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Genetic analysis of lon mutants of strain K-12 of Escherichia coli   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary Following UV irradiation of AB1157 31 mucoid ultraviolet light UV sensitive mutants were isolated. These were all induced to form filaments by UV irradiation, i.e. they had all the phenotypic properties of Lon mutants. These lon mutants fell into two phenotypic classes based on their sensitivity to UV. The gene determining UV sensitivity and mucoidy in all mutants of both Class A and Class B was cotransducible with proC. Intra-class crosses by Pl transduction yielded no UV resistant recombinants. Inter-class crosses yielded UV resistant nonmucoid recombinants, the frequency depending on the direction of the cross. The data imply two adjacent blocks in the lon region of E. coli and the order of markers in this region is probably proC tsx lon Class A lon purE Class B.This work was carried out under Public Health Service Grant CA 05687-08 from the National Cancer Institute.Recipient of a Public Health Service Career Development Award.  相似文献   

Cells containing the pleiotropic Escherichia coli mutation lon filament extensively and die after exposure to ultraviolet light. Outside suppressors of the ultraviolet sensitivity, called sul, have previously been described at two loci; these mutations reverse the ultraviolet sensitivity of lon strains but do not affect the mucoidal or degradation defect of these strains. An isogenic set of strains carrying combinations of lon, sulA, and sulI was constructed, and their behavior during normal growth and after ultraviolet treatment was studied. sulA mutations had no detectable phenotype in lon+ cells; the lon sulA strains filamented transiently after ultraviolet irradiation, as did lon+ sul+ cells. We found that the sulB mutation, which alters cell morphology and slows recovery from transient filamentation after ultraviolet treatment, was epistatic to both lon and sulA. Whereas sulA mutations were recessive to the wild-type allele, sulB was partially dominant. The simplest model to account for our observations is that sulA and lon participate in a pathway of filamentation independent of that which produces transient filamentation in wild-type strains; sulB product may be the target of sulA action and may play a role in normal cell division.  相似文献   

The lon gene of Escherichia coli codes for an ATP-dependent protease. Mutations in lon cause a defect in the intracellular degradation of abnormal and mutant proteins and lead to a number of phenotypic changes, such as UV sensitivity and overproduction of capsular polysaccharide. We have isolated lambda transducing phage carrying the lon gene and used the lon phage as a target for insertional mutagenesis by a defective transposon Tn10 to produce lon::delta 16 delta 17Tn10 derivatives. The delta 16 delta 17Tn10 (hereafter called delta Tn10) elements were inserted at sites throughout the lon gene and disrupted the coding region between 15 and 75% of the distance from the amino-terminal end. Radioactive labeling of proteins in vivo in cells infected with different lambda lon::delta Tn10 phage demonstrated that the insertions resulted in the synthesis of truncated Lon proteins. The lon::delta Tn10 mutations, when crossed from the phage into the bacterial chromosome, abolished the synthesis of intact Lon protein, as assayed by antibody on Western blots. An analysis of the protein-degradative ability of lon::delta Tn10 cells suggests that although the insertions in lon caused a reduction in ATP-dependent protein degradation, they did not completely eliminate such degradation either in vivo or in vitro. The lon::delta Tn10 mutations and a lon deletion retaining only the amino-terminal 25% of the gene did not affect the energy-dependent degradation of proteins during starvation and led to only a 40 to 60% reduction in the ATP-dependent degradation of canavanine-containing proteins and puromycyl peptides. Our data provide clear evidence that energy-dependent proteolytic enzymes other than Lon exist in E. coli.  相似文献   

Intracellular accumulation of the inducible cell division inhibitor SulA is modulated by proteases that ensure its degradation, namely, the Lon protease and another ATP-dependent protease(s). Lon- cells are UV sensitive because SulA is stable. We asked whether these ATP-dependent proteases are more active when lon cells are grown at high temperature or in synthetic medium since these conditions decrease the UV sensitivity of lon cells. We found that these growth conditions have no direct effect on Lon-independent degradation of SulA. They may, instead, decrease the SulA-FtsZ interaction.  相似文献   

Peptidase-deficient mutants of Escherichia coli.   总被引:5,自引:11,他引:5  
Mutant derivatives of Escherichia coli K-12 deficient in several peptidases have been obtained. Mutants lacking a naphthylamidase, peptidase N, were isolated by screening for colonies unable to hydrolyze L-alanine beta-naphthylamide. Other mutants were isolated using positive selections for resistance to valine peptides. Mutants lacking peptidase A, a broad-specificity aminopeptidase, were obtained by selection for resistance to L-valyl-L-leucine amide. Mutants lacking a dipeptidase, peptidase D, were isolated from a pepN pepA strain by selection for resistance to L-valyl-glycine. Starting with a pepN pepA pepD strain, selection for resistance to L-valyl-glycyl-glycine or several other valine peptides produced mutants deficient in another aminopeptidase, peptidase B. Mutants resistant to L-valyl-L-proline lack peptidase Q, an activity capable of rapid hydrolysis of X-proline dipeptides. Using these selection procedures, a strain (CM89) lacking five different peptidases has been isolated. Although still sensitive to valine, this strain is resistant to a variety of valine di- and tripeptides. The ability of this strain to use peptides as sources of amino acids is much more restricted than that of wild-type E. coli strains. Strains containing only one of the five peptidases missing in CM89 have been constructed by transduction. The peptide utilization profiles of these strains show that each of the five peptidases can function during growth in the catabolism of peptides.  相似文献   

icdB mutations map at 16 min, lead to the specific loss of citrate synthase, and are complemented by a prophage containing a gltA+ gene. Thus, they are allelic with gltA.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli recBC deletion mutants.   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants of Escherichia coli with deletions of the recB and recC genes were obtained by two methods using transposable DNA elements. The phenotypes of these mutants are similar to those of mutants with recBC point mutations. These results indicate that the RecBC gene products, exonuclease V, is not essential for the growth of E. coli but is important for DNA repair and recombination.  相似文献   

Two independently isolated temperature-sensitive autolysis-defective mutants of Escherichia coli LD5 (thi lysA dapD) were characterized. The mutants were isolated by screening the survivors of a three-step enrichment process involving sequential treatments with bactericidal concentrations of D-cycloserine, benzyl-penicillin, and D-cycloserine at 42 degrees C. Cultures of the mutants underwent autolysis during beta-lactam treatment, D-cycloserine treatment, or diaminopimelic acid deprivation at 30 degrees C. The same treatments at 42 degrees C inhibited growth but did not induce lysis of the mutants. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of selected beta-lactam antibiotics and D-cycloserine were identical for the parent and mutant strains at both 30 and 42 degrees C. Both mutants failed to form colonies at 42 degrees C, and both gave rise to spontaneous temperature-resistant revertants. The revertants exhibited the normal lytic response when treated with D-cycloserine and beta-lactams or when deprived of diaminopimelic acid at 42 degrees C. The basis for the autolysis-defective phenotype of these mutants could not be determined. However, a nonspecific in vitro assay for peptidoglycan hydrolase activity in cell-free extracts indicated that both mutants were deficient in a peptidoglycan hydrolase. Both mutations were localized to the 56- to 61-min region of the E. coli chromosome by F' complementation.  相似文献   

Spectinomycin-resistant (Spcr) mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated from nutrient agar plates containing 20% sucrose and 100 mug of spectinomycin per ml. About one-third of the Spcr mutants thus obtained were sucrose dependent (Sucd) and were classified into two types: I, those unable to grow on sucrose-free medium in the presence of spectinomycin; and II, those unable to grow on sucrose-free medium irrespective of the presence of spectinomycin. Most of these mutants were hypersensitive to antibiotics, dyes, and detergents and were abnormal in cell morphology, suggesting changes in cell envelopes. Reversion experiments indicated that the sucrose-dependent spectinomycin resistance and hypersensitivity to various chemicals were not independently induced properties. The Sucd-Spcr mutations of type I mutants were transducible by phage P1 and were mapped at the strA-aroE region.  相似文献   

Aspartase-hyperproducing mutants of Escherichia coli B.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
When a wild-type strain of Escherichia coli B was cultured on a medium containing L-aspartic acid as the sole carbon source (Asp-C medium), aspartase formation was higher than that observed in minimal medium. Addition of glucose to Asp-C medium decreased aspartase formation. When also cultured in a medium containing L-aspartic acid as the sole nitrogen source (Asp-N medium), E. coli B showed a low level of aspartase formation and an elongated doubling time. To obtain aspartase-hyperproducing strains, we enriched cells growing faster than cells of the wild-type strain in Asp-N medium by continuous cultivation of mutagenized cells. After plate selection, the doubling times of these mutants were measured. Thereafter, fast-growing mutants were tested for aspartase formation. One of these mutants, strain EAPc7, had a higher level of aspartase formation than did the wild-type strain in medium containing L-aspartic acid as the carbon source, however; addition of glucose to this medium decreased aspartase formation. The other mutant, strain EAPc244, had a higher level of aspartase activity than did the wild-type strain in both media. Therefore, aspartase formation in mutant EAPc244 was released from catabolite repression. In strain EAPc244 the other catabolite-repressible enzymes, beta-galactosidase, tryptophanase, and the three tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes, were also released from catabolite repression. Both mutants had sevenfold the aspartase formation of the wild-type strain in a medium which contained fumaric acid as the main carbon source and which has been used for industrial production of E. coli B aspartase. However, strain EAPc244 had 2.5-fold the fumarase activity of strain EAPc7.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lon- mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 are deficient in the inheritance of F-plasmids by conjugation. This deficiency is distinct from the conjugation deficiency caused by overproduction of capsular polysaccharide which decreases donor-recipient pair formation.  相似文献   

RNase H-defective mutants of Escherichia coli.   总被引:21,自引:13,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

Mapping of sul, the suppressor of lon in Escherichia coli.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The suppressor sul, which is allele specific for the ultraviolet sensitivity gene lon, has been mapped by conjugation and transductional crosses in Escherichia coli K-12 and B/r. Previously, sul was reported to lie in the azi region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Evidence is presented which positions sul close to and clockwise of fabA on the Escherichia coli map. Cotransductional frequencies of 31.3% were obtained between sul and pyrD, and frequencies of 82% were obtained between sul and fabA. Also, the mucoid phenotype of K-12 lon strains grown on minimal glucose agar plates at 37 C was not significantly effected in sul derivatives. No differences between the sul of Escherichia coli B/r and that of K-12 derivatives with regard to map location or effect on mucoid production were observed.  相似文献   

Plasmids S-a and Rts1 suppress the galactose-sensitive phenotype of galE mutants of Escherichia coli K-12, giving rise to both galactose-fermenting and nonfermenting strains. Fermenting strains produce normal inducible UDP-galactose epimerase. Plasmids extracted from either a fermenting or a nonfermenting strain are indistinguishable when examined by either measurements of length of relaxed circular molecules by electron microscopy or electrophoretic pattern of restriction endonuclease digestion products. The phenomenon could be explained by reversible recombination between a plasmid-borne epimerase gene and homologous chromosomal sequences.  相似文献   

The effect of temporary treatment with chloramphenicol or rifampicin on the survival of UV irradiated cells of selected Escherichia coli K12 radiation sensitive mutants was examined. Increased survival resulted for both exrA and recA mutants, and also for the unsuppressed lon mutant, but cells of the parent strain and the recB mutant were not rescued. This contrasts with our earlier finding that after exposure of the bacteria to γ-rays, chloramphenicol treatment rescued the exrA and lon mutants but not the recA mutant. We now report that an exrA recA double mutant was rescued by chlramphenicol after UV radiation, but not after anaerobic ionizing radiation. Inclusion of inhibitors of uvrA governed repair, caffeine and 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP), in the incubation medium containing chloramphenicol, did not reduce the rescue of the exrA or recA mutants, although caffeine eliminated rescue of the lon mutant, which was itself unaffected by 8-MOP. However it is concluded that chlormaphenicol rescue of the exrA and recA mutants after UV radiation was not entirely independent of the excision-repair process, since the uvrA recA and uvrA exrA double mutants were not rescued by this treatment.  相似文献   

Analysis of streptomycin-resistance of Escherichia coli mutants.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We previously reported about Escherichia coli transformation experiments yielding streptomycin-resistant cells carrying a C912 to T transition in a plasmid-born 16S rRNA gene. These experiments were based on results obtained with streptomycin-resistant Euglena chloroplasts bearing an equivalent mutation in the single chloroplast 16S rRNA gene. We extended this study and transformed E. coli with plasmid constructs having a mutated 16S rRNA gene at position 914 (A to C) or a double mutation at positions 912 and 888 (C to T:G to A) or a mutation in the S12 gene (Lys-42 to Thr). We tested the transformed cells before and after a screening procedure in the presence of streptomycin. We find that the plasmid-born mutations protect colonies against a short streptomycin exposure, but ribosomes carrying mutated 16S rRNA do not significantly reduce codon misreading in vitro. However, ribosomes isolated from transformed cells after the screening procedure resist misreading. These ribosomes have acquired a second mutation in the S12 protein as shown in one case by sequencing and by transformation experiments. Furthermore, we show that the A914 to C mutation prevents (strongly reduces) base methylation in the central domain of 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

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