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Recent surveys of sponges occurring on Caribbean mangrove roots demonstrated the presence of a skeleton‐less sponge of the genus Halisarca, very similar in its morphology to the temperate H. dujardinii. This study evaluated the possibility that the mangrove sponge was actually H. dujardinii that had been introduced into the Caribbean mangroves. Detailed histology revealed differences between the mangrove sponge and H. dujardinii in cuticle thickness, and in characteristics of the choanocytes, spherulous, and granular cells. Also, phylogenetic reconstruction and genetic distance estimates based on cytochrome oxidase I gene sequences clearly differentiated the mangrove Halisarca sp. from H. dujardinii. Therefore, we rejected the hypothesis of the invasion of H. dujardinii, recognizing instead the mangrove Halisarca sp. as a new species and naming it H. restingaensis sp. nov. Estimated levels of genetic variation in the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers indicated that populations of H. restingaensis sp. nov. are highly differentiated between Venezuela and Panama (Fst=0.71). This level of population differentiation is consistent with the short larval competence period that is common in members of the genus Halisarca.  相似文献   

Trait differences between native and non‐native populations may explain the greater abundance and impact of some organisms in their non‐native ranges than in their native ranges. Here, we conducted reciprocal common gardens in southwestern Turkey (home) and central Argentina (away) to explore the hypothesis that the greater success of the invasive ruderal Centaurea solstitialis in Argentina than Turkey is partially explained by differences between home and away populations. Unusual among common gardens, our experimental design included seed additions to explicitly evaluate population level responses, as well as disturbance and no‐disturbance treatments. We documented seed mass in native and non‐native populations, and during the experiment, we periodically measured density, plant size, and herbivory. After six months, we determined the establishment of plants for populations from both origins in both home and away common gardens. Seed mass was two times larger for Argentinean than Turkish populations. Density, plant size and final establishment were also greater for plants from Argentinean than from Turkish populations, but only in the common garden in Argentina. In Turkey, no differences between population origins were detected for these variables. Herbivory was similar for populations from both origins in both common gardens. As expected, disturbance generally increased plant performance in both regions. Our results suggest that increased seed size in non‐native populations may have demographic consequences under non‐native conditions that can contribute to the invasive success of C. solstitialis. This is the first reciprocal common garden that supports the idea that seed size variation contributes to demographic differences for an invasive species between native and non‐native distributions, but our findings further suggest that seed size effects on demography depend on the ecological context in which population processes occur.  相似文献   

Male genes: X‐pelled or X‐cluded?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two recent studies by Parisi et al. and Ranz et al., catalogue sex differences in gene expression across the whole genome of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Both report striking associations of sex-biased gene expression with the X chromosome. Genes with male-biased expression are depauperate on the X chromosome, whereas genes with female-biased expression show weaker evidence of being in excess. A number of evolutionary hypotheses for the expulsion or exclusion of male-biased genes from the X chromosome have been suggested. None is entirely consistent with the available evidence.  相似文献   

The breakdown of cellular components via autophagy is crucial for cellular homeostasis. In this issue of The EMBO Journal, Niso‐Santano et al ( 2015 ) report the important observation that feeding cells with saturated or unsaturated fatty acids triggers mechanistically distinct autophagic responses. Feeding cells saturated fatty acid induced the canonical, BECN1/PI3K‐dependent autophagy pathway. Conversely, the unsaturated fatty acid oleate triggered autophagic responses that were independent of the BECN1/PI3K complex, but that required a functional Golgi system.  相似文献   

Invasions by non‐native insects can have important ecological impacts, particularly on island ecosystems. However, the factors that promote the success of invaders relative to co‐occurring non‐invasive species remain unresolved. For invasive ants, access to carbohydrate resources via interactions with both extrafloral nectary‐bearing plants and honeydew‐excreting insects may accelerate the invasion process. A first step towards testing this hypothesis is to determine whether invasive ants respond to variation in the availability of carbohydrate resources, and whether this response differs from that of co‐occurring, non‐invasive ants. We investigated the effect of carbohydrate subsidies on the short‐term foraging and hemipteran‐tending behaviours of the invasive ant Anoplolepis gracilipes (Formicidae) and co‐occurring ant species on an extrafloral nectary‐bearing plant by experimentally manipulating carbohydrate levels and tracking ant recruitment. We conducted experiments in 2 years at two sites: one site was invaded by A. gracilipes prior to 2007 and the other became invaded during the course of our study, allowing pre‐ (2007) and post‐invasion (2009) comparisons. Short‐term increases in carbohydrate availability increased the density of A. gracilipes workers on plants by as much as 400% and reduced tending of honeydew‐excreting insects by this species by up to 89%, with similar responses across years. In contrast, ants at the uninvaded site in 2007 showed a weak and non‐significant forager recruitment response. Across all sites, A. gracilipes workers were the only ants that responded to carbohydrate manipulations in 2009. Furthermore, ant–carbohydrate dynamics at a site newly invaded by A. gracilipes quickly diverged from dynamics at uninvaded sites and converged on those of the site with an established invasion. These findings suggest that carbohydrate resources may be particularly important for A. gracilipes invasions, and underscore the importance of species interactions, particularly putative mutualisms, in facilitating exotic species invasions.  相似文献   

Evolutionary game theory is a general mathematical framework that describes the evolution of social traits. This framework forms the basis of many multilevel selection models and is also frequently used to model evolutionary dynamics on networks. Kin selection, which was initially restricted to describe social interactions between relatives, has also led to a broader mathematical approach, inclusive fitness, that can not only describe social evolution among relatives, but also in group structured populations or on social networks. It turns out that the underlying mathematics of game theory is fundamentally different from the approach of inclusive fitness. Thus, both approaches—evolutionary game theory and inclusive fitness—can be helpful to understand the evolution of social traits in group structured or spatially extended populations.  相似文献   

Babin V  Roland C  Sagui C 《Proteins》2011,79(3):937-946
The α-sheet has been speculated to play a role as a toxic conformer in amyloid diseases. However, except for relatively short fragments, its detection has remained elusive. Here, we present molecular dynamics simulations that support the existence of the α-sheet as a stable, metastable, or long-lived secondary structure in polyglutamine and, to a lesser extent, in polyasparagine aggregates.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have shown that obese subjects have an increased risk of developing triple‐negative breast cancer (TNBC) and an overall reduced survival. However, the relation between obesity and TNBC remains difficult to understand. We hypothesize that apelin, an adipokine whose levels are increased in obesity, could be a major factor contributing to both tumour growth and metastatization in TNBC obese patients. We observed that development of obesity under high‐fat diet in TNBC tumour‐bearing mice significantly increased tumour growth. By showing no effect of high‐fat diet in obesity‐resistant mice, we demonstrated the necessity to develop obesity‐related disorders to increase tumour growth. Apelin mRNA expression was also increased in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and tumours of obese mice. We further highlighted that the reproduction of obesity‐related levels of apelin in lean mice led to an increased TNBC growth and brain metastases formation. Finally, injections of the apelinergic antagonist F13A to obese mice significantly reduced TNBC growth, suggesting that apelinergic system interference could be an interesting therapeutic strategy in the context of obesity and TNBC.  相似文献   

Nicotiana benthamiana was found to be a useful indicator and propagation host for poinsettia mosaic virus (PoiMV). It is not susceptible to poinsettia cryptic virus. The isometric particles of PoiMV sedimented as two components with sedimentation coefficients (s°20,w) of 55 S (“top” component) and 117 S (“bottom” component) and, after fixation, with buoyant densities (g cm-1) in caesium chloride of 1.29 (“top”) and 1.41 (“bottom”). The A260/A280 ratios were 1.8 and 1.0 for “top” and “bottom” components, respectively. “Top” and “bottom” component particles measured 26 and 29 nm in diameter when mounted in 2 % uranyl acetate; “top” component particles were severely disrupted by 2 % neutral potassium or sodium phosphotungstate or 2 % ammonium molybdate, a phenomenon which is not observed with recognised tymoviruses. The virus particles contained c. 37 % ss-RNA (mol. wt 2.3° 106) with a base composition of 21 % guanine, 24% adenine, 31 % cytosine and 24% uracil. PoiMV particles were detected in the cytoplasm, vacuoles and nuclei of infected poinsettia and N. benthamiana cells. As in tymovirus infections, the particles within the nuclei were apparently devoid of nucleic acid. The virus induced conspicuous peripheral vesiculation of chloroplasts; the vesicles, however, unlike those induced by recognised tymoviruses, were bound by the inner membrane only of the double chloroplast envelope. PoiMV thus lacks a group-specific character of the tymovirus group. Serologically it is not related to any of the 17 recognised tymoviruses. It is therefore probably best recognised as a possible member of the tymovirus group.  相似文献   

Waters JM  Roy MS 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(9):2797-2806
New Zealand's (NZ) geographical isolation, extensive coastline and well-characterized oceanography offer a valuable system for marine biogeographical research. Here we use mtDNA control region sequences in the abundant endemic sea-star Patiriella regularis to test the following literature-based predictions: that coastal upwelling disrupts north-south gene flow and promotes population differentiation (hypothesis 1); and that an invasive Tasmanian population of the species was introduced anthropogenically from southern New Zealand (hypothesis 2). We sequenced 114 samples from 22 geographical locations, including nine sites from North Island, nine from South Island, one from Stewart Island and three from Tasmania. Our analysis of these sequences revealed an abundance of shallow phylogenetic lineages within P. regularis (68 haplotypes, mean divergence 0.9%). We detected significant genetic heterogeneity between pooled samples from northern vs. southern New Zealand (FST = 0.072; P = 0.0002), consistent with the hypothesis that upwelling disrupts gene flow between these regions (hypothesis 1). However, we are currently unable to rule out the alternative hypothesis that Cook Strait represents a barrier to dispersal (North Island vs. South Island; FST = 0.031; P = 0.0467). The detection of significant spatial structure in NZ samples is consistent with restricted gene flow, and the strong structure evident in northern NZ may be facilitated by distinct ocean current systems. Four shared haplotypes and nonsignificant differentiation (FST = 0.025; P = 0.2525) between southern New Zealand and Tasmanian samples is consistent with an anthropogenic origin for the latter population (hypothesis 2).  相似文献   

Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) 1999-2004 have recently shown the percent body fat of American adults. Average American men and women have ~28 and 40% body fat. When categorized by BMI and age, the data also show high percent body fat values, particularly in lower BMI categories. These data should make one reflect on the health status of Americans in all BMI categories and the use of these data for public health recommendations.  相似文献   

Cells infected with dengue virus release a high proportion of immature prM-containing virions. In accordance, substantial levels of prM antibodies are found in sera of infected humans. Furthermore, it has been recently described that the rates of prM antibody responses are significantly higher in patients with secondary infection compared to those with primary infection. This suggests that immature dengue virus may play a role in disease pathogenesis. Interestingly, however, numerous functional studies have revealed that immature particles lack the ability to infect cells. In this report, we show that fully immature dengue particles become highly infectious upon interaction with prM antibodies. We demonstrate that prM antibodies facilitate efficient binding and cell entry of immature particles into Fc-receptor-expressing cells. In addition, enzymatic activity of furin is critical to render the internalized immature virus infectious. Together, these data suggest that during a secondary infection or primary infection of infants born to dengue-immune mothers, immature particles have the potential to be highly infectious and hence may contribute to the development of severe disease.  相似文献   

Plant‐based defence mutualisms utilize plant morphology to reduce the performance of plant parasites through their natural enemies. Leaf domatia primarily occur in the axials of secondary veins and are often inhabited by microbivorous and predaceous mites which often increase plant growth rates and reproductive success by controlling plant pests. Our study investigated if domatia investment is limited by plant primary productivity. To our knowledge no studies have tested if foliar domatia are resource‐limited. We tested our hypothesis using the genus Coprosma (Rubiaceae), conducting correlative field surveys and manipulative experiments measuring domatia production in new leaves along temperature, nutrient and irradiance gradients. Field surveys indicated a strong positive association between leaf area, the number of secondary veins, and domatia per leaf. The number of potential sites for domatia is underutilised, with leaves on selected Coprosma species having on average 47 to 72% of the ‘maximum’ number of available sites where domatia could occur. Foliar carbon was positively associated with domatia investment. Coprosma plants held under elevated night‐time temperatures showed a 34–91% decrease in daily carbon gain, a 38% decrease in domatia per leaf mass, and a positive relationship between domatia investment and integrated daily carbon gain. Under irradiance and nutrient stress, our data indicated evidence of a positive relationship between domatia investment and foliar carbon. We found a significant negative association between relative investment in domatia produced and investment in new leaf biomass. Our findings suggest investment in foliar domatia is limited by primary productivity. We propose that domatia are discretionary goods and not intrinsic structures produced automatically on leaves that mites utilize. We suggest that plants have the ability to regulate domatia formation during leaf ontogeny, with investment controlled by resource availability and some intrinsic allocation mechanism to defence.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is pivotal to maintain species separation and it can be achieved through a plethora of mechanisms. In addition, the development of barriers to gamete interaction may drive speciation. Such barriers to interspecific gamete interaction can be prezygotic or postzygotic. Considering the great diversity in animal species, it is easy to assume that regulation of the early steps of fertilization is critical to maintain species identity. One prezygotic mechanism that is often mentioned in the literature is that gamete interaction is limited to gametes of the same species. But do gametes of all animals interact in a species‐specific way? Are gamete interactions completely species‐specific or perhaps just species‐restricted? In species in which species‐restrictions have been described, is the interspecies barrier at one major step in the fertilization process or is it a combination of partially restricted steps that together lead to a block in interspecific fertilization? Are the mechanisms used to avoid interspecific crosses different between free‐spawning organisms and those with internal fertilization? This review will address these questions, focusing on prezygotic barriers, and will describe what is known about the molecular biology that may account for species‐limited gamete recognition and fertilization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73: 1422–1429, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When females mate multiply (polyandry) both pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection can occur. Sperm competition theory predicts there should be a trade‐off between investment in attracting mates and investment in ejaculate quality. In contrast, the phenotype‐linked fertility hypothesis predicts a positive relationship should exist between investment in attracting mates and investment in ejaculate quality. Given the need to understand how pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection interacts, we investigated the relationship between secondary sexual traits and ejaculate quality using the European house cricket, Acheta domesticus. Although we found no direct relationship between cricket secondary sexual signals and ejaculate quality, variation in ejaculate quality was dependent on male body weight and mating latency: the lightest males produced twice as many sperm as the heaviest males but took longer to mate with females. Our findings are consistent with current theoretical models of sperm competition. Given light males may have lower mating success than heavy males because females take longer to mate with them in no‐choice tests, light males may be exhibiting an alternative reproductive tactic by providing females with more living sperm. Together, our findings suggest that the fitness of heavy males may depend on pre‐copulatory sexual selection, while the fitness of light males may depend on post‐copulatory fertilization success.  相似文献   

Because of the discovery of coated pits and vesicles more than 40 years ago and the identification of clathrin as a major component of the coat, it has been assumed that clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) are responsible for the uptake of most plasma membrane receptors undergoing internalization. The recent molecular characterization of clathrin-independent routes of endocytosis confirms that several alternative endocytic pathways operate at the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. This heterogeneous view of endocytosis has been expanded still further by recent studies, suggesting that different subpopulations of CCPs responsible for the internalization of specific sets of cargo may coexist. In the present review, we have discussed the experimental evidence in favor or against the existence of distinct parallel clathrin-dependent pathways at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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