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It is known that increased mortality due to environmental hazards results, in the course of natural selection, in the shortening of maximum life span and acceleration of sexual maturation in a population subjected to an intensified pressure from external environment. As a consequence, the prereproductive period/maximum life span ratio appears to be approximately the same in each species. Mechanisms responsible for this are not clear yet. Since maximum life span is limited by both ageing and formation of certain diseases (in humans, the so-called main noninfectious diseases), the paper discusses four possible models of development of ageing and age-linked disease--ecological, genetic, degenerative (metabolic) and ontogenetic. It was found that it is the ontogenetic model only that can adequately account for the development of moderate shifts in the duration of both sexual maturation and maximum life span. It also provides the rationale for the pleotropic activity of genes during the development of the organism, its ageing and formation of age-connected diseases.  相似文献   

P Weingart 《Génome》1989,31(2):896-897
The paper gives a brief overview of the main stages of development of eugenics and race hygiene in Germany between 1900 and 1940. Two main stages can be differentiated: one, the formation of the eugenics movement and its development parallel to quantitative population policy before and after World War I, and the second beginning toward the end of the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) when the financial crisis of the public health system favored eugenic schemes implemented by an authoritarian government, such as the Nazi regime.  相似文献   

The availability and the integration of genetic information into our understanding of normal and abnormal growth and development are driving important changes in health care. These changes have fostered the hope that the availability of genetic information will promote a better understanding of disease etiology and permit early, even pre-symptomatic diagnosis and preventive intervention to avoid disease onset. Hence, our aim was to review and provide the insight into the role of genetics in public health and its scope as well as barriers. The use of genetics along with their goals and essential public health functions are discussed. From the era of eugenics to the present era, this area has seen many turns in which geneticists have put through their effort to tie together the strings of both molecular genetics and public health. Though still the dark clouds of eugenics, the predictive power of genes, genetic reductionism, non-modifiable risk factors, individuals or populations, resource allocation, commercial imperative, discrimination and understanding and education are hanging above. The technological and scientific advances that have fundamentally changed our perception of human diseases fuel the expectations for this proactive health.  相似文献   

Basic research will spur development of genetic tests that are capable of presymptomatic prediction of disease, disability, and premature death in presently asymptomatic individuals. Concerns have been expressed about potential harms related to the use of genetic test results, especially loss of confidentiality, eugenics, and discrimination. Existing laws and administrative policies may not be sufficient to assure that genetic information is used fairly. To provide factual information and conceptual principles upon which sound social policy can be based, the Human Genome Initiative established an Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues Program. Among the first areas to be identified as a priority for study was insurance. This paper provides a review of life, health, and disability insurance systems, including basic principles, risk classification, and market and regulatory issues, and examines the potential impact of genetic information on the insurance industry.  相似文献   

By the 1950s, eugenics had lost its scientific status; it now belonged to the context rather than to the content of science. Interest in the subject was also at low ebb. But that situation would soon change dramatically. Indeed, in an essay-review published in 1993, Philip Pauly commented that a “eugenics industry” had come to rival the “Darwin industry” in importance, although the former seemed less integrated than the latter. Since then, the pace of publication on eugenics, including American eugenics, has only accelerated, while the field has become even more fractured, moving in multiple and even contradictory directions. This essay explores the trajectory of work on the history of American eugenics since interest in the subject revived in the 1960s, noting trends and also fractures. The latter are seen to result partly from the fact that professional historians no longer own the subject, which has attracted the interest of scholars in several other disciplines as well as scientists, political activists, and journalists, and also from the fact that the history of eugenics has almost always been policy-oriented. Historians’ desire to be policy-relevant and at the same time attentive to context, complexity, and contingency has generated tensions at several levels: within individuals, among historians, and between professional historians and others who also engage with the history of eugenics. That these tensions are resolved differently by different authors and even by the same authors at different times helps explain why the fragmentation that Pauly noted is not likely to be overcome anytime soon.  相似文献   

N Roll-Hansen 《Génome》1989,31(2):890-895
The paper argues that historical analysis and explanation of eugenics in Germany can benefit much from systematic comparison to Scandinavia. Common cultural background and quite similar development up to 1933 provides a background for isolating salient causes in Nazi population policies. This comparison will also help a more precise understanding of the mutual dependence between science and politics in the case of eugenics. The author holds that many of the geneticists who participated in the eugenics debates of the 1930's and 1940's had a clearer grasp of the distinction between science and politics than most present day historiographers of eugenics.  相似文献   

Studies of the age-specific incidence rates of the appearance of Hashimoto''s thyroiditis indicate that this disorder appears at random in a genetically preselected population. Following an initial lag in the first few years of life, the disease appears at a constant rate thereafter in this population.The age-specific incidence rates were similar to those previously reported for Graves'' disease. Moreover, there is considerable evidence implicating cell-mediated immunity in both diseases, with the likelihood of cooperating humoral antibodies as well. It may be hypothesized that the two diseases are primarily due to genetic defects in immunological surveillance, which result in an inability to destroy or control a specific forbidden clone of thymicderived lymphocytes which may arise by normal random mutation. The T-lymphocyte interacts with its complementary antigen (on a hitherto normal thyroid cell), setting up a cell-mediated immune response; in addition it may cooperate with bursa-equivalent lymphocytes, which then produce humoral antibodies. It is possible that both cell-mediated immunity and humoral antibodies are necessary for the full expression of the disease.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in Maine, USA, are listed as a Distinct Population Segment under the U.S. Endangered Species Act due to reduced spawning runs and juvenile densities. Whenever possible, optimal conservation strategies for endangered populations should incorporate both present and historical knowledge of genetic variation. We assayed genetic diversity at seven microsatellite loci and at the mitochondrial ND1 gene in an endangered wild population of Atlantic salmon captured from the Dennys River from 1963 to 2001 using DNA’s extracted from archival scale and tissue samples. We examined temporal trends of genetic diversity, population structure, and effective population size (Ne). Overall temporal trends of diversity and Ne show significant reductions from 1963 to 2001 raising the possibility that current restoration efforts may be impacted by historical loss of diversity potentially critical to adaptation. Although our results suggest genetic stability in this population from 1963 to 1981, significant differentiation was observed for both the 1995 and 2001 samples compared with all other temporal samples. The presence of an ND1 mtDNA haplotype in this population, historically observed only in European and Newfoundland stocks, may represent previously unrecognized local wild diversity or, alternatively, may represent introgression from non-native fish.  相似文献   

The etiology of complex diseases is characterized by the interaction between the genome and environmental conditions and the interface of epigenetics may be a central mechanism. Current technologies already allow us high-throughput profiling of epigenetic patterns at genome level. However, our understanding of the epigenetic processes remains limited. Twins are special samples in genetic studies due to their genetic similarity and rearing-environment sharing. In the past decades, twins have made a great contribution in dissecting the genetic and environmental contributions to human diseases and complex traits. In the era of functional genomics, the valuable samples of twins are helping to bridge the gap between gene activity and environmental conditions through epigenetic mechanisms unlimited to DNA sequence variations. We review the recent progresses in using twins to study disease-related molecular epigenetic phenotypes and link them with environmental exposures especially early life events. Various study designs and application issues will be highlighted and discussed with aim at making uses of twins in assessing the environmental impact on epigenetic changes during the development of complex diseases.  相似文献   

The process of selection on a multivariate set of characters subject to functional constraints is considered from the points of view of both evolutionary optimization theory and quantitative genetics. Special attention is given to life-history characteristics. It is shown that, under suitable conditions (including weak selection), useful approximate formulas for the relations between the functional constraints and the additive genetic variance-covariance matrix can be derived. These can be used to show that the conditions for equilibrium under selection according to the two different approaches are approximately equivalent. Although large negative genetic correlations are to be expected between some pairs of life-history traits in populations at equilibrium under selection, in general some small negative genetic correlations and some positive genetic correlations will also be present. Thus, the observation of a positive genetic correlation between a pair of life-history traits does not necessarily refute the possibility of trade-offs among a multivariate set of traits that contains the pair in question. The relation between the pattern of functional constraints and the genetic correlations is often complex, and little insight into the former can be derived from the latter. The effects of mutations that lower the overall efficiency of resource utilization, thereby creating a positive component to the genetic covariances among life-history traits, are also considered for a specific model. Although such mutations can have a substantial effect on the form of the life history, extreme conditions seem to be needed for them to produce a large effect on the pattern of genetic correlations in a random-mating population. They can, however, cause the appearance of positive correlations following inbreeding, due to the exposure of deleterious recessive or partially recessive mutations. The analysis also suggests that the population means of individual components of a constrained multivariate system may often equilibrate at values that are far from the optima that would be attained if they were selected in isolation from the other members of the system.  相似文献   

Against the background of degeneration and the perceived threat to the nation's health and stock, family politics came to constitute an important site for eugenic discourses and interventions. Eugenic regulation of reproductive sexuality and marriage was not only pursued through 'negative' eugenics but also through educational policies targeted at young adults and youth. Switzerland serves as a useful case to explore a general idea, namely the limitations for eugenicists of exploiting the concept of a rational subject in order to achieve their ends. Practices of 'positive eugenics' crucially hinged on the utilitarian principle of rationality underpinning positive eugenics which this paper seeks to elaborate. Eugenicists devised tools to deal efficiently with social problems on a collective as well as an individual basis by deploying technologies of government which conceived individuals to be members of a population who were each held responsible for the generation of healthy future generations. As a form of 'sustaining, multiplying and ordering life' eugenics thus relied on the premise that its ideas would be adopted through an appeal to rationality and, where this was insufficient, through a series of coercive measures. Relying on conviction and education about the merits of eugenics, however, posed particular problems to positive eugenic thinking and practice.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine life history flexibility arising from phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature and from maternal effects in response to reproductive diapause in a temperate zone population of the milkweek bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). We employed a split-family, first-cousin, full-sib design with siblings reared at different temperatures in order to quantify phenotypic plasticity, maternal effects, and variation for each. The following traits were analyzed: development time, age at first reproduction, longevity, early-life fecundity, and wing length. We found both life history plasticity and maternal effects on life history traits which tend to enhance the colonizing ability of offspring born to mothers that have undergone reproductive diapause. We were unable to demonstrate additive genetic variation for plasticity for any of the traits, while for development time and wing length we found variation due to non-additive genetic or common-environmental sources. We were also unable to demonstrate additive genetic variation for maternal effects, although variation may exist at low levels that are difficult to detect using cousin-families. The apparent lack of variation in this population would constrain evolution of life history flexibility even though considerable flexibility exists in the phenotype.  相似文献   

Rays and skates are an unavoidable part of the by-catch in demersal fisheries. Over the past 40 years, the thornback ray (Raja clavata) has decreased in numbers and even disappeared in some areas, leading to concerns about genetic risk. For this reason, the effective population size (N(e)), the migration rate (m) and temporal changes in the genetic diversity were estimated for the population of thornback rays in the Irish Sea and Bristol Channel. Using genotyped, archived and contemporary samples (1965 and 2003-2004), N(e) was estimated at 283 individuals (95% CI=145-857), m at 0.1 (95% CI=0.03-0.25) and the N(e)/N ratio between 9 x 10(-5) and 6 x 10(-4). Although these results must be treated with caution, due to the small sample sizes, this is the first attempt to estimate N(e) in an elasmobranch species. The low N(e)/N ratio suggests that relatively few individuals contribute to the next generation. The combined effect of sex bias, inbreeding, fluctuations in population size and, perhaps most important, the variance in reproductive success may explain the low N(e)/N ratio. In addition, the relatively high gene flow between Irish Sea population and other source populations is likely to have had an impact on our estimate, which may be more relevant at the metapopulation scale. No significant loss of genetic diversity was found over the 40-year timeframe and long-term maintenance of the genetic diversity could be due to gene flow.  相似文献   

Nazi eugenics is one of the main historical events influencing current popular as well as scholarly discussions of reproductive genetics. This influence, however, is open to different interpretations and social constructions. Based on 44 open interviews with Israeli and German genetic counselors, conducted in 2000–2003, our findings suggest that while the majority of German counselors reflected on Nazi eugenics as setting moral limits for contemporary repro-genetics, many Israeli counselors detached their contemporary practice from the wrongdoings of the past. Correspondingly, German counselors were far more sensitive towards the disability critique of repro-genetics than their Israeli counterparts. We conclude with a discussion of these two opposite positions, suggesting that the comparison of German and Israeli professionals reveals a profound complexity and involvedness in coming to terms with the “eugenic” lessons of the Holocaust, on both sides. In Germany, potential benefits of repro-genetics might be rejected due to an emphasis on a more universalistic lesson of the Holocaust regarding the value of human life and dignity. In Israel, a more particularistic lesson of the Holocaust regarding national Jewish survival, combined with a lack of public debate regarding medicalization and geneticization, might have promoted the advent of unregulated commercially and consumer-driven repro-genetics.  相似文献   

The ecological success of ants has made them abundant in most environments, yet inter‐ and intraspecific competition usually limit nest density for a given population. Most invasive ant populations circumvent this limitation through a supercolonial structure, eliminating intraspecific competition through a loss of nestmate recognition and lack of aggression toward non‐nestmates. Native to South America, Brachymyrmex patagonicus has recently invaded many locations worldwide, with invasive populations described as extremely large and dense. Yet, in contrast with most invasive ants, this species exhibits a multicolonial structure, whereby each colony occupies a single nest. Here, we investigated the interplay between genetic diversity, chemical recognition, and aggressive behaviors in an invasive population of B. patagonicus. We found that, in its invasive range, this species reaches a high nest density with individual colonies located every 2.5 m and that colony boundaries are maintained through aggression toward non‐nestmates. This recognition and antagonism toward non‐nestmates is mediated by chemical differentiation between colonies, as different colonies exhibit distinct chemical profiles. We highlighted that the level of aggression between colonies is correlated with their degree of genetic difference, but not their overall chemical differentiation. This may suggest that only a few chemical compounds influence nestmate recognition in this species or that weak chemical differences are sufficient to elicit aggression. Overall, this study demonstrates that invasive ant populations can reach high densities despite a multicolonial structure with strong aggression between colonies, raising questions about the factors underlying their ecological success and mitigating negative consequences of competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Genes are widely assumed to play a major role in the epidemiology of complex chronic diseases, yet attempts to characterize the genetic architecture of such traits have been frustrating. Understanding that evolution works by screening phenotypes rather than genotypes can help explain the source of this frustration. Complex traits are usually the result of long-term, often subtle, gene-environment interactions, such that individual life histories may be as important as population histories in predicting and explaining these traits. Recognizing that the problem is not due to technological limitations can help temper expectations and guide the design of future work in biomedical genetics, by allowing us to focus on better approaches where they exist and on those problems most likely to yield a genetic solution. We may even be forced to re-conceive complex biological causation.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of the birth frequency or the cumulative incidence over all ages of genetic diseases in human populations is a prerequisite for assessing the magnitude of possible genetic hazards caused by environmental mutagens. However, both theoretical and practical difficulties are involved in precisely measuring the total frequency of these diseases. Two sets of data from large-scale population studies, one from Northern Ireland and the other from British Columbia, are compared with each other and with the results from ad hoc surveys for individual monogenic disorders. With due allowance for differences in approach, examination indicates that the data from the large-scale population studies are inadequate. However, it could provide a crude estimate of the total frequency of genetic diseases and a fairly reliable estimate of the individual frequency of certain genetic disorders with early onset that are familiar and readily diagnosed. In addition to environmental mutagens, there are a number of factors associated with current human activity that may change the incidence of genetic diseases. In order to monitor the human population for environmental mutagens, the change in frequency of sporadic cases of those genetic diseases that arose from fresh mutation and that can be easily detected as early as possible should be followed closely. The mechanism of data collection currently being employed in some countries for childhood cancers, certain congenital malformations, and inborn errors of metabolism could be extended to include the so-called sentinel phenotypes. The rationale and feasibility of using retinoblastoma and Wilms' tumor (nephroblastoma) as examples of such population monitoring are described.  相似文献   

Zawati MH  Borry P  Howard HC 《Human genetics》2011,130(3):425-432
Genetic research gained new momentum with the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. Formerly centered on the investigation of single-gene disorders, genetic research is increasingly targeting common complex diseases and in doing so is studying the whole genome, the environment and its impact on genomic variation. Consequently, biobanking initiatives have emerged around the world as a tool to sustain such progress. Whether they are small scale or longitudinal, public or private, commercial or non-commercial, biobanks should consider the possibility of closure. Interestingly, while raising important ethical issues, this topic has hardly been explored in the literature. Indeed, ethical issues associated with sale, insolvency, end of funding, or transfer of materials to other entities (which are all issues either related to or possible consequences of closure) are seldom the subject of discussion. In an attempt to fill this gap, this paper will discuss—using population and direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing companies’ biobanks as case studies—(1) international and national normative documents addressing the issue of closure and (2) the internal policies of population biobanks and DTC genetic testing companies. The analysis will inform the debate on biobank closure and elucidate the underlying ethical issues, which include, but are not limited to informed consent, storage and privacy.  相似文献   

BackgroundPopulation aging is dynamic process of increasing proportion of older adults in the total population, which is an inescapable result of decline in fertility rate and extension in life expectancy. Inevitably, age-related metabolic diseases, for example obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, are becoming epidemic globally along with the demographic transition.ContentThe review examines the literatures related to: 1) the epidemiology of age related metabolic diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; and 2) the risk factors of age related metabolic diseases including genetic factors, diet, smoking, Physical activity, intestinal microbiota and environmental factors.ConclusionPopulation aging is becoming epidemic worldwide, resulting in increasing incidence and prevalence of a serious of age-related metabolic diseases. Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the diseases, thus interventions targeting on these factors may have beneficial effect on the development of age-related metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

Under considerations are specific features of the fungal individuals associated with their mycelial life mode and affecting their population structure and speciation. Special attention is paid to the sympatric speciation which can be caused by trophic niche segregation, by use of different host plants, by invasion to the plants at different stage of their ontogeny, and by differences in the weather requirements. Decrease of genetic interchanges in subdivided populations promoting speciation without spatial isolation is achieved by homotallism and pseudohomotallism, by a cassette mechanism of switching among various breeding systems, and by complete lost of sexual process. Recombination reduction in agamic fungi is achieved by means of vegetative incompatibility. As the latter is similar functionally to the immune system (recognition of an alien culture and death of conjugated cells), it is possible that the fungi were the first to have developed mechanisms of sympatric speciation on the basis of the simpliest immune system.  相似文献   

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