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ArrayExpress is a public microarray repository founded on the Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) principles that stores MIAME-compliant gene expression data. Plant-based data sets represent approximately one-quarter of the experiments in ArrayExpress. The majority are based on Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana); however, there are other data sets based on Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare, and Populus subsp. AtMIAMExpress is an open-source Web-based software application for the submission of Arabidopsis-based microarray data to ArrayExpress. AtMIAMExpress exports data in MAGE-ML format for upload to any MAGE-ML-compliant application, such as J-Express and ArrayExpress. It was designed as a tool for users with minimal bioinformatics expertise, has comprehensive help and user support, and represents a simple solution to meeting the MIAME guidelines for the Arabidopsis community. Plant data are queryable both in ArrayExpress and in the Data Warehouse databases, which support queries based on gene-centric and sample-centric annotation. The AtMIAMExpress submission tool is available at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/at-miamexpress/. The software is open source and is available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/miamexpress/. For information, contact miamexpress@ebi.ac.uk.  相似文献   

ArrayExpress is a new public database of microarray gene expression data at the EBI, which is a generic gene expression database designed to hold data from all microarray platforms. ArrayExpress uses the annotation standard Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) and the associated XML data exchange format Microarray Gene Expression Markup Language (MAGE-ML) and it is designed to store well annotated data in a structured way. The ArrayExpress infrastructure consists of the database itself, data submissions in MAGE-ML format or via an online submission tool MIAMExpress, online database query interface, and the Expression Profiler online analysis tool. ArrayExpress accepts three types of submission, arrays, experiments and protocols, each of these is assigned an accession number. Help on data submission and annotation is provided by the curation team. The database can be queried on parameters such as author, laboratory, organism, experiment or array types. With an increasing number of organisations adopting MAGE-ML standard, the volume of submissions to ArrayExpress is increasing rapidly. The database can be accessed at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress.  相似文献   

MPP is a Java application, encompassing both new and established algorithms, for the analysis of gene and marker content datasets arising from high-throughput microarray techniques. MPP analyses flat file output from microarray experiments to determine the probability of the presence or absence of genes or markers within a genome. MPP can construct gene or marker content datasets for a number of genomes and can use the data to estimate an evolutionary tree or network. Results from gene content analyses may be validated by comparing them to known gene contents. MPP was initially developed to analyse data derived from comparative genome hybridization (CGH) microarray experiments in fungi and bacteria. It has recently been adapted to analyse retrotransposon-based insertion polymorphism (RBIP) marker scores derived from tagged microarray marker (TAM) experiments in pea. New analytical procedures may be added easily to MPP as plugins in order to increase the scope of the software. AVAILABILITY: MPP source code, executables and online help are available at http://cbr.jic.ac.uk/dicks/software/  相似文献   

Since 1995, the WU-BLAST programs (http://blast.wustl.edu) have provided a fast, flexible and reliable method for similarity searching of biological sequence databases. The software is in use at many locales and web sites. The European Bioinformatics Institute's WU-Blast2 (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/blast2/) server has been providing free access to these search services since 1997 and today supports many features that both enhance the usability and expand on the scope of the software.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are cheap, easy and quick to obtain relative to full genomic sequencing and currently sample more eukaryotic genes than any other data source. They are particularly useful for developing Sequence Tag Sites (STSs for mapping), polymorphism discovery, disease gene hunting, mass spectrometer proteomics, and most ironically for finding genes and predicting gene structure after the great effort of genomic sequencing. However, ESTs have many problems and the public EST databases contain all the errors and high redundancy intrinsic to the submitted data so it is often found that derived database views, which reduce both errors and redundancy, are more effective starting points for research than the original raw submissions. Existing derived views such as EST cluster databases and consensus databases have never published supporting evidence or intermediary results leading to difficulties trusting, correcting, and customizing the final published database. These difficulties have lead many groups to wastefully repeat the complex intermediary work of others in order to offer slightly different final views. A better approach might be to discover the most expensive common calculations used by all the approaches and then publish all intermediary results. Given a globally accessible database with a suitable component interface, like the JESAM software described in this paper, the creation of customized EST-derived databases could be achieved with minimum effort. RESULTS: Databases of EST and full-length mRNA sequences for four model organisms have been self-compared by searching for overlaps consistent with contiguity. The sequence comparisons are performed in parallel using a PVM process farm and previous results are stored to allow incremental updates with minimal effort. The overlap databases have been published with CORBA interfaces to enable flexible global access as demonstrated by example Java applet browsers. Simple cDNA supercluster databases built as alignment database clients are themselves published via CORBA interfaces browsable with prototypical applets. A comparison with UniGene Mouse and Rat databases revealed undesirable features in both and the advantages of contrasting perspectives on complex data. AVAILABILITY: The software is packaged as two Jar files available from: URL: http://corba.ebi.ac.uk/EST/jesam/jesam. html. One jar contains all the Java source code, and the other contains all the C, C++ and IDL code. Links to working examples of the alignment and cluster viewers (if remote firewall permits) can be found at http://corba.ebi.ac.uk/EST. All the Washington University mouse EST traces are available for browsing at the same URL.  相似文献   

ArrayExpress: a public database of gene expression data at EBI   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ArrayExpress is a public repository for microarray-based gene expression data, resulting from the implementation of the MAGE object model to ensure accurate data structuring and the MIAME standard, which defines the annotation requirements. ArrayExpress accepts data as MAGE-ML files for direct submissions or data from MIAMExpress, the MIAME compliant web-based annotation and submission tool of EBI. A team of curators supports the submission process, providing assistance in data annotation. Data retrieval is performed through a dedicated web interface. Relevant results may be exported to ExpressionProfiler, the EBI based expression analysis tool available online (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress).  相似文献   

The extensive germplasm resource collections that are now available for major crop plants and their wild relatives will increasingly provide valuable biological and bioinformatics resources for plant physiologists and geneticists to dissect the molecular basis of key traits and to develop highly adapted plant material to sustain future breeding programs. A key to the efficient deployment of these resources is the development of information systems that will enable the collection and storage of biological information for these plant lines to be integrated with the molecular information that is now becoming available through the use of high-throughput genomics and post-genomics technologies. The GERMINATE database has been designed to hold a diverse variety of data types, ranging from molecular to phenotypic, and to allow querying between such data for any plant species. Data are stored in GERMINATE in a technology-independent manner, such that new technologies can be accommodated in the database as they emerge, without modification of the underlying schema. Users can access data in GERMINATE databases either via a lightweight Perl-CGI Web interface or by the more complex Genomic Diversity and Phenotype Connection software. GERMINATE is released under the GNU General Public License and is available at http://germinate.scri.sari.ac.uk/germinate/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The program varsplic.pl uses information present in the SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL databases to create new records for alternatively spliced isoforms. These new records can be used in similarity searches. AVAILABILITY: The program is available at ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/software/swissprot/, together with regularly updated output files. CONTACT: pkersey@ebi.ac.uk  相似文献   

While minimum information about a microarray experiment (MIAME) standards have helped to increase the value of the microarray data deposited into public databases like ArrayExpress and Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), limited means have been available to assess the quality of this data or to identify the procedures used to normalize and transform raw data. The EMERALD FP6 Coordination Action was designed to deliver approaches to assess and enhance the overall quality of microarray data and to disseminate these approaches to the microarray community through an extensive series of workshops, tutorials, and symposia. Tools were developed for assessing data quality and used to demonstrate how the removal of poor-quality data could improve the power of statistical analyses and facilitate analysis of multiple joint microarray data sets. These quality metrics tools have been disseminated through publications and through the software package arrayQualityMetrics. Within the framework provided by the Ontology of Biomedical Investigations, ontology was developed to describe data transformations, and software ontology was developed for gene expression analysis software. In addition, the consortium has advocated for the development and use of external reference standards in microarray hybridizations and created the Molecular Methods (MolMeth) database, which provides a central source for methods and protocols focusing on microarray-based technologies.  相似文献   

As the amount of biological data grows, so does the need for biologists to store and access this information in central repositories in a free and unambiguous manner. The European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) hosts six core databases, which store information on DNA sequences (EMBL-Bank), protein sequences (SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL), protein structure (MSD), whole genomes (Ensembl) and gene expression (ArrayExpress). But just as a cell would be useless if it couldn't transcribe DNA or translate RNA, our resources would be compromised if each existed in isolation. We have therefore developed a range of tools that not only facilitate the deposition and retrieval of biological information, but also allow users to carry out searches that reflect the interconnectedness of biological information. The EBI's databases and tools are all available on our website at www.ebi.ac.uk.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Clustering techniques such as k-means and hierarchical clustering are commonly used to analyze DNA microarray derived gene expression data. However, the interactions between processes underlying the cell activity suggest that the complexity of the microarray data structure may not be fully represented with discrete clustering methods. RESULTS: A newly developed software tool called MILVA (microarray latent visualization and analysis) is presented here to investigate microarray data without separating gene expression profiles into discrete classes. The underpinning of the MILVA software is the two-dimensional topographic representation of multidimensional microarray data. On this basis, the interactive MILVA functions allow a continuous exploration of microarray data driven by the direct supervision of the biologist in detecting activity patterns of co-regulated genes. AVAILABILITY: The MILVA software is freely available. The software and the related documentation can be downloaded from http://www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk/Projects/milva. User 'surrey' as username and '3245' as password to login. The software is currently available for Windows platform only.  相似文献   

A friendly statistics package for microarray analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY: The friendly statistics package for microarray analysis (FSPMA) is a tool that aims to fill the gap between simple to use and powerful analysis. FSPMA is a platform-independent R-package that allows efficient exploration of microarray data without the need for computer programming. Analysis is based on a mixed model ANOVA library (YASMA) that was extended to allow more flexible comparisons and other useful operations like k nearest neighbour imputing and spike-based normalization. Processing is controlled by a definition file that specifies all the steps necessary to derive analysis results from quantified microarray data. In addition to providing analysis without programming, the definition file also serves as exact documentation of all the analysis steps. AVAILABILITY: The library is available under GPL 2 license and, together with additional information, provided at http://www.ccbi.cam.ac.uk/software/psyk/software.html#fspma  相似文献   

The availability of user‐friendly software to annotate biological datasets and experimental details is becoming essential in data management practices, both in local storage systems and in public databases. The Ontology Lookup Service (OLS, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols ) is a popular centralized service to query, browse and navigate biomedical ontologies and controlled vocabularies. Recently, the OLS framework has been completely redeveloped (version 3.0), including enhancements in the data model, like the added support for Web Ontology Language based ontologies, among many other improvements. However, the new OLS is not backwards compatible and new software tools are needed to enable access to this widely used framework now that the previous version is no longer available. We here present the OLS Client as a free, open‐source Java library to retrieve information from the new version of the OLS. It enables rapid tool creation by providing a robust, pluggable programming interface and common data model to programmatically access the OLS. The library has already been integrated and is routinely used by several bioinformatics resources and related data annotation tools. Secondly, we also introduce an updated version of the OLS Dialog (version 2.0), a Java graphical user interface that can be easily plugged into Java desktop applications to access the OLS. The software and related documentation are freely available at https://github.com/PRIDE-Utilities/ols-client and https://github.com/PRIDE-Toolsuite/ols-dialog .  相似文献   

SUMMARY: New software tools for graphical genotyping are required that can routinely handle the large data volumes generated by the high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) platforms, genotyping-by-sequencing and other comparable genotyping technologies. Flapjack has been developed to facilitate analysis of these data, providing real time rendering with rapid navigation and comparisons between lines, markers and chromosomes, with visualization, sorting and querying based on associated data, such as phenotypes, quantitative trait loci or other mappable features. AVAILABILITY: Flapjack is freely available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris, and can be downloaded from http://bioinf.scri.ac.uk/flapjack .  相似文献   

InterProScan is a tool that scans given protein sequences against the protein signatures of the InterPro member databases, currently--PROSITE, PRINTS, Pfam, ProDom and SMART. The number of signature databases and their associated scanning tools as well as the further refinement procedures make the problem complex. InterProScan is designed to be a scalable and extensible system with a robust internal architecture. AVAILABILITY: The Perl-based InterProScan implementation is available from the EBI ftp server (ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/software/unix/iprscan/) and the SRS-basedInterProScan is available upon request. We provide the public web interface (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/scan.html) as well as email submission server (interproscan@ebi.ac.uk).  相似文献   

The enzymes that hydrolyse peptide bonds, called peptidases or proteases, are very important to mankind and are also very numerous. The many scientists working on these enzymes are rapidly acquiring new data, and they need good methods to store it and retrieve it. The storage and retrieval require effective systems of classification and nomenclature, and it is the design and implementation of these that we mean by 'managing' peptidases. Ten years ago Rawlings and Barrett proposed the first comprehensive system for the classification of peptidases, which included a set of simple names for the families. In the present article we describe how the system has developed since then. The peptidase classification has now been adopted for use by many other databases, and provides the structure around which the MEROPS protease database (http://merops.sanger.ac.uk) is built.  相似文献   

The EBI SRS server-new features   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: Here we report on recent developments at the EBI SRS server (http://srs.ebi.ac.uk). SRS has become an integration system for both data retrieval and sequence analysis applications. The EBI SRS server is a primary gateway to major databases in the field of molecular biology produced and supported at EBI as well as European public access point to the MEDLINE database provided by US National Library of Medicine (NLM). It is a reference server for latest developments in data and application integration. The new additions include: concept of virtual databases, integration of XML databases like the Integrated Resource of Protein Domains and Functional Sites (InterPro), Gene Ontology (GO), MEDLINE, Metabolic pathways, etc., user friendly data representation in 'Nice views', SRSQuickSearch bookmarklets. AVAILABILITY: SRS6 is a licensed product of LION Bioscience AG freely available for academics. The EBI SRS server (http://srs.ebi.ac.uk) is a free central resource for molecular biology data as well as a reference server for the latest developments in data integration.  相似文献   

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