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 Coral reef communities of the western Atlantic have changed over the past two to three decades, but the magnitude and causes of this change remain controversial. Part of the problem is that small-scale patterns observed on individual reefs have been erroneously extrapolated to landscape and geographic scales. Understanding how reef coral assemblages vary through space is an essential prerequisite to devising sampling strategies to track the dynamics of coral reefs through time. In this paper we quantify variation in the cover of hard corals in spur-and-groove habitats (13–19 m depth) at spatial scales spanning five orders of magnitude along the Florida Reef Tract. A videographic sampling program was conducted to estimate variances in coral cover at the following hierarchical levels and corresponding spatial scales: (1) among transects within sites (0.01- to 0.1-km scale), (2) among sites within reefs (0.5- to 2-km scale), (3) among reefs within sectors of the reef tract (10- to 20-km scale), and (4) among sectors of the reef tract (50- to 100-km scale). Coral cover displayed low variability among transects within sites and among sites within reefs. This means that transects from a site adequately represented the variability of the spur-and-groove habitat of the reef as a whole. Variability among reefs within sectors was highly significant, compared with marginally significant variability among sectors. Estimates from an individual reef, therefore, did not adequately characterize nearby reefs, nor did those estimates sufficiently represent variability at the scale of the sector. The structure and composition of coral reef communities is probably determined by the interaction of multiple forcing functions operating on a variety of scales. Hierarchical analyses of coral assemblages from other geographic locations have detected high variability at scales different from those in the present study. A multiscale analysis should, therefore, precede any management decisions regarding large reef systems such as the Florida Reef Tract. Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

A 450 cm sediment core from Taperebal, in the mangrove region of northeastern Pará State in northern Brazil has been studied through pollen analysis in order to reconstruct mangrove development and dynamics and to infer relative sea-level (RSL) changes during the Holocene. Six AMS radiocarbon dates, which provide a somewhat limited age control with some uncertainties, suggest early and late Holocene deposits interrupted by a hiatus between them. A patchy vegetation of coastal Amazon rain forest, restinga, salt marsh and some mangrove, which was dominated by Avicennia, covered the study area during the early Holocene period. The occurrence of an early Avicennia dominated mangrove phase has not been reported so far from other sites in northern Brazil. During the mid Holocene mangroves mostly replaced the former coastal Amazon rain forest, restinga and some salt marsh vegetation, reflecting the rise in the RSL. Rhizophora trees expanded markedly and Avicennia became rare. In the sediment core there is apparently a gap between the depths of 115 and 85 cm (possibly starting between 5900 and 5750 b.p.). The deposits above 85 cm are of modern age and were probably deposited during the last decades. This gap can be explained by the lowering of the RSL as is shown for other northern Brazilian coastal sites. The deposition of sediments during the last decades suggests that the modern RSL is high compared to other periods in the Holocene. Pollen data from these deposits show that Rhizophora trees dominate the mangrove forests, also indicating a high RSL.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons provide an excellent basis for the study of processes controlling the evolution of a coastal zone. We examine the relative importance of these processes during the middle to late Holocene through a study of an 8.5 meter-long sediment record from the Albufera de Valencia (Spain). We combine sedimentological analyses with investigations into the palaeoecology, taphonomy and geochemistry (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, δ18O and δ13C) of ostracod valves in order to assess the effects of sea-level changes, storm events and effective moisture on the evolution of a Western Mediterranean coastal wetland. The late Pleistocene sediments represent a subaerial environment, which was followed by a hiatus in deposition. The first Holocene unit (8700–7500 calendar yr. BP) is composed of typical lagoon-barrier and backshore sediments, deposited when seawater intruded into the lake and the climate was arid. The upper part of the sequence (between 7500 and 3400 yr.) is characterized by two sedimentary units, which correspond to Holocene progradation phases and humid climate associated with an increased freshwater influx to the lake accompanied by several high-energy events (palaeostorms). Overall, the record shows that an arid climate prevailed in the western Mediterranean area between 8400 and 7600 yr. The main marine transgression and accompanying progradational phases occurred between 7000 and 3400 yr., which is confirmed by other studies of coastal evolution along the Mediterranean coast. The multiproxy reconstructions demonstrate that controls on sedimentation and palaeoecology in this Mediterranean coastal lagoon were complex.  相似文献   

High-latitude reef communities consisting of typical Caribbean fauna of variable composition and density exist on four parallel ridges at varying depths along the Broward County (Florida, USA) coast. Two of these ridges, at 7–13 and 15–30 m in depth, are drowned early Holocene coral reefs of 5 and 7 ky uncorrected radiocarbon age. In this study, community data were collected on each reef using 50-m, line-intercept transects. Using multivariate non-metric statistics, the data show distinct differences in benthic community structure across several spatial gradients. Diversity indices revealed that while all values were low, species diversity (H) was consistent throughout the county, and species richness (d) and evenness (J) increased along a north-south gradient. Scleractinian coral (27 species) cover was low (<6%) in all areas, and Montastrea cavernosa dominated as the major hermatypic scleractinian. Notably absent was the major Caribbean reef-builder Acropora palmata. A rich alcyonacean fauna was present on all studied reefs, and these were typically the most important faunal group determining community structure. Although during the 2-year period 2000–2002 mean water temperatures never fell below 20 °C, scleractinia were small in size.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic performance, pigmentation and response to nutrient enrichment of a Dictyota community were studied over a 32 m depth gradient on Conch Reef, Florida Keys, USA. Dictyota spp. was the dominant space occupier on Conch Reef. During summer months from 1994 to 2001, mean percent cover was 43% at 7 and 21 m depths. Percent cover of Dictyota spp. was markedly lower at 32 m relative to shallower sites. The metabolism of Dictyota menstrualis and Dictyota pulchella were negatively impacted by attenuation of irradiance with increased depth such that ETRmax and P/R ratio decreased by 85% and 47%, respectively in samples from 7 to 32 m. Decreased cover of Dicytota spp. at 32 m relative to shallower sites may be the result of the inability of this species complex to acclimate to low irradiance levels as indicated by a lack of change in α and photosynthetic pigment content with increased depth.The response of D. menstrualis populations on Conch Reef to nutrient enrichment was variable. During August 2000, a natural enrichment experiment was conducted as D. menstrualis photosynthetic performance was surveyed both during and for days after a period of cool, nutrient-rich internal tidal bores bathed the 21 m site. No changes in in situ photosynthetic performance were observed either during or for 2 to 4 days after this natural event suggesting no nutrient limitation. In August 2001, a manipulative nutrient enrichment experiment was conducted with D. menstrualis from 7, 21 and 32 m. Increases in ΦII were found in individuals exposed to nutrient enrichment from all depths, indicating at that time D. menstrualis was nutrient-limited on Conch Reef. Variation in the physiological response to nutrient enrichment may be the result of the frequency of internal tidal bores on Conch Reef in the months prior to our experiments. Variation in the responses by Dictyota spp. to irradiance and nutrient enrichment suggests that long-term monitoring over relevant temporal and spatial scales is necessary to accurately characterize limits on productivity and spread of this weedy species assemblage.  相似文献   

A 1500-year, late Holocene history of coastal and lacustrine carbonate sedimentation is preserved in shallow ponds on Lee Stocking Island, Exuma Cays, Bahamas. Details of environmental change have been extracted by integrating lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy (macrobiota, foraminifers, ostracodes), and chemical stratigraphy (C, O isotopes of foraminiferal and molluscan skeletal carbonate; MgO wt% of ostracode calcite) with a well defined 14C AMS radiocarbon chronology. Carbonate deposition began within physically restricted, euryhaline coastal embayments, with several pronounced changes in salinity defined by biotic and calculated salinity variation (from MgO wt% in shells of Cyprideis americana). By about 700–740 yr B.P., embayment closure occurred possibly related to changed longshore deposition associated with sea level rise and/or regional change in climate (previously documented). With closure, the initial euryhaline foraminifer assemblage was replaced by a predominant hypersaline biofacies (e.g., Triloculina sp.); with progressive basin fill, ostracode assemblages, calculated salinities, and variation in abundance of the gastropod Cerithidea sp. may resolve higher-order (and some extreme) salinity fluctuations throughout the remaining history of saline pond development. Foraminiferal isotope stratigraphy is compatible with that expected for hydrologically closed lake basins. Carbonate accumulation was effectively shut-down <200 years ago, replaced by stromatolitic growth. Present-day salinities vary according to water balance governed by rainfall and evaporation. A centuries-scale (300–400 year) flux of abraded (reworked), marine-derived bioclasts, admixed with skeletal remains of indigenous biota, is also preserved in these ponds. Allochthonous sediment was transported by hurricane storm surges or related to abrupt transgressive events superimposed on an overall gradual rise in global sea level. We discuss evidence for both as controls on sedimentation. Our study illustrates that saline ponds on Bahamian islands are excellent sedimentary archives of local, regional, and possibly global paleoclimatic events of late Holocene age.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of a uranium-series-dated stalagmite from South Africa provide a record of climate changes for the periods 4400–4000 years and 800 years ago to recent, interrupted by a prolonged growth hiatus. Generally enriched stable oxygen isotope values, interpreted here to indicate more humid conditions, occurred around 800 years ago. Subsequently a marked depletion in oxygen and carbon isotope values occurred about 600 years ago, reflecting, we believe, shifts toward drier, cooler conditions as the regional indication of the Little Ice Age. This period with depleted, yet oscillating isotope values, is replaced by a period with enriched isotopes until recent times. The record is notable for sharp shifts in isotopic values, on the scale of decades, which reflect rapid oscillations in local climate conditions.  相似文献   

The Key Largo woodrat (Neotoma floridana smalli) and Key Largo cotton mouse (Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola) are federally endangered subspecies endemic to the tropical hardwood hammocks of Key Largo, Florida. Woodrats are considered generalists in habitat and diet, yet a steady decline in natural stick nests and capture rates over the past several decades suggests that they are limited by the availability of nesting habitat due to habitat loss and fragmentation. The more specialized Key Largo cotton mouse appears to rely on old growth hammock, a habitat type that is rare following past land clearing. In 2004, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service started building supplemental nest structures to restore habitat quality and connectivity for these endangered rodents, but nest use requires evaluation. We used camera traps and occupancy models to evaluate the factors influencing woodrat and cotton mouse use of the supplemental nests. We detected woodrats at 65 and cotton mice at 175 of 284 sampled nest structures, with co‐occurrence at 38 nests. Woodrat nest use followed a gradient from low nest use in the north to high nest use in the south, which might relate to the proximity of free‐ranging domestic cat (Felis catus) colonies in residential developments. Cotton mouse nest use, however, was related positively to mature hammock and related negatively to disturbed areas (e.g. scarified lands). The two species occurred independently of each other. Stick‐stacking behavior was observed at supplemental nests and, although it was correlated with detection of woodrats, it was not a strong predictor of their occurrence. We suggest that nest supplementation can be an important tool for species recovery as habitat quality continues to improve with succession.  相似文献   

This study focuses on diatom assemblages occurring in cores of Late-glacial and Holocene deposits retrieved from the mouth of the lower Rega River valley, of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Sediment samples from four cores were the subject of the present study. Diatom-inferred environmental characteristics, e.g., water level; water salinity (conductivity), trophic status and pH, within each core are presented. Diatom assemblage zones (DAZ) were distinguished, based on differences in the distribution of particular ecological groups. Each DAZ appears to be related to environmental changes during the deposition of a given sediment interval. The Late-glacial (Allerød) sediments originated in a shallow lake with increasing concentrations of solutes and nutrients. The Holocene record begins in the early Atlantic Chronozone and the diatoms point to weakly brackish-water sediments deposited in a shallow water environment. During the period of 8,500–5,800 cal year BP sedimentation took place in a shallow embayment and/or lagoon. From ca. 5,800 cal year BP onwards sedimentation took place in a peat bog environment alternating with Aeolian deposition. Changes in diatom community structure imply a close relationship with the climate-controlled eustatic rise of the ocean level and its consequence Littorina transgression. As with other southern Baltic Sea localities, brackish-water diatoms appear in the sediments, signaling the onset of marine transgression somewhat earlier than previously accepted. Differences and similarities in diatom assemblages and the palaeogeographic development of nearby regions within the Baltic Sea basin and lagoons (coastal areas) from different geographic regions, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Coral communities of Biscayne National Park (BNP) on offshore linear bank-barrier reefs are depauperate of reef corals and have little topographic relief, while those on lagoonal patch reefs have greater coral cover and species richness despite presumably more stressful environmental regimes closer to shore. We hypothesized that differences in rates of coral recruitment and/or of coral survivorship were responsible for these differences in community structure. These processes were investigated by measuring: (1) juvenile and adult coral densities, and (2) size-frequency distributions of smaller coral size classes, at three pairs of bank- and patch-reefs distributed along the north-south range of coral reefs within the Park. In addition, small quadrats (0.25 m2) were censused for colonies <2 cm in size on three reefs (one offshore and one patch reef in the central park, and one intermediate reef at the southern end), and re-surveyed after 1 year. Density and size frequency data confirmed that large coral colonies were virtually absent from the offshore reefs, but showed that juvenile corals were common and had similar densities to those of adjacent bank and patch reefs. Large coral colonies were more common on inshore patch reefs, suggesting lower survivorship (higher mortality) of small and intermediate sized colonies on the offshore reefs. The more limited small-quadrat data showed similar survivorship rates and initial and final juvenile densities at all three sites, but a higher influx of new recruits to the patch reef site during the single annual study period. We consider the size-frequency data to be a better indicator of juvenile coral dynamics, since it is a more time-integrated measurement and was replicated at more sites. We conclude that lack of recruitment does not appear to explain the impoverished coral communities on offshore bank reefs in BNP. Instead, higher juvenile coral mortality appears to be a dominant factor structuring these communities. Accepted: 9 September 1999  相似文献   

We reconstructed the Holocene developmental history of a kettle-hole peatland in the Tuchola Forest of Northern Poland, using pollen, testat amoebae and plant macrofossil indicators. Our aims were to determine the timing and pattern of autogenic succession and natural and anthropogenic influences on the peatland. Northern Poland is under mixed oceanic and continental climatic influences but has so far been less studied in a palaeoecological context than more oceanic regions of Europe. In the first terrestrial developmental phase of the mire, the testate amoebae-inferred depth to water table revealed two major dry shifts at ca. 9400 (end of lake phase) and ca. 7100 cal BP (a period of global cooling and dry shift in Western Europe). Conditions became wetter again in two steps at ca. 6700 and ca. 5800 BP after a dry event at ca. 6100 BP. The timing of the wet shift at 5800 BP corresponds to wet periods in Western Europe. Peat accumulation rates were low (0.1 mm yr− 1) between ca. 5600 and ca. 3000 BP when sedges dominated the peatland. In the last 2500 yrs surface moisture fluctuated with wet events at ca. 2750–2400, and 2000 BP, and dry events at ca. 2250–2100 and 1450 BP. After 1450 BP a trend towards wetter conditions culminated at ca. 500 cal BP, possibly caused by local deforestation. Over the mire history, pH (inferred from testate amoebae) was mostly low (around 5) with two short-lived shifts to alkaline conditions (7.5) at ca. 6100 and 1450 BP indicating a minerotrophic influence from surface run-off into the mire. Up to about 1000 BP the ecological shifts inferred from the three proxies agree with palaeoclimatic records from Poland and Western Europe. After this date, however correlation is less clear suggesting an increasing local anthropogenic impact on the mire. This study confirms that kettle-hole peatlands can yield useful palaeoenvironmental data as well as recording land-use change and calls for more comparable studies in regions are the interface between major climate influences.  相似文献   

Specimens belonging to a new species of Perinereis Kinberg, 1865 were collected fromnatural oyster reefs in an estuarine environmenton Florida’s southwest coast. The genus Perinereis includes more than 70 species, of which, Perinereis aibuhitensis (Grube, 1878), Perinereis brevicirrata (Treadwell, 1920), Perinereis camiguinoides (Augener, 1922), Perinereis jascooki Gibbs, 1972, Perinereis kuwaitensis Mohammad, 1970, Perinereis singaporiensis (Grube, 1878), Perinereis vancaurica (Ehlers, 1868) and the new species have two short bars on Area VI and notopodial dorsal ligules that are not greatly expanded. The most geographically close species is Perinereis brevicirrata. The new species can be distinguished from Perinereis brevicirrata by the absence of a notopodial prechaetal lobe, Area V with 3 cones in a triangle, and Area VII-VIII with two well-defined rows of 33 paragnaths, the basal row having longer paragnaths in relation to the distal ones. The new species resembles Perinereis singaporiensis based on the absence of notopodial prechaetal lobe; however, the two species differ in some morphological characteristics such as tentacular cirri length, shape of dorsal notopodial ligules, and falciger blades. A key to all American species of Perinereis is included.  相似文献   

Understanding observed patterns of connectivity requires an understanding of the evolutionary processes that determine genetic structure among populations, with the most common models being associated with isolation by distance, allopatry or vicariance. Pinnipeds are annual breeders with the capacity for extensive range overlap during seasonal migrations, establishing the potential for the evolution of isolation by distance. Here, we assess the pattern of differentiation among six breeding colonies of the southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, based on mtDNA and 15 neutral microsatellite DNA markers, and consider measures of their demography and connectivity. We show that all breeding colonies are genetically divergent and that connectivity in this highly mobile pinniped is not strongly associated with geographic distance, but more likely linked to Holocene climate change and demographic processes. Estimates of divergence times between populations were all after the last glacial maximum, and there was evidence for directional migration in a clockwise pattern (with the prevailing current) around the Antarctic. We discuss the mechanisms by which climate change may have contributed to the contemporary genetic structure of southern elephant seal populations and the broader implications.  相似文献   

The coastal marine environment is currently under threat from many anthropogenic pressures that were identified by the MARES project. Indicators of ecosystem health are needed so that targets can be set to guide protection and restoration efforts. Species of birds that are dependent on coastal habitats are ubiquitous along the coasts of southern Florida. Generally referred to as waterbirds, these species, although not all taxonomically related, share a common dependency on the marine environment for food, nesting habitat, or both. A suite of waterbirds was selected based on their perceived sensitivity to pressures in multiple coastal habitat types. The list of species was refined on the basis of a review of life history for characteristics that might make the species particularly vulnerable. Each selected species was then evaluated for sensitivity to the identified pressures using a hierarchical assessment that took into account the sensitivity, severity, and the temporal and spatial scales of the indicator to the given pressures. The selected suite of indicators was collectively sensitive to all the pressures except one.  相似文献   

From April 1970 to August 1971, 235 cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and 281 rice rats (Oryzomys palustris) were trapped in salt and fresh water marshes in north-central Florida and examined for natural infections of filarial worms, Litomosoides spp. Cotton rats from both types of marshes were infected (28–44 per cent prevalence), whereas only rice rats from the salt marsh were infected (56 per cent prevalence). Older animals were more commonly infected than younger ones. In cotton rats the worms were located in the pleural cavity, whereas in rice rats the worms were located primarily in the abdominal cavity. Filarial worms from rice rats were transmitted experimentally to laboratory-reared rice rats and cotton rats, but worms from cotton rats were transmitted only to cotton rats. Morphological studies on adult forms and microfilariae indicated that the worms in rice rats were distinct from those in cotton rats and are therefore described as Litomosoides scotti sp. n. The cotton rat filariids were referable to Litomosoides carinii (Travassos, 1919) Vaz, 1934. L. scotti differs from L. carinii in the ratio of the spicules, in the shape of the distal end of the right spicule and in having shorter microfilariae.  相似文献   

Personal RF exposimetry has been in the focus of the bioelectromagnetics community in the last few years. With a few exceptions, exposimetry studies focused on adults, because measuring the exposure of children, one of the most important target groups, introduces many complications.The main feature of our study is to select teachers and kindergarten caretakers as volunteers. They are expected to receive similar exposure patterns as the children because they spend the workday close to them. Thus they can stand as proxies for estimation of exposures of children.Volunteers belonging to one of two groups (elementary school teachers, n = 31; employees of kindergartens and day nurseries, n = 50) in Hungarian cities received a Personal Exposimeter (PEM) for 24 h each. Only workdays, when the volunteers worked near children, were considered. 51 additional volunteers (office workers) were measured as controls.The volunteers wore the PEMs on their bodies. Those activities marked in the exposure diaries as work were further classified into 5 categories based on the level of certainty that they actually worked near children during that activity. Subsets of the full dataset were derived and compared based on this categorization.It was found that relaxation of the selection criteria often under- or overestimates exposure. The differences of estimation depend on the frequency band and sub-population: the kindergarten and teacher groups differ in this regard. For most frequency bands the majority of data points was below the detection limit. Derived child exposures are comparable to the worktime exposure of adults (control group).  相似文献   

Snow dominates the hydrology and climate of the United States’ central Pacific Coast, but because local measurements of snowpack and winter precipitation often extend back only a few decades, observations by themselves are not adequate to describe potential amplitude of wintertime conditions. Here we present a set of updated and extended mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana [Bong.] Carr.) tree-ring width records from Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, and use these data to make inferences about snowpack prior to the start of instrumental monitoring. In July and August 2013, we collected cores from 228 trees at seven high-elevation hemlock stands that surround the crater’s rim. The oldest tree had an inner ring date of CE 1474, and the longest ring-width chronology maintained a satisfactory common signal back to the middle of the 16th century. The growth of high-elevation mountain hemlock is strongly and inversely related to cool-season precipitation, making these records some of the most southerly examples of a robust inverse cool-season moisture signal in North American tree rings. The growth of these snow-limited forests does not appear to have been affected by the substantial decline in spring snowpack observed in the past two decades across the broader Cascade Range, and we did not find any indication of changing relationships between tree growth and either monthly or seasonal winter precipitation since the early 1990s. The exceptional three-year sequence in Crater Lake tree rings between CE 1809 and 1811, which includes the narrowest ring since CE 1540 and anatomical abnormalities produced by cold weather, leads us to conclude that 1809–1810 was the most snowy and severe winter to affect south-central Oregon during the past four and a half centuries.  相似文献   

Four nonpathogenic and nontoxigenic Epicoccum nigrum strains were evaluated for their growth, morphology and pigment producing ability in three complex and one defined liquid media. Epicoccum nigrum IBT 41028 produced pigments in all the four media tested with a maximum pigment of 3.68 AU at 410 nm in M1 medium (unoptimized) containing 5 g/l yeast autolysate. The color hue of the crude pigment extracts ranged from 74 to 102 exhibiting dark orange to green-yellow color. Pelleted morphology was shown to have a positive influence on the pigment production by E. nigrum strain IBT 41028 in the liquid media, and the use of Bis-tris buffer was found to diminish or reduce the pellet formation. Since Monascus is a well known pigment producer on rice. Pigment producing ability of E. nigrum IBT 41028 was tested on rice and compared to liquid media with Monascus ruber IBT 7904 as control. Though, both genera preferred rice but E. nigrum produced 4.6 folds higher pigment in the liquid unoptimized fermentation medium compared to M. ruber. Solid phase extraction and subsequently HPLC-DAD analysis of the crude pigment extracts showed qualitative as well as quantitative variation in the pigment composition under solid and liquid cultivations.  相似文献   

Since the correlation between carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and global temperatures was established in the ice core records, quantifying the components of the global carbon cycle has become a priority with a view to constraining models of the climate system. The marine carbonate budget is still not adequately constrained and the quantitative significance of the calcareous green alga Halimeda still remains particularly poorly understood. Previously, it has been suggested that Halimeda bioherms on the shelf of the Great Barrier Reef may contain a volume of carbonate equal to or greater than that contained within the shelf edge coral reefs. This study uses published datasets to test this hypothesis in the Northern Great Barrier Reef (NGBR) province. It is estimated that Halimeda bioherms on the outer shelf of the NGBR contain at least as much (and up to four times more) CaCO3 sediment as the adjacent ribbon reef facies. Globally, if these findings are even only partially applicable, the contribution of shallow water carbonate sediments to the global carbon budget based on coral reefs alone is currently substantially underestimated.  相似文献   

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