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Two "gain and loss" type mutations of the H-2D region, the H- 2bm13 and H- 2bm14 , resulted in the expression of noncross-reactive CML determinants that are unique to each mutation, the Dbm13 gains and Dbm14 gains, respectively. According to the results of direct cytolytic and competitive inhibition assays of in vitro induced primary cytotoxic T lymphocytes, allogeneic responses specific for Dbm13 gains are generated by responders bearing the H-2b ( KbIbDb ) haplotype, but not by responders bearing the H- 2bm14 ( KbIbDbm14 ), KbIbDd , KbIbDk , or KbIb / qDq haplotype. Responses by the non-H-2b responders against Dbm13 are limited to those determinants shared by the Dbm13 and Db molecules. Because congenic mice differing only at the H-2D region are either responsive or nonresponsive to Dbm13 gains, the responsiveness is controlled by gene(s) in the H-2D region. F1 hybrid offspring of responsive (H-2b) and nonresponsive (non-H-2b) parents are invariably responsive, indicating genetic dominance of the responsiveness. In contrast to the response against Dbm13 gains, cytotoxicity specific for Dbm14 gains is generated by responders bearing the H-2b, H- 2bm13 , KbIbDd , KbIbDk , or KbIb / qDq haplotype. These data indicate the existence of two types of allogeneic MHC determinants; one, represented by Dbm14 gains, is the classic type capable of eliciting CML responses in mice of a wide range of H-2 haplotypes, whereas the other, exemplified by Dbm13 gains, elicits CTL responses only in mice of a few related haplotypes. It is proposed that recognition of Dbm13 gains is restricted by structures shared by Db and Dbm13 but missing from other D (or L, R, etc.) molecules, such as Dbm14 , Dd, Dk, and Dq. Availability of various restricting structures in self MHC molecules may thus influence the alloreactive CTL repertoire.  相似文献   

In antigen-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses H-2 class I mutations usually result in a decreased recognition of the antigen in association with the mutant molecule by CTL from the strain of origin. However, the influence of class I mutations on the magnitude and specificity of CTL responses in the mutants has been studied in only a few instances, in which usually a partial or complete loss of responsiveness was found. We now report that class I mutants extensively use gained (novel) CTL restriction sites, generated by the mutations in the CTL response against the hapten trinitrophenyl (TNP), demonstrated both at the population level and in limiting dilution. TNP-specific CTL clones, restricted by mutant-specific determinants, were detected in all mutants. The percentages mutant-specific CTL clones in limiting dilution experiments were 43, 40, 35, and 13 in the Kb mutants bm1, bm8, bm3 and bm5, respectively, and 35 in the Db mutant bm 14. It is concluded that H-2 class I mutations led to changes in the TNP-specific CTL repertoire resulting in gain of CTLs uniquely restricted to the mutant molecule.  相似文献   

The serology, immunochemistry, and genetics of the product(s) of a third H-2 locus, H-2L (previously designated D') have been studied by using an antiserum raised in BALB/c H-2db mutant mice against tissues from the wild type strain, BALB/c. Genetic mapping studies and sequential immunoprecipitation experiments both indicate that this antiserum reacts specifically with L molecules. These results imply that an H-2L product is antigenically undetectable in BALB/c-H-2db mice and that the lesion in this mutant is confined to the H-2L and not the H-2D locus. Two new specificities, H-2.64 and H-2.65, are defined by the reactivity of anti-L serum on allogeneic cells, and the strain distribution of these specificities suggests the existence of at least three H-2L alleles. This third H-2 locls is therefore polymorphic and in view of this and other similarities to the H-2K and H-2D loci, it must be considered in any evolutionary models dealing with the origin of multiple subloci of the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Analysis of the fine specificity of CTL subpopulations raised by an H-2.L locus products stimulation (H-2dm2 anti-H-2d) was performed by absorption experiments by using monolayers of macrophages of H-2m, H-2q, H-2b, and H-2k haplotypes. The results show the existence of four CTL subsets. The pattern of reactivity of three of them could be correlated with that of antibodies present in H-2dm2 anti-H-2d antisera (anti-H-2.64, anti-H-2.65, and anti-H-2.Kk). The fourth CTL subset reacted with a specificity unique to H-2.Ld molecules (a private specificity?), absent on cells from H-2m, H-2q, H-2b, and H-2k haplotypes, and undescribed as yet by serologic methods. These data support the hypothesis that the H-2.L locus products are comparable in their antigenic properties to those of the H-2.K and H-2.D loci.  相似文献   

AQR mice were immunized with H-2K and H-2 I encoded alloantigens presented by (Ax6R)F1 splenocytes. Spleen cells from these alloimmune mice were subsequently restimulated in vitro with B10.A lymphocytes and/or B10.T(6R) lymphocytes, thus presenting them with the immunizing H-2K and H-2 I alloantigens independently. When stimulated with B10.A lymphocytes, alloimmune lymphocytes develop significant cytotoxicity against the immunizing H-2K target antigens. When stimulated with a similar number of B10.T(6R) spleen cells, alloimmune lymphocytes undergo a prominant proliferative response, but develop little, if any, cytotoxicity against the immunizing H-2 K target antigens. The most efficient restimulation of cytotoxicity occurs when the alloimmune spleen cells are simultaneously restimulated by B10.A and B10.T(6R) lymphocytes. Stimulation with the immunizing H-2 I alloantigens alone is not sufficient for regeneration of detectable cytotoxic responses from alloimmune spleen populations. Stimulation with the immunizing H-2K alloantigens alone appears to be both necessary and sufficient to stimulate alloimmune cytotoxic responses. Although the immunizing H-2 I alloantigens are apparently not required to generate alloimmune cytotoxic responses, they markedly potentiate the cytotoxic responses induced by the immunizing H-2K alloantigens.  相似文献   

Different H-2 antigen-containing subcellular fractions were tested for their ability to elicit specific anti-H-2 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Intact cells and membrane vesicles were capable of eliciting strong anti-H-2 primary and secondary CTL responses. However, detergent-solubilized H-2 antigens partially purified with lentil lectin were greatly reduced in their capacity to elicit secondary anti-H-2 (CTLs) and at all amounts tested did not elicit a primary CTL response. Lentil lectin-purified H-2 antigens incorporated into egg lecithin plus cholesterol (30% w/w) vesicles elicited a strong secondary anti-H-2 CTL response and a low but significant primary anti-H-2 CTL response. The results also indicate that T-cell-defined specificities are closely associated with serologically defined private and public specificities.  相似文献   

H-2k mice are unable to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This apparent unresponsiveness is found for both major serotypes of VSV, VSV-Indiana and VSV-New Jersey. CTL unresponsiveness occurs despite the ability of H-2k mice to generate a humoral immune response against VSV that is comparable to that found in responder (H-2b and H-2a) strains. All H-2k mice regardless of background genes, including various Ig allotypes, were found to be nonresponders. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness mapped to both H-2Kk and H-2Dk and occurred despite the presence of responder alleles in (responder x nonresponder)F1 mice. The unresponsiveness cannot be attributed to an inability of VSV-infected H-2k target cells to express viral surface antigens of H-2 molecules. Further, unresponsiveness cannot be overcome by using secondary stimulation in vivo or in vitro. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness does not appear to be due to suppression, and no complementation has been found in various (nonresponder x nonresponder)F1 mice. Thus unresponsiveness to VSV in association with H-2Kk or H-2Dk appears to represent an extensive defect of immune responsiveness that probably occurs because VSV is not a natural mouse pathogen.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions containing different H-2 antigens were tested for their ability to inhibit specific T cell-target cell conjugate formation. H-2-containing membrane vesicles, lentil-lectin-purified H-2 antigens solubilized with detergent (referred to in the text as high-density fraction) or incorporated into lipid vesicles, inhibited T cell-target cell conjugate formation effectively and specifically. However, two- to threefold more protein was required to inhibit T cell-target cell conjugate formation when detergent-solubilized lentil-lectin-purified H-2 antigens were tested. This suggests that a lipid matrix is advantageous for interaction with anti-H-2 T-cell receptors. Experiments were also undertaken to demonstrate specific binding of liposomes containing 125I-labeled H-2 antigen to anti-H-2-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). The binding of the 125I-labeled H-2-containing liposomes was saturable and was specifically inhibited by unlabeled H-2 antigens. Monospecific anti-H-2 sera specifically inhibited the binding of liposomes containing H-2 antigen to the CTLs. The results suggest that a specific interaction can occur between serologically defined H-2 antigens and the receptor of anti-H-2 CTLs.  相似文献   

Because surface Ig and Ia antigens cap independently, A.TH anti-A.TL serum combined with the indirect immunfluorescence technique could be used to test defined murine cell populations ofH-2 k haplotype for the presence of Ia antigens. Mitogen induced T- and B-cell derived blast cells, purified by velocity sedimentation at 1g, were tested for the expression of Iak antigens and then used both as stimulator cells and as target cells, in primary and secondary in vitro cytotoxic allograft responses. Fibroblasts, cortisone-resistant thymocytes, and nylon column purified splenic T cells were also included in these tests. Ia antigens were detected on 100% of LPS-induced blast cells, on 20%–30% of ConA-induced blast cells (100%Θ Thy-1 or antigen positive), but only to 5%–10% on PHA-blasts (100% Thy-1 antigen positive). Fibroblasts and nylon column purified splenic T cells were essentially Ia negative. Ia-positive allogeneic stimulator cells induced a far stronger in vitro cytotoxic T-cell response compared to Ia-negative stimulator cells; that is, there was a positive correlation between the expression of Ia antigens on the stimulator cells and the magnitude of cytotoxicity induced. This correlation was restricted to primary allograft responses. Ia antigens could not be detected as a target for killing in the cytotoxic effector phase, using both different target cells as well as the approach of “PHA dependent lysis” for detecting cytotoxic T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Using the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS II), we have analyzed the expression of H-2K- and H-2D-gene products on the membrane of various cellular components of the murine immune system. Using this serological technique we show a basic difference between T and B lymphocytes. Whereas all cellular components analyzed — hydrocortisone-resistant thymocytes, splenic T and B lymphocytes, macrophages and bone-marrow cells — expressed H-2K-subregion-encoded alloantigens at a high density, it seems that the high density expression of H-2D-encoded alloantigens is restricted mainly to B cells and to macrophages. Hydrocortisone-resistant thymocytes, splenic T lymphocytes and bone-marrow cells, on the other hand, showed significant expression of the H-2D alloantigens only at low membrane density. These results, then, provide evidence for the existence of an imbalance in serologically detectable expression of H-2K- and H-2D-region-gene products on the cell membrane of various cells comprising the murine immune system.Abbreviations usedin this paper DTH delayed type hypersensitivity - FCS fetal calf serum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HrT hydrocortisone-resistant thymocytes - Ig immunoglobulins P. De Baetselier is an EMBO and Euratom postdoctoral fellow  相似文献   

This report demonstrates the expression of strong MIs locus MIsd) recognition by a cloned line of H-2-restricted influenza virus-specific CTL. This clone of F1 (H-2b/d; MIsb) origin was found to specifically proliferate in response to uninfected cells of CBA/J (H-2k, MIsd) origin but not to uninfected B10.BR or CBA/CaJ cells (H-2k, MIsb). In addition, proliferation by this cTL line was observed in response to histocompatible cells expressing cross-reactive MIsa determinants (DBA/2, NZB; H-2d, MIsa). This recognition was observed only at the level of CTL proliferation. The CTL line exhibited no cytotoxic activity for target cells of these MIs types. These observations are contrasted with the response of another cloned H-2-restricted influenza-specific CTL line that simultaneously exhibits alloreactivity for H-2k. The significance of these results for T lymphocyte recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

The regulation of the in vitro generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) directed against hapten-modified syngeneic cells has been investigated. The results indicate that acute intravenous pretreatment with water-soluble hapten, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), can either positively or negatively affect the in vitro generation of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific CTLs. In general, mice bearing the H-2d haplotype are most likely to develop a reduced in vitro response pattern following a single acute in vivo TNBS treatment, wheras mice bearing the H-2k or H-2b haplotypes display either unchanged or augmented in vitro response patterns. We have shown that, in addition to the influences of H-2 genes, non-H-2 genes can also influence the in vitro hapten-specific CTL response following intravenous pretreatment with water-soluble hapten. Further, in two (H-2k X H-2d) F1 combinations between an H-2k strain displaying an unchanged in vitro response pattern following acute in vivo TNBS treatment and an H-2d strain displaying a reduced in vitro response pattern following similar treatment, it was observed that a single in vivo TNBS pretreatment did not induce the unresponsive state when F1-TNP stimulator cells were used. These results suggest that the mechanisms responsible for the reduced in vitro response pattern are not dominant within the F1 environment. However, when TNP-modified parental stimulators are used, a split-response pattern is observed in cells from TNBS-treated F1 mice which reflect the response patterns of the respective parents. These latter results again emphasize the influence of gene loci on the in vitro response patterns following acute TNBS treatment. In contrast to the significant influence of H-2 and non-H-2 genes on the in vitro TNP-specific response following acute in vivo TNBS treatment, these genes do not appear to significantly influence the in vitro TNP-specific response pattern following chronic TNBS treatment. Chronic TNBS treatment renders all strains tested specifically unresponsive.  相似文献   

Cell lines into which cloned H-2 genes had been introduced (i.e., transformants) were used to correlate the genes and their products that are capable of functioning as H-2 restriction elements for hapten-self-(AED and TNP) specific cytotoxic T cells (CTL). These transformants provided a unique system in which major histocompatibility restricted (MHC) T cell recognition could be examined by using cells that express only H-2Ld or only H-2Dd gene products. BALB/c (H-2d) anti AED-self CTL lysed both the H-2Ld and Dd transformants, but not parental, i.e., untransformed, cells. The AED-self lysis of the Ld and Dd transformants was shown to be specifically inhibited by anti-H-2Ld and anti H-2Dd monoclonal antibody, respectively. In contrast to these results, BALB/c anti TNP-self CTL were found to lyse readily the Dd but not Ld transformed lines, supporting reports indicating that H-2Ld-restricted TNP-self CTL could not be detected. The results of this study thus demonstrate that the cell surface products encoded by these transferred MHC class I genes contain self determinants recognized by CTL.  相似文献   

Several strains of mice bearing the H-2Kk allele were found to generate in vivo strong CTL responses against TNP-haptenated syngeneic cells, while several other strains of mice were found to generate comparably weak or no responses. C3H × DBA/2)F1 mice (H-2k × H-2d) and A/J mice with the recombinant haplotype H-2kd generated CTL responses in vivo that were completely restricted toward the H-2k haplotype or the K end of the H-2kd haplotype, respectively. The CTL activity of C3H × DBA/2)F1 and A/J mice against haptenated H-2k targets was found to be more than 25-fold higher than the CTL activity on H-2d targets. The CTL responses in vitro under macroculture conditions showed, on the other hand, only a 3- to 6-fold higher cytotoxic activity against the haptenated H-2k targets as compared with haptenated allogeneic or H-2d targets; and limiting dilution experiments in microcultures revealed that the CTL precursor frequencies were only 2- to 3-fold smaller for TNP-haptenated H-2d or haptenated allogeneic targets than for haptenated H-2k target cells. This indicated that sufficient numbers of H-2d-restricted and allorestricted CTL precursors were actually present in these strains, but did not develop detectable cytotoxic activity in vivo. The exceptional property of the H-2k haplotype is, therefore, only partly determined by a difference in the CTL precursor frequencies, and to the larger extent determined at the level of the activation of the CTL response.  相似文献   

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