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The Yakuts, Middle Age Turkic speakers (15th-16th centuries), are widely accepted as the first settlers of the Altai-Baikal area in eastern Siberia. They are supposed to have introduced horses and developed metallurgy in this geographic area during the 15th or 16th century A.D. The analysis of the Siberian grave of Pokrovsk, recently discovered near the Lena River (61 degrees 29' N) and dated by accelerator mass spectrometry from 2,400 to 2,200 years B.P., may provide new elements to test this hypothesis. The exceptional combination of various artifacts and the mitochondrial DNA data extracted from the bone remains of the Pokrovsk man might prove the existence of previous contacts between autochthonous hunters of Oriental Siberia and the nomadic horse breeders from the Altai-Baikal area (Mongolia and Buryatia). Indeed, the stone arrowhead and the harpoons relate this Pokrovsk man to the traditional hunters of the Taiga. Some artifacts made of horse bone and the pieces of armor, however, are related to the tribes of Mongolia and Buryatia of the Xiongnu period (3rd century B.C.). This affinity has been confirmed by the match of the mitochondrial haplotype of this subject with a woman of the Egyin Gol necropolis (Mongolia, 2nd/3rd century A.D.) as well as with two modern Buryats. This result allows us to postulate that contacts between southern steppe populations and Siberian tribes occurred before the 15th century.  相似文献   

Mongoloid populations differ from Caucasoids by having a high prevalence of shovel trait and a low prevalence of Carabelli's trait. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the shovel trait on Carabelli's trait in a Mongoloid population. The research design sought a population that resides in an isolated area and exhibits low admixture with neighboring populations. The Mongoloid group selected for study was the Bunun tribe of aborigines who inhabit an alpine area in Taiwan. The effects of sex and age on Carabelli's trait were controlled in this investigation, as was the association between tooth size and Carabelli's trait. Results show that males were more likely to have Carabelli's trait expressed on teeth than females. The buccolingual diameter of Carabelli's trait teeth was larger than that of teeth without the trait. After adjusting for sex, age, and tooth size, the existence of the shovel trait increased the likelihood of having Carabelli's trait by a factor of three, an effect that is significant. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Iu G Rychkov  I G Udina 《Genetika》1985,21(5):861-867
The postulated peculiarities of distribution of the HLA antigens in the Evenk population of the Central Siberia indicate this population to be, on the whole, Mongoloid. Prolonged isolated existence of small inbred populations of the Evenks resulted in the number of specific HLA-complex features, such as poor antigen diversity, low level of heterozygosity. Non-homogeneity of gene frequencies was noted, the prevailing genes being A9, B40 with frequencies reaching 50%. Of the remaining alleles found in the Evenks A2, Aw19 in A locus, B5, B15, B17, B27, Bw35 in B locus and Cw2, Cw3, Cw4-in C locus are only widely spread. Similar heterozygosis levels and the HLA-system profiles draw the Evenks and the populations of American Indians and Eskimos closer to one another. On the basis of the fact that significant positive correlation exists between genetic and geographic distances determined for the Evenks and the native populations of America, genetic resemblance of these populations may be considered as evidence for their original relationship. Postulated closeness of native Central-Siberian populations to Americanoids, as regards HLA-system, makes it possible to consider formation of specific complex of HLA-system peculiarities in native American population in the light of their Siberian origin, for the first time.  相似文献   

Variation of Mongoloid-specific restriction sites of mitochondrial genome was analyzed in three territorial groups of Tuvinians. Distribution of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups A, B, C, and D on the territory of the Tuva Republic was estimated. The populations studied did not display distinct differentiation in respect to the mtDNA polymorphism. The specific feature of Tuvinian mitochondrial gene pool was the prevalence of only one haplogroup C (over 40%), mainly represented by two mitotypes. The high frequency of this haplogroup makes Tuvinians similar to more northern Siberian populations. On the other hand, the presence of haplogroup B indicates that Tuvinians have affinity to ethnic groups of Central Asia.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis of the NAT2 gene was carried out in inhabitants of Novosibirsk. Polymorphism of this gene for nine known point mutations was studied in a sample of Novosibirsk residents consisting of 109 healthy Caucasians. The frequencies of these mutations did not significantly differ from the frequencies reported for Caucasian populations of other countries. In 79 patients with lung cancer, a region of the NAT2 gene that includes 29.7% of the coding sequence was analyzed for the new mutations by the RFLP analysis. No new mutations were found in this group.  相似文献   

Correspondence analysis, a variant of principal components analysis, is used to interpret and compare gene frequencies of the HLA system for 124 samples from different populations studied in the Fifth and Sixth International Histocompatibility Workshops. The major advantage of this analysis is that populations and HLA genes are represented simultaneously with respect to the same axes in multidimensional space. This permits the visual interpretation of genetic differences between populations, the relative participation of each gene in the dispersion, and the correspondence between populations and genes. By this method a clear separation of ethnic groups in the world is obtained. Furthermore, within Europe the separation of samples from different countries is concordant with their geographical distances. The HLA system appears sufficiently polymorphic to define a population by its gene frequencies.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the distribution of HLA class II alleles and haplotypes in a Filipino population by PCR amplification of the DRB1, DQB1, and DPB1 second-exon sequences from buccal swabs obtained from 124 family members and 53 unrelated individuals. The amplified DNA was typed by using nonradioactive sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes. Twenty-two different DRB1 alleles, including the novel Filipino *1105, and 46 different DRB1/DQB1 haplotypes, including the unusual DRB1*0405-DQB1*0503, were identified. An unusually high frequency (f = .383) of DPB1*0101, a rare allele in other Asian populations, was also observed. In addition, an unusual distribution of DRB1 alleles and haplotypes was seen in this population, with DR2 (f = .415) and DRB1*1502-DQB1*0502 (f = .233) present at high frequencies. This distribution of DRB1 alleles differs from the typical HLA population distribution, in which the allele frequencies are more evenly balanced. The distribution of HLA class II alleles and haplotypes in this Filipino population is different from that of other Asian and Pacific groups: of those populations studied to date; the Indonesian population is the most similar. DRB1*1502-DQB1*0502 was in strong linkage disequilibrium (D'' = .41) with DPB1*0101 (f = .126, for the extended haplotype), which is consistent with selection for this DR, DQ, DP haplotype being responsible for the high frequency of these three class II alleles in this population.  相似文献   

Genetic heterogeneity in nine polymorphic loci is observed among Gond-related tribes in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Pardhans, with their high ABO*A2 gene frequency (4.01%), low m gene frequency (57%), high P*1 gene frequency (42.7%), and high HbS trait (31.58%), differ significantly from other tribes. Per locus average heterozygosity among the studied tribes ranged from 36.24% to 40.37%, with Pardhans being more heterozygous. Analysis by FST and the empirical relationship between average allele frequencies and the ratio of within-gene to total gene diversity show that the tribes are isolated and that differentiation among them is at an early stage and approximately in conformity with expected differentiation under genetic drift. However, distances and principal components analysis reveal that Pardhans are far removed from the other tribes and from other central Dravidian tribes. Furthermore, of the various demographic parameters estimated, the high average heterozygosity in Pardhans is significantly correlated with mean marital distance (MMD), regression of MMD on wife's age, and effective population size. There is congruence between genetic and demographic data, showing that Pardhans are distinct. This conforms with Haimendorf's (1979) contention based on cultural traits that Pardhans are Gonds by historical accident and are later migrants to the Gond area from the north. The most significant and practical observation of the present study is that migration from an originally nontribal (Pardhan) to a tribal (Gond) area and admixture lead to severe disease course, differential selection pressure, and hence highly elevated HbS trait frequency.  相似文献   

Sensitive techniques were used to detect e antigen and the corresponding antibody (anti-e) among 368 voluntary blood donors positive for hepatitis B surface antigen in the Montreal area and 310 people living in close contact with them. Neither e nor anti-e was found in the absence of markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Among the blood donors e antigen was detected in 23 and anti-e in 313, and 32 were negative for both markers. Of the 368 blood donors 330 were of French origin and 38 from other ethnic groups. The 23 e-positive subjects were unequally distributed among the ethnic groups: only 14 (4.2%) were recruited among the French group while 9 (23.7%) were recruited among other ethnic groups (P less than 0.001). This differences among ethnic groups might be related to the vertical or horizontal mode of dissemination of HBV infection.  相似文献   

We studied the isonymic structure of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the Russian Federation, using the surname distributions of 491,259 citizens above 18 years registered as residents in 2002. These were distributed in 35 districts and 497 towns and settlements of the Republic. The number of different surnames was 44,625. Matrices of isonymic distances between the 35 districts were tested for correlation with the geographic distance between the population centers of gravity of the districts. We found that, for the whole of Yakutia, Nei's distance was correlated with geographic distance (r = 0.693 +/- 0.027). A dendrogram of the 35 districts was built from the distance matrix, using the UPGMA method. The clusters identified by the dendrogram correlate with the geographic position of the districts. The correlation of random inbreeding calculated from isonymy, F(ST), with latitude was positive and highly significant but weak (r = 0.23). So, inbreeding was highest in the Arctic districts, and lowest in the South. Average alpha for 497 towns was 107, for 35 districts it was 311, and for the Republic 433. The value of alpha was higher for Russian than for the local languages. The geographical distribution of alpha, high in the Center and South-East and lower in the North-West, is compatible with the settlement of groups of migrants moving from the South-East toward the center and the North of Yakutia. It is proposed that low-density demic diffusion of human populations results in high inbreeding and may have been a general phenomenon in the early phases of human radiations.  相似文献   

Alkaloid profiles of extracts of fourteen papilionaceous species in the tribes Thermopsideae and Genisteae (sensu Polhill) have been determined. Altogether, eighteen quinolizidine alkaloids, representative of four structural groups, and one dipiperidine alkaloid were identified among the legumes studied. The chemotaxonomic implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty-eight patients with insulin-dependent diabetes w,o were aged 30 or under at onset and 150 patients with late-onset diabetes, 50 of them dependent on insulin and 100 not dependent on insulin, were HLA-typed. There was a significant positive association between the young-onset insulin-dependent patients and HLA-B8, BW15, and B18 and a significant negative association with B7. These data were combined with those from two other centres. There was a significant concordance for the distribution of all the HLA antigens among these three series, producing evidence in favour of an HLA-linked diabetogenic gene (or genes) having a major role in all cases of juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes. There was a positive association between late-onset insulin-dependent diabetes and B8, but no association between non-insulin-dependent diabetes and the HLA system. This provides further evidence for the existence of different pathogenetic mechanisms in the two major clinical forms of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

The distribution of haptoglobins, transferrins and serum pseudocholinesterase in 1353 Mexican Indians belonging to 13 tribes is described. The frequency of the Hp1 gene is variable; it ranges from 0.40 to 0.65, although the majority of values fall between 0.50 and 0.65. The reason for this variability is obscure; there is no correlation between Hp1 values and linguistic affinities or habitat, and different degrees of nonIndian admixture are not accountable for the situation. It is suggested that possibly the main factor determining the present day distribution is the founder effect. Only 16 individuals have a transferrin different from C; in two, the CD phenotype is seen and the rest belong to the BC variety. Ten of the latter identified as B0–1C, are found in a single tribe, the Cora. The scarcity of unusual transferrins in the Amerindians is corroborated in this study, although it may be somewhat unusual that the majority of them are of the fast moving type rather than of the more common slow moving type. The overall frequency for the atypical pseudocholinesterase gene is of 0.005 and therefore lower than that found in most other populations, except for two Venezuelan and two Bolivian tribes where the atypical gene is absent. Thus, present findings suggest that the atypical gene was either absent or had a very low frequency in the ancestors of present day Amerindians.  相似文献   

The polymorphism at the HLA DRB1 and DQB1 loci in the population of Vojvodina was studied by PCR-SSP method. A total of 13 DRB1 and 5 DQB1 specificities displaying population-specific frequency distribution pattern were described. The most frequent HLA Class II alleles in Vojvodina population were: HLA-DRB1*11 (af = 0.30), −DRB1*04 (af = 0.28), −DRB1*07 (af = 0.21), −DRB1*13 and −DRB1*16 (af = 0.18), −DQB1*03 (af = 0.64), −DQB1*05 (af = 0.39) and −DQB1*02 (af = 0.35). The haplotypes with high frequencies (≥0.02) included HLA DRB1*11 DQB1*03 (0.0825), DRB1*04DQB1*03 (0.0725), DRB1*07DQB1*02 (0.0475). The allele DRB1*07 showed the strongest association with DQB1*02 (Δ = 0.0261, gC2 = 4.437) and DRB1*13 allele with DQB1*06 (Δ = 0.0222, gC2 = 4.247). The allelic frequencies and populations distance dendrogram revealed the closest relationship of Vojvodina population with Hungarians, Croat, and Greeks which can be the result of turbulent migration within this region and admixture with neighbour populations during the history.  相似文献   

Pecularities of distribution of 40 HLA antigens within the Uzbek population of the Ferghana Valley have been studied. The frequencies of these antigens are subdivided into three main groups having frequencies characteristic of the following populations: Caucasoid population (A9, B40, Bw22 etc.); Mongoloid population (B8, B7, B12); Middle Asian population (Aw31, B13, B16, Bw35), probably. The Uzbek population contains haplotypes both of Europeoid (Aw30, B13; A3, Bw35) and Mongoloid origin (A9, B40) and, probably, of the local origin (A1, B14; A1, Bw53; Aw32, B40). The data on the HLA genetics of the Uzbeks confirm the historical, linguistic and anthropological information concerning the role of inhabitants of the Central Asia in ethnogenesis and formation of the modern Uzbek population.  相似文献   

Distribution of phenotypes and gene frequencies for 5 polymorphic loci as well as frequencies of incidence of some anthroposcopic parameters in five subpopulations of the North Khanty population is presented. A comparative analysis was performed for the traits studied among the people of Finno-Ugric group and of North Asia. Wahlund's variance values point to significant subdivision of the population in question. Disruption of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for haptoglobin locus was observed in two subpopulations. Estimates of inbreeding coefficients obtained by different ways (from gene frequencies, genealogy and isonymy) are compared.  相似文献   

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