的分布存在着极显著的差异(P<0.01)。结合品种特性分析表明, P4、P6引物和3′ UTR区HinfⅠ位点所检测的不同基因型和瘦肉率具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

山羊GOLA-DQB1基因外显子2多态性与免疫性状的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢凤  李培培  李珏  李成渤  王建民 《遗传》2008,30(7):870-876
利用PCR-RFLP技术, 对莱芜黑山羊、鲁波山羊和波尔山羊3个山羊种群共 175 只个体的GOLA-DQB1基因外显子2进行遗传多态性研究, 并对山羊种群的血液免疫指标的效应进行了分析。结果表明: 3个山羊种群共检测到(AA、BB、CC、AB、AC、BC、DD)7种基因型, GOLA-DQB1基因外显子2的第24、151位的碱基表现出多态性。多数指标品种效应是主要效应。莱芜黑山羊中, BC基因型的淋巴细胞百分比(W-SCR)显著高于AC 、CC基因型(P<0.05), 中性球比例(W-LCR)显著低于CC基因型(P<0.05), 大型白细胞数(W-LCC)低于AC、CC基因型, 但差异不显著(P>0.05)。波尔山羊中, BC基因型的W-LCC低于AA 、AB 、BB基因型, 但差异不显著(P>0.05)。鲁波山羊中, BC 、AC基因型的W-LCC显著低于AA基因型(P<0.05)。揭示GOLA-DQB1基因与血液免疫性状有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

犬MC1R基因R306ter与毛色性状相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析犬MC1R基因中R30 6ter位点多态性与犬毛色表型的相关性 ,为遗传育种 ,培育出更加优良的实验用犬奠定基础。方法 采用PCR SSCP技术 ,对MC1R基因R30 6ter位点进行基因多态性检测 ,分析位点多态性与毛色性状之间的相关性 ,并对该位点进行克隆测序。结果 PCR SSCP分析结果表明 ,R30 6ter位点序列具有多态性 ,表现为C、D二个等位基因和CC、CD及DD三种基因型。对R30 6ter多态性片段克隆测序发现 ,MC1R基因在编码第 30 6位氨基酸的密码子处存在一个由CGA到TGA的终止突变。结论 经统计分析结果表明在杂种犬中MC1R基因多态性与毛色性状不存在显著的相关性 ,这可能是由于外科手术学教学用犬是杂种犬 ,其遗传背景不同所致。由于MC1R基因的R30 6ter位点内存在碱基变异 ,因此在杂种犬中表现出明显的PCR SSCP多态性  相似文献   

张跟喜  储明星  王金玉  方丽  叶素成 《遗传》2007,29(3):329-336
设计5对引物, 采用PCR-SSCP技术检测催乳素受体(prolactin receptor, PRLR)基因外显子10及部分3′非翻译区在高繁殖力山羊品种(济宁青山羊)和低繁殖力山羊品种(辽宁绒山羊、波尔山羊和安哥拉山羊)中的单核苷酸多态性, 同时研究该基因对济宁青山羊高繁殖力的影响。结果表明: 首次拼接出的山羊PRLR基因外显子10及部分3′非翻译区的核苷酸序列长度为1,118 bp, 与已公布的绵羊、牛、人PRLR基因mRNA相应序列的同源性分别为98.33%、93.92%、74.52%, 与已公布的羊驼PRLR基因部分序列的同源性为78.29%。引物P1、P2与P4扩增片段具有多态性, 其余2对引物的扩增片段不存在多态性。对于P1扩增片段, 在济宁青山羊和辽宁绒山羊中检测到AA型和AB型, 在安哥拉山羊中检测到AA型和AC型, 在波尔山羊中只检测到AA型; 克隆测序表明AB型与AA型相比有两处突变(186G→A和220T→C), 分别导致氨基酸由天冬氨酸变为天冬酰胺、亮氨酸变为脯氨酸; AC型与AA型相比有1处突变(140A→G), 该突变没有导致氨基酸变化; 济宁青山羊AA和AB基因型之间产羔数的最小二乘均值差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于P2扩增片段, 在济宁青山羊、辽宁绒山羊和波尔山羊中都检测到DD型和DE型, 而在安哥拉山羊中只检测到DD型; 克隆测序表明DE型和DD型相比有两处突变(52G→A和122G→A), 其中122 bp处的突变导致氨基酸由精氨酸变为甘氨酸; 济宁青山羊DD和DE基因型之间产羔数的最小二乘均值差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于P4扩增片段, 在济宁青山羊中检测到FF型和FG型, 在辽宁绒山羊中检测到FF型和GG型, 在波尔山羊中只检测到FF型, 在安哥拉山羊中检测到FF型、FG型和GG型; 克隆测序表明GG型和FF型相比在扩增片段的143 bp处发生1处碱基突变(A→G), 并导致氨基酸由蛋氨酸变为缬氨酸; FG基因型济宁青山羊产羔数最小二乘均值比FF基因型的多0.76只(P<0.05)。研究结果初步表明: PRLR基因可能是控制济宁青山羊多胎性能的一个主效基因或是与之存在紧密遗传连锁的一个标记。  相似文献   

Zhang W  Fang M  Li Y  Nie Q  Zhang X 《DNA and cell biology》2012,31(3):371-377
This study was performed to identify and characterize the pig TDRP1 gene and to investigate its association with reproduction traits. The obtained pig TDRP1 cDNA (713 base pair [bp]) comprises a 561-bp open reading frame, which encodes a peptide of 187 amino acids. The identities of pig TDRP1 cDNA were 84.6%, 75.7%, and 77.4% with its counterparts in human, rat, and mice, respectively. Real-time polymerase chain reaction indicated that pig TDRP1 gene was highly expressed in pituitary of male and uterus of female animals. The pig TDRP1 gene contains three exons and two introns. A total of 13 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1 indel were identified in the screened partial genomic sequence, with most polymorphisms in introns. Allelic frequencies of five SNPs among eight pig breeds were further investigated, and it indicated that Landrace had the lowest genetic diversity. In Yorkshire, three SNPs (c.215+144T>C, c.215+249A>G, and c.215+672T>C) exhibited complete linkage disequilibrium in one haplotype block, and association analyses showed that all of them were significantly associated with number born alive of first parity (NBA1) (p<0.05). c.215+672T>C was also significantly associated with NBA6 (p<0.05). In addition, these three SNPs and two other ones (c.215+1001G>A and c.215+1026C>T) were associated with total born alive of second parity (TBA2) and TBA6 at the suggestive level (0.05相似文献   

鸡apoA5基因单核苷酸多态性及其与屠体性状的关联研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚俊峰  张莹  吴桂琴  郑江霞  邓学梅  杨宁 《遗传》2008,30(5):607-612
以丝羽乌骨鸡和隐性白洛克正反交产生的F2代为实验群体, 采用PCR-SSCP和DNA测序的方法检测鸡载脂蛋白A5(apoA5)基因的单核苷酸多态性(SNPs), 并将所发现的SNPs与体重、胸肌重、腿肌重、心脏重、肝脏重和腹脂重等屠体性状进行关联分析。结果发现, 鸡apoA5基因5′-调控区C-169T, 外显子2 C600T、T635C, 外显子3 C841G、C914T、C1142G、C1394T共7个突变位点。其中外显子2突变位点C600T、T635C对12周龄腹脂重、腹脂率、肝脏重和心脏重有显著影响(P<0.05), 根据PCR-SSCP的结果将其分为6种基因型(AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, CC): 其中CC型个体的腹脂重和腹脂率显著高于AA型、AB型、AC型、BB型、BC型 (P<0.05); AC型个体的肝脏重显著低于AA型、AB型、BB型、BC型和CC型的肝脏重(P<0.05); BC型个体的心脏重显著低于BB型的心脏重(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

17beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (HSD17B1) is a key enzyme of 17beta-estradiol biosynthesis, which might play an important role in follicular development of the ovary. In this study, we isolated the complete coding sequence of porcine HSD17B1 gene and its unique intron sequences of porcine HSD17B1 gene, identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP: A/C) in intron 4, and developed a PCR-MvaI-RFLP genotyping assay. Association of the SNP and litter size was assessed in two populations (purebred Large White and a experimental synthetic Line (DIV) sows). Statistical analysis demonstrated that, in the first parity, AC animals in experimental synthetic Line (DIV) sows had 0.52 more piglets born compared to the CC animals (P<0.05). In the all parities, pigs with the AA genotype had an additional 1.11 and 0.96 piglets born alive compared to the CC animals (P<0.05) in both experimental synthetic Line (DIV) and purebred Large White, respectively. Experimental synthetic Line (DIV) sows inheriting the AC genotype had additional 0.84 piglets born alive compared to the CC animals (P<0.01) in all parities. In addition, significant additive effect of -0.55+/-0.24 piglets/litter and -0.48+/-0.22 piglets/litter on piglet born alive was detected in both experimental synthetic Line (DIV) sows and purebred Large White lines (P<0.05), respectively. Therefore, HSD17B1 gene was significantly associated with litter size in two populations and could be a useful molecular marker in selection for increasing litter size in pigs.  相似文献   

秦川牛IGF2基因SNPs检测及其与胴体、肉质性状的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩瑞华  昝林森  杨大鹏  郝荣超 《遗传》2008,30(12):1579-1584
采用PCR-SSCP方法对186头24月龄秦川牛IGF2基因进行了SNPs多态性检测, 并将其与部分胴体和肉质性状进行关联分析。在IGF2基因120碱基处发现C→T 突变, 在279碱基处发现 A→G 突变。方差分析结果表明: BB、DD 两个位点与胴体性状中与宰前活重、胴体重、胴体长、胴体胸深、眼肌面积显著相关(P<0.05), 其中背部皮下脂肪厚达到差异极显著(P<0.01); 与肉质性状大理石花纹、嫩度、pH24 (牛肉排酸24 h后的酸度值)显著相关(P<0.05)。但是在胴体深、系水力指标中差异不显著(P>0.05)。A、D 等位基因是群体中的优势等位基因, AA、DD 基因型是优势基因型, 而含有B、D 等位基因的个体的胴体和肉质性状优于其他个体, 尤其有着极强脂肪沉积能力  相似文献   

秦川牛GHR基因SNPs及其与生长性状关系的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用PCR-SSCP技术研究了136头秦川牛GHR基因第10外显子多态性, 所研究的秦川牛群体GHR基因该座位存在多态性, 发现了A、B、C 3个等位基因, 其基因频率依次为0.5956、0.2905、0.1140, 并且群体处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。对纯合基因型个体进行测序, 测序结果, 该座位存在两个突变位点。通过构建最小二乘线性模型, 分析了生长激素受体基因与生长性状的关系, 表明生长激素受体基因的AB基因型效应在部分生长性状上高于其他基因型, 差异达到显著水平, 提示GHR基因有可能作为秦川牛生长性状的侯选基因。  相似文献   

Somatostatins play a crucial role in the regulation of growth and development in vertebrates, especially muscle growth. We assessed the association of somatostatin gene polymorphisms with growth traits by PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism) and DNA sequencing methods in 694 individuals from six Chinese cattle breeds. A novel single nucleotide polymorphism, G126A, was detected, and significant associations were found with body length, body height, hip width, heart girth, and hucklebone width index. Polymorphism of the somatostatin gene was found to be highly associated with growth traits in the Qinchuan breed at various ages. Gene frequency analysis showed significant differences among the breeds. Individuals with genotype AA had significantly lower body height, body length, hip width, and hucklebone width values compared to AG at 1.5 years old, and had significantly lower hip width, body length and hucklebone width compared to AG at 2 years old. At 2.5 years old, populations with genotype AA had significantly lower body length, hip width and hucklebone width than AG individuals, with the exception of the Luxi breed, in which two genotypes were found. The Luxi and Ximentaer crossbreed had the lowest frequency of the G allele, while the highest G allele frequencies were found in the Luxi breed.  相似文献   

TaSAP1, a member of the stress association protein (SAP) gene family from wheat, is involved in response to several abiotic stresses, including drought, salt and cold. In this study, TaSAP1-A1, a TaSAP1 member on chromosome 7A, and its flanking sequences were isolated. Polymorphism analysis indicated that the average nucleotide diversity (π) of the whole region was 0.00296. The highest nucleotide diversity occurred in the promoter region (π = 0.00631) and no polymorphism was identified in the coding region. Three markers T7AM5, T7AM2606 and T7AM39 located in the promoter region, were developed from sequence variations (InDel5-1810, SNP-2606 and InDel39-1637). Six haplotypes were identified among 300 accessions based on the three markers. TaSAP1-A1 was located on chromosome 7A using marker T7AM39 and was flanked by markers Xwmc530 and Xbarc174. QTL for yield-related traits, including 1,000-grain weight, number of grains per spike and grain yield, were located in the same region. In marker- and haplotype-trait association analyses, TaSAP1-A1 was significantly associated with 1,000-grain weight, number of grains per spike, spike length, peduncle length and total number of spikelets per spike in multiple environments. These results provide useful information for marker-assisted selection for yield-related traits under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions.  相似文献   

Myocyte-specific enhancer-binding factor 2A (MEF2A) gene is a member of the myocyte-specific enhancer-binding factor 2 (MEF2) protein family which involved in vertebrate skeletal muscle development and differentiation. The aim of the current study is to investigate the potential associations between MEF2A gene SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and the carcass traits in 471 chicken samples from four populations. Three new SNPs (T46023C, A72626G, and T89232G) were detected in the chicken MEF2A gene. The T46023C genotypes were associated with live body weight (BW), carcass weight (CW), eviscerated weight, semi-eviscerated weight (SEW), and leg muscle weight (LMW) (P < 0.05); the A72626G genotypes were associated with BW, CW, LMW (P < 0.01) and breast muscle weight (BMW), leg muscle percentage (LMP) (P < 0.05); whereas the T89232G genotypes were associated with carcass percentage (CP) and semi-eviscerated percentage (SEP) (P < 0.05). The haplotypes constructed on the three SNPs were associated with BW, CW, LMW (P < 0.01), SEW, BMW, CP (P < 0.05). Significantly and suggestive dominant effects of diplotype H1H2 were observed for BW, CW, SEW, BMW and CP, whereas diplotype H5H5 had a negative effect on BW, CW, SEW, BMW and LMW. Our results suggest that the MEF2A gene may be a potential marker affecting the muscle trait of chickens.  相似文献   

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