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This study reports the interaction between furosemide and human carbonic anhydrase II (hCA II) using fluorescence, UV-vis and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Fluorescence data indicated that furosemide quenches the intrinsic fluorescence of the enzyme via a static mechanism and hydrogen bonding and van der Walls interactions play the major role in the drug binding. The binding average distance between furosemide and hCA II was estimated on the basis of the theory of F?rster energy transfer. Decrease of protein surface hydrophobicity was also documented upon furosemide binding. Chemical modification of hCA II using N-bromosuccinimide indicated decrease of the number of accessible tryptophans in the presence of furosemide. CD results suggested the occurance of some alterations in α-helical content as well as tertiary structure of hCA II upon drug binding.  相似文献   

C A Fierke  T L Calderone  J F Krebs 《Biochemistry》1991,30(46):11054-11063
Twelve amino acid substitutions of varying size and hydrophobicity were constructed at Val 143 in human carbonic anhydrase II (including Gly, Ser, Cys, Asn, Asp, Leu, Ile, His, Phe and Tyr) to examine the catalytic roles of the hydrophobic pocket in the active site of this enzyme. The CO2 hydrase and p-nitrophenyl acetate (PNPA) esterase activities, the pKa of the zinc-water ligand, the inhibition constant for cyanate (KOCN), and the binding constants for sulfonamide inhibitors were measured for various mutants and correlated with the size and hydrophobicity of the substituted amino acid. The kcat/KM for PNPA hydrolysis and KOCN are linearly dependent on the hydrophobicity of the amino acid at position 143. All of the activities of CAII are decreased by more than a factor of 10(3) when large amino acids (Phe and Tyr) are substituted for Val 143, but the CO2 hydrase activity is the most sensitive to the size and structure of the substituted amino acid. Addition of a single methyl group (V143I) decreases the activity 8-fold, while substitution of valine by tyrosine essentially destroys the enzyme function (kcat/KM for CO2 hydration is decreased by more than 10(5)-fold). KOCN does not increase until Phe is substituted for Val 143, suggesting that the cyanate and CO2 binding sites are not identical. The functional data in conjunction with X-ray crystallographic studies of four of the mutants [Alexander et al., 1991 (following paper in this issue)] allow interpretation of the mutants at a molecular level and mapping of the region of the active site important for CO2 association. The hydrophobic pocket, including residues Val 121 and Val 143, is important for CO2 and PNPA association; if the pocket is blocked, substrates cannot approach the zinc-hydroxide with the correct orientation to react. The interaction between Val 143 and CO2 is relatively weak (less than or equal to 0.5 kcal/mol) and nonspecific; the association site does not tightly hold CO2 in one fixed orientation for reaction with the zinc-hydroxide. This mechanism of catalysis may reflect a decreased requirement for specific orientation by CO2 since it is a symmetrical molecule.  相似文献   

An analysis of the pairwise side-chain packing geometries of cysteine residues observed in high-resolution protein crystal structures indicates that cysteine pairs have pronounced orientational preferences due to the geometric constraints of disulfide bond formation. A potential function was generated from these observations and used to evaluate models for novel disulfide bonds in human carbonic anhydrase II (HCAII). Three double-cysteine variants of HCAII were purified and the effective concentrations of their thiol groups were determined by titrations with glutathione and dithiothreitol. The effects of the cysteine mutations on the native state structure and stability were characterized by circular dichroism, enzymatic activity, sulfonamide binding, and guanidine hydrochloride titration. These analyses indicate that the PAIRWISE potential is a good predictor of the strength of the disulfide bond itself, but the overall structural and thermodynamic effects on the protein are complicated by additional factors. In particular, the effects of cysteine substitutions on the native state and the stabilization of compact nonnative states by the disulfide can override any stabilizing effect of the cross-link.  相似文献   

E D Roush  C A Fierke 《Biochemistry》1992,31(49):12536-12542
Plasma from many vertebrates, including pigs, contains a soluble component that inhibits the CO2 hydrase activity of carbonic anhydrase (CA). This activity was purified to homogeneity (approximately 4000-fold) from porcine plasma using a combination of DEAE-Affi-Gel Blue chromatography and carbonic anhydrase II-affinity chromatography, yielding 16 mg of inhibitory protein/L of plasma. This protein, porcine inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase (pICA), is a monomeric protein with an apparent molecular mass of 79 kDa, as determined by electrospray mass spectrometry. As isolated, pICA contains about 3 kDa of N-linked glycosylation removable by peptide N-glycosidase F. pICA inhibits CA reversibly with a 1:1 stoichiometry. pICA is a potent and specific inhibitor of the CA II isozyme, with Ki < 0.1 nM for porcine CA II at pH 7.4. Although the Ki is dependent on the CA isozyme type (CA II < CA IV < CA III approximately CA I), it is relatively insensitive to the species source, as long as it is mammalian. The Ki is pH dependent with log Ki decreasing linearly as the pH decreases, implicating at least one ionizable group with the pKa < or = 6.5 in the binding interaction. The isozyme and species dependence of the inhibition suggest that pICA interacts with amino acids on the surface of CA II.  相似文献   

In the catalysis of the hydration of carbon dioxide and dehydration of bicarbonate by human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II), a histidine residue (His64) shuttles protons between the zinc-bound solvent molecule and the bulk solution. To evaluate the effect of the position of the shuttle histidine and pH on proton shuttling, we have examined the catalysis and crystal structures of wild-type HCA II and two double mutants: H64A/N62H and H64A/N67H HCA II. His62 and His67 both have their side chains extending into the active-site cavity with distances from the zinc approximately equivalent to that of His64. Crystal structures were determined at pH 5.1-10.0, and the catalysis of the exchange of (18)O between CO(2) and water was assessed by mass spectrometry. Efficient proton shuttle exceeding a rate of 10(5) s(-)(1) was observed for histidine at positions 64 and 67; in contrast, relatively inefficient proton transfer at a rate near 10(3) s(-)(1) was observed for His62. The observation, in the crystal structures, of a completed hydrogen-bonded water chain between the histidine shuttle residue and the zinc-bound solvent does not appear to be required for efficient proton transfer. The data suggest that the number of intervening water molecules between the donor and acceptor supporting efficient proton transfer in HCA II is important, and furthermore suggest that a water bridge consisting of two intervening water molecules is consistent with efficient proton transfer.  相似文献   

The inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase II (carbonate hydro-lyase, EC by tetrazole, 1,2,4-triazole, 2-nitrophenol, and chloral hydrate has been investigated. These inhibitors, together with phenol which has been studied previously (Simonsson, I., Jonsson, B.-H. and Lindskog, S. (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 108, 1406-1412), can be classified in three groups depending upon the kinetic patterns of inhibition of CO2 hydration at pH near 9. The first group, represented by tetrazole and 2-nitrophenol, yields predominantly uncompetitive inhibition under these conditions in analogy with simple, inorganic anions. The second group, represented by 1,2,4-triazole and chloral hydrate gives rise to essentially noncompetitive inhibition patterns, whereas phenol, representing the third group, is a competitive inhibitor of CO2 hydration. These diverse inhibition patterns are discussed in terms of the kinetic mechanism scheme originally proposed by Steiner et al. (Steiner, H., Jonsson, B.-H. and Lindskog, S. (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 59, 253-259.  相似文献   

X-ray crystal structures of carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) complexed with sulfonamide inhibitors illuminate the structural determinants of high affinity binding in the nanomolar regime. The primary binding interaction is the coordination of a primary sulfonamide group to the active site zinc ion. Secondary interactions fine-tune tight binding in regions of the active site cavity >5 A away from zinc, and this work highlights three such features: (1) advantageous conformational restraints of a bicyclic thienothiazene-6-sulfonamide-1,1-dioxide inhibitor skeleton in comparison with a monocyclic 2,5-thiophenedisulfonamide skeleton; (2) optimal substituents attached to a secondary sulfonamide group targeted to interact with hydrophobic patches defined by Phe131, Leu198, and Pro202; and (3) optimal stereochemistry and configuration at the C-4 position of bicyclic thienothiazene-6-sulfonamides; the C-4 substituent can interact with His64, the catalytic proton shuttle. Structure-activity relationships rationalize affinity trends observed during the development of brinzolamide (Azopt), the newest carbonic anhydrase inhibitor approved for the treatment of glaucoma.  相似文献   

The structure of human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 9.5 has been studied by X-ray crystallographic methods to 2.2 A resolution. These studies complement those performed under acidic conditions in which the catalytically-important proton-shuttle group, His-64, exhibits conformational mobility about side-chain torsion angle chi 1. However, no structural changes are observed in the conformation of His-64 at high pH. Therefore, we conclude that the protonation of His-64 (as well as zinc-bound hydroxide) may be a factor which contributes to the predominantly "out" conformation for His-64 observed at low pH.  相似文献   

We report here a theoretical study on the formation of long-range proton transfer pathways in proteins due to side chain conformational fluctuations of amino acid residues and reorganization of interior hydration positions. The proton transfer pathways in such systems may be modeled as fluctuating hydrogen-bonded networks with both short- and long-lived connections between the networked nodes, the latter being formed by polar protein atoms and water molecules. It is known that these fluctuations may extend over several decades of time ranging from a few femtoseconds to a few milliseconds. We have shown in this article how the use of a variety of theoretical methods may be utilized to detect a generic set of pathways and assess the feasibility of forming one or more transient connections. We demonstrate the application of these methods to the enzyme human carbonic anhydrase II and its mutants. Our results reveal several alternative pathways in addition to the one mediated by His-64. We also probe at length the mechanism of key conformational fluctuations contributing to the formation of the detected pathways.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme of interest for many biotechnological developments including carbon sequestration. These applications often require harsh conditions, so there is a need for the development of thermostable variants. One of the most thermostable human carbonic anhydrase II (HCAIIts) variants was patented in 2006. Here, we report the ultra‐high resolution crystal structure of HCAIIts. The structural changes seen are consistent with each of the six mutations involved acting largely independently and variously resulting in increased H‐bonding, improved packing, and reduced side chain entropy loss on folding to yield the increased stability. We further suggest that for four of the mutations, improvements in backbone conformational energetics is also a contributor and that considerations of such conformational propensities of individual amino acids are often overlooked.  相似文献   

Summary Some biochemical properties of a new red cell human carbonic anhydrase variant, CA Ih Hiroshima, have been determined. Evidence is presented that the amino acid substitution in the Japanese variant is not the same as the previously characterized CA Ic variant from Guam of similar electrophoretic mobility. Based on a comparison with the normal CA I isoenzyme, a proposal for the site of the amino acid substitution is presented.  相似文献   

The rate limiting step in catalysis of bicarbonate dehydration by human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) is an intramolecular proton transfer from His64 to the zinc-bound hydroxide. We have examined the role of Tyr7 using site-specific mutagenesis and measuring catalysis by the 18O exchange method using membrane inlet mass spectrometry. The side chain of Tyr7 in HCA II extends into the active-site cavity about 7 Å from the catalytic zinc atom. Replacement of Tyr7 with eight other amino acids had no effect on the interconversion of bicarbonate and CO2, but in some cases caused enhancements in the rate constant of proton transfer by nearly 10-fold. The variant Y7I HCA II enhanced intramolecular proton transfer approximately twofold; its structure was determined by X-ray crystallography at 1.5 Å resolution. No changes were observed in the ordered solvent structure in the active-site cavity or in the conformation of the side chain of the proton shuttle His64. However, the first 11 residues of the amino-terminal chain in Y7I HCA II assumed an alternate conformation compared with the wild type. Differential scanning calorimetry showed variants at position 7 had a melting temperature approximately 8 °C lower than that of the wild type.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase IV (CAIV) is a membrane-associated enzyme anchored to plasma membrane surfaces by a phosphatidylinositol glycan linkage. We have determined the 2.8-angstroms resolution crystal structure of a truncated, soluble form of recombinant murine CAIV. We have also determined the structure of its complex with a drug used for glaucoma therapy, the sulfonamide inhibitor brinzolamide (Azopt). The overall structure of murine CAIV is generally similar to that of human CAIV; however, some local structural differences are found in the active site resulting from amino acid sequence differences in the "130's segment" and the residue-63 loop (these may affect the nearby catalytic proton shuttle, His-64). Similar to human CAIV, the C-terminus of murine CAIV is surrounded by a substantial electropositive surface potential that may stabilize the interaction with the phospholipid membrane. Binding interactions observed for brinzolamide rationalize the generally weaker affinity of inhibitors used in glaucoma therapy toward CAIV compared with CAII.  相似文献   

A new model for catalysis of human carbonic anhydrase II is suggested. The model is based on the X-ray structure of the hydrogen bond network in the catalytic site. The outer part of the network is proposed to adjust the p K(a) of the catalytic site to the experimentally observed value of about 7. The inner part of the network is proposed to become a low-barrier hydrogen bond network in the transition state. The energy released in forming the low-barrier hydrogen bond network is used to catalyse the interconversion of CO(2) and HCO(3)(-). The suggested molecular mechanism is consistent with the generally accepted kinetic scheme for human carbonic anhydrase II.  相似文献   

We have prepared a site-specific mutant of human carbonic anhydrase (HCA) II with histidine residues at positions 7 and 64 in the active site cavity. Using a different isozyme, we have placed histidine residues in HCA III at positions 64 and 67 and in another mutant at positions 64 and 7. Each of these histidine residues can act as a proton transfer group in catalysis when it is the only nonliganding histidine in the active site cavity, except His(7) in HCA III. Using an (18)O exchange method to measure rate constants for intramolecular proton transfer, we have found that inserting two histidine residues into the active site cavity of either isozyme II or III of carbonic anhydrase results in rates of proton transfer to the zinc-bound hydroxide that are antagonistic or suppressive with respect to the corresponding single mutants. The crystal structure of Y7H HCA II, which contains both His(7) and His(64) within the active site cavity, shows the conformation of the side chain of His(64) moved from its position in the wild type and hydrogen-bonded through an intervening water molecule with the side chain of His(7). This suggests a cause of decreased proton transfer in catalysis.  相似文献   

A 36-amino acid residue peptide containing the presumed metal-binding ligands at the active site of human erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase B was synthesized by the standard solid phase method. The synthetic peptide was purified by ion-exchange chromatography and was homogeneous as judged by cellulose acetate gel electrophoresis. Amino acid analysis, dansylation, C-terminal determination, and four cycles of Edman degradation all gave results consistent with the anticipated sequence. The peptide binds Co(II) with an apparent dissociation constant of about 7 × 10?5M (uncorrected) but has little, if any, of the catalytic activity of carbonic anhydrase. Possible explanations for the weak binding of the metal ion are discussed along with prospects and strategies for designing polypeptide models of enzymatic catalysts.  相似文献   

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