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Contrary to mutagenesis, lysogenic induction produced by chemical carcinogens occurs in the majority of a population of lysogenic cells. Such a mass effect can therefore be measured at the biochemical level using an E. coli tester strain in which the galactose operon has been put under the negative control of the lambda repressor. In this publication we show that galactokinase synthesis is turned on by aflatoxin B1 metabolites within an hour after treatment of the tester bacteria. Such a biochemical assay provides a useful means for identifying potential chemical carcinogens.  相似文献   

Nitrogen mustards alkylate DNA primarily at the N7 position of guanine. Using an approach analogous to that of the Maxam-Gilbert procedure for DNA sequence analysis, we have examined the relative frequencies of alkylation for a number of nitrogen mustards at different guanine-N7 sites on a DNA fragment of known sequence. Most nitrogen mustards were found to have similar patterns of alkylation, with the sites of greatest alkylation being runs of contiguous guanines, and relatively weak alkylation at isolated guanines. Uracil mustard and quinacrine mustard, however, were found to have uniquely enhanced reaction with at least some 5'-PyGCC-3' and 5'-GT-3' sequences, respectively. In addition, quinacrine mustard showed a greater reaction at runs of contiguous guanines than did other nitrogen mustards, whereas uracil mustard showed little preference for these sequences. A comparison of the sequence-dependent variations of molecular electrostatic potential at the N7-position of guanine with the sequence dependent variations of alkylation intensity for mechlorethamine and L-phenylalanine mustard showed a good correlation in some regions of the DNA, but not others. It is concluded that electrostatic interactions may contribute strongly to the reaction rates of cationic compounds such as the reactive aziridinium species of nitrogen mustards, but that other sequence selectivities can be introduced in different nitrogen mustard derivatives.  相似文献   

After intracellular in vitro exposure to the mutagenic and carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MeNU) or N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNU), respectively, the average relative amounts of the premutational lesion O6-alkylguanine represent about 6% and 8% of all alkylation products formed in genomic DNA. At the level of individual DNA molecules gunine-O6 alkylation does nor occur at random; rather, the probability of a substitution reaction at the nucleophilic O6 atom is influenced by nucleotide sequence, DNA conformation, and chromatin structure. In the present study, 5 different double-stranded polydeoxynucleotides and 15 double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides (24-mers) were reacted with MeNU or EtNU in vitro under standardized conditions. Using a competitive radioimmunoassay in conjunction with an anti-(O6-2′-deoxyguanosine) monoclonal antibody, the frequency of guanine-O6 alkylation was found to be strongly dependent on the nature of the nucleotides flanking guanine on the 5 and 3′ sides. Thus, a 5′ neighboring guanine, followed by 5 adenine and 5′ cytosine, provided an up to 10-fold more ‘permissive’ condition for O6-alkylation of the central guanine than a 5′ thymine (with a 5-methylcytocine in the 5′ position being only slightly less inhibitory). Thymine and cytosine were more ‘permissive’ when placed 3′ in comparison with their affects in the 5′ flanking position.  相似文献   

Two DNA-targeted mustard derivatives, N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)-4-(5-[9-acridinylamino]-pentamido)aniline and 4-(9-[acridinylamino]butyl 4-(N,N-bis[2-chloroethyl]-aminobenzamide, which are isomeric compounds where the mustard is linked to the DNA-binding 9-aminoacridine moiety by either a -CONH- or a -NHCO- group, show significant differences in the sequence selectivity of their alkylation of DNA. The CONH isomer is a more efficient alxylating agent than the NHCO compound by an order of magnitude, consistent with the larger electron release of the CONH group to the aniline ring. However, the pattern of alkylation by the two compounds is also very different, with the CONH isomer preferring alkylation of guanines adjacent to 3'- or 5'-adenines and cytosines (for example those in sequences 5'-CGC, 5'-AGC, 5'-CGG and 5'-AGA) while the isomeric NHCO compound shows preference for guanines in runs of Gs. In addition, both isomers alkylate 3'-adenines in runs of adenines. Both compounds also show completely different patterns of alkylation to their untargeted mustard counterparts, since 4-MeCONH-aniline mustard alkylates all guanines and adenines in runs of adenines, while 4-Me2NCO-aniline mustard fails to alkylate DNA at all. These differences in alkylation patterns between the CONH- and its isomeric NHCO- compounds and their relationships between the alkylation patterns of the isomers and their biological activities are discussed.  相似文献   

Anti benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) alkylates guanines of DNA at N7 in the major groove and at the exocyclic amino group in the minor groove. In this report we investigated the rates of BPDE hydrolysis, DNA alkylation and subsequent depurination of BPDE-adducted pBR322 DNA fragment using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Preincubation studies showed that it hydrolyzed completely in triethanolamine buffer in <2 min. The depurination kinetics showed that a fraction of the N7 alkylated guanine depurinated rapidly; however a significant amount of N7 guanine alkylation remained stable to spontaneous depurination over a 4-h period. Similar results were obtained for the hydrolysis and alkylation rates of syn isomer but it required nearly 500 times more concentration to induce similar levels of N7 guanine alkylation. Cadmium ion strongly inhibited the N7 guanine alkylation of both isomers. But the minor groove alkylation was not affected as demonstrated by postlabeling assay which confirmed the presence of heat-and cadmium-stable minor groove adducts in BPDE-treated calf thymus DNA. Based on these and our earlier findings, we propose a mechanism for the synergistic effect of cadmium in chemically induced carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The new solid phase synthesis of sequence-specific DNA alkylating polyamides containing segment A of Du86 (Duo), N-methylimidazole (Im) and N-methylpyrrole (Py) amino acids is described. New monomer building block N-carboxylmethyl Py (Pyc) was synthesized from 2-methylpyrrolecarboxylate by eight steps. After normal coupling of FMOC-protected-Im and -Py monomer, the deprotection of silyl group generates free carboxylic acid. Introduction of various types of functional groups on solid support will be presented.  相似文献   

Determination of the extent of DNA bending by an adenine-thymine tract   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
H S Koo  J Drak  J A Rice  D M Crothers 《Biochemistry》1990,29(17):4227-4234
We determined the magnitude of the bend induced in DNA by an adenine-thymine tract by measuring the rate of cyclization of DNA oligonucleotides containing phased A tracts. A series of linear multimers with 2-bp single-stranded ends, in which the (A.T)6 tracts are separated by CG2-3C sequences and are positioned 10 and 11 bp apart alternately, were prepared from 21 bp long synthetic duplexed deoxyoligonucleotides. The cyclization rates of the multimers (105-210 bp) and the bimolecular association rate of the 84 bp long multimer were measured in the presence of DNA ligase. From the rate constants of the cyclization and bimolecular association reactions, ring closure probabilities were obtained for the multimers. The systematically bent molecules were simulated by Monte Carlo methods, and the ring closure probabilities were calculated for a given set of junction bend angles. By comparing the calculated values of ring closure probabilities to experimental values and adjusting the junction bend angles to fit experimental values, the extent of bending at the junctions (or the extent of bending for an adenine tract) was determined. We conclude that an A6 tract bends the DNA helix by 17-21 degrees.  相似文献   

Conjugates 7, 8, and 10 of N-methylpyrrole (Py)-N-methylimidazole (Im) polyamides and 1,2,9,9a-tetrahydrocyclopropa[1,2-c]benz[1,2-e]indol-4-one (CBI) with a 5-amino-1H-indole-2-carbonyl linker were synthesized by Fmoc solid-phase synthesis and a subsequent liquid-phase coupling procedure. The DNA alkylating abilities of conjugates 7, 8, 6b, and 10 were examined using Texas Red-labeled PCR fragments and high-resolution denaturing gel electrophoresis. CBI conjugates 7 and 8 exhibited highly efficient sequence-specific DNA alkylation comparable with previous CBI conjugates with a vinyl linker. In particular, conjugate 10, with a 10-ringed hairpin Py-Im polyamide, alkylated at the adenine of 5'-ACAAATCCA-3'. Introduction of an indole linker greatly facilitated the synthesis of sequence-specific alkylating Py-Im polyamides.  相似文献   

We previously reported a quantitative trait locus for body weight, non-insulin-dependent diabetes 5 (Nidd5), on Chromosome 2 in the TSOD (Tsumura, Suzuki, Obese Diabetes) mouse, a model of polygenic obese type 2 diabetes. To find the gene responsible for a specific component of the pathogenesis, we used a marker-assisted selection protocol to produce congenic strains. These mice are designed to carry a control BALB/cA-derived genomic interval and a TSOD background to look for loss of phenotype. One of the strains with the widest congenic interval, D2Mit297-D2Mit304, showed reductions in both body weight and adiposity compared with TSOD mice. The phenotypic analyses of other congenic strains further narrowed the locus in a 9.4-Mb interval between D2Mit433 and D2Mit91, around which numerous loci for body weight and adiposity have been mapped previously. Although the locus showed a relatively modest effect on body weight, it had a major influence on fat mass that explains approximately 60% of the difference in the adipose index between parental TSOD and BALB/cA mice. Furthermore, the congenic strain with a minimal BALB/cA-derived region showed significantly smaller cell sizes of white and brown adipocytes compared with the control littermates. However, the locus did not primarily affect food consumption, general activity, or rectal temperature after cold exposure, although there are clear differences in these traits between the parental strains. The present work physically delineates the major locus for adiposity in the TSOD mouse.  相似文献   

DNA replication fidelity is dictated by DNA polymerase enzymes and associated proteins. When the template DNA is damaged by a carcinogen, the fidelity of DNA replication is sometimes compromized, allowing mispaired bases to persist and be incorporated into the DNA, resulting in a mutation. A key question in chemical carcinogenesis by metabolically activated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is the nature of the interactions between the carcinogen-damaged DNA and the replicating polymerase protein that permits the mutagenic misincorporation to occur. PAHs are environmental carcinogens that, upon metabolic activation, can react with DNA to form bulky covalently linked combination molecules known as carcinogen-DNA adducts. Benzo[a]pyrene (BP) is a common PAH found in a wide range of material ingested by humans, including cigarette smoke, car exhaust, broiled meats and fish, and as a contaminant in other foods. BP is metabolically activated into several highly reactive intermediates, including the highly tumorigenic (+)-anti-benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE). The primary product of the reaction of (+)-anti-BPDE with DNA, the (+)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-N(2)-dG ((+)-ta-[BP]G) adduct, is the most mutagenic BP adduct in mammalian systems and primarily causes G-to-T transversion mutations, resulting from the mismatch of adenine with BP-damaged guanine during replication. In order to elucidate the structural characteristics and interactions between the DNA polymerase and carcinogen-damaged DNA that allow a misincorporation opposite a DNA lesion, we have modeled a (+)-ta-[BP]G adduct at a primer-template junction within the replicative phage T7 DNA polymerase containing an incoming dATP, the nucleotide most commonly mismatched with the (+)-ta-[BP]G adduct during replication. A one nanosecond molecular dynamics simulation, using AMBER 5.0, has been carried out, and the resultant trajectory analyzed. The modeling and simulation have revealed that a (+)-ta-[BP]G:A mismatch can be accommodated stably in the active site so that the fidelity mechanisms of the polymerase are evaded and the polymerase accepts the incoming mutagenic base. In this structure, the modified guanine base is in the syn conformation, with the BP moiety positioned in the major groove, without interfering with the normal protein-DNA interactions required for faithful polymerase function. This structure is stabilized by a hydrogen bond between the modified guanine base and dATP partner, hydrophobic interactions between the BP moiety and the polymerase, a hydrogen bond between the modified guanine base and the polymerase, and several hydrogen bonds between the BP moiety and polymerase side-chains. Moreover, the G:A mismatch in this system closely resembles the size and shape of a normal Watson-Crick pair. These features reveal how the polymerase proofreading machinery may be evaded in the presence of a mutagenic carcinogen-damaged DNA, so that a mismatch can be accommodated readily, allowing bypass of the adduct by the replicative T7 DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Large variations in alkylation intensities exist among guanines in a DNA sequence following treatment with chemotherapeutic alkylating agents such as nitrogen mustards, and the substituent attached to the reactive group can impose a distinct sequence preference for reaction. In order to understand further the structural and electrostatic factors which determine the sequence selectivity of alkylation reactions, the effect of increased ionic strength, the intercalator ethidium bromide, AT-specific minor groove binders distamycin A and netropsin, and the polyamine spermine on guanine N7-alkylation by L-phenylalanine mustard (L-Pam), uracil mustard (UM), and quinacrine mustard (QM) was investigated with a modification of the guanine-specific chemical cleavage technique for DNA sequencing. For L-Pam and UM, increased ionic strength and the cationic DNA affinity binders dose dependently inhibited the alkylation. QM alkylation was less inhibited by salt (100 mM NaCl), ethidium (10 microM), and spermine (10 microM). Distamycin A and netropsin (100 microM) gave an enhancement of overall QM alkylation. More interestingly, the pattern of guanine N7-alkylation was qualitatively altered by ethidium bromide, distamycin A, and netropsin. The result differed with both the nitrogen mustard (L-Pam less than UM less than QM) and the cationic agent used. The effect, which resulted in both enhancement and suppression of alkylation sites, was most striking in the case of netropsin and distamycin A, which differed from each other. DNA footprinting indicated that selective binding to AT sequences in the minor groove of DNA can have long-range effects on the alkylation pattern of DNA in the major groove.  相似文献   

K W Kohn  J A Hartley    W B Mattes 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(24):10531-10549
Quantitative determinations were carried out of the relative reaction rates of several nitrogen mustards at various guanine-N7 positions in DNA fragments of known sequence. The findings suggest structural hypotheses of the origins of the reaction selectivities. End-labeled DNA fragments were reacted with nitrogen mustards, and the guanine-N7 alkylation sites were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. Relative reaction intensities were determined by computer analysis of digitized densitometer scans. The differences in reaction intensities at different G's were in part attributable to the effects of nearest neighbor base pairs on the molecular electrostatic potential near the reaction site. Uracil and quinacrine mustards have specific sequence preferences for reaction that differ from other mustards. The nature of the specific sequence preferences were determined and hypotheses are proposed to explain their origin.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM) is used clinically in combination with a number of other agents for the treatment of several types of tumours. Members of the BLM family of drugs include zorbamycin (ZBM), phleomycin D1, BLM A2 and BLM B2. By manipulating the BLM biosynthetic machinery, we have produced two new BLM analogues, BLM Z and 6′-deoxy-BLM Z, with the latter exhibiting significantly improved DNA cleavage activity. Here we determined the DNA sequence specificity of BLM Z, 6′-deoxy-BLM Z and ZBM, in comparison with BLM, with high precision using purified plasmid DNA and our recently developed technique. It was found that ZBM had a different DNA sequence specificity compared with BLM and the BLM analogues. While BLM and the BLM analogues showed a similar DNA sequence specificity, with TGTA sequences as the main site of cleavage, ZBM exhibited a distinct DNA sequence specificity, with both TGTA and TGTG as the predominant cleavage sites. These differences in DNA sequence specificity are discussed in relation to the structures of ZBM, BLM and the BLM analogues. Our findings support the strategy of manipulating the BLM biosynthetic machinery for the production of novel BLM analogues, difficult to prepare by total synthesis; some of which could have beneficial cancer chemotherapeutic properties.  相似文献   

DNA stretching in the nucleosome core can cause dramatic structural distortions, which may influence compaction and factor recognition in chromatin. We find that the base pair unstacking arising from stretching-induced extreme minor groove kinking near the nucleosome centre creates a hot spot for intercalation and alkylation by a novel anticancer compound. This may have far reaching implications for how chromatin structure can influence binding of intercalator species and indicates potential for the development of site selective DNA-binding agents that target unique conformational features of the nucleosome.  相似文献   

A dialkyl-substituted anthraquinone derivative was synthesized and ligated to a sequence-directing oligodeoxynucleotide to examine its efficiency and specificity for cross-linking to complementary sequences of DNA. The anthraquinone appendage stabilized spontaneous hybridization of the target and probe sequences through non-covalent interactions, as indicated by thermal denaturation studies. Covalent modification of the target was induced by exposure to near UV light (lambda > 335 nm) to generate cross-linked duplexes in yields as great as 45%. Reaction was dependent on the first unpaired nucleotide extended beyond the duplex formed by association of the target and probe. A specificity of C > T > A = G was determined for modification at this position. The overall site and nucleotide selectivity seems to originate from the chemical requirements of cross-linking and does not likely reflect the dominant solution structure of the complex prior to irradiation.  相似文献   

A M Doweyko  W B Mattes 《Biochemistry》1992,31(39):9388-9392
The sequence specificity of DNA alkylation by uracil mustard was examined using a novel three-dimensional QSAR method known as HASL, or the hypothetical active site lattice. The structures of a variety of 4-mer sequences obtained from pBR322 and SV40 were related to their degree of guanine-N7 alkylation by uracil mustard. The resulting correlations were found to point to a significant contribution from bases on the 3' side of the target guanine nucleotide. The HASL models derived from the analysis of 52 guanine-containing 4-mer sequences were used to highlight those atomic features in the favored TGCC sequence that were found most important in determining specificity. It was found that the NH2-O systems present in the two GC base pairs on the 3' side of the target guanine were significantly correlated to the degree of alkylation by uracil mustard. This finding is consistent with a prealkylation binding event occurring between these sites along the major groove and the uracil mustard O2/O4 system.  相似文献   

In addition to binding DNA in a sequence-specific manner, the p53 tumour suppressor protein can interact with damaged DNA. In order to understand which structural features in DNA the C-teminal domain recognises we have studied the interaction of p53 protein with different types of DNA oligonucleotides imitating damaged DNA. Here we show that one unpaired nucleotide within double-stranded (ds)DNA is sufficient for recognition by the p53 C-terminus, either as a protruding end or as an internal gap in dsDNA. C-terminal interaction with DNA ends facilitated core domain binding to DNA, whereas interaction with gaps prevented core domain–DNA complexing, implying that p53 might adopt distinct conformations upon binding to different DNA lesions. These observations suggest that both single-strand and double-strand breaks can serve as a target for p53 C-terminal recognition in vivo and indicate that p53 might recruit different repair factors to the sites of damaged DNA depending on the type of lesion.  相似文献   

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